How to replace vinegar for sushi. How can you replace rice vinegar without harming the taste of dishes

25.04.2019 Salads

Rice vinegar was first made over two thousand years ago in China. In the 3rd-4th centuries BC, it appeared in Japan, from where it began to spread to other countries of the world. It was used as a seasoning for rice and was very expensive, so it was available only to the nobility. Since the 16th century, the sauce began to spread to the masses.

In Japan, its history is inextricably linked with sushi. According to the traditions, they were prepared as follows: the fish was cut into pieces, sprinkled with salt and mixed with rice. Under the action of enzymes, the cereal secreted lactic acid. She preserved the whole mass, gave it a sour taste and allowed sushi to be stored for up to a year.

Rice sauce has more mild taste than other types of vinegars. Its popularity is due not only to its mild taste, but also to its antibacterial properties.

rice vinegar recipe

Making it yourself is not easy, however, the result will please even gourmets. Taste homemade sauce almost perfectly repeats the taste of the original.

  1. First you need to soak the rice in a sealed container for 4 hours, then refrigerate overnight.
  2. In the morning, strain everything through cheesecloth, but do not squeeze.
  3. For 250 ml rice water you need to add 0.5 cups of sugar, stir it thoroughly until dissolved.
  4. Next, boil the mixture for 20 minutes in a water bath. Cool and pour into a jar.
  5. Add a quarter tablespoon of yeast per liter of liquid. Leave the mixture to ferment for 4-6 days.
  6. When the bubbles completely disappear, it is necessary to pour the mixture into a new one. clean jar and let it sit for another month.
  7. After the expiration of the period, the mixture must be filtered again and boiled before pouring into vessels. Before boiling, you can add whipped egg white to eliminate haze.
  8. Strain and bottle.
  9. How to replace rice vinegar

  10. For 4 tablespoons of grape vinegar, take a teaspoon of salt and three teaspoons of sugar. Put on fire and cook until sugar dissolves. The mixture should not boil. Cool down.
  11. Mix a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with a teaspoon of sugar, half a teaspoon of salt, and 1.5 tablespoons of hot water. Wait for the salt and sugar to dissolve. You can then add the mixture to the rice.
  12. Mix 50 ml 6% regular vinegar, 50 ml soy sauce, 20 g of sugar until the latter is completely dissolved. Instead of the usual one, you can use a white wine or apple analogue.
  13. Squeeze out the juice of a lemon and add some sugar to it.
  14. Some people have concerns that alternative recipes can ruin the taste ready sushi. If you do not overdo it with the amount of sugar and salt, then the difference will not be noticeable.

    Making sushi

    To prepare sushi with rice vinegar, follow the rules:

  • shrimp - 20 pcs.;
  • avocado - ? PCS.;
  • cucumber - ? PCS.;
  • wasabi - 3g.
    • water - 20 ml;
    • apple cider vinegar - 0.5 tbsp. spoons;
    • sugar - 0.5 tsp;
    • salt - 0.25 tsp;
    • lemon juice- 0.25 tsp.
    • pickled ginger;
    • sticks.
    • How to cook rice for rolls

      Having bought everything you need, we start cooking. You need to start with rice. Those who make their own sushi for the first time are wondering how to cook rice for sushi. In fact, rolls are made not only from special varieties of rice, but also from the most ordinary long or round rice, from which we often cook classic pilaf, cereals, soups, etc. Boil it in the usual way. Those. first, rinse the rice well, about 5-6 times, so that the water becomes clean and transparent, then pour it into boiling water, which should be 2 times more (that is, two cups of boiling water per glass of rice). Cook until cooked for 10-15 minutes over low heat, do not add salt.

      How to make vinegar for rolls

      You can fill the rice only after it has completely cooled down. It is not at all necessary to use special vinegar to impregnate rice. Vinegar-based dressing for rolls can be prepared by yourself. To do this, mix the indicated amount of water, vinegar, sugar, salt and lemon juice in one container, mix well until the grains of sugar and salt dissolve. Then pour this dressing into rice, mix with your hands or with a spoon. You can first pour in half the dressing, mix and taste the rice, you also need to look at its consistency, it should not be “liquid”, but on the contrary, it is better if it is sticky.

      How to make rolls at home

      To prepare homemade rolls, place a sheet of nori on a board or bamboo mat with the smooth side down. If you bought large sheets, cut them in half or into thirds. Then, with wet hands, we take the seasoned rice and distribute it over the surface of the nori, leaving a small gap (about 0.5-1 cm) on both sides. Place a thin strip of wasabi in the middle of the rice. By the way, you can buy wasabi powder (it must be diluted in equal amounts with water) or ready-made, liquid in tubes.

      Making shrimp rolls

      Now we need to work on the filling. Basically, eel, red fish, a special omelet, crab sticks, etc. are used for sushi. We will tell you how to cook shrimp rolls. As vegetable supplement Let's take avocado and cucumber. Peel the avocado, cut into thin long strips. Cucumber can not be peeled if its skin is not bitter, also cut into thin strips.

      Put the avocado and cucumber in the middle.

      Peel the shrimp (by the way, provided that they are boiled, raw must first be boiled), put on top of the cucumbers.

      Now, probably, the most crucial moment is to twist the roll. It is best if you do this with a bamboo rug. First, connect the ends with your hands, and then lift the edge of the rug and twist the roll with gentle movements, you can press it lightly with the rug. If you do not have such a rug, you can use parchment, foil or even a towel, in a word, you can adapt.

      Don't be alarmed if the roll doesn't turn out perfectly round at first. Small irregularities do not affect the taste. And in order to learn something, you need to practice properly. Make rolls at home more often, and then you will be able to quickly twist very neat round rolls.

      Cut the finished roll with shrimp into 4-6 pieces. This must be done with a wet sharp knife, otherwise the rice will be smeared on the nori, and the rolls will not look very neat.

      Rolls should be served immediately after preparation. The serving must be complemented with pickled ginger (it cleans the mouth), wasabi (Japanese mustard is designed to kill microbes that can be found in seafood) and soy sauce, which goes well with rice and emphasizes its taste. They eat rolls or sushi with special chopsticks.

      How to make rice vinegar for sushi and rolls

      rice vinegar very popular in Asian, Japanese, Chinese cuisines. Such vinegar gives the dishes a very interesting and spicy taste. You can easily make rice vinegar for sushi at home. Most often, such vinegar is prepared from rice wine or fermented rice. Now we will look at the preparation of exactly rice vinegar for sushi, made from fermented rice.

      Rice vinegar for sushi: useful properties

      As everyone is very well aware, sushi is now very popular among connoisseurs. delicious food. That is why many gourmets cook this dish themselves, at home, trying to surprise and feed guests and relatives. But not everyone knows how to combine everything correctly. necessary ingredients and they don’t always add something that you can’t do without. This ingredient is rice vinegar for sushi.

      In addition to its palatability, rice vinegar is very beneficial for the whole body. This product contains amino acids and other useful material that increase the body's resistance to disease. In addition, rice vinegar is a powerful antibacterial agent.

      How to make rice vinegar at home

    • You need to pre-soak the rice in boiled cold water for 4 hours.
    • When the rice is infused, strain it through cheesecloth, and close the resulting liquid with a lid and refrigerate overnight.
    • In the morning you need to add sugar to this liquid, you need 2 tbsp for a cup of such rice water. spoons of sugar. Mix thoroughly.
    • Next, you will need a double boiler, if there is none, it will do. water bath, this mixture should be heated in it for about an hour, and in a double boiler for 20 minutes, then cool and pour into any dishes, except metal.
    • Add half a teaspoon fresh yeast, stir well and do not cover, but it is better to fix the gauze so that the future vinegar "breathes".
    • Put it in a warm place and stir once a day, as soon as bubbles stop appearing in the liquid, the vinegar is ready.
    • Before pouring vinegar into a bottle, it must be filtered through cheesecloth and boiled.
    • At the same time, in cooked rice for sushi, not rice vinegar is added, but vinegar seasoning prepared on its basis (for 2 cups of dry rice):

    • 3 art. l. rice vinegar;
    • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara;
    • 1/2 st. l. salt.
    • Mix everything thoroughly.

      That's all! With this rice vinegar, your sushi will taste incredible, since you cooked it yourself with love!

      Self-cooking rolls at home

      Choosing ingredients for rolls

      What you need to know to make rolls at home? First of all, you need to choose the right desired products for this dish. Let's figure out what to look for when choosing ingredients.

      What is the best rice to use

      A special variety of Nishiki is used for making sushi. These are round, starchy grains that become sticky after cooking.

      But it is not always possible to buy Nishiki in our stores, so when choosing rice for rolls, give preference to a round-grain type.

      Wasabi - paste or powder

      There are two types of wasabi sauce, or Japanese horseradish, seiyo and sawa. The most common is wasabi seiyo. It is cheaper and therefore more accessible than sava.

      It is best to buy powdered wasabi, which is enough to mix with water until desired consistency. So you can be sure that you have purchased natural product without additional chemicals in the composition.

      What is rice vinegar for?

      Sushi is optimally cooked with real Japanese rice vinegar. It's just perfect for flavoring and adding extra flavor.

      How to choose the right nori

      Nori is made from red edible algae. These leaves are divided into varieties A, B and C. Nori varieties A are considered the highest quality, they have a pleasant characteristic aroma and a strong elastic leaf structure.

      What is good ginger and its properties

      Choosing soy sauce

      Well, what rolls and sushi can be without spicy soy sauce? This product gives the dish a special rich taste, juiciness and softness. In addition, it is very beneficial for health. It is important to eat natural sauce, which is prepared by natural fermentation. soybeans and wheat.

      Pay attention to the ingredients on the soy sauce label. Only soy, wheat, salt, vinegar and sugar (sometimes garlic) should be present.

      The subtleties of cooking rolls at home

      To cook delicious rolls with your own hands, you need to have some skills in this matter and know some subtleties. Our article is designed to help you understand the features of the cooking process. delicious rolls with a variety of toppings!

      Cooking rice the right way

      High-quality cooked rice for sushi is the basis of a real Japanese dish. Groats for him it is better to take with round, short grains.

      So, we start by washing the rice in cold water until the cherished moment when it becomes crystal clear. As practice shows, this should be done about 7-10 times. Then we remove all the husks and pop-up grains.

      Put the rice in thick-walled pan, fill cold water in the ratio of 1.5 parts of water to 1 part of cereal, cover with a lid. Bring to a boil over medium heat, then turn the burner down to low and simmer for 10 minutes. Turn off the stove, let the product brew for the same amount of time. The lid does not need to be opened!

      Making real rice dressing

      We bring to your attention two of the most popular recipe dressings for sushi rice:

    • Rice vinegar dressing. It is not at all difficult to make dressing for your rolls from rice vinegar and salt with sugar. This requires 4 tbsp. combine tablespoons of vinegar with two teaspoons granulated sugar and the same amount of salt. Then the mixture should be heated over low heat so that the components dissolve in the vinegar. Drizzle the rice generously with the warm mixture.
    • Apple cider vinegar dressing. Many housewives ask if it is possible to use apple cider vinegar instead of rice vinegar, which is not always available, to make rolls at home? Of course you can! True, this digression will change the taste a little. ready meal. So, 50 ml of 6% apple cider vinegar is heated over low heat to a temperature of 40-45 degrees, add a tablespoon of water, 70 gr. sugar and a half dessert spoons salt. Mix thoroughly and remove from heat. Here is the filling and ready!
    • How to wrap rolls

      In your kit for rolls at home, it is desirable to have a bamboo mat. This is a small mat that greatly facilitates the process of rolling sushi.

      Our helper is a bamboo mat

      Lay the nori sheet on the mat with the matte side facing up. The shiny part of the sheet should be in contact with the surface of the mat. We wet our hands in a bowl of acidified water, take a handful of rice, distribute it in an even layer of 0.5 - 0.7 cm over the surface of the nori. From the top and bottom edges, you need to leave strips about a centimeter wide. Then we put the filling according to the recipe. It can be fish, cheese, cucumbers, avocados, seafood.

      At the same time, we grab the edge of the rug with the edge of the algae and begin to roll it into a tight cylinder. A properly formed roll should be sufficiently elastic, the filling in it is held firmly and does not fall out. We cut the sausage into two parts, and then divide each half into three more pieces of the same size with a clean, sharp knife dipped in water.

      How to turn rolls inside out

      Some types of rolls are made by rolling them with rice on the outside. These are dishes with fillings from several components, for example, Caesar or Philadelphia.

      Let's start rolling. To prevent rice grains from sticking to the surface of the bamboo mat, wrap it with stretch film. On top we place a sheet of nori, as we already know, with the shiny part down. We wet our hands in a bowl of acidified water and put a handful of rice on the algae, spreading it over the entire surface in an even, fairly thin layer. We wait a few minutes until the sheet gets wet and firmly sticks to the rice grains.

      Now, holding the edges of the nori with your fingers, with a smooth movement, turn our design upside down. We place the filling on the sheet and roll up the roll, picking up the mat along with the nori with our fingers. The workpiece outside can be sprinkled with toasted sesame seeds or caviar flying fish. Slice finished goods it is necessary with a sharp knife, abundantly moistened with the same water from a bowl.

      Now, knowing some tricks and secrets on the process of making rolls, you can easily make them. There are many recipes for making rolls at home.

      Famous rolls "Philadelphia"

      Most common Japanese dish has the American name Philadelphia, due to the cheese used in the recipe. Philadelphia rolls are easy to make at home. You just need to have certain set products and desire.

    • rice for sushi - 0.5 kg;
    • nori leaves - 6 pcs.;
    • rice vinegar - 60 g;
    • salmon fillet - 350 g;
    • Philadelphia cheese - 200 g;
    • salt - 25 g;
    • sugar - 10 g;
    • water - 2.5 tbsp.;
    • avocado.
    • Also in your arsenal you should have:

    • bamboo napkin;
    • food film;
    • wasabi;
    • pickled ginger;
    • soy sauce;
    • wooden sticks.
    • Spread the rice prepared according to the technology in a thin layer on a sheet of algae, carefully turn the nori upside down, put it on top cream cheese, slices of cucumber and avocado. We raise the near edge of the mat at the same time as the algae sheet and cover the filling, after that we smoothly roll the mat.
    • Lay the thinly sliced ​​salmon fillet in an even layer on the bamboo carpet. In this layer of fish we wrap our roll.
    • With a sharp knife dipped in acidified water, cut the workpiece into portions.
    • We spread the rolls on a plate, decorate with wasabi, ginger. Serve soy sauce separately in a gravy boat.
    • Homemade baked rolls

      How to make Philadelphia rolls, we already have an idea. Did you know that sushi can be baked and even fried?

    • round rice- 300 g;
    • nori leaves - 4 pcs.;
    • cream cheese - 100 g;
    • rice vinegar - 20 ml;
    • cheese sauce- 25 g;
    • mustard sauce - 30 g;
    • mussels - 200 g.
    • We place the cooked rice on a sheet of nori, turn it into a tube. Grind the mussels with a knife, add mustard and cheese sauce. On top of each roll, put a spoonful of mussel filling and a square of cheese. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees, send a baking sheet with food and bake for 10 minutes until lightly browned.

      Delicious hot rolls

      Highly original taste have hot rolls or, as they are also called, Tempura. And if you practice, then you will get a dish no worse than a restaurant one!

      To make hot rolls at home, you need the following products:

    • rice for sushi - 0.4 kg;
    • cream cheese - 200 g;
    • eel - 200 g;
    • fillet of salmon or salmon (slightly salted) - 250 g;
    • fresh cucumber;
    • egg;
    • tempura flour;
    • nori sheet;
    • breadcrumbs;
    • tobiko.
    • Spread the cooked rice on the nori sheet, spreading it evenly over the entire surface. We coat it well with cream cheese, sprinkle tobiko on top, lay out strips of fish and cucumber. Roll up with a bamboo mat.
    • Next, prepare the batter by mixing the egg with tempura flour. Dip the finished roll into it, roll well in breadcrumbs and send to a frying pan heated with sunflower oil.
    • Cut the roll fried on all sides into 5 pieces.
    • Cooking rolls with crab sticks

      Usually sushi is put salty and smoked fish, cucumbers and avocados, cheese, mussels, shrimps. But crab sticks are also used as an inexpensive and tasty filler. The dish with them is tender and juicy. Rolls with crab sticks can be prepared according to the recipe below.

    • nori seaweed;
    • rice for sushi - 100 g;
    • rice vinegar - 35 g;
    • crab sticks - 3 pcs.;
    • soft cream cheese - 50 g;
    • fresh cucumber;
    • salt - 8 g;
    • sugar - 10 g.
    • Rice, laid out in an even layer on the surface of the nori, sprinkle with dressing. Top with sliced ​​cream cheese fresh cucumbers and stripes crab sticks. Using a bamboo mat, twist the roll tighter and cut the workpiece into slices 3–4 cm wide.

      Original Caesar roll

      Do you think that only seaweed leaves are used to make rolls? Wrong! This dish can be prepared even with pita bread! And home recipe caesar roll will tell you how to do it right.

    • thin pita bread;
    • chicken fillet- 300 g;
    • mayonnaise - 150 g;
    • hard cheese - 100 g;
    • loaf - 2 slices;
    • garlic - 3 cloves;
    • salad;
    • tomato;
    • vegetable oil;
    • salt, ground pepper.
    • Fried chicken fillet cut into thin strips sunflower oil until light golden.
    • We divide the pita bread into four parts, grease each with a sauce made from mayonnaise and garlic.
    • Sprinkle with grated cheese, put lettuce leaves, thinly sliced ​​tomato.
    • Cut the loaf evenly into cubes and fry in a pan until crispy. We place it there, on pita bread.
    • Lay the chicken on top and roll the pita sheets into tubes. It turns out a rich and nutritious Caesar roll!
    • Let's sit down at the table, take wooden sticks in hand and with a peaceful and joyful face try the delicious oriental dish homemade home cooking! Enjoy your meal!

      How to replace rice vinegar

      Photo gallery: How to replace rice vinegar

      Sushi and rolls are included in our everyday life. Now it is no longer necessary to go to a restaurant to try these dishes. Japanese cuisine. All ingredients can be purchased at the store. Rolls and sushi prepared at home are no worse than those that can be tasted in restaurants. But the right products, for example, rice vinegar, may not always be at hand. The Land of Soviets will tell you how to replace rice vinegar.

      Rice vinegar is one of the main ingredients in Japanese cuisine.. Initially, rice vinegar appeared in China, from where it was brought to Japan. In Japan, rice vinegar used to be available only to the privileged sections of society. Only a few centuries later, ordinary people could also use rice vinegar for cooking.

      In Japan, rice vinegar is very popular not only because of its mild taste, but also because of its antibacterial properties. If the Japanese menu constantly includes raw fish, then it should be as safe as possible for further use. That's exactly why the Japanese constantly use rice vinegar to make rolls and sushi.

      Rice vinegar for sushi is not always found on the store counter. Therefore, it is necessary to look for a way out of the situation and replace rice vinegar with something else. So what can be substituted for rice vinegar?

      Naturally, rice vinegar can be replaced with other vinegar. suit you apple, wine or regular. But the thing is that rice vinegar has a very mild taste, so try not to overdo it with the usual one, otherwise you will spoil the sushi or rolls.

      There are several recipes you can use to replace rice vinegar. Try to take 4 tbsp. l. grape vinegar, add 1 tsp. salt and 3 tsp. Sahara. Put the mixture on the fire and cook until the salt and sugar dissolve. Note that the vinegar should not boil.

      Another option than replacing rice vinegar. you can mix 1 st. l. apple cider vinegar, 1 tsp. sugar, 0.5 tsp. salt and 1.5 tbsp. l. hot water. Mix all the ingredients and wait for the sugar and salt to dissolve.

      How to make rice vinegar

      This option is also possible to replace rice vinegar: take 50 ml regular table vinegar(6%), 20 g sugar and 50 ml soy sauce. Stir the mixture until the sugar is completely dissolved. By the way, for this recipe you can also use apple or white wine vinegar.

      If you are afraid that your replacement for rice vinegar will somehow affect the taste of sushi, then you are mistaken. The main thing is add the vinegar you prepared in smaller proportions. But here it all depends on your taste.

      It is also worth considering that there are other options for replacing rice vinegar. Cooked rice for sushi can be soaked with lemon juice diluted in water with a little sugar. With such an impregnation, you may not even feel the difference in taste.

      By the way, rice vinegar can also be made at home. Of course, it will take a little fiddling, but the result will be worth it. So, we will tell you how to cook rice vinegar. You will need sugar, yeast, white round grain rice, egg white and a piece of cotton cloth or gauze. First, soak the rice for 4 hours in a covered bowl. Then refrigerate the rice overnight. Strain the rice, but don't squeeze it. For each cup (250 ml) of rice water, add 3/4 of the same cup of sugar. Stir the sugar well until it dissolves completely. Boil the mixture in a water bath for 20 minutes. After cooling, pour the mixture into a jar.

      For 1 liter of mixture, add 1/4 tbsp. l. yeast. Leave the mixture to ferment for 4-6 days. Bubbles should completely disappear on it. Then pour the mixture into another clean jar and let it infuse for a month. Then strain the mixture and boil it before bottling.

      As homemade rice vinegar turns cloudy, it can be cleared. To do this, just add beaten egg white before boiling. Then strain the mixture and you can bottle it.

      How to make vinegar for sushi

      Rice vinegar was first made over two thousand years ago in China. In the 3rd-4th centuries BC, it appeared in Japan, from where it began to spread to other countries of the world. It was used as a seasoning for rice and was very expensive, so it was available only to the nobility. Since the 16th century, the sauce began to spread to the masses.

      In Japan, its history is inextricably linked with sushi. According to the traditions, they were prepared as follows: the fish was cut into pieces, sprinkled with salt and mixed with rice. Under the action of enzymes, the cereal secreted lactic acid. She preserved the whole mass, gave it a sour taste and allowed sushi to be stored for up to a year.

      Rice sauce has a milder flavor than other types of vinegar. Its popularity is due not only to its mild taste, but also to its antibacterial properties.

      rice vinegar recipe

      Making it yourself is not easy, however, the result will please even gourmets. The taste of homemade sauce almost perfectly repeats the taste of the original.


      • white round rice,
      • yeast,
      • sugar,
      • egg white.


      1. First you need to soak the rice in a sealed container for 4 hours, then refrigerate overnight.
      2. In the morning, strain everything through cheesecloth, but do not squeeze.
      3. For 250 ml of rice water, add 0.5 cups of sugar, stir it thoroughly until dissolved.
      4. Next, boil the mixture for 20 minutes in a water bath. Cool and pour into a jar.
      5. Add a quarter tablespoon of yeast per liter of liquid. Leave the mixture to ferment for 4-6 days.
      6. When the bubbles completely disappear, pour the mixture into a new clean jar and let it brew for another month.
      7. After the expiration of the period, the mixture must be filtered again and boiled before pouring into vessels. Before boiling, beaten egg white can be added to eliminate turbidity.
      8. Strain and bottle.

      How to replace rice vinegar

      • For 4 tablespoons of grape vinegar, take a teaspoon of salt and three teaspoons of sugar. Put on fire and cook until sugar dissolves. The mixture should not boil. Cool down.
      • Mix a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with a teaspoon of sugar, half a teaspoon of salt, and 1.5 tablespoons of hot water. Wait for the salt and sugar to dissolve. You can then add the mixture to the rice.
      • Mix 50 ml of 6% ordinary vinegar, 50 ml of soy sauce, 20 g of sugar until the latter is completely dissolved. Instead of the usual one, you can use a white wine or apple analogue.
      • Squeeze out the juice of a lemon and add some sugar to it.

      Some people have concerns that alternative recipes can spoil the taste of ready-made sushi. If you do not overdo it with the amount of sugar and salt, then the difference will not be noticeable.

      Making sushi

      To prepare sushi with rice vinegar, follow the rules:

      1. First put warm rice in wooden utensils and drizzle with sauce.
      2. Then mix with a wooden spatula, gently moving the top layers down and vice versa. This procedure helps to soak the mass well and cool it.
      3. When the rice has completely cooled, you can cook rolls and sushi.

      Good luck with your experiments and enjoy your meal!

      Rice vinegar in cooking - from sushi to salads and soups

      Vinegar has become indispensable ingredient in cooking, it is often used by housewives, not even suspecting that there are a lot of varieties of the product: apple, wine, malt, balsamic and even rice - that's what we'll talk about today. How does it differ from its "brothers", when did it appear and what can be cooked with it?

      History and geography of the product

      Rice vinegar appeared in China more than two thousand years ago, and in Japan in the 3rd-4th century BC. This is the earliest mention of him. The process of its manufacture was too long and laborious, so the product was quite expensive and only the upper strata of society, the privileged people, could use it. Only from the 16th century did it become available to the general public.

      Vinegar was used as a seasoning for rice during the preparation of sushi. The point is that raw fish is mixed with salt and rice during the cooking process. A reaction occurs and the rice begins to release lactic acid. Acid plays the role of a preservative for fish, gives it "sourness" and extends its shelf life. But the whole process can take up to a month. Rice vinegar allows you not to waste time on long fermentation, make sushi cooking lightning fast and without compromising the quality of the dish.

      The product is obtained from different varieties by prolonged fermentation. How and when people first learned to make vinegar from rice has remained a mystery, but all traces lead to Asia. By the way, the countries of this region are still leaders in the production and supply of an invaluable ingredient to all continents.

      Species and varieties

      Today there are three varieties this product: white, black, red.

      1) Black in demand in Chinese cuisine. It is made from a mix of long grain rice and some glutinous varieties. Then cereals are added to the resulting mixture: barley, rice husks, wheat. The combined mixture undergoes double fermentation, moreover, the process stretches for about six months. But in the end, a saturated one is born, thick product noble dark color.

      2) To get red variety, regular rice mixed with special red yeast, after which the mixture begins to ferment.

      3) White appearance is obtained from adhesive white variety without any additives or other ingredients.

      Briefly, the process of fermentation and the birth of vinegar looks like this: rice is soaked in water for a certain time, then the liquid is drained and placed in the refrigerator. After a certain time, sugar is added to the liquid, heated, yeast is added and left to ferment in a warm place. The composition is periodically mixed, and when bubbles cease to form, it is filtered, filtered, boiled, and already finished product poured into containers.

      Beneficial features

      Rice vinegar has a number useful qualities and properties, and the Chinese consider it the most valuable product(including as a medicine). It contains amino acids that are essential for cell regeneration, energy production and normalization. metabolic processes. It also contains easily digestible forms of calcium, due to which it heals bones and joints. Has in enough potassium, allows you to regulate the water-salt balance in the body, rich in phosphorus.

      Unlike its "brothers", it is not dangerous for the gastric mucosa, so it can be used for ulcers and gastritis. It improves digestion, which is why it is included in most diets for proper nutrition. Doctors confirmed the presence of more than 20 useful amino acids in its composition, which remove toxins, block the action of free radicals (metabolic products in the body), and thus prolong youth.

      Rice vinegar relieves the body of cholesterol and, with regular use, allows you to maintain blood vessels in excellent condition.

      The product has practically no prohibitions in use. Its consumption can only be limited by patients diabetes and people with severe allergies. The only thing worth paying attention to is the manufacturer. The quality of the production technology of the product depends on its usefulness, and taste qualities.

      Taste qualities

      Rice vinegar, like its "brothers", has a sour taste and a characteristic sharp aroma. The taste of the product varies depending on the type of vinegar:

      Black has a rich taste and aroma. Taste notes of different manufacturers may vary from sweet to strong.
      Red has a tart-sweet taste, it is filled with fruity notes and pleases with a pleasant taste. light fragrance.
      white look recognized as the softest and most gentle. It is much softer than French wine.

      Prolonged or incorrect storage may change the taste of the product, so strictly follow the manufacturer's instructions.

      Application in cooking

      Rice vinegar is widely used in cooking. From a seasoning for sushi, it has become a versatile helper in the kitchen. It is added to salads, sauces, pickled fish and meat, put in pastries. But a certain type of vinegar is suitable for each dish:

      Black is added to stews, meat is dipped in it. It successfully replaces balsamic vinegar thanks to its density and luxurious fragrant bouquet.

      Red is added to sauces, soups, noodles. It goes well with seafood dishes.

      White is added to deep fat, in which seafood will be fried. In Asia, white vinegar is used to marinate fish and dress salads and sauces; it is an indispensable ingredient in sunomono salad dressing. And, of course, he has a central role in the preparation of sushi, rolls and sashimi.

      Rice vinegar is an extremely useful and versatile product!

      Rice vinegar is an essential ingredient for making sushi and rolls. Using this product, a dressing is prepared, which is moistened with cooked rice to give it a specific taste for sushi. Due to the high cost, rice vinegar is rarely found in small shops, and not all cooks have the opportunity to regularly visit hypermarkets.

      Since it is impossible to cook without vinegar, the question arises of a qualitative replacement of the desired ingredient. Home sushi chefs have learned to use other variations of this product instead of rice vinegar, slightly modifying the dressing recipe. In stores you can easily find grape and Apple vinegar This is what we use to make the sauce.

      Cooking sushi rice with apple cider vinegar

      • Half a teaspoon of salt.
      • One teaspoon of sugar.
      • A tablespoon of boiled water.

      All this is mixed with one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and heated. The main thing is not to boil, but just wait for the salt and sugar to dissolve.

      Grape vinegar dressing for sushi

      Making a dressing out of grape (wine) red vinegar is just as easy as making a dressing out of apple cider vinegar. You should change the proportions a little: take three teaspoons of sugar, one - salt and four tablespoons of vinegar. Some recipes allow you to use just red wine in the same proportions instead of vinegar.

      White wine vinegar (and even ordinary table vinegar) also successfully replace the canonical rice counterpart. For making grape dressing white vinegar you will need one tablespoon of sugar, two and a half tablespoons of soy sauce and the same amount of table or white vinegar. We put the mixture on the stove and heat until the sugar dissolves.

      What else can replace rice vinegar for sushi?

      In addition to recipes with vinegar substituted, try making a dressing without this ingredient at all. As an alternative character, lemon juice is suitable here, which has a fairly pronounced taste.

      Add to two tablespoons of lemon juice as many tablespoons of boiled warm water, one teaspoon of sugar and half a teaspoon of salt. Mix the ingredients and wait for the sugar and salt to dissolve. Heating such a filling is not recommended.

      Nori rice dressing

      Since nori seaweed is an indispensable ingredient in cooking, you can diversify the recipes above and add an even deeper flavor to the sauce. Almost original japanese recipe dressing, which is difficult to distinguish from what is obtained with rice vinegar.

      For the nori dressing, use one sheet of seaweed, half a teaspoon of salt, two and a half tablespoons of sugar, and the same amount of any vinegar you have. First, mix the liquids and spices, and heat them until the sugar and salt dissolve. Then add the nori, finely crumbling the sheet with your fingers and beating the mixture until smooth.

      Rice vinegar for sushi indispensable component Japanese cuisine: it is thanks to him that sushi and rolls acquire their unique aroma . Invented in ancient China, this seasoning after some time became the most widespread in the countries of the East. For 12 centuries, rice vinegar appeared only on the tables of the most famous persons because it was a very expensive product.

      Nowadays, the technology of its production has been greatly simplified, which has made rice vinegar a very affordable and popular product in Chinese and Japanese cuisine.

      Initially, rice vinegar was used exclusively as a marinade for cooking fish, because thanks to its antibacterial effect on the human body it was possible to protect eaters from helminths and pathogens of dangerous infections contained in raw fish.

      In addition, rice vinegar is used:

      • as a flavoring for rice;
      • to give the cereal plastic properties: it is under its influence that the rice becomes more sticky and holds the shape given to it well;
      • for dressing all kinds of salads and fish and poultry dishes.

      Varieties of vinegar for sushi

      There are two varieties of rice vinegar: Chinese and Japanese. Chinese rice vinegar has a little more pungency and a slight sourness. Japanese product has a slightly sweet taste.

      For making rolls and sushi, it is better to choose the Japanese variety of vinegar, since the Chinese version can bring disharmony by interrupting discriminating taste sushi.

      How to replace vinegar for sushi

      Apple vinegar

      If you can't find rice vinegar in the store, you can buy wine, apple or regular (6%) canteen vinegar. But in this case, it should be used very carefully: unlike rice, which has a special mild taste, table varieties of vinegar, taken in excessive quantities, can ruin gourmet sushi and rolls.

      To avoid mistakes and perfect substitute for rice vinegar you can use one of the following recipes:

      • mix grape vinegar(4 tablespoons), sugar (3 teaspoons) and salt (1 teaspoon). Putting the container on low heat, heat the mixture until the salt and sugar are completely dissolved. It is strictly forbidden to bring it to a boil.
      • Take apple cider vinegar (1 tablespoon), sugar (1 teaspoon), salt (1/2 teaspoon) and hot water(1.5 tablespoons). Stir all the ingredients until the salt and sugar are completely dissolved.
      • You can prepare a mixture of 50 ml of ordinary 6% table vinegar (white wine or apple cider vinegar will also work), 20 g of sugar and 50 ml of soy sauce. Sugar must be completely dissolved, so the ingredients must be heated and mixed thoroughly.

      Vinegar prepared in this way is in no way inferior to rice, you just need to add it in smaller quantities.

      Instead of rice vinegar for soaking rice(boiled for sushi) you can use lemon juice diluted with water with the addition of a drop of sugar. This dressing option is as close as possible to the taste of real rice vinegar, so lovers of homemade rolls should take note of this recipe.

      How to make vinegar for sushi

      We offer far eastern vinegar recipe for sushi, which was proposed by Japanese chefs who worked in Kamchatka in the early 90s.


      • Rice vinegar - 450 ml.
      • Sugar sand - 300 g.
      • Salt - 80 g.
      • Mirin sauce - 50 ml.
      • Adinomoto (Japanese flavor enhancer) - 5g
      • Leaves seaweed(kelp) - 5 g.

      You should get approximately 870 ml of the finished product.


      All components of the future sauce are placed in a deep container and put on low heat, stirring constantly and continuously to prevent the granulated sugar from burning. The mixture is heated only so that no residue dissolve salt and sugar. Do not bring it to a boil!

      The product can be considered ready if the salt and sugar have dissolved, and the liquid became completely transparent. At the very end of cooking, you need to add kelp leaves: in the process of infusion, it will give the sauce the necessary rich taste.

      The minimum time for infusing sushi sauce is at least 60 minutes. After that, it can be used for cooking.

      The sauce prepared according to this recipe does not have an expiration date. You can store it at room temperature, which will save you from the mistake made by inexperienced cooks who pour hot rice cold sauce in the refrigerator.

      Making rice vinegar at home

      Do you want to make your own rice vinegar? It is quite easy to do this.


      • Apple cider vinegar (for rolls) - 2 tablespoons.
      • Sugar - 1.5 tablespoons.
      • Japanese (round) rice - 2 tablespoons.
      • Salt - ½ tsp.


      Mix vinegar, salt and sugar until completely dissolved. Rinse a flat ceramic (or wooden) plate with cold water and put already boiled rice on it. Pour the rice with the resulting mixture and add a small amount of boiling water.

      Gently, without crushing, mix the rice with a wooden spatula. Cool the rice to 20 degrees, and then transfer it to a special container with a lid (nabe). Process natural fermentation will take two to three weeks. Ready vinegar can be used to make sushi, rolls, salad dressings.