How to serve pancakes with caviar. How to wrap pancakes with different caviar

20.04.2019 Fish dishes

Pancakes with caviar are doubly representative of Russian national cuisine... Unless, of course, this fish roe is red or black (and not "overseas, squash"). Red caviar - a gift from Pacific and Atlantic salmon - as it were, emphasizes the breadth of the Russian soul. In general, pancakes with any fish caviar are a truly Russian treat, generous, bright and rich.

Wikipedia states: "Making pancakes is a special skill, approaching art."

Caviar, of course, can be any, including artificial, including not only fish. But basically - it will not be sweet filling, which requires a special approach to serving the dish, its temperature regime and additional ingredients... Let's dwell on the most popular pancakes - with red caviar.

Pancake recipe for serving with caviar

First, let's prepare the pancakes ourselves. Here are a couple of secrets for making pancakes spread better (thinner) and turn over easier:

  • For better spreading and subsequent peeling of pancakes, it is better to dilute milk or kefir boiled water to the total volume.
  • It is better to warm the liquid a little, a little higher room temperature so that the components dissolve and distribute better.

Universal Pancake Recipe:

  • water (milk, whey, kefir) - 0.5 liters;
  • flour - 2 cups (320 grams);
  • eggs - 3 eggs;
  • vegetable oil 2 tablespoons;
  • sugar - 2 tablespoons;
  • salt -1 teaspoon
  • soda (baking powder) - 1 tsp ..

Secret: for pancakes with caviar, you can add finely chopped dill or parsley to the dough.

6. Bake pancakes in a frying pan. Watch carefully. At the moment when the pancake is completely warmed up ( batter as if it will grab and stop spreading) and will begin to gilded along the edge, it's time to turn the pancake over.

  1. It is best to use a special pancake pan and only for baking pancakes.
  2. It should be well warmed up.
  3. To prevent the pancake from sticking, the pan must be greased. butter or drop vegetable oil... To reduce the temperature of an overheated frying pan, it is convenient to apply vegetable oil and grind it with a cut of half an onion. This is especially true for non-sweet pancakes, as it will give them a light onion flavor.
  4. To keep the pancakes cool, cover them with clean kitchen towel or a plate.

How beautiful to wrap pancakes with caviar

By itself, the method of stuffing a pancake with caviar is not difficult. Just put the caviar on a rolled pancake and fold it or on an already rolled pancake (possibly with some other filling). It is the brightness of the color of red caviar that requires a chef to search special ways wrapping and serving pancakes. I will list the most spectacular of them.


The pancake first rolls up into a strip, and then rolls tightly from one edge to the other, like a snail. Fastened with a skewer.

Sector or triangle

The pancake simply bends along the midline of symmetry - in half, in a quarter, in an octal sector.


The pancake bends from four sides to the middle.


The tube can be open or closed. Then it can be cut into "hemp" or "rolls" at any angle.


The edges gathered on the four sides are tied together with something on top.

Pancakes for a buffet table

For a buffet table, it is better to use this method so that the caviar does not fall off the fork. Serving pancakes with a cut tube is most suitable here, when the pieces are small and convenient for pricking. The envelope method is also suitable. It should also be borne in mind that buffet table should be effective. And "snails" with caviar on top will look very beautiful on it. But you can also be original by serving pancakes with caviar in several layers, cutting the puff pancake cake into pieces in the form of canapes.

Pancakes with caviar and sour cream

If you have already made pancakes with caviar, then most likely you are convinced that the crispness of the caviar is an obstacle to the even distribution of the filling. To overcome this annoying property, it will be convenient to use it as part of a filling with other components, for example, with sour cream.

Have to take thick sour cream, add red caviar to it and carefully evenly move. You can also add finely chopped dill, parsley, or young onion... There is no need to salt - the caviar is already salted. We use this filling for our pancakes. We collapse them in any way we like, which are given above.

Pancakes with caviar and cream cheese

Spicy and tender pancakes you get if instead of sour cream you take cream cheese... The cheese can be anything from Philadelphia to mascarpone. Almetta and Hochland will also do.

Creamy curd cheese with herbs seems to be specially created for pancakes with caviar.

Pancake rolls and rolls are also more suitable here. But, since cheese is still denser than sour cream, you should not mix it with caviar, it is not so easy to do. The cheese is usually first spread evenly over the surface of the pancake. Then the pancake is rolled up with a tube, but not very tightly, so that this tube can be crushed in the form of a strip. And the strip already obtained from the tube is rolled up in the form of "snails", "hemp" or "barrels", and a solid portion of red caviar is put on top of the barrel, so to speak - with all my heart.

Before cutting, it is better to chill the pancakes with caviar with cheese or sour cream in the refrigerator for at least 20 minutes.

With caviar and red fish

Can you make it even tastier? As far as possible! To do this, you need to give more more filling! For example, red fish meat - salmon, pink salmon, sockeye salmon, trout, chum salmon. So, you need to take lightly salted fillet red fish, chop thinly and spread evenly over the pancake. But before that, do not forget to spread the pancake with cream cheese! Then it must be rolled, and a savory portion of red caviar should be placed on top.

Here's what you end up with.

Pancake appetizer on the festive table

Look another one beautiful option serving pancakes with caviar.

Most importantly, you need to approach the preparation of pancakes with caviar with soul, experimenting with the proportions and quantity of ingredients. And you will definitely find a formula that expresses the full breadth of the Russian soul!

This is how many times I fried pancakes, each time I tried different ways how to wrap pancakes with caviar. I want them to remain juicy and not dry out, be thin, with an openwork edge and there was enough caviar on them to make the presentation look aesthetically pleasing. Having tried many recipes for pancakes and options for how to wrap pancakes with caviar, I settled on two options, which I will discuss below.

First of all, about the easiest way to do it. As they say - all ingenious is simple. In the old days, pancakes were served this way. Grease the pancakes well with butter and stack them on a platter. Put a tablespoon of caviar on the top center in the center, and put the rest of the caviar in the caviar dish next to it. The guests understand the hosts' call - to treat themselves to pancakes with caviar, take the pancake on a plate, put the caviar and fold it arbitrarily. If you have fried a decent stack of pancakes and stand in the fridge liter jar caviar is a great option.

We will be more modest. I don't have many guests, and there are quite a lot of different snacks. Let's make a smaller portion. It would be ridiculous to look like a small stack of pancakes and 200 grams of caviar in a caviar dish. Therefore, I offer you two options for decorating pancakes with caviar. The perfect recipe for pancakes with red caviar, read below. It will require a little more food, such as soda. But if you have not prepared in advance, then of course I have a recipe no worse, but from the products that are in almost any kitchen.

Pancake dough

  • 1-1.5 cups of milk at room temperature
  • 3 eggs
  • Pinch of sugar
  • 0.5 teaspoon salt
  • 1 cup flour
  • 4 tablespoons vegetable oil

Cooking pancakes as usual. Mix eggs and milk, add sugar and salt. Add the sifted flour little by little and mix well. So that there are no lumps, it is good to use a mixer and let the dough stand for 15 minutes. Add oil, stir and fry.

Option one, my favorite

Option two, buffet

Suitable as an appetizer for a buffet table. You don't have to bake a lot of pancakes, a recipe for denser pancakes that are easier to bake will do. Pancakes can be not "only hot with the heat", tk. caviar plays the main role here. I use this option for variety among all kinds of canapes and tartlets. The photo is not mine, I promise to do it in the near future. Everything is simple here - fry the pancakes, grease each one well with butter cheese, so the rolls will keep their shape. Roll up with a tube and cut the roll into "barrels" of 3-4 centimeters. You can also tie each green onion feather. Put a spoonful of caviar on top. Beautiful and delicious snack ready! You can cook pancake rolls not only with red caviar, but with liver, egg filling etc.

Now let's move on to the recipe for the perfect pancakes for stuffing with caviar.

For recipe options, see the Pancakes and Pancakes Recipes category. I usually make a simple recipe for thin pancakes. They contain starch, which makes the pancakes very thin and tender. The second option is how to cook pancakes with caviar, a recipe with a photo - it is better to use it for rolls with caviar - a recipe for milk. For rolls, make the dough thicker, take about 1 liter of milk.

And do not forget to grease the pancakes well with plenty of oil. This is especially true for caviar.

Bon Appetit!

If you are thinking of what to serve on the festive table so that the dish is both tasty and beautiful on the table, make pancakes with caviar. The appetizer turns out to be very tender, satisfying with spicy taste, and its bright filling will stand out against the background of all other dishes.

Ideas on how to beautifully wrap pancakes with caviar

To make the appetizer look appetizing and delicious, you need to know how to wrap pancakes with caviar beautifully.

  1. The easiest option is to roll the delicacy into a roll, making sure that the caviar slightly peeks out of the edge of the pancake. We spread the dish on a dish, in addition, you can put a couple of parsley sprigs and lemon wedges next to it.
  2. Another way is to fold the pancakes into bags. We fold the cake in half, bend down first the left, then the right edge. It remains to turn the top of the pancake out, and put red caviar into the hole.
  3. Another option is to pull the sides of the unfolded pancake towards each other, fold in half. It turned out to be a tube, now fold this tube into a roll and pierce it with a toothpick so that the dough does not disintegrate. Place the roll upright. It turned out to be a penny, put caviar on top of it. Garnish the plate with the appetizer with lettuce leaves.

The classic recipe for pancakes with caviar

Recipe Ingredients:

  • granulated sugar - 50 g;
  • egg - 3 pcs;
  • caviar - 200 g;
  • vegetable oil - 60 ml;
  • milk - 0.5 l;
  • a piece of butter;
  • salt - 8 g.

Step-by-step cooking:

  1. We warm up the milk until warm.
  2. Pour 250 ml of milk into a bowl, add salt, sugar and raw chicken eggs to it.
  3. We turn on the mixer and process this mass until smooth.
  4. Pour flour through a sieve into the milk mixture, mix everything with a spoon.
  5. Top up the rest warm milk and 50 ml of vegetable oil.
  6. We leave pancake dough for 10 minutes.
  7. Pour the remaining vegetable oil into the pan, pour out half of the ladle batter and fry on both sides for 1-1.5 minutes.
  8. We process each cooked pancake with a piece of butter, put them on a plate with a turret.
  9. We collect a spoonful of caviar and put it on each pancake, wrap it in an envelope.

With cream cheese

Required products:

For filling:

  • sour cream - 75 g;
  • cream cheese - 190 g;
  • some fresh greens;
  • red caviar - 130 g;

This amount of ingredients makes 8 servings of caviar pancakes

Whisk eggs with salt and sugar in a deep bowl. Add milk, stirring well with a whisk

Pour in sifted wheat flour stirring the dough with a whisk. The mass at this stage will turn out to be quite thick, so no lumps will remain

Pour in warm water, mix

Add vegetable oil. The dough turns out to be quite liquid

Grease a well-heated frying pan with oil

Pour some dough into a hot skillet, spreading it evenly over the entire surface. When the pancake is browned, turn it over. Put ready-made pancakes in a pile, grease the pan with oil if necessary

Pancakes roast very quickly, make sure they do not burn and adjust the temperature with your stove in mind. In total, about 12 blits with a diameter of 25 cm are obtained.

Put cream cheese in a salad bowl. Add sour cream one spoon at a time, stirring well each time, until the consistency of the mass is similar to thick sour cream. V cheese filling add caviar and mix very gently. Optionally, you can add finely chopped fresh herbs to the filling

When the pancakes are cold, grease each with a thin layer of filling and roll tightly

It is not at all necessary to decorate everyday dishes, but holiday treats you need to be able to cook deliciously and present exquisitely.

Every housewife should know how to wrap pancakes with caviar beautifully, because in interesting design they look very appetizing, such a snack on the table will not go unnoticed. We suggest you familiarize yourself with a few unpretentious restaurant secrets that will help you turn ordinary pastries into a real culinary masterpiece.

Pancakes with caviar: how to serve

Caviar is a rather aristocratic product, and it should be treated with respect. Eating it with spoons is not so much a sign of wealth as of poor upbringing, and vice versa, the ability to wrap pancakes with caviar in an original way and serve them to the table in an exquisite form testifies to the good culinary tone of the hostess and the wealth of the whole family.

One of the most famous and favorite snacks in the world is red caviar of "sturgeon" origin, it is rich in iodine and vitamins. It is used in the preparation of sushi, put on thin slices white bread lubricated with oil.

A delicious Russian custom is to serve this delicacy with thin pancakes... Learn how to effectively serve homemade pancakes with a grainy sparkle - read below in our selection.

Pancakes with caviar: a classic recipe


  • - 0.5 liters + -
  • - 1 PC. + -
  • - 250 g + -
  • - 1 tbsp. + -
  • - 1 tsp + -
  • - 1 pinch + -
  • Fresh lard (no salt)small slice + -

Step-by-step recipe for baking thin homemade pancakes

Before talking about how beautifully to wrap pancakes with caviar in order to emphasize the appetizing of an elite snack, it is worth remembering basic recipe baking these very homemade pancakes.

  1. We combine in a mixer bowl or any convenient vessel with high sides all ingredients except oil.
  2. Having thoroughly mixed all the products (it is best to do this with a mixer), leave the dough to "rest" for about half an hour.
  3. We put a frying pan on the fire. While it is warming up, add oil to the dough, mix everything.
  4. Having strung lard on a fork, grease the bottom of a preheated pan with it.
  5. We collect half of a large ladle of dough and pour it into the pan. Spread the dough in a thin, even layer over the entire bottom in a circular motion.
  6. We bake the pancake on one side until the edge is browned and the moisture disappears on the unbaked barrel, and then we turn it over and bake the other side for a couple of seconds.

We put the finished rosy pancakes in a pile, smearing each with a slice of butter ice cream.

  • The egg must be large - "zero" category. If there are only small ones in the refrigerators, then it is better to drive two eggs into the dough.
  • You may need more flour than indicated in the grocery layout. It all depends on the amount of gluten in the product. Ideally, the dough should be of the same consistency as kefir, and easily disperse when frying pancakes.
  • Lubricate the pan bottom with lard only before baking the first 2-3 pancakes so that the dough does not stick to the metal. Further, this can be omitted.
  • A lubricating piece of bacon can be replaced with a small amount of vegetable oil - it must be smeared under the first pancakes in a frying pan with a silicone spatula or half a raw potato.

How to wrap pancakes with caviar: ideas and secrets

Method number 1: Simple triangle

Fold the cooled pancake in half, carefully leveling the edges, and then bend the resulting semicircle again. We should have a triangle with a rounded bottom edge.

We spread a portion of precious eggs on it, decorate with a sprig fresh dill and send the finished pancake "sandwich" to the tray. So we make out the rest of the pancakes and serve.

Method number 2: Roll

Spread caviar evenly over the entire surface of the pancakes soaked in butter. We roll each of them into a roll, trying to prevent the eggs from clumping together.

Cut the finished rolls obliquely with a sharp knife into three equal parts and put them on a dish.

Method number 3: "Snail"

This method, how to wrap pancakes with caviar, is especially original. It does not require any special skills - everything is very simple. So, we wrap the edges of each pancake (greased with melted butter) so that their edges connect in the center, and then fold them in half - a wide strip turns into a double narrow one.

Then we roll it up with a roll - here we have a "snail". So that it does not unfold, we fix it with a toothpick. All that remains is to put all the "snails" on a tray and put a teaspoon of a granular delicacy on top of each.

You can decorate a noble appetizer before serving fresh leaves parsley and thin slices of ice cream butter wrapped in snails.

Method number 4: "Kulechek"

Perhaps this is the most effective option for how to beautifully serve your favorite pancakes with caviar to the festive table. We fold the pancake in half, now we alternately bend each of the edges of the semicircle to the center so that it protrudes above the flat part.

Then we turn up the protruding part of the pancake - and this is how we get a bun. First we insert a branch of greenery into it, and then fill it with caviar.

Appearing on festive table, the grainy appetizer is invariably the focus of gastronomic attention. Moreover, pancakes with caviar, decorated and served beautifully, will not go unnoticed. If you use one of our tips on how to wrap and serve pancakes decorated with herbs to the table in an unusual way, then overwhelming success is guaranteed to you.

In order for the delicacy not to lose its attractiveness and usefulness, it should not long time stay out in the air and feel windy - it is better to present a fresh treat as guests taste it.

Delicious pancakes for you!