How to pickle hot peppers, sweet, bitter, chili, bell peppers for the winter? Recipes for pickled and canned peppers for the winter in jars, without sterilization, with vegetable oil. Pickled peppers in Georgian for the winter

25.07.2019 Meat Dishes

Pickled hot peppers will become an adornment not only of the ordinary, but also festive table


  • bitter capsicum
  • Carnation
  • basil
  • 3-5 cloves of garlic
  • 2-3 black peppercorns
  • horseradish leaves
  • 4 tsp table salt
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar
  • 1 tsp table vinegar

There are a lot of ways how to pickle hot peppers, because this fruit can be supplemented with other spices and vegetables, however, even in the simplest case, using only vinegar and salt, you get a good result. If pickled chili is already on the shelves in your pantry, it's time to add a bitter sibling to it.

Pickled Georgian hot pepper

Harvested bitter pepper pickled for the winter in Georgian style can become a real decoration of an ordinary or festive table.

The ingredients for this recipe are listed above.

  1. Wash the capsicum thoroughly, dry, and cut off the dry ends. You should not open the pods, but you need to be sure that there is no rot inside them. It is imperative to leave a tail at the pod, for which it will be convenient to hold it with your hands when eating.
  2. Prepare canning jars: wash with soda, scald with boiling water and dry.
  3. Fold in a jar of spices and a horseradish leaf previously cut into small pieces.
  4. Fill the volume of the jar with pepper pods so that they do not reach slightly to its shoulders (otherwise they will float up afterwards and some of them will be above the marinade).
  5. Pour boiling water into a jar, cover with a lid and leave for half an hour.
  6. Then drain the water into enamel pot- a marinade will be made from it. Put salt and granulated sugar in the water and boil.
  7. Pour boiling marinade into jars of pepper and let stand there for 10 minutes.
  8. Drain the marinade back into the saucepan, boil and pour back into the jars. So repeat three times.
  9. The last time after pouring the marinade into the jars, add vinegar there.
  10. Roll up the jars, cool and store in a cool dark place.

Useful Tips

  • In order for pickled bitter peppers in Georgian according to this recipe to come out successfully, it is better to take red or green long and thin pepper pods. You can also canned thick hot peppers, but then you will have to cut them into strips, which will make the appetizer less appetizing. Plus, the pods are whole and look more attractive.
  • So that the appetizer does not turn out too hot, the peppers can be soaked for a day in cold water, periodically replacing it.
  • If hot pepper is not enough to completely fill the jar, then the missing volume can be filled with pieces of bell pepper, which will pick up enough pungency from the burning neighbor in the bank.

Video recipe for pickled hot peppers

Korean style bitter pickled peppers

In recent decades, Korean dishes have become very popular with us, for the manufacture of which sunflower oil, vinegar and universal hot seasoning... Almost all vegetables can be pickled with similar ingredients. But, although initially such dishes were invented by Koreans, in Russia they have greatly changed, apparently, adjusting to local tastes... At one time, many Koreans lived in the USSR, to whom the local vegetables seemed bland, so they tried to give them spice and piquancy. This is how we got many "Korean" snacks, unfamiliar even in Korea itself, for example, pickled hot peppers in Korean. A similar hot snack can be made from both red and green chilli peppers, or you can use a mixture of them in arbitrary proportions.


  • 1 kg of hot chilli pepper;
  • one small head of garlic;
  • 70 ml of table vinegar;
  • 1 teaspoon of ground coriander seeds;
  • 1 teaspoon of ground hot red pepper;
  • 1 teaspoon of ground black pepper;
  • half st. tablespoons of sugar;
  • half st. tablespoons of salt;
  • 0.4 l of water.

  1. Before pickling hot peppers, rinse them well under running water.
  2. If it is supposed to start eating canned food immediately, then it is enough just to wash the cans well, and if they are made for future use, then sterilization is indispensable. To do this, you can use any convenient method.
  3. Place the peppers tightly in the jar.
  4. Pour water into an enamel pot and put it on high heat. Pour sugar and salt there, which should completely dissolve.
  5. When the water boils, you need to make the fire weaker, then add red and black to the boiling water ground pepper, finely chopped garlic and coriander. Then pour in a measured portion of vinegar and bring to a boil again.
  6. You need to fill jars of pepper with boiling marinade, then roll them up with tin lids or screw them up if the product is intended for long-term storage. If they will treat themselves to pepper in the near future, then you can use polyethylene covers.
  7. This recipe for pickled hot pepper allows you to use it as early as three days after production.

Armenian bitter pepper

There is one more great recipe, according to which you can cook marinated bitter pepper for the winter in Armenian. Of course, not every stomach can overpower such a spicy dish, but amateurs simply cannot tear themselves away from it.


  • 3 kg of hot pepper;
  • 250 g garlic;
  • 2 bunches of parsley;
  • 100 g of salt;
  • 350 g of vegetable oil;
  • 0.5 l apple cider vinegar

  1. Wash the hot pepper pods, make small cross-shaped cuts along the ends with the tip of a sharp knife.
  2. Dip the chopped peppers in finely chopped garlic and chopped parsley mixed with salt. Cover the peppers with a lid and leave to infuse for a day without oppression.
  3. The next day, alternately fry the pods in vegetable oil to which Apple vinegar... Vinegar can be pre-poured into a bottle of oil, then shake the bottle vigorously before each use to mix the liquids.
  4. Fold the fried peppers tightly in pre-sterilized jars.
  5. After filling, each can is placed in water, in which it is sterilized by boiling for 20 minutes.

Pickled hot peppers without sterilization

Who doesn't like the recipe for preparing pickled hot peppers for the winter without sterilization? By cooking such a pepper without a long heat treatment, you can save a lot of time, and the product can be stored for a long time, while its marinade will remain light and transparent.


  • 1 kg of hot pepper pods;
  • 8 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar;
  • 200 ml of table vinegar;
  • 3 tbsp. tablespoons of salt;
  • spices to taste;
  • water.

  1. Pepper pods are prepared: washed and dried.
  2. While the pepper dries, a marinade is prepared from sugar, salt, vinegar and water.
  3. Spices are placed on the bottom in sterilized jars, and hot pepper pods are tightly on top.
  4. To get bitter pepper pickled in vinegar, suitable for long-term storage, you will need to apply double fill... First, boiling water is poured into the jar, which is kept for 15 minutes and drained.
  5. The peppers are again poured with marinade, tightened with sterile lids and cooled.

Hot pickled peppers with honey

According to this recipe, pickled hot peppers can be preserved for the winter, without even rolling it up hermetically with lids. Natural preservatives here are honey, vinegar and the bitterness of hot pepper itself.


  • 3 kg of multi-colored hot peppers;
  • table vinegar;
  • candied honey.


  1. Rinse vegetables in warm water without cutting off the tails.
  2. Place the pods in clean glass jars.
  3. Cook the marinade using two tablespoons of honey for each glass of table vinegar.
  4. The amount of honey to use will depend on the preferred sweetness of the piece and the degree of fullness in the jar.

Video recipe for pickled bitter peppers with honey

Hot peppers with honey and sugar

In this recipe, a tablespoon of honey is added to a glass of vinegar and granulated sugar... To fit the pepper more tightly, it is permissible to cut it in half lengthwise.


  • multi-colored hot pepper pods;
  • table vinegar;
  • granulated sugar;


  1. Sterilize the jars thoroughly. It is most convenient to cook pepper according to this recipe in liter jars, since the contents of one jar can be “destroyed” in a relatively short period of time.
  2. Place the pepper pods tightly and neatly in prepared jars.
  3. The cans can be rolled up, closed with screw or even plastic lids.
  4. You can store the workpiece anywhere it is cool.

Do you like pickled hot peppers? Do you have a favorite recipe for this blank? Share it on

Bitter pepper is harvested for the winter mainly for its further addition to various dishes... Most often, pods complement soups, main courses, sauces, salads, and some gourmets even add this vegetable to drinks. Hot peppers can be preserved well, so there are many recipes for pickling them.

Bitter pepper is harvested for the winter, mainly for its further addition to various dishes.

To save time on peeling and slicing hot pepper pods, you can marinate them whole. Such a blank will be an excellent addition to the second fatty meals.

To prepare it you need:

  • 350 grams of bitter pepper pods;
  • 100 milliliters of grape vinegar;
  • 1 head of garlic;
  • 3 dill branches;
  • 3 branches of cilantro;
  • 1 branch of mint;
  • 500 milliliters of drinking water;
  • 1 dessert spoon of rock salt;
  • 2 dessert spoons coriander seeds;
  • 2 dessert spoons of sugar;
  • 2 bay leaves;
  • 2 carnations;
  • 8 peas of a mixture of peppers;

Pickled peppers are prepared using the following step-by-step technology:

  1. The red pods are washed under running water and then pierced with a toothpick in the area of ​​the stalk. This step should never be skipped to prevent excess air from accumulating in the pepper.
  2. The greens are washed under cool water, the leaves are separated from the branches.
  3. The garlic head is disassembled into slices.
  4. The pods are transferred to a saucepan, filled with freshly boiled water. Then the container is closed and left in this state for 5 minutes.
  5. Then the liquid is drained into the sink, and the chili is poured with fresh boiling water. This procedure is repeated 5 times.
  6. Water is poured into another container, sugar, salt, peppercorns, coriander are poured, Bay leaf, Carnation, garlic cloves and greens. The mass is mixed and brought to a boil.
  7. After boiling water, vinegar is poured into it, and the mass is cooked for another 3 minutes.
  8. Next, the marinade is removed from the heat, covered with a lid and left for 15 minutes.
  9. Greens and garlic from the marinade are placed in a sterilized jar, chili is laid out on this base, and all the spices that were involved in cooking the marinade are placed on them.
  10. The workpiece is poured to the brim with marinade, the peppers are lightly crushed with a fork.
  11. Next, the jar should be rolled up, turned over and wrapped in warm cloth for 1 day.
  12. Such a blank is stored in a cool dark place. A snack should be eaten no earlier than a week later.

Bitter peppers for the winter are preferred to be closed, mainly by lovers of hearty and fatty dishes. This appetizer is different unique property improve taste qualities such products, because true gourmets and connoisseurs fine cuisine be sure to keep several jars of pepper in the marinade in the winter stock.

Bitter peppers for the winter are preferred to be closed, mainly by lovers of hearty and fatty dishes

Pickled pepper differs from the fresh brother in its unusual, improved juicy taste. You can cook such a snack at home in different ways: ferment, pickle, pickle. The blank will differ only in flavor notes and storage method.

To marinate for winter storage spicy pods, you need ingredients:

  • bitter green peppers;
  • 5 garlic cloves;
  • 60 grams of vinegar;
  • 30 grams of salt;
  • greens, spices to taste.

This appetizer should be closed in glass containers, so you should first prepare them: wash cleanly and scald with boiling water.

  1. The pepper is thoroughly washed, the stalk is cut off and the seeds are removed.
  2. Garlic, herbs and spices, cut into slices, are placed on the bottom of small glass containers. Stack prepared hot vegetable.
  3. Salt is introduced and the contents of the cans are immediately poured with boiling water, vinegar is added.
  4. Sterilize the snack within a quarter of an hour after the liquid boils, roll it up.

The finished product is different spicy taste and aesthetic appearance. It is also easy to keep it: this blank is not picky and easily retains its taste in any conditions.

Bitter pepper for the winter (video)

Hot peppers for the winter with tomatoes

Preserve spicy pod it is possible with the addition of other vegetables. Most housewives prefer this method of harvesting, moreover, it is quite simple and versatile.

Such a treat is prepared from various assorted vegetables, but one of the most popular options is the combination of pepper and tomatoes. The preservation of such a blank provides for preliminary preparation glass containers and the following ingredients:

  • 500 gram spicy pods;
  • 4 large ripe tomatoes;
  • head of garlic;
  • 100 grams of refined oil;
  • salt to taste.

You can also preserve a spicy pod with the addition of other vegetables.

Small glass containers, in which snacks are planned to be blocked, are pre-washed and sterilized over steam.

  1. The tomatoes are washed, cut into slices, cutting off the stalk area.
  2. The sharp pods are washed, the stalk is cut off, cut into small slices.
  3. Garlic is peeled and crushed through a press.
  4. Pass vegetables through a meat grinder, add garlic.
  5. Oil is introduced into an enameled container, shifted vegetable mix, add salt and send it to the fire.
  6. After boiling, vegetables are boiled over low heat for half an hour, transferred to prepared containers and sterilized for a quarter of an hour.

The spicy workpiece should be stored in a cool place, so it will overwinter without any problems and retain its taste.

Hot peppers for the winter: a simple recipe

Red chili, prepared for the winter according to a simple recipe, has a unique taste and aroma. Conserve such hot appetizer it is recommended as a whole, while maintaining the integrity of the vegetable: the fruit stem is not cut off and the seeds are not removed from them.

The main components of such a snack are:

  • hot chili;
  • ½ big spoon salt;
  • a large spoonful of sugar;
  • 50 grams of vinegar.

Red chili, prepared for the winter according to a simple recipe, has a unique taste and aroma

Before proceeding with the vegetable salting procedure, prepare sterile glass containers.

  1. The containers are filled to the top with pre-washed pods, the vegetables are poured with boiling water and left for a quarter of an hour.
  2. Pour boiling water into an enamel container, add salt and sugar, after boiling, add vinegar.
  3. Pour the boiling marinade over the pods, roll them up.

The marinade itself does not go into food because of its spiciness, but pepper is ideal for lovers of dishes with a "twinkle".

How to preserve hot peppers for the winter without sterilization

Marinate the pungent pods, keeping them as reminiscent of taste as possible fresh peppers, you can by special recipe, the secret of which has been kept by the inhabitants of Crimea for many years. It is not difficult to prepare this appetizer, it should be stored in a cold place, it is well preserved even without preliminary sterilization.

To preserve spicy pods, you should stock up on the ingredients in advance:

  • a couple of kilograms of hot pepper;
  • 3 large spoons of salt;
  • vinegar.

You can marinate hot pods, keeping them as reminiscent of fresh peppers in taste as possible, according to a special recipe

Cooking sequence:

  1. The pods are washed, the stalk area is cut off, the seeds are cleaned, and crushed into medium-sized pieces.
  2. Grind the processed pepper in a meat grinder.
  3. Mix the salt and pepper thoroughly.
  4. Prepared sterile containers are filled with the prepared mixture, filled to the neck with wine vinegar.
  5. Close up hot nylon caps and sent to storage in the refrigerator.

This spicy dish is added to pilaf, soups, meat dishes... Pickling hot ingredient this spicy snack is made quickly and stored without problems long time in fridge.

Cooking hot pepper in Georgian for the winter

A sharp flame is considered one of the main ingredients of the national Georgian cuisine. Preservation of a hot vegetable in Georgian begins with the preparation of the following recipe components:

  • 2 ½ kilograms of hot peppers;
  • 150 grams of garlic;
  • a glass of refined oil;
  • 500 grams of white wine vinegar;
  • 50 grams of fresh parsley;
  • sugar (replacement with honey is possible) - 3 large spoons;
  • 100 grams of celery root;
  • spices, salt to taste.

A spicy light is considered one of the main ingredients of the national Georgian cuisine.

The preparation of a spicy dish begins with the preparation of the main ingredient: it is washed well and cut on one side.

  1. Vinegar, sugar and salt are mixed with oil in an enamel container and brought to a boil.
  2. Put half of the peppers in a boiling marinade, cook for 7 minutes, then boil the other half of the ingredient.
  3. Chop celery, garlic and parsley, add to the peppers and pour them with cooled marinade. They are kept in the refrigerator for a day.
  4. The marinade is drained, the vegetable is transferred to sterile containers. Let the marinade boil again and pour the peppers over it. After that, the dish should be rolled up.

After the Georgian pods have cooled, they are sent for storage in a pantry or cellar.

Harvesting bitter pepper in Armenian

Armenian cuisine, for its part, also offers a cooking option spicy snacks, only their recipes suggest fermenting pepper. For such a dish, the hot ingredient is chosen greenish, long and thin.

For this salting option, a set of ingredients is prepared:

  • 6 kilograms of hot pepper;
  • 2 large heads of garlic;
  • a bunch of dill;
  • 2 cups salt.

Before you start cooking pepper in Armenian, the main ingredient should be slightly dried: it is laid out in one layer and left for a couple of days at room temperature.

  1. Each pod is pricked with a fork in several places after rinsing.
  2. Chop greens and peeled garlic with a knife, mix with prepared pods.
  3. 10 liters of liquid room temperature mix with salt until it is completely dissolved and pour pepper into it.
  4. The main ingredient is fermented for several days until yellowing.
  5. The brine is drained, the soaked pepper is placed tightly in sterile glass containers, sent for sterilization for a quarter of an hour, after which it can be closed for the winter.

Hot peppers for the winter (video)

For lovers of spicy bitter pepper, it is an ingredient in many appetizers, vegetable and meat dishes. You can cook it for the winter. And there are many ways of processing bitter tsitsak pepper, pickled for the winter in Georgian, with which you can diversify the menu in the cold season. Canned food will decorate both festive and dinner table will become a favorite meal for the whole family. In addition, such snacks will bring considerable health benefits.

The cuisine of the peoples of the Caucasus is famous for canned products, which are spiced up with spices, aromatic herbs, and hot pepper.

A feature of cooking hot peppers for the winter is that you must be careful when pickling the fruits. The surface of the peppers is so hot, and the juice, getting on the hands, can corrode wounds and cause irritation. It is better to salt with gloves, otherwise it will inadvertently fall burning juice on the mucous membranes of the eyes or nose, mouth and will cause a burning sensation, a strong allergic reaction.

Vegetable pods of different colors are harvested. Here the hostess herself chooses which varieties will be in the marinade jar. The main thing is that the peppers are thin and long, so they will marinate better. Large specimens are also suitable for cutting.

You can add 1-2 pieces of bell pepper if you do not have enough hot. It is well combined in one jar with pungent pods of cherry tomatoes.

Pickled peppers should be rolled up in the same way as the rest of the fruits. It is better to keep the product in a sterilized jar under a metal lid.

The benefits and contraindications of pepper

It is difficult to imagine many vegetable, meat dishes, soups, salads without pepper. The content of vitamin C in fruits is high, much more than in lemon and black currant. The fruits are noted in abundance of iron, phosphorus, beta-carotene, coumarin scopoletin, essential oils... The pungency of fruits is associated with the presence of the alkaloid capsaicin in them.

A burning vegetable is useful for people with:

  • myopia;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • respiratory diseases;
  • heart failure;
  • obesity.

Those who prefer spicy food with the addition of pepper are always in a good mood. The hormone of happiness in the pods increases stress resistance, strengthens the immune system.

Among the contraindications of the product of organ diseases gastrointestinal tract, liver. Excessive consumption of spicy fruits is harmful to elderly people with hypertension. They are not allowed to persons with allergies, women during the period of bearing a child, breastfeeding.

Selection and preparation of peppers

The correct selection of pods for pickling for the winter plays important role... The duration of storage, the taste of canned food depends on this. If whole pods are supposed to be preserved, then they should be even, thin, up to 3-5 centimeters long. But before laying in a jar, the fruits are cut at the base. It is better to leave them with a tail, then it will be convenient to get them out of the jar.

Large specimens must be cut into rings.

The color of the vegetable fruit does not really matter. But the combination of red, green and yellowish pieces looks beautiful in the marinade.

Before marinating, you need to remove the pungency of the product. In this case, keeping the pods in cold water for a day or scalding with boiling water for 10 minutes will help.

Ways of cooking hot pepper in Georgian

There are several ways to marinate pungent pods for the winter. Can:

  • just pour the marinade on the pods;
  • to prepare the product with sterilization and not;
  • fry the pepper before marinating;
  • add honey to a jar of tsitsak;
  • ferment the sharp fruits.

All canned food based spicy tsitsak are original, will decorate any table, giving it sophistication, raising the spirits.

Classic recipe

To make peppers marinated for the winter by Georgian recipe, you need to take per liter of water:

  • several pods of red and green with a total weight of 100 grams;
  • a few peas allspice;
  • salt 1 tablespoon;
  • sugar in a volume of 2 tablespoons;
  • vinegar 50 milliliters;
  • water about 1 liter.

For fruits you will need glass jar in 70 or 100 milliliters. The container must be thoroughly washed and steamed with boiling water. Pods are packed tightly and poured over with boiling water. After holding for 5-10 minutes, the water is drained. Now it's the turn to bookmark the products for the marinade: sweet peas, sugar and salt. Bringing it to a boil, keep it on low heat for another 5-7 minutes. After removing from the stove, add vinegar 9%. Fruits are poured with hot liquid. Sterilize containers for a couple of 5-10 minutes. After seaming, canned food is wrapped in lids.

V Georgian cuisine there is also a recipe when pungent fruits are boiled in a marinade with cloves of garlic. Then the vegetables are laid out in jars, pouring hot brine. The marinade will be more aromatic with coriander, laurel leaves, celery.

Without sterilization

Such a simple method of pickling spicy tsitsak is often used. For cooking take:

  • salt 2 tablespoons;
  • a little more sugar - 3 tablespoons;
  • vinegar in 9% - 100 milliliters per 1 liter of water;
  • from spices - laurel leaf, dill, allspice peas, mustard grains.

Peppers and spices folded into a jar are poured with boiling water. Having drained it into a saucepan, prepare the marinade. The vinegar is added at the end. Peppers in jars are poured with a boiling solution.

Tsitsak is quickly prepared, and is stored in the refrigerator under nylon lids.

Roasted hot peppers

Application of the method pre-roast stinging pods will make them less pungent. And in the marinade, they will be tastier. To prepare tsitsak for the winter in fried, take on 15 medium sized hot peppers:

  • up to 5 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 70 to 100 milliliters of vinegar at 9%;
  • a head of garlic;
  • a bunch of parsley.

For frying, you need to pour as much vegetable oil into the pan as possible so that the pepper floats in it. After heating the pan, put the prepared fruits on it. It is better to pierce them in several places with a fork so that the pepper does not crack when exposed to high temperatures.

Remove the fried pods with a slotted spoon, allowing the excess oil to drain. Place the product in a saucepan. Oil from a frying pan is mixed with sugar, chopped garlic, vinegar. Ready mix pour in a burning product, leaving it to infuse for a day.

Then the pods are laid in liter cans sterilized in advance. After pouring them fragrant mixture there may be room left in the container, so here you will need boiled water... The cans are rolled up and, after cooling, are sent for storage.

Marinated with honey

Apple cider vinegar works best for honey marinades. It will be enough for the preparation of the marinade 1 glass with:

  • 2 tablespoons of honey;
  • spoon of rock salt.

After boiling the marinade, they are poured with pods, laid out in jars. They believe that such canned product very tasty and keeps well in the refrigerator without rolling.

Armenian bitter pepper

Tsitsak for this dish is taken young. For cooking, you need a set of:

  • 3 kilograms of green pods;
  • 250 grams of garlic;
  • vegetable oil - 350 milliliters;
  • 2 bunches of parsley;
  • half a liter of apple cider vinegar;
  • salt - 100 grams.

After rinsing the peppers, cut them lightly and put them in a wide bowl. Chopped parsley, chopped garlic cloves, salt are added there. After mixing, leave the pods for a day. Then the pepper is fried, laid out in jars. Sterilize the container with pepper and roll it up.

Hot peppers are rarely covered for the winter. This is mainly done by those who like very fat and hearty meals... The snack described below has a unique property: it improves the palatability of many foods. Real gourmets always have a couple of cans of pickled peppers on hand. These small pods differ from their counterparts by their extraordinary juiciness. There are several ways to cook at home.

The words that pepper is the king of vitamins are on everyone's lips. This is due to the fact that this particular vegetable holds the record for the content of vital vitamin C. In addition, pepper is full of many vitamins, beta-carotene, potassium, iron, phosphorus and choline. According to scientists, the replenishment daily allowance vitamin C is possible by eating 30-50 grams of hot peppers.

Despite exclusively useful composition vegetable, many are of the opinion that this product harmful. It should be noted that this is erroneous. Drinking chili in small amounts will positive influence on circulatory system, respiratory system. Small pepper is also useful for people suffering from high myopia and who want to get rid of extra pounds: Tsitsak is an active "fighter" with cholesterol.

Bitter pepper is also useful for beauty. Improving hair growth, strengthening hair follicles, fighting cellulite - all this is within the power of pepper.

It is an active stimulant of the hormone of happiness - endorphin. Due to its increased production, work is improved immune system, stress passes, pain sensations decrease.

Tsitsak also has contraindications. First of all, it should be excluded from the diet of people suffering from increased blood pressure. You can't indulge spicy dishes and people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, prone to allergies and pregnant women.

Georgian bitter pepper recipe

Georgian cuisine is very original in the choice of herbs and spices. Representatives of this nationality are well versed in appetizers, including spicy ones, and know how to cook them. Pepper, pickled in Georgian style, can be found in almost every home. You can learn from the Georgians how to cook it correctly.

To cook Georgian Tsitsak pepper, you should have the following ingredients on hand:

  • 2.5 kilograms of hot pepper;
  • lots of celery and parsley;
  • 4 - 5 pieces of bay leaves;
  • 150 - 170 grams of garlic;
  • 0.25 liters of vegetable oil;
  • 3.5 tablespoons of salt;
  • 3 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 0.5 liters of table vinegar.

To preserve peppers for the winter in Georgian should be as follows:

  1. Preparing the pods for pickling. To do this, it is necessary to cut them at the base so that the brine quickly penetrates into all parts.
  2. Cooking the marinade. In a saucepan, mix water, vegetable oil, sugar, salt. Vinegar, laurel are added to the mixture, and everything is brought to a boil.
  3. Cooking the pods. They should be immersed in a boiling brine and boiled for 6 to 8 minutes, stirring and inverting constantly. This will ensure even cooking and soaking. After the specified time, the fruits should be put in a bowl or sieve and allowed to drain.
  4. Saturation salted marinade spices. After the fruits are removed, it is necessary to turn on the stove on which the marinade is cooked again. Add finely chopped fragrant herb: parsley, celery, garlic, after which the mixture is boiled again.
  5. Conservation. The boiled marinade must immediately be used for its intended purpose. Peppers are poured into a large bowl. The container should be filled to the very edges so that no air remains. Oppression should be put at the top.
  6. Pickling. The workpiece is placed in the refrigerator for 24 hours, after which the pods are laid out in jars and sent to storage in a dark, cool place.

All pickled vegetables are very popular in Georgia. Bitter pepper Tsitsak, pickled for the winter in Georgian style, was no exception. Pepper can be stored for several months. Men love this recipe very much.

The appetizer goes well with dishes such as lobio, all types of meat (pork, beef, lamb). Canned peppers are good for adding to soups, pilaf, meat dishes. Salting it quickly and easily.

Roasted hot peppers

Chili, pre-fried before canning - great snack and great addition to all meat and fish dishes... The cooking process is simple and straightforward. The Georgian version of the dish is characterized by light pungency and sweet and sour marinade, in which the pickles are prepared.

Before pickling fried chili, there are a few things to pay attention to:

  1. For frying before canning, choose varieties with good meatiness.
  2. Using pods of different colors, you can get a snack that is not only tasty and original, but also beautiful.
  3. To preserve the taste and real aroma, it is recommended to fry the whole fruit without removing the seeds and without cutting off the stalks.
  4. For frying, use a large amount of refined sunflower oil otherwise the fruit will burn.
  5. In some cases, housewives, before frying the peppers, pre-bake them in the oven.

To prepare fried salted peppers you will need:

  • 15 bitter fruits;
  • 5 tablespoons of honey;
  • 0.08 liters of table vinegar;
  • a head of garlic and a bunch of parsley;
  • sunflower oil.

We preserve in this order:

  1. Prepare the peppers. It is better to cut the tails to a length of 1.5 - 2 centimeters, it is better to leave the seeds. The pepper should be dry because it splashes a lot when placed in hot oil. In addition, under the pressure of steam, Tsitsak can crack.
  2. Peppers should be fried. This is done in a large amount of vegetable oil. Fry until a crust appears, if you have a grill, you can use it. This option is the best, because it makes it possible to cook fried Tsitsak without using a large number oils.
  3. Cooking the marinade. Garlic, honey, herbs and vinegar are added to the oil left over from frying. Pouring pepper with this mixture, it should be remembered that pepper should be infused for the winter in Georgian style for at least a day. If there is not enough brine, you can dilute it with boiled water.
  4. After the time has elapsed, the fruits are laid out in banks and sent to storage in a cool place. It is better if it is possible to store the workpieces in the refrigerator.

Regularly harvesting hot peppers for the winter, you can be sure of maintaining immunity, good mood and the strength of health.

If traditional recipes start to get bored, you can always come up with options. For example, part of the volume of a jar can be filled by pickling the same bell pepper for the winter.