How much to cook barley porridge. How much to cook pearl barley

05.09.2019 Buffet table

Today we will tell you how to properly cook barley in water, milk and in a slow cooker. We will acquaint you with all the intricacies of making pearl barley porridge and reveal 22 secrets of this most useful product.

How to cook barley in water

Many housewives do not like to cook barley dishes because of the long cooking of cereals. We know how to cook barley porridge in water quickly. The recipe for the dish is simple, and the set of products is simple.


  • pearl barley (100 g);
  • water (4 and a half glasses);
  • cinnamon (1 stick or 1 teaspoon ground);
  • sugar to taste.

Nutritional value of pearl barley on water:

Total cooking time: 35 min., Yield: 3 servings.

How to cook barley on the stove quickly? The recipe includes a few simple steps:

1. Soak 100 grams (1/2 cup) of pearl barley in 3/4 cups water for 1 hour.

2. Pour the remaining three and a half cups of water into a saucepan along with a cinnamon stick, cover, and bring to a boil.

3. Add the soaked cereal with the water in which it stood. Cook the barley over medium heat for 30 minutes.

4. Remove the saucepan from the stove, add sugar to taste, stirring occasionally, until it is completely dissolved. Barley porridge on the water is ready.

Pearl barley with milk

Barley porridge in milk is cooked without pre-soaking cereals. Cooking time: 95 min.

Ingredients for three servings:

  • 1 medium mug of pearl barley (100 g);
  • 3 cups of milk 1%;
  • a quarter glass of sugar (25 g);
  • salt to taste.

How to cook barley in milk? See the recipe for the dish:

1. Place cereals in a saucepan with 5 glasses of water, bring to a boil.

2. Switch to low heat, cover and simmer for about an hour, until there is no water in the pot (or drain off after the cereal swells).

3. Pour in 3 cups of milk and 1/4 cup of sugar. Continue cooking, stirring occasionally for about 35 minutes, until the porridge is the desired consistency.

4. Remove from heat, add cinnamon or raisins as desired and taste.

Barley porridge in a slow cooker is prepared in water or milk, depending on the family's preferences. The groats are placed in the multicooker container after soaking the cereals.

Porridge products:

  • pearl barley (1 glass);
  • milk 1% fat (1 liter);
  • butter, salt and sugar to taste.


1. Pour cereals into a bowl and rinse thoroughly. 2. Pour in a liter of cold water and leave to swell for 12 hours. 3. Rinse the barley one more time, transfer to the multicooker container. 4. Add 1 liter of boiled milk, salt and sugar to the barley. 5. Select the "extinguishing" mode for 3-4 hours, and then leave on heating for the same amount of time.

The porridge will turn out better if you use fresh milk. Otherwise, the product may spoil the taste of the dish.

Proportions for cooking porridge

For the preparation of pearl barley porridge, the following proportions are usually used:

  • 1: 3 (one glass of pearl barley and 3 glasses of water);
  • 1: 5 (porridge with a viscous consistency).

To prepare the side dish, you must use the proportions of 1: 3.

How long does it take to cook barley

Recipe in water: soak for one hour, cook over medium heat for 35 - 45 minutes.

Porridge with milk (without soaking): 1 hour 35 minutes.

In a slow cooker: 3 - 4 hours in the "extinguishing" mode and the same amount on heating.

Useful properties of barley

If you knew how to cook barley and cook side dishes or cereals, you might look younger and not know about many ailments. What's the secret?

Pearl barley is considered part of a balanced diet. It contains vitamins (A, B, E, D, PP), antioxidants, proteins and minerals.

1. Maintains the elasticity of the skin, tones and improves its tone.

Barley contains selenium, which keeps the skin elastic and protects it from free radicals. It also improves the functioning of the heart, pancreas and the immune system. Deficiency of this mineral leads to oncology of the skin, colon, prostate, liver, stomach and breast.

2. Slows down the signs of aging of the body and skin. This is achieved thanks to antioxidants and other beneficial elements, because with their help toxins are removed from the body.

3. Thanks to zinc, the healing of internal and external wounds is accelerated.

4. Do you have hair problems? Could it be that nutritional deficiencies or long-term illness have negatively affected them, leading to thinning, hair loss, premature graying or dandruff?

If so, then you need to quickly incorporate healthy foods into your diet. Porridge or pearl barley garnish is a simple solution to a difficult hair problem. Choose the appropriate recipe from the ones suggested above, and cook your meals at least 2 to 3 times a week.

5. Protects hair from premature gray hair and strengthens the roots.

6. Provides the body with iron and copper minerals, stimulating hair follicles. In addition, use the recipe for a firming hair mask.

7. Reduces cholesterol levels thanks to its soluble and insoluble fiber.

8. Helps in weight loss.

Barley porridge gives a feeling of fullness for a long period. And its fibers quickly remove harmful fractions of cholesterol from the body, which is important in violation of fat metabolism. For weight loss, use a recipe for cooking without sweet additives.

9. Protects against oncology (thanks to dietary fiber). Dietary fiber (fiber): 17 g. 68% in 100 g of pearl barley.

10. Stabilizes blood glucose and insulin levels. Barley side dishes and cereals are considered an excellent dietary food for the prevention of diabetes.

11. Protects the body from anemia.

12. Prevents fat accumulation and stabilizes metabolic rate.

13. Helps women avoid gallstones.

14. Boosts immunity. Iron increases blood volume, preventing anemia and fatigue. This guarantees the correct functioning of the kidneys and the development of body cells. Manganese allows you to feel energized, which in turn benefits the nervous and immune systems.

15. Prevents osteoporosis. Barley contains phosphorus and copper (for bone health).

16. Helps prevent atherosclerosis. Nicotinic acid or vitamin (PP) lowers the total level of bad cholesterol and thus saves from cardiovascular diseases.

17. Protects important organs from dangerous diseases.

18. Neutralizes poisons and toxins.

19. Supports healthy bowel function.

20. Prevents urinary tract infections.

21. Has special benefits for pregnant women.

22. Diet product.

Because of its beneficial properties, barley can be a delicious and healthy addition to your diet. When you incorporate barley into your diet, you will quickly see a change. Your health will be better and your appearance will be younger. Take time to prepare healthy meals that are easy to follow, even for teenagers.

Pearl barley recipes

how to cook barley porridge in water

35 minutes

110 kcal

5 /5 (1 )

Whoever treats pearl barley, but it belongs to the most useful products. Pearl barley contains a huge list of nutrients and trace elements, the first among which is potassium. And this means that by regularly serving barley porridge for breakfast, you will take care that your heart will work rhythmic, you will be able to avoid swelling during sedentary work, and you will be greeted every morning cheerfully, and not with apathy or drowsiness.

Cooking porridge from pearl barley is a simple process. The main thing is to adhere to the correctthe ratio of water and cereals for cooking pearl barley ... It is worth pouring the liquid, you get a mess. Take pity on half a glass of water, and the porridge will be dry, and worse, the undercooked grains will crunch on your teeth.

How to choose the right ingredients

  • If you think that all pearl barley grains are the same, you are deeply mistaken. The groats are small and large, light and dark, so when buying pearl barley, pay attention to the grain size. The larger one is tastier.
  • It is better to use sea salt for cereals. But keep in mind that it is slightly saltier than regular rock salt.
  • Water for cooking is taken in proportions of 1: 2.5-3, since a properly prepared pearl barley porridge on the water should be crumbly, and pearl barley takes a lot of water.
  • The most optimal seasoning for all cereals is a mixture of refined vegetable oil and butter, taken one to one.

Did you know?
Barley porridge is considered the most energy-intensive of all naturally occurring cereals.

Recipe for crumbly barley porridge on water

Kitchen appliances

  • three-liter saucepan with a lid;
  • kettle;
  • beaker;
  • tablespoon;
  • mixing spatula;
  • strainer.


How to cook delicious and crumbly pearl barley porridge in water - step by step description

We will cook on the stove. Before starting work, you need to boil the kettle and sort out the cereals, removing twigs and plant debris. As a rule, there is not much of it in pearl barley.

  1. Rinse the groats thoroughly in 6-7 waters so that the drained stream is transparent.
  2. Pour three cups of boiled water into a saucepan

    and pour the washed pearl barley.

  3. Boil for about five minutes over high heat, and fold over a strainer to completely drain the water.
  4. Pour the cooked pearl barley back into the pan, pour two glasses of boiling water.

  5. Before covering with a lid, the porridge must be salted, butter or vegetable oil must be put in it and the heat under the pan is reduced.

  6. Simmer for 30-35 minutes until the porridge thickens.

Important! When boiling, each pearl barley grain increases fivefold!

Video recipe

We offer video instructions for viewing:how to cook barley porridge in water, and what needs to be done first.

Let's have breakfast together - Barley porridge

2015-02-25T07: 11: 59.000Z

Barley loves butter, especially butter. But a large amount of creamy product can negatively affect the taste. Therefore, here, too, one must observe the measure. Better to put butter on each plate just before breakfast.

You can also hear from the elderly that immediately after cooking the porridge needs to be evaporated - remove it from the stove, wrap the pan first with paper, then with a terry towel, cover it with a blanket, and let it stand in this state for 2-3 hours.

An old recipe for cooking barley

  • Time for preparing: 60 minutes
  • Servings: 5-6.

Kitchen appliances

  • saucepan with a lid;
  • heat resistant container or shape;
  • beaker;
  • kettle;
  • tablespoon;
  • spatula.


Step-by-step recipe for the perfect side dish

  1. Soak the barley in a saucepan for 2 or 3 hours, or more. If you pour boiling water on the barley and leave it for the same time, the porridge will be ready even faster.
  2. Light a high heat under a saucepan and bring the liquid to a boil, then drain the first water.
  3. Pour boiling water over the cereal again, add salt, close the lid and reduce the heat of the burner.
  4. Cook over low heat for 15 minutes.

Now you need to turn on the oven so that it warms up. Once the porridge is tender, place the pot in the oven. If the saucepan is not designed for this, the porridge must be transferred to an appropriate container. Simmer in the oven at 125 ° C for another 30-35 minutes.

Such porridge is served as a side dish for meat dishes and on its own - with milk, butter, any gravy or sauces.

Take an interest in the cooking recipe to compare,how long does it take to cook barley porridge in water in a multicooker, and how long does it take to cook it on an ordinary gas or electric stove.

Video recipe

We bring to your attention a short video, in which the old recipe for cooking porridge from pearl barley has been restored.How to properly cook barley porridge in water the method of our ancestors - the secrets are revealed by the famous chef.

Barley Cooking Tricks

Site for those who like to cook

2015-08-12T17: 08: 21.000Z

Basic common truths

  • Pearl barley is barley grains, processed in a certain way, outwardly resembling river pearls.
  • A faceted glass holds 230 g of pearl barley, if you pour the cereal into the glass to the top. If poured to the rim (risks), 180 g of pearl barley is placed in a glass. Measuring 250 gram glass contains 230 g of cereal.
  • You can measure the cereal with tablespoons. In 4 tablespoons with a slide, exactly 100 grams of pearl barley is placed.
  • Boil cereals with or without presoaking. And so and in another way it is considered correct, only in the second case, the cooking time increases noticeably.

Our culinary site has a huge archive of recipes from all over the world. We have a large selection of side dishes and dishes made from all kinds of cereals. Ask how you can cook, and what is the main trick of its preparation.

Barley is not only a very useful and tasty product. She, for all the seeming simplicity, the croup is quite demanding. And not everyone knows how to cook barley correctly.

Pearl barley, in addition to the fact that it is possible to cook from it not complex, but very tasty dishes, has other advantages. The main one, of course, is budget. On the shelves of stores, as a rule, there are packages with a very large difference in price nearby. It makes no sense to buy expensive cereals. In fact, there is no difference. Groats in expensive packaging practically do not differ from groats modestly packaged.

At least, the taste is absolutely the same there and there. The prices differ only because of the purchase prices. They are higher for one company, much lower for another. And do not neglect the usual transparent packaging, opting for pearl barley, packed in a colorful, beautiful "wrapper". If you don’t mind the money - the buyer's choice. But, saving an extra fifty rubles is absolutely not bad for the family budget.

How to cook barley in water quickly

If there is a need to cook barley quickly, then this problem is solved in several ways. You can cook it with pre-soaking. This is done as follows. The groats must be rinsed in several waters, during rinsing, sorting it out with your hands. After the water flowing from the cereal becomes transparent, the pearl barley must be poured into a saucepan or bowl and pour cold water into it.

The amount of water must be calculated taking into account the fact that the cereal will swell and take water into itself. The classic proportion is a liter of water per glass of pearl barley. The poured cereal must be left for at least six hours. Optimally - at night. After the specified time, the water must be drained. Rinse the barley again. Transfer to a clean container.

Next, the pan is moved to the stove on the strongest fire. Pour pearl barley with boiling water (loose pearl barley - 500 ml, viscous - at least 750 ml), close the container with a lid. Reduce heat to moderate. Cook for 25 minutes. Salt, mix, replace the lid. Cook for 5 minutes. Turn off the fire. Leave the pearl barley to simmer on the stove. After about ten minutes it can be served on the table.

There are rules for cooking pearl barley, which must be followed strictly. These rules originate from the proportion of ingredients and cooking time.

Compliance with the proportions when cooking cereals is one of the conditions, non-observance of which will lead to damage to the final result. The first moment is important to decide what kind of porridge you want to see on your table. Loose or viscous. For cooking crumbly pearl barley porridge, you need to take one glass of pearl barley and two and a half glasses of water. For a more viscous porridge, a liter of water is taken in a glass of pearl barley. The time it will take to prepare the dish will differ accordingly. The average cooking time for barley is an hour and a half.

The cooking time directly depends on:

  1. The thickness of the walls of the container in which the groats will be prepared;
  2. From the cooking method;
  3. From the time it took to soak the cereals;
  4. From a variety of pearl barley;
  5. On the size of the grains;
  6. From the "age" of cereals. The longer the cereal has been on the shelf, the longer it will take to cook.

Ingredients that are necessary in order to cook delicious self-sufficient pearl barley porridge:

  • pearl barley;
  • water;
  • salt.

It is better to cook cereals after pre-soaking with warm water overnight. In this case, the cooking time will be halved. The cooking process itself takes place over moderate heat. Putting barley on fire must first be filled with cold water.

Some chefs use a different cooking method:

  1. The pearl barley is placed in a saucepan, poured with boiling water and covered with a lid.
  2. So it is kept for about a quarter of an hour.
  3. Then the cereal is cooked for half an hour until tender.

Professional chefs consider the ideal proportion of water and cereals to be 1: 4. Soaking time is at least five hours.

To make the pearl barley porridge tasty and cook quickly, you can do without soaking it. This method saves a lot of time, which is never enough. Saves about two to three hours. How it's done:

  1. Pearl barley must be thoroughly rinsed in several waters. When washing the groats, one must "rub" the grain on the grain. So the husks will come off the grains and the porridge will be more crumbly than usual;
  2. Further actions to choose from: either pour boiling water over the cereal and hold it for an hour, or boil for ten minutes in boiling water;
  3. Then a liter of water is added to the pan (per glass of cereal). The saucepan is placed on fire and brought to a boil;
  4. As soon as the water boils, cook the cereals for an hour. Then insist for another half hour;
  5. The result will be a crumbly, grain by grain, fragrant pearl barley porridge.

Cooking barley in a saucepan is a familiar and proven method for years. But the appearance of multicooker in the kitchen made it easier for housewives. The process has become much easier.


  • pearl barley - 1 glass;
  • water - 2.5 cups;
  • sugar;
  • butter.


  1. Rinse the pearl barley several times. Better to soak it overnight and leave it overnight. This, if you want to cook porridge in the morning quickly;
  2. In the morning, move the swollen groats into a multicooker bowl. Then salt and add granulated sugar;
  3. Next, close the multicooker with a lid. Set the program "Porridge" or "Rice" (someone has the "Buckwheat" mode). Turn on the multicooker and cook until the end of the full cycle. On a multicooker pressure cooker, this process takes about twenty minutes. On conventional slow cookers, from 40 minutes to 80 minutes. Everything here will depend on the power of the device. The higher the power, the correspondingly shorter the cooking cycle time;
  4. At the end of the cycle, you can not turn off the multicooker, but leave the pearl barley on the "Heating" mode or immediately serve on the table;
  5. It is recommended to add a piece of butter to each plate before serving. If among the eaters there are lovers of sweet cereals, then you can serve separately, in a gravy boat, liquid honey.

  1. If the color of the cereal is white, the cereal is fresh. The gray-brown color indicates that the groats are last year and will cook longer, at least one and a half times.
  2. Barley is good as an independent dish. But it is also great as a side dish for meat and fish dishes.
  3. Pearl barley porridge cooked in clay pots turns out to be uniquely aromatic.

Most often, pearl barley is included in soups, but is not prepared as a separate porridge. Housewives should not forget that delicious nutritious and budget side dishes are obtained from this healthy product. If you add meat or mushrooms to the cereal, then you will be able to cook a full-fledged hearty dinner with barley porridge. How to cook the discussed cereal, and with what additives it goes well, is described below.

How to cook barley correctly?

In order for the planned dish to eventually turn out to be truly tasty, you need to know a few secrets of cooking it, as well as choose the right cereal. The Dutch pearl barley variety is ideal for cereals. It boils down quickly, it turns out soft and tender. And the classic varieties of the product are best left for soups.

Approximate proportions

In order for the dish to have a pleasant crumbly structure, you need to carefully monitor the proportions of cereal and liquid. If the product has been soaked for a long time, then 1 tbsp. of a free-flowing ingredient, 1 liter of liquid is taken. When cooking without soaking, the amount of water should be increased by 1.5 times.

How long should you cook?

The exact cooking time for the porridge will also depend on whether the cereal was left in water before the cooking experiment. If the hostess chose an approach with prolonged soaking (at least 6-7 hours), then the porridge will cook for only half an hour. After that, she will only need to brew a little.

With short-term soaking (2-3 hours), the dish will languish under the lid for 45-55 minutes. In this case, the heating of the plate should be minimal.

Barley porridge for garnish

A low-calorie dish will turn out if you cook it in ordinary filtered water. The liquid will need to use 630 ml. The rest of the ingredients: 1 tbsp. pearl barley, salt to taste, a piece of butter.

  1. The pearl barley is washed to clean water and left to swell overnight.
  2. The prepared product is poured with fresh liquid and cooked for 35 minutes. Salt and oil are immediately added to the container.

Deliciously complement the side dish with assorted cucumbers, bell peppers and tomatoes.

With added meat

The addition of meat will make the treat more satisfying and nutritious. For example, pork pulp. Ingredients: 650 g of meat, 1.5 tbsp. pearl barley, onion, sour apple, carrot, salt, pork seasoning mixture.

  1. Pieces of meat with layers of bacon are fried in a pan without oil. Enough of the melted fat. When a golden crust appears on the slices, you can transfer them to a rooster.
  2. Chopped onion and thin carrot sticks are sautéed on the fat. Lastly, small apple cubes are added to the indicated products. The mass is salted, sprinkled with spices.
  3. Vegetables are shifted to meat. Croup pours out from above. The food is poured with water so that it is about 1 cm higher.
  4. Barley porridge with meat will simmer until tender (without a lid) for 60-70 minutes.

To make the treat even tastier, it is worth, over time, to cover the rooster and send it to the hot oven for another half hour.

Stewed meat recipe

Instead of fresh meat for the dish under discussion, you can also use pork stew. One standard can will be enough. The rest of the ingredients: 1 tbsp. cereals, 2 onions, 2.5 tbsp. filtered water, a couple of garlic cloves, 2 medium carrots, salt, a mixture of peppers.

  1. Pearl barley is soaked in water for 8-10 hours.
  2. In a deep cast-iron skillet, the stew is heated with all the contents of the jar. Finely chopped onions, garlic and carrots are also sent there. The ingredients are fried together for 7-8 minutes.
  3. The soaked cereal is cooked for 10-15 minutes in salted water. Then it, along with part of the water, is poured into a frying pan for frying. You can add salt to the dish.
  4. The treat languishes for half an hour under a closed lid.

Before serving, the porridge should be infused for 15-20 minutes.

Barley with mushrooms

This version of the dish can be both a side dish and an independent lunch. Ingredients: 830 ml of filtered water, 230 g of cereals, 230 g of fresh champignons, carrots, salt, onion, mushroom seasoning.

  1. The washed cereal is soaked for half an hour, after which it is sent to boil in salted water. It will take about an hour to prepare. The liquid should be completely evaporated during this time.
  2. Chopped onions and carrots are sautéed until golden. They are best cooked in butter.
  3. Mushrooms and seasoning are added to the finished frying. Together, the ingredients are cooked for another 7-8 minutes.
  4. The contents of the pan are laid out in a saucepan with porridge. The treat is mixed well, salted and left to infuse for half an hour.

You can improve this recipe for barley. For example, add red bell peppers and / or tomatoes to the roast.

Pearl barley porridge

You should definitely cook your own favorite dish of Peter I. It was barley on cow's milk. Ingredients: 1 tbsp. cereals, 2 large spoons of butter, a pinch of salt, a large spoonful of granulated sugar, 900 ml of milk.

  1. Barley is soaked in cold water overnight. In the morning, it is washed well and cooked for 12-14 minutes in salt water.
  2. Next, the slightly boiled product is thrown back in a colander and sent to boiling milk.
  3. The porridge is salted and sprinkled with sugar.
  4. After another 15 minutes, the container with the treat is moved to a water bath and simmer for 2.5-3 hours.

If the hostess has a spare time, you can increase the cooking time of the dish to 6-7 hours.

With chicken

It goes well with barley and chicken porridge. Ingredients: 280 g of cereals, 1-2 onions, 320 g of chicken, 2 carrots, salt, broth, garlic to taste and spices for pilaf.

  1. The washed barley is soaked in cold water for a couple of hours.
  2. Small pieces of chicken are fried well with chopped onions, carrots and garlic in oil. The mass is immediately salted and sprinkled with seasonings.
    1. The groats are soaked in water for 4 hours.
    2. First, onions and carrots (chopped) are fried in a pan, then they are cooked together with cubes of pumpkin, pepper and tomatoes.
    3. Vegetables are stewed until soft over low heat.
    4. Barley is boiled in salted water until cooked.
    5. It remains only to transfer the porridge into a frying pan with vegetables, mix and stew the ingredients together for another 7-8 minutes.

    Crushed garlic can be added to the dish to taste.

    How to cook in a multicooker?

    "Smart saucepan" will slightly simplify the process of preparing the discussed "capricious" porridge. Ingredients: 1 tbsp. cereals and 2 times more broth, salt to taste.

    1. The pearl barley is soaked in water for a couple of hours, after which it is transferred to the bowl of the device and filled with any broth.
    2. Salt is immediately added to the cereal. You can also add butter to taste.
    3. The dish is being prepared in milk porridge mode.

Healthy food, physical culture are in vogue now. Therefore, it is high time to remember barley, to open the storehouse of protein and other usefulness. And at the same time, learn how to cook barley in water correctly.

This is a fundamental issue in the case of pearl barley. After all, a skeptical attitude towards her is only the result of improper preparation. The skill of the cook will determine what he will present to the table - hard shrapnel or soft and boiled porridge, tender and very tasty.

Barley must be handled delicately, not boiled, but boiled. In the first case, each grain will close in itself, being afraid of a quick onslaught. And in the second - he will become puffed up, open up and gratefully give all his wealth.

Serving barley porridge can be embellished with interesting historical stories. About how Peter the Great loved her, about how Alexander Suvorov fed his miracle bogatyrs with healthy porridge. And in our time, the king - porridge is the main character at the festivals of porridge. The history of the barley dish goes back centuries, so you can find an exciting story for all age groups and combine the useful with the pleasant.

As a side dish, I can recommend chicken cutlets, I liked the recipe on the site

Also, if for some reason you change your mind about cooking barley, you may want to cook it.

We also have a very exciting journey into the world of properly prepared barley. After which it will be possible to write your own history of the discovery of an amazing pearl of Russian cuisine.

So, let's go!

Barley is so nutritious that it may well be an independent dish in the form of porridge. It is used both for side dishes and for making soups. Both proportions and cooking methods will depend on the final goal.

Barley is cooked longer than other cereals. But she herself will "help" the cook at all stages. And as a result, he will also reward everyone for patience with extraordinary taste. Will give strength, relieve fatigue, cheer up. And for health, pearl barley porridge is a real fortified source. Moreover, rejuvenating, helping to lose a couple or three extra pounds.

Let's prepare the barley so that it would appear in all its glory, and rightfully take a regal place on the dining table. If you approach the process responsibly once, you won't have to persuade the second time. You will understand that this is the only correct recipe. Moreover, active working time will take twenty minutes, no more.

What are the secrets of the correct preparation of the mysterious cereal?

In principle, there are few of them, and they are the most simple:

  1. Barley must be soaked in water. This will allow her to "straighten her shoulders", swell, cleanse of unnecessary surface layer. Fully prepare for the main process. The optimal amount of time for soaking is 10 - 12 hours. In the most extreme case - at least 3-4 hours, but this is so, for every fireman. Well, if we have agreed to cook according to all the rules of culinary science, let's focus on the best option. You need to soak in the following proportions: pour one glass of cereal with a liter of cold water. A two-hundred-gram glass is taken as a basis
  2. Boil preferably in a water bath. Barley will languish and reveal all its abilities. And the finished product will turn out to be unusually soft. In addition, the porridge will not run away and burn. You will only need to look at the amount of water in the "bath" from time to time
  3. You need to salt at the very end, 10 minutes before cooking
  4. The hardness of the water also affects the taste of barley, as well as any other porridge. In order not to spoil the finished product, during cooking, pearl barley should be poured with hot boiled water, or poured into boiling water
  5. A small amount of butter added to the water at the very beginning of the simmering process will help soften the water, improve the quality of the culinary product. 30 grams will be enough if we are talking about a glass of cereal. Butter can be replaced with vegetable oil. In such an environment, the grains will not close in themselves and turn into a solid "bullet". By repelling the water, they will boil down in the right way, opening like a rosebud. Sorry for such allegories, but it really is
  6. To achieve the desired result, you need to maintain the appropriate proportions.

I would like to dwell on the proportions in more detail.

  1. If you want to cook crumbly barley, then for one glass of cereal you need to take two glasses of water
  2. For porridge - smear, the amount of water increases: three glasses of water are taken for a glass of cereal.
    Loose groats will be good for a side dish, but a spread is better for a separate dish. But this, as they say, is not for everybody.

Let's prepare the products

  • Pearl glass
  • Liter of soaking water
  • Fifty grams of butter (of which 30 for cooking, 20 for adding to the finished dish)
  • Two glasses of boiling water

Soaking cereals. It is best to do this at night.

  1. First you need to wash the cereals. Pour into a bowl, pour in any amount of cold water. Wash by rubbing the seeds with your hands. Imagine that you are freeing every grain from the husk
  2. Drain the water. Repeat the procedure one more time - the better you rinse, the more free the pearl barley will breathe.
  3. Pour a liter of cold water over the cereal - set aside to swell
  4. After the allotted time, the grains must be thoroughly washed. Drain off the water until all the remnants of the top layer are gone. It will not be superfluous to rinse under running water with a colander.

At this, the preparatory stage ended. Let's get down to the main process. In order to organize a water bath, we need two pots of different sizes. Build a bath taking precautions into account.

Choose comfortable pots. Because the porridge will have to be stirred sometimes. For me, for example, it turned out like this: a smaller pan served as a source of steam, and in a larger one, porridge languished. By the way, choose a bowl for porridge taking into account the fact that the cereal will increase in size. For a glass of cereal, a two-liter saucepan is quite suitable. I note right away that the cooking process should take place over moderate heat.

Step-by-step process of making barley in water

  1. Place the pot in a water bath.
  2. Send the soaked cereal into it
  3. Pour the required amount of boiling water (2 or 3 glasses, depending on the desired type of porridge)
  4. Add 30 grams of butter
  5. Stir, open the lid and be free for a while
  6. Take a look from time to time, make sure that the water in the bath does not boil away
  7. Loose porridge will take about one hour to cook, the spread will naturally take longer. When there is very little water left in the pan with porridge, salt the barley to your liking, stir, try
  8. Let it languish until the water is completely evaporated.
  9. Remove from steam when done. Set aside for insisting for twenty minutes. During this time, our porridge will reach full condition.
  10. Season with butter when serving.

All is ready! You figured out how to cook barley in water according to all the rules. Exactly as the luminaries of the national cuisine advise. You are a real cook!

Barley on water. Instant recipe without soaking cereals

Without pleading with the advantages of soaking and a water bath, we note that it is possible to prepare barley in water without these procedures. You never know what cases happen in life. Maybe you urgently need to prepare a pickle, for example, which is unthinkable without pearl barley. So you need to have a quick recipe in service.

Cooking a classic set of products for crumbly porridge

  • Pearl glass
  • Thirty grams of butter
  • Two, two and a half glasses of water


  1. We put a saucepan with water on the fire. At this stage, the amount of water does not need to be measured. It will have to be drained (so as not to break your head, pour in four glasses)
  2. While the water is boiling, thoroughly rinse the cereals under running water
  3. We send the barley into boiling water, let it boil for five to ten minutes
  4. Gently drain the water, throw the cereal into a colander, rinse
  5. Put the saucepan on the fire again, pour in the measured amount of water
  6. Bring to a boil, add butter
  7. As the water boils with oil, add the cereal, mix
  8. Reduce the heat to low, open the lid, simmer the pearl barley. In time it will be about an hour
  9. When there is very little water left in the pan, salt the porridge, stir, let it cook
  10. When ready, remove from heat, let it brew for thirty minutes. To evaporate, so to speak.

If you want to taste pearl barley porridge, add a little butter. It will be delicious. And at the same time compare the two cooking methods, mark the best option for yourself.

Include barley in your home menu more often, and you will feel how it fills the body with energy and life-giving power. Cook with love! And the regal dish will reciprocate!