A quick and effective way to remove scratches from Apple Watch. How to polish your steel Apple Watch

30.04.2019 Snacks

Most of the early user complaints relate to the physical characteristics of the device and its design features.

The watch and case are easily scratched

Questions about the mark of the display and rapid emergence scratches on the steel case of the Watch is perhaps the main complaint about the new watch.

If the “budget” version of the watch, Watch Sport, according to some owners, scratches first of all the glass, then in the more expensive Watch model, with a sapphire protective glass, the polished steel case suffers, and the watch loses its presentation.

There are practically no complaints about the brushed aluminum case of the Watch Sport, but there are a lot of them about the model with a polished steel case. A lot of photos with scratches on the Watch case have already appeared on the network. According to the assurances of the first users, scratches appear in a "natural" way, even after very careful use of the watch.

While some enthusiasts are massively posting photos of the scratches on the Watch case, others have already found a way to restore the presentation of a steel watch using a five-dollar metal polishing paste.

The popular consumer electronics testing publication Consumer Reports has tested the quality of the Apple Watch screen. According to them, the Watch Sport's protective glass corresponds to the 7th out of 10 on the Mohs scale of hardness, and the Watch models with sapphire crystal - 9th. Most likely, the first complaints about damage to the Watch Sport screen are related to really extreme use of the watch. On the other hand, a product with the word Sport in its name, from the point of view of the user, should be as resistant to external influences as possible.


The first dissatisfied with the new Apple Watch charging is annoying that its wire is not removed from the "tablet" itself - this is how the watch charging looks like. This means that the Apple Watch owner has to carry two wires with them: one for charging the iPhone and the other for the Apple Watch.

IPhone working hours

Initial impressions of the Apple Watch's impact on iPhone battery life are mixed. Some observers have noticed an increase in the battery life of the iPhone after connecting the watch. This probably suggests that the watch can "unload" the smartphone and, thus, increase the operating time from one charge.

Other watch owners have noted a significant increase in iPhone discharge rates. Among these users is former Engadget editor Ryan Block.

iPhone 6 Plus drains much faster after connecting Apple Watch. The iPhone's battery life has dropped from two days to one, he notes on his Twitter account.

According to experts, this may be due to the active use of Bluetooth and Wi-Fi interfaces when exchanging data between the watch and the iPhone.

If, in general, the Apple Watch interface did not cause complaints from demanding users, then the work of some applications left questions.

The first watch owners note that some Apple Watch apps work quickly and smoothly, while others slow down so that it is noticeable without special tests.

This problem mostly affected the applications of those developers who wrote them using only WatchKit - a special software Apple for app developers, and didn't have access to the watch itself. Since Apple Watch is still in short supply, it will likely take longer to fix minor bugs than users would like.

Apple Watch repair

Another criticism of the new watch concerns the ability to repair the Apple Watch. It was received not from ordinary buyers, but from the experts of the authoritative portal iFixit, who make their own maintainability ratings. Given the high cost of the watch itself, this characteristic is also important.

As a result of the iFixit test, the watch received a score of 5 on a ten-point scale. This is a rather mediocre result, however, and it significantly exceeds the rating of the new Macbook, which received a one from iFixit.

Almost every release of a new Apple device is accompanied by information about a significant drawback of the gadget. Remember, the iPhone 4 stopped catching the network if it was grabbed in a special way, the paint from the side edges of the iPhone 5 peeled off very quickly, and the iPhone 6 was bent at all in their hands, users even came up with the hashtag #bendgate to discuss the problem on the network. But with the Apple Watch, which only went on sale on Friday, the problem with scratches, some have already dubbed it #ScratchGate. The watch case and metal straps lose their presentation very quickly. Some say that it is enough to drag your fingernail a little over the fastener and characteristic marks already appear on it. However, do not be upset if you bought a gadget and it got scratched. Although, if you bought it for 300 thousand in Russia, then you can be a little sad, but not because of scratches, but because you overpaid a lot. However, back to the damage.

The Apple Watch isn't the first Apple device to have a scratch-resistant coating. Old-timers will remember that the body of the iPod Classic or the old iPod Touch looked about the same if you carry them in your pocket. But the watch is always in sight, which means that you can't just hide it in your pocket and forget about the scratches. Watch is a stylish gadget that testifies to your well-being, in general, it should always be visible and must shine, therefore, scratches are not suitable for this watch.

You can get rid of scratches, and even very simple. Of course, the very fact that an expensive device gets scratched is a shame for the company, but if you've already bought a watch, don't throw it away. Remember this way working only for steel Apple Watch... Don't even try to try it on the aluminum or even more so on the gold version - just ruin everything completely. You will need car polish and a soft cloth. Apply some substance to the case and rub it with a cloth, then remove the residue and wipe the watch with the dry side. Remember that polish should not get into holes, plastic or glass parts. Of course, scratches on the case will remain, especially if they were deep, but they will become less noticeable. Small serifs will disappear altogether.

If you don't know how to work with your hands or you are just lazy, you can take your Apple Watch to a watchmaker. Any service knows how to polish watches, this is a standard service, so the Watch will be polished there too. It costs, of course, more expensive than self-polishing, but it is reliable.

Note that the Apple Watch Sport version is almost scratch-resistant. Therefore, if you have not bought the watch yet, then it is worth considering which version to buy. However, remember that in the Sport version there is ordinary glass, but the body is not scratched, and in the standard version it is protected glass, but the body can be seen in the photos above. In any case, you will have to seriously think before buying and make a compromise. But if anything, now you know how to remove scratches from steel Apple Watch.

With the start of sales of the Apple Watch, complaints from users about the scratching case of the watch rained down. We are talking about a modification of a device made of stainless metal, it is she who, like a magnet, attracts scratches. In connection with the growing scandal, the hashtag #Scratchgate has even appeared on Twitter.

“My Apple Watch has already been scratched,” blogger Zach Blikstein says indignantly. “There is already one serious scratch on the Apple Watch,” Jack, who posted a photo of the damaged device, confirms the problem.

“When working with a MacBook of any version, you have to remove the metal Apple Watch. The strap is erased: (In 15 minutes I got more scratches ... It's a shame, "analyst Eldar Murtazin wrote in his microblog." The case is scratching like an ipod. I looked, there are already scratches on the watch. Oh, this Apple Watch, "he added.

The solution to the problem was suggested by the blogger Dom Esposido. You can get rid of scratches on your Apple Watch with Mothers Mag & Aluminum Polish. The $ 5 tool polishes your Apple Watch and removes minor scratches from the surface of your watch by restoring initial shine... During the polishing process, the product provides a clean, shiny, scratch-free surface.

How to get rid of scratches on your Apple Watch:

Step 1: Take a soft towel or napkin and apply Mag & Aluminum Polish to it.

Step 2: Use a rotating motion to rub the scratch on the watch case. For achievement best result take some time for the process.

Step 3: Leave the polish on for a minute or two and dry it.

Step 4: Wash the paste off the body with soap or a mild detergent... Wipe the Apple Watch case dry.

Using this method, you can remove all minor scratches and scuffs from the metal case of the iPhone. Many people use a similar technique to remove scratches from DVD and BluRay discs.

With the start of sales of the Apple Watch, complaints from users about the scratching case of the watch rained down. We are talking about a modification of a device made of stainless metal, it is she who, like a magnet, attracts scratches. In connection with the growing scandal, the hashtag #Scratchgate has even appeared on Twitter.

“My Apple Watch has already been scratched,” blogger Zach Blikstein said. "There is already one serious scratch on the Apple Watch", - the user with the nickname Jack confirms the problem, having published a photo of the damaged device.

“When working with a MacBook of any version, you have to remove the metal Apple Watch. The strap is erased In 15 minutes I got more scratches ... It's a shame, ”analyst Eldar Murtazin wrote in his microblog. “The body is scratched like an ipod. I looked, there are already scratches on the clock. Oh, this Apple Watch, ”he added.

The solution to the problem was suggested by the blogger Dom Esposido. You can get rid of scratches on your Apple Watch with Mothers Mag & Aluminum Polish. The $ 5 tool polishes your Apple Watch and removes shallow scratches from the surface of your watch, restoring its original shine. During the polishing process, the product provides a clean, shiny, scratch-free surface.

How to get rid of scratches on your Apple Watch case:

Step 1: Take a soft towel or napkin and apply Mag & Aluminum Polish to it.

Step 2: Using a rotating motion, rub the watch case over the scratch area. For best results, take some time to process.

Step 3: Leave the polish on for a minute or two and dry it.

Step 4: Wash the paste off the case with soap or mild detergent. Wipe the Apple Watch casing dry.

Using this method, you can remove all minor scratches and scuffs from the metal case of the iPhone. Many people use a similar technique to remove scratches from DVD and BluRay discs.

Despite the words of Jony Ive about how flawless the design of the Apple Watch is, no one is safe from the problems associated with careless handling of gadgets. Only 3 months have passed since the start of watch sales, but already during this time it has been possible to collect statistics on calls from users who need Apple Watch repair. As expected, the most unprotected from unpleasant collisions with a violent environment was the protective glass, as in the case of the iPhone and iPad. What to do if your watch screen is shattered or cracked? Our friends and colleagues, specialists service center ModMac showed how the process of replacing the watch display can be carried out, since they have already been repeatedly contacted with this breakdown.

It is quite difficult to disassemble Apple Watch, but the main thing is not to harm the device even more! The repair process begins by heating the glass in order to melt the adhesive. We heat the glass with a special industrial hair dryer.

We remove the lock of the screen cable and turn it off, after which we disconnect the clock by disconnecting the battery. We do this very carefully so as not to damage the thin train.

After that, we take a new screen and glue it with tape. Note that the Force Touch component is integrated into the display module itself. We connect the display and carefully snap the loop lock.

Press the screen along the perimeter for more even contact of the tape with the surface - done! While there are huge difficulties with the availability of spare parts for the Apple Watch, however, the ModMac service became one of the first in Russia to receive original spare parts for new Product.

As you can see, replacing the glass on the Apple Watch Sport is a complicated process and not cheap at all. Agree that it is best to avoid this procedure and treat your watch with care. If the sad fate has not passed you - contact ModMac specialists, who will quickly and efficiently solve your problem. I would like to add that for the readers of the site there is a special 10% discount on all repair services not only for Apple Watch, but also for iPhone / iPad and Mac ..