The recipe for lean rolls in the post. Lenten table: Homemade sushi and rolls

27.04.2019 Salads

I've read it many times.

The word fasting and its derivatives are mentioned in the Bible many times. The emphasis is on spiritual fasting, that is, on removal, abstinence from all sin. And already this goal can be facilitated (preferably but not necessarily) by fasting as abstinence from food in general or of some kind (more often sweet, meaty, fatty), because the simpler the food, the clearer the mind becomes, which is easier to resist sin.

Anyone who is fasting or wants to fast should definitely read the 58th chapter of the prophet Isaiah. It talks about what kind of fasting is pleasing to God:

Fasting is also mentioned in the New Testament. Jesus fasted 40 days in the wilderness before he began to preach and do good works. When Jesus Cast Out Demons:

But it is worth mentioning separately that there is nothing in the Bible about those fasts held by the Orthodox Church: Christmas, Peter's, Dormition, etc. Everyone should be guided by their own personal relationship with God and their needs.

That is, if a person is not with God, the relationship with them is broken, needs the guidance of God, then fasting is recommended so that a person is distracted from everything worldly and pleasures to the spiritual and hears what He wants to tell him.

Another thing is that a person often does not understand his spiritual poverty and does not seek God. In this case, he will not become closer to God by any fasting.

Christian fasts were established primarily in imitation of Jesus Christ, who fasted for 40 days, and the holy apostles (Acts. 10 , 9, 30; Rome. 13 , 14; 1 Cor. 9 , 27; 2 Cor. 6 , 4–5; Qty. 3 , 5).

There are no direct indications in the Holy Scriptures regarding the prohibition of eating meat during fasting, but what is in Old Testament they abstained from meat during the fast, as can be seen from indirect indications: Moses, for example, during his fast did not eat bread and did not drink water (Ex. 34 , 28), not to mention meat. Among the ancient agricultural peoples, meat was rarely eaten, mainly in holidaystherefore, naturally, eating meat could not be tolerated during fasting. The early Christians adopted Jewish Lenten customs. Until approximately the 4th-5th centuries, the main criterion for fasting was not so much the type of food as the frequency and time of eating. During the fast, they ate food once a day in the evening, and on some days they did not eat at all and did not even drink water.

The command not to eat meat, eggs and milk during fasting is based on the ancient tradition of the Church and is formalized as a law in the rules of the holy apostles, holy fathers and in the decrees of the Ecumenical and Local Councils.

Through fasting, we strive to achieve a state of bliss and perfection, in which our forefathers were in Eden, and the Creator originally blessed Adam and Eve in Eden to eat woody fruits and plants (Gen. 1 , 29). Meat food inappropriate for fasting, because it is heavy, leads to hot blood and satiety, which contributes to the excitement of sinful passions.

During fasting we mourn and try to overcome our sins and realize that it was human sins that brought the Lord to Golgotha, where he, like the Lamb of God, accepted the slaughter on the Cross, and therefore, in a symbolic sense, we refuse to eat the “tempered”, that is, animals that have undergone a violent death, and we also do not eat the derivative of the "hardened" - eggs and milk.

This is due to the church discipline established by the holy Apostles (Apostolic Canon 69 reads: “If anyone - a bishop, presbyter, deacon, subdeacon, reader or singer - does not fast on Holy Forty before Easter, or on Wednesday, or on Friday, except for an obstacle from bodily weakness: let him be cast out. If a layman: let him be excommunicated. "), which prescribes during Fasting to eat only those foods that were allowed by God for Adam and Eve to eat in Paradise. Himself Great Lent - this is also the memory of the 40-day fast of our Savior (Matt. 4: 2). Therefore, a rather strict abstinence is also prescribed, and abstinence not only from food, but in general from any luxury, amusement and gratification. Oil for us symbolizes God's mercy and is used only on holidays - Saturday and Sunday, as well as on twelve-eighth holidays (for example, the Annunciation).

Fasting or staunch vegetarians are often insanely disappointed with the offerings of sushi restaurants. When ordering a non-meager dish, they often find temporarily prohibited products in the brought. And it’s a pity for money, and I’ve got ready to eat — and then such a chagrin. And if such sufferers do not want to give up their favorite dishes, they will have to learn how to cook lean rolls at home. At first glance, the process seems simply impracticable, but with some practice, you will cook them faster than regular pancakes.

General cooking principles

If you look at it this way, lean sushi and rolls differ from non-lean sushi exclusively in the filling. So you need to master the very process of folding them - and you can start experimenting with the "insides". At the very beginning, you need to do rice. Special, for sushi, is quite expensive, and at the same time does not have any fundamental differences from the Krasnodar round-grain one - it is quite sticky for such purposes. You do not need to rinse the rice; it is poured into boiling water, taken in a 1: 1 ratio. First, the cereal is cooked over high heat under a lid. After about seven minutes, it decreases, and cooking continues until all the water is absorbed. At this stage, the chefs have disagreements:

  1. Some people feel that they should be infused before removing from the burner, others that they should be sprayed after. In the absence of rice vinegar, you can make a substitute for it: in two tablespoons of wine, stir half a spoonful of sugar and half a teaspoon of salt.
  2. Sometimes rice is left in a saucepan to "rise" for about ten minutes; other chefs put it on a wooden board to remove excess moisture from it.

What you choose is up to you.

Assembly starts. On a special mat (if you have one) or a board, spread the nori sheet with the smooth side down. Rice is thinly distributed over it. One edge is left free from it for a centimeter and a half - for gluing. The selected filling is laid out over the rice, and the nori is rolled up with pressing - either with a mat, as the Japanese do, or with your hands. The resulting sausage is cut into circles one and a half to two centimeters thick - and your lean rolls rush to the table, where the corresponding sauces and seasonings are displayed.

In the days of lax fasting

Now let's figure out the filling. When fish is allowed, and if you do not include all kinds of seafood, the choice is extremely rich.

  1. Chopped lightly salted salmon, boiled shrimp and pickled cucumber.
  2. Cucumber (fresh this time), (or sprat), avocado, bell pepper and
  3. Boiled mussels with octopus, cucumber (both fresh and salted), avocado - and roll in orange caviar.
  4. Fried shiitake with shrimp and fresh cucumber... Raspberry caviar is recommended for covering.
  5. Salmon or eel with cucumber and cheese. In this case, green caviar is taken. And since we have lean rolls, we take tofu cheese - it is soy, you can in fasting.

Much less choice is provided on days when fish are considered to be of the type.


These are the simplest and truly lean rolls. At home, they cook quickly and without difficulty. All preparatory work is carried out as already described. The cucumber is washed (the peel is not peeled off) and cut lengthwise into four parts. The seeds are cut and each quarter is cut into thin slices, half a centimeter wide at the most. A strip of wasabi is drawn in the center over the rice placed on the nori. Cucumber strips are placed on it. The roll is rolled up, sliced \u200b\u200band eaten.

Mushroom filling

Depending on what kind of mushrooms you will have lean rolls with, preparing them for wrapping is somewhat different:

  1. Oyster mushrooms. They need to be boiled in water, slightly salted and flavored soy sauce.
  2. Champignon. They are fried; when they stop letting the juice, they add salt and pour over again with soy sauce.
  3. Shiitake. Soaked for half an hour.

Prepared mushrooms are cut into strips. You can add to them straws of avocado or carrots - grated fresh or pickled in Korean. The filling is laid out in the same way as the cucumbers were placed in the previous recipe. Sausages are appropriately cut and eaten with pleasure.

Vegetable rolls

If you start lean, you can supplement with any vegetables that you like. However, it is better to choose the ones that can be used raw (with the exception of mushrooms, of course). For the first time, you can try the following filling: cucumber, ripe avocado, Bulgarian pepper and tomato are cut into strips. Carrots can be crumbled in the same way, or you can rub on korean grater... Received vegetable mix spread over rice and rolled into a sausage.

If you like lean rolls and learn how to twist them deftly, you will surely enrich the list of toppings with your inventions. Do not forget tofu in your experiments - many foods taste boring without cheese, and tofu is not a short-term ingredient.

Lean sushi

1. Rice balls

This is the most peasant and simple japanese dish... In books on sushi, they even describe it in a tricky way, I'll tell you my adapted version.

What do you need:

- rice (I take in bags for cooking, and not rice, but rice porridge, for example, “Abasco.” You need to digest it a little, and the rice will stick together perfectly - and this is what we need). You can just cheap rice, and you have to cook it, violating all the rules for cooking rice - to stick together.

- vinegar. Any vinegar: wine, apple, but not essence. Can be lemon juice or sour white wine. I have a bottle of wine from time immemorial, I can't drink it anymore, and the vinegar is just right.

- salt and sugar

- any soy sauce, but salty is better, that is, not Vietnamese (molasses is added to it, it is usually sweetish).

Boil the rice so that it sticks together, and boil it WITHOUT SALT AND SUGAR !!!

While the rice is cooking, make “rice vinegar”. Pour two-thirds warm boiled water and one-sixth we add vinegar. Half a teaspoon of salt and a quarter teaspoon of sugar. We mix all this.

The rice is cooked, put it in a bowl and quickly splash our “rice vinegar” there - one or two tablespoons depending on the looseness and stickiness of the rice. If the rice sticks well, you can use more. He will “drink” our vinegar anyway. Mix the rice quickly and quickly.

When it has cooled down to warm, you can take it in portions and sculpt "koloboks". The leftover rice vinegar will come in handy here: they need to moisten their hands, and then the rice will not stick.

That's all. Koloboks are served, poured with soy sauce (and the rice becomes salty) and eaten. I don't know why it tastes so good, but it tastes good.

Koloboks can be the most different shapes and size.

2. Rolls

They take a little longer to cook, but they are worth it. You don't need to be afraid of crooked hands, everything will work out, everything is simple.

Eat the rolls deliciously with soy sauce, dip or water.

What do we need.

- Fig. Cook it in the same way as for the first case. And rice vinegar needs exactly the same. Therefore, let's assume that the rice is already cooked, mixed with vinegar, and the remaining vinegar is on the table in a separate glass.

- Nori algae. Plates of these algae are in many stores, I bought them at the Crossroads. Take large records, almost paper sheets. A pack costs about 100 rubles, and in a pack there are 10 sheets: this is for 40 rolls, this is a lot. We eat these 40 rolls for several days together.

- Filling. Lean fillingI make - cucumbers and avocados. Cucumbers can be pickled, fresh, any.

I buy a green (hard) avocado and “ripen” it myself, otherwise the “ripe” shop avocados are rotten, this is wrong. This is done this way (I was taught by the Mexicans I worked with) - wrap a whole avocado in paper, put it in a warm place. I put it in a plastic bucket and put it on the battery. After two to three days, the avocado becomes slightly darker - and softens. This is such a soft avocado we need.

If possible, a small digression from the topic. My Mexican friends taught me simple lean dish (In Mexico, this is at the level of fast food in terms of prevalence, they sell on the streets). Take such a ripe avocado, cut into slices, put on a slice of black bread and salt.

It is very tasty, buttery, with a nutty flavor, the avocado - and satisfying, as the Mexicans said - "one such sandwich - lunch for a man."

Now back to the rolls. Cut the cucumbers and avocado into strips. Leave the pickle from cucumbers, if any. Why - I'll tell you later.

Sesame seeds are also needed for the filling. I buy in the market, they come in the spice or dried fruit section. It is possible without sesame, not scary.

For the filling, you can think of something else: anything that goes with rice. Olives, bell peppers, pieces of pickled ginger ... crab sticks, fish.

What else do we need?

- A sharp knife.

- Mat for rolling rolls. These rugs are sold in the same Crossroads - they resemble Japanese bamboo panels that were in vogue in the 80s. Only small ones.

So, rice in a cup, vinegar and brine in glasses, a knife at the ready, a rug spread, filling in cups, sesame seeds in a bag, cutting board within reach. We are ready! (rice here is a full cup, that is, all four bags rice porridge "Abasco", cooked for 12 minutes instead of 8 indicated on the package)

Making rolls.

We take a leaf of seaweed, put it on the rug. We dip our fingers in rice vinegar or brine (no matter where, I alternate, it's more interesting) and moisten the surface of the algae. Not too much.

We take rice from a cup (I use a wooden spatula) and slap it on the seaweed. You can see where to put and how much: the layer is not at all thick, and it is not very in the middle, but closer to the edge. But not very close.

We align. The thickness of the rice layer is about 7 mm, you don't need to press hard.

Now - the filling. Take sesame seeds and sprinkle in the middle of the rice. You can skip this stage, it just tastes better.

We put slices of avocado, cucumber, other filling along the same path, “sometimes together, sometimes separate, or alternately,” as you like. Various rolls are more interesting. This is how it turns out -

Now comes the fun part: roll up the roll! Raise the edge of the rug and fold it along with the seaweed, holding the filling with your fingers.

We roll to the place where the rice ends (but the algae is not over yet), and press lightly.

Tags: Preparing Pisni sushi with vegetables and olives, you can get ready at home minds. Yak zrobiti Pisni sushi with vegetables and olives yak cook at home. Yak cook Pisni sushi with vegetables and olives at home minds. How to get ready, how to prepare and how to grow at home.

Recipe Ingredients: Lean Sushi with Vegetables and Olives

1) sushi rice 1 cup
2) 2 glasses of water
3) 2-3 tbsp. vinegar
4) sushi sheets
5) 2 cucumbers
6) 1 bell pepper
7) 1 can olives
8) sesame seeds 50 gr.
9) soy sauce

tags: Homemade recipe how to do how to cook with pictures. How to make or how to cook Lean sushi with vegetables and olives home cooking is fast.

How to cook: Lean sushi with vegetables and olives

website: Many of us have already fallen in love with traditional Chinese sushi. Here's a recipe for lean sushi.

For making sushi, special rice is sold (it has more gluten). Soak rice in cold water for 20 minutes, rinse, fill cold water (1: 2 ratio), bring to a boil, simmer for 15 minutes. When the rice has cooled, add the sushi vinegar and stir.

Put a sheet of nori on a special mat for making sushi, spread the rice on top with a thin layer (not reaching the edges). On top of the rice (only in the middle), put cucumbers and bell peppers cut into thin strips, put olives cut into half rings and use a rug to form a roll.

Cut our rolls with a knife soaked in cold water, put them on a plate, sprinkle with sesame seeds and serve with soy sauce.

Enjoy your meal!!!

How to make: Lean sushi with vegetables and olives photo

cook more:

Risotto with seafood and bell pepper

"Threshing rice.

They don't know in this house

Hungry winter ".

Do not be afraid of the names "rolls" and "sushi", which have come to the Russian language, and everything that is connected with their preparation on home kitchen, Is easier than it might seem, but also older than you think: in russian restaurants these words came only at the end of the last century, and the dishes themselves are more than 1300 years old.

Oddly enough, the word, consisting of only two hieroglyphs, is not translated in any way, but if we decompose it into components, the name can be interpreted as "pickled fish", and as "preparation for longevity", and as a wish for happiness. Personally, I like the last two.

As in most cuisines of the world, the dish was originally a means of forced conservation: the gutted fish carcasses were densely covered by the Japanese with rice, placed in barrels, shifting all this with salt, and thus stored for months in the absence of refrigerators and natural frosts. When the fish was eaten, the rice was thrown away, which, of course, was wasteful.

This technology came from the countries of Southeast Asia and then China, but only in the Country The rising sun six centuries ago, they managed to create a healthy, affordable and popular dish all over the world from it. Sushi has dozens of varieties, including those with vegetarian filling, which can and should be prepared in Lent.

Why is "necessary"? Because those that we make contain everything necessary for the body, and because Japanese culture itself, I would even say, the cult of cooking rice and sushi is poetry, painting, verbal saga and visual melody in one.

Imagine that bamboo fue flutes and shamisen lutes sounded in your kitchen, and not March frosts knock on the window, but branches of blossoming sakura, and an open book by Haruki Murakami is on the table, and instead of the TV turned on, there are actors of the kabuki theater or, even better , the hands of the world's oldest master Jiro Ono, rolling on the palm rice balls... Hands that earned three Michelin stars ...

Rice for the Japanese is not just food, but a sacred product. That is why Haruki Murakami, who stands apart in Japanese literature, does not correspond to national philosophy and ideology, if you will, calls his works "sushi noir", since there is nothing worse for the Japanese than brown rice.

"Feast on a holiday,

But my wine is cloudy

And my rice is black, "

- writes the same Basho, the child of a samurai and the father of the theory of verse.

In Murakami's books, there is a theme of destruction of traditions and values \u200b\u200binherent in the Japanese: the desire to live in harmony with the world, not to stand out from environment... Therefore, there he is considered a "dark" author, "spoiled rice". And outside the country, it is for rebelliousness that they are appreciated.

Since we are talking about rice and sushi, then, despite our "westernism", in the novel "Norwegian Forest", which describes the life of an ordinary Japanese student of the sixties, Watanabe, who studies drama in one of the colleges in Tokyo, without knowing why, of course , there is a reference to them:

Once we were supposed to go to an evening political meeting, and all the girls were told to make twenty o-nigiri (rice balls) for everyone to eat. Seriously. This was already complete sex discrimination. But I didn’t say anything, I thought it’s wrong to be indignant all the time, and I brought twenty o-nigiri. I put pickled plums in rice and in seaweed wrapped dried. Do you know what they said then? That Midori didn’t put anything in rice except pickled plums and didn’t bring anything to it. That other students, for example, put chum salmon or pollock caviar in rice and brought an omelet to the rice. I was simply stunned. How so, they yell something about the revolution, but they themselves are outraged because of some o-nigiri, but I put pickled plums in each one and wrapped it in seaweed, this is already so chic! Children in India would be remembered! "

Today we will prepare sushi and rolls with Alexey Gorev, the head chef of the Sirena restaurant of the Novikov Group company.

Alexey Gorevoy, head chef of the Sirena restaurant of the Novikov Group company. Photo: Alexey Gorevoy

And the most famous and unique sushi master was Jiro Ono, about whom the stunning documentary Jiro Dreams of Sushi was filmed in 2011. Then the master was already 85 years old and he devoted his entire life to products revered in Japan, working in a tiny restaurant in Tokyo, in the basement of an office building, where there were only 10 seats, 20 types of sushi were served, and three Michelin stars were earned. An absolutely unprecedented story.

All sushi are simple, they are the embodiment of minimalism. (...) In sushi, maximum simplicity leads to perfection. "

Striving to make the perfect perfect, a decades-old skill of rolling (if simplified) rice balls and rolls. All my life in the same kitchen. Every day there are hundreds of sushi of the same quality and shape, three times the recognition of the most prestigious culinary institute in the world.

When I started, the masters said that the history of sushi is too long, and nothing new can be invented. But I believe that there is always an opportunity to do better. I created dishes that never existed. I make sushi in my sleep, I jump up in the middle of the night with a head full of ideas. "

None of us are sushi. And hardly a Japanese, who since childhood knows how to properly and quickly fold a rice roll in nori on a bamboo rug. And maybe the housewives who never cooked rolls and sushi are a little scared now.

Do not be afraid. No one, not even Murakami, expected that fantasy and painstaking work would eventually result in books that are read by millions. And even Jiro Ono, who seemed to be at the very top of the inaccessible celestial mountain, admitted:

I do the same things, gradually improving them. I will always try to get to the top, but nobody knows where it is. When you think you know everything, you realize that you are just fooling yourself. Even at 85, I don’t think I’m perfect. But I feel elated all day. I love making sushi. "

I also love making them, so I offer the most accessible recipe for beginners - "Rice rolls with vegetable filling"in nori - seaweedresembling green paper.

Photo: ChameleonsEye /

On a small bamboo mat or plain polyethylene cling film lay out a nori leaf, covering it with a thin rectangular layer of boiled coarse rice mixed with rice vinegar... Leave the bottom and top of the nori a couple of centimeters "empty" for later folding into a "tube". Put vegetables of the same thickness and length on the rice longitudinally and horizontally: fresh carrots, cucumber, feathers green onions, avocado, red bell pepper, and basically everything that you love and have in the refrigerator, if only there was more color and taste.

Gently pick up the bottom layer of nori and, slightly pressing it against the filling, making sure to hold, start rolling the sushi roll from bottom to top into a tube. So that the edges are well connected at the end, lightly brush them with water.

Cut with a sharp knife into equal rings, at least a centimeter thick, and eat with commercially available soy sauce, wasabi, and pickled ginger.

Another ancient and very easy-to-prepare dish came to our cuisine from Vietnam, where it is called nem, and we know it as spring rolls. They are prepared, as a rule, also with any vegetables and herbs, which in this case are wrapped in soaked rice paper... And they roll up in much the same way as stuffed pancakes.

The main and obligatory thing for such rolls is the sauce, in which you need to dip them before you taste crispy vegetables in a soft, thinnest shell. How to make it, as well as one of the filling options - in the recipe of our chef Alexei Gorevoy.

Lean rolls... Photo: Alexey Gorevoy

Roll lean


Rice paper - 20 g
Peeled carrots - 20 g
Peeled cucumbers - 30 g
Avocado - 20 g
Romano salad - 20 g
Bulgarian pepper - 20 g
Nori seaweed - 1 g
Sunflower oil - 2 g
Ginger sauce - 30 g

Ginger sauce

Lime - 40 g
Kikkoman sauce - 100 ml
Mirin sauce (sushi) - 180 g
Rice vinegar "Fuji" - 23 ml
Sesame oil - 20 ml
Pickled ginger - 20 g


For cooking ginger sauce Combine all the ingredients, bring to a boil, then cool.

Soak rice paper warm water for 15-20 seconds.

Put the rice pancake on a plate.

Cut the vegetables into thin strips.

On soaked rice pancake lay out vegetable cuts and wrap it in the classic way.

Grease the finished pancake with sunflower oil.

Serve ready-made rolls with ginger sauce.

Take all the ideas of the article as a basis, "for a note" and create yourself, like Murakami and Jiro, starting from ancient roots, but striving higher and higher to the peaks and stars. To begin with, you only need imagination and desire, and skill will come only with practice.