Italian dishes lasagna drawings are different. Real Italian lasagna - a classic step-by-step recipe with a photo of how to cook at home

30.04.2019 Healthy eating

Hello dear readers! We often puzzle over how to diversify the usual family dinner... I would like to cook something intricate and tasty, but most unusual recipes forcing us to spend too much time at the stove and spend a lot of effort. But not recipes Italian cuisine! The Italians, in order not to be zealous in hot weather near hot stoves and stoves, came up with delicious and hearty recipes with minimal cost time and effort. And, by the way, it is their cuisine that has become one of the most popular in the world.

I have already shared pasta recipes with you, today I will tell you what it is made of delicious lasagna in Italian.

There are many lasagna recipes. This is her distinctive feature- you can vary the ingredients and change its taste as you like. Everything is at the discretion and preference of the hostess. We will prepare a real classic lasagne, here's a step-by-step guide.

We will need

  • 800g minced meat
  • 4 tomatoes
  • 1 pack. lasagna pasta sheets
  • 2 onions
  • 300g cheese (hard)
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • 50gr butter
  • 100g wheat flour
  • olive oil
  • 500g cream
  • 50g parmesan cheese
  • pepper, salt to taste
  • a pinch or two of ground nutmeg

Getting started cooking

  • We peel the tomatoes. You can make a cruciform incision and scald with boiling water - this will work out faster. Using a blender, we turn peeled tomatoes into puree
  • Rub the cheese on the very fine grater... Chop the onion and garlic very finely
  • We heat the olive oil in a deep frying pan, fry the garlic and onions, add the minced meat there and fry for 10 minutes. Then add tomato puree to the minced meat, mix well and simmer for another 10-15 minutes over medium heat
  • While our minced meat is stewing, we proceed to the main component of lasagna - Bechamel sauce
  1. first, melt the butter in a water bath, pour the flour into the melted butter, stirring thoroughly to avoid the formation of lumps
  2. lightly fry the resulting mass in a pan
  3. then slowly pour in the cream, stirring continuously
  4. we bring to the consistency of liquid sour cream
  5. salt and pepper when ready, add a couple of pinches of nutmeg
  • Dip sheets of pasta for lasagna in boiling water for just a couple of minutes. In the baking dish, we begin to spread as follows: leaf - Bechamel sauce - a layer of meat sauce with minced meat - Bechamel sauce - sprinkle with grated cheese. So, layer by layer, we collect our delicious lasagne... Water the topmost leaf in this design with Béchamel
  • We preheat the oven to 180 degrees, and send our lasagna there for 45 minutes.
  • When ready, take it out of the oven, sprinkle with grated Parmesan, and put it back in the oven for another 3-5 minutes. The lasagna is ready, buon appetito!

Italians came up with such a tasty and rather uncomplicated dish. However, it is worth remembering that even a small portion of lasagna can get enough of it. This means that the dish is very high in calories and should not be overused. Everything satisfying and tasty should be in moderation! Otherwise, we will blur like Parmesan cheese on a lasagna. And yet, sometimes you can arrange a holiday for your stomach. Bon Appetit, and see you soon! Don't forget to tell your friends on social media about this recipe!

The only real food for Italians is pasta. The word pastum is translated from Latin as "food", and pasta - "dough", the basis of this food. But if the origin of various pasta is controversial, then no one doubts the pedigree of lasagna ->

Some historians explain the appearance of noodles and vermicelli in Europe by the influence of the Chinese or Arabs, while lasagna is, of course, an Italian invention. In latin lasanum means pot. And the word laganum the ancient Romans used to designate strips of dough that they boiled in such a pot - in water or meat broth... Then such strips were placed in a mold and baked with cheese in the oven. Layered cake laganum mentions the Roman deli Mark Apicius in the book De re coquinaria("About cooking"), written in the 1st century AD. NS.

Two argue for the right to be considered the birthplace of modern lasagna Italian cities- Bologna, capital of the Emilia-Romagna region, and Naples, capital of Campania. The Bolognese version of this dish, which is prepared with bolognese stew, béchamel sauce and parmesan, has won worldwide fame. It is he who can now be found in most restaurants around the world.

Matteo Lai

Bologna native, restaurant brand chefJamie’s Italian in Russia recounts the layers of the correct lasagna.

What does real lasagna look like?
V classic version she has six layers. Most often, rectangular layers of dough are used, but lasagna can be triangular, and square, and round. The main thing is that the layers should be wide, this distinguishes lasagna from other types of casseroles with pasta - pasticcio and casserole.

What is the recipe for cooking in your family?

We are not limited to one tradition. Dad's grandmother made lasagna according to the Bolognese recipe. I remember that on Sundays she manually kneaded a dough of 30 eggs (it's scary for modern chefs to think about such a volume!), Armed herself with a two-meter rolling pin and rolled out the thinnest layers for lasagna and tagliatelle so that the family had enough for a week. Then I cooked Ground beef... And the grandmother on the mother's side was from Abruzzo. She made lasagna with chicken or lamb.

Where do you recommend trying lasagna?

In small family trattorias. Of course, I invite everyone to our family restaurant Skakko-Matto on Via Broccaindosso in Bologna.

True, the popular version is somewhat different from the recipe, which was solemnly approved in May 2003 by the Italian culinary academy and deposited with the Bologna Chamber of Commerce. Historical recipe experts have recognized green lasagna. The color of the dough is given by spinach or nettle. In the Middle Ages, they were added not for the sake of beauty, but to save expensive flour and eggs.

Long time layers of dough were simply baked with cheese, and nothing more. High-calorie cheese excellent substitute for expensive meat, available mainly to the rich. The appearance of ragout and béchamel sauce in lasagna is associated with Napoleon's invasion of Northern Italy in 1796. Bechamel, although he is known under French name, Italians consider it a domestic product. According to legend, it was invented in Tuscany, and the recipe was brought to France by chefs who arrived at the royal court at the invitation of Catherine de Medici. The sauce returned to the north of Italy under a new name and with French troops.

Neapolitan lasagna is less popular in the world, but claims to have a more ancient origin. The oldest medieval cookbook Liber de coquina(translated exactly as “ cookbook"), Published in Naples in the XIII-XIV centuries, contains the first famous recipe dishes de lasanis- puff pastry with grated cheese. By the early 19th century, it had evolved into a deep-fried pasta casserole meatballs, pork ribs, eggs, ricotta and mozzarella cheeses, tomato sauce. Ferdinand II, King of the Two Sicilies, was considered an ardent admirer of Neapolitan lasagna. He was even nicknamed the King of Lasagna - so often this dish was served to the monarch. But Ferdinand's Neapolitan subjects ate lasagna only on holidays - during the Maslenitsa carnival and on Easter.

Tomatoes, from which lasagna sauce is prepared, began to be grown in southern Italy not earlier than the middle of the 18th century. For a long time, they were only available in summer and autumn, until at the end of the 19th century, Italians learned how to preserve tomatoes and tomato sauces. And with pleasure they began to combine them with pasta.

Lasagna does not have a special season, it is prepared all year round... There are many varieties of the dish: Ligurian lasagna with pesto, Sicilian lasagna with eggplant or Umbrian lasagna with chicken giblets, lasagna with mushrooms, vegetables, seafood ... A dish prepared according to a recipe that has been passed down from generation to generation in every family for decades, reminds most Italians of the parental home and makes it possible to feel like a child again.



Cooking time: 60 minutes
For how many persons: 10

1 Form a dough with eggs and flour... Divide into six balls, cover with foil and refrigerate for 15 minutes. Roll out sheets ~ 3 mm thick with a rolling pin.

2 Cut all vegetables into cubes and fry on olive oil... Add meat and fry too. Pour in wine. When it has evaporated, add salt, pepper and tomatoes (mashed by hand until smooth), pour in the broth and simmer for 2-3 hours over low heat. For the béchamel sauce, melt the butter, add the flour. When the mass becomes dense, cool for 30-40 minutes. Pour milk into another pan, add salt and nutmeg... When the milk boils, add the chilled base. Stir for 5 minutes over low heat until the flour dissolves. Refrigerate.

3 Layer in the mold- béchamel sauce, pasta leaf, béchamel sauce and bolognese sauce, sprinkle with grated parmesan. Lay out five more layers in the same order. The last one - no parmesan!

4 Cover with foil, bake at 180 degrees for 25-30 minutes. Remove the foil, sprinkle with Parmesan, put in the oven for another 5 minutes.

Photos: Grigory Polyakovsky

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Italian lasagna is extraordinary dish, no one can resist her, in any case, I have not met such people yet. All my guests are always delighted, and even those who are on a diet ask for supplements. We take ready-made sheets of lasagna as a basis; as minced meat, you can use pork, beef, or take mixed version... You must definitely take tomato sauce, tomatoes, vegetables, cheese, and, of course, béchamel sauce. You can serve lasagne to the table with fresh vegetables and greens.

Prepare ingredients.

Prepare vegetables in advance, clean everything, wash and dry. Bell pepper peel and cut into small pieces. Also chop the celery stalks.

Cut carrots and onions into small cubes.

Heat some vegetable oil in a frying pan, put all vegetables in a frying pan, fry for 3-5 minutes.

Add prepared minced meat to the fried vegetables. Rinse and dry the tomatoes, cut into small cubes, add to the pan. Fry minced meat and vegetables for 10 minutes.

Pour the tomato sauce into the skillet. Simmer everything for about 12 minutes, season the sauce with salt and pepper, squeeze out a clove of garlic.

Prepare bechamel. Melt butter in a saucepan or saucepan, add wheat flour, mix. Pour milk into a saucepan in a thin stream. Boil the sauce until thick.

Pour a pinch of pepper into the sauce, a little ground nutmeg.

Prepare a dish for lasagna, pour a little sauce on the bottom, put a few sheets of lasagna. Pre-read on the packaging whether it is worth boiling the sheets in advance.

On top of the sheets, distribute a part of the bolognese - prepared minced meat in tomato sauce.

To chuckle meat layer cheese shavings.

Cover everything with two sheets of lasagna, cover them with some of the béchamel sauce.

Repeat layers 3-4 times. Transfer the form to the oven for 45-50 minutes, set the temperature to 180 degrees. Serve ready-made Italian lasagne.

Enjoy your meal!

Italian lasagna- perhaps one of those dishes that every housewife should be able to cook. This mix of dough, meat and cheese will satisfy the whole family in one fell swoop! But there is one "but": we most often make lasagne from special sheets of dough, which are sold in the store in whole packs. But the Italians do not recognize these sheets - they call it "an option for the lazy"!

Therefore, if you have a few free hours at your disposal, try to devote them to cooking from scratch - with the creation of real egg dough, bolognese and béchamel sauces. We will now tell you about all these subtleties.


  • Hard cheese like Dutch cheese - 300 g

For the test:

  • Eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Flour - 400 g
  • Salt - a pinch

For the bolognese sauce:

  • Vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons
  • Minced meat (veal or beef) - 500 g
  • Onion- 1 PC.
  • Garlic - 2 cloves
  • Tomato juice (or diluted tomato paste) - 300 ml
  • Salt - 0.5 tablespoons
  • Ground black pepper - to taste
  • Dried basil - to taste

For the béchamel sauce:

  • Butter - 50 g
  • Milk - 200 ml
  • Flour - 3 tablespoons
  • Salt - a pinch

Also useful: a high-sided baking dish, some oil to grease the baking dish, and a whisk.

Italian lasagna - recipe

Usually, the preparation of lasagna begins with the meat bolognese sauce: it is stewed for a long time. If you already have ready-made minced meat, put a frying pan on the fire and pour vegetable oil on its bottom. When it's warmed up, add the minced meat to the skillet.

Peel the onions, rinse well and cut into cubes. Place the onion in a skillet and stir in the minced meat.

Peel the garlic and pass through the garlic dish so that the chopped garlic puree gets into the minced meat. V European recipes most often it is recommended not to chop the garlic, but simply crush the cloves with a wide knife so that the garlic begins to secrete juice. But in this case, the crushed teeth will then have to be fished out of ready-made sauce(and otherwise - and completely fish out of your plate, which is not entirely aesthetically pleasing).

Mix well chopped meat with vegetables, salt it and cover with tomato juice. Cover the skillet with a lid and simmer the bolognese sauce for an hour.

At the end of stewing, add chopped dried basil and pepper.

While the sauce is stewing, you can cook egg dough for lasagna. Actually, this dough is suitable for any kind of Italian "pasta" - pasta like cannelloni, farfalle or spaghetti. Place 2 cups of flour in a bowl and make a large indentation in the middle of the slide. Break all 3 eggs into this well and add a pinch of salt.

Pierce all the yolks with a fork and gently stir the eggs into a homogeneous mass. Stir in the eggs and flour gradually from all sides.

After kneading all the flour along with the eggs, set the fork aside and knead the dough with your hands for at least 15 minutes. Here you will need to add additional flour to the dough - until the dough turns into an elastic bun that does not stick to your hands. In this form, the dough must be put in a bag or wrapped cling film and put in the refrigerator for 30-60 minutes.

While the dough is standing in the cold, and meat sauce finishes stewing (or is already cooling), prepare the rest of the lasagna ingredients. Grate the cheese on a fine grater and leave aside.

Prepare bechamel sauce... To do this, put a piece of butter in the pan and melt it completely. It is very important that the fire is kept low throughout the preparation of the sauce - otherwise the ingredients will stick to the bottom or burn!

If the butter has already completely melted, add the flour to the pan and immediately stir in the butter in quick circular motions. The fat will immediately "disappear" somewhere, and you will see dryish flour lumps in the pan.

At this stage, you can start to add a little milk to the sauce and immediately knead it with the rest of the ingredients. Season the sauce and add enough milk to make it thick without lumps. If your sauce is lumpy, keep kneading it; the heat and stirring should make the lumps disappear. Bechamel is ready - now let it cool down a bit!

Remove the dough from the refrigerator and, after sprinkling it with flour, roll it out thinly and thinly. The rolled dough should be enlightened.

Cut 4 sheets out of the dough for (just the size you need for your baking dish). Lubricate the form vegetable oil, and on its bottom lay the first sheet of dough.

The dough remaining after cutting out the required sheets can be rolled up and finely chopped. You will get noodles that can be dried in open oven and later use like regular pasta... Just do not spare the flour - sprinkle it on the pasta so that they do not stick together!

Eva.Ru's culinary book

Lasagna is a traditional Italian dish with layers of dough in between different kinds fillings (usually with tomatoes, meat, spinach, cheeses, etc.) and topped with béchamel sauce and grated parmesan. Lasagna recipes can vary indefinitely, we offer you traditional lasagne with bolognese sauce.

- lasagna sheets - 9-12 pcs,
- hard cheese - 300 g.

for bolognese sauce:
- minced meat - 600-700 g,
- tomatoes (fresh or canned in own juice) - 3-4 pcs,
- onions - 2-3 pcs,
- garlic - 2 cloves,
- greens of basil and parsley,
- salt,
- freshly ground pepper.

for béchamel sauce:
- milk - 800-900 ml,
- oil - 80-100 g,
- flour - 4 tablespoons,
- salt pepper

Cooking bolognese sauce:

1. Wash the tomatoes, make cross-shaped cuts, immerse them in boiling water for 1 minute, then remove and peel them off. Grate tomatoes or chop with a blender in mashed potatoes. Peel the onion and chop finely. Peel the garlic and chop finely. Wash, dry and chop the greens.

2. In a frying pan preheated with olive or vegetable oil, fry the onion and half the garlic for 2-3 minutes. Add minced meat and fry, stirring occasionally and kneading with a fork for about 5 minutes. Add chopped tomatoes, salt and pepper to the minced meat, mix, cover and cook at low boil for 7-10 minutes.

3. Turn off, add the basil and parsley herbs, the remaining garlic, stir and cover.

Cooking béchamel sauce:

1. Melt the butter in a saucepan. Add flour and stir to avoid lumps. Remove from heat and add milk after 1 minute. Put on the stove again and cook for 10 minutes, stirring constantly. If lumps have formed, rub through a sieve. Season with salt and add grated nutmeg.

Now we "collect" the lasagna itself:

1.In a large number boil the lasagna sheets for 2-3 minutes with boiling salted water (it is better to boil no more than 2 sheets at the same time). Finished sheets remove the lasagna from boiling water and immediately transfer to a large pot or a bowl of cold (preferably ice) water.

2. Grate the parmesan.

3. Put some of the bolognese sauce on the bottom of the baking dish. Pour a little béchamel sauce over the bolognese sauce (so that they cover the entire bottom of the mold). Lay the lasagna sheets on top. We spread the next layer in the same sequence, only sprinkle the béchamel sauce on top with grated parmesan. Continue to alternate layers until we run out of ingredients.

4. Place the last layer of lasagna sheets, sprinkle with béchamel sauce, sprinkle with grated cheese and bake at 80 ° C for about 40 minutes.

Ingredients for Bechamel sauce:
- 2 glasses of milk
- 1-2 tbsp flour
- 50g butter

Melt the butter in a frying pan, add flour, stir, continuing to stir, pour in hot milk, salt and pepper. The sauce thickens and is ready.

Ingredients for Bolognese sauce
- minced beef 250g,
- minced pork 250g,
- tomatoes 5 pcs. or a can of tomatoes in their own juice,
- tomato paste,
- celery stalks,
- carrots 1 pc.,
- onion 1 pc,
- dry white wine,
- salt pepper,
- greens.

Stew the minced meat in olive oil. Finely chop the vegetables, add to the minced meat, simmer until the liquid evaporates (but the sauce should not completely thicken, i.e. liquid should be present).

Boil lasagna sheets and begin to lay in layers in a mold:
- 1 layer of béchamel sauce,
- 2 layer bolognese sauce,
- 3rd layer - grated parmesan,
- 4 layer lasagna sheets.

Then all over again. So make four layers. Top with béchamel sauce and sprinkle with grated parmesan. Bake in the oven at 200 degrees for about 20 minutes.