How to make ganache shine. Ganache is the perfect filling for pasta and more

03.09.2019 Beverages

Knowing how to independently prepare chocolate ganache to cover the cake, each housewife will be able to make her dessert not only tasty, but also beautiful. This is especially important if the delicacy is intended for a festive table or as a gift for a birthday person. There are several successful recipes for such a chocolate coating.

The cream is brought to a boil. They should be removed from the heat as soon as the first tiny bubbles appear on the surface and not boiled. In the classic recipe, heavy cream is usually combined with rum. It is also necessary to choose good dark chocolate without additives (260 g). In addition, the composition of the ganache coating for desserts will include: 1 tbsp. cream and a large spoonful of alcoholic beverage.

If you plan to use a pastry syringe when decorating sweets, you need to put the slightly cooled ganache in the refrigerator, and then beat it again

  1. The chocolate is finely crumbled and poured with hot cream. The mass is slightly whipped with a whisk until smooth.
  2. It remains to add rum to the mixture and mix it again.

Chocolate ganache with cream

This is another simple recipe for a special cake coating cream.
The main thing is to use very high-quality cream for it - at least 30%.

A whipping product is perfect. In addition to a glass of cream, will be used: 190 g of dark chocolate, 4 large tablespoons of granulated sugar, 70 g of butter, 2 small. spoons of brandy, 1.5 tbsp. spoons of cocoa. How to make chocolate ganache with cream is described below.

You can do without alcohol, but this addition will give the ganache an amazing nutty flavor. The taste of cognac in the finished dessert will not be felt

  1. The cream is heated to about 75-85 degrees. They shouldn't boil.
  2. Sugar and cocoa powder are poured into the hot liquid. These ingredients are added together to avoid lumps.
  3. The mass is thoroughly mixed and removed from heat after 10-15 seconds.
  4. The chocolate is crumbled into a separate bowl and then poured with hot cream. It is better to cover the cup with a lid so that the tiles melt faster.
  5. It remains to add oil and brandy to the mass.

Whole milk

In the recipe, you need to use milk of at least 3.2% fat content. In addition to the dairy product (120 ml), take: a pack of butter, 2 bars of high-quality dark chocolate.

Vanilla on the tip of a knife or a couple of drops of cognac will help to improve the taste of the chocolate mass.

  1. The chocolate is finely chopped and poured into a saucepan set in a water bath.
  2. Warm milk is poured into the melting tiles.
  3. The mass is heated until it becomes homogeneous. In this case, you cannot bring it to a boil.
  4. The hot chocolate mixture is poured into the softened butter in a couple of tablespoons. As a result, a homogeneous cream should be in the container.
  5. When the ganache has cooled down a little, you can decorate any desserts with it.

With cocoa powder

This version of ganache is ideal as a glaze. It tastes like classic truffle candies. From the products taken: 180 ml of fat milk, 5 large spoons of sugar, half a pack of high-quality butter, 4 tablespoons. cocoa powder.

The amount of milk will allow you to regulate the structure of the cream

  1. The milk in a saucepan is brought to a boil.
  2. Immediately after the first signs of seething mass, cocoa and granulated sugar are poured into it. The mass is cooked over low heat until the sugar crystals are completely dissolved.
  3. Next, the mixture is removed from the stove and pieces of butter are added to it. It will melt quickly while stirring.
  4. When the ganache has cooled and thickened, you can use it to garnish sweets.

With condensed milk

The specified amount of products will be enough to cover a cake with a diameter of 21-23 cm. You need to prepare: a pack of butter, 230 g of dark chocolate, a large spoonful of cocoa powder, 120 ml of condensed milk.

If the mass turns out to be too liquid, you need to keep it in the cold for 5-7 minutes. But not longer, so that it does not completely freeze.

  1. The chocolate is finely chopped and heated in a water bath to a liquid state.
  2. In another container, the butter, cut into pieces, softens. Next, beat it for 5-6 minutes with a mixer, gradually pouring in condensed milk. As a result, you should get a homogeneous cream.
  3. For an appetizing color, cocoa is added to the mass.
  4. The cream combines with the still warm chocolate. The ingredients are whipped.
  5. This cream will allow you to make a delicious and beautiful mirror finish on the cake.

Chocolate ganache with honey

Natural bee honey makes ganache extraordinarily aromatic and tender. It is suitable for both cake and pastries. You do not need to add sugar, you need to take a sweet chocolate bar. Also taken: 45 g of liquid honey, 70 ml of heavy cream (more than 30%), 40 g of butter.

If you need to prepare chocolate ganache with mastic, you do not need to add either cream or milk to it. It is enough to combine 2 chocolate bars with 310 ml of fat sour cream and melt the food in the microwave.

  1. Bee honey with cream is mixed and sent in a saucepan to a water bath.
  2. When the mass is heated, slices of chocolate are added to it.
  3. The cream is heated in a water bath until it becomes homogeneous.
  4. The softened butter is added to the mixture after it has cooled slightly.
  5. After thoroughly whipping the cream, you can cover the cake with it.

With milk powder

If there is too little fresh milk in stock, then this will not hurt to prepare a delicious ganache. May be supplemented with dry product (65 g). You will also need to take: 65 ml of fresh milk, 1.5 bars of high-quality dark chocolate, half a pack of butter, a large spoonful of granulated sugar.

You need to use the mixture immediately, before it begins to harden.

  1. The broken chocolate is placed in a water bath.
  2. In a separate bowl, powdered milk is mixed with granulated sugar, and then diluted with fresh product. On the stove, the mass warms up for a couple of minutes.
  3. Beat the softened butter with a mixer. Gradually, the milk mass is poured into it.
  4. The slightly cooled melted chocolate is combined with butter and milk cream.

Chocolate ganache for cupcakes

When preparing chocolate cream for decorating various muffins, first of all, you need to pay attention to its thickness and density. Such a delicacy should keep its shape well. It will include the following ingredients: 210 g butter, 1/3 tbsp. cocoa, 60 ml heavy cream, small. spoon of vanilla extract, 2 tbsp. powdered sugar, a pinch of salt, 180 g of dark chocolate. Preparing chocolate ganache for cupcakes is pretty quick and easy.

  1. Cocoa powder and icing sugar are carefully sieved together.
  2. The softened butter is whipped for 2-3 minutes at medium mixer speed. Cocoa with powder is gradually added to it.
    When all the bulk products are in the mass, you need to beat it for another 3-4 minutes until smooth.
  3. The chocolate is melted in a water bath, salt and vanilla extract are added to it.
  4. Both masses are mixed at the minimum mixer speed until smooth and desired airiness.

The resulting cream is enough for 23-25 ​​cupcakes.

No similar materials

Now it is difficult to imagine the work of popular pastry chefs without such a cream as white chocolate ganache. Every self-respecting chef knows about its unique properties.

This cream:

  • keeps its shape perfectly;
  • suitable for applying warm glaze;
  • suitable for mastic;
  • keeps its shape well on cupcakes;
  • better than other creams reacts to heat, i.e. does not melt;
  • waffle and sugar pictures do not drip on it.

Ganache is a homogeneous mixture of chocolate with heavy cream, brought to the state of an emulsion. Sometimes butter is used as a substitute for cream, but this cream is much fatter. In any case, the original ganache focuses on the cream.

Origin story

Finding the perfect stable cream for cakes could take forever for pastry chefs, if not for one fateful event. Ganache is translated from French as "fool", and the story of the creation of the cream is quite funny.

The sloppy chef spilled hot cream into the melted chocolate and tried to hide the traces of his carelessness by mixing everything. But the experienced chef saw through the sly, and the vexed “Ganache!” Was spread throughout the kitchen. But before writing the mistake off to junk, the chef decided to try what he got and adapt the find to some dish. He was impressed by the delicate taste and over time improved the recipe for the cream, making it an important part of the confectionery art. Only one thing reminded culinary specialists of the origin of the cream - the ridiculous name of ganache.

White chocolate ganache appeared a little later, when white chocolate bars took their rightful place in the confectionery craft. This came after years of neglect and recyclable status of non-grated chocolate.

The composition of this popular cream is extremely simple - chocolate and cream. But the properties of the finished product, which are so appreciated by confectioners, fully depend on the quality of these ingredients.

White ganache starts with the highest quality white chocolate. Not suitable for cream:

  1. porous;
  2. with fillings;
  3. with vegetable fats instead of cocoa butter.

Good chocolate is easiest to find in specialty candy stores.

As for the cream, it should be as fat and fresh as possible, preferably homemade. If it is not possible to find such cream, then during the preparation of ganache, butter is introduced into the mixture, which should also be of the highest quality.

Another advantage of white ganache is the ability to stain it with gel dyes. Thanks to this, the cake can be made in any possible color.

Both ingredients are used in a ratio of 3 to 1 if the cream is used for leveling, and 2: 1 in cases of decorating cupcakes. The total weight of cream and butter must not exceed the indicated proportions.

For example, for alignment, take:

  • 540 g white chocolate;
  • 180 ml of cream from 30%;
  • or 80 ml of cream and 100 g of butter 82.5%.

Among other things, white ganache can be given any flavor using fruit or berry purees. Here the following proportion is observed - how much mashed potatoes are added, so much cream is taken away. But the total percentage of fruit and berry mass should not exceed 30% for thick puree and 20% for more liquid mixtures.

Due to the subtleties of mixing and the balance of temperature, it is best to heat and melt in a water bath, so prepare two thick-walled metal containers. It is best to use a glass bowl when cooling. Prepare the dishes in advance, they must be dry and clean.

Cooking process

White chocolate ganache begins with chopping the chocolate. The original recipe states that you need to mix separately heated cream and melted chocolate, but for a beginner, this is a very difficult process.

  1. Combine chocolate and cream in one container and put them in a prepared water bath. For stirring, choose a silicone spatula or a regular spoon. The chocolate will begin to melt a little.
  2. The chocolate will clump at first, but that's okay - dissolve should be smooth.
  3. At the end of the process, a smooth homogeneous mass with a glossy sheen is obtained. If coloring is provided for the cream, dyes are introduced at this very moment.
  4. The cream is removed from the heat and cooled to 40 degrees Celsius.
  5. If you introduce butter, the moment has come. The oil should be at room temperature. It is introduced and everything is thoroughly mixed.
  6. The next step is cooling. Ganache is poured into glassware and covered with cling film close to each other. The container is placed in the refrigerator for a couple of hours until it solidifies.
  7. After that, it is taken out and whipped with a mixer. As a result, the mass brightens, increases in volume and becomes more pliable.

White chocolate ganache is ideal for covering the cake immediately after the procedure. If the cream has managed to warm up, then it is better to cool it a little again. It is best to apply the cream with a hot dry spatula to ensure an even distribution.

Attention, errors!

Here are the main mistakes when creating and working with a ganache:

  • In many recipes, it is customary to heat the components separately. However, the separate melting of ingredients by an inexperienced pastry chef often leads to stratification of the ganache and the impossibility of further work with the mass.
  • Do not use wooden spatulas or spoons while stirring, as they easily absorb odors and can transfer off-flavors to the cream.
  • Even if you've become a master at melting chocolate in the microwave, you shouldn't do this when working with ganache. To obtain the desired structure, a clear temperature balance is required, which cannot be observed due to the different heating rates of chocolate and cream, as well as the lack of constant stirring.
  • In some recipes, chefs pour hot cream over grated chocolate to get the desired mass. However, this method is fraught with overheating of the top layer of chocolate and its stratification.
  • When using ganache as an interlayer between the cakes, keep in mind that this is a very dry cream and when using it, impregnation of the cakes is necessary.
  • Ganache can crack if the cake hasn't stood enough and has shrunk, or the cream is too thin.
  • If the cream is not frozen, you have used low-quality products. But it can be saved by adding some melted and chilled chocolate.

As you may have noticed, ganache is not as simple as it seems. But with the right patience, you can create a real culinary masterpiece that will live up to all expectations!

Ganache is a thick cream made from chocolate. Confectioners simply cover the finished cake with it or use it as a base before applying mastic. The paste is great for leveling the surface of the cake, its edges, and quickly and tightly hardens. Cupcakes and muffins are stuffed with this emulsion, truffles and other sweets are decorated. To the taste, the delicacy is an amazing duo of milk cream and chocolate.

The history of chocolate ganache

Ganache is an amazing display of French confectionery talent. The history of the emergence of the name given to chocolate cream in France is very interesting. In general, the very appearance of a delicacy for many remains a mystery, because it appeared quite by accident. A pastry chef working in a French restaurant accidentally spilled cream into hot chocolate, as a result of which the chef called it an offensive word that sounds like "ganache" in French, and in Russian it is "blockhead". Having tried what happened due to the carelessness of the employee, the owner was amazed: the mass had an excellent taste, was tender, and quickly solidified. So a new cream-paste appeared, for which the random name stuck so quickly that no one had time to come up with anything more suitable.

Features of the composition of ganache

In order for the chocolate ganache for covering the cake to turn out thick, to harden in time, to align the edges, it is necessary to cook it correctly. For the preparation of the cream, the following products are usually used:

  • Chocolate. And not “confectionery bar” with its taste, but real, dark, classic, with a large percentage of cocoa in the composition (at least 60%).
  • Sugar. It is rarely used. Any kind of it will do: large or small, white or brown. The main thing is not to take powder.
  • Cream. They are often replaced with milk, condensed milk and even sour cream. This component of the recipe improves the taste, makes the pasta more tender.
  • Butter. Quite common, but not a constant component. It is better to take with a high percentage of fat, which will be at least 72%.
  • Cocoa. Various recipes use powder as an addition to or in place of chocolate. It is better to choose a natural composition, without any additives.

Each recipe for amazing icing is slightly different from the other in the range of products. The basic set can be supplemented with various additives such as honey, zest, milk powder. Depending on the composition, the technology of cooking the cream may also change.

Classic ganache recipe

According to the basic French recipe, the thick cream is made from a small amount of ingredients, and there is no sugar in it - for this reason, the cream will be slightly bitter:

  • Cream - at least 35% fat - 100 ml;
  • Dark chocolate - 100 g;
  • Oil drain. - 40 g.

It is very simple to prepare the classic version of the cream with your own hands, just follow the scheme:

  1. Break the chocolate into small pieces.
  2. Put the cream in a small saucepan on the fire, bring to a boil.
  3. Pour hot cream into chocolate, let it brew for 3-4 minutes.
  4. Gently stir the mixture with a spoon until smooth.
  5. Add oil, stir again so that the paste does not fall into layers.

That's all the effort it took to get the classic French chocolate cream. It is ideal for covering a cake with a fondant. If you need white chocolate ganache to cover your cake, cook it the same way, only using a different type of chocolate.

Recipe for ganache with condensed milk

To make a chocolate coating based on condensed milk, you do not need to be a guru - you just need to observe the proportions and sequence of product introduction. The specified number of products in the list will be enough for a cake with a diameter of 23 cm:

  • Oil - 200 g;
  • Cocoa - 10 g;
  • Chocolate - 250 g;
  • Condensed milk - 100 ml.

How to make condensed milk frosting:

  1. Grind the chocolate bar, then melt in the steam bath. Do the same with oil.
  2. Beat butter with a mixer for 5 minutes, adding condensed milk in parts.
  3. Add cocoa, also cooled chocolate, beat everything.
  4. Leave the liquid paste on the table to thicken (10 minutes is enough).

After the specified time, you must immediately apply to the cake.

Milk ganache recipe

The recipe for a milk cake coating is similar to the previous one, except that it lacks cocoa. You need to take 200 g of butter and chopped chocolate, plus 100 ml of milk. Add chocolate to hot milk, put the container on a steam bath; leave until the mass becomes homogeneous. When it cools down, add a little oil, stirring thoroughly. You can add vanilla for flavor. Use milk cream to decorate the cake after it has cooled slightly.

Cocoa ganache recipe

This option can be called economical, and in addition to covering, it can be used for a layer of cake.


  • Oil - 100 g;
  • Cocoa - 5 tablespoons l.;
  • Sugar - 4 tablespoons l (no more than 2 extra spoons if you need more sweetness);
  • Milk - 150 ml.

The oil must be softened in advance. Combine cocoa with sugar in a separate bowl, stir. Add milk, put in a water bath. After dissolving the sugar and acquiring a homogeneous structure with the cream, remove and cool. Add butter and stir well with a spoon.

Honey ganache recipe

Honey - an affordable, healthy, loved by all product will add a zest to the chocolate ganache for the cake. It will make the cream more aromatic and taste better. The honey glaze recipe eliminates sugar - no need for it. The rest of the products are practically the same:

  • Cream - 2 tablespoons l.;
  • Oil - the same amount;
  • Honey - one and a half tablespoons. L.;
  • Chocolate - 110 g.

Use only classic chocolate: none other than dark chocolate will do.

Cooking process:

  1. Mix cream with honey in one bowl, heat in a water bath.
  2. Grind the chocolate bar, add to the heated mixture. Continue heating process.
  3. When the mass becomes homogeneous, remove from heat, cool.
  4. Add oil, stir.

Sour cream ganache recipe

Only three ingredients are required - this is the recipe: 8 tablespoons l. sour cream, 6 tsp. cocoa and the same amount of sugar. Mix all components in a common saucepan and cook until thickened, stirring continuously. It only takes a few minutes. You can add a small piece of butter to enhance the color. 5 minutes - and the simplest sour cream ganache is ready!

Chocolate ganache cake is a wonderful delicacy, which is very easy and quick to prepare. But the taste is amazing and unforgettable!

In contact with

Chocolate ganache is an incredibly delicious duo of chocolate and cream. And most importantly, this useful invention of the French has such a wide range of applications that you simply must know what chocolate ganache is and how to cook it correctly.

Chocolate ganache recipe

The cooking technology is so simple that even a child can handle it. Grind the chocolate (the finer the better - this will melt the chocolate faster). Put the cream on the stove, bring to a boil, but do not boil. And just fill the chopped chocolate with hot cream (you can leave the chocolate under the hot cream for a couple of minutes). Stir with a whisk until the chocolate is completely dissolved. Oil can then be added, but not required.

The oil makes the ganache "softer" and adds shine. Accordingly, depending on the desired result, you can add from 10% to 50% butter.

A few words about the required amount of ingredients. There is a fundamental ratio of chocolate to cream, depending on the type of chocolate (the more cocoa in the chocolate, the more cream you need).

  • Dark chocolate ganache: 1 part chocolate + 1 part cream;
  • Milk chocolate ganache: 3 parts chocolate + 2 parts cream;
  • White chocolate ganache: 2 parts chocolate + 1 part cream.
Try to choose high-quality chocolate, and pay attention to the fat content of the cream (it should be at least 33%).

In addition, you can add different "flavoring":

  • Fruit puree: Chop the berries or fruit in a blender and puree through a sieve into the finished chocolate ganache. In this case, the initial amount of cream must be reduced. For example, let's say you decide to make a dark chocolate ganache with a fruit filling. So, you need to break 100 g of chocolate, pour 50 ml of hot cream (instead of 100 ml), stir until the chocolate dissolves, then, if desired, butter and at the end you can add 50 g of fruit puree;
  • Flavor the cream. This option is especially relevant for white chocolate ganache. You can add various spices and / or herbs to the cream (according to your taste), bring to a boil and pour through a sieve onto the pieces of chocolate (in this case, the proportions do not change).

There is no need to put yourself in a rigid framework, the proportions given above are approximate - experiment and develop your ideal recipe. Which you will like in taste, consistency and usability.

So, for example, using the same chocolate, changing the proportions, you can get different results. Add more cream (1: 2) for a great icing. Take equal parts chocolate and cream, refrigerate and whisk for an incredibly airy and delicious cream. More chocolate (2: 1) - ideal truffle mass.

And more clearly, using the example of decorating cupcakes.

And finally, the perfect ganache recipe from Chef Serdar Yener. We have already shared with you his cakes using dark chocolate ganache (s).

How to use ganache

So, above we have already considered different proportions for ganache, and, accordingly, the resulting consistency. Now let's talk about how to use ganache.

Chocolate ganache for covering cake and other baked goods

Cooking ganache according to the classic recipe.

Freshly made ganache is too runny - they won't be able to flatten the cake. Therefore, either let it stand for 5 hours at room temperature or an hour in the refrigerator. Or fill a large bowl with cold water and ice, dip a cup of cream into it and beat until thick. Well, proceed to the direct coating of the cake.

The texture of the chocolate ganache allows even pancake cake to be coated evenly. And if you want the perfect finish with smooth edges, check out this article.

Chill the ganache for 3 hours in the refrigerator. Transfer it to a piping bag and decorate muffins or muffins. The result is simply superb, rich chocolate flavor that will win anyone over.

Add the strawberry puree for a chic pasta filling.

You can also make whipped ganache filling for cookies, cupcakes or cake. In this case, the taste will not be as rich, but it will not make it worse. Just a different texture, airy and delicate.

And the fastest way: use ganache as a frosting. You can also serve it with ice cream.

Chocolate ganache as part of baked goods

You can make a chocolate layer out of it into cookies.

Or make a cake with a liquid center.

Cake "Galette des Rois - Galette de Rois" will be simply incomparable with a chocolate filling. In addition to the classic recipe, you will need to add a mixture of cornstarch with milk and 10 grams of egg.

First, mix the starch with milk and set aside. Make chocolate ganache. Add the egg to the starch-milk mixture, beat and pour the resulting mixture into the chocolate. Place the container of cream on low heat, stirring constantly, bring to a boil and remove after 1 minute. Transfer a thin layer to a large container and cover with cling film.

Roll out the puff pastry, cut out circles. Put the cream on one of them or squeeze out the cream using a baking bag. Cover with the second half of the dough, press it down. Cut off the excess, brush on top with a beaten egg. Draw a drawing with a knife. Send the cake to an oven preheated to 200 ° C, after 10 minutes reduce the temperature to 180 ° C, after another 10 minutes to 160 ° C and bake for 25-30 minutes (until tender). Best served cold.

Chocolate truffles

Here everything is simple for 2 parts of dark chocolate, only 1 part of cream is needed, besides, you can add some kind of liqueur or rum (at the end, into the finished, but still liquid ganache). The resulting mixture is cooled to room temperature, then it is better to put it in the refrigerator for 30-50 minutes (the chocolate mass should solidify, but remain plastic).

If you overdo it in the refrigerator, just leave the plate at room temperature - it will go away.

Next, form balls with a spoon, cover them with parchment and let stand for 20 minutes in the refrigerator. Then roll them in cocoa powder. Store ready-made truffles in the refrigerator in a hermetically sealed package (container with a lid).

Culinary victories for you!

This thick cream and chocolate emulsion is one of the best French inventions. It can be made from any kind: black, milk, white. Even bitter will suit special admirers. Ganache is used to cover the cake, as it keeps its shape perfectly, evens the surface for decor, mastic. It is also used to decorate cupcakes, make sweets, decorate pastries, grease the cakes like cream. A delicious filling for cakes and sweets comes out of it. Excellent pliable material for imitation of "natural" streaks. Freshly whipped emulsion is used for liquid filling of muffins; wafer rolls are filled with cooled dense paste.

This delicious pasta hardens well. The thickness of the glaze is easily adjustable and directly depends on the temperature of the finished cream. If a thin coating is required, the mass is applied warm. If dense glazing is actual, the mass is applied cold.

How to make ganache at home? Let's take a closer look.

Classic recipe

In order for the chocolate ganache for covering the cake to turn out to be dense, to solidify in a timely manner, to be easily leveled, it is necessary to learn how to make it correctly.

The best icing is obtained only from good, high-quality chocolate, which melts perfectly and gives an exceptional result when decorating products.

We present to your attention the ideal cooking option, proven by practice.


  • 200 grams of dark chocolate;
  • 200 ml cream (30%).

Break the chocolate into pieces, add cream, put it in a water bath. We interfere all the time. The result is a smooth, shiny, homogeneous mass. We remove from the stove, wait for it to cool down to 40 degrees. Done! The resulting paste is enough to level the product with a diameter of 20-23 cm. It is good to use it for a layer of cake. Please note that the constitution of the classic chocolate ganache is quite dense, it will not saturate the cakes poorly. You need to use additional or "wet" biscuits.

If you plan on making milk chocolate cream, double the amount to give it more stability. And if from bitter, then add 50-100 g of sugar to the hot cream (to taste).

Condensed milk recipe

Using this recipe, you will have an amazing cream, the favorite of many confectionery brands.


  • 250 grams of chocolate;
  • 200 grams of butter;
  • 100 ml of condensed milk.

In a small container, melt the first ingredient in a bath to a liquid consistency, leave to cool until warm.

Beat the soft butter with a mixer (minimum speed!) For several minutes, start adding condensed milk in a thin stream. When the condensed milk is over, we also begin to pour in the chocolate. Beat for a few more minutes. We leave for 5-10 minutes. for cooling. Ready

Stir in 25 g of cocoa powder - the color of the ganache cream will become more saturated, beautiful.

Milk recipe

Hearing this, the French pastry chefs would have grabbed their heads. How is it - no cream? Say what you like, but the recipe is very working - it has completely found its place under the sun. The finished cream is more like a frosting. However, it evens out baked goods perfectly.


  • 200 g black classic;
  • 100 ml of milk with a fat content of 2.5%;
  • 200 g butter.

In hot milk, break the high-quality main ingredient into pieces, put on a steam bath, stir, wait for the mass to become homogeneous. Cool the finished mixture, start adding a spoon to the soft butter, stir thoroughly. Add powdered sugar (to hot milk), vanilla or cognac if desired. It is better to cover the product with warm ganache.

Freshly prepared glaze is an excellent sauce for pancakes, pancakes, ice cream, fruits, cottage cheese desserts.

Cocoa recipe

This variation of ganache cream for cake coating is prepared when you need to save your budget. True, the finished product will be less creamy than the original.

To ensure that the glaze is successful and the taste does not differ from the classic one, we take the highest quality cocoa.


  • 100 grams of cocoa;
  • 100 grams of sugar;
  • 55 ml cream;
  • 100 grams of butter.

Focusing on your taste, it is permissible to add sugar, but up to 50 g, otherwise the cream will remain semi-liquid.

Mix cocoa and sugar separately. Add the mixture to the hot cream, brew at minimum heat, stirring continuously with a spatula, until smooth. Cool it down. Add softened butter, mix.

At first, the paste will be thin, but gradually cooling down, the emulsion will normally thicken.

This paste is also used as a layer of cake layers. Perfect for decorating cupcakes, pastries. It makes amazingly delicious homemade truffle sweets.

Honey recipe

Are you going to bake a simple biscuit and use a French emulsion as a cream? Add honey! Such a simple trick will add zest to any baked goods without the intricacies and sophisticated designs.


  • 100 ml cream;
  • 150 g of chocolate;
  • 50 g butter;
  • 50 g of honey.

We heat the first and second components in a water bath, stirring continuously. When a homogeneous mass is formed, remove from heat. Add honey to the mixture, stir to a single consistency, add softened butter, mix thoroughly again.

Sour cream recipe

A tasty and economical alternative to the French emulsion is better known here as “fudge”. It takes five minutes to prepare.


  • 200 ml sour cream;
  • 50 grams of cocoa powder;
  • 50 grams of sugar;
  • 15 grams of butter.

We mix all the products, set the minimum fire level, cook until thickened. We stir without stopping. We make sure that it does not burn. Cover the pastries with warm fondant. The product itself should be at room temperature (not cold!)


Preparing this piquant glaze is unusually simple. Choose your favorite recipe for chocolate ganache to cover the cake and at the last stage of cooking, add 1 tbsp. l. rum.

White chocolate

The paste is obtained with a delicate creamy taste and aroma. White ganache is very popular with wedding confectionery professionals. This is the best solution for white or light-colored mastic.

White chocolate ganache for covering the cake is prepared according to the Classic recipe, only instead of black you will need 600 g of white chocolate (we increase the volume in order to stabilize the emulsion).

With cream and butter

It is a very stable mixture, it sticks to the cake "tightly".


  • 200 grams of black classic;
  • 80 ml cream (30%);
  • 120 grams of butter (82.5%).

First, we completely repeat the process of making a classic emulsion. Add soft oil heated to room temperature to the mass cooled to 40 degrees. If it's not warm enough, the mixture will stratify! Mix the mass thoroughly with a spatula.

Wrap with cling film, hide in the refrigerator. This is an indispensable moment for stabilizing the density of the paste. After 2 hours, take it out of the refrigerator. Now it's order

It is best to level the cake with a pastry spatula heated under running hot water and wiped dry. The paste then melts straight under the spatula and instantly solidifies again after it.

If you beat the cooled ganache for a cake for a couple of minutes, then an airy truffle cream will come out. For best results, let it sit for 1 hour. It is very malleable to any confectionery quirks, perfect for decor, interlayers, fillings.

The hermetically sealed, ready-made pasta is stored in the refrigerator without compromising on quality in accordance with the shelf life of the ingredients used. If necessary, we take out the required amount, warm up to room temperature for a couple of hours, beat with a mixer.

After treating the dessert with an emulsion, put it in the refrigerator for 30-60 minutes. freeze. After settling, you can apply mastic.

We've covered 9 of the best cooking recipes. Manufacturing is very simple and fast enough. There is little left to do - take it and do it. It is better to start your acquaintance with the classic recipe with cream in order to understand what you need to start from in further confectionery experiments.

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