How to make homemade tomato paste without vinegar. How to make tomato paste at home: a recipe

13.04.2019 Desserts and cakes

Tomato paste is used in cooking by millions of people of all nationalities. This is a product known to every housewife in our country, and not only in ours.

On its basis, ketchups and sauces are prepared. By itself, it is not a final product, but a semi-finished product for future dishes. Nobody eats it without pretreatment.

It is added to the first and second courses to give a characteristic tomato flavor and bright colors. And normal, healthy digestion, as we all know, begins with what food looks and smells like.

Winter is another matter. Tomatoes are not so tasty, not so sweet. What is their taste and color? And they are not cheap in winter. I don't want to buy it in the store. I bought a small jar like that, I thought I would add a teaspoon for the color. So she stood in my refrigerator for three months open, and at least for her it didn’t get moldy or disappear.

What was it mixed with tomatoes there? I began to read the composition, it even became bad, solid E-shki. And since I already know everything about these E-shki and even wrote. I threw this store product away from sin. And I no longer buy my own tomato paste, albeit not so beautiful, but certainly useful.

According to GOST, only tomatoes and salt should be contained in the paste. This is how we will prepare it together with you. Of course pasta - it can be said loudly. I get something between pasta and juice, and not liquid, and not thick. I do not grind tomatoes through a sieve, and I have it along with the seeds. Why waste time, but waste time. Moreover, during cooking, nothing remains of the seeds.

A simple recipe for making tomato paste for the winter

The recipe will be simple. No complications. Although, if there is a desire to complicate things, then I will tell you how this can be done.

We need:

  • tomatoes
  • sunflower oil


I do not specifically indicate the quantity. Whoever considers it necessary to prepare, will do as much. I always buy one or two boxes of tomatoes. That is, my cooking process is obtained on an industrial scale.

But I have my own tomato paste in autumn, winter and spring. She tastes like real tomatoes. And if the store tomato paste do not eat, then just give this one!

Once my husband and I left on business for a week, and my daughter and son-in-law lived at home. Upon arrival, I see that the jars with it on my shelves have diminished considerably. And the daughter says: "So your beloved son-in-law took a fancy, she could not tear him off!" Of course, why not eat when you eat, and as if the tomatoes are fresh.

I buy tomatoes at the end of August, when they are the most ripe, the reddest. Gained strength from the Sun! Full of juice, taste, vitamins. Here are the ones I cook.

Cooking is very simple!

1. Wash the tomatoes, cut the stalk, cut into pieces. So that it is convenient to twist.

2. Twist in a meat grinder. Previously, it was twisted by hand, it took so long. And now, if you have an electric meat grinder, you twist everything in an instant.

It also works well if you punch with a blender on food processor... Here you can grind smaller and larger, as you wish.

3. Transfer to a large saucepan. And if there is a large cauldron, that's fine too. It is less likely to burn, it is easier to interfere. The tomato mass does not accumulate in the corners of the pan. If you cook in a saucepan, watch out for these tricky corners, and stir often.

4. Remember to do this. I interfere with a slotted spoon, it grips well in the cauldron, and nothing burns. Cook over low heat. Our cooking pasta should be bubbling, not bubbling.

This way it will retain its color.

5. While cooking, prepare the container where you will be storing. I harvest in glass liter bottles, they remain when you buy different juices... When there are no bottles left, you can use the cans with screw iron lids... Bottles and jars must be well rinsed with baking soda and sterilized.

6. To do this, type in regular saucepan water, bring to a boil. We put a colander in a saucepan, and put two bottles or jars upside down. Evaporating steam must penetrate into containers. This is how the sterilization process takes place.

Pour boiling water over the lids separate dishes, let stand for about five minutes. Better to boil it.

Can also be sterilized in the microwave. Fast, simple and convenient. Yes, in principle, choose any. Leave a reference to anyone interested.

7. We cook for a long time, our task is to evaporate the water. You will see when it happens. The mass should become thick. Depending on the number of tomatoes, it may take from one and a half to two hours.

Right now, you especially need to make sure that it does not burn. About 10 minutes before the end of cooking, season with salt. Give it a chance to break up, try it. Don't add too much. You should get the usual salty taste.

8. Heat oil in a skillet. We will use them to seal our workpiece.

9. Now is the most crucial moment. Everything is ready for us. We take a sterilized jar, big spoon put the finished paste there, almost to the very edge. We spread it tightly, crush it with a spoon, try not to leave air bubbles.

And now pour a tablespoon of hot oil on top, the oil will spread and give a film. We tighten the lid.

10. If you have prepared bottles, then you need to prepare a funnel. It will make it easier to spread the paste over them. It is thick, will be capricious, will not want to go into the bottle. But you have to contrive.

Why do I like to harvest in bottles more, oil should be poured quite a bit, half a spoon is enough. To be honest, I always have a deficit with banks.

I remember how they used to procure it: they poured it into ordinary glass bottles, and put on nipples on top. There were no bottles with lids, and all the cans went for another preservation.

11. It is not necessary to turn the jars, place them on a towel, and cover with another towel on top. Let them cool down slowly.

As you can see, everything is very simple. But as I warned, it turns out with seeds. You can cook without them if you want. That is, to complicate the recipe somewhat.

If you want to cook pasta without tomato seeds, then you need to grind the cooked workpiece through a sieve, or squeeze through cheesecloth. And boil for some more time.

Below is a video recipe where I will show you how to do this.

12. In a conspicuous place, let the banks stand for a week, or even two. If you did everything correctly, then the workpiece will look normal. And if the technology is violated, it will swell. Maybe lift the lid, or even knock it out. The contents of such a jar must be thrown away. You cannot eat it.

There is a lot of acid in tomatoes, they themselves are preservatives, therefore, they are not capricious. As a rule, nothing swells. Only if the lid was screwed on loosely and air could get into the jar.

But I think you will succeed. It is better to store the workpiece in a cool place, away from heating appliances. All apartments have storage rooms. Equip it for blanks and supplies. Then all winter you will eat tasty and healthy.

Video on how to make tomato paste from tomatoes at home

If you do not want the resulting tomato to be with seeds and small inclusions of skin, then you can cook it without these elements.

It is clear that such a product will be softer and more pleasant to the touch. It will take a little more time to cook, and not for cooking, but for additional processing... Specifically, for grinding through a sieve, and removing all unnecessary. But this is not too long, perhaps only 20 or 30 minutes.

However, see for yourself.

As you may have noticed, here we used absolutely nothing for additives, except for tomatoes. This is very convenient - when the tomato is salty, and when cooking we will add it, then the food being cooked can be salted.

Previously, I salted such a blank, I thought that it would be better stored this way. Then I experimented and found out that it can also be stored perfectly without salt. And now I don’t salt.

Yes, and I also want to note that you can cook tomato paste to the state of the density that you want to get, up to the store consistency. This is convenient, you will need less containers, and the paste, since it turns out to be highly concentrated, will be consumed more slowly.

By the way, do not throw out the cake that remains. Punch it through a blender along with red hot pepper, add garlic, greens (parsley, dill, cilantro) if desired, salt to taste. And the seasoning is ready. You can store it in the refrigerator.

And if boiled, then you can store it like a regular workpiece.

Friends, and that's all for me.

Cook and eat to your health!

Homemade tomato paste is much healthier than the store counterpart. It is free from excess salt, preservatives, colorants and thickeners. Such a blank is stored for a long time. Plus, it's just tastier. But not all housewives know how to cook pasta. At first glance, such a business may seem too complicated, especially for beginners.

In fact, this is not at all the case. To figure out how to cook tomato for everyone. Here are some great ways.

How to make tomato paste at home? Option one

To prepare six hundred milliliters of pasta, you will need two kilograms of ripe tomatoes and a tablespoon of salt. It is better to choose the most ripe, fleshy and fragrant fruits, they will give ready-made sauce especially rich taste... Rinse the tomatoes and chop them as small as possible. Transfer to a deep saucepan with thick sides and heat. If it turns out that there are too many fruits, do not worry - during the heating process, they will quickly decrease several times. Estimate the point to which the volume of six hundred milliliters should reach in the pan - to this level the mass will need to be evaporated during cooking. Stir the fruit, which will soon yield juice and turn into gruel. As soon as this happens, grind the contents of the pan with a blender and salt. If you want a homogeneous pitted product, rub the finished mass through a sieve. This product should be kept on a medium-high heat, stirring occasionally. Be careful: the high density of mashed potatoes leads to splashes, and the burn from the tomato on the skin can be very painful.

Evaporate the mass in this way to the desired volume. This will take about four hours. Don't forget to sterilize the jars before cooking. Transfer the finished pasta into a prepared container, thinly pour a little over the product vegetable oil and screw the cap back on tightly.

How to make tomato paste at home? Option two

You will need three kilograms ripe tomatoes, onion, three tablespoons of sugar, two tablespoons of salt, one - natural apple cider vinegar as well as spices to taste. Before making tomato paste at home, sort out the fruits and cut off any defects. Grind them with a blender or meat grinder and transfer to a saucepan.

Do not fill it to the full rim when cooking in this way - it will foam as it cooks. Use a wooden spoon to stir long handle... It takes about sixty minutes to boil the paste for about a third of the liquid to evaporate. If the product is not made too long, it retains the maximum nutrients so that your preform is not just a great ingredient for soup, pasta or vegetable stew, but also a real source of vitamins during winter cold... Tomatoes are good for the heart, strengthen the immune system and help maintain an attractive appearance.

Supporters of natural and healthy food surely know how to make tomato paste at home. This versatile product, which is widely used in cooking, can always be bought in the store today. But I can assure you that homemade tomato paste is much tastier and healthier than the one on the shelves of hypermarkets.

Undoubtedly, the preparation of blanks for the winter, including tomato paste, requires certain labor costs, but they pay off with interest. In addition, you are confident in the quality of the raw materials, that is fresh tomatoes, and you know what will be in your bank later.

I cannot but agree that it takes a long time to cook real tomato paste at home. But this concentrated product, which thickens not due to the introduction of any additional substances(often artificial), but by prolonged boiling and evaporation of the liquid.

Apart from fresh tomatoes, the recipe for homemade tomato paste does not include anything else. We will not add seasonings with spices - we are not preparing tomato sauce, but pasta. From the specified amount of ingredients (8 kilograms of tomatoes), I get exactly 1.5 liters (3 jars of 500 milliliters) of finished tomato paste. It is not at all necessary to take as many vegetables - process as much as there is. I just wanted to show the finished product.


Cooking a dish step by step with a photo:

To make tomato paste at home, we need fresh juicy ripe red tomatoes. The variety of vegetables doesn't matter.

My tomatoes and chop. If you have medium sized tomatoes, cut them into 4 pieces. The larger ones are 6-8 lobules. For homemade tomato paste, not only beautiful selected fruits are suitable - feel free to dispose of soft or wrinkled ones. The main thing is that they are not spoiled. 8 kilograms of tomatoes is a lot. They don't fit in one pot, so I use two of the largest ones in the kitchen. I put the slices in pans and put them on the fire.

You need to cook tomatoes over medium heat for about half an hour after boiling. Our goal is to soften vegetables. By the way, some cooks pre-grind fresh tomatoes through a meat grinder, and then boiled. But I don't like that, to be honest. See to tomato juice did not run to the stove - this happens if you make a strong fire.

When the pulp becomes soft enough, turns into porridge, and the skin leaves it, it's time to move on to one of the most unpleasant (for me personally, in any case) stages of making homemade tomato paste. It is necessary to rub the boiled tomatoes through a fine sieve to get rid of the skin and seeds. Do you remember that I had two large pans?

After about 40 minutes of continuous (well, almost) work, you should have relatively little cake left. The more thoroughly you rub the tomatoes, the less waste will be. I have from 8 kilograms fresh vegetables it turned out about 800 grams of skins and seeds. It seems to me that this is quite a bit.

And this, for which it was worth the work - natural tomato juice with pulp. Now the next step is to boil it down. And for quite a long time, so if you decide to make homemade tomato paste, set aside half a day for this. It is clear that you do not need to constantly stand at the stove (you can do other chores around the house all this time), but do not forget at least once every 10-15 minutes to remember that you are cooking something. We put a saucepan (in my case, 2 pots) on a low heat and cook everything, stirring occasionally.

After about 2.5 hours, the tomato juice will be boiled down by half. It thickens noticeably: if initially it was a rather liquid mass, now it has become like thick tomato juice with pulp.

At this stage of making homemade tomato paste for the winter, you can combine the contents of both pots - everything fits perfectly in one. We cook further ...

In terms of density, the mass is already obtained as tomato sauce... Now you need to stir the contents of the pan a little more often, paying special attention to the bottom so that it does not burn.

But when the contents of the pan begins to "spit" (it will take about 4-4.5 hours from the start of cooking), you should never leave the stove! The fact is that the paste will begin to thicken from the bottom, stick to it, so you need to constantly (!) Stir. And you (or rather paste) can easily stain the ceiling - these air bubbles fly up very, very high. Stir without stopping until you achieve the required density!

Cooked with my own hands Tomato paste will make any borsch, sauce or gravy even more delicious. Interested in how to cook tomato paste at home, housewives want to quickly and without extra effort to please your family with healthy, natural and delicious product... Selected ripe tomatoes, absence chemical additives and aromatic spices are what you need for an unsurpassed tomato paste.

How to make tomato paste at home?


Tomatoes 3 kilograms Apples 2 pieces) Bulb 1 piece (s) Vinegar 2 tbsp

  • Servings: 10
  • Cooking time: 40 minutes

Rustic tomato paste

Required components:

· Tomatoes - about 3 kg;

· pair sour apples medium size;

One large onion;

Vinegar - 2 tbsp. l.

Tomatoes, onion and apples must be passed through a juicer. Liquid mass need to be poured into cheesecloth and tied over a large container where dripping juice will collect. Over time, one puree will remain in the gauze, which will turn into tomato paste.

The tomato mass is slightly salted and cooked on a small fire for no more than 30 minutes. Then add vinegar, and after 5 minutes turn off the heat. Ready mass poured into pre-sterilized jars and rolled up.

Pasta in the oven

Many are interested in how to cook tomato paste in the oven. It is necessary to prepare the following components:

· Ripe tomatoes - about 4 kg;

· Carnation buds - ten;

· coarse salt- 4 tbsp. l .;

· A teaspoon of coriander and black pepper;

· Optional - parsley, celery, basil (tie all the branches in a bunch).

Wash the tomatoes and put them in a large sieve. The tomatoes are steamed in turn in a sieve over large saucepan with boiling water for 10 minutes. Soft steamed tomatoes are rubbed through a sieve. The liquid mass is mixed with salt in a heat-resistant container of sufficient depth and placed in an oven (200 degrees). The pasta is stirred from time to time, checking the degree of doneness and consistency. Half an hour before the end of languishing, a bunch is thrown into the paste fragrant herbs... Then this bunch is thrown away, and the paste is poured into the jars. Such a paste can be stored well without canning in the refrigerator.

If you don't want to preserve the pasta, you can store it in a cool, dark place. But at the end of cooking, the pasta must be well salted (40-50 g of salt will be needed for a 500 ml jar).

Many people ask how to prepare homemade tomato paste so that it does not mold after opening the jars. To prevent mold from forming, you can gently sprinkle the paste in a jar with salt and add a little oil. Alternatively, sprinkle the paste with powdered dry horseradish leaves.

Still using store-bought tomato paste? But this taste is far from real tomatoes. Various additives in the form of sweeteners, preservatives, colors, thickeners, etc. badly affect the state of health.

We offer to cook homemade pasta... You can start with small volumes... Once you have tasted this yummy, you will no longer go back to the purchased pasta. Dishes with homemade sauce are much richer, more interesting, more aromatic. And confidence in the naturalness of the product will only improve all these qualities and even add benefits.

General rules for the selection of products and preparation

The whole taste of future dishes will depend on the choice of tomatoes, because they are the crown ingredient of the pasta. For her, only absolutely ripe red tomatoes are needed. The variety does not play a special role, but fleshy fruits should be preferred.

If the tomato has small impact dents, but these soft areas can simply be cut off with a knife. Often these tomatoes, which do not look appetizing, are used for tomato sauce. However, if they already have mold on them or taste clearly sour, they should be thrown away immediately. whole fruit... Even one such spoiled tomato can spoil liters of tomato juice: the blanks explode after a while, the taste of the paste itself will be terrible.

The most commonly used vinegar is 9%. In rare cases, a lower percentage may be indicated, and this is worth listening to, since the pasta will drastically differ in taste when changing vinegar. If you overdo it, it will be very sour and will start to burn your throat. If there is only regular vinegar or vinegar essence, they can always be brought to the desired condition by diluting with water. Fruit vinegar is easily replaced with table vinegar.

Many housewives recommend using coarse salt. Sugar must be added to balance the flavor. Of the spices that best emphasize the taste of the pasta: dried basil, oregano, mint, collection of italian or provencal herbs... Less common is the use of suneli hops.

Tomato paste for the winter "Home"

Cooking time

calorie content per 100 grams

A basic recipe that is ideal for both gravy and borscht and even bolognese sauce. There is nothing superfluous in anything, but the taste is very rich.

How to cook:

Advice: best grade tomatoes for pasta - "cream".

Oven Tomato Pasta Recipe

An unusual way of cooking tomato billets with the addition of spices. They not only improve the taste, but are also natural preservatives.

How much time: 3 hours and 40 minutes.

What is the calorie content: 24.

How to cook:

  1. Wash the tomatoes, cut them into random pieces, not too finely. Transfer part to a sieve;
  2. Collect water in a saucepan and put it on the stove, place a sieve with tomatoes on top, they may touch the water a little, but better not. Otherwise, you will have to constantly mix them;
  3. As the water boils, steam the tomatoes for about ten minutes. Do this with all tomatoes;
  4. The slightly cooled mass that was removed from the sieve must be rubbed through another sieve. Throw away the whole cake;
  5. Mix the resulting tomato juice with salt and transfer to a baking dish with high sides;
  6. At 200 Celsius in the oven, soak the tomato juice for at least two and a half hours, sometimes stirring the mass with a wooden spatula. As soon as you like the thickness of the pasta, you can take it out of the oven and add spices;
  7. If desired, you can pour all the spices into a cloth bag and completely drown it in the tomato mass. Hold it for another half hour in the oven, then remove the bag, and stir the paste;
  8. Pour hot product into clean warm jars and let cool in a blanket.

Tip: in this recipe you can also add chopped herbs, even fresh ones: basil, celery, rosemary, etc.

Cooking tomato pasta in a slow cooker

Saving time is the main advantage of the multicooker. The blanks for the winter in it turn out to be no worse than those of our grandmothers!

What time is it: 1 hour.

What is the calorie content: 100.

How to cook:

  1. Washed tomatoes should be cut into pieces and placed in a deep bowl;
  2. Using an immersion blender, beat them into liquid puree;
  3. In the blender bowl itself, you must put peeled garlic cloves;
  4. Peel the onions, cut into pieces and add to the garlic;
  5. Kill both products into the gruel;
  6. First you need to pour sunflower oil into the multicooker bowl, then add tomato puree on top;
  7. Stir in chopped onion and garlic and add salt. Mix;
  8. On the "Extinguishing" mode, keep the mass for about thirty-five minutes. First, it must be brought to a boil, and after five minutes, close the device with a lid and leave to cook on its own;
  9. If food sometimes sticks to the bowl in a slow cooker, then the pasta needs to be stirred;
  10. Before the end of cooking, taste for salt, add it, if necessary, you can stir in spices;
  11. Transfer the hot mass to a jar, cool and store in the refrigerator.

Tip: you need to add spices just before the end of cooking. If you do this earlier, the tomatoes may start to taste bitter.

Original tomato pasta with apples

One of original options a must-try tomato paste. This sauce will be indispensable for meat dishes.

How much time: 1 hour and 20 minutes.

What is the calorie content: 28.

How to cook:

  1. Wash the tomatoes and cut the stalks. Cut the fruits into slices;
  2. Finely chop the peeled onion, mix with the tomatoes in a deep bowl;
  3. Cut off the peel from the apples and remove the core. Cut them into small pieces and add to the total mass;
  4. Put the mixture on low heat and let it boil. As soon as the onion turns transparent, after about twenty minutes, remove the bowl from the stove;
  5. With an immersion blender, beat all the products into a uniform consistency;
  6. Return to the stove and boil for forty minutes, stir very often;
  7. Pour in all the spices, their quantity can be varied, mixed. After that, pour in the vinegar and keep on the fire for another fifteen minutes;
  8. Pour the tomatoes into hot jars, then roll them up, put them under a warm blanket. When it cools down, put it in the pantry.

Advice: apples are best taken sweet or sweet and sour. Quite sour fruits can be used if the tomatoes themselves are sweet.

Spicy tomato paste for the winter with sweet peppers

Bulgarian pepper with tomatoes is one of the traditional and delicious combinations v European cuisine... The sauce from these products is bright, aromatic and versatile.

How much time: 1 hour and 50 minutes.

What is the calorie content: 53.

How to cook:

  1. Wash the tomatoes, cut them into several parts, be sure to cut the stalks;
  2. Remove the stalks from the washed pepper, remove the seeds and white partitions;
  3. Remove the husk from the onion and cut into eight parts;
  4. Remove seeds from hot pepper, wash it, discard the stalk;
  5. Pass the tomatoes through a meat grinder and pour into a saucepan, put on fire;
  6. Grind onions, bell peppers and hot peppers and add to the tomato mass;
  7. Pour in sunflower oil;
  8. Squeeze the garlic through a press directly into the pan;
  9. Pour in sugar and salt and let the whole mass boil, then pour in the vinegar and mix;
  10. Boil the sauce over low heat for about an hour, it should not boil too much;
  11. As soon as you like the taste of the pasta, you can add spices and bring it to the desired thickness;
  12. Remove from heat and pour into warm clean banks, close them and let cool for a couple of hours.

Advice: hot peppers can be substituted for dried chili flakes. A teaspoon will suffice.

All seams are stored in sterilized jars for the winter. Previously, the sterilization process took place only for steam: the jars were kept over boiling water. Now everything is much simpler: washed jars can be quickly dried in the oven and even in the microwave, it is enough to keep them there for ten minutes.

So that the paste after seaming and long-term storage did not bloom, it is recommended to pour a spoon into each jar before closing sunflower oil above. Another proven method is to grease the lid with hot mustard.

Another main rule is to only take out the pasta with a clean spoon. Any foreign bacteria caught in the paste will quickly spoil it. The product will grow moldy and have to throw out the entire can.

Tomato paste is a wonderful addition to a variety of soups, sauces, gravy, etc. In tomato season, it is really worth trying to roll up a few cans, so that you can then enjoy a delicious and quality food from your own pantry.