Scenario of the Celebration "Porridge is our best food!" "Festival of Russian porridge

22.04.2019 Egg dishes

Cheerful, interesting, congratulations on the Day of Proper and Healthy Eating (June 2), with a call to fill your diet with only the freshest and most useful products.

If you want to be healthy
Do not be depressed and do not get sick,
All these problems in life
Can be overcome with honor!
Delicious, the right food,
What energy carries
She gives us health
Strength, vivacity gives!
So let's go on guys
To be friends with such food,
And then the problems in life
It will be easier to get through! © Igor Zagorui

Look the same

Long verses on healthy eating for children

On our congratulatory resource you will find long poems about healthy eating for children, O healthy tomatoes and cucumbers, about fish and porridge, about milk and fruits.

In cucumbers and tomatoes,
We do not count vitamins,
This is why it is useful
Children have them for breakfast!
With buckwheat porridge, oatmeal,
Every person is familiar
You can eat porridge with butter,
You can eat with milk!
In fish, meat is our strength,
We need calcium, phosphorus,
Listen, kids,
To these correct words!
Exclude from the diet,
Need buns, chocolate,
And then the belly of a child,
No doubt he will be glad!
Eat fruit according to the season
Drink compotes, jelly,
So that the children do not get sick
We could be healthy!
Exercise in the morning
Drink water on an empty stomach
After all, health is hiding,
In such little things! © Igor Zagorui

Healthy food day congratulations

Healthy Eating Day is celebrated annually on June 2, it encourages us to correctly prioritize food, excluding from the daily diet harmful products, you will read an interesting congratulation for this day below.

Healthy food is a guarantee of health,
Everyone knows about it, young and old,
Eating a healthy sea of ​​vitamins,
And, vitamins are just a treasure!
Cooking food with the right products,
With fresh fruit, fresh vegetables,
Carrots, parsley, eggs, cheese, sour cream,
Liver, pumpkin, fish, celery!
And this is only part of the food that is healthy,
You always need to eat right
Do not forget about the quality of the products,
Praise for healthy eating. © Igor Zagorui

Interesting poems about proper nutrition for kids

Interesting poems about nutrition for children, with interesting comparisons and useful information O healthy food for every child.

Eat porridge for breakfast in the morning,
Tasty and healthy,
It's even for kids
It is known in the kindergarten!
If you overslept breakfast
Or missed
You are your stomach
Definitely hurt!
You will be moping all day
Cry for no reason
And they will not grow out of you
Strong men!
Everyone needs to eat at lunch
So as not to become limp,
You will avoid many troubles
You must know this!
Well, in the evening everyone is waiting,
Satisfying, delicious dinner,
because hearty dinner,
All the kids need it! © Igor Zagorui

Happy Healthy Food Day

On June 2, in our country, it is customary to celebrate the day of healthy eating, you will definitely find cheerful congratulations in verses on this topic on our website.

Healthy eating is great
Fresh fruits, fresh vegetables,
From overseas fish, cottage cheese, sour cream,
Rassolnik, okroshka and borscht!
Dumplings, dumplings and cutlets,
Meatballs, vinaigrette, Olivier,
This is what adults and children love,
In my country and on my land!
Happy this day, I sincerely congratulate you,
Happy healthy meal my friends,
It will be difficult for us without food like this,
Please don't eat like a pig! © Igor Zagorui

See the same:

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Having visited our resource even once, you can always find beautiful congratulations in verses for loved ones. Although many visitors to our resource are sometimes looking for other Wishes to their loved ones, we try to please any requests and post unique author's congratulations to the delight of you and your loved ones. Here, for example, are very popular among young people wishes for recovery for a loved one or wishes with Good morning both for your beloved and for your beloved are presented in the corresponding headings of our resource quite extensively and probably there you can definitely choose beautiful words for your beloved or friends.


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  • Session start
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  • Day of dog handlers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Birthday people

SMS for you

We are in Odnoklassniki

Ditties about healthy eating with the participation of biovestin

(for children of the older group)

Compiled by: Ofitserova Julianna


Host: Everyone knows, everyone understands,

That it is pleasant to be healthy.

You just need to know how you can become healthy.

To be always healthy, cheerful, slim and cheerful,

I'm ready to give you advice - you need to eat tomatoes,

Fruits, vegetables, lemons,

Porridge - in the morning, soup for lunch, and vinaigrette for dinner.

But what other healthy foods you need to eat, you will learn from our ditties about healthy eating:

(Children sing ditties at a table covered with a samovar and bagels)

All together: Let's sit by the samovar and compose ditties

We want to tell you about healthy eating.

Child: Beefy came to visit us, drove away all diseases

And now our team has become healthier and more beautiful.

Child: If you want to be healthy, cheerful, smart and cheerful,

Eat more vegetables, fruits, cereals and borscht!

Child: Better than onions and carrots are not in the world of vegetables.

Child: Green onions are delicious! He is a seasoning for dishes.

Eat, children, green onions: they are good for people.

Child: And a carrot is a dear and dear friend.

Eat, children, all carrots, brush your teeth.

Child: Eat, children, tomatoes, drink tomato juice:

It is healthy, vitamin-rich and tastes good.

Child: Our yellow turnip is already firmly in the ground.

And whoever gets that turnip will be healthy and strong.

Child: An excellent cucumber lies in a loose bed.

Eat cucumbers, children, everything will be all right!

Child: Don't drink soda, don't spoil with chips.

Juices, fruits, porridge, bread - this is a good lunch for you.

Child: Coca-Cola is harm, Gleb told us about it.

And now our team drinks kefir and yogurt.

Child: Chips, cola - nonsense! Porridge, greens - that's the food!

As we go into the garden - the mouth is full of vitamins:

All together: Drink, children, milk, eat, children, porridge,

You will think easily, look more and more beautiful!

All together: We composed ditties and presented them to the court.

Our poems don't lie to you about healthy eating.

Child: Happiness to you, joy, to be healthy until a ripe old age.

By folk traditions guests are treated to phyto - tea with bagels.

I publish nutrition verses because it is very important to eat healthy foods, observe the basics of proper nutrition and not harm your body. And it turns out that when we have health, we do not take care of it, but having lost our health, we cry.

“Gluttony is divided into three types:
one kind encourages eating before a certain hour;
the other loves only to be satiated with any food;
the third wants tasty food. "
Venerable John Cassian the Roman

Oh, since I haven't finished today,
Consider that you are full!
Happen, I managed to get enough,
That, overeat, we know!

Suddenly I overeat, you can barely breathe,
Let the meal be sweet
You will hear that voice from centuries -

"You were poisoned, my friend!"

I was in a hurry to see familiar, unfamiliar faces,
Share your discovery.
Calling everyone to pay attention,
On a short path for weight loss -

Remember only one tale:

The stomach is not your master!
There was a penguin in the past as a swallow ...

You can't save that swallow,
Kohl ate ... after six!

Whenever we eat
We think about health:
“I don’t need a greasy cream,
I'd rather eat a carrot. "

So that the illness does not find you,
On a winter morning day
In food, you eat
Green onions and garlic.

In life we ​​need
Lots of vitamins.
Now you can't count all of them,
We need to eat more of them.

You don't drink soda
After all, she brings you harm,
Have a drink better kvass -
It tastes many times better!

Eat vegetables and fruits -
They are healthy foods!
Sweets, gingerbread, cookies
They spoil the mood of the teeth.

Eat vegetables, buddy,
You will be healthy!
Eat carrots and garlic
Be ready for life!

Meat, vegetables and fruits -
Natural products,
But the chips, always know
This is junk food.

Every day early in the morning
Eat banana and orange
So that we will come in handy on the face
There were no more wrinkles.

Eat vegetables and fruits
Fish, dairy products -
Here's a healthy meal
Full of vitamins!

"C" is the most important vitamin,
Everyone around you needs
Better means not in the world
Strengthen immunity.
Eat a lemon every day -
You will be strong and strong
You will stop hurting
And you will sing with happiness!
Vitamins of group "B"
Benefit will bring you.
We must use them,
To strengthen the nerves,
Improve metabolism,
Reduce excess weight.

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Sometimes babies are very difficult to feed, so I picked up poems about food that can be used when feeding. Below are children's poems and nursery rhymes about different meals and dishes. And at the very end you will find poems about children who do not want to eat.


I eat lunch myself.
I open my mouth - and AM!
To have strength
We cooked the soup.

My good appetite
One sits in the stomach.
Tramples with his feet
He wants to dine!

Here is a spoon for me
Pea soup.
And the cutlet right in your mouth
A nimble fork carries.

Whispers quietly appetite:

On my plate
Red-haired squirrel.
So that she is visible
I eat everything to the bottom!

Let's put on a spoon
Cabbage, potatoes - and hide!
Try to find!
Not visible on the spoon
Cabbage, potatoes.
And not on the plate - look!

Who is our favorite?
This spoon for mom!
And the second for whom?
Yes, for your dad!
For whom is the third spoon?
For a funny nesting doll!
For grandmother! For grandfather!
For the boy, for the neighbor!
For a kitten for Timoshka
And for the ginger cat!
Here the plate is empty !!!

And we have spoons
Magic a little bit.
Here is a plate, here is food.
Not a trace remained.

There is a spoon ship
At the potato port.
A spoon ship swam
With potatoes on board.
The boat is sailing, sailing
Swaying on the waves
The boat is sailing, sailing
A. (child's name) him - am!

We will wash our hands together.
This is important, it is necessary.
With clean hands only
We sit down at the table with mom.

We do not rattle with a spoon-fork,
We don't play, we don't laugh,
We are sitting on a chair
We eat in silence and cheerfully.

We don't swing our feet
And we don't count the crows
We do not look around
After all, we need to have dinner!

Spoon in mom's hand
Like a boat on the river.
The wind's blowing. We are in the mouth
Let's hide the spoon like in the port.

Our spoon is a plane -
Flies straight into the mouth.
There are clouds, hail and thunder in the sky.
Irin Rot is an airfield.

And now the garage is in my mouth.
The spoon came out on a bend.
The mouth is wider - and narrower
The spoon disappeared in the garage.

The cat is catching up with the mouse.
Who is the mouse? -
Our spoon.
In your mouth-mink quickly
Hide, mouse, from the animals.
(B. Wolfson)

Sasha and the puppy

Why did the puppy grow up?
Is he overtaking Sasha?
Because he is without tears
Eats both soup and porridge.
(S. Semyonova)


Parents feed a small child:
Spoon for grandmother, spoon for grandfather.
Baby tries, baby puffs -
Only adults have such an appetite.

A spoon for an elephant, a spoon for a bunny,
For the crocodile, for the parrot.
We almost forgot about the mouse!
We almost forgot about the bear !!!

Ate a spoon for the nurse's doctor
And for Seryozha, the neighbor's son,
For a sparrow, for a siskin
And for Ryzhik the mongrel.

And also - for my little sister and brother,
And also - for a kitten with a bow.
And the last sip -
The most delicious - for dad and mom.
(P. Sinyavsky)


Gripped the handle with a fist
We took a cup of milk.
One is a sip, two is a sip,
And then a little more.

A hedgehog came running from the forest,
He climbed over the sill.
The hedgehog wants milk
At least on the tip of the tongue.

The goby looked through the window.
- I would, too, at least a little.
I would at least be on the bottom
milk Burenushki.

They know the hedgehog and the calf
What from a cup of milk
Strength is added
The sides are rounded.

One is a sip, two is a sip,
And then a little more.
Drink a cup of milk -
You will grow to the ceiling.
(P. Sinyavsky)


I'm a little friends
With a tablespoon.
I just open my mouth
A spoonful of porridge calls in
Splash! On my tongue
Cheeks smack-smack-smack together!
Everyone is happy: me, my mouth
And my nourishing tummy!
(Lika Razumova)


If you pour soup on the table,
Then mom will have to wash.
If you drop the meat -
Wash again for our mom.

This is not good enough:
Mom might get angry.

If the porridge is in the pocket,
And the jam is on the shirt
This is very frustrating.
The child ate untidy!

We need to clean up again
And wash all your clothes!

At the table - do not have fun
So as not to suddenly choke.
We are silent at lunch
We only knock with spoons.

Everyone knows that dinners
We spend without a conversation.

At the table a puppy Antoshka
I ate fish with a tablespoon,
I tried to eat soup with a fork -
I didn't want to listen to advice.
And although he tried with might and main,
So hungry and stayed.

Well, where does that fit!
It's time for everyone to learn
Eat with a fork, eat with a spoon,
And not to do like Antoshka.

The bear cub chewed bread -
I dropped bread crumbs.
Spoke with a full mouth -
What? Nobody could understand.
Then he took up the compote -
The table doused my belly too!

Everyone laughs loudly over him,
The teddy bear was frozen:
- You do not know? At the table
You have to eat with your mouth closed
Don't rush, don't speak
Do not litter crumbs on the floor.

After getting up from the table
The coat is clean, as it was.

Squirrel was sitting at the table,
There was a plate in front of her,
It contains bread, butter, lard
The squirrel was building a house.

Friends don't do that
And they don't play with food.
They eat at the table, friends,
You can't play around here!

And eat - you are free,
And play as you please.


The clear morning has come
The morning brought breakfast.
The fluffy squirrel
Nuts on a platter.

A kitten and a puppy
Two glasses of milk
At the mouse delicious cheese,
The fox has thick kefir.

Bunnies have cookies
The bee has jam.
And on our plate
We'll put in the porridge!


Everyone gathered for lunch.
And what is there just not!
Little mouse brews
Pea soup.

Pig's red borscht.
Gosling's Bean Soup.
The hare has delicious
Cabbage soup is cooked.

Bull's hay soup
The cat has milk.
Have a child for lunch
Soup and a couple of cutlets!


The cooks praised the soup

Poured into plates

Deep and shallow.

Poured, cooled,

We were invited to dinner!

Grandma Tanya prepares lunch:
Pasta, a dozen cutlets.
Brews compote, bakes potatoes,
Broccoli fried with green peas.
I help - I cut a salad
And grandma quickly prepares pancakes
I like to cook lunch with her
We are waiting for the long-awaited guests for lunch

Take a spoon, take bread
And rather for lunch.


Eat my baby
Here is the first spoon.
I'll give you delicious porridge,
Open your mouth - AM!

An airplane is waving from the sky
Who's biting like a chick here?
Well, eat the porridge yourself!
Here is the second spoon - AM!

Third spoon on the way,
The baby needs to grow up.
Three, four, five and six! -
How did you manage to eat porridge?

I drank juice, a whole glass,
Oh, yes, the boy is a giant!
Oh, yes, the boy is a hero!
There is strength for ten weights!

The lunch-game is over,
It's time for my child.
To become very strong
We must eat and we must sleep!
(San Thoras)


The animals are all hungry
We gathered together to have an afternoon snack.
Bunny quickly, dexterously
Gnawing a carrot on the stump.

The loaf was eaten by crucian carp in the pond,
The hedgehog is the apple in the garden.
The calf ate grass
The seeds are chicken.

Ate sweet Honey bee,
The goat drank milk.
The foal ate flowers,
The child ate the casserole!

So the afternoon tea came up,
The children all sat down at the table.
So that there is no trouble
Let's remember the rules of food:
Our feet don't knock
Our tongues are silent.
Don't litter at lunch
Ragged - so take it away.


Soon it's time to go to bed
We need to eat for the night.
All the animals need
Delicious, hearty dinner.

The bear eats sweet honey
And the ram chews the grass.
The fox has a bowl
A little bit of pirozhkov.

On a plate at the rabbits
Vegetable salad lies.
We chew with appetite
And we are growing the fastest!



Bul-bul-boole the broth is boiling,
Oh, and it will be delicious!
I invite everyone to dine
And taste the bouillon-bouillon!
(M. Druzhinina)


Deep - not shallow
Ships in the plates.
Bow head -
Red carrot,
Parsley, potatoes,
A little crumbs,
Here the boat is sailing
Swims right into the mouth.

(I. Tokmakova)


If you don't want soup -
You are acting very stupid
And you will not become uncomfortable
A real strongman.
(P. Sinyavsky)


They ate soup
They ate soup
Hurry to eat the soup!
Eat a lot?
So well,
Oh yes soup! Ay, good!
(K. Avdeenko)


Mom a cup of milk
She poured Masha.
“Meow,” the pussy says.
So I came! "
We'll pour the pussy into a bowl
It's more fun to drink together.
Well, who will finish the drink sooner?
Who will not shed a drop?


Buckwheat porridge,
Where was it brewed? - In the stove.
Cooked, overturned,
So that Olenka ate,
She praised the porridge,
Divided into all ...
Got it on a spoon
Goose on the path
Chickens in a basket
Tit in the window.
A spoon was enough
To a dog and a cat
And Ole finished
The last crumbs!


We cooked porridge for us.

I cooked porridge for us,

She covered it with a handkerchief.

Covered with a handkerchief

And it will wait.

Who will come first?

Delicious porridge is smoking

Tim sits down to eat porridge,

Very good porridge

We ate porridge slowly.

Spoon by spoon

We ate a little!

Boil-boil porridge
In a blue cup
Cook quickly
Bubble more fun
Cook, porridge, sweet
From thick milk
Yes, from semolina.
At the one who eats porridge
All teeth will grow!

Brown eyes, potato nose!

Eat, son, porridge to the crumb!

Look at your plate
Squirrels have escaped from the forests!
Ate a loaf, ate porridge
And they look at our daughter!
With appetite ate squirrels
And Polyushenka (Natasha, ...) was told:
(or: And Nastya (Petya, ...) was told to eat everything!)
Daughter listened
And all the porridge ... ate!

Magpies are watching

Through our window.

Magpies ask:

Give us some porridge!

Kashi Vanina,

Sweetly brewed.

Waits in vain

Porridge with butter.

Vanya does not eat,

And we for a sitting

Let's eat porridge

And let's fly away ...

The kitten has a cup
There was a lot of porridge.
Two teteries flew in
Two blacks ate porridge.
And they shout to the kitten:
- You rotozei, rotozei!
If they gave you porridge
We must eat it soon!

Little by little,
Little by little, leisurely
We ate porridge with you,
Is the porridge good?
This is the spoon, this is the cup
Buckwheat porridge in a cup
The spoon has been in the cup,
Buckwheat porridge is gone!
How so?


Come on, come on, come on!
Don't grumble, pans!
Don't grumble, don't hiss,
Cook sweet porridge.
Cook sweet porridge,
Feed our children.
(I. Tokmakova)

Curd cottage cheese

Yum-yum-yum - how delicious!
White as cabbage!
In your mouth - am! - and curd
How a snowflake melts;
Curd-curd is our friend!
Strengthens the teeth.
(K. Avdeenko)


We walk, we walk!
Let's take a walk - we'll see
Appetite how to work up
Let's eat delicious meat.
(K. Avdeenko)


Oh, cutlets, cutlets!
Oh, how they smell! Good!
We will fry them, we will fry them,
Let's eat from the heart!
(K. Avdeenko)


Fish-fish, well, business,
She sailed to our saucepan!
To cook, feed everyone -
Wash your hands quickly.
(K. Avdeenko)


Chickens-chickens: “Ko-ko-ko!
We laid our testicles;
Ku-ku-eat, ko-ko,
Little kids! "
(K. Avdeenko)


Pumpkin-pumpkin has grown
Mom brought the pumpkin;
Daddy-daddy - gray water!
Cook the pumpkin as soon as possible.
(K. Avdeenko)


We were hanging in the rain;
Rain dripped at night, during the day
So that we blushed and sang
So that the kids eat us soon!
The rain washed us all now -
We are cherries - eat us!
(K. Avdeenko)


The grass-ant rose from sleep,
The tit-bird took up the grain.
Bunny for cabbage,
Mouse - behind the cover,
Children - for milk.

- Little kitty-murysenka,
Where have you been?
- At the mill.
- Little kitty-murysenka,
What did you do there?
- I ground the flour.
- Little kitty-murysenka,
What made of flour baked?
- Gingerbread.
- Little kitty-murysenka,
Who did you eat the gingerbread with?
- One.
- Don't eat alone! Don't eat alone!

Lyuli, lyuli, lyuli,
The ghouls arrived
The ghouls began to coo
The ghouls began to bother:
Flew into the corner
They lit a light
They began to cook porridge,
They began to feed Masha.

The cat went to the market,
I bought a cat pie.
The cat went to the street,
The cat bought a bun.
Whether to eat it yourself
Or Vanya to demolish?
I'll bite myself
Yes, and Vanya will take it.

Okay, okay!
Grandma baked pancakes,
I watered with oil,
She gave it to the kids.
Dasha - two,
Pasha - two,
Vanya - two,
Tanya - two,
Sasha - two,
Masha - two,
Good pancakes
Our good grandmother!

The bird pecks the grains,
The goat chews the grass,
A squirrel pricks nuts
Eating russula snail.
The kitten drinks milk
The puppy gnaws a bone,
Mice have a head of cheese
The bee has a piece of marshmallow.
A funny calf eats hay,
The rabbit ate a cabbage leaf,
What does he love ... (child's name)
Koshka? (milk, soup)
Oh, how delicious it is!

Oh, doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo….

The shepherd has lost his pipe.

And I found a pipe

I gave it to the shepherdess.

Now, dear shepherd boy,

You hurry to the meadow.

There Burenka lies,

He looks at the calves,

But he doesn’t go home,

Milk does not carry.

You need to cook porridge,

Sasha (child's name) to feed with porridge.

Oh, okay, okay,

Let's bake pancakes.

We put on the window,

Let's leave to cool.

Let us cool down and eat

And give the sparrows!

The soup is thin
But nutritious!
You will be thin
But pot-bellied!

What a porridge!
So in the mouth and asks!
The nose and cheeks were full.
The chin also got it.
And little finger
I tried a little.
Ate a little
A forehead with a crown,
The rest of the ears have finished!


There is an egg in the plate
Open your mouth, birdie!

Sweet in the cup tasty tea,
Drink, my friend, do not be bored!

Bagels, cheesecakes and buns

Eat bagels, chew cheesecakes
And also try the buns.

You should always eat soup
This is delicious food.


How I love to eat potatoes.
Hey! Get a spoon quickly!

Appetizing sausages
Ate baby, not pussies.

I'll drink a little milk
And wash myself like a cat.

I'll eat porridge all day
Ouch! Laziness has gone somewhere.


I eat cutlets first,
Mom will give you candy later.

I will put sugar in kefir,
It turned out to be a whole feast.

Cookies, jam

How I love to eat cookies
Especially with jam.

Grumbling with waffles is so delicious
No more? Oh, how sad!

Granny will bake me
Delicious sweet cake.

I'll bake pancakes myself
How delicious they are!

I didn't want to eat buckwheat,
I dreamed, finished everything!

I always eat fish.
Oh, how delicious! It's true!


Eat a delicious sandwich
He took it in his hands - he immediately went into his mouth.

I love to eat cheese.
Count how many holes there are?

It is pleasant to chew sausage.
Has it ended quickly? Interesting!

I'll crush breadcrumbs
And I'll leave it to mom a little bit.

I'll drink the juice in one gulp.
Mom! Pour in a little more!


Here are the fat sausages
Delicious sausages!

Mayonnaise, salad

Mayonnaise is put in salad
And then they eat it.

Cucumbers, tomatoes
Cucumbers and tomatoes
To little ones and gluttons.

I like to eat fruit
What sweet foods.

I'll cook borscht today.
This is how I will surprise my mother!

Cook rice for me as a side dish,
I will eat and I will be the commander!

No food tastier than beans,
Don't forget the salt!

Give chicken for lunch
And chicken cutlets.


The daughter asks for semolina.
I'll cook. "Eat, Masha!"

And today for lunch
I’ll ask you to give me an omelet!


The casserole is five
I will chew every day!


Vitamins are not food
But I always eat them!

I will eat a whole pineapple
Very tasty, unadorned!


Ripe strawberries asks:
Baby, take me in your mouth!


I eat a tangerine without haste,
Here's one, another one!

Who doesn't like to eat bananas?
I will not be friends with such.


They love apricots
Even little wasps.

Give me mushrooms in sour cream,
It will taste better to me right away.

I ate the whole pear.
Oh! How it warms the soul!

I wanted to eat a lemon
It turned out to be sour!


Eat delicious grapes,
Even an adult will be happy!

I'll eat jelly for breakfast
And then - to the carousel.

Mom baked pies for me,
Not a single gram of them remained!

How I love to eat honey!
Bear, he will understand me!

I'll gnaw some nuts
With arrangement and without haste.

I'll eat the turnip with butter right away,
Delicious, satisfying, no problem!

I'll eat pudding for an afternoon snack,
It looks like a delicious cream!

Scooped yogurt with a spoon -
She licked it all at once.

Sweet, delicious lollipop -
A little lick - he's finished.

Ice cream

Eat delicious ice cream
I'm just sad without him!

I'll eat cheesecakes later
With condensed milk.

Corn, watermelon

Corn, corn,
It is not tastier than a watermelon!


Eat a plate of pasta
I'm in love with pasta.


Loves a hedgehog cherry compote
And he drinks milk with pleasure,
And he never drinks soda

Tomato juice

Drink my friend tomato juice,
You will be slender and tall.



Julia eats badly,
Doesn't listen to anyone.
- Eat an egg, Yulechka!
- I don’t want to, mummy!
- Eat a sandwich with a sausage!
Julia covers her mouth.
- Supik?
- No…
- A cutlet?
- No… -
Yulechkin's lunch is getting cold.
- What's the matter with you, Yulechka?
- Nothing, mommy!
- Do it, granddaughter, a sip,
Swallow another bite!
Have pity on us, Yulechka!
- I can’t, grandma!
Mom and grandmother in tears -
Julia melts before our eyes!
A children's doctor appeared -
Gleb Sergeevich Pugach,
He looks sternly and angrily:
- Julia has no appetite?
I can only see that she
Certainly not sick!
And I'll tell you, girl:
Everybody eats -
Both the beast and the bird
From hares to kittens
Everyone in the world wants to eat.
With a crunch, the Horse chews oats.
The yard dog gnaws the bone.
Sparrows peck grain
Wherever they get it
The Elephant has breakfast in the morning -
He loves fruit.
Brown Bear licks honey.
The Mole is having supper in the mink.
The monkey is eating a banana.
Looking for acorns Boar.
A clever Swift catches midges.
Cheese and lard
Loves the Mouse ...
The doctor said goodbye to Julia -
Gleb Sergeevich Pugach.
And Julia said loudly:
- Feed me, Mommy!

(S. Mikhalkov)

HOUSE AND porridge

Dunyasha shouts at the table:
"I do not want! I will not porridge! "
Mom and Dad:
"What's the matter?"
Grandfather with a woman:
Aunt and Uncle:
"Eat it, Dunyash!"
"Our breakfast!"

But Dunyasha turns his nose up:
"I'm tired of this porridge!"
Mom and Dad:
Grandfather with a woman:
"Oh no no no!"
Aunt and Uncle:
"Shame and disgrace!"
"Yum Yum Yum!"

Dunyasha is surprised:
"Where did the porridge go?"
Mom and Dad:
"Who could?"
Grandfather with a woman:
"Oh oh oh!"
Aunt and Uncle:
"Look, eyes!"

Became a clever Dunyasha:
"Cook porridge in the morning!"
Mom and Dad:
Grandfather with a woman:
"Ah, beauty!"
Aunt and Uncle:
"Well done!"
Wow, how he eats, that's the thing!
Spoon to the right, spoon to the left;
Have taught a lesson, will know!
Quickly into the crack under the bed. "
(K. Avdeenko)

Hope poems about food will help with feeding and your little ones will eat with pleasure!

Natalia Kozlova
"Holiday of Russian porridge"

« Russian ka holiday shi "

Target: to acquaint children with folk traditions related to grain crops, to consolidate knowledge about cereals and cereals, to give historical information about a variety of methods and recipes for making porridge; educate the child's taste, food culture, healthy image life.

Materials and equipment: plates, spoons, tablecloths, napkins, crinka, cast iron ,. Collection of dried cereal plants. Collection of cereals and legumes (beans, beans, peas) in glass jars.

Preliminary preparation:

cook a few different types cereals and legumes (rice, millet, semolina, pea, etc.); rehearse: ditties on the theme "Cereals and porridge"; song, ditties.

Holiday progress:

The holiday will be held in« Russian» a room with a stove

Educator (in a folk sundress): Hello dear guests!

In Russia, on the post-Christmas days, after the end of the fast, there was a grandiose holiday - porridge day... And we guys will learn a lot of interesting things about porridge today. Our ancestors had porridge as a dish festive and far from simple... At any festivities, ceremonies, porridge occupied one of the main places. Many have survived to this day folk signs about porridge

There is a lot of porridge in the field, to be a hayfoot.

-The gruel in the oven turns red, in summer to rain, in winter to snow.

Porridge from the pot will crawl out of the oven, for worse, into the oven, for good.

Magpie - white-sided

cooked porridge,

the guys called

listen about porridge

yes to eat porridge.

1st child: Masha is not given porridge,

Does not fit into the mouth from a spoon,

And candy no hassle

Themselves and climb into the mouth.

Is Masha to blame -

There is not enough space for kasha.

2nd child: Buckwheat porridge

Where was it brewed? In the stove.

Cooked, overturned,

So that Mitenka ate

He praised the porridge,

Divided into all.

Got it on a spoon

Goose on the path

Chickens in a basket

Tits in the window.

A spoon was enough

Dog and cat.

Music sounds, a soldier from a fairy tale enters "Porridge from an ax"

Soldier: Hello guys, where did I end up?

Children: on porridge holiday.

Soldier: Oh, I was lucky, but I thought I would again trick an old woman to cook porridge from an ax. Once I got on holiday of your favorite porridge, then I will now find out how you like porridge with you, and what you know about it. How are you ready?

Children: Yes.

Soldier: What kind you know porridge?

Children: semolina, buckwheat, oatmeal,

Soldier: Well done. And here I am a joke about porridge I know:

The man ate cabbage soup with porridge for a long time: put the spoon down, loosened his girdle, took a breath, and started again (clown about).

Soldier: Do you know proverbs and sayings about porridge?

1st child: Buckwheat porridge is our mother, and rye loaf is our dear father.

2nd child: You can't feed a Russian man without porridge.

3rd child: Oatmeal boasted that with cow butter was born.

4th child: Without porridge and lunch not at lunchtime.

5th child: Hope for someone else's porridge, but your own would be in the oven.

6th child: Porridge is our nurse,

7th child: Borscht without porridge widower, porridge without borscht is a widow.

Soldier: Ah, well done, and now I'll check if you know how to taste the types of cereals, come out three brave, daredevil, daredevil

Competition "What kind of porridge?"

Blindfolded kids pick the name porridge.

Soldier: Guess riddles:

Not a field, but worried. (cornfield)

Black, small crumb, they will collect a little.

They boil in water, whoever eats will praise. (buckwheat)

That turns green for two weeks

ears for two weeks,

two weeks bloom,

two weeks pouring,

two weeks dry? (rye)

As on the field, on the mound there is a hen with earrings. (oats)

Small baby, gold egg capsule. (millet)

One hundred brothers gathered in one hut to spend the night. (grains in an ear)

Without arms, without legs, crawling on the batog. (peas)

She gave birth to no one, but everyone calls her mother. (arable land)

A house grew up in a field,

The house is full of grain.

The walls are gilded

The shutters are boarded up.

The house is shaking

On a pillar of gold. (wheat, stems, ear)

Educator: Our dear guest, the guys know ditties about porridge.

"Chastooshkas about grain and about porridge"

1st child: Give porridge, give porridge,

Give porridge with milk.

Let's eat delicious porridge

And we'll sing ditties to you.

2nd child: Come to me for lunch,

Taste rich cabbage soup.

When I invite you again -

I'll treat you to barley porridge.

3rd child: Oh, girlfriends, it's bad,

My darling got sick.

He lost his appetite -

Half bucket ate porridge.

4th child: And I would dance and sing,

Only I have no strength at all.

Half bucket I would eat porridge,

If someone cooked.

5th child: Oh, our peas have grown

In a wide bed.

I'll cook porridge out of it -

And everything will be all right.

Together: For our health

They feed us all porridge

Semolina in milk

Everyone loves porridge!

Soldier: Well done, now let's check your strength, are you a lot ate porridge.

Contest Tug of War

Children are divided into two teams and compete with strength.

Soldier: How many delicious porridges can you cook, have you tried "Porridge from an ax"? And this is the name of my fairy tale, familiar to all of you from childhood. Do you know other tales? Now we will check.

What tale are these lines from?

"A mother and her son walked through a dark forest on the second day. And they had a pot of buckwheat porridge." ("A Pot of Buckwheat Porridge" by B. N. Sergunenkov)

"Once a pig sat down at the table and wanted a plate of buckwheat eat porridge... And a wolf slowly crept up behind him. " (The tale of buckwheat porridge.Andrei Tru)

"One, two, three cook a pot." (brothers Grimm)

"And do you, mistress, have something to eat? --- If there is nothing, you can cook porridge from an ax." (Russian folktale"Porridge from an ax").

"The crane is going to a banquet, and the fox boiled manna porridge and spread it all over the plate. " (Russian folktale"Fox and Crane")

"And that grain fell into the ground, and buckwheat grew out of the grain, about seventy-seven grains." (Russian folktale"The Tale of Buckwheat")

Contest: "Name the cereal and show the cereal".

Children take turns determining the cereal from which the porridge is cooked.

Soldier: Do children like to exercise their tongue with tongue twisters? repeat:

Dali Kluche porridge with curdled milk, Klusha ate porridge with yogurt.

There is porridge on the table, and Masha on the chair.

Masha ate porridge, my mother washed the bowl.

They gave Pasha porridge with yogurt, he did not want porridge with curdled milk... Give me an ordinary porridge.

Delicious porridge in a cat's cup.

Sweet porridge for Petya and for Sashka.

Our porridge is good - made from wheat and oats.

The mice ate porridge from a bowl. We washed the mice bowls for the bear.

Contest "Cinderella"

Children separate beans from peas.

Soldier: And now it's time for me to get on the road, well done, you guys now I know for sure you love porridge and know a lot about it, and I'll leave a pot for you as a gift porridge, which will add health and intelligence to you. Farewell. (leaves)

Educator: We were fed with porridge. That's why we grew up so big and smart that we ate porridge well in childhood - a spoon for dad, a spoon for mom. And if not enough porridge ate - who is to blame for you? Please note, it's not too late to catch up.

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Entertainment script

"Russian porridge - our mother"

Russian folk melody sounds

The Hostess enters

Hostess - Hello, dear guys, small and big!

Hello, my dear guests, old and young!

Many guests - joy to the host!

Can everyone see, can everyone hear, is there enough space for everyone?

We got together for a conversation,

We got together for some fun!

Host - We received a note,

Immediately to you and hastened,

You invited us to visit,

They promised to tell us

Something very interesting

About a thing that has long been known to everyone

None of us will understand

What will be discussed now?

Hostess - And there will be our conversation ... well, well, guess the riddle!

Pour cereals into the pan,

Cold water is poured

And they put it on the stove to cook,

And what can happen here? (Porridge)

The host is the Hostess, and our children know poems about porridge

1 child - kids love semolina porridge,

White, fluffy is eaten from the heart.

They love her with butter, love her with milk

Everyone will become beautiful and strong afterwards.

2 child - This is buckwheat porridge.

Sasha loves this porridge.

It is never quiet in the field

If buckwheat blooms there.

Bees fly at her

They want to take nectar.

3child - Meet the new porridge:

Everyone calls her pearl barley.

If you ask me:

"Is there barley porridge?"

I have a ready answer:

Yes, her name is pearl barley! "

4 child - please us with Natasha

You can only use millet porridge.

How delicious she is

Our millet porridge!

Where did it come from-

Yellowish millet?

There is no simpler question for us.

Know: millet-cereal from millet!

5 child - In the morning Katya is fed delicious

Warm corn porridge,

We grew up in a field not in the garden

Corn on the cob.

Corn every time

Grows taller than us!

6 child - White porridge from rice

More useful than any iris

The grains are white hard,

But pour water into the cast iron

Put it on the light

Sprinkle some sugar.

Salted a little

And grab the spoon.

7 child - Kashi was not alone,

Have you guessed? Oat!

He did not grow up in distant countries

Wonderful oats!

Oats grew in our district,

And nowhere - anywhere in the south!

8 child - We told about porridge-

And about ours and about yours.

We did our best for you!

Did you like the story?

Hostess - For a long time in Russia, porridge was a favorite food. It was impossible to imagine a single holiday without traditional Russian porridge.

Lead - Porridge goes a long way. Before you get to our table. People of many professions are working on this (slide)

  • Farmers put a lot of work into growing a good harvest. They water, feed, plow the land, sow seeds of cereals and monitor their shoots (slide)
  • When the ears are ripe, harvesting begins. Special machines - headers mow the stalks of cereals and place them in windrows. And when the windrows dry out in the sun, the harvesters pick them up and thresh the ears (slide).
  • The grain is taken to elevators. On elevators in special machines, grain is dried, cleaned and sent to factories in filling shops, where it is packed and sent to stores for sale (slide)
  • From the store, cereals go to our home and kindergartens (slide)
  • Our chefs prepare delicious, aromatic, crumbly porridge (slide)
  • Porridge is very useful for children and adults, they are rich in proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins! (slide)

No wonder they say "Porridge is our mother" and compose songs about it.

Host - And we know the song about porridge

A song about porridge.

1.Better porridge not in the world

Go around the whole world!

Loved by adults and children,

Eat porridge for lunch.

2. There are many vitamins in porridge.

We always need porridge

In every house, in every kitchen,

Porridge should always be!

3.To make people strong,

Were full of happiness

Let's increase porridge

We are the health of the whole country!

Hostess - The Russian people came up with many proverbs and sayings about porridge. Let's remember them (parents)

Hostess - Well done, you know a lot of proverbs and sayings!

And there is also this: "If you don't forget about the porridge, you will be beautiful, strong, cheerful!"

Let's take a look at this scene.

"About Masha and Porridge"

Our Masha shouted:

I do not want! I will not porridge!

Mom and Dad:

What's the matter?

Grandfather with a woman:

Oh oh oh!

Aunt and Uncle:

Eat it. Mash!

And the mice:

Breakfast is ours!

But Masha turns her nose up:

Tired of this porridge!

Mom and Dad:


Granny and grandfather:

Ah ah ah!

Aunt and Uncle:

Shame and disgrace!

And the mice:

Yum Yum Yum!

Masha is surprised here:

Where did the porridge go?

Mom and Dad:

Who could?

Grandfather with a woman:

Oh oh oh!

Aunt and Uncle:

Look, eyes!

And the mice:


Masha became clever:

Cook porridge in the morning!

Mom and Dad:


Grandfather with a woman:

Ah, beauty!

Aunt and Uncle:

Well done!

And the mice:


Masha - I want to run faster than everyone

And jump high!

I want all the victories

It was easy for me!

And if, you guys,

Want to keep up

It is necessary to refuse

Stop from porridge !!!

Hostess - This is how important it is to eat porridge. You yourself know that. And not only do you know, but ditties have been written about it. Let's listen to them.


1.Let us dedicate our ditties

We are a glorious mess today:

Millet, semolina, oatmeal

Groats and vegetables.

2. Mom makes Sasha

Eat porridge daily

Sasha doesn't want to eat ...

He cries over the plate.

3) don't make tea

I don't want to drink tea:

Better serve porridge

I want to be healthy!

4. Our Dima ate a lot of porridge,

Grew up right before our eyes

If he didn't eat porridge,

Then I would immediately get sick.

5.A hundred-year-old grandfather answered us,

Why hasn't aged:

“Because I am. guys

As a child, I only ate porridge! "

6.I eat porridge every day -

And I will be healthy

And of course to praise

I won't forget my mother.

7.Russian porridge, delicious porridge

We'll eat today

Let's gain our strength

And we will fly to Mars!

Host - Soroka - Beloboka cooked porridge, fed the children - remember this song?

Magpie - (coming out) Who remembered me?

Ah, guys! Hello! I love children for you, cook porridge, and feed you hearty and tasty.

Do you guys know, without which there is no delicious porridge? Guess my riddles:

What always lies on top of the porridge? (butter)

They don't eat me alone, and they don't eat anything without me? (salt)

Liquid, not water, white and not snow (milk)

I'm white as snow, honored by everyone

And you like me to the detriment of your teeth (sugar)

Magpie - Well done, guys, they named everything.

I'll also play with you. I'll call different products, if

They are suitable for cooking porridge, say yes if not

Suitable - "no".

Playing with the audience.

Magpie - white-sided

I decided to cook porridge,

To feed the kids

I went to the market

And this is what she took:

Fresh milk ... (yes)

Chicken egg ... (no)

Semolina ... (yes)

Cabbage ... (no)

Pickled cucumber ... (no)

Jellied meat ... (no)

Sugar and salt ... (yes)

White beans ... (no)

Ghee ... (yes)

Salted fish ... (yes)

Bay leaf ... (no)

Chinese rice ... (yes)

Prunes and raisins ... (yes)

Chocolate delight ... (no)

Bulgarian pepper ... (no)

Tatar sauce ... (no)

Strawberry jam ... (yeah)

Biscuit biscuits ... (no)

Magpie - Well done, guys, they named everything correctly. Now I have to go -

I'm going to cook porridge for you, the stove is already ready

Hostess - And now we'll see if you remember which foods

Needed for porridge (game - competition with parents "Bring,

What is needed for porridge ")

Host - While forty - white-sided cooks porridge for us, watch the dance “Cook,

Cook, porridge. "

Enter Magpie with a pot of porridge:

While you were talking about porridge

The oven and fire worked a miracle.

The cereal combined with milk and butter.

Delicious porridge turned out.

I have an unusual porridge in the oven,

Not white, not brown.

As the sun is yellow

How sweet is honey.

Pumpkin with rice porridge,

Let your soul rejoice.

And not only will I treat you,

I'll give my recipe.

The hostess puts the porridge on the plates. Distributes to everyone, Soroka - distributes recipes and helps the Mistress. Music sounds, everyone eats porridge

Mistress - The porridge was a success!

I languished in the stove

Blush covered.

Every grain is boiled

They treated everyone with porridge,

May there be success in everything!

Praise the porridge,

Magpie - white-sided "Thank you" say!

Extracurricular activity

"Porridge is our mother"


    Learn to distinguish and name cereals and their cereals.

    To form children's knowledge about healthy eating, about the benefits of porridge in the diet of baby food.

    Strengthen the knowledge of children about the work of grain growers.

    Foster a positive attitude in children towards healthy eating.

    Arouse the desire to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Equipment: laptop, presentation, CDs, model of a Russian stove, semolina porridge, posters with proverbs about porridge, children's drawings.

Each nation has its own way of life, its customs, its own holidays, songs and fairy tales. Each nation has its own, inherent only to him, traditions and feasts.
Today the heroine of our holiday will be her MAJESTY KASH!
Who among us has never tasted porridge at least once in our life.

The mother of bread is called it among the people. In Russia, porridge from time immemorial occupied the most important place in the daily diet; it was one of the staples of both the poor and the rich. Hence the Russian proverb:
"Porridge is OUR MOTHER". (slide 1)

There are hardly any other dish of Russian cuisine that has so many legends and fairy tales as about porridge - a symbol of prosperity. This is due to the fact that since ancient times the Slavic tribes were engaged in agriculture, cultivated rye, wheat, barley, millet. As with any people-tiller, grain and its products have become the subject of religious veneration among the Russian people.

. For a long time in Russia, porridge was a favorite food. Porridge in Russia has always been treated with trepidation. Porridge for a Russian person was not just food, but a ceremonial dish. It was impossible to imagine any celebration or holiday without traditional Russian porridge. Porridge was a must-have at the wedding feast. The wedding feast was called "kash ey".

Porridge was also cooked when peace between the warring parties was concluded: as a sign of peace and friendship, the opponents gathered at the same table to eat porridge.

Guys! Do you remember the very first verses about porridge that every child knows?

"Magpie - white-sided
I cooked porridge,
She fed the children ... "

(FORTY comes out and shows verse movements)

MAGPIE. Do you guys know, without which there is no delicious porridge? Guess - ka my riddles, then we will name with you everything that is needed for a good porridge.

    What always lies on top of the porridge? (butter)

    They don't eat me alone, and they don't eat anything without me! (salt)

    Liquid, not water, white, not snow. (milk)

    I'm white as snow, honored by everyone

    And you like me to the detriment of your teeth. (sugar)

MAGPIE. Now play a game with me (Say a word)

1.Guess our riddle

You will not spoil with butter (porridge)

Porridge (semolina) for all children

3. Provides growth to all children,

Healthy porridge(buckwheat)

4. Slowly chew

Yellow porridge(millet)

5 we write on both cheeks

White porridge (rice)

6) Weight Gives Strength

Bogatyr (Hercules)

7 I run to the cafeteria

I love porridge (pearl barley)

8 we're finishing breakfast

Delicious porridge (barley)

9 spoons licked together

And thank you all (said)

... Children recite poems about porridge.

As for Kashin's birthday
The porridge was brought with jam.
So you and I ate -
The stomachs ached.

We have fun at school
We chew delicious porridge
We grow up every day
We are gaining strength and health.

Since childhood, you need to eat porridge
She's better than chocolate
Eat buckwheat in the morning
The day will pass like a bang.

White porridge from rice
More useful than any iris
The grains are white, hard,
But pour water into the cast iron
Put it on the light
Yes, sprinkle some sugar
Salted a little
And grab the spoon.

Eat porridge "Hercules" -
This is a miracle of miracles!
Eat, you will become a strong man
Any weight does not care!

Kids love semolina porridge,
White, fluffy eat from the heart
They love her with butter, love her with milk
Everyone will become beautiful and
Strong then!

MODERATOR: Guys! What porridge do you like the most? (Children call their favorite porridge)
MODERATOR: Have you ever eaten porridge from an ax?
(dramatization of the researcher “Porridge from an ax)
(Soldier and old woman appear)
MODERATOR: A soldier came from a campaign to the apartment and said to the hostess:

    Hello. God's old lady! Give me something to eat.

    Hang on a carnation over there

    Are you completely deaf. what don't you smell?

    Wherever you like, you will spend the night there!

    Deaf! Serve on the table!

    Yes, nothing, darling!

    Cook the gruel

    Yes, not from anything!

    I'll cook porridge from an ax!

LEADING:. The soldier took the ax, put it in a pot, poured water and let's cook. Mixes with a spoon, tastes ...

    I took gruel for everyone, if only to add a little cereal!

(The old woman, sighing, takes out the cereal and gives it to the Soldier.)
Host: The soldier is pouring cereal, trying it.

    Are you ready?

    I would be completely ready, but you just need to season with butter.

(The old woman, after hesitating, takes out oil and gives it to the Soldier.)

Well, old woman, now serve salt, bring bread and spoons, let's eat gruel

(The old woman and the Soldier sit down at the table. They eat porridge from cast iron)
(Old woman, savoring porridge):

Servant, and when will we eat the ax?

Yes, you see, he's not boiled down yet, then I'll cook and have breakfast ..

(stands up)

Well, be healthy, mistress!

(Takes an ax, bows to the Old Woman, leaves.)
The old woman gets up after the soldier, sees him off, shaking her head.
MODERATOR: This is how the soldier ate porridge and took the ax away.

    What do you guys think the Soldier could cook with an ax?

Children call cereals that can be boiled in water and without sugar.

Porridge - primordially Russian dish... Special cereals were cooked in honor of any significant event.
So the bride and groom must have cooked porridge and eat it when they were guests.
At the birth of a child, “baba's porridge” was prepared - a steep, salty, which the young father was supposed to eat.
And you know that people have been using wheat, barley, oats for food for more than 9 thousand years. But rice and buckwheat are only 4 thousand years old.
The youngest on this list is corn, only 3 thousand years old.

Presentation on the topic: "Russian porridge is our mother!"

Porridge goes a long way before getting to our table. People of many professions are working on this. (Slide 2)

Farmers invest a lot of work in order to grow a good harvest. They water, feed, plow the land, sow seeds of cereals and monitor their shoots. (Slide 3-5)

When the ears are ripe and hard, the harvest begins. Special header machines mow the stalks of cereals and place them in windrows. And when the windrows dry out in the sun, the harvesters pick them up and thresh the ears. (Slide 6-8)

Grain is taken to grain processing plants, elevators. At elevators in special machines, grain is dried, cleaned of impurities and sent to factories in packing shops, where they are packed and sent to stores for sale. (Slide 9-10)

From the store, cereals go to our home and kindergartens. (Slide 11)

Our chefs prepare delicious, aromatic, crumbly porridge. (Slide 12)

Porridge is very useful for children and adults, they are rich in proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins. Bon Appetit! (Slide 13-14)

Poems about semolina

Masha came to her grandmother,
Grandma cooked porridge for her.
"Sit down, welcome guest,
Semolina porridge will cool.
Granulated porridge
Yes, with fragrant milk!
Take a spoon, Masha,
Eat porridge rather!
But Masha waves her hands
"I don't want your porridge!"

Suddenly thunder shook the house,
Everything swayed around:
This is a tractor with a tractor driver
Appeared under the window.
For a long time Masha was scolded, scolded:
“We plowed, harrowed the fields
Wheat has grown, you can get lost:
Thick, high. Do not reach the spikelet "

Here the harvester walks through the village,
Fastened with a thousand nuts.
"Show the girl Masha,
That does not eat our semolina porridge!
How not to get angry with a combiner-
Or did they harvest wheat in vain ?! "

And the cow came and moaned:
"I gave milk for porridge!"
Yes, how the cow stomps its hoof:
"I'm angry at the caprice too!"
She shook the cow with horns:
“I shouldn't have wandered the meadows?
Is my milk not fragrant
From silky grass-ants? "

Then the stove rattled like a shutter:
“I worked a lot too,
Look how hot your back is-
I cooked porridge for Masha "
How much did everyone work for Masha
Eat at least a spoonful, Masha, porridge!
Masha sat down closer to the window,
Whispers: "Give me a spoon, grandma!"

Mashenka came out on the porch,
Bowed low to the river,
Tractor driver and combine operator,
And a cheerful guy chauffeur,
Hot stove, nimble three-ton,
Noisy mill, red cow,
Masha hugged her grandmother:
"Thanks to all, good porridge!!!

Contest "Porridge Connoisseurs"

It is necessary, blindfolded, to taste to determine what kind of porridge it is.

    Guys! What porridge did you meet before anything else in your life?

    With semolina porridge!

    What cereal was it made from? (from wheat)

2 blindfolded people feed from one bowl each other porridge.

Children recite poetry

If your thoughts are in disorder,
If your head is confused,
They say: you have porridge in your head!
Only this, friends, is too much!
After all, you must agree, guys
That the saying is wrong:
Well, is the porridge to blame for the stupid head!

If all your words are mixed,
If your speech cannot be understood ...
They say that in the mouth vas- porridge!
Blame the poor fellow again.

But agree, guys,
That the verdict is unfair.
Is the porridge to blame
When your tongue is lazy!

If your shoes are torn,
And a leg is visible in the hole,
They say: shoes ask for porridge,
So she's to blame again!

But isn't it right guys
Should we take out anger on porridge?
After all, is porridge to blame
What is badly hammered into the sole of the nail?
Do not believe in different tricks

Leading. The Russian people came up with the proverb "Russian porridge - our mother!" and these words are correct. Whole grain of cereals carries the natural strength, the strength of the earth - mother. Cereals from whole grain contain proteins, carbohydrates, fats and vitamins, they are very beneficial for our health.

The presenter invites the children to remember what cereals they know.

What was the porridge made of? ”.

From rice groatsrice porridge.

Buckwheat - buckwheat porridge.

From millet groats - millet porridge.

Wheat - semolina porridge.

From barley - pearl barley porridge.

From oats - oatmeal"Hercules".

From corn - corn porridge.

. The game.

We will play with you now
An interesting game.
That from which we cook porridge,
I'll tell you now.
Listen carefully
Answer thoroughly.
If I say it right,
say yes to the answer.
Well, if it is suddenly wrong,
Feel free to answer no.
Magpie - white-sided
I decided to cook porridge,
To feed the kids.
I went to the market
And that's what she took ...
New milk?
Jellied meat?
Sugar and salt?
White beans?
Melted butter?
Salted fish?
Bay leaf?
Chinese rice?
Bulgarian pepper?
Tatar sauce?
Strawberry jam?
Sponge cake?
Nice porridge turned out.
It's time to cook the porridge and try it.

Children's stories about porridges.

* Barley is one of the oldest cereals cultivated by people. A hearty pearl barley porridge is cooked from barley grains. She was very fond of the Russian Tsar Peter I. Pearl barley add to mushroom soup and ear. Barley porridge very useful it contains a lot of proteins, carbohydrates and fats.

*Millet groats obtained from the grains of millet. Millet porridge is made from it. Especially tasty porridge turns out, cooked from a mixture of rice and millet, such porridge is called royal. Millet porridge very useful, it contains a lot of carbohydrates.

* Very important early
Eat oatmeal for breakfast.

From oat grains get air cereals, which are called "Hercules". Herculean porridge very useful and satisfying, if eaten every morning for breakfast, then grow up strong and healthy.


The first ditty about porridge,
she is an assistant in our life.

Let's dedicate our ditties
We are a glorious mess today
Millet, semolina, oatmeal,
Cereals and vegetables

They loved to eat in Russia
and especially honored porridge
millet, oat
buckwheat, semolina

Sings to us softly
the one who loves porridge
who does not like let him sit
only looks and is silent

We're sitting at breakfast
We eat millet porridge,
Every student knows
Mind without breakfast wilted

Our life is hard
We need a dining room.
Cooks are needed and porridge -
This is our school.

I give preference
I am milk porridge
So that with each new day
Become more beautiful.

Porridge is very useful for everyone
Millet, pearl barley,
Because in this mess
The power is one hundred percent!

An adult dad loves porridge
Grandfather and grandma - they love
But they are each other in the morning
There is porridge - they do not force ...

Life is not sweet for soldiers,
In the morning - porridge, according to the layout.
Croutons and pancakes are harmful
For the defenders of the country.

I will love porridge right away
By army order.
For breakfast, in the army - always,
Porridge is the main food.

What's for breakfast? Porridge again!
Oh, Masha doesn't love her.
You stuff your mouth full
But everything does not go to the stomach.

Mom makes Sasha
Eat porridge daily.
Sasha does not want to eat,
He weeps over the plate

Don't brew tea
I don't want to drink tea:
Better serve porridge
I want to be healthy!

Our Dima ate a lot of porridge,
Grew up right before our eyes.
If he didn't eat porridge,
Then he immediately fell ill.

A hundred-year-old grandfather answered us,
Why hasn't aged:
“Because I guys
As a child, I only ate porridge! "

I eat porridge every day -
And I will be healthy
And of course praise
I won't forget my mother.

Russian porridge, delicious porridge
We'll eat today
Let's gain our strength
And we will fly to Mars!


Healthy, satisfying, tasty, appetizing porridge. What proverbs do you know about her? Children are called proverbs.

Cabbage soup yes porridge - food our.

You can't spoil porridge with butter.

As you made the porridge, and disentangle it.

You can't cook porridge by talking.

Lunch is not lunch without porridge.

Feel sorry for the water, and you can't cook porridge.

Don't eat porridge from an empty cup.

The porridge is good, but the cup is small.

There is no better porridge in the world
Go around the whole world!
Loved by adults and children,
Eat porridge for lunch.

There are many vitamins in porridge,
We always need porridge
In every house, in every kitchen,
Porridge should always be!

For people to be strong
Were full of happiness
We will increase the porridge,
We are the health of the whole country!

1) Who wrote the tale " Magic pot", In which the whole city filled up with porridge. What words should you say to the pot? (Brothers Grimm; "cook a pot" and "do not cook a pot")
2) How many children did the magpie have? (Five)
3) Name the author of the tale "Porridge from an ax" (R. n. Page)
4) What did the Fox treat to the Crane? (semolina)
5) What porridge is made from, which pops from tales A, C, Pushkin fed his employee?
(From spelled Polboy in Russia they called a special type of wheat-s a brittle ear, i.e. wheat porridge)
6) What kind of porridge were fed daily to Roman gladiators? (barley, i.e. pearl barley.)
7) Do you know where the concept of "classmates" came from? (In the old days, students went to school with a pot of porridge for lunch. During the break, they all ate porridge together, that is, they ate one porridge.)

Now let's see how you listened today and what you remember:

Guess the porridge

This porridge of vitamins is full

Though she looks black... (Buckwheat)

Little children love her

The most delicious in the world. (Semolina)

They call it the porridge of beauty.

Love her and you... (Oatmeal)

White grains melt in your mouth,

China is remembered, (Rice)

Boiled grains
Sparkle like pearls

This porridge is my favorite... (Pearl barley)

Small grains

They resemble the sun.

Yellow in a pot

Hearty in the belly. (Millet)


Indeed, "Russian porridge is our mother." Today we have learned a lot of interesting and useful things about cereals.

Hot porridge, cold porridge.
Our favorite is languishing in a pot.
Long ago we became friends with her,
But we can't choose which one is tastier?

And with fervor and heat she is beautiful,
And cold porridge is also tasty.
We will not hesitate with a question like this
And we will eat any porridge faster.

Goodbye guys
Eat more sweet porridge
And then no one in the world
You won't blame you children
That you ate little porridge
And you barely grow

Goodbye friends
I want to wish you:
Everyone be both upward and outward
A real hero!

Do not crowd at the gate, porridge is calling us!

expanding children's knowledge about proper nutrition, aimed at maintaining and strengthening health;

awakening children's interest in folk traditions related to nutrition and health;

to form an idea of ​​the connection between the diet and the lifestyle of our ancestors, about high-calorie and useful products food;

to develop in children the skills of cooking tasty, healthy, various cereals as an obligatory component of the student's menu,

educating parents in the organization of proper nutrition for primary school children

The classroom is designed like a Russian hut: in the background there is a Russian stove: it is made of plywood so that you can put a pot in it. In the middle there are wooden tables and benches. On the table are pots and bowls of porridge, a samovar.

A few days before the holiday, participants are invited to look through various books about the history of Russian cuisine, recall fairy tales, as well as Russian proverbs, sayings, and tongue twisters about porridge.

Parents and guests received a colorful invitation to the holiday.

Come in, honest people!

Don't crowd at the gate!

Guests, I ask you to the table!

Let's plunge into the old days!

Each nation has its own way of life, its customs, its own holidays, songs and fairy tales. Each nation has its own, inherent only to him, traditions and feasts.

Today the heroine of our holiday will be her MAJESTY KASH!

Who among us has never tasted porridge at least once in our life.

The mother of bread is called it among the people. In Russia, porridge from time immemorial occupied the most important place in the daily diet; it was one of the staples of both the poor and the rich. Hence the Russian proverb:

"Porridge is OUR MOTHER".

There are hardly any other dish of Russian cuisine that has so many legends and fairy tales as about porridge - a symbol of prosperity. This is due to the fact that since ancient times the Slavic tribes were engaged in agriculture, cultivated rye, wheat, barley, millet. As with any people-tiller, grain and its products have become the subject of religious veneration among the Russian people.

Porridge was a must-have at the wedding feast. The wedding feast was called "kash ey".

Here's the story with Dmitry Donskoy's porridge. Having decided to marry the daughter of the Nizhny Novgorod prince, he, according to custom, had to go to the bride's father for porridge. But Dmitry, the prince of Moscow, considered it beneath his dignity to celebrate a wedding on the land of the future father-in-law and invited him to his place. The prince of Nizhny Novgorod also did not agree to such an "offensive" proposal. Then they chose the middle ground. The porridge was not cooked in Moscow or Novgorod, but in Kolomna. This story, they say, is associated with the emergence of the popular Russian proverb "to make porridge."

Porridge was also cooked when peace between the warring parties was concluded: as a sign of peace and friendship, the opponents gathered at the same table to eat porridge. If an agreement could not be reached, then they said: "You cannot cook porridge with him!" This expression has survived to this day.

To make porridge is to start a big business. We guys didn't see each other for a long time and decided to start the school year with a big deal.

The porridge was brewed by parents and children of the 2nd grade.

Wonderful porridge came out!

Fragrant, fragrant, crumbly!

Porridge is a dish of antiquity,

Everyone should eat it!

Who will cook us delicious porridge?

You call the magpie,

Ask for tasty porridge!

Children: Magpie-white-sided

I cooked porridge,

Guests were beckoned to us.

Guests to the courtyard,

Porridge on the table!

Enter FORTY:

Good afternoon to all guests!

From the bottom of my heart I am glad to see you!

I rode to the threshold in the morning,

I summoned all of you to visit.

To eat lovely children,

The dish is delicious to taste.

I tried so hard, friends,

Which is impossible to tell!

I cooked delicious porridge,

I haven't fed you yet.

Magpie-Beloboka, where have you been?

Far! She flew across the field, collected grains, stoked the stove, cooked porridge, summoned the kids, and treated them to porridge. I ask you for the table, dear guests!

And we, Soroka, learned that there are several versions of a children's song about you. Listen ...

Children's song about Soroka-Belobok

Do you guys know, without which there is no delicious porridge? Guess - ka my riddles, then we will name with you everything that is needed for a good porridge.

What always lies on top of the porridge? (butter)

They don't eat me alone, and they don't eat anything without me! (salt)

Liquid, not water, white, not snow. (milk)

I'm white as snow, honored by everyone

And you like me to the detriment of your teeth. (sugar)

Magpie: Well done, guys! They all named. And now I'm going to cook porridge for you, the stove is already ready.

Teacher: Guys! What porridge do you like the most? (Children call their favorite porridge)

Teacher: Have you ever eaten porridge from an ax?

(Dramatization of Russian folk tale"Porridge from an ax")

What do you guys think the Soldier could cook with an ax? (Children call cereals that can be boiled in water and without sugar)

Porridge is a primordially Russian dish. Special cereals were cooked in honor of any significant event.

So the bride and groom must have cooked porridge and eat it when they were guests.

At the birth of a child, “baba's porridge” was prepared - a steep, salty, which the young father was supposed to eat.

Russian gatherings never did without a ringing ditty. So our cheerful girls have prepared perky ditties.

Ditties about porridge

1 The Russian stove was flooded

They brought a vigorous buckwheat

Oil flavored her

We wanted more

2 Fall asleep in a bowl of rice

Filled it with water

Rice rose, boiled

Breathes, breathes as if alive

3 With golden millet

We steamed the pumpkin

Licked all the spoons

No crumbs left

4 Cooked porridge with an ax

It turned out to be nonsense

Cereals were poured into the cauldron

And stuffed their bellies

5 We sang ditties for you

Is it good is it bad

And we want you more often

For breakfast, they ate porridge.

And you know that people have been using wheat, barley, oats for food for more than 9 thousand years. But rice and buckwheat are only 4 thousand years old.

The youngest on this list is corn, only 3 thousand years old.

Spoon game

And now a little

Let's play Spoon.

To play more fun

Remember the verse soon:

We cooked porridge,

They ate and praised.

Little Dunyasha

There was not enough porridge.

Don't cry, Dunyasha,

You will have some porridge.

Wait a little

I'll bring a spoon.

TEACHER - Guys! Most suitable dish for breakfast is porridge. Porridge contain required amount nutrients... In addition, they are easily absorbed, which is important in the morning (after all, the child's body is just waking up).

What's your favorite porridge?

(Children call their favorite porridge)

Guys! What porridge did you meet before anything else in your life?

With semolina porridge!

What cereal was it made from?

TEACHER: Semolina, made from wheat, is easily digestible and very high-calorie foods... It is recommended to give it to the child for breakfast before serious stress (control, competition)

Who made semolina today? The floor is yours!

Song about semolina

In our class, all the guys love porridge. We conducted a survey and found out that

People like semolina -14





And so we decided to protect the porridge.

Porridge protection

If your thoughts are in disorder,

If your head is confused,

They say: you have porridge in your head!

Only this, friends, is too much!

After all, you must agree, guys

That the saying is wrong:

Well, is the porridge to blame for the stupid head!

If all your words are mixed,

If your speech cannot be understood ...

They say that you have porridge in your mouth!

Blame the poor fellow again.

But agree, guys,

That the verdict is unfair.

Is the porridge to blame

When your tongue is lazy!

If your shoes are torn,

And a leg is visible in the hole,

They say: shoes ask for porridge,

So she's to blame again!

But isn't it right guys

Should we take out anger on porridge?

After all, is porridge to blame

What is badly hammered into the sole of the nail?

Do not believe you in the attacks of these-



1) The Brothers Grimm wrote a fairy tale in which the whole city was filled with porridge. What is it called? What words should you say to the pot? ("Magic pot", "cook a pot" and "do not cook a pot")

2) How many children did the white-sided magpie have? (Five)

4) What did the Fox treat to the Crane? (semolina)

5) What is the porridge made from which the priest from the fairy tale of A.S. Pushkin fed his employee?

(From spelled. In Russia they called spelled special kind wheat with brittle ears, i.e. wheat porridge)

6) What was the famous "Suvorov" porridge made from?

Famous recipe Suvorov porridge was born during the historical transition of Suvorov's army across the Alps. The stocks were coming to an end - a little bit of peas, millet, pearl barley remained. buckwheat. How to feed the emaciated soldiers? Suvorov ordered to cook everything in a common pot, adding onions and oil. It turned out to be very tasty and healthy, and this porridge is now called "Suvorov"

7) “I sprinkled semolina with a spoon. Then he added salt. I tried, well, it's impossible to eat! Then I thought, maybe there is not enough sugar or jam? And then I remembered: we have hell! You can eat almost anything with horseradish. " (V. Dragunsky "The Secret Becomes Revealed")

8) Do you know where the concept of "classmates" came from? (In the old days, students went to school with a pot of porridge for lunch. During the break, they all ate porridge together, that is, they ate one porridge.)

9) Father came up to him.

Says to him: “Listen,

On patrol, Vanyusha,

I'll give you peas and beans

Cook porridge ... (From what fairy tale? P. Ershov "The Little Humpbacked Horse")

10) “He made a wonderful pot, which was hung with bells. And when they cooked something in it, the bells rang out the old song ... "(From what fairy tale? (HK Andersen" The Swineherd ")

11) "And where a small grain fell, a plant unseen before turned green from its husk" (N. Teleshov "Krupenichka")

12) It got dark soon. We lit the lamp. We sit and wait for the porridge to cook. Suddenly I looked: the lid on the pan was lifted and porridge was coming out from under it. " (N.Nosov "Mishkina porridge")

Here are how many books we have read about porridge! More precisely, 15 works! And they drew drawings for them, collected recipes, Alyosha Karpushov prepared a creative work on the benefits of porridge.

(Music screensaver)

Dance "Cook"

We got up early today

And while mommy sleeps

They decided to cook porridge for her,

To surprise you with something.

We are they were looking for cereals,

Escaped milk

How it happened, we do not know

It can be seen nimble


Cook, cook porridge

Boil and have more fun

We will delight all our friends today

Cook, cook porridge

Cook and don't be lazy

The plates and spoons are already tired of you.

Together we decided

Outwit milk

And this time the bucket

For reliability, pour

To make the porridge tasty

They added what they could

Sausage, candy, roll.

Salted from the heart.

What have you children cooked here?

Where did you find such a recipe?

Mom was still surprised

We are so young!

Now is the time to have a feast for the whole world! And the samovars are already ripe!

All guests sit down at the tables, treat themselves to porridge, share recipes.

BON APPETIT! Parents and pupils of the 2nd grade cooked and ate porridge.


Balinskaya I. Povarenok. Funny Cooking: A Book for Children. M, 1995.-p. 46-53.

Kovalev V.M., Mogilny N.P., Russian cuisine: Traditions and customs.- M., 1990.- p. 106-109.

My first book on cooking M. 1995.-p. 146-150.

M.M. Bezrukikh, T.A. Filippova, A, G, Makeeva. Conversation about proper nutrition. Methodological guide for the teacher. "NESTLE" "OLMA - PRESS" M, 2006 p. 20-24. "We read, learn, play"7; 2005. Journal-collection of scripts for libraries and schools.

At a simple watchman

Uneven house:

Often there is a centipede in it

Wanders under the table.

The centipede treasures

Clean feet

And "Stolichnaya" Wax

Cleans a hundred boots.

Instead of two, it's not easy

Clean out one hundred percent.

So many shoes at once

Nobody wore it!

Have a simple centipede

Worth standing up

And that centipede

To learn from experience.

We have three sisters.

Don't you know them?

How would I contrive

Tell about three?

One in Strizhov,

A swift lived above the window.

She is a craftswoman to cut -

Come to her, baby!

The other one in the Oysters,

There are no oysters.

But sturgeon

Served for lunch.

And at the third, in Bystritsa,

Bystrina on the river

And the newts frolic

At night on the sand.