Lasagna with minced meat and bechamel sauce. Classic lasagna - the right recipes

14.10.2019 The drinks

Lasagna is a prominent representative of traditional Italian cuisine, which loves pasta. So don't be surprised if, when looking for lasagna dough, you find it in the pasta section.

Because lasagna is pasta in the form of wide strips, which are laid with various fillings and baked in the oven. The Italians call the finished dish lasagne al forno, which just translates as "oven-cooked lasagna."

Today we will cook classic lasagna with bechamel sauce. Cooking will be divided into 4 independent parts:

  • kneading dough for lasagna
  • making bechamel sauce
  • preparation of bolognese sauce (from minced meat)
  • baking lasagna

Yes, you can buy the dough in the store, simplify the recipe by taking, for example, not tomatoes, but only tomato paste. It will turn out also tasty, but not quite at home.

This recipe is for those who love to cook and have a thoughtful approach to the process.

Lasagna Dough: Homemade Recipe

As I said, lasagna dough can also be bought at the store, but today we are considering the recipe “from and to” in the most detailed way.


  • Flour - 600 gr
  • Eggs - 3 pcs
  • Salt - a pinch
  • Water - 100 ml
  • Olive oil - 3 tbsp


1. Pour the sifted flour into a bowl and make a recess in the middle.

2. Break eggs into this recess and immediately add a pinch of salt.

3. And pour water there.

4. Now we take a fork and start to mix the ingredients little by little and gently.

5. After the water is absorbed into the dough, add olive oil, and continue to knead the dough with a fork.

6. Mix the ingredients until they combine into one common mass.

If the mixture turned out to be thin, then add a little flour (50 grams) to the desired consistency. If, on the contrary, the mixture is too thick and cannot be mixed with a fork, then further dilute it with water.

7. Having received a homogeneous mass, we shift it to the table and begin to knead it with our hands.

You need to knead for a long time until the dough becomes elastic, elastic and stops sticking to your hands.

The finished dough should “rest” for 30 minutes at room temperature. That is, it must be postponed and not touched for half an hour

8. We tear off small pieces from the rested dough and roll them into plates with a rolling pin. We try to roll out the plates as thin as possible so that their thickness is no more than 2-3 millimeters.

9. With a knife, cut out strips of the size that suits you from the dough.

In terms of size, I’ll say this: in the form where the lasagna will be prepared, 2-3 strips should fit in a row with a wide side

10. And now there will be a little trick. Take a cutting board and cover it with cling film. We put ready-made dough plates on it and close them with the next layer of film.

This is necessary so that the plates do not stick together.

The lasagna dough is ready and now you have three options for how to deal with it.

  1. Prepare lasagna right now.
  2. Freeze the dough for the future (for example, if unclaimed plates remain during cooking).
  3. Dry the dough and store it in the refrigerator, not in the freezer. To dry, you need to spread the plates on the table and let them dry at room temperature.

If you chose the third option, then before using the dough, you will need to boil it in boiling water for two minutes

With the dough finished, we proceed to the preparation of minced meat filling.

Classic bolognese sauce recipe with minced meat

Minced lasagna is fried in combination with several products and is called bolognese sauce. There are several options for this sauce, depending on what kind of pasta it is being prepared for. But the classic recipe, suitable for all dishes, looks like this.


  • Minced meat - 500 gr
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Tomato paste - 70 gr
  • Tomatoes - 3 pcs
  • Salt, pepper - to taste
  • Sugar - 0.5 tsp


1. Pour a couple of tablespoons of olive oil into a hot pan, wait until it warms up and spread the finely chopped onion. Fry it for 3-5 minutes over medium heat (we pass it) until it acquires a golden hue.

It is not necessary to take a red onion, a regular onion is quite suitable

2. Add thawed minced meat to the fried onion. It doesn't matter what kind of meat it is made from. The fatter it is, the fatter the lasagna will turn out.

3. Fry the meat until fully cooked. This will take about 15 minutes. Don't forget to stir occasionally so it doesn't burn.

4. Add tomato paste to the well-fried minced meat and continue frying for a couple more minutes with constant stirring so that the meat turns red.

5. The next ingredient that will follow the pasta will be finely chopped tomatoes.

They can be passed through a meat grinder or chopped with a blender, but then they will lose their integrity and you will not feel the pieces of tomato when you eat lasagna. I don't like it so much, so I recommend finely chopping tomatoes

6. Fry the tomatoes until almost all the moisture has evaporated.

7. After that, add salt, sugar, you can still half a teaspoon of sugar. Reduce heat to low, cover with a lid and let simmer for 5 minutes.

In the meantime, let's move on to preparing the bechamel sauce.

How to make bechamel sauce at home without lumps

The next important component of classic lasagna is bechamel sauce. Its preparation is much easier than the name.


  • Milk - 1 liter
  • Flour - 4 tbsp
  • Butter - 70 gr
  • Nutmeg - 1 pinch
  • Salt, pepper - to taste


1. Put a saucepan on medium heat and melt the butter in it.

2. When the oil starts to sizzle, add flour to the pan and fry it lightly, stirring constantly.

The result is dense lumps with dough.

3. Now we arm ourselves with a whisk or a mixer and begin to pour milk into the pan while whisking vigorously.

The better the whipping goes, the higher the guarantee that there will be no lumps left.

4. After we make sure that there are no lumps left, add salt, pepper and grated nutmeg. You can grate the walnut yourself, or buy it already ground.

5. Mix the milk well and wait until it evaporates. At this time, you need to keep stirring the contents of the pan, because the milk will constantly tend to curl into lumps.

We are waiting for the moment when the mixture evaporates to a consistency at which it will not drain, but “slide” off the spoon

After that, remove the pan from the heat and leave the sauce to cool and infuse.

Classic lasagne with bechamel sauce and bolognese

So, all the components are ready, let's start assembling the lasagna. But before that, we need to prepare 2 more ingredients:

  • Finely chopped bell pepper - 1 pc.
  • Cheese, grated on a coarse grater - 200 gr


1. We take a regular baking sheet and cover it with baking foil in order not to suffer later when it comes time to wash it. We put parchment paper on the foil and apply a layer of bechamel sauce on it according to the size of the future lasagna.

2. Lay out sheets of dough. In this example, pre-frozen sheets were used.

If you're using a sauce that's still warm, don't be alarmed that the homemade lasagna dough starts to thaw right before your eyes. This is fine

3. Put bolognese sauce and slices of bell pepper on top of the plates.

4. Cover the top layer with bechamel sauce and repeat all layers: dough-bolognese-bell pepper. Repeat the process until the dough runs out.

It is desirable that there are at least four layers in climbing.

5. When we get to the last layer of the dough, we generously grease it with bechamel sauce, trying not to leave open areas of the dough, otherwise it will dry out.

6. The final touch is grated cheese, which must be poured on top and which gives the lasagna that appearance that we are all used to. We add half of the cheese now, and add the other half to the finished hot dish.

7. We send the lasagna to the oven, heated to 200 degrees for 30-40 minutes. During this time, the dough hidden in the sauces will be thoroughly soaked and baked. Don't be surprised if the lasagna spreads all over the pan - that's the way it should be.

8. We take out the lasagna from the oven, sprinkle it with cheese, wait for it to melt and it's ready. Can be cut into pieces and served.

Bon appetit!

As you can see, the process of making lasagna at home, although quite long, is absolutely not complicated. So, if you are a lover of Italian cuisine, then you can safely start cooking.

Thank you for your attention.

By right, lasagna can be considered the signature Italian dish, which is not inferior to many other delicacies of this country. Nowadays, lasagna is considered to be an international dish, so it can be cooked at home.

The main thing in the article

Ingredients for making lasagna at home

Lasagna is a baked dish consisting of several layers of filling lying on thinly rolled sheets of dough. Also, the obligatory components of this dish are various sauces and cheese, which covers the lasagna with an appetizing golden brown crust.

Stock up on the following products:

  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Olive oil - 50 ml
  • Minced meat - 0.5 kg
  • Salt - 0.5 tsp, pepper - to taste
  • Chopped tomatoes - 0.5 kg
  • Italian spices - 3 tsp
  • Flour - 50 g
  • Milk - 350 ml
  • Butter - 60 g
  • Dough sheets - 10 pcs.
  • Hard cheese - 100 g

Homemade lasagna dough

It is not necessary to run to the store for ready-made lasagna dough, you can cook it in your kitchen without much effort.

To do this, take:

  • Flour - 350 g
  • Eggs - 2 pcs
  • Cold water - 30 g
  • Salt - 0.5 tsp
  • Vegetable oil - 0.75 tbsp

  1. Sift the flour through a sieve, give access to oxygen to make the dough fluffy.
  2. Make a hole in the sifted flour, break the eggs into it, pour water and oil, add salt.
  3. Based on the consistency of the kneaded dough, you need to decide whether to add one or more eggs to it. The dough should not turn out too clogged.
  4. Then knead the dough, this action will take a lot of time. If it's too thick, add water.
  5. Bring it to the necessary soft state so that it does not stick to your hands, and leave for half an hour, covered with polyethylene.
  6. Divide the finished dough into the required number of parts and roll out thinly to the desired size (approximately 1-1.5 mm). Often it is adjusted to fit the baking dish.
  7. Cut the dough with a knife, forming rectangles from it. Such blanks are suitable for immediate use. But they can also be placed in the freezer or dried.
  8. The last version of the dough blanks must be boiled for a couple of minutes in salt water, otherwise the dish will have a hard texture.

Cooking lasagna with minced meat at home

The use of minced meat for cooking lasagna is quite popular. Most often, several types of minced meat are combined, for example, beef and pork. These types of meat will give the dish extraordinary juiciness.

  1. Cut the onion into cubes and fry a little.
  2. Send the minced meat to the onion and keep on fire until cooked.
  3. Send tomato puree or tomato juice to stew meat, cook until excess water boils away, season with dried spices.
  4. Next, make the bechamel sauce. To do this, select a container with thick walls, melt the butter in it, gradually add the sifted flour, and stir vigorously all the time.
  5. Remove the dishes from the heat and pour the chilled milk into the hot ingredients, mix.
  6. Put the container back on a small fire and cook the sauce, stirring it continuously for about five minutes. Add salt, spices.
  7. Grease a rectangular baking sheet with oil and lay out sheets of dough, apply a little sauce. Then place the minced meat filling on top of the bechamel layer and cover with another layer of dough. Keep doing this until the lasagna reaches the desired height. Finish the composition by smearing the dough with bechamel sauce.
  8. Sprinkle the lined dish with cheese and send it to a pre-heated oven to a temperature of 180 ° C. Bake for half an hour. If you are afraid that the cheese will burn, cover the dish with foil at the initial stage of baking.
  9. Cut the cooled lasagna into portions.

Meat bolognese sauce for homemade lasagna

The composition of this sauce includes, at a minimum, beef or pork meat, onions, carrots, tomatoes, herbs. The dish is quite nutritious.

  1. Make minced meat.
  2. Heat 3-4 tablespoons of olive oil in a deep bowl, fry the minced meat on it for five minutes.
  3. Clean the vegetables. Continue frying by placing the onion and garlic in the pan.
  4. Grate the carrots using a medium grater. Fry it with minced meat for at least ten minutes.
  5. Salt the filling for the sauce and season with pepper, put chopped greens in it.
  6. For a softer filling, add a few tablespoons of sugar to it. This will give the sauce a sweet and sour taste.
  7. Then pour half a glass of white wine into the sauce and, having boiled, leave to languish over the smallest fire.
  8. While the stewing process continues, pour boiling water over the tomatoes and remove the peel from them: the vegetables should be as ripe as possible, so you get more juice. Use a blender to puree the tomatoes.
  9. Send the puree to stew to the sauce, you can add a little water. As soon as the first bubbles appear, indicating that the sauce is boiling, pour half a glass of cream or high-fat sour cream into it.
  10. And now comes the longest process of cooking the sauce. It will take at least two hours in time. Turn the heat down to low so that the sauce barely simmers. During this time, it is necessary to make adjustments to the amount of added salt and spices.
  11. The bolognese sauce should be fairly thick and smooth.

bechamel sauce recipe for lasagna

Bechamel sauce has a pronounced creamy taste and combines ingredients such as: milk, butter, flour. It is used not only for lasagna, it is also served with a wide variety of European dishes. The standard bechamel sauce recipe scheme can be adjusted and improved with other products, getting your favorite taste of this sauce.

Sauce Ingredients:

  • milk - 1 l
  • butter - 100-120 g
  • flour - 100-120 g
  • nutmeg (to taste)
  • ground black pepper.

It must be remembered that the more milk is used, the thinner the sauce will turn out. As the sauce cools, it will thicken.

  • After the sauce boils, cook it over low heat for about five minutes, stirring constantly.
  • Salt the sauce and season it with spices, add a small piece of butter and leave to infuse.
  • The sauce should have a uniform texture. If it was not possible to prevent the formation of lumps, wipe Bechamel through cheesecloth or a sieve.

Homemade lasagna: a step-by-step cooking recipe with a photo

Engage in the preparation of the necessary components:

  • Wrap the mold tightly in foil and bake for 20 minutes at 170°C. After - remove the foil and bake the dish until golden brown. Lasagna is served hot, bon appetit!

Homemade Chicken and Mushroom Lasagna recipes

  • Fry the onion in sunflower oil until soft.
  • Add chopped chicken to the pan and continue to fry for another ten minutes.
  • Take tomato juice, season it with Italian spices.
  • Start preparing the bechamel sauce from the earlier example.
  • Lay out the lasagne preparations in this order: lasagna sheets, then half of the filling, bechamel sauce in a generous layer. Repeat this algorithm one more time. Finish sequencing by placing pasta sheets on top and drizzling with tomato sauce.
  • Bake the lasagna in the oven for 25 minutes.
  • After the specified time, sprinkle the dish with hard cheese and continue baking for the same amount of time.

Be careful! Some types of lasagne sheets need to be boiled first. Therefore, carefully study the manufacturer's recommendations for cooking.

  • Mushrooms will help to bring an exquisite touch to the taste of chicken filling for lasagna. They must be fried with onions and chicken. They will add more nutrition to the dish.

Vegetarian lasagna: a simple recipe with a photo

Stock up on products:

  • Cut all the vegetables and simmer in a greased pan for about ten minutes, add salt and pepper to taste.
  • Prepare the bechamel sauce: overcook the melted butter and flour + milk. After boiling, reduce the heat to and simmer the sauce until it reaches the consistency of sour cream.
  • If the lasagna sheets need to be pre-treated, then place them in a deep container and pour hot water for 15 minutes.
  • Next, a familiar scheme: lay out the sheets - sauce - filling, repeat this sequence as many times as necessary. Finish the process by sprinkling the dish with hard cheese, and bake from half an hour to forty minutes.

During the preparation of the vegetable filling, add a few tablespoons of cream to it - this will make it more juicy and acquire a delicate milky hue.

Secrets of making the most delicious lasagna

  • If you purchased ready-made lasagna sheets from the store, carefully read the instructions for preparing them. If the dough needs to be pre-boiled, then add a few tablespoons of oil to boiling water.
  • To ensure that the finished lasagna remains intact and does not fall apart when serving, lay the sheets of lasagne crosswise in the baking dish.
  • It is best to choose ceramic or heat-resistant glassware for baking. For this purpose, cast iron products or those that have a non-stick coating are also suitable.
  • Most often, mozzarella and parmesan are chosen for the preparation of classic Italian lasagna: with these types of cheeses, the dish will have an unusual aroma and give off a light spicy taste.
  • Lasagna sauce is prepared from tomatoes with spices and other vegetables, smoked or meat products are added. Also, in addition to tomato, cream sauce is cooked.
  • Usually a meat filling is made from several types of meat, which is fried with vegetables, and then with tomato sauce. The filling for lasagna can be lean - with vegetables and mushrooms, as well as consisting of seafood.
  • Much to my surprise, the filling for lasagna can be sweet - with fruits and spices, like cinnamon. The sauce is prepared sour cream, cottage cheese, with the addition of lemon juice and vanilla. Sweet lasagna can be served with whipped cream.

Homemade lasagna: video recipes

Such a delicious dish as lasagna has long been a decoration of tables not only in Italian cuisine - it is prepared in many countries of the world. And if you decide to treat yourself to such a yummy, then the tips given will help you cope with this task.

Italian cuisine has firmly entered our lives. Pizza has become almost an everyday dish, and various quick variations have been invented on its theme. But the recipe with bechamel sauce by the hostesses is still very poorly mastered. Whatever you say, it is still quite difficult to perform. However, occasionally you can still treat yourself and your family to this delicious dish.

To make it easier to master the step-by-step, we will divide it into separate stages and describe each of them in detail.

Minced meat preparation

Beef is the best for this purpose. And it is advisable to cook minced meat from it yourself. A package of 250 grams of finished sheets will require three quarters of a kilo of meat. The recipe for minced meat lasagna with bechamel sauce includes the preliminary creation of meat sauce. In this case, the following sequence is observed:

  1. Finely chopped onion (a lot, four large pieces) and garlic, 3-4 cloves. It is not worth pushing through, you need to work with a knife.
  2. A large carrot rubs through a coarse grater.
  3. Almost half a kilo of a tomato is scalded, doused with cold water and freed from the skin. After that, the skin is peeled off from them, the tomatoes are cut into small cubes.
  4. A bunch of celery is minced.
  5. A frying pan with vegetable oil is heated; garlic and onions are allowed in it until transparent.
  6. Next, carrots are poured into them and stewed for about five minutes.
  7. Next comes half the celery.
  8. After another couple of minutes, minced meat is laid and stewed until it acquires an even brownish color.
  9. A glass of red dry wine is poured. Extinguishing lasts about 10 minutes.
  10. Pour in the tomatoes and the remaining celery, salt and pepper. The pan is left on low heat for half an hour.

Finally, the meat sauce is seasoned with oregano and removed almost immediately.

Most important: béchamel sauce

Some novice cooks with béchamel sauce are intimidated by the latter. They got the impression that the sauce is very difficult to prepare, and they hesitate to take on its creation. Meanwhile, the process is accessible even to beginners. A liter of milk is boiled, a bay leaf and a quarter of a spoonful of nutmeg are lowered into it, the vessel is covered and left alone for ten minutes to infuse. Half a pack of good butter (100 grams) is melted in a thick-walled dish, five tablespoons without a hill of flour are poured into it and fried to a light nutty flavor. Lavrushka is removed from the milk, and it is slowly, with stirring, poured into the cauldron. As it starts to boil - the sauce is ready, it remains only to salt it. If it is watery, you can boil it down a little. But do not overdo it: the recipe for lasagna with minced meat with bechamel sauce implies that the sauce will be poured, not laid out in pieces, so the density should be brought to the consistency of market sour cream, but no more.

Step by Step Lasagna Recipe: Assembly

Intermediate stages are passed, we proceed to the final steps.

  1. A third of a kilogram of cheese is rubbed. parmesan is desirable, but homemade lasagna is delicious with another favorite in your family.
  2. The baking sheet or form is smeared with fat or oil from the inside.
  3. The instructions for the sheets are being studied: some must be boiled before cooking. If there is such an indication, it is carried out according to the recommendations on the package.
  4. The bottom is laid out in sheets (usually it takes 4 pieces).
  5. Half of the minced meat is distributed over the sheets.
  6. The meat sauce is spilled 1/3 of the bechamel and 1/3 of the cheese wakes up.
  7. Lasagna sheets are laid out, and steps 5-6 are repeated.
  8. From above, the structure is covered with the remaining sheets, on which the remaining sauce is distributed.
  9. The collected lasagna in the oven should stand for about forty minutes. Then she sprinkles with reserved cheese and returns to the oven for another ten minutes.

When an appetizing crust forms, the dish is ready - you can call your family for dinner.

Lasagna sheets

Enthusiast cooks or those who have not been able to find a ready-made base can make the sheets themselves. The process is quite simple, although it takes time. A rather steep dough is kneaded from a glass of flour, two eggs and three tablespoons of dry white wine. It is wrapped in a film and left warm for an hour. The ball is then divided into four parts; each rolls out as thinly as possible, ideally a millimeter and a half. Water is boiled in a large wide saucepan, a couple of tablespoons of sunflower oil are poured into it. It is necessary so that the dough does not stick together. The layers are lowered in turn into salted boiling water and boiled for about five minutes. Then the sheets are dried; if the lasagna is not cooked immediately, then you need to store them in the freezer.


An improved recipe for lasagna with minced meat with bechamel sauce is very interesting. The dish turns out even richer in taste. True, some additional tweaks are required. Meat is taken half as much, the rest of it is replaced with mushrooms. Champignons are what you need. If you have raw mushrooms, they need to be fried in a separate pan with onions, and then pierced with a blender. If you bought sterilized ones, just drain before grinding. Alternatively, finely chopped mushrooms are added directly to the minced meat when it reaches half readiness. When assembling lasagna, if you have mushrooms and minced meat cooked separately, you put them in layers: meat - mushrooms - bechamel - cheese.

Lasagna in Russian

Our inventive home chefs have managed to adapt the dish to their abilities and tastes. Homemade lasagne sounds great, replacing traditional sheets with homemade pancakes. You can fry them according to your favorite recipe, only you need to add a little diluted starch to the dough so that the pancakes are a little dry. In meat sauce, the amount of liquid-giving ingredients (wine and tomatoes) is somewhat reduced. You can completely limit yourself to frying minced meat with spices. Bechamel is prepared according to the usual recipe, but is made thicker. The assembly is consistent with the described rules. But baking will be shorter: if you have up to a dozen pancake layers, the lasagna will stay in the oven for only a quarter of an hour.

Don't be lazy, make some lasagna this weekend: your family will surely appreciate the effort as this Italian dish is really delicious.

Lasagna classic - a traditional national Italian meat dish. Of course, today lasagna is prepared in a variety of ways and even exclusively with vegetables. But in this recipe, we will cook the most traditional minced meat lasagna at home.

Meat is the main ingredient in this dish. there are also special layers of dough and sauce. as well as cheese. During the baking process, the sauce permeates each layer and makes it very tender and creamy.

The classic step-by-step recipe for making lasagna with a photo is presented below. There is nothing complicated in it, each stage is described in detail and clearly. The main thing is to pick up all the necessary ingredients.

Lasagna sheets are special ready-made dough products that significantly reduce the cooking time. In addition, they are often green. They acquire this color due to the addition of spinach to the dough. Interestingly, such lasagna is also considered a classic. In the cooking process, you can use all kinds of dried herbs and aromatic herbs.

Let's start cooking.


  • Chopped meat
    (600 g)
  • Butter
    (60 g)
  • Wheat flour
    (2.5 tablespoons)
  • Olive oil
    (2 tablespoons)
  • hard cheese
    (500 g)

Cooking steps

Prepare the bechamel sauce. Put a piece of butter in a suitable saucepan and pour a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil, melt the ingredients over low heat and add flour in portions to them. Mix the ingredients so that the flour does not roll into lumps.

When the whole mass in the pan becomes sufficiently homogeneous, pour milk at room temperature into it, slightly increase the heat and cook the sauce until it thickens. The concentration of the liquid should be moderately thick, like not too oily sour cream.

We heat the pan with vegetable oil and pour all the minced meat on it. You can cook it yourself from a piece of fresh pork or beef, passed through a meat grinder with onions and garlic.

Fry the minced meat until a matte crust forms, add the indicated amount of bolognese sauce, mix the ingredients, salt and pepper to taste.

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Grease a suitable shaped baking sheet with butter and lightly cover with bechamel sauce.

We spread the dry sheets of lasagna on a baking sheet, on top of them we place the finished minced meat in an even high layer, rub the cheese on a coarse grater and spread it on top of the meat with the next layer. We cover all layers with bechamel sauce and lay out the sheets of lasagna again.

Repeat the process of laying out each layer, evenly distribute the sauce over the sheets of lasagna.

We fall asleep the remaining grated cheese as the final layer. Let the dish rest for 10 minutes. We send a baking sheet with lasagna to the oven and bake for half an hour.

We lay out the finished dish on plates, decorate with leaves of fresh herbs and serve. Lasagna classic with minced meat is ready.


Lasagna classic- a traditional national Italian meat dish. Of course, today lasagna is prepared in a variety of ways and even exclusively with vegetables. But in this recipe, we will cook the most traditional minced meat lasagna at home.

The main ingredient of such a dish is meat, there are also special layers of dough and sauce, as well as cheese. During the baking process, the sauce permeates each layer and makes it very tender and creamy.

The classic step-by-step recipe for making lasagna with a photo is presented below. There is nothing complicated in it, each stage is described in detail and clearly. The main thing is to pick up all the necessary ingredients.

Lasagna sheets are special ready-made dough products that significantly reduce the cooking time. In addition, they are often green. They acquire this color due to the addition of spinach to the dough. Interestingly, such lasagna is also considered a classic. In the cooking process, you can use all kinds of dried herbs and aromatic herbs.

Let's start cooking.


  • (600 g)

  • (600 g)

  • (60 g)

  • (2.5 tablespoons)

  • (2 tablespoons)

  • (750 ml)

  • (10 pieces.)

  • (500 g)

Cooking steps

    Prepare the bechamel sauce. Put a piece of butter in a suitable saucepan and pour a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil, melt the ingredients over low heat and add flour in portions to them. Mix the ingredients so that the flour does not roll into lumps.

    When the whole mass in the pan becomes sufficiently homogeneous, pour milk at room temperature into it, slightly increase the heat and cook the sauce until it thickens. The concentration of the liquid should be moderately thick, like not too oily sour cream.

    We heat the pan with vegetable oil and pour all the minced meat on it. You can cook it yourself from a piece of fresh pork or beef, passed through a meat grinder with onions and garlic.

    Fry the minced meat until a matte crust forms, add the indicated amount of bolognese sauce, mix the ingredients, salt and pepper to taste.

    Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Grease a suitable shaped baking sheet with butter and lightly cover with bechamel sauce.

    We spread the dry sheets of lasagna on a baking sheet, on top of them we place the finished minced meat in an even high layer, rub the cheese on a coarse grater and spread it on top of the meat with the next layer. We cover all layers with bechamel sauce and lay out the sheets of lasagna again.

    Repeat the process of laying out each layer, evenly distribute the sauce over the sheets of lasagna.

    We fall asleep the remaining grated cheese as the final layer. Let the dish rest for 10 minutes. We send a baking sheet with lasagna to the oven and bake for half an hour.

    We lay out the finished dish on plates, decorate with leaves of fresh herbs and serve. Lasagna classic with minced meat is ready.

    Bon appetit!