Duck stuffed with apples with a photo. Duck stuffed with apples and cooked in the oven

Duck, stuffed with apples- a wonderful dish for the Christmas table. I share with you simple recipe cooking, as a result you will get a delicious duck with tender meat... I also suggest looking at step by step recipe cooking delicious.

Recipe for cooking duck stuffed with apples


  • Apples - 5 pcs.
  • Lemon - ½ pc.
  • Sour cream (or mayonnaise)
  • Vinegar
  • Bay leaf
  • Pepper
  • Spices


Cooking secret delicious duck- this is pre-marinating! To do this, first prepare our duck - wash it thoroughly, pluck out the rest of the feathers (if any :-)). We choose such a container for pickling duck that it fits there freely. We make the marinade: salt, pepper, add water Bay leaf, spices and vinegar (to make the water taste sour). Fill our duck and leave in the marinade for 3-4 hours (you can overnight).

After pickling, start stuffing). To do this, wash the apples, cut into slices, salt, reproach. Cut the half of the lemon into thin slices.

Coat the duck inside with salt and sour cream (or mayonnaise). Stuff with apples and lemon wedges.

With toothpicks (or threads) we sew the "entrance" and "exit" of our duck.

Coat the duck with salt, pepper, seasonings, sour cream (or mayonnaise).

We will bake the duck in a preheated oven to 180-200 degrees.

My duck was baked for 1 hour 30 minutes, but I recommend testing the duck after an hour.

Bon Appetit!

For viewing, I suggest a video recipe for cooking a Christmas duck with apples in the oven

Wonderful and tasty dish- duck stuffed with apples is not prepared for everyday table... This dish is prepared on holidays and special dates. Difficult to prepare, it requires a lot of patience and endurance from the hostess. Especially, this applies to the processing of the carcass. After all, we do not always have high-quality processed poultry. You have to waste a lot of time before removing the remaining hemp and small fluff from the skin of the duck. But final result often exceeds all expectations. Cooking baked duck in the oven is a winning dish. Everything is used wisely here: the carcass for the main course, the offal are used for making pickle, the melted fat is used for frying potatoes, pasta, etc. So, consider 2 recipes for cooking duck stuffed with apples in the oven.

Ingredients for baked duck with apples:

  • duck - 2.2 - 2.5 kg,
  • apples - 4.5 pcs.,
  • mayonnaise 80 gr.,
  • water - 200 ml,
  • spices to taste
    Cooking time 3 hours. Servings Per Container - 8.

Cooking duck stuffed with apples in the oven.

  1. We wash the carefully processed duck outside and the belly. Then we dry the duck with a kitchen towel.
  2. Apples, preferably sour varieties, as organic acids work great with any fat. We wash the apples, remove the core and cut into large slices, lightly salt and pepper the slices.
  3. We fill the abdomen of the duck with apples, sew it up with thread. Then rub the duck with salt and pepper, coat with mayonnaise. You can make a mustard coating lemon juice and vegetable oil... You get the same mayonnaise. We keep the prepared carcass for about half an hour.
  4. Pour water onto a baking sheet and put the duck belly down on it. We put the duck in the oven and periodically pour over the released juice, cook until the pizza is soft and ruddy.
  5. Take the apples out of the belly of the finished duck and put them on a dish. Chop the duck in portions and place them next to the apples. You can serve as a side dish loose rice or stew sauerkraut.
  6. Gently drain the melted fat from the baking sheet into a jar.

Since ancient times, homemade duck has been very popular in the national Russian cuisine. List of dishes that can be prepared from duck meat is very diverse. It can be stewed, fried, or baked. But truly a delicacy is considered stuffed duck with apples in the oven. A step-by-step recipe with a photo will turn cooking so complex exquisite dish into a fascinating creative process, and the result of your work will be the gratitude and admiration of those closest to you.

You can stuff duck with any cereals, fruits or vegetables, but most often sauerkraut, lingonberries, cranberries, apples and dried fruits are used for the filling. Duck meat itself has a rather specific smell, and is distinguished by a certain hardness and fat content, which significantly increases the cooking time. Therefore, it is recommended to stuff it with something sour. First, the acid breaks down the fibers and makes the meat much softer, thanks to which the cooking time is reduced significantly. Secondly, the sourness gives the dishes a more refined and spicy taste and also neutralizes excessive fat content.

To prevent duck from becoming your biggest culinary disappointment, let's look at some of the nuances that you should definitely consider, regardless of the recipe.

  1. More than 80% of the success of a dish depends on the freshness of the product. The carcass should be dry, without a musty odor, with a slightly yellowish skin, well plucked. Pay attention to the fat layer, the more transparent it is, the younger the bird. When pressed, the meat should quickly regain its shape.
  2. If the duck is not plucked well, then for an easier and quick removal the remains of feather stumps, it should be for 2 minutes. immerse in boiling water. Then, after wiping dry, pull out the feathers in the direction of growth. If there are a lot of small thin hairs, then you can simply singe them (only a dry carcass is singed).
  3. The most optimal carcasses for baking are female carcasses weighing 2-2.5 kg. Such a duck already has enough meat, but still not so much fat, moreover, too heavy weight may indicate the addition of hormones to the feed.
  4. If you cook a drake then experienced housewives it is recommended to remove the tail, so you will reduce the unpleasant specific odor.
    When buying frozen poultry, carefully check the integrity of the packaging and the expiration date. Defrosting duck, like any other meat, must be done in stages. First in the refrigerator (about a day), and then until completely thawed at room temperature.
  5. You can make the meat of frozen or old duck softer by marinating it for 12-24 hours. This will not only shorten the cooking time, but it will also eliminate the smell and taste of old fat.
  6. Some cooks advise to cook it literally 3-5 minutes before baking a whole carcass. After that, you must definitely dry the bird, and then cook in the usual way... This will reduce the residence time in the oven, and the duck will be baked evenly and will not be 100% soggy.

Here you will find a recipe for a delicious whole roasted duck with frosting and more tips for baking it.

You will need:

  • duck - 1 carcass (2-2.5 kg);
  • apples (it is better to take the Antonovka variety) - 3-4 pcs. (not large);
  • orange (can be replaced with 2 tangerines) - 1 pc .;
  • lemon - 1⁄2 pcs.;
  • honey - 1-2 tablespoons;
  • garlic - 1 head;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons;
  • spices to taste (black and red ground pepper, juniper, thyme, etc.);
  • salt - 1 tablespoon


  1. First, you need to prepare the duck carcass. Fresh or thawed poultry (we advised how to thaw it a little higher) should be washed very thoroughly, pluck out the remaining feathers as much as possible, gut and wipe dry with a paper towel.
  2. Then we cut off all the excess fat, we don't need it. Cut out the tail - the source bad smell... And we remove the wrist part of the wing, it is absolutely useless, and quickly burns during baking.

  3. Now we start preparing the marinade. To do this, combine the oil with the juice of half a lemon, add 1-2 tablespoons there. honey. If the honey is candied, it must first be melted in a water bath. Then we clean the garlic and pass it through a press. Add salt, favorite spices and mix everything thoroughly.
  4. Having made cuts in the fleshy and fattest places, rub the carcass with the resulting mixture and set it to marinate in the refrigerator. The longer the duck is in the marinade, the softer and more tender it will be. Traditionally, it is believed that 8-12 hours is sufficient. But for a young and fresh bird, 2-3 hours are enough. And if the carcass is very large or old, then you can leave it even for a day.
  5. When the duck is marinated, we start preparing the filling. To do this, wash the apples well, remove the core and cut into medium-sized slices. We clean the orange well and also cut it, not forgetting to remove the seeds. Orange, if desired, can be replaced with tangerine, or you can not add it at all if, for example, you are allergic to citruses. It is better to take apples of sour and sweet and sour varieties. Antonovka is ideal for stuffing ducks and geese. Giblets can also be added to the filling, for this they are also thoroughly washed, dried and cut into small pieces.
  6. Now you need to not very densely fill the carcass with minced fruit and carefully, but carefully sew up. The seam should be strong enough not to burst during baking and retain all the liquid inside. It is better to take colored threads, so you will definitely be sure that you have removed all of them without a trace.

  7. If time permits, after stuffing it is better to leave the duck for another 1-2 hours, soak in the juices of the filling, but you can immediately start baking.
  8. The next step is to choose a baking method. According to this recipe, you can cook duck with apples in the oven either in foil or in a special sleeve, as in the photo. A roasting bag offers many benefits. During cooking, the juice will not pour out onto the baking sheet and evaporate, therefore, the duck will turn out to be more juicy and tender. If the sleeves are not at hand, you can use foil. The carcass should be wrapped in several layers so that the fat does not leak out, and the bird does not turn out to be overdried.
  9. We put a baking sheet with a bird in an oven preheated to 160-180C. Cooking time depends on the size and age of the carcass. On average, the duration is about 2-3 hours. When the duck is almost ready, you need to open the foil (or bag), pour the resulting juice over the carcass, and let it stand for another 15-20 minutes to brown.

Transfer the finished duck to a large plate or tray. You can immediately divide the carcass into portioned pieces, but as a whole it looks much more spectacular. Decorate the dish with baked apples, berries and herbs. In addition, you can cook any sweet and sour sauce or . Boiled or baked potatoes, cereals (rice or buckwheat), fresh and baked vegetables... By the way, they can be baked in the sleeve with the duck.

Now yours signature dish will certainly become a duck with apples in the oven, a step-by-step recipe with a photo will help make the process cooking easy and understandable, and the result is always excellent. Having learned some secrets, you can safely start conquering a new culinary height. And please your friends and loved ones with a delicious, aromatic and hearty lunch.

Baked duck stuffed with apples - classic recipe that exists in many cuisines different countries the world for centuries. But how delicious to cook this dish? You will find the answer to this question in this article.
Recipe content:

The basics of how to cook baked duck stuffed with apples in the oven

Duck is cooked in pieces, minced meat products are made, but it is considered the most delicious - baked whole carcass with filling, variations of which, there are many. The most popular and well-known fillings are: potatoes, rice, lingonberries, buckwheat with mushrooms, vegetables, legumes, nuts, fruits, dried fruits and apples.

Before cooking, the carcass is well washed, dried, marinated and rubbed inside and out with salt and spices. Then they fill it with a filling, sew the edges with a thread and send the bird to the oven. You can bake it on a regular baking sheet with high sides, or in the utyatnitsa.

The most important thing in this recipe- get juicy, soft and rich taste... Therefore, it is necessary to accurately calculate the cooking time of the duck. For 1 kilogram of duck meat, 45 minutes of roasting is taken after the oven is fully warmed up. To this you need to add an additional 25 minutes to brown the crust. If you choose to cook the poultry in the oven in slices, it will take about 90 minutes. It depends on the initial tenderness of the meat and the size of the pieces.

  • Calorie content per 100 g - 260 kcal.
  • Servings - 6
  • Cooking time - about 2 hours for baking, 1.5 hours for marinating, 30 minutes for preparation


  • Duck carcass - 1 pc.
  • Apples - 5-7 pcs. depending on the size
  • Mayonnaise - 100 g
  • Wasabi sauce - 1 tsp
  • Salt - 1 tsp or to taste
  • Ground black pepper - 0.5 tsp or to taste

Cooking baked duck stuffed with apples

1. Prepare the marinade. To do this, pour mayonnaise into a deep bowl, put wasabi sauce, salt and black pepper. Stir well to distribute the spices evenly.

2. Wash the duck, remove all fat from the tail, pat dry with a cotton towel and wipe the inside and out well with marinade.

3. Wrap the duck cling film and put it in the refrigerator to marinate for at least 1.5 hours. With me in this state, a duck can spend the whole night, and I cook it the next day for dinner. It is not necessary to wrap the bird with cling film, I do this so as not to stain the refrigerator.

4. After a while, prepare the apples. Wash and dry them. Use a special knife to remove the core and cut into pieces of any size. Although you can stuff poultry with whole apples.

5. Stuff the duck with apples. Wrap it in a sleeve or cling foil and bake in a preheated oven for about 2 hours. Exact time roasting will depend on the size of your carcass. Place the poultry breast-side down on the baking sheet to prevent drying out. Remove the sleeve 20 minutes before the bird is ready to brown it.

Serve the finished poultry with a side dish, spicy sauces, sour snacks, herbs and dry red wine.

  1. If the carcass is frozen, then you need to completely defrost it by transferring it from freezer in the refrigerator. Then rinse and dry the duck thoroughly. Cut off the lower phalanges at the wings, otherwise they will burn during baking, break the duck wings themselves at the base so that they do not turn out when baking in the oven. The tail must be cut off, there is nothing in it except fat, which can give a peculiar taste.

  2. If you become the owner of a not very well plucked duck, then you will have to work hard. With tweezers (preferably not with your own manicure tweezers), you will have to pluck out the protruding bristles. The procedure is tedious and time-consuming, since the bristles are oily and do not particularly want to be removed from the skin. If you don't have enough patience and time for this, then remove the stubble at least from the chest, back and hips.
  3. Before stuffing the duck with apples and sending it to the oven to bake, we will marinate it. Means, next step preparing the marinade. In a bowl, combine honey, oil, salt, pepper mixture, garlic and basil passed through a press.
  4. Coat the duck with the resulting mixture, wrap with cling film and refrigerate. It is desirable to marinate the carcass overnight (8 hours), at least 3 hours.
  5. When the duck is marinated, you need to turn on the oven so that it warms up to 180 ° C and prepares the filling. For the filling, wash the apples, orange and lemon, grate the lemon zest, peel the apples and oranges and cut into pieces, removing the seeds. Squeeze the juice out of the lemon. In a cup, combine chopped oranges and apples, zest and lemon juice.
  6. It doesn't matter how the duck is gutted - only through an incision at the tail or with a cut in the breast, all the same after stuffing it will need to be sewn up. To do this, prepare a thick tailor's needle and thick cotton thread or linen cord.
  7. Stuff the weft through the cut and sew tightly, securing the ends of the thread.

  8. Duck with apples is baked in the oven in foil or a special baking bag (I have on the next step by step photo you see it in the bag), what to choose, there is no difference, the main thing is that the dimensions of the foil and the bag correspond to the size of the duck. The foil should be placed in such a way that the juice and fat do not run out onto the baking sheet and evaporate during baking.
  9. Put the packaged duck in a preheated oven for 2.5 hours, then very carefully cut the top of the foil or bag to pour the juice over the carcass and put it back to form a beautiful golden brown crust.
  10. Pour the juice with fat into a separate cup, based on this mixture, you can prepare a wonderful sauce by simply adding one tablespoon of flour, diluted not big amount water and bringing the mixture stirring to a boil.

The festive apple-stuffed duck is ready! Serve it whole on big platter and cut into portions already at the table. For a side dish, you can cook potatoes, rice or vegetables, by the way, potatoes can be baked in a bag with duck.