Dishes with spinach. Baked Spinach with Egg

21.04.2019 Restaurant notes

Spinach recipes are popular in Mediterranean cuisine. Cooking spinach does not require special skills. The site has recipes from spinach with photos that will help diversify your menu. Spinach is quite rich in vitamins and minerals, which is important in the spring months. Its slightly sour taste is suitable for the preparation of salads and soups. In addition, mashed spinach mass is added to mashed potatoes to give it a better taste and juiciness.

For the preparation of burek, a special thin ready-made filo dough is used, but instead of it you can take thin pita bread. The filling can be any. This recipe describes how to make a Turkish spinach pie. It turns out a light snack

section: Turkish cuisine

Chicken recipe for those who, while staying within a fairly modest budget, want to cook a delicious and original serving dish. To prepare chicken roll, choose fillet and frozen spinach. Rolls turn out beautiful in their entirety -

section: Chicken rolls

The recipe for light mashed soup on a vegetable broth with spinach is prepared by analogy with the Georgian vegetarian stew of Shechamanda. To prepare it, you need a minimum of products - vegetable broth, fresh herbs, onions and garlic. To soften the taste of greens,

section: Vegetable soups

Spinach casserole is a recipe for an excellent breakfast that should be tasty, nutritious and healthy. After morning leaves of cabbage with kefir, the mood will be depressed for half a day, and the mood will be at zero. Better to make a hearty and healthy breakfast.

section: Vegetable casseroles

The recipe for fast, hearty and fragrant vegetarian lasagna. The classic bechamel sauce has given way to Cypriot halumi cheese and tomato sauce. Cheese gives the finished lasagna an appetizing saltiness and a pleasant feeling of al dente.

section: Italian food

The recipe for amazing two-tone dumplings, with a nice green frill, with glossy sides and delicious filling. They are steamed from green dough on spinach juice and the usual, cooked in a custard way. Potato filling here l

section: Ukrainian food

Light soup with sorrel and spinach for those who do not like rich meat broths. You can and should manipulate products when you are trying to create your own recipe. Optionally, add green onions, dill or cilantro, parsley to the soup. However, the main

section: Vegetable soups

Green pancakes with red fish are ordinary thin pancakes in milk with the addition of chopped spinach with curd filling, chopped fresh dill and a slice of red fish. Lightly salted salmon or any other red is suitable for the filling.

section: Pancakes

Strudel with spinach and suluguni cheese I prepared from the finished filo dough. Such a roll should be kept in the oven about half as much as if you were baking it from a dough. So that the thin crust is a little softer and does not crumble when n

section: Vertuta

Polenta is corn porridge. We offer to cook viscous corn porridge in a vegetable broth, and then wait until the porridge has hardened, cut into slices and fry in olive oil. Serve with spinach and tomato salad.

section: Polenta

Although the French claim that the invention of the omelet belongs to them, and they even test their cooks for professional suitability with the omelet, each national cuisine boasts its own recipe from an egg mixture. In fact, there are as many omelette recipes as

section: Omelette

Delicate golden ravioli with cottage cheese and spinach as if absorbed a piece of warm Italian sun. You can argue about what they really are - a kind of dumplings, relatives of dumplings or still pasta, according to the Italian

section: Dumplings

There are several reasons why you simply have to cook an egg roll with spinach and cheese. Firstly, this recipe is very simple and quick. Secondly, it looks colorful and bright on the table. Thirdly, it surprises guests and members of the household with an unusual presentation

section: Omelette

Spinach is an extremely popular salad vegetable. Its delicate, crunchy, dark green leaves are one of the favorite ingredients for chefs across the planet. Spinach is a very nutritious food that is low in calories but very high in vitamins. So what to cook with spinach? What is its use? Who could he harm?

What are the benefits of spinach?

Spinach is an excellent source of antioxidants, folic acid, magnesium and vitamin K, which strengthens bones. One hundred grams of boiled or stewed leaves contain a daily intake of vitamin K. Spinach leaves are a high fiber diet and an excellent source of vitamin C. It contains twice as much fiber as any other greens. Like any dark green vegetables, spinach is an excellent source of beta-carotene. It is also a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids. Regular use of it helps prevent osteoporosis (bone weakness). In addition, it is believed that spinach will protect the body from cardiovascular diseases, colon cancer and prostate gland.

Who can harm spinach?

Spinach is not recommended for people with certain diseases. People who have problems with joints, kidneys, gall bladder should be careful. Spinach contains oxalic acid, which can crystallize in the joints, bile and urinary tract in some people. Spinach is not recommended for people with thyroid dysfunction. Many may experience an allergic reaction to it.

Studies have shown that regular use of it can slow down age-related changes in brain function. Spinach contains carotenoids that protect your eyes from age-related cataracts.

Spinach can be eaten fresh, boiled or stewed. Fresh leaves should be a bright dark green color. Do not eat yellowed or wilted.

Spinach is a great addition to any salad. But from it you can cook individual dishes. Usually it is boiled in salted water or stewed in a frying pan with a small amount of water before use.

The volume of spinach leaves is significantly reduced during cooking.

How to cook spinach in the microwave

This is generally a great way to cook, because it preserves the nutritional value of the vegetable, and takes a little time, effort. In this case, you can not add water. Just put the spinach leaves in a cup, leave it in the microwave for 3-5 minutes. Stir them two or three times during this time.

Chopped boiled or steamed spinach leaves are a great addition to soufflé or scrambled eggs. It is often used as a filler to stuff everything from pasta and vermicelli to chicken breasts.

If you put out spinach leaves in butter or olive oil, this will give different tastes to the dishes to which they are added.

How to keep the bright green color of spinach leaves?

Flanch it: put the leaves in a colander and dip it in a pot of boiling salted water. Repeat this 5-6 times for 1-2 minutes. And then douse the leaves with cold water. Blanched leaves will decrease in volume but remain bright green.

If you are not going to cook anything from spinach, then drain the leaves with a paper towel, put them in a bag or plastic container, and put them in the refrigerator. Leaves processed in this way will perfectly retain their nutritional properties for 3-5 days.

Spinach leaves can be used in salads. Fresh or boiled, they go well with mushrooms, eggs, onions, garlic. Spinach is delicious with sour cream, mayonnaise, natural yogurt, grated cheese, especially with Parmesan. Dishes with it are often seasoned with grated nutmeg, mint, caraway seeds, ground pepper, pine nuts - this only enriches its taste.

Finely chopped to a pasty state spinach is added to smoothies, juices - this gives them a cheerful bright green color.

It should be washed very carefully, since sand, earth have the ability to linger in folds or bulges of leaves. Even the spinach that you buy in supermarkets pre-packaged must be at least rinsed under running water. Do not leave it in water for long, as this will lead to loss of nutrients. Spinach frozen in briquettes, of course, is not washed. But after thawing, excess moisture should be squeezed out.

The leaves of some varieties of spinach have thick enough petioles, which should be removed before cooking any dish.

Previously, I did not like spinach at all and carried it exclusively in the Georgian phali, where the specific taste of spinach is clogged with garlic, cilantro and aromatic seasonings.

Once in Tbilisi I was invited to visit. While the young owner, a passionate cookery fan, spun and conjured in the kitchen, my friends and I walked along the long balcony, contemplated the panoramas of the city and chatted about this and that.

For half an hour on the table, as on a self-assembled tablecloth, appeared snacks, salads and a huge dish with stewed spinach. I was curved to myself, but I followed my unquestioned rule - when you are on a trip, always try everything that they feel for you.

And yes, that spinach turned out to be special and very tasty. The landlord suggested that I guess the recipe. Onions, garlic, a few drops of lemon juice and ... cloves. Which I, by the way, also do not particularly regret. Clove “merged” with the rest of the ingredients and connected them in a very delicate, slightly spicy and incredibly harmonious taste. Since that evening, spinach has replenished my list of favorite dishes.

Since then I have seen many recipes for this stewed greens. Basically, it is “seasoned” with nutmeg, but I have never seen a clove in this dish. Therefore, this Georgian recipe is special.

Friends! On November 27, I will conduct a workshop on vegetable cuisine along with raw-chocolatier Zhanna Fadeeva. I invite you to spend a cozy, interesting and tasty evening or to give a nice gift to friends or relatives) The menu is amazing, only from whole, unrefined products of plant origin. And you will find pleasant surprises and a bonus!

What to cook:
  1) Fragrant champignon cream soup with coconut milk with thyme and croutons with garlic and herbs.
  2) Real, delicate Italian baked pumpkin risotto with baby spinach and “cheese” crumbs. This is my favorite dish, I will tell you a lot of interesting things)
  3) Universal chocolate muffins with raisins and cocoa nibs. This block is led by Jeanne, she will tell you how easy it is to change the taste of this dessert with the help of various fillings and toppings.

The cost of participation in the master class is 4400 rubles.
  Come with friends and family! When ordering from 2 tickets, the participation fee is 3900 rubles.

Other details and booking a place at the master class - click here

Ingredients for 2 servings:

  • 400 g fresh spinach
  • 1 onion
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • cloves - 5 pcs.
  • 1/4 lemon juice
  • salt to taste
  • 1 tbsp. l odorless refined vegetable oil for frying

Cooking time: 20 minutes

  • 5-10 minutes to prepare
  • 15 minutes to cook

Approximate calories in 1 serving:

  • 100 kcal


We wash the spinach and cut (or tear off) the roots - everything else goes into the dish.

Culinary Lifehack. Sometimes spinach is very dirty, so I advise you to wash it in a bowl. When there is no land left at the bottom, then it is clean.

Pour the oil into the pan and set it on the stove to warm up. The fire should be medium (6 division of 12 on my stove).

Wash onions and garlic and cut them into large cubes.

  Cut onion and garlic

Put the onions in a pan and fry it for 4 minutes.

Add garlic and cloves and fry them with onions, stirring occasionally until they give flavor. This usually occurs within 1 minute.

Now add the spinach. If it seems that he is about to fall out of the pan - this is normal. Spinach loses its volume very quickly.

Stew spinach for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. When he will be of this kind

Spinach is an interesting plant that is yet to be discovered by domestic culinary specialists. After all, he came to Europe a little earlier, where he gained immense popularity. It's time for our hostesses to actively prepare spinach dishes, the proven and delicious recipes of which we are ready to offer.

According to historians, spinach came to European territory from Persia. Fresh leaves of an interesting culture began to be prepared in the ninth century. In France, delicate spinach dishes take pride of place on every table. After all, a leafy vegetable is rightly called the "king".

Fresh spinach has earned such a title because it is full of nutrients. It contains proteins and carbohydrates, fats and unsaturated acids. Using any recipe with a photo, you can replenish the reserves of vitamins A and E, C and H with fresh spinach. Regarding the protein content, leafy vegetables are second only to green peas and young beans in this indicator.

It is very valuable that the whole set of useful microelements and vitamins is stored in spinach dishes even after heat treatment. Choosing interesting recipes, you can cook the plant to your liking, replenishing the necessary substances and removing toxins from the body. Leafy vegetable helps to activate metabolism and rejuvenation, and any dishes from it look so appetizing in the photo.

With all its richness in vitamins and minerals, fresh spinach and dishes from it remain dietary. They look appetizing in the photo, easy to digest, so even shown to children. Moreover, the plant is able to bring great benefits to the growing body. Fresh or frozen spinach for future mothers will be equally valuable.

Selecting the best recipes, you can use this leafy vegetable for diabetes and hypertension, gastritis and deviations in the functioning of the nervous system. It is important to know that the product has a slight diuretic and laxative property. It helps eliminate inflammation and tones the body. The best recipes we give below.

From first to second courses

Traditionally, we are used to using fresh or frozen spinach in the form of salad, casserole or soup. First, we’ll study recipes for such dishes that seem satisfying and tasty for every member of the family, regardless of age. Leafy vegetables can be cooked and baked. It is also consumed fresh and added to sauces.

By the way, spinach is introduced instead of dye in the food industry, so that the products look beautiful in the photo. It contributes to better absorption of protein foods. Therefore, a combination such as fresh or frozen spinach and meat, fish, and an egg is popular. Experienced housewives will advise you to cook young herbs with stems. Thanks to this, the nutritional value of the dish increases, whatever recipes are used in the kitchen.

Hearty Chickpea Soups

Since it is traditionally difficult to imagine a day without a first course, first try to cook a hearty soup of fresh or frozen spinach. No matter what the rules dictate, the experience shows that you can safely apply this leafy vegetable in any form in which it is only at hand. For a nutritious dish that also looks appetizing in the photo, we need these products:

  • one and a half liters of chicken stock;
  • one glass of chickpeas;
  • one medium onion;
  • several garlic cloves (to taste);
  • two large tomatoes;
  • two bunches of spinach;
  • five sprigs of green basil;
  • 6 tbsp. l hard cheese, grated;
  • vegetable oil;
  • salt, spices.

At night, it is worth pouring chickpeas with water to start cooking soup from fresh spinach in the morning. In the morning, peas should be washed and covered with chicken stock. Bringing it to a boil, cook for one and a half hours.

In the meantime, you can peel the onions and garlic. With a tomato, you need to remove the peel and cut them into small cubes. Then, fry the onion in olive oil in a pan, add garlic to it. Then vegetables and tomatoes are introduced into the soup.

After half an hour cooking, you can add fresh spinach to the dish. It remains to cook the soup for another 15 minutes. At the end, chopped basil, spices and salt are added to it to taste. Such recipes do not require strict adherence: you can slightly adjust them. Before serving, we recommend sprinkling a dish of spinach and chickpeas with cheese, rubbing it. Then it will be even more interesting to look at the photo.

Juicy and fragrant casseroles

Simple recipes for casseroles, in which healthy leafy vegetables are added, are very popular. Their advantages are that they prepare dishes with the addition of fresh spinach quickly, and they turn out to be tasty, satisfying and mouth-watering in the photo.

Casseroles can be prepared from almost any ingredient found in the refrigerator. They will become even more satisfying with the addition of meat or fish. And we offer a recipe with a photo in which feta cheese is added. To try a delicate dish, you need to collect the following ingredients:

  • 375 g feta cheese;
  • 250 g of fresh spinach;
  • 140 g of wheat flour;
  • 100 g butter;
  • 75 g of any hard cheese;
  • 8 chicken eggs;
  • 2 large onions;
  • ½ tsp baking powder;
  • 2/3 cup breadcrumbs;
  • salt, spices.

First you need to boil hard-boiled two eggs. Dip fresh spinach in boiling water and add for five minutes. Separately, combine the flour with the baking powder, adding butter to them, which must first soften at room temperature.

Now, grated hard cheese and one yolk should be introduced into the flour mass. It turns out a dry dough, which is rubbed onto the crumbs directly in the form, pre-oiled. You can put the workpiece in the refrigerator.

While the dough is cooling, prepare the first layer of the casserole. To do this, combine two eggs, one protein, 2/3 of feta cheese and half the breadcrumbs. The resulting mass also needs to be removed in the refrigerator.

In the meantime, make a second layer for the dish. Fresh spinach is washed and dried. Cut greens, add boiled eggs and onions to it. The rest of the feta is introduced here. The mass is warmed in a pan and left to sweat a little. It remains to add breadcrumbs and three raw eggs to this mixture, introducing salt and spices.

You can get the form and the first layer for the filling out of the refrigerator. Having laid the egg and cheese mass, a mixture with the addition of spinach is placed on it. The dish is sent to the oven for literally half an hour. It is baked, becomes rosy and mouth-watering in the photo.

Spinach Salads and Dessert

Now we’ll tell you recipes that are sure to be loved in every home. First of all, this is a salad of fresh spinach, which can decorate a table even on a holiday: it will turn out so spectacular in the photo. And also teach how to cook a non-standard dish - jam from berries. We are talking about a special kind of plant - strawberry spinach.

Light and vitamin foods

First, let's try to make a salad that contains a minimum of calories and maximum benefit. This spinach-based dish looks colorful and vibrant in the photo, and is especially popular among vegans. But we assure you that it is very tasty, even if you are not ready to give up meat. To prepare the salad, you will need one hundred grams of spinach, seaweed and sorrel, and also such components:

  • 50 g of freeze salad;
  • 20 g chopped onion;
  • ½ lemon;
  • 2 carrots;
  • 1 tbsp. l honey;
  • 50 ml of vegetable oil;
  • ½ tsp mustard;
  • salt, pepper to taste.

According to the recipe, you first need to peel the carrots and grind it into narrow strips. Next, we tear the freeze salad and cut onion arrows, as well as seaweed. Separately, we make a sauce of honey, mustard, lemon juice and oil. Add salt and pepper to it.

It remains to combine the spinach in the salad bowl with the rest of the ingredients. We season the original dish with sauce and take a memory photo: for sure in a couple of minutes nothing will remain of it. This recipe is simple, but everyone will appreciate the result. Next, we describe how to make jam.

Unusual use

Finally, we learn how to make jam from spinach berries. It should be noted that for this, most likely, you will have to plant and grow a special kind of plant in your country house. Since we are talking about strawberry spinach. It is believed that the green parts are edible in it, and the use of berries is also allowed. But in this regard, each housewife may have their own opinion: to some they like, but to others - not.

To make jam, you need a kilogram of ripe berries. According to the recipe from the photo, you have to cook the sweet dish with the addition of powdered sugar. It must be prepared in the amount of one and a half kilograms.

The cooking process resembles the traditional way of making jam. Spinach berries are placed in a bowl, pouring layers of powdered sugar. When they put the juice, you can put them on fire. Most often this happens no earlier than six hours later.

Cooking occurs intermittently for 15 minutes. Jam heating is repeated four times. To preserve the color of the berries, citric acid is added to the sweet dish. You can start conservation or offer a treat for tea to relatives and friends.

In our country, such greens as sorrel enjoy well-deserved love of housewives. It contains many vitamins and healthy acids, so any dish with sorrel has a great effect on health and strengthens the immune system. But, in the West there is another greens, just as healthy and tasty, which is used there instead of sorrel - it's spinach. Spinach is much more neutral in taste, it is not as sour as sorrel, but you can cook exactly the same dishes with it, and even more.

Recipes on how to cook fresh spinach dishes are considered in this section of our useful culinary portal. How often you can still hear from modern men that they are not goats and will not eat grass. How wrong is this opinion, because green grass, spinach and other greens should be the basis of the diet of modern man. If, he only wants to be healthy and young. Doctors sound the alarm - even 40-year-old people have heart attacks today, diabetes and other diseases are also getting younger. In order not to start your health, today you need to start eating right.

In creating the right menu, an important role will be played by knowledge of what to cook from fresh spinach. Because, you can’t always just wash the greens, put them in the center of the table, give a lecture at home, how spinach is healthy and enjoy the sight that they began to actively absorb grass. But, the hostess has the power to choose certain dishes based on this ingredient and often cook these dishes, thereby not only spoiling the family with something tasty, but also healing every member of the family.

This greens can be used to make pies and pies, soups. Fresh spinach salad recipes are especially delicious. Out of habit, it may seem that spinach has a completely inexplicable and neutral taste. But here it all depends on the specific recipe and how the hostess will manage to translate everything into reality. In particular, for example, in a salad spinach perfectly takes on the tastes of other vegetables and the dish becomes rich. Be sure to experiment with salad dressings.

Nutritionists say that a day you need to eat up to a kilogram of fresh vegetables and herbs. It is emphasized that the most useful products in this category are those that are green. This is cabbage, cucumbers, any greens, including spinach. With recipes from this section of the site you will no longer have questions about what to cook from spinach.


Lenten Salad with Beans and Mushrooms

Ingredients: beans, mushroom, onion, spinach, salt, pepper, oil, lemon juice

Lenten menu can be very tasty and satisfying. This is what the salad recipe with beans and mushrooms proves to us. Be sure to cook it - you will definitely enjoy it. And we will help you with the recipe.

- 5-6 tablespoons white beans;
  - 150 grams of oyster mushrooms;
  - 20 grams of fresh spinach;
  - salt to taste;
  - to taste;
  - 3-4 tbsp. vegetable oil;
  - lemon juice.


Chicken cutlets stuffed with eggs, onions and spinach

Ingredients:   breadcrumbs, vegetable oil, minced chicken, spinach, eggs, green onions

We offer you for dinner a recipe for juicy, delicious chicken minced meatballs. And in order to interest you even more, we decided to cook them with the filling. By the way, cooking such patties / zrazy is not at all difficult.

For the dish you will need:
- minced meat;
  - breadcrumbs;
  - spinach;
  - eggs;
  - vegetable oil;
  - green onions.


Pie with spinach, egg and cottage cheese

Ingredients:   butter, flour, spinach, chicken egg, cottage cheese, sour cream, baking powder, salt

Undoubtedly, this is one of the most delicious cakes that will only benefit the body. And all because the filling is prepared from fresh spinach. In general, the pie recipe is simple - the dough is kneaded on a baking powder. For the filling, in addition to spinach, cottage cheese and eggs are used.

Products for the recipe:

- 6 eggs
  - 200 g butter,
  - 400 g flour
  - a bunch of spinach,
  - 300 g of cottage cheese,
  - 200 g sour cream,
  - salt - to taste,
  - ½ teaspoon of baking powder.


Okroshka on kefir with radish and spinach

Ingredients:   dill, spinach, potatoes, eggs, water, kefir, salt, cucumber, radish

In the summer, okroshka is the most favorite dish among the majority of the country's population. Only the cold store or gazpacho can compete with her, and even that, for sure, will lose. We offer you a new version of okroshka cooked on kefir with spinach and radish.

For the recipe you will need:
- 1 liter of kefir 1-2.5%;
  - two cucumbers;
  - a bunch of radishes;
  - a bunch of green onions;
  - prefabricated bunch of greens;
  - 1 handful of spinach leaves;
  - salt - to taste;
  - boiled potatoes - 4-5 tubers;
  - boiled eggs - 2 pcs;
  - drinking or mineral water - 1 glass.


Vegetarian cutlets with rice and spinach

Ingredients:   spinach, rice, curry leaves, oatmeal, onions, lemon, vegetable oil, salt

If you don’t know what dish to please yourself and loved ones in fasting, we recommend that you pay attention to our new recipe, thanks to which you can easily and quickly cook hearty rice and spinach cutlets.

For the recipe you will need:
- 150 g of spinach;
  - 250 g of boiled rice;
  - 4 g curry leaves;
- 60 g of oatmeal;
  - a large head of onion;
  - half a lemon;
  - vegetable oil;
  - salt - to taste.


Spinach Egg in a Bun

Ingredients:   egg, round bran bun, spinach, onion, butter, cheese, hard, salt

Today I suggest you feed your whole family or your beloved with a healthy and tasty breakfast. It is breakfast that is the key to a successful day. Delicious and healthy bran bread, homemade egg and spinach are excellent products to start the day.
- egg 1 pc.;
  - hard cheese;
  - round bun with bran 1pc .;
  - chopped onion - 1 tbsp;
  - spinach - 1 handful;
  - 3 tbsp butter;
  - salt.


Pizza with potatoes, spinach and savoy cabbage

Ingredients:   pizza, potatoes, savoy cabbage, spinach, cheese, parmesan, garlic, butter, salt

We offer to slightly diversify your everyday menu and introduce this wonderful recipe into it. We will cook pizza-pizza - a popular buckwheat flour pasta in Italy, with potatoes, spinach and savoy cabbage.

- pizzoceri - 400 g,
  - Bitto cheese - 200 g,
  - potatoes - 200 g,
  - Savoy cabbage - 100 g,
  - spinach - 50 g,
  - garlic - 1-2 cloves,
  - butter - 50 g,
  - Parmesan - 20 g,
  - salt.


Fusilli pasta with spinach and mozzarella

Ingredients:   fusilli paste, spinach, mozzarella cheese, chili pepper, garlic, vegetable oil, salt

A quick and tasty dinner can be prepared if you use our recipe. We suggest you boil any short pasta, in our case fusilli, season them with spinach and bake with mozzarella cheese. Very tasty!

For the recipe you will need:
- 200 g of fusilli;
  - 250 g of spinach;
  - a large ball of mozzarella;
  - chili pepper pod;
  - two cloves of garlic;
  - olive oil;
  - salt - a pinch.


Spinach, Tomato and Mackerel Salad

Ingredients:   spinach, tomatoes, canned mackerel, onion, lemon, vegetable oil, salt

Spinach salads are always healthy, nutritious and tasty. In addition, such dishes are very easy to prepare. We offer you a sample of spinach, tomato and canned mackerel salad. If you follow the figure, salads - this is exactly what you need.

For the dish you will need:
- fresh spinach - a big handful,
  - fresh tomatoes - 4-5 pcs.,
  - one or two onions,
  - mackerel in oil - 1 can,
  - lemon juice - 5 g,
  - vegetable oil - 10-15 g,
  - salt - to taste.


Pita with egg and spinach

Ingredients:   thin Caucasian pita bread, boiled meat, eggs, cheese, butter, sour cream, spinach, dill, salt, black pepper

Imagine that the evening has come, and several friends have come to visit you. And you have nothing ready for guests in the refrigerator. An urgent need to come up with something. This recipe for pita bread with egg and spinach will come to the rescue. It is prepared quickly and easily, and your guests will not soon forget its taste, and you yourself will not remain indifferent.


- dill - 1 bunch;
  - sour cream - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  - chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;
  - ground black pepper - to taste;
  - thin Caucasian pita - 1 pc.;
  - salt - to taste;
  - boiled meat - 100 gr.;
  - hard cheese - 70 gr.;
  - butter - 50 gr.;
  - spinach - 1 bunch.


Spinach Yeast Bun

Ingredients:   water, fresh yeast, salt, sugar, flour, dough, vegetable oil, fresh spinach

It is probably easier to name those nutrients that are simply not found in spinach than vice versa. Not for nothing because spinach is called a vegetable with royal roots. Its distinctive feature is that during heat treatment, most of the nutrients contained in it are preserved. Include a spinach dish in your weekly diet - and you will instantly bring your carbohydrate metabolism back to normal, restore your former working capacity and calmness. We suggest starting with buns.

  for dough:
- 300 ml. water;
  - 1 tsp dried dill;
  - 10 gr. fresh yeast;
  - 1.5 tsp salts;
  - 1 tbsp Sahara;
  - 200 gr. flour;

  for the test:
- dough;
  - 3 tbsp vegetable oil;
  - 1 bunch of fresh spinach;
  - 400 gr. flour.


Spinach Egg Chicken Soup

Ingredients:   eggs, chicken stock, spinach, salt, black pepper, onion

We offer to please your home with a beautiful, light and unusual soup, the main character of which is eggs. For many years, fierce disputes were conducted around the eggs, someone with foam at the mouth proved their usefulness and high vitamin content, someone paid attention to the cholesterol content. But in recent years, the eggs have been completely and completely rehabilitated. As it turned out, the cholesterol contained in them is not harmful, and the regular use of eggs in food is an excellent prevention of not only heart disease, but also cancer!

Ingredients for 2-3 servings:
- 2 eggs;
  - 1 handful of spinach;
  - 1 liter broth;
  - a pinch of salt and ground pepper;
  - 1 onion.


Spinach pizza in a slow cooker

Ingredients:   wheat flour, mushrooms, cheese, ketchup, sour cream, dill, spinach, egg, vegetable oil, salt, black pepper

Surprisingly, the fact is that pizza can be low-calorie and healthy. If the filling for it is made from vitamin and low-calorie ingredients. Such as spinach and greens, for example. Mushrooms and cheese will add appeal to the dish.

- wheat flour - 1 cup;
  - champignons - 100 gr.;
  - cheese - 50 gr.;
  - ketchup - 2 tbsp .;
  - sour cream - 3 tbsp;
  - dill - 1 bunch;
  - spinach - 1 bunch;
  - egg - 1 pc.;
  - vegetable oil - 1/3 cup;
  - salt - a pinch;
  - ground black pepper.


Spaghetti with Spinach, Zucchini and Garlic

Ingredients:   spaghetti, spinach, zucchini, garlic, olive oil, capers, salt

Many housewives refuse to deal with spinach and zucchini just because they have a fairly neutral taste. And they act very recklessly and short-sighted. After all, if you add, say, zucchini with stronger and brighter tastes (garlic, for example), the first one will absorb the speck of the latter and reveal its gastronomic properties to the full. We offer you to prepare an original and tasty dish - spaghetti with spinach, garlic and zucchini.

- spaghetti - 2 servings,
  - zucchini - 1 pc.,
  - spinach - 2 handfuls,
  - olive oil - 4 tbsp.,
  - garlic - 2 cloves,
  - capers - 2-3 pcs.,
  - salt - a pinch.


Open pie with spinach, cheese and ham

Ingredients:   puff pastry, spinach, ricotta, ham, cheese, salt, pepper

As you know, pies can be dessert or snack bars. Today we have a recipe for a spinach pie with Parma ham and ricotta cheese. Juicy, tasty and bright, it will certainly appeal to you and your loved ones. Make it a must!
  For the dish you will need:
- puff pastry;
  - spinach leaves;
  - ricotta - 400 g;
  - ham - 2 slices;
  - grated hard cheese - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  - salt - to taste;
  - black pepper - to taste.