Barrel cucumbers - recipes for tasty preparation in old ways. Pickled cucumbers in jars for the winter

19.10.2019 The drinks

These pickled cucumbers in cans are obtained as barrels. I propose a step-by-step recipe with a photo, according to which it is easy to cook crispy, sharp cucumbers in ordinary glass jars with a nylon lid. Cucumbers pickled in this way are perfectly stored until summer in a cool cellar or basement.

It is not necessary to sterilize the container for the blanks; it is enough to clean it cleanly. In the process of lactic acid fermentation, pathogenic bacteria die, so there is no need for sterilization.

It will take 30-40 days to cook.


  • cucumbers - 10 kg;
  • dill greens - 200 g;
  • garlic - 30 g;
  • cumin - 15 g;
  • coriander - 15 g;
  • black pepper - 10 g;
  • horseradish, oak, cherry leaves.


  • water - 1 l;
  • table salt - 55 g.

Cooking pickles in jars

Soak cucumbers in cold water for 2-4 hours. It is imperative to soak vegetables before pickling, so voids do not form in soaked cucumbers.

Rinse the cucumbers and cut off the tips so that they are better salted.

Then we soak the so-called "bouquet" or "broom" in water. This is the name given to Granny's greenery set in the market. Most often, the bouquet contains leaves of horseradish, currant, oak and cherry, in general, leaves that contain tannins.

Peel the garlic, lightly crush with a knife to extract the garlic flavor. We measure and mix spices - cumin, coriander, black pepper.

For salting in this way, jars with a capacity of 1 to 3 liters, enamel pots or a bucket are suitable. Put a horseradish leaf on the bottom, then cucumbers, finely chopped dill, garlic, spices, again a layer of leaves.

We fill to the top and pour cold water. Then we drain the water, measure and add the required amount of table salt.

Heat the brine to a boil, cool, fill the vegetables with cold brine.

We close the jars with nylon lids and leave the pickles for 7 days at room temperature. At this time, the process of lactic acid fermentation begins.

After about a week, you need to transfer the jars to a cold cellar and leave alone for 30-40 days. After this time, fermentation will end, the cucumbers can be served. Enjoy your meal.

Before the possibility of airtight preservation appeared, all vegetables were fermented in barrels. The taste of pickled cucumbers is special - sparkling acidity, moderate sweetness and high crunchiness. They are ideal for salads, pickles, contain vitamins, minerals and beneficial bacteria for the body.

Barrels are now rare, and not everyone has a cellar, but this is not a reason to refuse barrel cucumbers. Folk cooks invented a way to ferment them in three-liter bottles using various techniques. Some of them are incredibly simple and don't even require seaming.

The main difference between pickling and pickling is the absence of citric acid, vinegar or aspirin. Natural preservative acid comes out, which is released as a result of fermentation.

Preliminary preparation of cucumbers

Cucumbers in all the recipes that will be given below are poured for fermentation exclusively cold water... For this reason, they do not need to be kept in water for 5-6 hours for elasticity.

For such blanks, medium and large dense cucumbers are good. There are even special varieties for pickling. But the most important thing is that the cucumbers are fresh.

The easiest recipe for barrel cucumbers under the lid

This is one of the simplest grandma's recipes, you don't even need to boil water and roll up the lids. One of the conditions is the presence cool place for storage, for example, a cellar. In a warm place, the cucumbers will simply turn acid.

Calculation for a 3-liter container:

You can do without garlic and spices altogether. Special thermal covers can be purchased at the market, supermarket or hardware store. Tight-fitting plastic covers can be used.

How to pickle cucumbers under the lid:

  1. Wash the cucumbers and cut off the "butts" on both sides.
  2. Put garlic and peppercorns in 3-liter jars washed with simple soap or sterilized.
  3. Put cucumbers in jars.
  4. Put horseradish leaves and dill on top of the cucumbers so that they cover them and further prevent them from floating up.
  5. Add 3 full (with a slight slide) tablespoons of salt.
  6. Pour plain cold tap water to the very top.
  7. Close the jars tightly with lids preheated in very hot water.
  8. Put the cans in the basement.

The recipe is very simple, but such cucumbers are stored for a year or even two, but when stored for a long time, they peroxide.

Thanks to a special material, the lids heat up and expand, and after cooling, they tightly seal the jar. However, this does not interfere with the fermentation process.

In some recipes, it is advised to keep the jars with ordinary lids for 3-4 days, and only then close the lids. In this case, it will be necessary to collect the brine, which will overflow through the neck and then pour it back into the jars.

Barrel cucumbers for the winter with rolling

This method is two-stage - cucumbers are first fermented and then rolled up. Such a workpiece can be stored even in the closet.

This option is suitable for those who do not have a basement.

How to cook jar cucumbers:

  1. Soak the cucumbers for a couple of hours in cool water, then wash thoroughly and cut off the "butts".
  2. Chives, horseradish leaves, dill twigs and currant leaves should be placed on the bottom of 3 liter jars (sterilized or washed with soda / soap).
  3. Lay the cucumbers, trying to place the large ones at the bottom and the small ones at the top.
  4. Dissolve the salt in the specified amount of water, for which you need to heat some of the water and dilute the salt, and then add the rest of the water.
  5. Cold brine pour into jars so that the water covers the cucumbers.
  6. To prevent the cucumbers from floating, you can lay dill branches at the neck.
  7. Cover the jars lightly with plastic lids and leave to wander at room temperature for 2-3 days.
  8. The brine must be drained into a saucepan, for which it is convenient to use a special nozzle or hold the cucumbers with your hands. The drained brine should not contain peppercorns and cloves of garlic, otherwise they will be overcooked. If they fell out, they must be returned back.
  9. Put the brine on the stove and bring to a boil.
  10. In the meantime, you should disband one jar of cucumbers and spread its contents over the rest of the bottles. During fermentation, the cucumbers sag a little. If the bank is not completely disbanded, then it can be put in the refrigerator and used as lightly salted cucumbers.
  11. Boiling brine you need to pour into jars and leave for 5-10 minutes, then drain and boil again.
  12. Refill the brine and seal with sterile metal caps.

When boiling the brine, it is important to carefully remove the resulting foam.

Some housewives prefer to pour cucumbers with not fermented pickle, but freshly prepared... You only need to add about 1.5 tablespoon salt to the water.

Barrel cucumbers for the winter under a nylon lid

This option is a cross between the first and second recipe. It has brine boiling, but there is no seaming with metal lids.

Calculation for a 3-liter container:

If needed not spicy cucumbersthen do not use chillies.

How to make pickled cucumbers covered with a boil:

  1. Soak the cucumbers for an hour and a half in water, rinse, trim the ends.
  2. Garlic, horseradish, dill, peeled hot pepper pods, cut lengthwise, put hyssop (tarragon) on the bottom of clean cans.
  3. Put cucumbers close to the jars.
  4. Pour water in which salt is previously mixed in the calculation of 2 tbsp. l. per liter of water.
  5. Close with gauze and fix it on the neck with an elastic band.
  6. Place the jars on a drip tray and wait two days.
  7. Drain the brine (including from the pallet), boil, removing the foam, and pour into the jars again.
  8. Pour another pinch of salt into each jar, seal with boiled thermal lids or tight plastic lids.
  9. Cover the jars with a warm blanket, and after cooling, put in a cool place.

So, from the three recipes given, you can choose the option you like or try them all. In the future, cook cucumbers according to the recipe that turned out to be the most successful.

To give pickles maximum crispy properties it is recommended to add ordinary squash to the jars. It contains the essential tannins that enhance the crunchy effect. You need a few leaves per jar.

If the cucumbers are pretty peroxidized or seem salty, they can be easily saved and even improved. Ready cucumbers (after the basement) must be poured with tomato juice or fruit drink and put in the refrigerator for a couple of days. This will add sweetness and take away excess acid and salt. Tomato juice will also benefit from this procedure, acquiring a special flavor.

Pickling cucumbers in jars using the pickling method is simple, and some of the proposed options do not even require boiling water and rolling.

I have never met a person who would be indifferent to all kinds of homemade pickles. And now I'm not talking about the sterilization process and the seaming of cans, but about a plate of pickled or salted treats. Here one can only argue - someone likes it sour, and someone more sugar.
But pickled cucumbers (not salted or pickled!), They are also called barrel cucumbers, stand out in a certain way. It is here that all lovers of winter sweets from a can are divided into two camps - some love such cucumbers until their knees tremble, while others, forgive me, stink, and in general fu!
I am among the first! Crispy, vigorous, filled with juice, only such a cucumber is delicious to snack on a glass of vodka, and only such a cucumber is worthy of a vinaigrette.
While I was a city girl and only had a refrigerator at my disposal, I often visited the market in a tent from a local state farm - there, in addition to sweet onions and juicy carrots, sauerkraut and real barrel cucumbers were always sold there. I bought 10 pieces at once and ate half right in the car, drowning everything around with brine)))
And when we got a cellar, I wondered - is it possible to cook the same delicious cucumbers at home?
Of course, at first I tried to get an oak barrel for pickling, but then I realized - I started from the wrong end! First of all, you need a recipe! And I got it! All the details of the preparation of barrel cucumbers were told to me by my aunt in the market, from whom I always bought these cucumbers. True, having revealed this secret to me, she lost me as a buyer - after all, now I can make both barrel cucumbers and sauerkraut myself)))

Although, I dubiously wrote down the recipe, and my head was spinning "It can't be that simple!" Well, really, I couldn't believe that in order to get such a yummy on a plate, cucumbers must first turn sour (roughly speaking, deteriorate!), And then magically turn into a delicacy!
Indeed, the recipe is so primitive that if cucumbers have already been selected, consider that half the job is done!

How to choose cucumbers? Of course, delicious, strong, without flaws, straight from the garden.
It is believed that cucumbers with thick peels and black thorns are best suited for pickling and pickling - special pickling varieties (breeders even bred the widespread variety "Mashenka"). Such cucumbers are well kept (last year a couple of buckets calmly reached the cellar until March), remain crispy and vigorous.
But tender, with a velvety fluff - they are better for salads. They are poorly stored in salting, and if such cucumbers are fermented, then rather quickly they turn into soggy soap. Although, if you do not plan to store the blanks until spring, you can try this recipe with any cucumbers.

And the size? Yes, when you are making barrel cucumbers, size matters! It has been verified that the larger the cucumber, the more harmoniously the magical processes take place inside it. Of course, you need to understand that the cucumber did not grow to the size of a squash, it became covered with a thick skin, turned yellow on one side, and inside there are huge seeds, there are simply large-fruited varieties - a cucumber can be at least 30 centimeters in length, but remain juicy, tender and not overripe.
One misfortune with such long cucumbers - how to ferment them? Here, the usual three-liter jar, and the cucumber sticks out of the neck ... And how many such copies will fit in the jar - three, four?

Therefore, my choice is plastic bucket containers. They come in different sizes (from half a liter to 12!), With sealed lids, the walls are transparent enough to spy on what is happening inside (it is easy to control the turbidity of the brine and its level), but most importantly, the diameter of the bottom and the neck do not differ much.
This container is 4 liters. And here's the cucumber that was sticking out of a three-liter jar - yes, you can stack at least a dozen of such cucumbers there!

But no matter what kind of cucumber you choose for pickling - all of them must be rinsed and soaked in cool clean water for at least 2 hours, and preferably overnight. Cucumbers will absorb water and “drink” less brine.

Until then, let's get started with some delicious accents! We collect fragrant herbs in the beds - dill (delicate twigs and tough stems, flowers and ripe umbrellas), garlic (both heads and green feathers), horseradish leaves, parsley (whole with roots or only leaves), cilantro (leaves, flowers, green seeds), sprigs of mint, basil, thyme. Don't forget the black currant leaves.
If you don't have your own beds, and your grandmother is far away in the village, there is a direct road to the market, there they sell fragrant "brooms" with everything you need.
Bay leaves, hot peppers and peppercorns also go well with cucumbers.

It's also a good idea to add cherry leaves. In our region, such a cherry is called a sweet cherry or "cherry on a leg", its leaves are small, but there is plenty of aroma.
I went to my friends' dacha with garden shears and brought a real cherry bouquet - leaves in blanks, chopped twigs into chips for hot smoking, and eat berries!
By the way, if you did not use all the leaves at once, put them in a bag and store in the refrigerator - they lie for several weeks; you can also save "extra" leaves of black currant and horseradish.

But real barrel cucumbers are therefore barrel cucumbers - they are barrel-flavored, ideally oak. Let's "cheat" - add dry oak leaves to the bucket. Of course, they are not as fragrant as fresh ones, but what can you do if real oaks do not grow here. After all, do we use dry bay leaves in the kitchen?
There are almost no problems with dry oak leaves - you need to buy an oak broom. Just do not buy it in a beautiful package in the supermarket (if it is somehow processed or old), look near the city baths - they always sell brooms from birch, fir, juniper, and from oak, sometimes they are found. I know that oak brooms from the Far East are specially brought to one uncle.
Such a broom will be enough to pickle a few buckets of cucumbers and it will remain to steam in the bathhouse))

Well, I'll tell you more about salt! Take a large pickling and NOT IODIZED! They do not stand with iodized blanks and quickly turn sour.

As you can see, there are more words and theory here, let's get down to business!

Plastic sealed buckets (or glass jars, if you suddenly do in them) wash with soda, you do not need to sterilize. The more correct bacteria remain, the better the fermentation process will go.
At the bottom we put a mixture of herbs, a few peppercorns, a horseradish leaf, fill up to half with cucumbers, laying them as tightly as possible. Again a layer of herbs, again cucumbers and more greenery on top. Cover with a sheet of horseradish, ram the contents without fanaticism.
Sprinkle salt on top - 1 tablespoon per liter of container (my buckets are 4 liters each - means 4 tablespoons), and fill it with UNBOOKED filtered water, you can from a bottle, you can use mineral water, you can use spring water, only without bleach. We leave it for half an hour and, if necessary, add some water.

We leave the buckets (jars) at room temperature, prudently they need to be put in a basin, on a large plate or baking sheet - they can leak. Loosely cover with lids or a saucer (from dust and insects), shake it a couple of times a night so that the salt spreads faster throughout the brine.

The next day, foam will appear on the surface, someone will say “oh-oh, turn sour!”, But in fact the process has started!

And after another day or two, the brine will become cloudy - we tightly close the lids and put it in the basement or in the refrigerator if you made a small batch. Now the cucumbers must stand at a temperature of no higher than 8-10 degrees for a month. They cannot be stored at room temperature!

Over time, the brine will brighten a little, but it will still remain cloudy, and the bright green cucumbers will turn brown.
As I already said, such cucumbers stand until spring, they do not turn sour, they do not grow moldy, only the taste becomes more and more vigorous. The hare even joked that he would carry a fork and a glass with him, that he would have a drink and a bite to eat in the cellar, and walking the house would be right along the way)))

Enjoy! Have a snack!

Sauerkraut in jars is a fairly common recipe in our time. After all, barrels with cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, even in the village, have long sunk into oblivion, and the memories of that half-forgotten taste of pickles without vinegar remained. I already, the differences are small, because the technology and the goal are the same: to obtain lactic acid fermentation, as a result of which lactic acid is formed. She will help us save cucumbers without using vinegar.

Today we will make a pickle using a dry mixture of spices for pickling cucumbers. Calculation for 1 liter can.

So, for the preparation of pickled cucumbers in jars (like barrels), we will prepare all the products according to the list.

Take strong, small cucumbers. Wash them well. Soak in cold water for 2-3 hours, as always, so that the air leaves the fruits. Cut off the ends.

Boil the brine, add salt (a flat spoon) and spices to the water.

Put the cucumbers in a sterile jar, cover with a simple lid and leave in the room for 3 days.

The brine will turn white - this indicates the beginning of the process of lactic acid fermentation. Then the brine will even foam, so it's better to put the jar in a plate or saucer, even though it never leaked out.

Pour the brine into a saucepan. And rinse the cucumbers directly in the jar, or taking them out of it.

Add half a glass of water to the brine and boil.

While the brine is preparing, pour boiling water over the cucumbers and cover with a sterile lid. You can add a sprig of dill and / or parsley before that.

Drain the water, bring to a boil and pour over again.

For the third time, pour cucumbers with boiling brine and immediately roll up the jar.

Send the jar under a fur coat until it cools completely. Pickled cucumbers in jars are ready as barrels. You can even store it in the room.

Shop jars of canned and pickled cucumbers cannot be compared to barreled pickles. There are several reasons for this. Firstly, they are much tastier, and secondly, they do not contain vinegar, as well as other chemical preservatives, but there are fresh spicy-aromatic additives, which are often economized on in industrial conditions.

What is needed to pickle cucumbers in a barrel?

There are a lot of cucumbers for harvesting in a barrel for the winter, so those who have their own garden plot, where you can easily grow this vegetable in sufficient quantities, are lucky, and it will cost you much cheaper than in a store. In addition to savings, you will also receive environmentally friendly products. For those who do not have their own vegetable gardens, it is better to buy cucumbers in season at large agricultural markets.

There are several nuances to consider when choosing a barrel. It is better to take an oak barrel for pickles, such as used to ferment cabbage and cucumbers in the old days. Oak wood gives the vegetables their strength and special flavor. The size of the barrel can be different. But it is better to take a larger container, the concentration of beneficial bacteria in it increases, which has a beneficial effect on the whole process.

The cucumbers themselves for pickling must be of the correct varieties, since those intended for salads are completely unsuitable for pickling, they will be soft and tasteless. In addition to the variety, the appearance of vegetables is also important. Take only strong green cucumbers with small tubercles, the length of the vegetable should be from 7 to 15 cm.

In addition to cucumbers, you will need: - horseradish leaves; - horseradish root (optional); - black currant leaves; - cherry leaves; - oak leaves; - dill umbrellas; - hot pepper (optional); - salt.

Barrel cucumber recipe

Prepare the barrel. To do this, scald it with boiling water, wash and dry it a little.

If the barrel is dry, first fill it with clean water and let it soak, then treat it with boiling water or steam it

Prepare the cucumbers for pickling: choose the appropriate size specimens, wash them, then fill them with cold water and leave overnight. If this is not done, barrel cucumbers will end up with voids or shrink.

Place horseradish leaves and dill umbrellas at the bottom of the prepared barrel. Place a layer of cucumber on top of them and sprinkle with washed cherry, blackcurrant and oak leaves. If you like it spicy, add a couple of red hot pepper pods. Put a layer of cucumbers again and the fragrant leaves on top of them. Continue until you run out of cucumbers or fill the barrel to the brim.