Lectures by professor Zhdanov on alcoholism. The effect of alcohol on the adolescent body

A lot of crimes are committed annually on the basis of alcoholism in Russia, therefore, a sober lifestyle is being promoted to prevent them. One of the ideologists of this trend is Vladimir Zhdanov. In his lectures and documentaries, he examines the causes of alcohol addiction and warns people about the dangers of the green snake.

Lectures by Professor Zhdanov on the dangers of alcohol

Vladimir Georgievich Zhdanov is known for his social activities. He travels extensively in Russia, Belarus and Ukraine, giving lectures on sober lifestyles.

Speaking to the audience, Zhdanov introduces himself as a professor at the International Slavic Academy. In this case, this title refers to the internal position of a public organization and does not indicate an academic degree or the position of a university teacher.

In addition, Vladimir Zhdanov chairs the International Association of Psychoanalysts. This is an informal and unscientific organization, whose activities are aimed at solving a narrow range of problems - getting rid of alcohol and nicotine addictions, correcting vision. The association has nothing to do with the IPA organized by Sigmund Freud.

In addition, Zhdanov closely cooperates with various public organizations that carry out anti-alcohol propaganda. Among them - "Sober Russia", "Sober Siberia", "Sober Bashkortostan".

With his lectures on the dangers of alcohol, Professor Vladimir Zhdanov seeks to draw people's attention to the dangers of drinking. He claims that the green serpent is destroying the Russian nation from the inside, as it leads to serious diseases and is one of the main causes of death.

In his reports, the professor cites statistics and facts, which he expresses in a language accessible to an ordinary person - without using complex scientific terms and formulations.

Zhdanov's listeners are people of different ages and professions. He not only lectures, but also makes documentaries that are shown on television and in schools. Zhdanov, among other things, is struggling with the problem of teenage alcoholism, which is taking on alarming proportions.
On the video lecture of Professor Zhdanov "Sober Russia - Common cause":


Vladimir Zhdanov has been active in educational work since the early 1980s, telling people about the dangers of alcohol. Its main goal is to restore the sobriety of the population in the post-Soviet space. In his opinion, this will help increase the birth rate and improve the quality of life.

The first lecture "Truth and Lie about Alcohol" was presented to the public by the professor in 1983. With this report, he traveled around many cities in Russia and the Soviet republics.

The audio recording of Zhdanov's speech contributed to the creation of a mass social movement for popular sobriety. Since then, his lectures have been popular throughout the CIS.

Zhdanov published his famous anti-alcohol report in 1986. Then he received the medals of the RANS them. I. I. Mechnikov and EAEN them. P. Ehrlich for his significant contribution to strengthening the health of the nation.

In 1988, Vladimir Zhdanov began to conduct courses aimed at combating alcohol addiction by . At first, his lectures were distributed on audio cassettes, then on disks, and later they hit the Internet. Thanks to them, people restore their health and create various societies that promote sobriety.

In 2008, Zhdanov was elected chairman of the Union of Struggle for Popular Sobriety, and in 2009 he participated in the creation of the TV project Common Cause. The recordings of the programs were broadcast on Channel One, so millions of people watched them. As part of the talk show, acute problems associated with alcoholism were raised - the increase in crime, high mortality, the birth of sick children.

Orthodox parishes are also involved in popularizing Vladimir Zhdanov's lectures. For example, one of the documentaries within the framework of the Common Cause project was shot by Father Tikhon from the Sretensky Monastery. He said that thanks to Zhdanov, he became interested in the propaganda of sobriety.

The facts and information that Zhdanov voiced in his lectures are shocking. Some listeners decide to establish a "dry law" for themselves, while others are skeptical about these data, pointing out their discrepancies with the statistics of state organizations. Surely, we can only state that Zhdanov's lectures about alcohol do not leave people indifferent.

Stages of alcoholism

Zhdanov identifies 3 stages of alcoholism:

  1. Strong cravings for alcohol.
  2. Irreversible changes in the central nervous system.

Physicians have a similar classification. However, a public figure explains it accessible to ordinary people language.

According to Zhdanov, somatic symptoms are not yet observed at the initial stage. A person begins to drink alcohol frequently - either every day or occasionally. He constantly becomes irritable, reacts violently to any stress.

With the development of the second stage, the craving for alcohol becomes stronger. At the same time, a person's level of self-criticism decreases, he ceases to realize that he has become addicted to alcohol.

In addition, during the second stage of alcoholism appears withdrawal symptoms... It is radically different from a hangover, although in some ways it may resemble it.

A person's condition after overcoming a hangover quickly returns to normal. However, abstinence causes a significant deterioration in physical well-being. During this period, the need for alcohol increases sharply.

If a person does not take alcohol during abstinence, his health continues to deteriorate, he has hallucinations. The patient is still aware that he is harming the body, but cannot cope with the addiction. As a result, he breaks down and goes into a binge.

The third stage of alcoholism, according to Zhdanov's classification, is the most dangerous. During this period, there are severe consequences for the body. Including the work of the central nervous system is greatly disrupted, and the changes become irreversible.

At the same time, the liver is destroyed, which soon leads to. Disorders of intellectual activity appear, but the person continues to increase the dose of alcohol, because it becomes more and more difficult for him to achieve the desired intoxication. Alcoholism of the third stage requires qualified medical care - only in this case it is possible to reduce the harm done to the body as a result of prolonged intoxication with alcohol.

The reasons for alcoholism according to Zhdanov

Vladimir Zhdanov in his lectures identifies several factors of formation:

  • poverty;
  • constant stress;
  • poor quality of life;
  • social environment;
  • traditions.

The professor explains that in Russia people cannot imagine a single holiday without alcohol. Weddings, New Year, birthdays are always accompanied by drinking vodka or champagne.

At the same time, Zhdanov points out that in a sober state, people can also have fun and interesting time: dance, joke, communicate. However, under the influence of alcohol, wedding guests begin to row and fight.

Such a development of events is even considered a certain tradition, although in reality it is abnormal. Therefore, Zhdanov encourages the audience of his lectures to break stereotypes and eradicate established traditions.

The professor in his speeches voiced the hypothesis that alcohol is deliberately used to destroy the Russian people. As evidence, he cites statistics that demonstrate an increase in mortality and a decrease in the birth rate. In sociological literature, this problem is called the "Russian cross".

According to the data on which Zhdanov relies, the volume of alcohol consumption in Russia is significantly higher than abroad. In particular, in China, there are 5 liters of alcohol per person per year, and in our country - 15-18 liters. The professor argues that such figures are due to the availability of alcohol in Russia, the conviction of the population that there is nothing horrible about drinking it, as well as the prevalence of drug addiction.

According to Zhdanov, 9 out of 10 Russians drink alcohol regularly, and its total consumption per year reaches 2.5 billion liters. Chronic alcoholics drink only a little of this amount. The bulk of alcohol is consumed by people who are absolutely sure that they do not suffer from addiction.

They are deeply mistaken, the public figure is sure. After all, 80% of all who drink strong drinks regularly, suffers from the first stage of alcoholism. Each of them is already slowly dying of the brain, the liver begins to atrophy, and the heart begins to float with fat.

Zhdanov claims that people interested in this are exterminating the Russian population with the help of alcohol. Moreover, the green serpent acts more effectively than armed conflicts and cataclysms.

The professor cites data that in 10 years of war in Afghanistan 50 times fewer people died than die in a year of alcohol abuse. He also claims that every 12 years the same number of people die from alcoholism in Russia as during the entire period of the Great Patriotic War. Smoking increases the number of deaths, as it almost always accompanies drinking.

Zhdanov separately considers the problem of child alcoholism. He explains that a growing body gets used to alcohol much faster, since it is not yet able to fully resist external influences.

The professor gives the reasons why schoolchildren start drinking alcohol. Among them:

  • the desire to imitate adult comrades;
  • provocative behavior of parents;
  • alcohol advertising that features youth.

Zhdanov explains that adolescents unconsciously copy the behavior of their elders, since they consider themselves adults and independent. If they see their parents drinking, they take it as a norm to be met. In addition, schoolchildren want to earn credibility in the eyes of older friends who are already drinking.

The problem is that the liver of a teenager has a higher capacity than that of an adult. The structure of this organ is not strong enough to fully process alcohol. Therefore, a teenager, even drinking a small dose of alcohol can threaten the rapid development of liver disease, the consequences of which will have to be fought for the rest of his life.

In addition to the liver, in the body of a drinking student, the central nervous system and respiratory organs are seriously affected, immunity is greatly deteriorated, and the activity of the brain decreases. It takes a little time for a teenager to turn into a drunken drunkard.

Zhdanov also blames the parents for the rampant adolescent alcoholism. He points out that adults themselves pour champagne or wine for schoolchildren at family celebrations.

The child does not yet realize the danger, he does not know when to stop, therefore he often continues to drink already in the company of his peers. As a result, by their adulthood, such children degrade and become asocial elements. Zhdanov is convinced that today's youth is not able to reason soberly, work effectively, and the reason for this is alcohol, so it is necessary to give it up.

Vladimir Zhdanov is sure that the people in power are to blame for the mass alcoholization of people. He is sure that the production of alcoholic beverages brings colossal profits, so officials turn a blind eye to the harm to health.

As evidence, he cites expensive advertising alcohol in which young people are filmed. Such videos make teenagers think that alcohol is an indispensable attribute of successful and beautiful guys and girls who are used to getting everything from life.

To prevent the degradation and extinction of the nation, Vladimir Zhdanov proposes his own measures set out in the "Theory of absolute sobriety." We are talking about the program of alcohol policy, the influence of the media and the introduction of "dry law".

Key points of lectures and films

The central idea of \u200b\u200ball the lectures and films of Vladimir Zhdanov is the people's sobriety. With all his activities, he tries to make people realize that alcohol destroys their physical health, psyche, and this leads to the extinction of the nation.

Vladimir Zhdanov claims that due to affordable price and the free sale of alcohol in Russia, the crime rate is growing, which also confirms the fact of the deliberate extermination of the people.

On the ground alcoholic intoxication are committed:

  1. 82% murders.
  2. 75% of suicides.
  3. 50% of road accidents.
  4. 50% rape.

These data are criticized by opponents of Zhdanov. However, the fact that in alcoholic intoxication people commit crimes, which they would never have gone sober, is confirmed by criminologists.

One of the most popular lectures by Vladimir Zhdanov is “The Way to Sobriety”. In it, the professor talks about the dangers of alcohol in an accessible language, citing statistics and examples from his own life.

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe report is that the rate of alcohol consumption for a Russian should be zero. The author of the report explains this by the fact that euphoria is achieved due to the death of hundreds of thousands of brain cells.

At the same time, a blockage of blood vessels occurs, they are deformed and torn under blood pressure. Blood begins to flow into the brain substance, and this provokes strokes, which end in death in 80% of cases. In addition, cirrhosis most often develops under the influence of alcohol, and this disease is incurable.

In the lecture "The Way to Sobriety":

Also known are Zhdanov's seminars entitled "Alcoholic terror against Russia." Their main thesis is that a mechanism for the destruction of the Russian people has been launched.

The author claims that since 1991 the population of Russia has decreased by 20 million, and this is happening in peacetime. However, in the 1920s and 1930s. there was a positive trend. On the basis of these facts, Zhdanov concludes that the nation is destroyed not by armed conflicts, not by natural disasters, but by alcohol.

The professor emphasizes the fact that alcohol is now sold everywhere, and its price is affordable even for children. This leads to the fact that most adolescents, by the age of 14, try alcoholic drinks... In the future, healthy offspring cannot be expected from them, Zhdanov concludes.

The nation is being destroyed quietly and smoothly, so no one sounds the alarm. No one is interested in why pharmaceutical companies produce dozens of times more narcotic drugs than hospitals need, Zhdanov said.

All this happens with the connivance of those in power, who create favorable conditions for the development of the alcohol business, the lecturer concludes. There is no need to attack a state in which ideals are being substituted. Drinking more and more, people are dying out on their own - from degradation, dementia, vulgarity and debauchery.

Vladimir Zhdanov also created 2 documentaries for the Common Cause project, broadcast on Channel One. One of them is "Children's Alcoholism". In this film, the professor claims that Russia is the world's leader in the number of teenagers suffering from alcoholism.

According to statistics, two out of three children aged 13-16 regularly drink alcohol, which indicates at least the first stage of alcoholism. In this case, in most cases, we are talking about adolescents from wealthy families. These children are at risk of becoming chronic alcoholics in the future, who will give birth to sick children with.

Children start drinking alcoholic cocktails in bright jars that seem harmless. Within six months, they develop addiction, psychoses and withdrawal symptoms appear. Parents for a long time do not even notice what is happening with their children.

Documentary film "Childhood alcoholism":

Another film by Zhdanov is “Let's Drink, or Alcoholism”. It focuses on the severe and irreversible consequences of drinking.

Vladimir Zhdanov explains that half an hour after alcohol enters the body, the blood structure changes. After 1 hour, it turns into clots of stuck together and deformed erythrocytes.

In general, there is not a single organ that is not damaged by the influence of ethanol. The biggest blow falls on the brain. The concentration of alcohol in it is 2-3 times higher than in other organs, and this leads to massive cell death.

Also, under the influence of alcohol, organic lesions of the liver, heart, and pancreas develop. Intoxication continues even 20 days after stopping drinking. Some alcohol breakdown products remain in the body forever and accumulate in the brain, Zhdanov concludes his thought.

The professor also cites the results of an experiment on rats. Females under the influence of ethanol developed ovarian tumors the size of the rodents themselves. They also had babies without a brain.

Alcoholism is a real misfortune of all highly developed countries, and not just the Russian misfortune, as it is commonly believed. This topic is widely discussed not only by the Internet community, but also by other means. mass media... Well, we will add our contribution to the common cause of the fight against the "green snake". To begin with, we will briefly consider what pathological phenomena occur in the body of an alcoholic. This will allow us to correctly assess the harm. overuse alcoholic beverages. The next film for you is Zhdanov's lecture on the dangers of alcohol.

So, in the development of the disease, narcologists, there are three distinct stages. Let's dwell on them in a little more detail.

First stage. Somatic manifestations are practically absent, "on the face" only the appearance of a painful addiction to alcohol.

A person uses alcohol with an "enviable" regularity, which can be expressed both in everyday drinking and in episodic ones. The patient becomes very irritable. The slightest stressful effect leads to a vivid emotional reaction.

Second stage. One of the clear signs of the second stage of alcoholism is a significantly increased tolerance to ethyl alcohol. If earlier several bottles of beer were enough to obtain the desired state, now you cannot do without more strong drink... Self-criticism decreases, the patient does not realize that he is an alcoholic.

At this stage, another formidable sign appears - withdrawal symptoms. To be clear: withdrawal symptoms and hangover syndrome they are not synonymous.

There is a clear demarcation between the two. This is the dynamics of the patient's well-being over time. With hangover, over time, a person gets better.

Abstinence is another matter, when the intoxication passes a person experiences severe physical suffering, time here no longer heals, the longer the patient spends without alcohol, the worse his condition.

Withdrawal symptoms are often accompanied by hallucinatory manifestations that can terrify a person. In order not to experience such terrible conditions, at this stage alcoholics go into a binge that can last for several days or even weeks. The alcoholic himself begins to understand the dangers of alcohol, but he does not see a way out.

Third stage, terminal. It is characterized by a significant lesion, like a central nervous systemand other organs, primarily the liver. The liver, weakened by constant intake of alcohol, can no longer efficiently process ethanol... This is manifested in a decrease in tolerance to drunk alcohol.

To achieve the desired degree of intoxication, a person needs very small doses alcohol. Damage to the nervous system is irreversible. In advanced stages, patients practically lose the ability for mental activity. Without the immediate intervention of qualified specialists, there can be no question of a favorable outcome.

Let's briefly "go over" the main causes of alcoholism. The disease that is the subject of our consideration is socially determined pathological condition, in the development of which the above-mentioned social factors play an important role.

The level of well-being, the "quality" of life, the level of stress, the microenvironment, all of this can provoke alcohol abuse. In the beginning - for the company, and then alone, just to unwind. In this case, subconsciously, a portion of alcohol is perceived as a reward for the suffering endured.

This demeanor, over the years, develops into a certain behavioral stereotype, which leads to the development of alcoholism.

Some scientists note the dependence of the appearance of alcoholism in children born to parents of alcoholics. The fact is that under the influence of large doses of ethyl alcohol, changes occur at the gene level, which increases the risk of developing this pathology. It is about this harm of alcohol on the human body that the video with Professor Zhdanov will talk about.

Children of such parents, simply, drink more easily and faster than children born in prosperous families. The psychological factor also plays an important role: if it was possible for the parents, then why not me? It should be noted that the hereditary predisposition itself is not a "guarantee" of the development of alcoholism.

Ethnic factor. The fact is that some peoples get drunk much faster, as they have an innate, reduced tolerance to alcohol. So, for example, in America, it is almost impossible to buy alcohol in areas where the local population is represented by indigenous people - Indians. The strictest bans on the sale of alcohol apply. But this is now, and at one time they were simply soldered and soldered in order to take away the land. And the Indians understood anything about the dangers of alcohol too late.

Certain conditions with liver damage also contribute to a decrease in alcohol resistance.

Treatment of alcoholism, as a rule, is complex, including both medicationsand psychotherapy. The key to a successful result is a complete and unconditional refusal from any kind of alcoholic beverages.

To adequately assess the damage caused by excessive drinking, you need to understand the degree of its impact on the person as such. The alcoholic is practically desocialized, he cannot fit into any society, with the exception of a society of his own kind.

If alcohol abuse is massive, widespread, society begins to gradually disappear, cultural values \u200b\u200bare lost, and mental potential is gradually dying out.

The presence of an alcoholic in a family is a terrible tragedy, and it is not even the patient himself who suffers, but his immediate environment. Families break up and don't talk about the dangers of alcohol to an alcoholic - as a rule, it does not help, because alcohol is the same drug.

It has been proven that parents of alcoholics often have children with significant deviations in mental and physical development, which affects the gene pool as a whole.

The economic factor. The disease we are considering, without adequate measures, entails a person's disability, as a result, the number of the working-age population decreases. The likelihood of accidents directly depends on the participation of persons in a state of alcoholic intoxication. And this is already a tangible financial loss.

Drawing a line under the above, it should be noted that alcohol is an enemy that does not forgive a frivolous attitude towards itself. Be careful with him and stay healthy! And now the promised movie. Professor Zhdanov: video - a lecture on the dangers of alcohol - for everyone to watch!

Tatiana, www.site

Chronic alcoholism - a disease characterized by the development of a pathological craving for alcohol, mental and physical dependence on it.

Alcoholism is formed during long-term alcohol abuse. Alcoholism is a tragedy for the person himself, for his environment, friends, family, and as a result, for the whole society.

In the course of chronic alcoholism, there are three stages.

In the first stage, which usually lasts several years, against the background of regular and frequent use alcoholic beverages increase the resistance (tolerance) of the body to alcohol, and to achieve a state of intoxication, you must drink a large amount of alcohol. The protective gag reflex is lost, mental dependence and an irresistible craving for alcohol occur.

In the second stage, alcohol tolerance reaches its maximum value, a person can drink up to 1-2 liters of vodka a day. A person has been drinking daily for many years. Interruptions in drunkenness are and are usually determined by external circumstances: lack of money, work complications, family conflicts, etc. An abstinence syndrome (hangover syndrome) develops, that is, the body's physical dependence on alcohol is formed. Its essence lies in the fact that after taking alcohol the next day, a small amount of alcohol relieves poor health and relieves the condition. Have healthy people the next day after intoxication, symptoms of intoxication remain (headache, nausea, weakness ...), and after taking alcohol in the morning, the condition worsens, which causes aversion to alcohol.

Hangover syndrome is characterized by reddening of the sclera, palpitations, increased blood pressure, sweating, pain in the region of the heart, weakness, weakness, trembling in the body and trembling of the limbs. Some patients experience pain in the abdomen, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. A hangover sufferer cannot do any job well, since he only thinks about where and how to get drunk in order to improve his condition.

Memory is gradually deteriorating, social and intellectual degradation occurs. Patients become deceitful, selfish, do not care about the family, work, often change jobs, sell things to buy alcohol, use surrogates. In a state of intoxication, emotional instability, carefree gaiety, replaced by anger, irritability, and antisocial actions are manifested.

Sleep becomes superficial with nightmares and frequent awakenings. The early appearance of mental disorders in a state of hangover and their predominance over the somatic one indicates the possibility of developing psychosis.
The third stage is characterized by the fact that intoxication occurs after taking small doses of alcohol. There is a deep physical, mental and social degradation of the personality. Patients lose their ability to work, often lose their family, job, apartment, friends.

Apathy, depression, depressed mood, anxiety with delusional ideas of self-blame and self-deprecation are observed. Physical weakness, dizziness, headache, leg pains, cardiac activity is disturbed, toxic gastritis, ulcers, liver cirrhosis, alcoholic polyneuritis, hypertension, hand tremors, early aging develop. The so-called alcoholic character is formed.

On the one hand, all emotional reactions (grief, joy, discontent, admiration ...) are sharpened due to an increase in general excitability, faintheartedness, tearfulness are characteristic, when the patient cries from grief and joy, especially in a state of intoxication. On the other hand, there is an emotional coarsening, selfishness prevails in personality traits, complete indifference towards loved ones and relatives.

Sense of duty, responsibility disappears, meaning is lost ethical standards behavior. All the patient's attention is focused on only one thing - how to get alcohol. Drunkenness is always understated and one's personal qualities embellished. A specific alcoholic humor develops - flat, primitive, cynical jokes. Aggression, malice, violence, and outright cynicism are increasingly manifested. Patients can use any alcohol-containing substances (denatured alcohol, cologne, medicinal tinctures, drugs household chemicals) and often die from this.

Alcoholism in adolescents usually begins to develop at the age of 13-15, but it may be child alcoholism... Teenagers drink alcoholic beverages in the company of their peers, less often adults (at work, with their parents ...) Tolerance (stability, tolerance) grows rapidly, especially with the systematic intake of alcohol.

The hangover syndrome is quickly formed, in the structure of which mental disorders prevail, and the character also changes rapidly, acquiring psychopathic traits. This is expressed either in increased excitability, explosiveness with aggressive manifestations, or in a decrease in activity, initiative, intellectual capabilities, and apathy.

The heightened interest of young people in alcohol is often associated with the misconception that alcohol supposedly increases libido and sexual activity. This deception is formed under the influence of advertisements, movies, fiction, far from the reality of the stories of friends and acquaintances and is based on the inherent "disinhibition" effect of alcohol, which allows people shy and indecisive to get rid of complexes and fears.

In the early stages it helps, but soon there comes a payback for alcohol addiction in the form of sexual dysfunctions, decreased erection, impotence. Often, at a young age, they combine alcohol with drugs or medicines, which has even more detrimental influence on a young organism and often ends tragically.

Female alcoholism is very difficult to treat. In women with alcoholism, a variety of mental disorders occur, usually deeper than in men. Depression in them is more severe, recurs more often and can begin even with a very short alcohol experience. Such women are depressed, they are overcome by a feeling of anxiety and hopelessness, worthlessness of existence. At these moments, thoughts often arise about the unwillingness to live, and serious and irreparable crimes are often committed.

Many women allow themselves to take alcohol during pregnancy, hoping for the glorified "carry". A third of children are born with signs of severe fetal alcohol syndrome, which is expressed in growth retardation of the brain and the whole body, serious damage at the level of the nervous system, decreased intelligence up to dementia, visual impairment, memory and attention, and various deformities.

Women are more likely to take alcohol to improve their mood, as a sedative to relieve anxiety, tension, irritation, sleep disturbances, and to warm up in outdoor working conditions.
Chronic alcoholism is the third after cardiovascular and oncological diseases cause of death. Severe intoxication ( alcohol poisoning) is often the cause of death at a young age.

With alcohol abuse sudden cardiac death may occur due to primary cardiac arrest or cardiac arrhythmias (eg, atrial fibrillation). Diseases of cardio-vascular system and gastrointestinal tract among people who drink, they are found 22 and 18 times more often, respectively.

Alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver, alcoholic psychosis, and alcoholic personality degradation have become common nouns. By damaging the walls of blood vessels in the brain, alcohol prevents the entry into the brain nutrients and oxygen, a large number of small hemorrhages occur in the brain, blockage of blood vessels, as a result of which brain cells partially die.

For years drinking man loses millions of nerve cells, which is why mental activity, memory, outlook, intelligence decrease. In addition, alcoholics are more susceptible to traumatism - household, industrial, transport, endangering not only their lives, but also those around them, more often freeze and die in fires.

Attention, coordination of movements is impaired, a person's adaptability to reality decreases. The number of suicides among alcoholics is very high. Most crimes and murders are also committed while intoxicated. Alcoholics give birth and raise children with mental, mental and physical disabilities.

Treatmentsuccessfully only when the patient wants it. But alcoholics in most cases do not consider themselves sick, therefore, explanatory work should be carried out with them, the help of a narcologist, psychotherapist, psychiatrist is needed here. Further, measures are taken to withdraw the patient from the state of abstinence (hangover syndrome).

And only after that, anti-alcohol treatment is carried out, the choice of methods is wide. Psychotherapy is used, which creates an attitude towards a sober lifestyle. A variation of it is coding, which uses copyright techniques, to which doctors have exclusive rights. Group rational psychotherapy is practiced in a group of 5-10 people.

Aversion to alcohol is developed with the help of acupuncture, hypnotherapy, and the development of a conditioned gag reflex. Effectively subcutaneous implantation of the drug Esperal (Radoter), the body's reaction occurs only when drinking alcohol, deaths are possible, about which patients are warned.

Similar consequences can occur with the introduction of the drug antabus (teturam), which itself is harmless without alcohol. After the course of treatment and discharge from the hospital, the problem does not immediately disappear, the most difficult for the patient are the first 2-3 months, when he has to adapt to the new role of a person leading a sober lifestyle.

During this period, you should find new job or to rehabilitate on the old one, to establish relationships with friends, in the family, to come up with a "legend" for former drinking companions, justifying a sober lifestyle. At this moment, moral support from the family is necessary, it strengthens confidence in the correctness of the chosen position.

Craving for alcohol may persist long time, often it is accompanied by symptoms similar to the state of a hangover (irritability, agitation, malice, breakdown of a bad mood in children, wife ...) against the background of absolute sobriety. This is a pseudo withdrawal syndrome. With a strong desire to drink the simplest and most sufficient efficient way avoid the temptation to eat a dense and tasty meal, take a sedative.

Alcoholism develops gradually. Nothing arises by itself. Alcoholism, as a real, serious, progressive disease, grows on the soil of well-fertilized domestic drunkenness, harmless drinking for any "reason", out of habit, according to custom, with grief, with joy. "The river begins with a stream, and drunkenness with a glass." The border of this transition is difficult to determine, but the first, latent stage of alcoholism can be determined by the signs:
Increased alcohol resistance. The drinker develops the ability to endure everything large doses alcohol without signs of poisoning - headaches, vomiting. If this has happened, then we can say that the person has successfully overcome the first barrier on the way to alcoholism. Girls should be especially careful when choosing a life partner if her boyfriend is proud of the amount he has drunk. This is not a dignity, but a fact that should alert you.

An increase in the dose of alcohol required to achieve a state of intoxication.
Loss of control over drunk alcohol, when people after the first glass greedily pour themselves again, not embarrassed by others, and usually get drunk to a serious state. "The glass is ahead of the toast."

The appearance of memory impairments in the form of alcoholic palimpsests, patchwork of its loss, when drinkers usually cannot remember with whom they drank and how they got home.

The appearance of a feeling of psychological discomfort, "something is missing", bad mood, irritability, pickiness, if you do not drink for 1-2 days. The situation is saved by the next dose.

The presence of one of the above listed phenomena should alert those around and loved ones.
Alcoholic beverages (including beer and tonics) contain ethyl alcohol, which is essentially a poison for the body and causes its poisoning, which is often fatal.

Alcohol intoxication - it is spicy alcohol intoxication... Mild - blood alcohol content of 1-2% alcohol. It is characterized by an uplifting mood, a decrease in criticism, a loss of accuracy of movements, and the smell of alcohol from the mouth. A person is pleased with himself and others, is friends with everyone, self-confident, talkative. There is a feeling of muscle relaxation and physical comfort.

Moderate poisoning - with a blood alcohol content of 3-4% - motor excitement increases, disorders of balance, coordination of movements, blurred speech appear. Instead of a complacent mood, irritability and aggressiveness may arise (you do not respect me). Criticism towards oneself and others decreases, unmotivated impulsive actions are performed. Pain and temperature sensitivity decreases. After intoxication, symptoms of intoxication usually remain: heaviness and pain in the head, thirst, weakness, apathy, fatigue. Memory is usually not impaired during a period of intoxication.

Severe alcohol intoxication (5-6%) is characterized by impaired consciousness varying degrees from stunning to coma. Sometimes epileptic seizures occur, and involuntary urination and defecation are possible. Such a state usually falls out of the memory of a person.
Sometimes there are atypical forms of intoxication with depressed mood, irritability, aggression, foolishness, caricature sharpening of characterological forms.

A person in the stage of severe poisoning needs help, it can cost him his life. Before the arrival of an ambulance, you should ensure that the person does not suffocate with vomit, put him on his side, if necessary, give him artificial respiration. Alcoholic delirium (delirium tremens) also requires specialized psychiatric care.

Remember how hilarious with laughter, the cheerful doctor Livesey cut the truth-mother to the pirate Billy Bonsu in Treasure Island: “One more drop of rum, and you will die!” And not at all because he was a cynic. Shedding tears over a man who dug his own grave with booze and tobacco, he considered stupid occupation. Life is given to a person once, one should not lose it and bring grief to others. And it should be even more offensive when she sweeps past you. Let's live beautifully!

Alcoholism is a disease that kills not only the patient himself. From the actions of an alcoholic, his relatives suffer, as well as strangers around him. How many murders, fatal accidents and other crimes have been and continue to be committed by people under the influence of alcohol? According to statistics, most of the robberies, petty crimes and murders were committed on the basis of strong intoxication.

Many specialists are now engaged in the prevention and treatment of alcoholism. But the greatest contribution to the fight against this problem introduced by Professor Vladimir Zhdanov... This man has developed his own effective method against alcoholization of the population. Professor Zhdanov lectures on the dangers of alcohol throughout the country; makes interesting TV shows that reveal the secrets of alcoholic corporations; is engaged in active social activities.

Who is Professor Zhdanov?

Vladimir Georgievich Zhdanov is a well-known public figure, president of the International Association of Psychoanalysts, founder and chairman of the Union for the Struggle for Popular Sobriety.

Zhdanov was born in 1949 in the family of a military doctor. He graduated from school in 1966 with a gold medal. In the period from 1967 to 1972 he studied at Novosibirsk state university at the Faculty of Physics. And in 1980 he received a PhD in Physics and Mathematics.

In 1983, Vladimir Georgievich got acquainted with the report of Academician FG Uglov, which covered the consequences of alcohol consumption by Soviet people. Zhdanov decided to convey this information to as many people as possible. And in the same year he establishes public organization "International Academy of Sobriety", then the very first lecture "Lies and Truths about Alcohol" is presented to the public. With this work, Vladimir Georgievich traveled to most of the major cities of the USSR.

In 1986, a new lecture on the dangers of alcohol saw the light of day. The method to combat alcoholism, developed by Zhdanov, is based on the method of Gennady Shichko. Zhdanov's lessons are beginning to become more and more popular. First, they are distributed across the country on audio cassettes, then on videotapes, disks, and now - on the Internet. Zhdanov's lecture on the dangers of alcohol was such a success that the professor was awarded two state awards at once:

  • EAEN award them. Ehrlich.
  • Medal of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences Mechnikov.

In 1997, Vladimir Georgievich defended his diploma in Practical Psychology. Second higher education he receives at the Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University. After that, Zhdanov was invited to the post of professor at the Siberian Humanitarian and Environmental Institute, where he worked for about 5 years.

Lives in Moscow since 2007... Works at the International Slavic Academy, where he heads the Department of Practical Psychology.

Educational and social activities of the professor

Academician Zhdanov is a member of numerous organizations whose main activity is related to the promotion of sobriety and healthy way life. This is not only the International Academy of Sobriety created by the professor, but also the organization Sober Russia and the Union of Struggle for Popular Sobriety.

Vladimir Georgievich creates video lectures, writes books and articles on the dangers of alcohol, drugs and tobacco. In addition, he often appears on television. He is one of the founders of the TV project "Common Business". Due to the fact that the program was shown on the First Public Channel, most of the country's population watched it.

Zhdanov often takes part in various talk shows dedicated to sober lifestyle. In these broadcasts, he raises the greatest dangers, alcohol-related:

  • Increased crime rates.
  • Falling birth rate.
  • Increase in mortality.
  • An increase in the number of sick children born to alcoholic parents.

Zhdanov and his activities are supported by many Orthodox parishes. For example, the priest of the Sretensky Monastery, Father Tikhon, who took part in the filming of the program "Common Cause", said that he became interested in promoting sobriety only thanks to Zhdanov's lectures.

At his seminars Zhdanov talks about the dangers and dangers of alcohol. What the professor is talking about is understandable to every person, regardless of his education and type of activity. Vladimir Georgievich specifically avoids using complex scientific and medical terms.

The academician says that alcohol is harmful in any quantity, and there is no safe minimum dose and cannot be. Zhdanov is firmly convinced that all toxic substances that affect the human mind, such as ethanol, heroin, nicotine and others, were specially developed to reduce the population. Especially Slavic.

Zhdanov practically equates alcohol with weapons of mass destruction, which the state prepares for the destruction of civilians. Many of the professor's lectures were of a political nature, therefore they were banned in many countries.

According to statistics, Zhdanov's lectures have a beneficial effect on society. Many people who attended the professor's lectures have given up drinking alcohol forever. And the vast majority of thosewho attended his course on the Internet significantly reduced their alcohol intake.

Despite the successes of Academician Zhdanov in the fight against alcohol dependence of the population, he and his method are often criticized and openly confronted. Surprisingly, the people who were supposed to support him most of all criticized and tried to convict Zhdanov in lies: narcologists, representatives of the state apparatus, scientists.

The persecution that Vladimir Georgievich is often subjected to can only be explained by the effectiveness of his method. The alcohol giants are not interested in losing their consumers, so they don’t skimp on generous payments to Zhdanov’s opponents. On the Internet, you can find entire articles ridiculing the professor and accusing him of creating a teetotal sect. However, none of these articles cannot argue for the use of alcohol and confirm the safety of the effects of ethanol on the human body.

The main causes of alcoholism and its stages

Zhdanov believesthat the main reasons that cause alcoholism are:

  1. The environment of society.
  2. Traditions.
  3. Decrease in the level and quality of life.
  4. Prolonged stress.
  5. Poverty.

The professor gives an example that in Russia no holiday can be imagined without alcohol. New year, wedding, birthday and even school graduation are always accompanied by the use of champagne, vodka or wine. At the same time, people are in a sober state are able to have great fun and have a good time. Whereas under the influence of alcohol, companions often start to scandal and fight.

Each lecture contains information about the stages of alcoholism that an alcoholic goes through. There are only three of them:

In his lectures, Zhdanov says that the damage that alcohol inflicts on the central nervous system in the third stage of alcoholism cannot be cured, since they are irreversible. A person is no longer able to be aware and control their actions and actions. For the sake of drinking, an alcoholic is ready to go to robbery and even murder. In addition to the brain and liver, which are most affected by ethanol, the kidneys, heart, and gastrointestinal tract are damaged.

What is the main danger of child alcoholism

A separate place in Zhdanov's lectures is given to problem. The professor draws attention to the fact that the throughput of a child's liver is several times higher than that of an adult, so it cannot completely process alcohol.

Reasons why teenagers start drinking alcohol:

  1. Desire to imitate elders.
  2. Parent example.
  3. Advertising of alcohol in the media, as well as in popular films.

The liver is not the only organ of a child that will suffer from alcohol. Respiratory organs, central nervous system suffer, immunity falls. Brain activity begins to decline rapidly. If an adult needs an average of 7 to 12 years to become a chronic alcoholic, then a child will overcome this path in just 3 years.

Vladimir Georgievich also blames his parents for teenage alcoholism. Very often, adults not only drink in front of their children, but they themselves pour champagne for teenagers at celebrations. The child is not aware of the danger and continues to drink already in the circle of peers.

Vladimir Zhdanov also says that people in power are guilty of mass alcoholization. The production of alcohol brings huge profits, and officials, bribed by the producers of booze, turn a blind eye to the colossal harm that this business brings.

Proof of this is alcohol advertising, which costs huge amounts of money and stars many popular stars. These videos are shown on central TV channels, and adolescents develop the opinion that alcohol is an irreplaceable part of the life of beautiful, successful, self-confident and rich people.

The theory of extermination of the Russian people by alcohol

The professor has a lecture called "Alcoholic terror against Russia." The main thesis of this lecture is that alcohol is effective remedy destruction of the Russian people and it has already started.

It is too expensive and dangerous to go to war against Russia, which no one has yet been able to conquer. It is much easier to destroy people smoothly and quietly by launching weapons such as alcohol. The population itself is dying out from disease, dementia, degradation and debauchery. And the enemies not only achieve their goal of destroying the peoples of Russia, but also receive colossal profits from this.

Only a person who has not bothered to familiarize himself with mortality statistics in Russia in recent years can accuse Professor Zhdanov of excessive sympathy for various conspiracy theories. About 2 million people die in Russia every year for various reasons. Of these, almost 700 thousand deaths are caused by alcohol. This means that over 12 years of peaceful life, Russia is losing as many people because of alcohol as the military losses of the USSR in the Great Patriotic War. The figure is really scary.

Since 1991, Russia has lost more than 20 million people in peacetime. This is despite the fact that a steady population growth in the USSR was observed even in the 20-30s of the last century, during the period of social cataclysms and wars. The professor's conclusions suggest themselves: the nation is dying out not because of wars, but because of the abundance of available alcohol. Alcoholic drinks are now available even for children. Rarely is a 14-year-old who is unfamiliar with the taste of any alcohol. It is not necessary to expect healthy children from such a generation.

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