How to cover a cake with ganache. Ganache recipe - a stable cream for cake coating and cupcake decoration at home with a photo step by step

04.04.2019 Vegetable dishes

Ganache is chocolate buttercream. Although it seems, due to its name, very refined, but it is simple and quick to cook, it tastes wonderful. Ganache from white and milk chocolate- very tasty and as a cream between cake layers, whipped. Dark chocolate ganache - for lovers of bitter chocolate creams, such as "truffle". But most often I use it as a base for mastic. In addition, ganache is indispensable for covering the cake - that is, to make such a beautiful filling with chocolate on top so that the droplets flow down the sides and then you can decorate the cake with fruits, for example. In general, fashionable design. In the photo - red ganache)

Usually for ganache, one part of chocolate is taken to one part of cream. For white chocolate you can take two parts of chocolate to 1 part of cream, for milk - one and a half to one. Although 1 to 1, all these creams turn out well, then you just need to cool them properly. After cooling, this cream should be whipped and used as a filling for cakes.

And to level the cakes - under the mastic - you can also use the usual one, but if there is some kind of complex shape, then it is better to prepare a double ganache, that is, two parts of dark chocolate to one part of cream. I am preparing ganache for mastic, so I am making just such a cream in this master class.

But still, in my experience, it is not ganache that holds the shape of the cakes best, but. Therefore, I use delicious ganache for simple cakes, and cream for leveling more complex or multi-tiered ones. He never failed.


100 grams of cream 20-35%

200 grams of dark chocolate

Ganache: recipe. How to make chocolate cream

1. Cut the chocolate into small pieces.

2. Add chocolate to cream.

3. Melt in the microwave or in a water bath (I'm in the microwave). Take it out every 15 seconds and stir. It is necessary to stir at the beginning in the center, until in the very center the chocolate is combined with cream, that is, an emulsion is obtained. When it turned out in the center, then stir the whole cream, it will also quickly become homogeneous.

4. The chocolate is stirred and the cream becomes homogeneous.

5. Now put the cream in the refrigerator for a few hours. Then beat with a mixer and it will gradually soften. If you are in a hurry, you can put it in the refrigerator for a while, the cream will become thicker, and you can already level the cake. And the cake can be put in the freezer for a while, if you need the cream to harden. Or immediately cover with mastic.

Ganache is soft french cream made with chocolate. It is used as a glaze for cakes, cake fillings, bases for mastic. It can be different in consistency: thick or liquid. Let's learn with you how to cook chocolate ganache.

chocolate ganache recipe


  • cream 35% - 110 ml;
  • - 100 g;
  • butter - 35 g;
  • powdered sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons.


To prepare the ganache cream, break the chocolate into pieces and put in a saucepan. Pour the cream into a bowl, pour powdered sugar and mix thoroughly. Bring the mixture to a boil, but do not boil, and then pour everything into the chocolate and leave for a couple of minutes. After that, stir the mass with a whisk until a homogeneous consistency, put the butter and mix again. As a result, you should get a shiny chocolate ganache for mastic.

Chocolate ganache for cake


  • milk - 100 ml;
  • butter - 200 g;
  • bitter chocolate - 200 g.


And here is another recipe for chocolate ganache for the cake. To start preparing steam bath so that the smaller saucepan touches the bottom of the water. Then pour milk into a smaller container, and while it is heating, we break the chocolate bar into pieces. Next, pour them into hot milk, wait until the chocolate is completely dissolved, and remove from steam bath. We put the softened butter and knead the chocolate ganache well until a homogeneous shiny mass is obtained. We put the mass in the refrigerator for about 15 minutes, after which the chocolate ganache to cover the cake is ready!

chocolate cream ganache recipe



So, take a bar of dark chocolate and cut it into small pieces. Now pour full-fat coconut milk into a saucepan, put on a weak fire and heat it almost to a boil. After that we pour Brown sugar to taste, stir well with a whisk so that the crystals are completely dissolved. Again we wait for the milk to heat up to about 90 ° C and pour it gently into chopped chocolate. Leave for 10 minutes and do not touch the mass and do not mix yet! Then we begin to gently and very carefully mix the mixture, but do not beat, until a homogeneous chocolate ganache is obtained.

Hello everyone. Recently, I promised to tell you about a super cream for topping cakes, which perfectly holds its shape and matches the fondant. This is cream ganache. Today is a very detailed article about this cream.

Ganache is an emulsion of cream and chocolate. Do you know how this wonderful cream appeared? Like so many things in cooking - completely by accident! French chef accidentally spilled cream into melted chocolate, after which the chef called him a "fool", which in French sounds like "ganache". When he tried what he got, he was amazed by the taste, well, and this name stuck to the dessert.

What do we have today? There are three varieties of ganache - on cream, on butter, and on cream with the addition of butter. Many argue that ganache in oil, in general, should not be called that, that this is the “wrong” cream. And that real ganache is only made from chocolate and heavy cream. May be so.

However, I use in practice all three types of this cream. Why not choose one? Because all three varieties are absolutely working creams!

If I have in enough heavy cream, then I definitely choose the creamy option, if there is cream, but there are not many of them, then I make a mixture, if there is no cream at all, then I choose the option with butter.

I want to note that the most delicious and light, both in terms of cooking and eating, is the cream option. The butter recipe is the hardest to digest, but the butter and cream mixture is the hardest to prepare.

Ganache can be made on any chocolate, be it dark, milk or white (it is also possible from bitter, but this is already quite an amateur).

The main thing here is to understand the proportions.

ganache on dark chocolate goes to cream (or butter) in a ratio of 1:1, for milk chocolate this ratio is 2:1, and for white 3:1 (sometimes even 4:1, for greater stability). That is, the less cocoa butter is contained in chocolate, the more it will be required for the cream.

These proportions work absolutely for all creams, that is, if you take 180 grams dark chocolate(2 tiles), then you need to take the same amount of cream or butter by weight.

Today I want to analyze a ganache made from a mixture of chocolate and cream, because it is in this version that the most mistakes are made, due to the fact that there are more actions in cooking.

Needless to say, the cream will come out delicious with professional chocolate?! Callebaut is very good chocolate and cocoa. You can also buy by weight from 100 grams in pastry shops.

So, how to make a stable cream for leveling a cake and decorating cupcakes at home, a recipe with photos step by step.


  1. 180 grams of dark chocolate (2 bars)
  2. 75 grams of cream from 30% fat
  3. 105 grams butter (82.5%) at room temperature


To begin with, I want to say right away that my friendship with ganache did not come out the first time! But, from this I can safely say that I know all the subtleties and possible errors)

I will offer you the most reliable method, with the least possible complications. To begin with, I will write the problems that I encountered so that you do not repeat my mistakes.

According to many recipes, it was necessary to first melt the chocolate, heat the cream separately, and only then combine these two mixtures. Here I had such problems as: overheating of chocolate and stratification of the mass. Firstly, chocolate is extremely easy to overheat in the microwave, especially when you heat it without cream. Secondly, by combining melted chocolate and hot cream, it is also possible to overheat it, and, well, the stratification of the mass due to the temperature difference.

According to other recipes, it was necessary to finely chop the chocolate and pour hot cream over it. Here, problems such as overheating of chocolate may arise, due to the fact that chocolate is heated at a temperature much lower than the boiling point of cream. And another problem may arise - incomplete dissolution of chocolate, if the cream is removed from the stove ahead of time. And this had to be solved by heating the mass and punching it with a hand blender.

After all my adventures, I will say one thing - do not waste so much time! Melt chocolate with cream in a water bath, this is the most reliable method!

So, how to make dark chocolate ganache with cream at home.

We put a saucepan with a small amount of water on the stove.

Place the chopped chocolate in a heatproof bowl. And fill it with cream (I have cream straight from the refrigerator).

As soon as the water in the pan boils, reduce the fire to medium and put our bowl with the chocolate-cream mass on top.

Stirring all the time, we begin to melt the chocolate. The chocolate will clump a little at first.

Then it will gradually begin to diverge.

As a result, we should get a homogeneous mass without lumps, smooth and shiny.

We remove it from the fire and leave to cool to 40 °.

In the cooled mass, we introduce butter at room temperature! This is very important point if the oil is cold, the cream will exfoliate. In this case, it must be warmed up a little in a water bath and pierced with an immersion blender.

Mix the mass thoroughly.

Cover with cling film and refrigerate for 1-2 hours. The hardening time depends on the quality of the chocolate, the better it is, the faster it will set.

During this time, the cream will stabilize and become very dense. Feel free to start leveling cakes, decorate cupcakes or use it as a filling.

This amount of cream is enough for me to level the cake in 18-20 diameter.

If you beat the cooled ganache, you get a truffle cream. It will increase in volume, brighten and become very airy. I even like this option more, it is very easy to work with it, the cream is malleable. They are also great to decorate cupcakes, use in a layer of biscuit cakes or as a filling. Little secret, it is better to level with a hot dry spatula, so the cream softens a little, if suddenly it is completely frozen with you.

It is only worth remembering that the ganache cream is dense and will not fully soak your cakes, so we either use impregnation or self-sufficient butter biscuits.

This cream is very stable, it hardens as they say "to stone". If you are looking for what kind of cream you can cover the cake with mastic, then this is your option. The mastic does not flow on it.

If you are looking for what kind of cream you can level your cakes in the heat, then this is also the best cream.

What to do if the cake has to be transported by car for a long time? Use ganache!

If you are looking for which cream a waffle or sugar picture will not flow on, the answer is the same, this is ganache.

In addition to being used in cakes and cupcakes, this cream perfect option for stuffing cakes - such as macarons, shu, profiteroles or eclairs. Chocolate lovers will definitely appreciate it!

A few answers to the most common questions.

What does overheated chocolate look like? It becomes dense, gathers in pieces and does not shine! Can it be saved? It is possible, but not all stages. If it has just begun to curdle, try adding hot cream and mix, straight with a spoon.

Exfoliated oil in ganache is a violation of technology, the situation can be saved by heating the entire mass to 40 ° and breaking it with a submersible blender.

Ganache cracking? Poorly soaked biscuit or a very thin layer of cream. And also, perhaps you didn’t stand the cake, then it shrinks and any cream can crack.

Ganache did not freeze, but remained liquid. Most likely you came across low-quality products, I'm talking about chocolate and butter. It is extremely important to find really good ingredients. How to save the cream? Add more melted and cooled chocolate.

This amount of cream is enough to level a cake 16 in diameter, 10 cm high.

P.S. Recipe chocolate smudges can be found on the blog at the link - just click and you will be in the right place)

Good appetite!

The recipe for chocolate ganache is very simple, and there are a lot of ways to use it. So, chocolate ganache for mastic evens out the surface of the cake, creating a base for further work with decorating the cake. This is possible thanks to unique property ganache - harden, creating a smooth, even surface.

Another way to use this cream is chocolate pasta ganache. This a win-win toppings, which goes perfectly with pasta. By adding various fruit purees instead of part of the cream to the basic recipe, you can get many variations of ganache, each of which will surprise you with interesting flavor notes. Apply ready ganache into the center of the cooled pasta half, press down with the other half and hide in the refrigerator. Ready pasta will be strong and tender. The cream securely fastens the halves, preventing them from falling apart even in hot weather.

Chocolate ganache to cover the cake can also be used as an independent element of the finished decor. confectionery. Smooth shiny ganache will create a wonderful surface of the cake, on top of which you can do nothing else, decorate the maximum with your favorite nuts.

The principle of making ganache is the same, its various types differ only in the proportion and type of ingredients. It can be prepared from various kinds chocolate, with the addition of flavorings and fruit and berry purees (for example, raspberry ganache, mango). Chocolate ganache, the recipe of which you will read on this site, is the base that allows further flight of fantasy.

White chocolate ganache

White chocolate ganache is just as good for topping a cake as it is for topping a cake. He pleases his light color and also very sweet taste. You can add mashed banana if you like.

For white chocolate ganache, you need to take white chocolate and cream 33% in a ratio of 2: 1, as well as a little butter (10%). For example, 200 g of chocolate, 100 ml of cream, 10 g of butter.

Break the chocolate into pieces, and pour the cream into a ladle and bring to a boil. As soon as they boil, pour the cream over the white chocolate. Now it remains to stir the resulting mass until the chocolate is completely dissolved. And then leave the finished product in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours, if necessary, you can leave it overnight. After the required time, remove the yellowish mass and start beating it with a mixer. In the process, you can add butter - it is necessary for shine and more delicate structure cream. After this manipulation, the ganache will thicken, turn white and be ready to use.

Helpful Hints:

  • Choose only quality products because the success of your idea depends on it.
  • Make sure not to drop a drop of water, as the chocolate may not melt.

Milk chocolate ganache (white ganache)

This is a basic recipe for all occasions. Such a ganache is universal: suitable for any function, and also combined with most products.

The required proportion of chocolate and cream for ganache on milk chocolate is 3: 2, as well as a 10th part of butter. For example, 300g milk chocolate, 200ml cream 33%, 30g butter.

Bring the cream to a boil, but do not boil. Pour them over finely broken chocolate and melt it completely. Leave the resulting mass for several hours in the refrigerator. When you take the ganache out of the fridge, add softened butter and beat with a mixer. Milk chocolate ganache is ready.

Dark chocolate ganache

This is the simplest chocolate ganache. It is not as sweet and soft as the previous versions of the cream. But this is an excellent icing for covering the cake, which can be prepared in shortest time. In it, you only need to mix hot cream with chocolate, and then mix until the chocolate is completely dissolved. The proportions of chocolate and cream for black ganache are 5:3. main feature It's just boiled cream. They contribute to the correct and uniform melting of chocolate.

Useful advice:

In order to have time to cover the cake before the icing hardens, place the container with the finished ganache in a water bath.

cocoa ganache

Affordable and easy to implement option. Good for icing. It tastes a bit like a truffle.

Ingredients: 170 ml milk, 4 tbsp. l. cocoa powder, 5 tbsp. l. sugar, 100 g butter.

Pour milk into a saucepan and bring it to a boil. Now add sugar and cocoa. Cook the ganache over medium heat, stirring constantly, until the sugar is completely dissolved. Next, remove the future glaze from the heat and add the butter. Stir to dissolve the oil. When the mass has cooled, it will thicken and will be finally ready.

On this list basic recipes ganache is finished. As you can see, all options are prepared very simply, and the result always pleases with its taste and beauty. Moreover, you can adjust the consistency ready cream. By adding more cream, you get more liquid cream, which can be poured over fruit or ice cream. By adding more chocolate, you get a firmer texture, great for stuffing croissants. Chocolate is liked by virtually all children and adults, it gives refined taste any dessert. For this reason, you will not lose by deciding to prepare this cream. By turning on your imagination and trusting your culinary intuition, you can create unique variations of chocolate ganache. Culinary inspiration and bon appetit!

Chocolate ganache is an incredibly delicious duo of chocolate and cream. And most importantly, this useful invention of the French has such a wide range of applications that you simply have to know what chocolate ganache is and how to cook it correctly.

Chocolate ganache recipe

The cooking technology is so simple that even a child can handle it. Grind the chocolate (the smaller, the better - so the chocolate will melt faster). We put the cream on the stove, bring to a boil, but do not boil. And just pour the chopped chocolate with hot cream (you can leave the chocolate under the hot cream for a couple of minutes). Stir with a whisk until the chocolate is completely melted. Oil can then be added, but is optional.

Oil softens the ganache and adds shine. Accordingly, depending on the desired result, you can add from 10% to 50% butter.

A few words about required quantity ingredients. There is a fundamental ratio of chocolate to cream, depending on the type of chocolate (the more cocoa in the chocolate, the more cream you need).

  • Dark chocolate ganache: 1 part chocolate + 1 part cream;
  • Milk chocolate ganache: 3 parts chocolate + 2 parts cream;
  • White chocolate ganache: 2 parts chocolate + 1 part cream.
Try to choose high-quality chocolate, and pay attention to the fat content of cream (it should be at least 33%).

In addition, you can add different "savory":

  • As fruit puree: Grind berries or fruits in a blender and rub the puree through a sieve into a ready-made chocolate ganache. In this case, the initial amount of cream must be reduced. For example, you decide to make a dark chocolate ganache with fruit filling. So, you need to break 100 g of chocolate, pour 50 ml of hot cream (instead of 100 ml) into it, stir until the chocolate dissolves, then butter if desired, and at the end you can add 50 g of fruit puree;
  • Flavor cream. This option is especially relevant for white chocolate ganache. Can be added to cream different spices and / or herbs (to your taste), bring to a boil and pour through a sieve onto pieces of chocolate (in this case, the proportions do not change).

No need to put yourself in a rigid framework, the proportions given above are approximate - experiment and develop your own perfect recipe. Which you will like in taste, texture and ease of use.

So, for example, using the same chocolate, changing the proportions, you can get different results. Add more cream (1:2) and you will get a great frosting. Take chocolate and cream in equal parts, cool and whip - it will turn out incredibly fluffy and delicious cream. More chocolate (2:1) is the ideal truffle mass.

And more clearly, on the example of decorating cupcakes.

And finally, the perfect ganache recipe from Chef Serdar Yener. We have already shared with you his cakes using dark chocolate ganache (and).

Ganache how to use

So, above we have already considered different proportions for ganache, and, accordingly, the resulting consistency. Now let's talk about how to use ganache.

Chocolate ganache for topping cakes and other baked goods

Preparing the ganache classic recipe.

Freshly made ganache is too runny and won't level the cake. Therefore, either let it stand for 5 hours at room temperature or an hour in the refrigerator. Or fill a big bowl cold water with ice, dip a cup of cream into it and beat it until it thickens. Well, proceed to the direct coating of the cake.

The texture of chocolate ganache allows you to evenly cover even pancake cake. And if you want to achieve perfect coverage with even edges, check out this article.

Chill the ganache for 3 hours in the refrigerator. Transfer it to pastry bag and decorate cupcakes or muffins. The result is simply superb chocolate flavor conquer anyone.

Add strawberry puree, and you get a chic stuffing for pasta.

You can also make a filling for cookies, decorate cupcakes or a cake from whipped ganache. In this case, the taste will not be as rich, but this does not make it worse. Just a different texture, airy and delicate.

And maximum fast option: use the ganache as a glaze. You can also serve it with ice cream.

Chocolate ganache as part of baking

can be made from it chocolate layer in cookies.

Or make a cake with a liquid center.

Pie "Galette des Rois - Galette de Rois" will be simply incomparable with chocolate filling. In addition to the classic recipe, you will need to add a mixture of cornstarch with milk and 10 gr eggs.

First, mix the starch with milk and set aside. Prepare chocolate ganache. Add the egg to the mixture of starch and milk, beat and pour the resulting mixture into chocolate. Place the container of cream on slow fire, stirring constantly, bring to a boil and remove after 1 minute. Transfer a thin layer to a large container and cover with cling film.

roll out puff pastry, cut out the circles. Put cream on one of them or use a baking bag to squeeze out the cream. Cover with the second half of the dough, press it down. Cut off the excess, brush with beaten egg on top. Make a drawing with a knife. Send the cake to an oven preheated to 200 ° C, after 10 minutes reduce the temperature to 180 ° C, after another 10 minutes to 160 ° C and bake for 25-30 minutes (until cooked). Best served cold.

chocolate truffles

Everything is simple here for 2 parts of dark chocolate you will need only 1 part of cream, besides, you can add some kind of liquor or rum (at the end to ready, but still liquid ganache). The resulting mixture is cooled to room temperature, then it is better to put it in the refrigerator for 30-50 minutes ( chocolate mass should harden, but remain plastic).

If you overcook in the refrigerator, just leave the plate at room temperature - it will go away.

Next, form balls with a spoon, cover them with parchment and let stand for 20 minutes in the refrigerator. Then roll them in cocoa powder. Store ready-made truffles in the refrigerator in a hermetically sealed container (container with a lid).

Culinary victories to you!