Open an Italian cafe. Italian restaurant in the Russian market: the difficulties of doing business

28.10.2019 Seafood dishes

array(22) ( ["id"]=> string(3) "682" ["name"]=> string(38) "How to open an Italian cafe, restaurant" ["tema"]=> string(0) " " ["date"]=> string(10) "0000-00-00" ["time"]=> string(19) "0000-00-00 00:00:00" ["price"]=> string (9) "free" ["duration"]=> string(8) "03:00:00" ["place"]=> string(2) "30" ["presenter_id"]=> string(3) " 103" ["location"]=> string(12) "Moscow North" ["content"]=> string(3413) "

Do you dream of becoming the owner of a successful business? Open a cafe or restaurant?

Today you have all the possibilities for this!
The restaurant business is one of the most investment-attractive, and at the same time, the most risky. Attendance at seminars organized by the company's expert support center will help prepare for the upcoming scope of work Startmart

Italian cuisine has become truly international - it is difficult to find a city where there is no Italian restaurant with traditional pasta, lasagna and risotto. Pizza has long been "their" for the Russians. It is enjoyed all over the world. The highlight of Italy and its cuisine is in the very relation to food, to the process of cooking and the culture of the meal. In Italy, it is not customary to eat on the go, in a hurry, so "fast foods" did not take root there. If in Italy they sit down at the table, whether it is breakfast with the family, lunch with work colleagues or dinner with friends, then they eat slowly, talking animatedly and always drinking a bottle of wine.

The purpose of the thematic seminar is to help you open a restaurant or cafe.
The program of the event is designed in such a way as to show you how to become the owner of a successful establishment that will bring a lot of income. Our experts will share with you global, Russian and their personal experience in the successful management of the restaurant business. You will receive recommendations ready to be put into practice.
We are waiting for you at the seminar!

Seminar plan:
Development of the concept of the future restaurant;
1. Search and selection of premises;
2. Choosing the location of the restaurant;
3. Choice of form of ownership;
4. Choice of taxation system and licensing;
5. Development of a technological project and selection of equipment;
6. Engineering and architectural solution;
7. Development of corporate identity;
8. Menu development. Composition and its design;
9. Restaurant design;
10. Facade design. Development of an outdoor sign;
11. Restaurant automation and video surveillance;
12. Recruitment of restaurant staff;
13. Pricing policy;
14. Project launch.


Italian cuisine is rightfully considered one of the most diverse in the world: a wide variety of dishes, a wide selection of wines, desserts, signature pizzas and pastas. In this article, we will give you some tips on how to open an Italian restaurant.

So, let's look at an Italian restaurant, which implies versatility and accessibility for different segments of the population. Its main feature will be dishes according to homemade recipes: many types of pasta, pizza, various meat dishes, salads, desserts, drinks.

The main advantage of such an Italian restaurant is the wide choice of favorite dishes at fairly affordable prices. To attract visitors, you can add low-calorie and children's menus to the menu, as well as special dishes from the chef.

The first requirement here is the supply of high quality products. (Read our article on how to choose suppliers for cafes and restaurants). It is fresh and high-quality vegetables, fruits, meat and fish that will become the basis for delicious dishes.

How to design an Italian restaurant?

Italians are friendly and hospitable people, so your establishment should sort of transport guests to their country. The interior should be as comfortable as possible - paintings, flowers, soft sofas. National music playing in the restaurant will immerse guests in a certain atmosphere. Also, to further attract guests, you can hold screenings of Italian films that are popular and loved among Russians.

All of the above are beautiful aspects of starting a business, which, among other things, requires quite a lot of paperwork. Opening an individual entrepreneur or LLC, obtaining permits, registering an institution and employees is a small part of what you have to do. We advise you to consider a ready-made business from the owner in Moscow and the Moscow region. So, you do not have to overcome the difficulties of starting a business - you will take control of the business in your own hands and will be engaged in the constant development of an Italian restaurant.

Also, you can use such a popular tool as franchising. In the next article, we will talk about how to open a franchise restaurant.

Vincenzo Trani is president of the GRUPPO SISI holding, president of the Mikro Kapital sarl fund and president of the leasing company Mikro Leasing. Expanding his field of activity in the Russian market, Senor Trani opened the Spago restaurant, and then the Spago bar in the very center of Moscow. The restaurant quickly gained a reputation as one of the best Italian restaurants in Moscow. Specially forBusiness TimesSenor Trani told why not every Italian restaurant is Italian, what is the difference between the Russian and Italian approaches to the restaurant business, and why it is so important where food for business lunches comes from.

About the restaurantSPAGO write that this is "one of the best examples of Italian cuisine in Moscow." When you decided to open a restaurant in Moscow, was the task initially set to open a high-class restaurant?

When I got the opportunity to go into the restaurant business, along with my other projects, I realized that, first of all, I would do a restaurant “for myself”. I have been living in Russia for a long time and I have many friends and partners, both Russian and foreign. I wanted to make, firstly, a restaurant where I myself would like to bring my business partners, friends, acquaintances, so that it would be cozy and comfortable there; and secondly, I wanted to recreate a peculiar corner of Italy in Moscow to show my guests what a real Italian restaurant is. In order to create authentic dishes, it was initially decided to organize the delivery of products from Italy, the development of this concept led to the design of the restaurant and further development. "Spago" is a restaurant designed for connoisseurs of true Italy, it is really a high-class restaurant. But I want to draw your attention to the fact that high class does not mean pathos. High class in my understanding is elegance, unique style and quality in everything.

How was the concept of the restaurant developed?

The concept of "Spago" can be formulated as follows: Italy in all its manifestations. First of all, this is the menu. Traditional Italian dishes are much more and more interesting than pizza and pasta familiar to all Russians. These are wines collected from the most famous and most interesting corners of Italy. And of course, this is the interior. The interior of Russian Italian restaurants is very different from Italian restaurants in Italy. In Italy, you rarely see, for example, sofas instead of chairs for guests, but in Russia this is very common. Attention to such details, in my opinion, manages to create a special atmosphere of the restaurant. I must say that many of my Italian partners have already appreciated Spago. We often hold various events for Italians in Moscow. For example, on September 10, as part of the Year of Italy in Russia, the Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow will bring works by the Italian artist Antonello da Messina, an iconic figure in the art of the Early Renaissance. In Spago, together with the Italian Embassy, ​​a gala dinner will be organized in honor of this event. We also regularly hold exhibitions dedicated to various aspects of Italian life and art. I consider this my small contribution to the popularization of Italian culture in Russia.

How did you create the menu and wine list? Main nuances.

When compiling the menu, special attention was paid not only to Italian dishes popular in Russia, but also to Neapolitan and Sicilian cuisine. And wine, of course, should be ideally combined with dishes. We chose the best wines from various regions of Italy, but it is easy to guess that, for example, Sicilian wine is perfect for a Sicilian dish. And to finish the dinner, in this case, it is best of all with a Sicilian dessert!

When and why did you decide to open a bar nearby? Was it in the original draft?

Italian cuisine is initially democratic. By the way, the well-known pizza in difficult times was almost the only affordable and at the same time delicious food for the people of Italy. Yes, we initially wanted to make a more democratic version of Spago. This is how the “Spago” bar appeared - a small establishment decorated in a modern, I would say futuristic style, with the same real Italian cuisine as in the restaurant. You can go to this bar in the morning for a cup of coffee, in the afternoon for lunch, and in the evening to sit with friends, listen to music and dance. I believe that it is right to modernize the same successful concept for different audiences.

There is already a wide network of Italian restaurants in Russia. How was your restaurant supposed to differ from the already operating "Academies" and "Mom's Pastes"?

First of all, "Spago" is distinguished by the fact that the restaurant is completely Italian. Both the owner and the chef are Italian, and this gives some advantage. It can be difficult for an Italian chef in Russia to convince his foreign (for example, Russian) management to follow one or another philosophy of Italian cuisine, and in an adapted version, Italian cuisine often loses its flavor. The original cuisine differs from the same cuisine in another country due to the peculiarities of combining the tastes of local products with original ones. For example, guests came to Spago and ordered the famous Carbonare pasta. If they have been to Italy, they will appreciate the authenticity of the food and preparation. If they haven't been, they will find the pasta different from what they usually order in other restaurants. This is neither good nor bad, we just open the tastes of real Italy to everyone.

You invited an Italian chef. In discussions of your restaurant on the Internet, complaints about the lack of Italian staff often flicker. What is it connected with?

In truth, of the Italian staff in the restaurant - the owner, chef and musician. And it seems to me that this is enough. We always invite service personnel from Russia, because the service culture of the Russian staff in relation to the Italian is more elegant. The modern Russian school of waiters and maitre d's is very close in its concept to the French one, and I like it, within the framework of Spago, much more than the Italian one. I think that a slight mixture of traditions within the framework of one project does not detract from the Italian component.

What did you have to "reconcile" with when opening and developing the restaurant? What moments simply could not be fulfilled in connection with Russian realities?

Of course, when opening and developing the restaurant, some plans had to be adjusted in accordance with Russian realities. In most cases, everything turned out to be solvable. But the most insoluble problem was the pizza oven. Russia has rather strict legislation regulating fire safety. Much depends on the building itself, its features and location. The building in which Spago is located is historical, in the very center of Moscow. As a result, we had to abandon the real stove - we now use an electric one.

Many argue that there is no "restaurant business culture" in Russia. Do you agree with this?

I would not be so categorical. The private restaurant business in Russia is developing at a tremendous pace, however, like any other business in this country, which is “making up” for several decades of the absence of private entrepreneurship. If we compare the Russian and Italian restaurant business, then there is one fundamental difference. Russian restaurateurs have a network approach to business development. When opening a restaurant, a Russian restaurateur immediately plans to open a whole network, that is, the initial approach is characterized by a larger scale. In Italy, very often a restaurateur focuses on one restaurant, but this allows him to think through everything in it to the smallest detail. The owner of a restaurant in Italy almost always works in it himself, meets guests, develops a menu, and solves current problems. His attention is not scattered to a few restaurants. That is, the approach is more family. In Russia it's a business, in Italy it's more like a hobby or a life's work.

What is missing in the restaurant sector in Russia? What can be done in this direction? Will only good restaurants from foreign investors continue to open? How do you see development?

If we are talking about Russia, then you need to pay special attention to the quality of the cuisine. In Moscow, by the way, this problem is less acute than in other regions. To make a restaurant with good food, you need a good chef. I'm not saying that every Italian restaurant needs to hire an Italian chef. He may be Russian, but he must, firstly, go through a good basic culinary school, and secondly, undergo an internship with Italian masters in order to adopt the style and experience. Many people think that a restaurant can be called Italian only for the Italian style in the interior. But that's not the case, it's an "outside" approach. In my opinion, the most correct approach is “from the inside”, that is, you need to start from the kitchen. As for foreign investors, they certainly bring their culture to the culinary traditions of Russia. And the field for development in Russia is huge. How many restaurants do we know, for example, Libyan cuisine, Vietnamese? I am sure that after some time such exotic restaurants will definitely appear in Moscow and in Russia. This is interesting because it is a culinary journey that helps to somehow understand the features, customs, culture of some people and the whole country.

What is the main difficulty in opening a good restaurant in Moscow?

The main difficulty, perhaps, is the need for a much larger amount of investment than would be required in many other major cities in the world. If we talk about organizational difficulties, then it is no secret to anyone that this is a large number of all kinds of permits, bureaucratic obstacles, checks by various supervisory bodies. Sometimes it can be difficult to deal with all these difficulties at the same time. But if you love what you do and set a specific and achievable goal, the result will not be long in coming.

What are the essential components of a quality restaurant? What should be taken care of? What attracts customers the most?

When opening any restaurant, you should consider the following important points:

Restaurant concept
Price segment
Quality Policy

I think that the importance of location, targeting a specific consumer, understanding the ratio of price and quality, suitable for both the consumer and the restaurant management, no one doubts. The most important thing is to think over the concept from the very beginning.

The concept of the restaurant is the pillar on which all subsequent decisions related to the establishment will be based. Any restaurant should have a “chip”. For some, this is a favorable location, for others - the price, for others - the interior, for the fourth - an unusual cuisine, you can go on and on. Following the concept helps not only to slightly rebuild from competitors in the oversaturated restaurant market, but also to achieve your goals without dispersing your strength. I'll give you an example. The "trick" of "Spago" is that all dishes are authentic and prepared from Italian products. Until recently, there were no business lunches in the restaurant, and when we decided to launch them, the question arose: will we cook from the same Italian products that we use for the main menu or will we buy more affordable Russian analogues. If we went the latter way, yes, we would get customers who are attracted by a slightly more affordable price for a business lunch, but we would lose the concept of the institution, turning into an ordinary, unremarkable restaurant with an indefinite cuisine. If the goal is set and the concept is chosen, you must follow it absolutely in everything.

Are you planning to expand? Open new restaurants in Moscow?

I told you about the Italian concept of the restaurant business. Although I lived for many years in Russia, I am Italian and it is the Italian approach that is close to me, at least now. My goal is not to make super profits, the goal is to do everything possible so that restaurant guests feel like they have spent time in an Italian restaurant in Italy itself. Of course, the economic component is important, the restaurant must pay for itself. But this is not an end in itself. Perhaps if I didn't have other business projects in Russia, I would think and speak differently. But I believe that it is precisely the fact that I have found my balance between economics and culture within Spago that allows the restaurant to follow its concept and win the favor of the guests.

The imagination of every aspiring restaurateur, no matter which restaurant he intends to open, draws pleasant stylish interior pictures, mouth-watering aromas of Italian pasta, Japanese sushi or Peking duck and, of course, grateful smiles of regular customers. Of course, dreams will come true if the concept of the restaurant is chosen correctly, and then patiently and competently implemented.

A good concept is the key to success

The development of a restaurant concept is, perhaps, the most important strategic stage, on which it depends, will the future business bring only money or, as desired, the pleasure of customers and the unspeakable pleasure of the owner. Can hardly be called good restaurant concept A popular trend among celebrities in recent years is a restaurant for the image, for themselves, for friends, a kind of “party for their own”. The owner of such an institution does not even think about how much profit his offspring will bring. He, as a rule, is a member of a certain party, creates an establishment-toy, in which the beau monde will go "to the stars." A newcomer to the restaurant market has yet to decide which restaurant to open in order to make decent money on it. Take the path of developing a fast food restaurant concept? Indeed popular and profitable restaurant format subject to the development of a network of inexpensive establishments united by a single brand, an experienced restaurateur can handle it. A lone fast food restaurant will most likely not be able to compete with a chain and become profitable. There are also profitable, but specific concepts“for the soul”, which are more suitable for experienced restaurateurs who are thinking about which restaurant to open next. This is

  • premium format - an expensive institution with high-class service, where the main source of profit is high margins;
  • the club format is an inexpensive restaurant in which profit is achieved by minimizing production costs.

Inexperienced novice restaurateurs, who are thinking about the question of which restaurant to open, should take a closer look at the cute format of small, cozy, conceptually seasoned city restaurants. restaurants of daily demand attracting customers with high quality and affordable prices. Modern townspeople are already fed up with the format of the “glamour for the poor” restaurant, where they were treated to a menu of European-Asian dishes, but they enjoy spending time in the cozy atmosphere of small cafe restaurants with high-quality dishes of their favorite national cuisine and moderate checks. The future owner of the establishment can even choose the concept of the restaurant, based on their own preferences for a certain national cuisine, and if it is talentedly implemented, like-minded people will be found among the visitors very quickly.

Italian restaurant

Of European cuisines, the concept of an Italian restaurant is more suitable than others for the format of an inexpensive city restaurant-cafe. Certainly, among the many pizzerias you will have to show ingenuity to open an Italian restaurant with a "own face", unlike the others. Let's start with the premises: it should be quite spacious, approximately 150-200 sq.m and located, if not in the city center, then definitely on a busy street, have a front entrance and an attractive signboard and a stylish sunny, mediterranean interior. After all, initially the concept of an Italian restaurant involves a holiday - melodic Italian music, good wines, delicious food and sensual dances - and customers should feel this magical atmosphere even at the entrance to the restaurant. To open an Italian restaurant that will never turn into an ordinary pizzeria, you need to carefully consider the menu, in which pizza will never play a leading role. These can be interesting seafood and meat dishes, lasagna, traditional Italian desserts, excellent coffee and always good wines. Definitely desirable invite an italian chef, otherwise a casual Italian visitor with the replica “this is not Italian food” can nullify a great undertaking.

Japanese restaurant

On the one hand, the idea and concept of a Japanese restaurant is very popular among both restaurateurs and customers, because it is in perfect harmony with the wonderful fashion of recent years for healthy eating and a healthy lifestyle. On the other side in the face of fierce competition, surrounded by many tired sushi bars, it is extremely difficult to open a Japanese restaurant that is completely different from similar establishments. If you approach the concept of a Japanese restaurant, as to popularize not so much food as the unique Japanese subculture, then you can surprise the sophisticated public and find your regular customers quite quickly. The indisputable advantage of the idea is the fact that you can open a Japanese restaurant in a very small space: even the basement of a building with low ceilings for 8-10 tables is suitable. Fans of Japanese culture come to the restaurant not so much for food as for the atmosphere, and therefore the interior must be kept in a minimalist Japanese style with a predominance of black and white colors with expressive bright elements. In serving generally well-known dishes, their excellent quality is very important. compared to sushi bars quality and presentation ceremony. For example, a tea ceremony in one of the Japanese provinces can be turned into a feature of a Japanese restaurant.

Chinese restaurant

Surprisingly, the concept of a Chinese restaurant is better than others for starting a business, because classical Chinese cuisine is almost not represented in the domestic restaurant market. If you open a Chinese restaurant surrounded by Japanese, Vietnamese, Thai and other Asian restaurants, it will will be the most exotic and this will attract new customers. The role of the interior in the concept of a Chinese restaurant cannot be overestimated: every stroke in it, images of flowers, birds, animals are filled with deep meaning. So that the attributes of national symbols are not interpreted ambiguously, it is better to turn to specialists in interior design of a Chinese-style restaurant. Chinese cuisine is extremely diverse and filled with many dishes, starting with the familiar dumplings and roast duck and ending with exotic shark fin soups and the famous black eggs that the Moscow Peking restaurant was once famous for. To open a successful Chinese restaurant with classic Chinese cuisine, it is advisable to invite a Chinese chef at the initial stage. Even if the cost of paying for his labor seems high, they will pay off very quickly: the diverse, unusual, sometimes exotic and very tasty Chinese cuisine, with almost no competition, is simply doomed to a stunning success with visitors.

Italian cuisine is quite popular in Russia. What can you do without in such a catering establishment? Of course without pizza and pasta. If you are going to open a restaurant, cafe, bar or pizzeria, then you will first need to register your activity with the tax office. This can be an individual entrepreneur or LLC, and the main activity will need to be called "55.30 Activities of restaurants and cafes." Then you will need to choose one of the types of taxation. You can choose, for example, a single tax on imputed income or another option that is most suitable for your purposes.

When buying equipment for restaurants, you should always consider the basic concept of the activity, which includes both the choice of cuisine and your intended visitors. If you decide to open a trattoria, then in such an Italian restaurant you will not do without a wood-fired pizza oven. Typically, such equipment is integrated into the bar counter. Of course, you can go beyond the restaurant format, which requires a certain level of service, an extensive menu, and really qualified staff. Additionally, you can open a pizza delivery service, which will bring additional income and new customers. In this case, you will need to hire couriers to fulfill orders promptly.

Almost always, the profitability of a catering establishment is directly related to the attractiveness of the place where the bar or restaurant is located. This must always be taken into account when choosing a suitable room. It is best if your establishment is located in a fairly crowded place, there are no direct competitors nearby. The room should be located on the ground floor, otherwise you risk losing a large number of customers. In the kitchen and in the hall, a good hood and ventilation system is needed so that the trattoria does not smell of combustion products and other similar odors.

When choosing chairs and tables for restaurants, make sure that they match the main concept of the establishment. Do not forget about beautiful tablecloths, napkins, beautiful crockery and cutlery. All this is no less important than delicious dishes and an extensive menu. Special professional equipment for preparing pizza and other Italian dishes will allow you to feed your customers as tasty as they would like. If you are at a loss with the choice, then seek help from the company's specialists, where you will purchase everything you need. Pay attention to the quality and performance of the equipment, as well as the availability of warranty service. In any case, you cannot do without an oven, refrigerated cabinets, a proofer, a dough mixer, a flour sifter, cutting tables, ovens, choppers that allow you to prepare the filling, a cash register.