Salted lard in brine recipes. Lard in brine - the best recipes

22.04.2019 Seafood dishes

Homemade lard - 11 salting recipes. It is impossible to resist - I recommend! Lard "It couldn't be easier" We cut the lard into pieces the size of a fist, clean the garlic in advance at the rate of 1 clove per 1 piece of bacon and cut this garlic into round pieces. We prepare spices - suneli hops, pepper, ground dill seeds or any other that you like. Pour some spices, pepper and garlic into the bottom of the enamel pot. Then we take a piece of bacon in our left hand, in the right handful coarse salt and rub a piece of bacon with this salt over a saucepan. After that, put the bacon in the pan, skin side down and repeat the operation with another piece of bacon, sprinkling everything with spices and garlic. Do not spare salt! Then we tamp the bacon a little in a bowl, cover it with a lid of a smaller diameter or a plate, put a little oppression on top (for example, 3- liter jar with water) - and in a warm place for 3-4 days. After that, the bacon is almost ready - all that remains is to pull it out of the vessel, shake off the juice, wrap it in a cotton rag and put it in the refrigerator. As soon as it freezes, you can enjoy the unique taste. Dry salting of bacon For 1 kg of bacon, 2-3 heads of garlic, seasonings (coriander, red ground pepper, cumin, garlic, basil, paprika, bay leaf, thyme), salt. We cut the fat into 10x15 cm pieces, make deep cuts in them every 3-5 cm (to the skin itself). We sprinkle lard with garlic, rub with a mixture of spices, roll in salt and lay tightly in layers in enameled dishes, generously sprinkling each layer with salt (remember that salt cannot be spoiled with salt!). Now we put it in a cool place - and in 5 days the bacon will be ready. Salting bacon in brine with onion peel - very old way... Not only our grandmothers, but, perhaps, our great-great-grandmothers also salted lard in this way. Lard is best taken with meat layerseg brisket, as this easy cooking is the optimal treatment for meat. Wet salting of bacon B saline solution (at the rate of 1 kg of salt per 1 liter of water) boil the onion peels and seasonings. Then we reduce the heat, put lard into the brine, cut into 10 × 15 cm pieces, and cook for 1.5-2 hours. We take out the pieces, let cool slightly and rub with a mixture of crushed garlic, salt and seasonings. We wrap it in a canvas and leave it for a day at room temperature, then put it in the refrigerator. Lard in onion husks 2 liters of water will require a handful onion peel and 3 tbsp. tablespoons of salt. Boil the brine, strain, put bacon (about 2 kg) into this brine, boil for 15 minutes, then remove from heat and leave the bacon in the brine for 8-12 hours. After this time, remove the bacon from the brine, rub generously with garlic, black pepper, wrap in parchment paper and send it to the refrigerator for a day or two. Done. If you've done a lot, don't worry. Such fat is stored for a long time in the freezer. Brisket in onion skins For 1-1.5 kg of brisket or bacon, 1 small head of garlic is required. For the brine: 1 liter of water, ½ cup of coarse salt, 1 handful of onion husks (with 5-7 onions), if desired, 3 bay leaves, 15 black peppercorns. Put all the spices together with salt and onion peel into a saucepan and pour over water. Bring to a boil, put lard so that it is covered with brine, boil for 10 minutes. Remove the pan from heat and leave in brine for a day. After the brine has cooled, put the pan in the refrigerator. Then remove the bacon from the brine and let it lie in a plate for 15 minutes to drain the excess brine. Squeeze the garlic through a press and smear it with lard from all sides. Remove the bacon in the refrigerator for a day. Then transfer to the freezer. Spicy lard with garlic Buy fresh lard. Make cuts to the skin, salt it with coarse salt and put it in a wide bowl, put oppression on top (you can also use a wide bowl of water or a saucepan). After a day, put all the lard and salt in a saucepan, pour water one or two fingers above the lard, add all sorts of spices (which you like), bay leaf and always more onion husks (it will later give the original color, taste and smell). All this is brewed within an hour. Then let the contents cool to room temperature. The fat is removed from the pan, stuffed (rubbed with crushed) garlic, pepper (ground red, black pepper) to taste, wrapped in tracing paper (parchment paper, foil), rewound with ordinary thread so that tracing paper does not unwind, and put in the freezer. After a day, the bacon is ready for use. Spicy bacon For the brine, you need 7 glasses of water, 1 glass of coarse salt, a handful of onion peels. Bring all this to a boil, simmer for 5 minutes. Then put pieces of bacon in the brine (so that the water completely covers them). Boil for 10-20 minutes (if the pig was old - 20 minutes, if young - 10). Leave in brine for a day. After that, remove the bacon from the brine, let the water drain. Rub with garlic and red pepper. Put in the refrigerator, preferably in the freezer (it tastes better this way). Spicy lard You will need 1 kg of lard, 400 g of salt, onion husks, red ground pepper, garlic and other spices to taste. Prepare a saline solution (for 1 liter of boiled water - 400 grams of salt). Add a handful of onion peels to the solution. 1 kg raw bacon (it can be salted in one piece or cut into small pieces) soak in brine for 12 hours. The fat should be covered with a solution. After soaking, put on fire and bring to a boil. Boil over low heat for 3 minutes (no more). Let the lard cool in a saline solution. Grate the cooled bacon with salt (a small amount), garlic and ground red pepper. Let the lard soak in the spices - and it's ready to eat. Lard in brine "Tuzluk" The lard prepared in this way does not age, does not turn yellow and is stored for a long time, retaining excellent taste. To salt 2 kg of lard, prepare a brine: 1 glass of salt is required for 5 glasses of water. Boil the brine, cool to room temperature. In the meantime, cut the bacon into small pieces (to make it easy to get out) and put it loosely (!) In a 3-liter jar, adding 3-5 bay leaves, black peppercorns, 5-8 cloves of garlic between the layers. Fill with brine, cover with a loose lid. We will keep it in the room for a week (it will be ready for use), then we will put it out in the cold. Usually, no more than 2 kg of bacon is used for such a capacity (3-liter can). The main thing is not to put the pieces very tightly into the jar, otherwise the fat will simply "suffocate". Lard with garlic We take fresh lard with soft skin, even better if it is with meat streaks. We cut it into pieces measuring 5x10 cm. Rub generously with salt. We put it tightly in one layer in an enamel dish. Cut 5-7 large cloves of garlic into slices (not too small). Sprinkle so that the bacon is evenly processed. Sprinkle with ground black allspice (1 teaspoon per layer). Then we put, if necessary, a second layer, etc., depending on the amount of lard that we salt. We cover the dishes with a plate that fits snugly into the pan (as if under oppression). And leave it alone at room temperature for about 2 days. On the second day, you will already smell! But it's better to stand still for a day. Then we take out the bacon from the saucepan. Wrap pieces of bacon separately in paper. Leave the garlic, which was in the pan with lard, with it. Store wrapped in canvas or cellophane bag lard is better in the freezer. Lard with dill Boil water with bay leaves, black peppercorns, dill and salt. Salt is taken in such an amount that placed in a solution a raw egg or the potatoes didn't sink. Grated garlic and lard are dipped into the cooled brine, cut into bars 4 cm wide and 20-25 cm long.The product is ready for use in about a week. Before use, the bacon is removed from the brine, dried with a napkin and placed in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours. With this method of salting, the lard retains its "fresh" taste throughout the entire storage period. Country-style lard Fresh lard is cut into pieces of 250-350 g and put in an enamel pot layers, sprinkling with crushed garlic. Black peppercorns are pressed into each bar, 6-8 pieces. Then water is boiled with bay leaf and salt (there is enough salt to float a piece thrown there raw potatoes). After the brine has cooled, it is poured with bacon, pressed down with oppression and kept for 10-12 days. Then the pieces are removed, dried and stored in the cold. Lard with garlic and spices Any lard, both soft and hard, lends itself to this method of salting. Cut the bacon into palm-sized pieces or slightly smaller. Use a sharp knife to poke holes in them 1.5-2 cm deep and put pieces of garlic in them (the amount depends on your love for garlic). Then you need to pierce new smaller holes and put peppercorns in them - according to your taste. Roll each piece of bacon in a mixture of your favorite spices and rub this mixture well into the bacon. Place the pieces of bacon tightly on their sides in a deep enamel saucepan. Prepare a very cool brine, not sparing salt, because, as we already know, the lard will take just as much salt as it needs. Add bay leaf and all the same spices to taste to the brine, bring to a boil and remove from heat. Cool the brine and pour the lard warm. When the contents of the pot have cooled completely, put the pot in the refrigerator. After a week, the fat will be ready. It should be removed from the brine, dried a little, wrapped in tracing paper or parchment paper and placed in the freezer. Salted lard, prepared in any way, can be smoked, if conditions permit. This can be done using the most elementary smokehouse.

Today I will gladly plant a recipe on how to salt lard in brine. Since childhood, I adore lard, so that thin leaves, but from the freezer, with black bread and onions - mmm! .. Hold me seven, I still have an ownerless piece of salted bacon in the freezer, God, how I love it! Now I will write you the most successful recipe for salting bacon and still get down to the delicacy!

I, of course, salted lard different ways, but the pickle recipe seemed to me the most optimal. In our city good lard much more expensive pork tenderloin lately, I don't even know how to explain this strange phenomenon: scratch:.

To salt lard in brine, we need:

  • 1-1.2 kg of bacon
  • 6 tablespoons coarse table salt (without iodine, etc.!)
  • 1 medium head (6-8 cloves) garlic
  • 6 lavrushka leaves
  • 6 black peppercorns
  • 6 peas allspice
  • 1 liter of water

How to salt lard in brine, recipe:

Soak lard in a bowl with cold water for a couple of hours at least.

We make brine for lard: put salt in the water (spoons are indicated without the top, not overfilled), pepper, bay leaf, bring to a boil and cool to a slightly warm state.

We cut our wonderful lard into strips about 3.5-4 centimeters wide and put in a suitable container - glass jar or food container.

We cut the garlic cloves into slices and put them between the pieces of bacon. Pour lard with brine. To prevent it from floating up, we put a suitable oppression on top - I have this heavy ceramic saucer.

We leave the bacon in the brine for a day at room temperature, and then remove the container with the bacon in the brine in the refrigerator for a day or two, depending on the desired salinity. And do not be naive when reading pearls like "fat will not take more salt than needed". Nonsense.

A day and a half in the refrigerator is enough to get an intensely salty, but not yet salted lard (this is for my taste - and it seemed to my husband that it was possible to finish salting earlier).

We take out the bacon from the brine, let it flow a little, put it in bags and put it in the freezer for at least 4 hours, so that the wonderful bacon seizes and it is easy to cut it into thin leaves.

How to salt lard in brine is wonderfully divinely delicious, I told you. It's easy, don't be afraid.

Delicious, well-salted lard on black bread, with pickled cucumber and garlic - here classic set hearty snack and traditional appetizer under a glass of strong alcohol. If you love and respect this truly "folk" food, you just need to know how to salt lard at home. Moreover, you don't need any special skills for this. The main thing is to purchase high-quality raw materials, and with the help of our advice, an excellent result is guaranteed even for an inexperienced housewife.

The classic recipe for salting lard in Ukrainian

Ukrainian lard is still considered exemplary. This is largely due to the diet of pigs - it is customary to grow them on grain feed, so the taste of meat and lard is significantly different for the better. It is important to know and correct recipehow to salt lard in Ukrainian so that it comes out soft and fragrant.

Cooking method:

  1. one kg fresh bacon rinse with water and scrape the skin thoroughly with a knife;
  2. cut into large cubes;
  3. prepare brine (brine) - pour 3 tablespoons of salt, 1 teaspoon of ground black pepper into a wide saucepan, put 5-6 allspice peas, 5 cloves of garlic and lavrushka. Pour in cold water and stir until the salt is completely dissolved;
  4. put the bacon in the brine and press down on top with oppression so that it is completely immersed in the water;
  5. on this your mission is over - you just need to leave the dishes of the day for five days in a cool place, tightly covered with a lid;
  6. after the bacon is completely salted, pour out the brine and dry each piece with a paper towel;
  7. the product is already completely ready for use, but it is recommended to eat it after cooling in the refrigerator or in the freezer.

Advice! Never use seafood or iodized salt... To get a well-salted piece of bacon, only the classic stone bacon, or extra without additives, is suitable.

Hot lard recipe for soft lard

It is very unpleasant when, after all the money and effort spent, the resulting product does not meet expectations - it becomes tough and tasteless. In order not to get into such a situation, you need to know how to salt lard so that it is soft.

Lard is very tasty, healthy and natural product... Lard is smoked, eaten raw, and salted. Correctly selected seasonings will help you to salt lard in brine.

The classic recipe for lard in brine

Universal and mouth-watering snack - lard in brine in a jar. A procedure such as salting bacon in brine does not take much time.


  • 3 laurel leaves;
  • 1 kg. lard;
  • 100 g of salt;
  • litere of water;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 10 peppercorns.

Cooking in stages:

  1. Cut the bacon into pieces, the thickness of which should be no more than 5-7 mm. Rinse the pieces and pat dry with a towel. Put the pieces loosely in the jar.
  2. Prepare the brine. Add salt, peppercorns and bay leaves... After dissolving the salt, remove the brine from the heat and add the chopped garlic, stir well.
  3. Pour the hot brine into a jar so that the pieces of bacon are covered with brine. Close the jar with a lid and refrigerate for 3 days.
  4. Remove the finished pieces of bacon from the jar, dry and serve.

Keep tasty bacon in brine you need in the freezer.

Lard with garlic in brine

What a delicious bacon without garlic - it is he who adds piquancy and aroma to the product. How to salt lard in brine with garlic correctly, you will learn below.

Required Ingredients:

  • 5 cloves of garlic;
  • litere of water;
  • 1 kg. lard;
  • a glass of salt.


  1. Prepare the brine first. Boil water and add salt. Refrigerate the brine.
  2. Cut fresh lard into medium pieces.
  3. Chop the garlic finely and grate the bacon.
  4. Put pieces of bacon in the jar. Add the remaining garlic.
  5. Pour into a jar cold brine and cover with a lid.
  6. Cover the jar with a towel and place in the shade for 6 days.
  7. After 6 days, the bacon can be eaten.

Lard in brine, cooked by this recipe, it turns out soft and fragrant. Store in a cellar or refrigerator.

Lard in hot brine

At home, tasty lard in brine can be prepared according to another recipe, where the brine must be hot. In hot brine, lard turns out to be very tasty. You can take lard with layers of meat, brisket is suitable, where such a layer is larger.


  • 5 sticks of cloves;
  • 1.5 l. water;
  • 8 cloves of garlic;
  • 10 peppercorns;
  • 7 tbsp. l. salt.
  • 800 g fat;
  • 4 leaves of laurel.


  • star anise asterisk;
  • 1 kg. lard;
  • 6 peppercorns;
  • a glass of salt;
  • litere of water;
  • a spoonful of dried herbs;
  • 10 cloves of garlic;
  • 3 laurel leaves.


  1. Prepare the brine. Pour the salt hot boiled water and dissolve it. Cool the brine to 40 degrees. Fit like sea \u200b\u200bsalt, and ordinary stone.
  2. Soak the bacon overnight or for 4 hours in cold water, cut into small pieces. It is best to do this in a deep saucepan so that the pieces are covered with water.
  3. Dry the soaked bacon and put it in a jar.
  4. Place chopped garlic, bay leaves and peppercorns between the pieces of bacon. Sprinkle the pieces with herbs.
  5. Pour the brine into the jar and put the star anise star on top. Cover, but do not close the jar tightly. Leave the lard in a dark place for 4 days.

Finished salted lard in brine, store in the refrigerator.

Do not fill the jar with bacon close, so it will be badly salted.

Lard with carrots

The spice bouquet adds flavor to the lard. This marinade shortens the pickling time - you can enjoy ready-made snack a day later. They store bacon in the refrigerator in a jar along with vegetables, which can also be served.

  • 1 teaspoon of salt;
  • 2 pinches of black pepper;
  • 1-2 cloves;
  • 3-4 peas of allspice.
  • Salted lard is a traditional Ukrainian dish that has gained popularity in all countries of the world. It can be given with soup and the main course, used as a side dish. They like to eat it with bread, add dumplings to the filling, make amazing taste cracklings. The delicacy can be combined with berries, herbs, vegetables, meat. Thanks to him, food becomes juicy and savory in taste. There are many ways to cook at home. Even the biggest gourmet will find the perfect recipe for himself on how to salt lard without hassle and get a delicious treat.

    How to salt lard in brine - a classic recipe in Ukrainian


    • lard - 2.5 kg;
    • cold water (boiled) - 1.3 liters;
    • garlic - 8 cloves;
    • black pepper in peas - 6 grains;
    • bay leaf - 9 pcs.;
    • ground allspice - 4 tsp;
    • salt (preferably coarse) - 100 g.


    1. Be sure to rinse the fat well under the stream cold water... This step should be given special attention to remove dirt and possible debris from the product.
    2. Peel the skin with a knife and cut the bacon with a sharp knife into large, long strips.
    3. Finely chop the garlic.
    4. In a bowl, mix chopped bay leaf, ground pepper and peas, garlic.
    5. Pour water into a deep container and dilute salt.
    6. Add seasonings to the water. There are never too many spices. The lard will absorb exactly as many spices as it needs. Therefore, the taste of the dish will not be spoiled.
    7. Add chunks of bacon to the spiced water. Cover with a plate on top. Pour water into a three-liter jar and put it on top - this will be oppression.
    8. Put in the refrigerator or in any other cold place for three days.
    9. Take paper towel and wipe the cooked food.
    10. Rub the lard on top with chopped garlic and spices.
    11. Store bacon in the freezer by wrapping it in cling foil or a bag.

    How lard is salted in brine "Tuzluk"

    For food lovers, there are many ways to cook. Highly delicious recipe salting lard in brine, they like to harvest it for a long time.


    • fat - 1.5 kg;
    • bay leaf - 7 pcs.;
    • garlic - head;
    • salt - 1 glass;
    • peppercorns.


    • fat - 1 kg;
    • bay leaf - 3 leaves;
    • sugar - 1 tsp;
    • caraway seeds - 1 tsp;
    • salt (preferably coarse) - 2 tbsp. spoons;
    • garlic - 7 cloves.


    1. Wipe the skin with a knife.
    2. Wash the main product, dry well, for this you can use a paper towel.
    3. Divide the garlic into two parts. Grind one half through the garlic, cut the other into small pieces.
    4. Stir the composition of garlic, sugar, caraway seeds, salt and grate lard.
    5. Break lavrushka leaves with your hands, mix with pieces of garlic.
    6. Sprinkle over bacon.
    7. Put bacon in a jar, cover.
    8. Place in a cool, dark place, but do not refrigerate.
    9. Stir the pieces every day, swapping them.
    10. The time required for salting is about a week. It all depends on what pieces are prepared. In order not to be mistaken, check the readiness every day.
    11. Then put in the refrigerator for seven days.
    12. Turn the product every two days.
    13. Do not remove seasonings and salt from the finished bacon. Wrap in a bag, freeze.
    14. Remove the salt just before serving.