Delicious fried potatoes with mushrooms. Fried potatoes with mushrooms and young onions - a recipe like grandma's

24.07.2019 Bakery

One of the most favorite dishes from childhood is fried potatoes with mushrooms. It can be cooked at home, in the country and even in the woods over a fire. There are many recipes for this simple dish; you can fry potatoes with champignons, as well as with forest mushrooms. Often potatoes are fried with onions, and mushrooms are stewed in sour cream. The dish is served with sour cream and herbs.

Cooking will take a little time, and even a child will master a simple recipe. In addition, due to the storage characteristics of the products used in the recipe, you can fry mushrooms and potatoes all year round. Such a dish does not have a very high calorie content, but it contains a large amount of fat, so it is better to serve vegetable salad as a side dish.

Fried potatoes with mushrooms, albeit a high-calorie, but very tasty dish

Vegetarian option

The recipe is named vegetarian due to the lack of sour cream, a common ingredient in cooking. To reduce calories, fried potatoes are cooked in vegetable oil. To cook potatoes with mushrooms, you will need:

  • 1 kg of potatoes;
  • 500 g of fresh mushrooms;
  • 1 large onion head;
  • vegetable oil for frying;
  • salt to taste;
  • a bunch of greens.

The recipe does not indicate which mushrooms are best. Can be cooked with forest mushrooms, for example, porcini mushrooms, chanterelles, mushrooms or boletus, or with mushrooms. But this will not affect the calorie content in any way. The hardest part of cooking is preparing the mushrooms.

If you are cooking potatoes with champignon mushrooms, then they must be placed in a colander and rinsed with running water, or you can simply peel them, although this method will take longer. The less moisture the mushrooms absorb, the better.

Separate the caps from the legs and peel off the top layer. In forest mushrooms, it is necessary to remove the darkened places, if you use mushrooms or milk mushrooms, then it is better to douse them with hot water and rinse them several times under the tap.

Peel the potatoes and cut them into thin slices across. If the tubers are large, you can cut them lengthwise and chop them in semicircles. Peel the onion and then cut it into small cubes. Pour oil into a deep frying pan, and then fry the onion until golden brown.

When the onions are browned, place them on a plate. Pour vegetable oil into the pan again, then add the potatoes and fry them until tender, stirring occasionally. If you like crispy fried potatoes, cook them without a lid and season with salt a couple of minutes until tender.

Heat the oil in a separate frying pan and fry the mushrooms, chopped at random: during the cooking process, they will fry and decrease in size several times. You need to fry for 40 minutes.

Mix the finished mushrooms with potatoes, then pour the onions into the pan. Chop the herbs and sprinkle them over the dish. As you can see, the recipe for fried potatoes with mushrooms is not at all complicated. The calorie content of such a food (per 100 grams) is about 120 kcal.

It will be especially tasty if you take forest mushrooms for this dish.

Fried potatoes with fresh mushrooms go well with pickled and pickled vegetables such as cucumbers, cabbage, tomatoes. You can serve it with vegetable salad, lecho or tomato sauce.

If stewed with sour cream, the dish will turn out to be more tender. You need to add sour cream about 20 minutes after the start of frying. A pound of mushrooms will require 100 grams of sour cream.

Fast cooking, delicious

The recipe, which is performed in several stages and takes less than an hour, will appeal to modern housewives. It is good to fry such potatoes when there is very little time left before dinner or lunch. The recipe is very simple, fried potatoes cooked using it with fresh mushrooms (most often champignons) turns out to be soft and tender. For such a dish you will need:

  • 1200 g potatoes;
  • 200-300 g of mushrooms;
  • 1 large onion
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • vegetable oil;
  • 100 g sour cream;
  • 1 bunch of greens.

Cut potatoes into small cubes, mix with mushrooms and fry over medium heat

Peel the onion, cut into small cubes. Mushrooms (can be cooked with champignons, white or other forest species), rinse under running water, clean from spoiled areas. Cut into cubes about 1 centimeter. Cut the peeled potatoes into the same cubes.

Put a deep frying pan with a thick bottom on the fire, heat the vegetable oil in it. You can also use creamy, but in this case, the calorie content of the dish will increase. The onions should be fried until creamy.

Pour the potatoes into the skillet and simmer for 5 minutes. Add mushrooms to it, salt, pour half a glass of water into the pan and cover with a lid. Reduce heat to low. How much to stew? Within 40 minutes. After that, you can remove the lid and lightly fry the vegetables until golden brown.

Chop the greens and sprinkle them on the prepared mushrooms and potatoes.

You can slightly change the recipe: stew in sour cream instead of water. Potatoes with mushrooms and sour cream will be especially tasty. The calorie content is approximately 150 kilocalories per 100 grams.

As you can see, the recipe for cooking mushrooms with potatoes is simple to perform. Regardless of which mushrooms you choose, the dish will turn out to be hearty, tasty, and the calorie content will not be very high.

On the days of fasting, mushroom dishes help us out a lot - you can't eat any animal products, but you still want to eat. So mushrooms, potatoes, cereals and pasta are used. Well, to them, of course, all kinds of vegetables, even fresh, even canned. It turns out to have a hearty and tasty lunch or dinner without eating foods prohibited during this period. Also, mushrooms are an excellent salvation for vegetarians who do not consume animal proteins, and proteins are required for the body.

Today I will tell you how you can cook everyone's favorite dish: potatoes with mushrooms fried in a pan, I will give a step-by-step recipe with a photo, and some more interesting recipes and tips on how to cook it all deliciously using dried mushrooms, fresh forest and store mushrooms, frozen and pickled.

So, potatoes with mushrooms, a step-by-step recipe in a pan


  • 300 g champignons
  • 5-6 potatoes
  • 1 onion
  • Frying oil
  • salt, basil, pepper, herbs optional

You can cook, if there is no time, at once in 2 pans. If there is only one pan and time permits, cook one by one.

So, initially we put the pan on high heat (be sure to clean it so that nothing burns on it). As it warms up well, pour in a little oil. We cut the onion at random, I usually cut it in half rings or into a cube. Fry the onion until pink.

While it is fried, I prepare the mushrooms (I wash and dry them, remove the skin in advance).

Cut the champignons into thin slices, and as the onion reaches its condition, throw the mushrooms to it.

Frying, stir periodically with a spatula, and so on, until the moisture evaporates from the mushrooms (but do not dry it!).

Advice: if you want the potatoes to be crispy, cut them into thin cubes and fry in a large amount of oil, ideally deep-fried. And don't close the lid. If you want the potatoes not to be fried, but more stewed, after frying over high heat for about 10 minutes, as they brown a little, remove to low heat and cover with a lid.

When the potatoes are ready, toss the mushrooms to it, and stew for another 5 minutes. At the same time, add salt, sprinkle with pepper, you can crush 1-2 cloves of garlic there or chop finely. You can add a little basil and fresh herbs (already at the very end).

That's it, our potatoes with mushrooms in a pan are ready, you can serve them to your household. Pickled cucumbers, tomatoes, or whatever you choose from the recipes presented on the page are perfect for her.

Other options for cooking fried potatoes with mushrooms in a pan

We were preparing a dish with shop mushrooms. It's delicious, but if you have the opportunity to use wild mushrooms, it will be much tastier and more aromatic. Porcini mushrooms, chanterelles, aspen mushrooms and so on are perfect here. Only a nuance: the forest mushrooms need to be washed, boiled for about 15 minutes, drained, rinsed again, dried and only then start cooking. It must also be remembered that when frying, mushrooms significantly decrease in volume and that they give liquid, so it is not recommended to put them right away with potatoes, otherwise you will get steamed instead of fried potatoes.

Potatoes with mushrooms in one pan

This recipe has its own nuances, let's look at them. So, in order to fry potatoes with mushrooms in a pan at the same time, without using two pans, we do this:

Initially, as in the variant above, fry the onion, then brown the mushrooms, let the moisture evaporate, and then add thinly sliced ​​root vegetables to the pan into the pan, otherwise it will take a long time to fry and the mushrooms will have time to dry out.

In order for the potatoes to turn out ruddy in this case, you need to cut them, let them stand in the water for a while (for half an hour), she will give back the starch, then rinse them, dry them and put them on the mushrooms. First, let fry, and cover, remove until low heat.

Of course, in this version you will not get such a ruddy crust, which can be obtained by frying the potatoes separately. But - this is also delicious and if you don't have enough time, you can cook like that.

Potatoes with dried mushrooms

If you have stocked up on dried mushrooms since summer - great! They give such a wonderful aroma when cooking, just a miracle!

Initially, pour the mushrooms with hot water or milk, let them stand, swell, return to their former beautiful shape and volume. Then they need to be boiled - either in salted water, or by adding water to milk, about 15 minutes. Drain the liquid by placing the mushrooms in a colander. Moreover, it is good that they do not give excess water in the pan while cooking. Then everything is according to the description of the first step-by-step recipe.

Potatoes with pickled mushrooms

If there is a jar of pickled honey agarics in the basement, let's put them into action and cook them with potatoes in a frying pan. Initially, they need to be washed well, from spices and salt, and then dried further in order, either in one pan, or in two at the same time.

Look more how to cook deliciously, a step by step recipe with a photo.


  1. If you buy mushrooms on the market, be sure to carefully look at them so that there are no wormy, spoiled ones, we do not need them.
  2. If, when buying mushrooms, even the slightest doubt arose about their suitability and edibility, bypass them, mushroom poisoning is very dangerous and common.
  3. If you brought mushrooms from the forest, they will definitely have a lot of soil, sand, soak them, carefully, not lazy, rinse and remove everything, otherwise you will get an unpleasant surprise in the form of crunchy earth on your teeth. And it is important: be sure to boil them for about 15 minutes, and rinse again.
  4. Add herbs, spices, salt just before turning it off. If garlic is used, which will give a unique aroma and piquancy, also throw it just before turning it off.
  5. When cooking mushrooms with potatoes, remember that this dish is for lunch, do not serve it for dinner, it takes a long time to digest and you will not sleep very well.
  6. Do not give mushrooms to children, they have a sponge structure, they absorb everything that gets into themselves, and can harm the child's body. For the same reason, do not pick mushrooms near roadsides and industrial plants. Only in the forest, far from the city and roadways.
  7. Remember, as soon as even small frosts hit, you cannot pick mushrooms and eat them!
    Do not store mushrooms in a warm and tightly closed container.
  8. Having brought mushrooms from the forest, immediately start processing them.
  9. When frying, do not turn the potatoes often, otherwise they will break the structure, and instead of beautiful slices, you will get mash.
  10. When preparing a dish, take a heavy pan, preferably cast iron, with a thick bottom, then the dish will turn out excellent.
  11. The dish can be cooked in a slow cooker, but everything turns out to be more stewed in it. Although there is a way out here: just at the end of cooking, open the lid and prepare to brown.
  12. Excess spices will disrupt the aroma of mushrooms, you can have a little pepper, basil and herbs, 1-2 cloves of garlic and that's enough. By the way, if you have a dried mushroom lying around somewhere, you can crumble it into the pan while cooking, a crazy aroma is guaranteed for your dish!
  13. If you want to cook potatoes with mushrooms for a festive table, you can do this: deep-fry the potatoes cut into cubes, fry the mushrooms and onions separately, chop the herbs. Before serving, put potatoes on a plate (common dish), mushrooms on it with a slide. Sprinkle with herbs on top - it will be beautiful and festive.
  14. Thaw frozen mushrooms gradually, slowly, so that excess moisture leaves, it is better to start this process in the refrigerator in the evening, and the next morning you can cook.

You can also add fried vegetables to the finished dish: zucchini, sweet peppers, tomatoes. Experiment, please your loved ones with delicious dishes!

Even very young housewives and cooks are able to simply fry potato tubers in oil. But for guests, you need to complement the dish with something special. Yes, and sometimes I want variety for myself. How to fry potatoes with mushrooms - learn the little secrets of an always successful and tasty dish.

What is needed

You can cook potatoes in vegetable oil, but tastier if you use lard or other melted fat. In addition, you can add the following products:

  • a few slices of regular or smoked bacon;
  • ham;
  • onion;
  • fresh herbs - parsley, marjoram, thyme, etc.

Well, and most importantly - mushrooms. It will be easiest to buy champignons or oyster mushrooms, they are now in every supermarket or vegetable stand. But, of course, the dish will acquire a completely different aroma and taste if you yourself have collected seasonal forest mushrooms - boletus, chanterelles, boletus or honey mushrooms. You can cook the dish with frozen mushrooms, and with fresh or dry ones soaked in water.

How to fry potatoes with mushrooms - step by step instructions

Everything is very simple and will not take much time.

  1. Peel and wash the potatoes, dry them on a napkin. Cut into slices or cubes.
  2. Lard - about one hundred grams - cut into pieces.
  3. Brush fresh mushrooms from sand and dirt, cut off the tips of the legs and wormholes. Don't wash - this product absorbs water like a sponge, and instead of fried potatoes, you get a stew when you add it to the pan.
  4. Cut the mushrooms into plates, if they are large, leave whole or cut in half if they are small.
  5. Peel and cut one onion into half rings, add a couple of garlic cloves if desired.
  6. Wash and chop any greens of your choice.
  7. Heat a frying pan, add a couple of tablespoons of vegetable or ghee, fry bacon on all sides.
  8. Add the potatoes, stir immediately so that the hot fat covers each slice on all sides. If you want to speed up the process, cover the pan with a lid. But then the crust will not turn out so crispy.
  9. Cook the dish until half cooked, remembering to stir with a spatula. Then add onion and garlic.
  10. After five minutes, add the chopped mushrooms. Season with salt, pepper and fry until tender.

Add fresh herbs to the skillet after removing them from the heat so they don't lose their color and flavor.

There is nothing complicated in this recipe, it is also not necessary to adhere to clear proportions in order to deliciously fry potatoes in bacon with mushrooms, onions and herbs. However, it was noticed that it turns out tastier if there are not more mushrooms than potatoes, but a little less. That is, half as much mushrooms or oyster mushrooms should be taken per kilogram of tubers.

It will turn out very fragrant if you manage to get porcini mushrooms or chanterelles. Didn't find fresh ones? It doesn't matter, there are frozen ones in the supermarket - you can cook potatoes with frozen mushrooms. You can even use a mushroom platter. And one more tip: do not peel young potatoes during the season, but just wash them well and cook them in their skins. Small tubers can even be fried whole. Bon Appetit!

There are thousands of ways to prepare the most popular root vegetable in the world, because each national cuisine has its own favorite dishes. In our area, potato tubers are boiled, baked, kneaded and used in fillings, but one of the most popular is the recipe for how to fry potatoes with mushrooms in a pan.

It would seem that in order to prepare this treat, you just need to use the usual classic recipe, but even in the preparation of such a simple dish there are at least three different cooking options.

How and how much to fry mushrooms with potatoes

Method number 1: joint frying of potatoes, mushrooms and onions

The easiest, tastiest and fastest way to cook potatoes with mushrooms is to fry the food with onions in a pan:

  • If you use champignons, then first put the tubers cut into cubes in a hot, oiled frying pan.
  • Fry the potatoes for 5 minutes over high heat, then add the onion and mushrooms chopped into half rings or cubes, chopped into half rings or cubes.
  • Now we fry everything together until tender, and most importantly - until the moment when a golden crust forms on the potatoes and mushrooms.
  • Salt and sprinkle the dish with spices 1 minute before turning off the stove.

What to do if forest mushrooms

If you decide to use fresh forest mushrooms, then you first need to boil them (about 20 minutes) in salted water, then put them in a colander and dry.

After that, we send the mushrooms to fry in oil in a hot pan for 10 minutes, until the released moisture evaporates. Then add the onion, and after a couple of minutes, the potatoes. Next, prepare the dish until the potatoes are ready.

Method number 2: separate frying of dish components

Cook the potatoes over high heat in vegetable oil for 10-15 minutes until soft and crusty. Fry the mushrooms in a separate pan with onions for 10-15 minutes.

If these are forest mushrooms, then boil them before frying. 5 minutes before the end of cooking, mix the onion-mushroom frying with potatoes and simmer under a lid over medium heat for another 5 minutes.

If the recipe includes herbs, then they should be added to the dish along with salt and pepper, just before turning off.

Method number 3: mixing the components of the dish at the stage of consumption

The third option is the best solution for an original festive dish. Thanks to this method, potatoes and mushrooms are smooth, beautiful, but they can only be combined in a plate.

  • Cut the potatoes into thin cubes and fry in hot oil in batches so that the cubes lie in a pan in one row (or the potatoes can be deep-fried).
  • As for the mushrooms, they should be crushed with 5-7 mm plates and fried in butter until golden brown.
  • Chop the onion rings and also fry (separately) until soft and light ruddy.
  • Now gently mix all the ingredients and serve. You can do otherwise, for example, put potatoes on a serving plate, put a portion of mushrooms on top of it and cover the dish with onion rings and finely chopped herbs.

How to fry potatoes with mushrooms


  • - 6-8 pcs. + -
  • - 500 g + -
  • - 1 PC. (large) + -
  • Green onion feathers- 1 bundle + -
  • - 1 bundle + -
  • - 2 teeth + -
  • - to taste (≈1 tsp) + -
  • Peppercorns (black peas)- ½ tsp + -
  • - 100-120 ml + -

How to fry mushrooms and potatoes in a pan

If you have mushrooms at your disposal (it doesn't matter - fresh, frozen or canned), then you can easily make an excellent, tasty, hearty dinner with your own hands ... and in just half an hour. But how to cook potatoes with mushrooms in a pan, our step-by-step recipe will tell you.

  1. My potato tubers, clean, cut into bars. If desired, you can chop the potatoes into cubes or arbitrary medium-sized slices.
  2. Chop the onion in half rings or strips. But if you prefer small cuts, then you can also crumble into cubes.
  3. Cut the mushrooms into slices, slices or large cubes.
  4. Now put the pan on medium heat, pour half (of the volume indicated in the recipe) oil into it and fry the onion in it until transparent.
  5. Then we put in fresh mushrooms, increase the heat and cook them for 10-15 minutes until they are bronze.

If you use not fresh, but boiled-frozen or canned mushrooms, then first of all we send them to the pan. Cook until the water evaporates, pour in the oil, toss in the onion and fry until blush.

6. Remove the ready-made mushrooms and onions from the pan, add oil to the empty container and put the potatoes, which should be fried for 15 minutes with constant stirring over medium heat (or slightly above medium), without covering the pan with a lid.

7. When the potatoes are almost ready, combine them with mushrooms and onions, mix, cook for another 3 minutes.

It is best to serve a salad of fresh vegetables and herbs with such a fragrant potato with mushrooms. And how to cook such a snack at home, you will learn from our articles on the site.

Fried potatoes with mushrooms: food replacement

Dried mushrooms instead of fresh

Dried mushrooms can also be used in place of fresh, frozen and canned mushrooms. However, before use, they should be soaked for 1 hour in cool water, then rinsed thoroughly and boiled for 20 minutes.

With dried mushrooms, potatoes are even more flavorful.

Mushroom potatoes can also be fried with sour cream sauce. So the dish acquires a rich creamy aroma, special tenderness and juiciness.

To do this, at the stage of mixing potatoes with mushrooms, add 200 ml of sour cream to the pan and simmer the dish over low heat under a lid for 5 minutes.

We use additional vegetables for taste

Additional ingredients such as eggplant, zucchini, fresh tomatoes and sweet peppers will help make the classic dish even more delicious and interesting. It is best to add vegetables when frying mushrooms, and only then combine the ready-made assortment with ready-made potatoes, herbs and spices.

Spices "for a snack"

Basil, paprika, as well as oregano and nutmeg in small quantities can enrich the taste of a dish. But it's worth remembering that all spices are good in moderation.

Do you know how to make this incomparable dish even tastier? Before mixing potatoes with mushrooms, in a pan, first of all, you need to fry tender slices of chicken or veal until tender. And then you can fry potatoes with mushrooms and mix them with fried meat.

Experiment on your health - and get a lot of gastronomic pleasures from your favorite dish. Let the warm aroma of fried mushrooms with browned potatoes whet your appetite and warm your soul even in the coldest cold.

Bon Appetit!

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