Fresh rhubarb compote recipe. Rhubarb compote for the winter with sterilization

30.04.2019 Vegetable dishes

Rhubarb compote - general principles cooking

We are accustomed to green rhubarb growing in our gardens and orchards. Few people know that this plant is rich in vitamins and minerals, helps well-coordinated work organism. Rhubarb has a particularly beneficial effect on the work of the stomach, facilitating the process of digestion. What can be prepared from this product? Add it to vegetables and fruit salads, make jam or cook compote from rhubarb. If you do not add sugar to the compote, then you can use the drink as part of diet food. Rhubarb, if you drink it with compote on an empty stomach, can speed up metabolic processes.

With sugar, rhubarb compote can improve appetite, and is very popular with children. Such a drink in itself is a very tasty drink for children and adults instead of soda or fruit juice.

Rhubarb compote - preparing food and dishes

How to cook rhubarb compote? You don't need the whole plant to make a drink. Separate the leaf and leave exclusively pink thick petioles, which must be thoroughly washed from the ground.

With what to cook rhubarb compote, what products are combined with this plant? Citrus fruits, raisins, all berries from the garden and some fruits will go well with rhubarb in compote.

Rhubarb compote recipes:

Recipe 1: Rhubarb Compote

Recipe this drink very simple. You will need rhubarb stalks, and you can also use lemon zest to make the rhubarb compote more flavorful.

Required Ingredients:

  • Rhubarb (petioles) - 400 grams
  • lemon zest
  • Sugar to taste

Cooking method:

  • Cut the washed rhubarb stalks into cubes 2-3 cm long.
  • Prepare lemon zest for compote.
  • Pour water into the saucepan where you will cook compote, and let it boil.
  • Dip the rhubarb and sugar into boiling water and let them boil for about fifteen minutes. Three minutes before cooking, dip the lemon zest into the pan and cover with a lid.
  • Recipe 2: Raisin Lemon Rhubarb Compote

    For this drink, it is better to use raisins. light grade to make the rhubarb compote smooth light color. You can also use lemon if you want to enhance the sour note in your compote.

    Required Ingredients:

    • Raisins 300 grams
    • Rhubarb (petioles) 300 grams
    • Lemon (medium size) 1 piece
    • Sugar to taste
    • Mineral water for compote 3 liters

    Cooking method:

  • Prepare the raisins by rinsing them several times under running water.
  • Wash rhubarb petioles well from the ground, remove tough fibers and cut the stems into small cubes.
  • Wash the lemon and cut into cubes along with the peel.
  • Pour water into the pan where the compote will be cooked, put on fire, add sugar there.
  • As soon as the water in the pan boils, dip the raisins, rhubarb, lemon there and cook for about 15 minutes under the lid. After this period of time, the rhubarb compote will be ready.
  • Recipe 3: Rhubarb Compote with Mandarin

    This drink invigorates, tones and has a pleasant taste.

    Required Ingredients:

    • Tangerines 3 pieces
    • Rhubarb (petioles) 400 grams
    • Sugar to taste
    • Purified water for compote 3 liters

    Cooking method:

  • While the tangerines are intact, remove the zest from them, and then squeeze out the juice, put the pomace into the pan where the compote will be cooked.
  • Wash the rhubarb stalks and cut into cubes.
  • Wash the mint and tear into leaves.
  • In the pan where the mandarin pomace is located, pour clean water and add sugar. Place the pot on the stove and bring the water to a boil.
  • Dip the rhubarb into the water and boil it for about fifteen minutes. Three minutes before cooking, add mint and tangerine zest to the pan.
  • Strain compote from rhubarb through cheesecloth, cool and add tangerine juice to it.
  • Recipe 4: Rhubarb Compote with Cherries

    Tasty summer drink sure to please little kids. For this rhubarb compote, you can use any variety of sweet cherry, both white and black.

    Required Ingredients:

    • Rhubarb (petioles) 300 grams
    • Sweet cherry 300 grams
    • Purified water for compote 3 liters
    • Sugar to taste

    Cooking method:

  • Remove the pits from the washed cherries.
  • Cut rhubarb stalks into cubes.
  • Put a pot of water for compote on the stove, add sugar to it. After the water boils, dip the rhubarb and cherries into the water, cook the compote for about ten to fifteen minutes.
  • Recipe 5: Rhubarb compote with currants and apples

    Another variation of rhubarb compote. The drink turns out to be tasty, fragrant, pleasing to the eye of a purple hue.

    Required Ingredients:

    • Fresh apples 2 pieces
    • Currant 200 grams
    • Sugar to taste
    • Purified water for compote 3 liters
    • Rhubarb (petioles) 300 grams

    Cooking method:

  • Wash apples, peel and cut into cubes.
  • Wash the currant thoroughly.
  • Cut rhubarb stalks into cubes.
  • Fill a saucepan with water for compote, add sugar there, put on fire.
  • As soon as the water boils, dip the apples, currants and rhubarb into the pan. Boil compote for about fifteen minutes.
  • Rhubarb compote - secrets and helpful tips from the best chefs

  • To make rhubarb compote even healthier, use honey instead of sugar. However, you need to put honey in a chilled drink so as not to deprive the beekeeping product of its beneficial properties.
  • What else can be added to rhubarb compote to make it tastier? One of secret ingredients- this is honeysuckle and elderberry. The combination of rhubarb and plum, rhubarb and raspberry will also be unusual. From these fruits, you can not only cook compote, but also make jam.
  • Do not use compote for more than two days after preparation, but store it in the refrigerator.
  • Not all spices are suitable for rhubarb compote. Use a little cinnamon or cloves if you want to give the drink an unusual flavor. However, these spices will only be appropriate if you do not add citrus fruits to the compote.
  • Rhubarb compote was prepared in ancient times. This healing and fortified drink was invented by Chinese culinary masters. It quenches thirst, improves digestion and increases appetite. About cooking methods wonderful drink we'll talk about in this article.

    A bit of history

    Rhubarb ("excellent yellow root") brought to Russia, returning from another expedition, N. M. Przhevalsky. The famous geographer, better known to his compatriots by the horse named after him, found rhubarbar (rhubarb) in China at the end of the 19th century. In Russia, the vegetable has taken root well. It began to be harvested in such quantities that royal mirrors were purchased for the Hermitage with the proceeds from the export of rhubarb to Northern Italy.


    Currently, rhubarb compote is gaining more and more popularity among Russians. No wonder. The drink from this plant comes out fragrant, sweet and sour, competing in vitamin saturation with apple. Of great importance for thrifty owners is the fact that you can use rhubarb without any fear for the figure. Cooked in any way, this vegetable contains only 16 kilocalories per 100 grams. In addition, many are credited with the miracle plant. healing properties. It improves immunity, improves skin regeneration, prevents the development of strokes and heart attacks, and significantly reduces the risk of pneumonia. Information on how to make rhubarb compote will be given below. However, first you should get acquainted with the rules for storing this unusual product.

    Subtleties of cooking

    Before you cook rhubarb compote, you need to select the freshest and youngest stems of the plant for it. It is better if they are a rich red color. Faded and sluggish petioles can spoil the taste of the drink. In addition, the benefits of such a dish will be minimal - all the healing substances and vitamins in such a plant are most likely absent. Fresh rhubarb cuttings can only be kept in the refrigerator for two days. If you place the plant in the freezer, then its shelf life will be significantly extended. Rhubarb is known to have a sour taste. Therefore, the amount of sweetener in the drink can be adjusted at your discretion. You can put honey in rhubarb compote instead of sugar. This will make it even sweeter.

    Classic rhubarb compote recipe

    1. Young and juicy petioles of a red plant (they contain more sugar) should be thoroughly washed, cut into neat pieces 2-3 centimeters long and left to soak in cold water for 12 hours. During this period, the fluid must be changed two or three times.
    2. Then the pieces of rhubarb should be blanched for 30-40 seconds in boiling water. If necessary, the duration of treatment can be increased to 1-1.5 minutes.
    3. Now the plant needs to be quickly moved to cold water, cool, tightly spread out in pre-sterilized jars.
    4. After that, prepare sugar syrup. It should be 30-50% concentration, that is, in one liter of water it is necessary to dissolve from 1.5 to 3 cups of sugar. In compotes long-term storage more sweetness should be added so that the drink does not ferment like wine. To make syrup enamel pan you need to fill it with water, add sugar to it, bring the resulting solution to a boil and keep it on low heat for 10-15 minutes. Next, the sweet liquid should be carefully filtered and again allowed to boil over low heat.
    5. After that, the jars with the rhubarb laid in them must be poured on top with a hot sugar solution. In one half-liter jar, 300 grams of petioles and 200-250 grams of filling can fit.
    6. When preparing rhubarb compote for the winter, it should be remembered that the plant cannot be boiled for a long time. Under the influence of heat treatment, oxalic acid begins to form in the petioles. This substance can be harmful human body. In addition, the rhubarb is instantly boiled soft, which makes the drink from it much less attractive and pleasant to the taste.
    7. Next, the jars filled to the very brim should be placed in a saucepan with warm water, cover them with lids and put on the stove for sterilization. Half-liter containers at a temperature of 100 degrees should be processed for 15 minutes, liter - 20-25 minutes.
    8. Then the sterilized jars with compote must be hermetically sealed, turned upside down with lids, wrapped and cooled.

    Now you know how to prepare rhubarb compote for the winter. Your household will definitely appreciate the aroma and taste of this wonderful drink.

    Rhubarb and raisin compote recipe. Ingredients

    No special frills are needed to make rhubarb compote. The recipe for making a drink involves the use of the following products:

    • rhubarb petioles - 500 grams;
    • sugar - 5-6 tablespoons;
    • raisins - 1/2 cup;
    • zest of half a lemon;
    • water - 1.5-2 liters.

    How to make rhubarb and raisin compote

    1. First you need to cut off the leaves from the stems of rhubarb, leaving only the thick lower petioles color pink. Remove the top skin from them.
    2. Then you should cut the petioles into segments 2-3 centimeters long.
    3. After that, it is necessary to pour into boiling water granulated sugar and boil the resulting solution over low heat for about five minutes.
    4. Now raisins and pieces of rhubarb should be placed in sugar syrup and the drink should be boiled for about 7 minutes.
    5. Next, the rhubarb compote must be removed from the fire, add lemon zest, chopped into strips.
    6. Then the dishes with the drink must be covered with a lid and left to cool completely.
    7. If necessary, rhubarb compote can be filtered. It is served to the table as a refreshing drink in large glasses with pieces of ice. It turns out very tasty.

    Compote of apples and rhubarb. Ingredients

    Together with apples, you can cook a wonderful rhubarb compote. The recipe for this drink contains the following ingredients:

    • rhubarb - 400 grams;
    • apple - 1 piece;
    • sugar - 3-4 tablespoons;
    • fresh mint - 1 sprig;
    • cinnamon - 1 stick.

    Rhubarb and apple compote. Cooking method

    1. First, pour 2.5-3 liters of water into a large saucepan and bring it to a boil.
    2. After that, the rhubarb stalks must be washed, peeled and cut into pieces 3-4 centimeters long.
    3. Then you need to wash one sour apple and cut it into slices of medium size. In this case, the seed box and the stalk should be removed.
    4. Now the cinnamon must be placed in a container of boiling water and boiled for five minutes.
    5. Next, add the rhubarb, apples, sugar, and fresh mint sprig to the same saucepan.
    6. Then, when the liquid in the bowl boils again, you need to remove the cinnamon stick from the compote and discard it.
    7. After that, the pan with the drink must be removed from the stove and covered with a lid. Compote in it should be infused for 8-10 hours.

    This article outlined several ways to make rhubarb compote. The classic recipe can be diversified by adding not only apples to the drink, but also strawberries, red currants, lemons, oranges, fresh mint and even hibiscus (Sudanese rose). Feel free to experiment. Bon appetit!

    How to make compote

    rhubarb compote recipe

    3 l

    30 minutes

    30 kcal

    5 /5 (1 )

    Many people grow rhubarb in their gardens and dachas, which they have not been able to find a use for for years. It would seem that you can cook from such an acidic plant to make it delicious. Compote! A little sugar or even other fruits - and we get a mega-healthy sweet and sour drink.

    Rhubarb can not only protect you from heart disease, but even prevent the occurrence of oncological diseases. True, rhubarb compote can bring not only benefits, but also harm. It should not be drunk by pregnant women, diabetics and people with inflammation of the stomach, intestines or kidneys. It is also best not to consume it if you have rheumatism, cholecystitis, or gout.

    But if you don’t have any diseases, then why not make rhubarb compote for the winter according to this simple recipe. Read and see for yourself.

    Rhubarb compote with cinnamon

    Kitchen appliances and utensils: saucepan, knife, cutting board, cover for draining liquids, jars.


    Cooking process

    Compote video recipe

    Watch this video of a woman explaining and showing how to make rhubarb compote. It touches on all the nuances: from sterilizing jars to storing compote, so the video will be useful to you.

    Rhubarb compote with cinnamon for the winter

    Delicious, fragrant, with a slight smell of cinnamon compote for the winter! Cooking is easy and fast!


    Rhubarb compote with orange and apples for the winter

    • Time for preparing: 20 minutes.
    • Quantity: 3 l.
    • Kitchen appliances and utensils: knife, cutting board, jars, saucepan, spoon.


    Cooking process

    • Rhubarb compote for the winter can be closed without sterilization. To do this, simply pour boiling water over the jars, and then drain the water.
    • Wash the rhubarb thoroughly, as dirt often remains in the groove.
    • Taste the compote for sugar and add it to your liking.

    What is compote served with?

    Sweet and sour compote is great refreshing, especially if you add a couple of ice cubes to it. You can drink it alone or with any dessert. For example, serve for an afternoon snack homemade cookies and compote so that the children can have a snack. Or buy marshmallows in the store and take compote with you to work.

    Submit useful compote to birthday cake or a pie. Drink compote with sweets that you chew while watching a movie, or your favorite dessert at dinner. Drink more, because such a compote is not harmful to health when correct use especially if it's unsweetened.

    Other options

    Compote - perfect option in order to receive a daily dose of vitamins in winter. So choose your favorite fruit and prepare twists for the winter. For example, cook to enjoy the berry flavor under New Year. Or close, getting not only delicious drink but also gentle canned fruit. You will get the same effect if you cook. Or close the delicious gooseberry compote with orange. You can even make natural fanta for the winter by preparing. Unlock new recipes and get interesting flavors, because it is quite easy.

    What about rhubarb compote? Did you like this combo? Write your feedback in the comments.

    Rhubarb has long been used in cooking. Jams, desserts and compotes are prepared from petioles. Rhubarb leaves are considered poisonous.

    Rhubarb contains many vitamins and useful substances, it is also useful for people with malnutrition. Often the plant cannot be eaten, as it contains a lot of oxalic acid. Sorrel, berries, oranges and fruits are added to rhubarb compote recipes. How to make compote and how much to cook - read the article.

    Rhubarb compote

    The drink is prepared for the winter. It turns out slightly sour and is prepared from young stems.


    • 700 g rhubarb;
    • litere of water;
    • hibiscus - 1 tsp;
    • vanillin - on the tip of a knife;
    • 260 g of sugar.


    1. Pour sugar and hibiscus petals into boiling water, mix.
    2. When the petals are boiled and the sugar dissolves, add vanilla and leave to cool.
    3. Rinse and peel the petioles, cut into 3 cm long sticks.
    4. Fill with water and leave the petioles for five minutes, then change the water and leave for 5 minutes.
    5. Sterilize jar lids.
    6. Put the rhubarb in jars, strain the syrup and pour into jars to the top.
    7. Seal the jars of cooked rhubarb compote and let the compote sterilize in a large saucepan.

    Store the finished compote in the cellar. You will get 5-6 cans in total.

    It's fragrant vitamin compote. You can increase the amount of sugar if you wish.


    • 400 g rhubarb;
    • 2 l. water;
    • half stack. Sahara;
    • orange.


    1. Peel the rhubarb and cut lengthwise and then into 2cm long strips.
    2. Wash the orange and cut into thin slices with the peel, remove the seeds.
    3. Put the water on a big fire and pour in the sugar, when it dissolves, put the rhubarb with the orange.
    4. Close the lid and cook the rhubarb compote for seven minutes after boiling.
    5. Remove compote from heat and leave for 15 minutes.
    6. Strain the orange compote and set aside.

    After the compote boils, you can add ¼ tsp. citric acid if you want the compote to become more sour.


    • 2 liters of water;
    • 200 g rhubarb;
    • 1/2 cup strawberries;
    • 5 slices of orange;
    • 1/2 stack. Sahara.


    1. Rinse the stems and peel off the skin, cut into cubes.
    2. Thinly slice the orange with the peel, wash and peel the strawberries from the stalk.
    3. Put rhubarb, orange and strawberries into boiling water, after a few minutes add sugar and stir.
    4. Boil compote for 3 minutes and strain.

    If you add honey instead of sugar, you need to do this when the drink has cooled down a little so that beneficial features honey is not gone.


    • 300 gr. rhubarb;
    • 200 gr. apples
    • 45 gr. honey;
    • 45 ml. lemon juice;
    • 1200 ml. water.


    1. Add honey with juice to water, mix. Put on fire and bring to a boil.
    2. Cut the peeled rhubarb, put in boiling water and cook for 5 minutes.
    3. Cut the apples into slices and add to the compote. Boil 10 minutes.

    Compote from rhubarb and apples can be poured into jars and rolled up for the winter.

    How to quench your thirst in the heat? Prepare rhubarb compote. It is very refreshing and has a number of useful properties. And if you conjure an hour in the kitchen and spin the jars with healing drink according to your favorite recipe, then in the long winter months you will have a real storehouse of vitamins and summer mood.

    Rhubarb looks like a weed, but it is a very valuable plant. It belongs to vegetables, and tastes like sweet and sour apples. The tender stems of this perennial plant are rich in trace elements (calcium, magnesium, sodium, iron, zinc, phosphorus), vitamins (A, B9, C, E, K), pectin, fiber and organic acids (oxalic, malic and citric).

    Rhubarb compote: advantages and disadvantages

    Unique chemical composition stems of this plant makes rhubarb compote not only a tasty and multivitamin drink, but also remedy for some ailments. It has a laxative property, is used in the prevention of atherosclerosis, hypertension, cancer, improves work digestive system, recommended in the treatment of anemia, helps to strengthen the heart and vascular system, improves immunity and improves eyesight.

    Given the high content of oxalic acid, you should be careful to drink compote from rhubarb during pregnancy and lactation, in case of illness gastrointestinal tract, inflammation of the kidneys and cholelithiasis, gout, rheumatism and diabetes. It is not recommended to give rhubarb compote to young children under the age of three and to use it for the elderly.

    Rhubarb is good if eaten in moderation. Their abuse, even healthy person leads to nausea, stool disorder, fever. In people prone to allergies, it can provoke the appearance of an acute allergic reaction, and in those suffering from diseases of the kidneys and gallbladder - an exacerbation of these diseases.

    How to choose the right rhubarb

    To make compote, you need young and fresh stems rhubarb. The leaves are not edible due to their high content of oxalic acid.

    The collected petioles of the plant should be washed well, allowed to drain, remove the top film with a knife and cut into small pieces.

    If you didn’t succeed in using the vegetable right away, then you should know that rhubarb is stored in the refrigerator for no more than two days. Peeled and cut stems of the plant can be frozen, while all its beneficial properties are preserved for about a year.

    When buying rhubarb, you should pay attention to the stems of the plant. They should be even, evenly red and elastic. The thicker the stem, the less vitamins it contains.

    The best time for collecting and harvesting rhubarb is the end of May - the beginning of June and the middle - the end of July, when the second wave of growth of its leaves takes place.

    Secrets and tricks of making delicious rhubarb compote

    • Important: you can’t cook rhubarb compote in a copper or iron pan: the plant has a lot of vitamin C, which can oxidize metal utensils.
    • Rhubarb should not be subjected to a long heat treatment because it can easily break apart. Compote is enough to cook for 5-10 minutes after boiling water.

    Additional Ingredients

    For a beautiful color when preparing rhubarb compote, you can throw a handful of cherries into the pan, chokeberry or another bright berry. Citrus fruits, raisins, honey also harmonize well with rhubarb in compote. You can cook rhubarb compote by adding apples, plums and other fruits to it.

    A pinch of cinnamon, mint or cloves will help shade original taste compote. It will not be superfluous to add some dried fruits.

    Rhubarb compote recipes

    Rhubarb can be used in a wide variety of dishes, from salads to rhubarb pies. The easiest way to get the benefits of a plant is to make a compote. Considering that the calorie content of rhubarb is only 16 kcal per 100 g, a drink prepared without sugar will become an indispensable assistant in the process of losing weight.

    Diet compote of rhubarb and apples


    • apple - 1 pc;
    • water - 40 g;
    • honey - 2 tbsp;
    • lemon juice - 2 tbsp.

    How to cook:

    1. Wash the apple, remove the peel, cut into slices.
    2. Throw the pieces of apple and rhubarb into boiling water, reduce the heat and leave to cook for another 10 minutes.
    3. Add honey and lemon juice you need in a cooled compote.

    Rhubarb and pumpkin compote


    • peeled and chopped rhubarb stalks - 200 g;
    • pumpkin - 200 g;
    • water - 1 l;
    • sugar - 100 g;
    • cinnamon - 1 tsp

    How to cook:

    1. Peel the pumpkin and cut into small pieces.
    2. Boil water, dissolve sugar and cinnamon in it, throw in chopped vegetables and cook for no more than 3 minutes.
    3. Cool and strain.

    The drink has an unusual original taste.

    Simple rhubarb compote with honey


    • peeled and chopped rhubarb stalks - 800 g;
    • liquid honey - 3 tablespoons;
    • sugar - 150 g;
    • water - 1.5 l.

    How to cook:

    1. Boil water, pour sugar into it, stir well and throw in rhubarb.
    2. Cook over low heat for 5 minutes after boiling.
    3. Add honey to the cooled compote.

    Rhubarb vitamin drink with orange


    • medium orange - 1 pc;
    • water - 2 l;
    • sugar - 200 g.

    How to cook:

    1. Put the water to boil.
    2. At this time, remove the peel from the orange and divide into slices.
    3. When the water boils, dissolve the sugar in it, then add the rhubarb and orange.
    4. After boiling, reduce heat and cook for another 5 minutes.
    5. Cool and strain.

    This drink will help with a cold.

    How to prepare rhubarb compote for the winter

    Rhubarb compote from a jar is rich in microelements and vitamins, which will increase the body's resistance to various colds, therefore irreplaceable in the winter.

    When preparing compote for the winter, sugar should not be spared so that the drink does not ferment. Jars and lids must undergo the most thorough sterilization.

    Compote for the winter canned with and without sterilization.

    Sterilized rhubarb compote for the winter


    • peeled and chopped rhubarb stalks - 600 g;
    • water - 1 l;
    • sugar - 300 g.

    How to cook:

    1. Boil water and dissolve sugar in it, boil for a couple of minutes.
    2. Sterilize a liter jar and a lid.
    3. Place rhubarb stalks in a container, pour hot syrup over, cover with a sterile lid.
    4. Lower the jar into a pot of warm water, at the bottom of which it would be useful to put a small towel.
    5. A liter jar is sterilized for 20 minutes at 100 degrees.
    6. Then the lid must be carefully rolled up, turn the container upside down, cool. There is no need to cover the top of the jar with something.

    Aromatic compote of rhubarb with strawberries without sterilization


    • strawberries - 400 g;
    • peeled and chopped rhubarb stalks - 400 g;
    • sugar - 250 g;
    • water.

    How to cook:

    1. Peel the strawberries, rinse well and let the water drain.
    2. Sterilize jars and lids.
    3. Lay the rhubarb in layers first, then the strawberries. You need to fill the bank with at least a third of the total volume.
    4. Pour boiling water over everything, cover with a lid and let it brew for half an hour.
    5. Then drain the liquid from the jars into the pan. It is convenient to use a special plastic cover with holes.
    6. Stir the drained water with sugar, bring to a boil and immediately pour back into the jars.
    7. Close the container tightly with lids and turn upside down.
    8. It is recommended to wrap this blank, for example, with an old blanket until it cools completely.

    Properly prepared rhubarb compote for the winter can be stored for a long time in a dark and cool place.