Duck pilaf. Delicious pilaf with duck meat and rice

The most delicious pilaf in my life that I have eaten was duck pilaf. I dreamed about it and dreamed about it for several years in a row, until it happened - I tried it again. I will share the recipe and impressions. Duck pilaf was cooked for me by my mother when we were little, when my grandmother was alive. That's just the grandmother and kept the duck for one time, then we ate them from the heart. After that, the duck appeared on our table extremely rarely, only on big holidays. And then what kind of duck dishes my mother did not cook: the duck was especially successfully combined with rice. We ate the whole duck with rice - the carcass was filled with rice and spices, the belly was sewn up and the duck was cooked in the oven. The rice was laid raw, the duck released a lot of fat and juice to cook the rice, and then when the duck was taken out and cut into pieces, the rice was incredibly tasty!

But duck pilaf is just a fantastic dish. Duck meat is easy to digest, very delicious. It gives plov softness, aroma and even some kind of delicate sweetness. Therefore, I highly recommend that if you get a good duck fattened for the winter, do not rush to cook it whole. It's better to divide it into several portions - separate the fillet specially for pilaf, and then cook the legs-wings, neck and back separately. I was lucky: there was a great reason to buy a large fat duck weighing about 2.5 kg, it was enough for me for several dishes. But the first thing I decided to cook from duck was, of course, pilaf. So, first things first.

1. Cut the duck carcass, separating the fillets from the breast. Grind the fillet to cubes with a side of about 1.5-2 cm. Put the duck fillet in a cauldron, add no fat or oil. If uka is oily, it has a lot of subcutaneous fat, and when it is fried, it releases a lot of juice and fat.

2. Put the cauldron with duck fillet on the fire - let the fat melt and the meat is fried.

3. Meanwhile, peel the onions and carrots, rinse the rice. The cauldron may not be covered with a lid yet in order to glance at and observe the process.

4. When a lot of fat has appeared in the cauldron, the duck begins to swim directly in it, here you need to make sure that the meat in the fat does not char, but only slightly browns until golden brown.

5. Pour onions and carrots, chopped at random, to the fried duck (I cut carrots into small cubes, onions in half rings). Add spices for pilaf - bay leaves, allspice and whatever else you prefer.

6. While stirring, fry the vegetables until soft, they also float in duck fat.

7. It was the turn to add rice to the softened vegetables. We have already washed the rice, now we will just put it in the cauldron. Let's add salt. We add water in the same volume as there was rice in the bowl, I took water and rice in a 1: 1 ratio, because there was still a lot of fat in the cauldron - juice from duck and vegetables. This amount of water was enough to cook the rice until cooked, not soggy, but remain crumbly.

8. Now you can cover the cauldron with a lid, make a low heat and let the pilaf boil, continue to cook, without interfering, but looking, until the rice absorbs all the moisture.

9. Duck pilaf is ready: all you have to do is mix so that the meat and rice are evenly distributed, and then put in portions and serve! Bon Appetit. Try to cook duck pilaf - you will certainly appreciate this recipe and will want it again and again!

Duck breast pilaf turns out to be satisfying, but not fatty. If you do not use hot spices, then you can offer it to children. The recipe is simple and quick, it will take less than an hour to prepare. The duck meat is very tender….


  • Breast - 1 pc. __ NEWL__
  • Rice - 200 g__NEWL__
  • Bow - 1 pc .__ NEWL__
  • Carrots - 1 pc .__ NEWL__
  • Garlic - 1 clove__NEWL__
  • Seasoning for pilaf__NEWL__
  • Vegetable oil - for frying__NEWL__

We wash the breast under running water, dry it with a towel. We remove the fat, cut it into strips, put it in a cauldron or saucepan. We put on high heat to melt the fat.

Cut the meat into large cubes.

We take out the cracklings from the cauldron, lower the meat into the fat. Fry lightly, pour in a little boiling water so that the duck is not covered with water. Simmer over low heat until soft, about 15 minutes.

Diced onions and carrots. Chop the garlic.

Add carrots and onions to the meat, fry for three minutes over high heat until golden brown. We put the garlic.

We use long-grained rice treated with steam, it neither sticks together during cooking and does not boil. With it, duck breast pilaf turns out to be crumbly and very tasty. We wash the cereals in several waters until transparent. We fall asleep in a cauldron. Add spice, salt and some vegetable oil immediately. We mix.

Pour hot water three fingers above the rice. Cover with a lid. After boiling, reduce the heat to a minimum. When the rice is ready, remove the pilaf from the stove and wrap it in a large terry towel. Let stand for 20 minutes and can be served. If the pilaf is ready, and the household has not yet gathered for dinner, do not unwind the towel, leave it like that. Thus, the dish can be kept warm for more than an hour and a half.

Calorie content: Not specified
Cooking time: 120 minutes

When it comes to duck, a baked bird with apples or, in extreme cases, a stew comes to mind. However, you can cook a lot of different dishes from it. For example, duck pilaf turns out to be hearty and tasty, and if you have never cooked one like this, then a recipe with a photo will help you with this, which will explain all the nuances of cooking step by step.
I recommend using a stewpan with thick sides and bottom for the recipe. If you have a cauldron, then feel free to take it and cook this pilaf with a duck in it.

Preparation time: 30 minutes.
Cooking time: 1.5 hours.

Yield: 4 servings.


- fresh duck carcass - 1 pc. (1100),
- onions - 2 pcs.,
- carrots - 2 pcs.,
- tomato paste - optional,
- head of garlic - 1-2 pcs.,
- salt - 1-2 tsp.,
- a pinch of curry,
- bay leaves - 1-2 pcs.,
- a mixture of spices for meat or rice - 1-2 tsp,
- round rice - 2 cups.

Recipe with photo step by step:

At the first stage of preparation, you need to cut the duck into portions. Use a sharp knife to start at the breast, then cut off the wings and hind legs. The skeletal body can not be used for pilaf, but broth for soup or borscht can be cooked on its basis.

Peel and rinse a few medium onions and carrots. Chop the onion in half rings, and grate the carrots on a Korean grater, or cut into thin strips.

Rinse the round rice in a large bowl in six waters. The better you rinse the rice, the tastier the rice will be in pilaf (grain from grain). Even the most common round rice will not turn into porridge if you thoroughly wash the starch out of it before cooking.

Put the cauldron or stewpan to heat up on the fire, then send the duck pieces into it. Fry the duck over high heat until golden brown, stirring occasionally. Cook the duck without adding vegetable oil, because fat will be intensively melted out of it. Then you can add spices and salt. Spice curry, mixes for rice or meat dishes, black pepper are perfect.

After the duck is well roasted, toss the prepared carrots and onions to it, without mixing everything together. Cover the saucepan with a lid and cook over medium heat for 10 minutes.

Toss the duck with the vegetables, add 1-2 bay leaves and salt.

Drain the rice, then spread it evenly over the ingredients in the saucepan.

Pour the duck and rice with boiled water from the kettle so that it covers them by 1-2 fingers. Cut off the unpeeled head of garlic from the bottom and burrow into the rice.

After the first boiling bubbles appear, reduce the heat to the minimum level. Cook the pilaf with the lid closed for about 30 minutes. Then open the lid a little and check if all the water has boiled away. If necessary, simmer the pilaf for a few more minutes.

Hold pilaf with duck under the lid and wrapped in a towel for 20 minutes, and then you can mix the pilaf and serve it to the table.

Best regards, Elbi.
You can also cook

Pilaf is a delicacy with an oriental accent for the whole family. You can feed both guests and your household with pilaf, and even more so the head of the family. As you know, real connoisseurs of pilaf and its excellent cooks are men. You can cook real duck pilaf using various spices and herbs, but the taste of this dish is especially famous when it is cooked on a fire in a cauldron. Can you cook pilaf? It's easy to learn: see the recipe, follow the tips and everything will work out.

Classic duck pilaf

If you have prepared the basic products for pilaf, then you just have to decide which recipe you most want to try to master. They say that everyone cooks pilaf in their own way. You can also try how you get duck pilaf in its usual preparation.

Prepare in advance the following products for pilaf with duck:

  • well-fed carcass of 1 duck;
  • 800 g of rice (round, basmati, whatever you have);
  • 2 pieces of carrots and onions;
  • optional head of garlic;
  • spices to taste: you can just salt and pepper, or you can buy ready-made seasoning for pilaf;
  • pork fat;
  • 1/2 teaspoon of saffron for aroma (also for an amateur).

Follow these steps in the cooking process:

  1. Chop the onion into rings in advance (it can be large, the dish will only benefit from this), grate (large) carrots.
  2. Take care of cutting the meat: separate the meaty duck parts from the bones, cut the meat into cubes, preferably without the skin.
  3. Rice also needs to be prepared in advance: rinse, let the liquid drain, then pour cold water (do not forget to add saffron) and leave it to stand for a while.
  4. At this time, melt the pork fat in a frying pan and fry the duck meat in it. Once it has a light crust, add the carrots, onions and garlic. Fry over medium heat, covered.
  5. If the pan allows (and it should be deep), then, as soon as the meat frying from the duck is browned, add strained rice directly to the pan, add spices, do not forget salt, pour boiling water over the mass, which should lightly cover the rice. Now simmer covered over high heat for exactly 12 minutes. The first 7 minutes - very strong fire, then 3 minutes - medium, 2 remaining minutes - minimum fire. Do not stir the rice and do not open the lid. As soon as you turn off the heat, let the rice stand untouched, you can even wrap the pan in a warm towel.
  6. The rice itself will come to readiness, having absorbed the rest of the moisture, but it will be crumbly, as is needed for proper pilaf.

Pilaf with duck on the fire

What to cook outdoors when there are many hungry friends and family members at the picnic? Of course pilaf! Pilaf with duck, and even on the fire - will not leave anyone indifferent.

This recipe provides for the presence of such products:

  • duck carcass - 1.5 kg;
  • rice (it is better to take long-grain) - 700-800 g;
  • large carrots - 2 vegetables;
  • large onions - 2-3 pieces;
  • whole head of garlic, unpeeled;
  • prunes - 8-10 pieces;
  • salt, spices.

You can cook pilaf over the fire like this:

  1. This recipe provides for cutting carrots into cubes (small enough), coarsely chop the onion either in pieces or in large rings.
  2. Peel the duck, chop the meat into pieces.
  3. Fry the duck peel in a cauldron over a fire, remove the greaves, and in the melted fat fry the carrots and onions, as well as pieces of duck meat.
  4. Do not peel the garlic head, but put it in a cauldron.
  5. Rinse the rice 3 times, fry it together with meat frying until the grains are transparent, then add a little water, as well as spices and seasonings at your discretion (you can even dry fruits: prunes are especially good in combination with duck) and bring pilaf to a boil. Let it boil for about 10 minutes, then remove the cauldron from the fire and put it in a warm place wrapped in a towel.
  6. After 40 minutes, you can open the cauldron and taste the dish.

Spicy duck pilaf

This recipe allows you to experiment a little and try to cook pilaf with duck meat in an unusual way. You will need:

Now proceed like this:

  1. In advance, you can cook the rice in a separate pan (aluminum to prevent the rice from sticking to the sides of the pan). Boil in a large amount of water until cooked or half cooked (it will later come to the desired state in a pan on its own).
  2. Take the goose maker and put it on the fire. Remove the skin from the duck. Fry the duck skins right in the goose maker to melt the fat from them, then remove the skins.
  3. Fry the duck meat, chopped in small pieces, also add the finely chopped onion.
  4. As soon as the meat and onions are browned, add the prepared strained rice, salt, put Korean-style carrots into the roaster, pour a glass of water over the rice and carcasses under the lid on minimal heat.
  5. If desired, you can season the finished pilaf with chopped green onions.

Now you can cook pilaf with duck meat outdoors on a fire, at home, and using the express method. The main thing is to make sure that you do not cook rice for a long time, but rather take long-grain rice immediately, it is less boiled. Also, do not fry the duck meat too much so that it does not get dry. Pilaf is best paired with fresh salads or vegetables.

Pilaf with duck

Duck meat is very tasty, healthy and, moreover, it contains a large amount of duck fat, which permeates all rice. Thanks to this, duck pilaf is very tasty, soft and aromatic.


  • 0.5 kg duck
  • 350-400 gr of rice
  • 1 large onion
  • 2 carrots
  • 1 head of garlic
  • seasoning for pilaf (or seasonings of your choice: cumin, barberry, saffron, etc.)
  • salt to taste

Home cooking recipe

Pilaf with mushrooms in a slow cooker

Pilaf with chicken in a slow cooker

Pilaf with beef in a slow cooker

Sweet pilaf in a slow cooker

Pork fried rice, Chinese classic

Smiru's kitchen

  • Duck fillet gram 600-700
  • 2 carrots
  • 2 pieces of onions
  • 400 grams of rice
  • spices for pilaf

The most delicious pilaf in my life that I have eaten was duck pilaf. I dreamed about it and dreamed about it for several years in a row, until it happened - I tried it again. I will share the recipe and impressions. Duck pilaf was cooked for me by my mother when we were little, when my grandmother was alive. That's just the grandmother and kept the duck for one time, then we ate them from the heart. After that, the duck appeared on our table extremely rarely, only on big holidays. And then what kind of duck dishes my mother did not cook: the duck was especially successfully combined with rice. We ate the whole duck with rice - the carcass was filled with rice and spices, the belly was sewn up and the duck was cooked in the oven. The rice was laid raw, the duck released a lot of fat and juice to cook the rice, and then when the duck was taken out and cut into pieces, the rice was incredibly tasty!

But duck pilaf is just a fantastic dish. Duck meat is easy to digest, very delicious. It gives plov softness, aroma and even some kind of delicate sweetness. Therefore, I highly recommend that if you get a good duck fattened for the winter, do not rush to cook it whole. It is better to divide it into several portions - separate the fillet specially for pilaf, and then cook the legs-wings, neck and back separately. I was lucky: there was a great reason to buy a large fat duck weighing about 2.5 kg, it was enough for me for several dishes. But the first thing I decided to cook from duck was, of course, pilaf. So, first things first.

1. Cut the duck carcass, separating the fillets from the breast. Grind the fillet to cubes with a side of about 1.5-2 cm. Put the duck fillet in a cauldron, add no fat or oil. If uka is oily, it has a lot of subcutaneous fat, and when it is fried, it releases a lot of juice and fat.

2. Put the cauldron with duck fillet on the fire - let the fat melt and the meat is fried.

3. Meanwhile, peel the onions and carrots, rinse the rice. The cauldron may not be covered with a lid yet in order to glance at and observe the process.

4. When a lot of fat has appeared in the cauldron, the duck begins to swim directly in it, here you need to make sure that the meat in the fat does not char, but only slightly browns until golden brown.

5. Pour onions and carrots, chopped at random, to the fried duck (I cut carrots into small cubes, onions in half rings). Add spices for pilaf - bay leaves, allspice and whatever else you prefer.

6. While stirring, fry the vegetables until soft, they also float in duck fat.

7. It was the turn to add rice to the softened vegetables. We have already washed the rice, now we will just put it in the cauldron. Let's add salt. We add water in the same volume as there was rice in the bowl, I took water and rice in a 1: 1 ratio, because there was still a lot of fat in the cauldron - juice from duck and vegetables. This amount of water was sufficient to cook the rice until cooked, not soggy, but remain crumbly.

8. Now you can cover the cauldron with a lid, make a low heat and let the pilaf boil, continue to cook, without interfering, but looking, until the rice absorbs all the moisture.

9. Duck pilaf is ready: all you have to do is mix so that the meat and rice are evenly distributed, and then put in portions and serve! Bon Appetit. Try to cook duck pilaf - you will certainly appreciate this recipe and will want it again and again!

Pilaf with duck

Cooking time: 120 minutes

When it comes to duck, a baked bird with apples or, in extreme cases, a stew comes to mind. However, you can cook a lot of different dishes from it. For example, duck pilaf turns out to be hearty and tasty, and if you have never cooked one like this, then a recipe with a photo will help you with this, which will explain step by step all the nuances of cooking.

Cooking time: 1.5 hours.

- onions - 2 pcs.,

- tomato paste - optional,

- head of garlic - 1-2 pcs.,

- bay leaves - 1-2 pcs.,

- a mixture of spices for meat or rice - 1-2 tsp,

- round rice - 2 cups.

At the first stage of preparation, you need to cut the duck into portions. Use a sharp knife to start at the breast, then cut off the wings and hind legs. The skeletal body can not be used for pilaf, but broth for soup or borscht can be cooked on its basis.

Peel and rinse a few medium onions and carrots. Chop the onion into half rings, and grate the carrots on a Korean grater, or cut into thin strips.

Rinse the round rice in a large bowl in six waters. The better you rinse the rice, the tastier the rice will be in pilaf (grain from grain). Even the most common round rice will not turn into porridge if you thoroughly wash the starch out of it before cooking.

Put the cauldron or stewpan to heat up on the fire, then send the duck pieces into it. Fry the duck over high heat until golden brown, stirring occasionally. Cook the duck without adding vegetable oil, because fat will be intensively melted out of it. Then you can add spices and salt. Spice curry, mixes for rice or meat dishes, black pepper are perfect.

After the duck is well roasted, toss the prepared carrots and onions to it, without mixing everything together. Cover the saucepan with a lid and cook over medium heat for 10 minutes.

Toss the duck with the vegetables, add 1-2 bay leaves and salt.

Drain the rice, then spread it evenly over the ingredients in the saucepan.

Pour the duck and rice with boiling water from the kettle so that it covers them by 1-2 fingers. Cut off the unpeeled head of garlic from the bottom, and burrow into the rice.

After the first boiling bubbles appear, reduce the heat to the minimum level. Cook the pilaf with the lid closed for about 30 minutes. Then open the lid a little and check if all the water has boiled away. If necessary, simmer the pilaf for a few more minutes.

Hold pilaf with duck under the lid and wrapped in a towel for 20 minutes, and then you can mix the pilaf and serve it to the table.

Cut off the fat from the duck legs. Put in a cauldron or wok, put on medium heat and fry until dry cracklings.

While the fat is being fried, rinse the rice to such an extent that clear water drains from it. Fill with warm water and leave.

Cut the carrots into not very thin strips.

Cut the onion into half rings.

Cut the meat off the bones and cut into small pieces.

We take out the greaves from the cauldron and pour in the oil. Put onion and fry until golden brown, about 5-7 minutes.

Add the duck and fry until light crust, about 5 minutes. Add the carrots and fry, stirring occasionally, for about 10-15 minutes.

Reduce the heat to medium, add the cumin, put the heads of garlic peeled from the outer layer of the husk and the whole pepper. Pour in so much water that it covers the contents of the cauldron 1 cm from above.

Cook over medium heat for about 30-35 minutes.

Drain the water from the rice. Spread the grits evenly with the top layer.

Carefully, so as not to disturb the rice layer, pour in 1 liter of boiling water. Add salt to taste. Bring to a boil and cook, uncovered, until the rice is cooked through. In the process, if necessary, add a little water at a time. Do not stir the rice in the process.

When all the water has evaporated, reduce the heat to the very minimum, add the remaining cumin on top and cover the cauldron with a lid. Leave on low heat for about 15 minutes. Then mix, transfer to a large deep dish and serve.

Bon Appetit!