How much to cook lingonberry jam with carrots. The classic recipe for lingonberry jam for the winter

17.04.2019 Fish dishes

Cowberry jam for the winter is a common preparation. It has a wonderful and original taste. Despite the fact that it is not very sweet, it has a characteristic sourness. In this material, you will learn how to cook lingonberry jam, get acquainted with some step-by-step recipes for its preparation, some of which are provided with pictures.

Features of lingonberry jam

There are recipes for lingonberry jam a large number of. It all depends on what flavor you like. Ready-made delicacy can be used not only independent dish, but as an ingredient for pancakes or ice cream. Also, jam from such a berry is used as a filling for different types baking.

But dessert from this berry goes well not only with desserts and sweet dishes. For example, if before cooking fried chicken grease the carcass with lingonberry jam, it will acquire an original and unusual taste. It also pairs well with deep-fried cheese fries. This delicacy is different in that by consuming it in one form or another, regardless of the recipe, you supply your body with an annual norm of vitamins, and this is especially important in winter.

In addition, in the cold season, lingonberry jam will become indispensable prophylactic against colds. A number of recipes for making this jam include the addition of an apple, which makes it especially tasty. And it is also recommended to add a little cinnamon or cloves to the pan where you will cook jam.

Below we present you step by step recipes cooking lingonberry jam and other ingredients with which you can please yourself and loved ones for the winter.

Recipe for classic lingonberry jam

For this recipe you will need:

  • kilogram of berries;
  • one and a half kilograms of sugar;
  • 600 ml of water.

The step by step recipe looks like this:

  • prepare the berries and blanch in boiling water for three minutes;
  • throw the lingonberries into a colander;
  • make syrup from water and sugar;
  • put content on slow fire and cook for half an hour;
  • at the end, we pour it into pre-sterilized jars and cork them. We leave to be stored in a cool place for the winter.

How to cook lingonberry and apple jam

In this recipe, in addition to a kilogram of lingonberries, you will need a kilogram of Antonovka apples, also take a glass clean water and 2.5 kg of sugar.

Partially wash the lingonberries and pour them into a bowl, then they are poured cold water and mix everything well so that all the debris, as well as branches and leaves, float to the top. Discard sunken berries, and discard brown, crushed, or shriveled berries. And do this three times. Throw the sorted lingonberries on a sieve and leave to drain water, then transfer it to an enameled container.

Then it is sprinkled with sugar and left to stand for several hours, after mixing so that all the sugar is in berry juice. Pour a glass of water and put the container on a small fire, warm it up, stir occasionally, to keep the sugar from burning.

While the lingonberries are cooking, wash the apples and dry with a towel and remove the core. Cut the apple pulp into slices. Then put the apples in a bowl with lingonberries and mix well. When everything boils, reduce the heat and cook the dish, stirring it and gradually removing the foam. You need to cook it for half an hour. When hot, the delicacy is poured into dry, sterilized jars, which are then tightly closed and cooled for storage for the winter.

Recipe for lingonberry jam without cooking

If lingonberries have not undergone heat treatment, then all useful components, including vitamins, are preserved in it. However, without cooking, the delicacy from it for the winter will not be preserved, since the storage period is not very long. After cooking, it is rearranged in the refrigerator and kept there until it is eaten.

To make lingonberry jam according to this recipe without cooking you will need a couple of kilograms of berries and one and a half kilograms of sugar.

The cooking method looks like this:

  • pass the berries through a meat grinder or chop in a blender;
  • add sugar and stir, then move everything to a cold place so that the sugar can dissolve;
  • v ready-made Pour everything into jars and close the lids, then refrigerate.

Recipe for lingonberry clove jam

In such a recipe for harvesting lingonberries for the winter, you need to prepare:

  • kilogram of berries;
  • 0.5 kg of sugar;
  • 0.5 l of water;
  • 8 cloves.

First, pour boiling water over lingonberries, and then transfer it to an enameled container. Pour in hot syrup and add cloves there. Next, the contents of the container are put on fire and boiled for half an hour. The finished dish is poured into pre-sterilized jars and closed. nylon lids. Store it in the refrigerator or other cool place until winter.

Recipe for preparing lingonberry and pear jam for the winter

To prepare a treat from lingonberries and pears according to this recipe for the winter, take a kilogram of lingonberries and pears, as well as one and a half kilograms of sugar.

The step-by-step cooking algorithm is as follows:

  • wash the pears, remove the seeds and remove the skin. Blanch them for three minutes;
  • prepare lingonberries and pour boiling water over them, then sprinkle with sugar;
  • put the berries on the fire and simmer them for 20 minutes;
  • put the pears in the jam and cook them for 10 minutes;
  • divide the mass into jars. You can eat it immediately after preparation.

Recipe for lingonberry and pumpkin jam

Lingonberry jam can be supplemented not only with apples or pears, but also with pumpkin, which will give the delicacy a very original taste. For this recipe you need the following ingredients:

  • kilogram of cranberries;
  • 0.5 kg of pumpkin;
  • 250 g sugar;
  • 5 g cinnamon;
  • 2 g cloves.

Sprinkle the lingonberries with sugar, then put it on the fire and cook for half an hour, stirring constantly. In the meantime, peel the pumpkins and cut into bars, then combine with the mass that came from the lingonberries. Add spices and cook everything until the pumpkin softens. At the end, everything is poured into sterilized jars and closed. Store in a cool place for winter storage.

Recipe for winter lingonberry jam with zucchini

For gourmets, we present such a recipe for making lingonberry jam. It needs the following ingredients:

  • 1.3 kg of sugar;
  • kilogram of zucchini;
  • 300 g lingonberries;
  • 100 ml of water.

First, boil the syrup in an enameled container, peel the zucchini and cut it into cubes, then dip it into boiling syrup. Then we put the cooked lingonberries in it and cook the jam until the zucchini acquires a transparent shade. At the end, it is poured into jars and, if desired, preserved for the winter or eaten immediately.

In this recipe, you need to take half a kilogram of cranberries and lingonberries, one and a half kilograms of sugar and a liter of water.

Next, you need to sort out all the berries well, wash and dry them. Boil the syrup, bring to a boil and pour over the berries. Turn on moderate heat and simmer the contents for about half an hour. Prepare clean and dry jars in advance, in them pour the jam and close it with nylon lids.

The jam is ready, it remains only to put it in storage for the winter.

Recipe for making carrot and lingonberry jam

In this case, in addition to a kilogram of berries and 400 grams of sugar, you need to take another 300 grams of carrots, which will make your jam especially tasty.

You need to prepare this jam like this:

  • clean the carrots, rub on a grater. Alternatively, instead of carrots, peeled and grated beets can be added to the jam;
  • blanch lingonberries for a few minutes;
  • combine it with carrots and sprinkle with sugar;
  • Boil the jam until tender for half an hour, stirring it constantly.

In finished form, arrange the jam in pre-sterilized glass jars and close them with lids.

How to make Pyatiminutka lingonberry jam

Not every housewife has a lot of time to prepare for the winter delicious preservation, so in this case you will surely you will like the recipe for lingonberry jam called "Five Minute".

Even in this form, this delicacy will retain its aroma and unique taste, and it also has a thick consistency, making it perfect for baking. If you love making pies, this recipe is for you. And in winter, such a filling will come in handy.

The ingredients for the dish are:

  • kilogram of cranberries;
  • about 500 g of sugar;
  • 2 g pectin.

Take the berries and fill it with pectin for 20 minutes so that the juice stands out. Then add half of the prepared portion of sugar there and mix everything well so that the lingonberries do not choke. Bring the berries to a boil and add the rest of the sugar to them and cook everything for a maximum of 5 minutes. The mass should turn out to be viscous, then it is laid out in pre-sterilized jars and rolled up with lids. Then the banks are stored for the winter or until the next gatherings.

If you want your dish to end up tasty and fragrant, when preparing it, consider the following:

  • if the berry is not quite ripe, it is poured over with boiling water before cooking;
  • if you are cooking lingonberry jam from apples, then choose sour or sweet and sour varieties;
  • dessert should be cooked only in copper or enameled dishes;
  • when cooking, remove the foam, preferably with a wooden spoon.

As you can see, there are a large number of recipes for how to make lingonberry jam with different ingredients. It all depends on your preferences and the purpose of making jam. However, one way or another, you will be pleased to please yourself and your family with this original dessert in winter.

Among the people, the name “berries of immortality” was attached to these bright red fruits, this is due to the fact that lingonberries can help in the treatment of many ailments, thanks to their miraculous properties.

This wild berry is a real living pharmacy, it contains a unique vitamin complex: vitamins A, B group, vitamin C and E, carotene and pectin. These are the most essential substances for human health. In addition, lingonberries contain iron and calcium, manganese and potassium. All vitamins and minerals in unity help to strengthen the immune system. It is possible that one of the secrets good health our ancestors was exactly lingonberry juice and other blanks with a red berry.

Cowberry very low calorie berry, it contains many times more fructose than sucrose, so it is useful even for diabetics to use it.

Cowberry is famous for its diuretic and disinfectant effect, so it is recommended for kidney stones, pyelonephritis, cystitis. This miracle berry increases the effectiveness of antibiotics, so it is advised to take it to patients with a fever, as well as to increase appetite and mood, because. lingonberry dishes have a pleasant sweet and sour taste and irresistible aroma.

Lingonberries have a beneficial effect on digestion, enhances the production of saliva, gastric and pancreatic juices. That is why it is introduced into the menu for gastritis with low acidity, for problems with the pancreas.

As an additional remedy, lingonberries are recommended for people with high blood pressure. Lingonberry, which has such useful composition, can become an invaluable natural vitamin for a pregnant woman, supporting the body of mother and baby. In addition, it is hypoallergenic, so it can also be used by a nursing woman, but in moderation so as not to harm tender stomach baby.

Lingonberries are part of many dishes - fruit drinks, compotes, jams. The advantage of the berry is that it holds almost everything beneficial features even after exposure high temperatures. Here are some traditional and unusual lingonberry jam recipes.

It is fragrant and very beautiful dessert: sweet apple slices set in dark sour berry jelly. Jam has double benefit- it acquires all the vitamins of cranberries and apples: for example, it contains pectin, which removes cholesterol. The third ingredient in the jam is cinnamon, which not only gives it a magical Christmas flavor, but also has an antibacterial effect, enhancing the anti-cold effect of this preparation. If you are allergic to spices, then the preparation can be made without cinnamon.


  • Cowberry - 1 kg.
  • Apples - 250 gr.
  • Water - 250 ml.
  • Sugar - 250 gr. (or to taste).
  • A stick or pinch of cinnamon.

Cooking process:

  1. Pour sugar with water so that it does not float in it, but is soaked.
  2. Cook thick syrup while cooking, stir constantly.
  3. Clean the berries from litter and spoiled fruits, rinse thoroughly.
  4. Dip the berries into the syrup, and bring the mass to a boil twice in a row.
  5. Peel the apples, cut them into thin slices.
  6. Add pieces to the berry mass, put a stick or a pinch of cinnamon.
  7. Boil until the apples are soft enough - it's a matter of personal taste.
  8. Place the jam in sterilized jars and roll up.

Classic cranberry jam "Cranberry classic"

This is very healthy jam, the berry retains its shape and most of the valuable components, tk. undergoes short heat treatment. An additional flavor comes from the cloves, but this spice must be handled with care, because it is able to kill the natural taste and smell of lingonberries - you can add this type of spice to jam only in buds, in a small amount, at the very end of cooking.


  • Cowberry - 1 kg.
  • Sugar - 0.5 kg.
  • Water - 0.5 l.
  • Cloves (buds) - 6-8 pieces.

Cooking process:

  1. Sort lingonberry berries, put in a sieve and spill with boiling water.
  2. Pour the berries into an enamel bowl.
  3. Prepare syrup: add sugar to water and boil until dissolved.
  4. Immediately add the syrup to the cranberries.
  5. Boil over low heat until the jam is ready (it will form a viscous thread if taken with a spoon) - about 20-30 minutes, put a clove at the very end.
  6. Pour the jam into jars, roll up or close with nylon lids.

Cowberry and blueberry jam "Forest berries-girlfriends"

When we wander through the forest, we usually mix these two flavors: a handful of blueberries and a couple of lingonberries. This jam allows you to revive the gastronomic experience of a forest walk. Plus, blueberries, which are part of the preparation, have a very good effect on vision.


  • Lingonberries (fresh, ripe) - 500 gr.
  • Blueberries - 500 gr.
  • Sugar - 500 gr.
  • Water - 1 cup (about 250 ml).

Cooking process:

  1. Sort the berries: weed out unripe and spoiled fruits and small rubbish.
  2. Wash fruits thoroughly.
  3. Steam the berries in different saucepans in hot water somewhere within 2 minutes, it is necessary that the berries become softer.
  4. Grind the berries with a blender separately, you can grind them with a meat grinder or simply push through a sieve.
  5. Two kinds berry puree combine and add sugar.
  6. Cook in an enamel pot over low heat until boiling, and then until fully prepared(when a drop of jam no longer spreads and forms a viscous thread).
  7. Pour into sterilized jars, leave for a few days until a crust forms on the surface.
  8. Roll up or cover with plastic lids, store in a cool place.

If you still have blueberries after cooking, then we advise you to cook for the winter, which is not only rich in vitamins and trace elements, but also has an excellent taste and will appeal to all members of your family.

Cowberry and zucchini jam "Cowberry and zucchini surprise"

This berry-vegetable jam amazing taste, although at first glance this is a strange combination. Outwardly, the dessert looks like transparent pieces of pineapple are frozen in berry jam You don't even know it's a zucchini. V squash jam usually they add a little bit of lemon with zest, you can do the same with this blank, but take quite a bit so as not to interrupt the aroma of lingonberries.


  • Lingonberries - 0.3 - 0.4 kg.
  • Zucchini - 1 kg.
  • Sugar - 1.5 kg.
  • Water - 150-200 ml.

Cooking process:

  1. Peel the zucchini, remove the seeds, rinse and cut into small cubes.
  2. Sort out lingonberries, choose only ripe high-quality berries.
  3. Put zucchini and berries in an enamel saucepan, mix.
  4. Lay sugar and add water (add a little water, because zucchini give a lot of juice).
  5. Put on the stove and bring to a boil, then simmer for about an hour.
  6. Constantly stir the jam and remove the foam.
  7. Pour into jars and close with lids.

Keep under a warm cover until the jam has cooled.

Cowberry jam in the slow cooker "Cowberry dessert"

The jam turns out to be dense, does not flow, it can be spread on a roll or bread, and you get an incomparable delicacy with forest scent which will boost the immune system.

There are many varieties of lingonberry jam - you can put a lemon in it (to remove the bitter taste that lingonberries can give); sometimes jam is brewed with apples, pears, plums, blueberries and other berries and fruits. Feel free to experiment with this jam.


  • Lingonberries (fresh or frozen) - 1 kg.
  • Sugar - 500 gr.

Cooking process:

  1. Sort the berries: select small rubbish and spoiled fruits, rinse thoroughly and dry.
  2. Put the berries in a multicooker bowl (if frozen, do not defrost), cover with sugar.
  3. Mix with sugar.
  4. Put this mass on the “Heating” mode for 15 minutes so that the sugar dissolves.
  5. Grind the berries with an immersion blender (in a separate bowl) or with a wooden crusher (straight, in a bowl).
  6. Cook the jam in the "Extinguishing" mode for one hour (it is important not to miss the moment of boiling, because it is very active, and the berry mass rises very intensively, at this moment the jam must be mixed, otherwise it will be difficult to wash the slow cooker), a couple of times stir during cooking.
  7. Pour hot jam into jars, it turns out a little more than one liter of jam.

Cowberry jam without cooking "Cowberry vitamin"

A blank made in this way contains all the useful substances unchanged, but it can only be stored in the refrigerator, and even then for a short time.


  • Lingonberries - 2 kg.
  • Sugar - 1.5 kg.

Cooking process:

  1. Sort the berries: select small rubbish and spoiled fruits.
  2. Wash and dry the berries.
  3. Pass lingonberries through a meat grinder or chop in a blender.
  4. Add sugar, mix thoroughly to dissolve the sugar.
  5. Remove for some time in a cool place.
  6. Pour the jam into sterilized jars, close plastic lids, Keep refrigerated.

Rich in vitamins and useful elements also, which will not be a problem to cook, and even the smallest members of your family will like its taste.

Cowberry jam with pear "For ladies"

This gourmet jam combines the sourness of lingonberries and the sweetness of pears. This blank will be very useful for beautiful ladies, because. pear contains a lot of folic acid, which has a beneficial effect on women's health.


  • Lingonberries - 500 gr.
  • Pear - 650 gr.
  • Sugar - 500 gr.
  • Lemon - 50 gr.
  • Water - 250 - 300 ml.

Cooking process:

  1. Wash the pears and peel them, put whole pears without peel in a container with water for soaking.
  2. Wash the lemon, squeeze the lemon juice over the pears.
  3. Sort the lingonberries and rinse thoroughly.
  4. Rub the zest.
  5. lingonberry, grated zest and put the cut peel from the pear into a saucepan for cooking jam.
  6. Add a little more than a glass of water, cook over low heat for 10-15 minutes.
  7. Rub the mixture through a sieve.
  8. Peel the prepared pear and cut into thin slices.
  9. Add pear slices to lingonberry puree.
  10. Pour in sugar.
  11. Boil for about 40-45 minutes, removing the foam.
  12. We lay out in sterilized jars and roll up or tightly close with plastic lids.

Cowberry jam in all its variations can significantly strengthen the immune system in winter period, but some people need to use it with caution - these are ulcers and people with low blood pressure. There is one more thing, you need to pick berries away from the industrial zone and highways, because. it has properties to absorb toxins.

There are certain rules for collecting lingonberries that will help keep the maximum in the berry. useful substances. It is necessary to collect exactly ripe lingonberries: dark red with a slight yellow tint. Then the berry is already soft, and the skin is still elastic, and if you press on it, the juice will come out. Even lingonberries white color it can turn red at home, as they say "reach", but this berry is less suitable for jam.

Discover more recipes You can always make blanks for a deputy on our website. We also advise you to try to cook, which can be used as separate product, also be used as an additive in first courses.

Among the people, the name “berries of immortality” was attached to these bright red fruits, this is due to the fact that lingonberries can help in the treatment of many ailments, thanks to their miraculous properties.

This wild berry is a real live pharmacy, it contains a unique vitamin complex: vitamins A, B group, vitamin C and E, carotene and pectin. These are the most essential substances for human health.

In addition, lingonberries contain iron and calcium, manganese and potassium. All vitamins and minerals in unity help to strengthen the immune system.

It is possible that one of the secrets of the heroic health of our ancestors was lingonberry juice and other blanks with red berries.

Lingonberry is a very low-calorie berry, it contains many times more fructose than sucrose, so it is useful even for diabetics to use it.

Cowberry is famous for its diuretic and disinfectant effect, so it is recommended for kidney stones, pyelonephritis, cystitis. This miracle berry increases the effectiveness of antibiotics, so it is advised to take it to patients with a fever, as well as to increase appetite and mood, because. lingonberry dishes have a pleasant sweet and sour taste and an incomparable aroma.

Lingonberries have a beneficial effect on digestion, enhances the production of saliva, gastric and pancreatic juices. That is why it is introduced into the menu for gastritis with low acidity, for problems with the pancreas.

As an additional remedy, lingonberries are recommended for people with high blood pressure. Lingonberries, which have such a useful composition, can become an invaluable natural vitamin for a pregnant woman, supporting the body of mother and baby. In addition, it is hypoallergenic, so it can also be used by a nursing woman, but in moderation so as not to harm the delicate stomach of the baby.

Lingonberries are part of many dishes - fruit drinks, compotes, jams. The advantage of the berry is that it retains almost all the beneficial properties even after exposure to high temperatures. Here are some traditional and unusual lingonberry jam recipes.

Cowberry Jam with Apples and Cinnamon "Christmas Spirit"

This is a fragrant and very beautiful dessert: sweet apple slices are frozen in dark sour berry jelly. Jam has a double benefit - it acquires all the vitamins of cranberries and apples: for example, it contains pectin, which removes cholesterol.

The third ingredient in the jam is cinnamon, which not only gives it a magical Christmas flavor, but also has an antibacterial effect, enhancing the anti-cold effect of this preparation.

If you are allergic to spices, then the preparation can be made without cinnamon.


  • Cowberry - 1 kg.
  • Apples - 250 gr.
  • Water - 250 ml.
  • Sugar - 250 gr. (or to taste).
  • A stick or pinch of cinnamon.
  1. Pour sugar with water so that it does not float in it, but is soaked.
  2. Boil a thick syrup, while cooking, stir constantly.
  3. Clean the berries from litter and spoiled fruits, rinse thoroughly.
  4. Dip the berries into the syrup, and bring the mass to a boil twice in a row.
  5. Peel the apples, cut them into thin slices.
  6. Add pieces to the berry mass, put a stick or a pinch of cinnamon.
  7. Boil until the apples are soft enough - it's a matter of personal taste.
  8. Place the jam in sterilized jars and roll up.

Classic cranberry jam "Cranberry classic"

This is a very useful jam, the berry retains its shape and most of the valuable components, because. undergoes short heat treatment.

An additional flavor comes from the cloves, but this spice must be handled with care, because

it is able to kill the natural taste and smell of lingonberries - you can add this type of spice to jam only in buds, in a small amount, at the very end of cooking.


  • Cowberry - 1 kg.
  • Sugar - 0.5 kg.
  • Water - 0.5 l.
  • Cloves (buds) - 6-8 pieces.
  1. Sort lingonberry berries, put in a sieve and spill with boiling water.
  2. Pour the berries into an enamel bowl.
  3. Prepare syrup: add sugar to water and boil until dissolved.
  4. Immediately add the syrup to the cranberries.
  5. Boil over low heat until the jam is ready (it will form a viscous thread if taken with a spoon) - about 20-30 minutes, put a clove at the very end.
  6. Pour the jam into jars, roll up or close with nylon lids.

When we wander through the forest, we usually mix these two flavors: a handful of blueberries and a couple of lingonberries. This jam allows you to revive the gastronomic experience of a forest walk. Plus, blueberries, which are part of the preparation, have a very good effect on vision.


  • Lingonberries (fresh, ripe) - 500 gr.
  • Blueberries - 500 gr.
  • Sugar - 500 gr.
  • Water - 1 cup (about 250 ml).
  1. Sort the berries: weed out unripe and spoiled fruits and small rubbish.
  2. Wash fruits thoroughly.
  3. Steam the berries in different saucepans in hot water for about 2 minutes, it is necessary that the berries become softer.
  4. Grind the berries with a blender separately, you can grind them with a meat grinder or simply push through a sieve.
  5. Combine two types of berry puree and add sugar.
  6. Cook in an enamel bowl over low heat until boiling, and then until fully cooked (when a drop of jam no longer spreads and forms a viscous thread).
  7. Pour into sterilized jars, leave for a few days until a crust forms on the surface.
  8. Roll up or cover with plastic lids, store in a cool place.

If you still have blueberries after cooking, then we advise you to prepare blueberry compote for the winter, which is not only rich in vitamins and trace elements, but also has an excellent taste and will appeal to all members of your family.

Cowberry and zucchini jam "Cowberry and zucchini surprise"

This berry and vegetable jam has an amazing taste, although at first glance this is a strange combination.

Outwardly, the dessert looks like transparent pieces of pineapple are frozen in berry jam, you won’t even guess that it’s a zucchini.

A little bit of lemon with zest is usually added to zucchini jam, you can do the same with this preparation, but take quite a bit so as not to interrupt the aroma of lingonberries.


  • Lingonberries - 0.3 - 0.4 kg.
  • Zucchini - 1 kg.
  • Sugar - 1.5 kg.
  • Water - 150-200 ml.
  1. Peel the zucchini, remove the seeds, rinse and cut into small cubes.
  2. Sort out lingonberries, choose only ripe high-quality berries.
  3. Put zucchini and berries in an enamel saucepan, mix.
  4. Lay sugar and add water (add a little water, because zucchini give a lot of juice).
  5. Put on the stove and bring to a boil, then simmer for about an hour.
  6. Constantly stir the jam and remove the foam.
  7. Pour into jars and close with lids.

Keep under a warm cover until the jam has cooled.

Cowberry jam in the slow cooker "Cowberry dessert"

The jam turns out to be dense, does not flow, it can be spread on a roll or bread, and you get an incomparable delicacy with a forest aroma, which will recharge your immune system.

There are many varieties of lingonberry jam - you can put a lemon in it (to remove the bitter taste that lingonberries can give); sometimes jam is brewed with apples, pears, plums, blueberries and other berries and fruits. Feel free to experiment with this jam.


  • Lingonberries (fresh or frozen) - 1 kg.
  • Sugar - 500 gr.
  1. Sort the berries: select small rubbish and spoiled fruits, rinse thoroughly and dry.
  2. Put the berries in a multicooker bowl (if frozen, do not defrost), cover with sugar.
  3. Mix with sugar.
  4. Put this mass on the “Heating” mode for 15 minutes so that the sugar dissolves.
  5. Grind the berries with an immersion blender (in a separate bowl) or with a wooden crusher (straight, in a bowl).
  6. Cook the jam in the "Extinguishing" mode for one hour (it is important not to miss the moment of boiling, because it is very active, and the berry mass rises very intensively, at this moment the jam must be mixed, otherwise it will be difficult to wash the slow cooker), a couple of times stir during cooking.
  7. Pour hot jam into jars, it turns out a little more than one liter of jam.

A blank made in this way contains all the useful substances unchanged, but it can only be stored in the refrigerator, and even then for a short time.


  • Lingonberries - 2 kg.
  • Sugar - 1.5 kg.
  1. Sort the berries: select small rubbish and spoiled fruits.
  2. Wash and dry the berries.
  3. Pass lingonberries through a meat grinder or chop in a blender.
  4. Add sugar, mix thoroughly to dissolve the sugar.
  5. Remove for some time in a cool place.
  6. Pour the jam into sterilized jars, close with plastic lids, store in the refrigerator.

Bird cherry jam is also rich in vitamins and useful elements, which will not be a problem to prepare, and even the smallest members of your family will like its taste.

Cowberry jam with pear "For ladies"

This exquisite jam combines the sourness of lingonberries and the sweetness of pears. This blank will be very useful for beautiful ladies, because. pear contains a lot of folic acid, which has a beneficial effect on women's health.


  • Lingonberries - 500 gr.
  • Pear - 650 gr.
  • Sugar - 500 gr.
  • Lemon - 50 gr.
  • Water - 250 - 300 ml.
  1. Wash the pears and peel them, put whole pears without peel in a container with water for soaking.
  2. Wash the lemon, squeeze the lemon juice over the pears.
  3. Sort the lingonberries and rinse thoroughly.
  4. Rub the zest.
  5. Put lingonberries, grated zest and cut pear peel into a saucepan for making jam.
  6. Add a little more than a glass of water, cook over low heat for 10-15 minutes.
  7. Rub the mixture through a sieve.
  8. Peel the prepared pear and cut into thin slices.
  9. Add pear slices to lingonberry puree.
  10. Pour in sugar.
  11. Boil for about 40-45 minutes, removing the foam.
  12. We lay out in sterilized jars and roll up or tightly close with plastic lids.

Cowberry jam in all its variations can significantly strengthen the immune system in winter, but some people need to use it with caution - these are ulcers and people with low blood pressure. There is one more thing, you need to pick berries away from the industrial zone and highways, because. it has properties to absorb toxins.

There are certain rules for collecting lingonberries that will help keep the maximum of useful substances in the berry. It is necessary to collect exactly ripe lingonberries: dark red with a slight yellow tint.

Then the berry is already soft, and the skin is still elastic, and if you press on it, the juice will come out.

Even white lingonberries can turn red at home, as they say "walk", but this berry is less suitable for jam.

You can always find out more recipes for blanks for zamu on our website. We also recommend that you try tomato juice for the winter, which can be used as a separate product, as well as used as an additive in first courses.


Cowberry jam

Wild berries are a storehouse of vitamins and nutrients, lingonberries are no exception. This little red berry contains a lot of vitamins C and E, even heat treatment unable to kill all its usefulness. If you want to enjoy a tasty and healthy treat on a winter evening, then it's time to stock up on lingonberry jam. Perhaps this is what we will do with you right now!

Dozens of lingonberry jam recipes are known. However, the process of preparing berries for cooking is the same in all. So that all your efforts are not in vain, treat preparatory stage with all responsibility.

At the very beginning, the berries need to be sorted out (rotten, blackened and crushed without a twinge of conscience are thrown away), rinsed well and dried for several days, laying out on a clean, dry towel, periodically not forgetting to turn the cranberries over.

It is believed that jam cooked from wet berries has a short shelf life. In addition, while the berries dry out, the unripe ones will have time to ripen, which means that the jam will be even tastier and healthier.

Lingonberry jam

You will need:

  • cranberries - 1 kilogram,
  • sugar - 1.5 kilograms,
  • water - 600 ml.

Cooking method

  • Blanch prepared berries in boiling water for 3 minutes.
  • Throw the berries in a colander.
  • From the specified amount of sugar and the volume of water, cook the syrup.
  • Pour lingonberries with hot syrup.
  • We put on a moderate fire. We cook for half an hour.
  • Pour the finished jam into sterilized jars. We clog. Store in a dark and cool place.

Cowberry jam without cooking

All useful substances and vitamins are preserved in lingonberries that have not undergone heat treatment, however, such a delicacy should be stored exclusively in the refrigerator and not for too long.

To make lingonberry jam without cooking, you will need:

  • cranberries - 2 kilograms,
  • sugar - 1.5 kilograms.

Cooking method

  • Pass the lingonberries through a meat grinder or grind in a blender.
  • Add sugar. Mix well. We remove in a cool place so that the sugar has time to dissolve.
  • Pour the finished jam into sterilized jars. Seal with plastic lids. We send it to the refrigerator.

Cowberry jam with cloves

You will need:

  • cranberries - 1 kilogram,
  • sugar - 0.5 kilograms,
  • water - 0.5 liters,
  • cloves - 8 buds.

Cooking method

  • Pour berries with boiling water. Transfer to an enamel bowl.
  • Pour in hot syrup.
  • Add cloves.
  • We put on a moderate fire. We cook for 30 minutes.
  • Pour the finished jam into sterilized jars. We close with capron lids. A healthy treat is ready! It is recommended to store it in a cool place, preferably in the refrigerator.

You will need:

  • lingonberries - 0.5 kilograms,
  • apples - 0.5 kilograms,
  • sugar - 1.5 kilograms,
  • water - 1 glass.

Cooking method

  • My apples. We clean. We remove the seeds. We cut into slices.
  • Put the prepared cranberries and apples into the boiling syrup.
  • Cook the jam over moderate heat for 10 minutes. Remove from the stove and leave to infuse for 8 hours.
  • After the specified time, the jam is again sent to the stove and boiled over low heat for half an hour.
  • We pack the lingonberry-apple dessert in clean jars. We clog. We hide in the refrigerator until the first frost.

Cowberry jam with pears

You will need:

  • cranberries - 1 kilogram,
  • pear - 1 kilogram,
  • sugar - 1.5 kilograms.

Cooking method

  • My pears. Remove skins and seeds. Blanch for three minutes.
  • Prepared cranberries are also poured over with boiling water.
  • Sprinkle the cranberries with sugar.
  • We send to the fire. Simmer for 20 minutes.
  • I put pears in jam. Cook for another 10 minutes.
  • Pour treats into jars. It is ready for use immediately after preparation.

Cowberry jam with pumpkin

You will need:

  • cranberries - 1 kilogram,
  • pumpkin - 0.5 kilograms,
  • sugar - 250 grams,
  • cinnamon - 5 grams,
  • cloves - 2 grams.

Cooking method

  • Sprinkle cranberries with sugar.
  • We put on fire and cook for half an hour, not forgetting to stir regularly.
  • We clean the pumpkin. We cut into sticks. Combine with lingonberry mass.
  • We add spices. Cook until pumpkin is soft.
  • Pour the jam into sterilized jars. We close. We remove to a cool place.

Zucchini jam with cranberries

You will need:

  • sugar - 1.3 kilograms,
  • zucchini - 1 kilogram,
  • lingonberries - 300 grams,
  • water - 100 ml.

Cooking method

  • V enamel saucepan we cook syrup.
  • We clean the zucchini. We cut into cubes.
  • Drop into boiling syrup.
  • We put the prepared cranberries. Cook until the zucchini becomes transparent.
  • Pour jam into jars. Fragrant and healthy treat for tea is ready!

Lingonberry-cranberry jam

You will need:

  • sugar - 1.5 kilograms,
  • cranberries - 0.5 kilograms,
  • lingonberries - 0.5 kilograms,
  • water - 1 liter.

Cooking method

  • We sort out the cranberries. My. We discuss.
  • We cook syrup.
  • Pour lingonberries and cranberries with boiling syrup.
  • We put on fire and simmer until tender over moderate heat, about half an hour.
  • Pour the jam into clean and dry jars. We cork with capron lids. Ready!

Cowberry jam with carrots

You will need:

  • cranberries - 1 kilogram,
  • sugar - 400 grams,
  • carrots - 300 grams.

Cooking method

  • We clean the carrots. We rub on coarse grater. By the way, you can experiment and put the same amount of peeled and grated beets in the jam instead of carrots.
  • Blanch the cranberries for a few minutes.
  • We combine lingonberries and carrots / beets. We fall asleep with sugar.
  • Cook the jam, stirring regularly, until tender (about 25-30 minutes).
  • We pack the finished jam according to sterilized glass jars. We seal with lids.

Recipe for lingonberry jam "Five minutes"

If you don’t have time to stand by the stove, you can make a very simple and tasty lingonberry jam called “five minutes”. It not only retains its taste qualities and flavor, but also thanks to thick consistency great for baking. So this recipe definitely worth adopting for all those who love homemade pies.


  • 1 kg cranberries,
  • about 500-600 g of sugar,
  • 20 g pectin.


  • First, we cover the berries with pectin for 15-20 minutes so that a little juice stands out.
  • Then add half of the total portion of sugar to the container to the berries and mix everything thoroughly, trying not to crush the lingonberries.
  • Bring the berries to a boil.
  • Pour the second part of the sugar into the jam and boil it for no more than 5 minutes.
  • We lay out the thick viscous mass in sterile jars and roll up the lids.


Lingonberry jam: classic and most unusual combinations

What benefits will the blanks bring

These bright red sweet and sour berries are well known to the inhabitants of the tundra, Siberia and Far East. After all, it is in these parts that lingonberries can be found in abundance. Residents of other regions are less fortunate, but they can always buy it frozen. Most supermarkets offer this berry.

Attention! Scientists have proven that only a small part is lost in frozen foods. useful components. Therefore, you can safely purchase them and cook amazing healthy dishes.

And before I tell you how to cook jam, I want to recall the main properties of the berry:

  • powerful immunostimulant. Lingonberries contain such an amount of vitamin C that will help you survive any winter without colds;
  • protector of the heart. With the help of berries, you can fight high blood pressure;
  • assistant digestive system. Cowberry improves metabolic processes and reduces the load on the digestive tract;
  • disinfectant. Availability benzoic acid allowed the berry to fight a wide variety of infections in the body and take them along with medication for the treatment of cystitis, pyelonephritis and other diseases.

And these are just the most important ones. useful qualities fruits. Find out in more detail in this article what else the berry is rich in and for what purposes it can be used.

Proper preparation is a guarantee of success

To make frozen lingonberry jam in at its best you need to know some rules. They will help you get the most out of the fruit.


  1. Use only ripe berries. Green, as well as overripe fruits, will only spoil the taste.
  2. Remove rotten berries immediately. They will significantly reduce the shelf life of the finished dish, especially when it comes to recipes without heat treatment.
  3. Take the trouble to thoroughly rinse and clean the berries. Pour the blanks with cold water so that the liquid completely covers the berries. Drain the water along with any floating debris. Then put the lingonberries in a colander and let the liquid drain.
  4. V aluminum cookware jam will quickly oxidize, and acquire an unpleasant taste. Use better enameled containers.

You can learn more about how to make blanks correctly, as well as what else can be prepared from soaked cranberries. And I will move on to the most important part of my story - proven recipes for delicious sweet and sour lingonberry jam.

Recipes for delicious lingonberry jam

Ready meal in 5 minutes

This recipe is called "Five Minute". I want to start with it, because, in my opinion, it is impossible to find a recipe easier and faster. In this way, it is very convenient to prepare a dish of frozen berries, which means that this recipe is perfect at any time of the year.

So, for 1 kg of berries you need half a kilogram of sugar.

Some prefer to put the berries to thaw over low heat. I like to do things differently. I just sprinkle frozen lingonberries with sugar in an enameled bowl and leave for 30 minutes.

During this time, they will not melt easily, but they will also release juice, which makes the jam more fragrant. And the main advantage of this method is the preservation of the integrity of the fetus.

If you immediately put lingonberries on the stove, the berries will begin to crack from a sharp temperature drop.

Advice! If you do not want to leave a slight bitterness that lingonberries have, pour boiling water over the berries before cooking.

After that, you can put the berries that have melted and let the juice go on fire. Bring to a boil and reduce heat to almost minimum. We detect exactly 5 minutes, then turn it off. If foam appears, be sure to remove it. Everything, a treat can be rolled up in sterile jars and sent for storage.

Pay attention to the use of lingonberries for medicinal purposes!

The most versatile combination: lingonberries with apples

In my opinion, this is the most good combination. Apples somewhat neutralize the acid of lingonberries, and the berry gives it a certain zest.

How to weld:

  1. Berries in the amount of 1 kg are prepared according to the classical scheme.
  2. Wash the same number of apples, peel and remove the core. Cut into slices.
  3. Prepare the syrup in an enameled or stainless steel bowl. To do this, pour a kilogram of sugar into a container, pour a glass of clean water and put on fire. Introduce sugar and, stirring thoroughly, achieve its complete dissolution. It is important to prevent caramelization. Therefore, it is better to add an extra 20-30 ml of water.
  4. Dip the berries with apple slices into the syrup and boil for exactly 1 minute.
  5. We leave for 3 hours. The lid does not need to be covered.
  6. Now bring the apple and lingonberry jam to a boil again. Turn off the gas and wait another 2 hours.
  7. After that, we begin to heat the delicacy over low heat and wait until it thickens.

The jam is ready and can be laid out in jars.

Interesting! Spice lovers can safely add cloves or cinnamon. For the proposed number of fruits, about 2-3 g of spices will be needed.

Pear-lingonberry treat

This dessert is especially loved by children for its delicate texture and pleasant sweetish taste.

Interesting! In lingonberries, fructose is more concentrated than glucose. Therefore, the berry is allowed to be taken even by diabetic patients.

Pear jam can be prepared like this:

  1. Blanch 1 kg peeled and seeded pears for 2 minutes.
  2. Berries in the amount of 1 kg, washed and dried, pour boiling water over.
  3. Sprinkle cranberries with sugar and put on fire. Simmer over low heat for 15, preferably 20 minutes.
  4. Add pears and cook for another 10 minutes.

Then fragrant delicacy pour into jars and roll up.

Vitamin mix

In my opinion, this dish is a powerful boost of energy and vitamins. It is prepared from the 3 most useful berries: cranberries, cranberries and blueberries.

Fact! If you use multiple, but short-term cooking, you can preserve the beneficial properties of the berries to a greater extent.

We take 500 g of each type of berry and simmer in different pots for 2 minutes. After that, the components will become much softer. After that, grind them, also separately.

Next, you will need an enamel pan in which you need to place the chopped berries. Grind in any convenient way: with a blender, meat grinder or using a fine sieve. Pour 700 g of sugar into a saucepan. Bring the mixture to a boil over low heat and cook until the jam thickens.

To determine the readiness of cranberry, lingonberry and blueberry jam, watch the drop. If it does not spread, but, on the contrary, forms a dense viscous thread, then the dish is ripe.

How to combine lingonberries and oranges

Lingonberries with citrus acquire such an unusual taste that, at first glance, it is very difficult to clearly identify the ingredients. For cooking you will need:

  • cranberries - 1 kg;
  • orange - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 500 g.
  1. Do with oranges as with apples: wash, peel, cut into slices. Try to use the pulp as much as possible, and not the veins and film.
  2. Simmer the berries with sugar over a fire until tender.
  3. Add citrus to the finished lingonberry jam.

Advice! You can add half a peeled lemon to this recipe for a more subtle flavor.

  1. Boil for another 3 minutes and drain the syrup into a separate container.
  2. Boiled berries and oranges can already be put into jars.
  3. Boil the syrup for 3 minutes and can also be poured into jars.

The dish will turn out even richer if you cook it not from frozen berries, but from soaked lingonberries.

A delicacy prepared in this way does not need to be rolled up. Cover the jars with nylon lids and send to the refrigerator.

Jam "In the pine forest"

Many have heard about unusual taste cone jam. I advise you to try to combine the heroine of my story and pine cones. Preparing it is quite simple, but it takes more time.


  • green pine cones - 500 g;
  • lingonberries - 500 g;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • water - 1.5 liters.
  1. Soak the cones and stand for a day.
  2. Then mix sugar, cones and water and simmer over low heat for 1.5 hours.
  3. Now you can add the berries prepared as usual. Boil for another 10 minutes. Don't forget to remove the foam.

Jam from pine cones with lingonberries is ready. Consume 1 teaspoon every morning in the morning and fight back against even the strongest viruses.

Unusual duet: cranberries and rhubarb

I must say right away that both fruits have pleasant sourness, therefore, if you like sweets, feel free to halve the amount of sugar. And if you want to surprise your guests with an unusual sweet and sour treat, then go ahead according to the plan:

  1. Cowberry - 1 kg.
  2. Rhubarb - 0.5 kg.
  3. A glass of orange juice.
  4. Sugar 700 g
  5. Water - 100 ml.

To make rhubarb jam with lingonberries you need:

  1. Wash the rhubarb, peel and chop.
  2. Rinse and dry the berries.
  3. Mix all the ingredients in a saucepan and put on fire.
  4. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer for 50 minutes, stirring well.
  5. Cool and pour into jars.

And finally, I offer another simple recipe for jam in the kitchen assistant of every housewife - a slow cooker:

For today I have everything. I hope you find a suitable recipe for yourself and be sure to try it. Visit my blog pages more often, there are many more useful tips ahead.

Lingonberries are one of the useful berries that can be collected in a coniferous forest. They are rich in vitamins, medicinal acids, minerals, which are not lost even during heat treatment. Winter evening, filling fragrant tea, lingonberry jam will not be superfluous, a simple recipe is one where only fruits and sugar are used as ingredients. Each housewife knows for herself how much it is prepared (how much sugar, fruits), keeps it for years and passes it on by inheritance.

We offer to diversify your piggy bank culinary delights traditional and unusual recipes for winter lingonberry berry delicacies that can be left unboiled or heat-treated for a certain time.

Lingonberry jam classic

In each recipe, perhaps, the first point will be the moment about a pre-prepared berry, with the exception of jam bought in a store. To do this, you need to perform several actions:

  1. The berry crop is sorted out from the litter. Bruised and crushed berries are discarded.
  2. Rinse under running cold water.
  3. Throw back on a sieve or colander to excess moisture in the glass.
  4. Scatter on paper so that it dries a little.

Only such fruits are used to make jam according to any recipe, then we will omit this step. But it is very important, do not neglect it.


  • cowberry fruits - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1.3 kg;
  • water - 200 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Berries are poured into a deep bowl and poured with boiling water. Fruit should be completely submerged.
  2. Wait in this position for a couple of minutes, then drain the moisture.
  3. Pour 250 ml of water into a bowl for cooking jam and add sugar.
  4. Heat until sugar is completely dissolved, add lingonberries.
  5. Boil the jam, turn off the fire.
  6. Leave in this position for a day.
  7. Then once again heated to a boil and boil for a little less than an hour. This step is needed for additional jam density.
  8. The finished dessert is poured into sterilized jars and corked with plastic lids.
  9. Store in a cool place.

On a note! Is it possible to read lingonberries during pregnancy.

As you can see, the recipe is simple. Some classics are made with cloves. The main thing is not to overdo it. It is enough to add a couple of three spice buds so as not to interrupt the main lingonberry taste, do this at the end of cooking.

Unusual recipes are always tastier, you can experiment, you just need to know what this or that berry goes with so as not to spoil final result. Try making jam by adding apples.

You will need products:

  • fruit - 1 kg;
  • lingonberries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • water - about 1 cup.

We will offer a step-by-step recipe on how to cook jam:

  1. The fruits are washed, peeled, the core with stones is removed.
  2. In a saucepan, mix sugar and right amount water.
  3. Dissolve sugar in water on fire.
  4. Berries and small slices of apples are poured into the resulting syrup.
  5. Keep boiling for about 1 minute.
  6. Cool the jam completely.
  7. Boil again until full thickness.

During the cooking process, stir regularly so that the jam does not burn and remove the resulting foam. Jam is poured into prepared dishes, covered with lids and cleaned for long-term storage. apple jam with lingonberries it turns out to be more viscous, it retains not only the vitamins of the berry, but also the fruits.

According to the presented recipe, you can make jam with apples and cinnamon, but this is only for spice lovers. Cinnamon is added at the end of cooking in small quantities so as not to harm the lingonberry flavor.

Recipe Five Minute

Another simple recipe without rolling. In addition, the jam prepared in this way turns out to be thick and tasty and will be an excellent lifesaver to prepare a pie with filling.


  • sugar - 0.5 kg;
  • berries - 1 kg;
  • pectin - 1 sachet.

How and how much to cook:

  1. Berries are sprinkled with pectin for a few minutes. Today it can be found in the grocery departments of supermarkets.
  2. Cowberry juice is formed, add ½ of the required sugar.
  3. Mix everything in such a way that the integrity of the berries is not broken, it is easier to say, trying not to crush.
  4. Put on fire and bring to a boil. Add the rest of the sugar.
  5. Cooking time is exactly 5 minutes.

The jam turns out to be very viscous, dark in color. It is laid out in jars and put in storage.

From blueberries and cranberries

Blueberries and lingonberries, as well as sugar, take in equal amounts. Each type of fruit separate dishes pour boiling water, so to speak, to steam, so that the skin becomes soft. Next, you can combine blueberries with lingonberries, you can chop them separately, and then combine. A blender is suitable for grinding, food processor, meat grinder. Add sugar to the puree. Put on fire and cook until fully cooked.

On a note! Prepare for the winter delicious compote from cranberries,

The benefits of berries complement each other, the jam turns out to be very tasty, healing, your guests will not be able to resist such a treat. With the same success, you can make jam from cranberries and lingonberries.

pear jam

  • pears - 0.7 kg;
  • lingonberries - 0.5 kg;
  • sugar - 0.5 kg;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • water - 1 tbsp.


  1. Pears are peeled.
  2. In the whole state, the pears are placed in a large deep bowl and the juice of one lemon is squeezed out and left to be fed.
  3. Pear skins, cranberries and lemon peel boil in required quantity water and pass through a sieve.
  4. The core with stones is removed from the fruit and cut into small slices.
  5. The resulting puree and sugar are added to the pears, simmered until tender, removing the foam.
  6. Packed in jars.

Cooks advise to roll up jars of jam metal lids. Sweet, juicy, tasty, fragrant delicacy is ready.

Recipe in a slow cooker

With the help of a slow cooker, you can cook jam according to any recipe. The main advantage is to set the "Extinguishing" mode, and set the time to 1 hour. During extinguishing, the steam valve should be slightly opened so that the steam is vented. It is also required to regularly stir the mass and remove the foam. After stopping the timer, set the heating mode and keep it for about 2 hours. The jam is ready, you just need to pour it into jars.

From frozen cranberries

A very simple recipe. You don't even have to bother with sorting the berries if they are bought frozen. Some housewives freeze their own harvest for the winter. This berry is also suitable for cooking.

For 1 kg of berries, you will need to take 0.5 kg of sugar and 1 glass of water. Berries are mixed with water in a saucepan and boiled until boiling. The fire is turned off and the sugar is poured in, stirring constantly so that it dissolves in the hot mass. The foam is removed. In this state, the jam is packed in glassware and covered with lids.

Another unusual recipe with an unusual combination. After cooking, zucchini resemble pieces of pineapple and the taste is excellent. Lemon is not included in our recipe, but according to reviews on the forums, some housewives advise adding the zest of 1 lemon during the cooking process to diversify the aroma and taste.

Recipe Ingredients:

  • berries - 0.5 kg, maybe a little less;
  • zucchini - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1.5 kg;
  • water - 1 tbsp.

Preparation procedure:

  1. Peel and seeds are removed from the vegetable, the flesh is cut into pieces within 1 cm.
  2. All ingredients are mixed.
  3. Cook on low heat for 60 minutes.
  4. Spill and close.

According to the same recipe, many people make pumpkin jam, but at the end of cooking they add a few cloves and cinnamon on the tip of a knife.

Cowberry jam with carrots

Hearing this combination, we can accurately talk about 100% benefits for the body.


  • berries - 1 kg;
  • root crops - 0.3 kg;
  • sugar - 0.5 kg.

You can take a little less sugar, since carrots and lingonberries are not endowed with acid.

  1. Root crops are peeled, rubbed on a coarse grater.
  2. Pour boiling water over the berries for a few minutes so that bitterness comes out of them.
  3. All components are mixed and boiled for ½ hour.

As a raisin, carrots can be replaced with beets.

Apple-lingonberry with walnuts

You will need:

  • lingonberries - 0.5 kg;
  • apples - 0.5 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • walnuts- 0.1 kg.

To get a good preparation for the winter, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Apples are peeled and cut into cubes or slices, as you like.
  2. Nuts can be purchased at the store already peeled or in shell, then they will have to be cleaned. Cut them into small pieces with a knife.
  3. Prepare the mixture from the ingredients and put on fire, stirring occasionally.
  4. If little juice is released during the cooking process, you can add some water, just do not overdo it.
  5. Turn off the fire and let it brew for 15 minutes.
  6. Then put it back on the fire and boil for another 12-15 minutes.
  7. Cool and cook for the third time.
  8. Readiness is checked by density. The jam is thick and viscous.

Store in sterilized jars in a cool place.

The benefits and harms of lingonberries are known to almost everyone. From the combination in which you decide to cook winter lingonberry dessert in the form of jam or jam: with orange, lemon, apple, pear, with or without sugar, the virtues do not decrease. Try and enjoy.