Beef soufflé is an exquisite recipe for dietary cuisine. Chicken soufflé: recipe, like in kindergarten

10.09.2019 Restaurant notes

It is not easy to find a tasty, healthy dish that satisfies the needs of a developing organism, which would be easy to prepare. But there is one option that invariably pleases babies and does not take up a lot of their mothers' time. The best specialists worked on the recipe for chicken soufflé like in a kindergarten, and therefore, even adults eat the food created for children with pleasure.

Chicken soufflé, like in kindergarten, in the oven

Do you want to remember the taste of the most delicate delicacy that everyone knows from childhood? It's simple!

It is necessary to prepare a pound of chicken fillet:

  • 2 eggs;
  • half a glass of milk;
  • 30 g flour;
  • a little fattier;
  • salt.

How to cook chicken soufflé in the oven:

  1. Washed and dried meat is placed in a convenient container with boiling water. After 2 minutes, the liquid is drained and replaced with a clean one.
  2. After boiling again, the fillet is cooked for 40 minutes in salted water.
  3. When the boiled piece of meat has cooled down, the chicken is chopped and pureed with a blender.
  4. 2 yolks and ghee are added to the meat mass.
  5. Next, flour and milk are intervened.
  6. The whites are beaten with salt and then gently added to the puree.
  7. The soufflé is laid out in tins, which are sent to an oven preheated to 180 ° C for 30 minutes.

Minced chicken

A step-by-step recipe for chicken soufflé involves primarily preparing the following ingredients:

  • 200 g minced chicken;
  • 120 ml of milk;
  • egg;
  • a little butter;
  • salt.

In the process of preparing a fragrant and delicate food:

  1. In a deep bowl, the minced chicken is mixed with the milk.
  2. The yolk is separated from the protein, after which it interferes with the meat mass.
  3. Thoroughly mixed minced meat is evenly distributed over a pre-oiled form, which is sent to a cold oven.
  4. The tender soufflé is baked for about 35 minutes at 180 ° C.

With added rice

Chicken soufflé is a dietary and low-calorie meal.

His recipe can be quickly executed with the addition of rice.

Prepare a grocery set consisting of:

  • 400 g fillet;
  • 120 g of rice;
  • eggs;
  • a piece of butter;
  • bulbs;
  • 500 ml of milk;
  • 15 ml of vegetable oil;
  • a small amount of flour and salt.

Sequence of actions:

  1. The washed chicken and rice are boiled separately in salted water and then cooled down.
  2. The onion is chopped and sent to a saucepan with milk. The composition is brought to a boil, infused for 15 minutes, and then filtered.
  3. Melted butter and flour are added to the strained milk with constant stirring, and then the sauce is brought to a boil.
  4. The cooled meat and rice are passed through a meat grinder and poured with sauce.
  5. Then a beaten egg with salt is mixed into the minced meat, after which the resulting mass is laid out in baking dishes. The blanks are sent to a hot oven and baked for 20 minutes at 180 ° C.

Chicken soufflé, like in kindergarten, in a slow cooker

If the kitchen is equipped with such a useful device as a multicooker, you can easily do without an oven in the preparation of chicken soufflé.

It is enough to have at hand:

  • 100 g of white meat;
  • 2 quail eggs;
  • 60 ml of milk;
  • a slice of carrot;
  • salt and a little oil to lubricate the bowl.

Step-by-step cooking instructions:

  1. The chicken is boiled and chopped.
  2. The meat is combined with milk, separately beaten eggs and carrot shavings.
  3. The mixture is pureed and laid out in silicone molds, which are placed on the wire rack for steaming.
  4. 1 liter of water is poured into the bowl, after which a container with molds is installed.
  5. Cooking is carried out in the "Steam" mode for 30 minutes.

With vegetables

For full development, the body must receive a full range of nutrients, including vitamins, which are found in large quantities in vegetables.

When composing a balanced children's diet, you should pay attention to chicken soufflé with vegetables.

This dish includes:

  • 2 chicken breasts;
  • 200 ml of cream;
  • 200 g green beans;
  • carrot;
  • bulb;
  • 30 g butter;
  • 2 eggs;
  • salt and spices.

The work progress consists in performing the following actions:

  1. Fillet is prepared and passed through a meat grinder.
  2. Minced meat together with chopped onion, cream, yolks separated from proteins and softened butter are carefully mashed until smooth.
  3. Next, chopped, pre-boiled vegetables are mixed into the mass.
  4. Also, proteins thoroughly whipped with salt are thoroughly mixed into the base of the soufflé.
  5. The mass is distributed in tins and cooked in the oven in a water bath for about 20 minutes.

Boiled chicken

Boiled white meat soufflé is an excellent "airy" dish for a children's menu.

We will cook it from the minimum set of products:

  • 300 g of boiled meat;
  • 150 ml of milk;
  • a piece of butter;
  • 15 g flour;
  • egg;
  • salt, a little sunflower oil and ground pepper.

Cooking steps:

  1. The boiled meat is chopped with a blender.
  2. Flour is fried in a small amount of vegetable oil, which is poured over with milk.
  3. The meat is mixed with milk sauce and yolk.
  4. The protein, whipped with salt, is added to the minced meat. The resulting mass is filled into forms, which are immediately sent to the oven for 30 minutes.

Chicken soufflé with mushrooms and cheese

Ingredients for making another variation of chicken soufflé:

  • 200 g of mushrooms;
  • 150 ml of milk;
  • chicken breast;
  • carrot;
  • egg;
  • 50 g flour;
  • bulb;
  • ½ head of garlic;
  • a piece of cheese;
  • herbs, salt and spices.

To prepare a chicken soufflé with the addition of mushrooms and cheese, simple steps are followed:

  1. A piece of cheese is grated.
  2. Vegetables are chopped and ground together with fillets using a blender.
  3. Plates are prepared from mushrooms, which interfere with the meat mass.
  4. Further, milk, flour, salt, spices and an egg are sent to the resulting composition in turn.
  5. The homogeneous mass is poured into a refractory mold, which is sent to an oven preheated to 180 ° C for 40 minutes.
  6. 10 minutes before the end of baking, the dish is crushed with chopped herbs and cheese shavings.

If you do not have the necessary products at hand for cooking some special dishes, the housewives take out a supply of chicken breasts from the freezer and prepare lunch from them. There are a lot of recipes for chicken dishes. This is a rich soup, delicious chops and goulash. And you can also make a delicious chicken soufflé, like in kindergarten.

Secrets of making a successful soufflé

Chicken soufflé is not only tasty, but also a dietary and healthy dish. It is often recommended for food for people with stomach problems, it is also useful for small children from one year old. However, the soufflé itself is a very capricious dish, which does not always turn out to be successful the first time, of course, if you do not have special knowledge:

  • The main secret of the splendor of a soufflé is proteins. Beat them very thoroughly until you get a stable foam. Professionals recommend doing this with a whisk or fork rather than a mixer or other household appliances.
  • The chicken filling itself is also important. The sirloin must be boiled until tender and thoroughly ground in mashed potatoes. It is much more convenient and faster to do this with an immersion blender, moreover, this way the filling will turn out to be more luxuriant.
  • Never fill the molds with filling to the very top, as the soufflé will increase in size during baking.
  • To make it easier to get the finished dish out of the mold, grease it with olive, lean or butter. You can also run a knife around the edge of the mold after you have placed the finished dough into it.
  • You cannot open the oven door, make a lot of noise and knock on the table while baking the soufflé, otherwise it simply will not rise.

It happens that everything is made according to the recipe, and after you took the soufflé out of the oven, the crown of the opal fell. Do not be discouraged, this does not mean that the soufflé turned out to be tasteless or you made a mistake - some recipes have this specificity.

Soufflé "Delight for a gourmet"

Imagine a tender chicken breast that simply melts in your mouth, giving you an unearthly sensation of taste. You can prepare such a chicken soufflé in the oven according to our recipe with a photo.

Main cast:

  • ½ kg of chicken breasts;
  • 50 ml of broth;
  • 5 eggs.

For the Bechamel sauce:

  • 3 tbsp. l. butter;
  • 2 tbsp. l. flour;
  • 500 ml of milk;
  • nutmeg;
  • salt.


  1. Pour milk into a small unenamelled saucepan and heat slightly over low heat.
  2. Melt the pieces of butter in a frying pan, add flour and lightly fry the mixture.
  3. Then pour half of the milk into the pan and mix well all the lumps with a spoon.
  4. Without ceasing to constantly knead, pour in the second part of the milk and bring the sauce over low heat until thickened. At the very end, add some nutmeg for flavor.
  5. While the sauce is cooking, you can start preparing the rest of the ingredients. Boil the chicken breasts until tender, separate the yolks from the whites in the eggs.
  6. We cut the chicken meat into small pieces or just tear it with our hands.
  7. Add to the meat a little of the broth in which it was cooked, and grind it thoroughly with an immersion blender. You should get this kind of puree.
  8. Mix the chicken puree with the Béchamel sauce and heat the mixture a little in the microwave. Quickly pour in the egg yolks and stir everything with a spoon.
  9. In a separate bowl, beat the whites with a pinch of salt using a mixer until a stable foam is obtained. And we add proteins to the total mixture.
  10. Mix everything thoroughly. We should have a fairly liquid and stretchy mixture, not very appetizing in appearance.
  11. We turn on the oven to heat up 180 degrees, and while it will gain the desired temperature, grease the soufflé baking dishes and put the chicken filling in them.
  12. We remove the baking sheet with the forms in the oven for 40-50 minutes, and if the soufflé starts to burn on top, while remaining moist inside, cover the molds with foil.
  13. We serve the dish to the table hot, without even taking it out of the molds.

Delicious dish for the children's table

It is always difficult to pamper your little ones for lunch, because children refuse to eat almost everything except sweets. Try this recipe for a kindergarten-style chicken soufflé.


  • 400 g of boiled chicken fillet;
  • 4 eggs;
  • 4 tbsp. l. rice;
  • 4 tsp butter;
  • 8 tbsp. l. milk.


  1. Grind the chicken into puree using a hand blender. If the blender is not very powerful and it is not easy to grind the meat, add a little milk to the chicken.
  2. Pour water into a small glass container so that the rice is completely covered, and put the cup in the microwave for 7 minutes. Meanwhile, heat the milk over low heat.
  3. When the microwave signals the end of the process, take out the rice and cook it until cooked in milk. The result should be a soft milk porridge.
  4. Combine rice porridge with chicken puree, kneading the mixture thoroughly with a spoon or whipping with a blender at low speed.
  5. Add melted butter, chicken yolks and whites, whipped separately with salt. Mix all ingredients thoroughly.
  6. We spread the chicken mixture in silicone molds and place it in the upper section of the multicooker or double boiler.
  7. Steam the baby soufflé for about 25 minutes and then serve with a garnish of fresh vegetables.

Who among us does not remember at times how he went to kindergarten. How happy he was when they took him away during a quiet hour, and everyone else stayed on to sleep, throwing pillows while the teachers were busy, like the smell of soup and jelly before dinner. Sometimes you really want to go back to that time. This is not difficult to do, you can cook at home something from that children's menu. For example, cold semolina porridge and put on top a piece of not melted butter, jelly with lumps or compote with floating dried fruit, a wonderful meat soufflé like in kindergarten, the recipe for which is extremely simple.

What is soufflé?

Soufflé is a type of dish made mainly from eggs mixed with different ingredients. As the latter, you can use completely different products, depending on the purpose of the dish - we will eat it for breakfast, or for dinner:

  • A fish.
  • Shrimps.
  • Vegetables.
  • Poultry and any other.
  • Berries.
  • Fruits.
  • Cottage cheese.

The most important rule in cooking is to beat the egg whites until a thick, homogeneous foam, for which it is necessary to properly separate the yolk. If there is enough of it, the foam will not be so airy. After that, you can already add the remaining components. Soufflé is loved by everyone, both adults and children, because it is a delicious, delicate dessert or a main dish in an unusual form.

How to make a meat soufflé? Recipe

There are a lot of cooking methods. In kindergarten, in order to feed the little ones with meat, it was often served in this form. For this we used tender veal as a dietary product.

  • Veal - 450 g.
  • Meat broth - 140 - 150 ml.
  • Butter, preferably butter - 30 g.
  • Egg - 2 pcs.
  • Flour - 3 g.
  1. The meat must be boiled, chopped in small pieces in any convenient way.
  2. Gently break the eggs so that the contents do not spill out.
  3. Separate the white and yolk.
  4. Beat the protein with a mixer or blender until you get the same foam. It is important not to overdo it here, otherwise you can dry it out.
  5. Put pieces of veal in a bowl with broth, add yolks, butter, flour.
  6. Whisk everything together until a paste and add the white foam.
  7. Treat the molds where you are going to put the meat dough with oil and leave to cook in the oven, preheated to 190 degrees.

The time required for cooking is 30 minutes. Such a soufflé turns out to be gentle, and most importantly useful for kids. After all, it contains nothing but natural products and is prepared without roasting.

In this video, culinary specialist Rosa Sobakina will show a step-by-step recipe for making a tender veal meat soufflé:

Minced meat soufflé in a slow cooker: how to cook?

The oven has been replaced by a multicooker and already most dishes can be cooked in it, it is convenient and practical. Meat soufflé is no exception. You can take minced beef instead of lumpy meat.

Here's what you need:

  • Minced beef - 400 g.
  • Egg - 2 pcs.
  • Oil - 40 g.
  • Flour - 30 g.
  • Mushrooms, champignons are better - 100 g.
  • Carrots - medium, 1 pc.
  • Onions - 1 pc.
  • Milk 3.2% - 1 glass.
  1. Chop onions, carrots, mushrooms and sauté.
  2. Salt to taste.
  3. Separate the yolk and white, beat the white and set aside.
  4. Add minced meat, milk, flour, yolks to the bulk and mix.
  5. Pour out the protein foam.
  6. Grease the multicooker bowl with butter, pour everything that has turned out into it, cook on the "Baking" mode for 40 minutes.

Soufflé can also be made from liver or chicken fillet.

Chicken soufflé: recipe from kindergarten

In the kindergarten, a meat dessert was served not only made from veal, but also from poultry, such as chicken. Poultry meat (300 g) before cooking, washed, then boiled over low heat. When boiling, it must be salted and cooked for further 40 minutes. After the chicken is cooked, we take it out of the water and cool it. Grind the cooled meat. To prepare a tender chicken soufflé, you will also need:

  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Milk - 100 ml.
  • Flour 20 - g.
  • Butter - 30 g.

The soufflé tastes better when cooked with milk sauce. To do it you need:

  1. Heat the butter until it melts, and pour the flour into it.
  2. Mix the resulting gruel thoroughly until the resulting lumps dissolve.
  3. Milk must be slightly warmed up and poured there.
  4. The sauce is brought back to a boil and removed from the heat to cool.
  5. Then everything happens as in the usual recipe, the remaining ingredients are crushed, added and mixed: chicken fillet, milk sauce and egg yolk.
  6. And of course we add protein (without it, as we managed to understand, the soufflé will not work), whipped until thick foam, is poured in last.

Meat soufflé is extremely varied in its recipe.

Beef and cottage cheese soufflé

To give the dish a mild curd flavor and make it unusual, you can prepare a soufflé in combination with curd.

You will need:

  1. 300 g of beef.
  2. 30 g of creamy meat.
  3. 2 chicken eggs.
  4. 5 g of cottage cheese.

The cooking process is as follows:

  1. The meat is cleaned of tendons and film, washed under water.
  2. Cook and grind in a meat grinder mixed with cottage cheese to obtain a homogeneous minced meat.
  3. Add the yolk separately from the protein to the mass. Don't forget the whipped protein.
  4. Stir everything one more time. If you don't have baking tins on hand, you can roll up small balls of minced meat.

Such a dish can also be cooked in a double boiler, then it will turn out to be even more tender and crumbly. To prevent the soufflé from settling and retaining its airy shape, do not open the multicooker or oven until the end of cooking. The finished dish looks rosy and fluffy.

Meat soufflé: a recipe for children

Sometimes in kindergarten, to add volume, semolina was added to the soufflé. If you want to repeat that unforgettable taste from childhood, you need to cook this way:

  1. Semolina must first be poured with water to swell, so it will be more invisible and softer in the finished dish.
  2. Grind the carrots (1 piece), and then turn into gruel using a blender.
  3. Boil chicken meat (700 g) and chop finely. Mix with the mass.
  4. Add yolks (2 pcs.) And melted butter (30 g. Or 1 tablespoon) there.
  5. We mix everything thoroughly, beat and add the proteins we are already familiar with. The resulting gruel is packaged in molds and sent to the oven, which must be heated to a temperature of 190 degrees.
  6. Cooking time in the oven is 30 minutes.

If you want to cook it using a multicooker, you can put the soufflé dough directly into the bowl. Cooking mode - "Baking", set for about 40 minutes. Sometimes the cooking time depends on the model of the appliance. It can be increased or decreased.

Meat soufflé, like in kindergarten, whose recipes are so varied, has probably been remembered by everyone since that time. And not in the meaning of how it is prepared and from what kind of meat, but in the fact that it will taste equally childish for everyone.

Video recipe for meat soufflé

In this video, the chef Ilona Rumyanova will show the recipe with which you can make chicken meat soufflé, exactly the same that we were given in kindergarten:

Should be kept by all young mothers and housewives in their cookbook. After all, such a dish is great for feeding a baby who finds it difficult to chew sinewy meat, and he needs food of a puree-like consistency.

Tender chicken soufflé: a step by step recipe

There are several ways to make a delicious chicken soufflé. In this section, we will present you the most popular recipe that kindergarten and nursery chefs often use. Thanks to this method, you can quickly and easily prepare an incredibly tasty dish that will be appreciated not only by your child, but also by all family members.

So, how to make chicken involves the use of products such as:

  • fresh chilled chicken fillet - a little more than 300 g;
  • large raw egg - 1 pc .;
  • fresh milk, not too fatty - about 100 g (use for making milk sauce);
  • light flour - about 10 g (use for sauce);
  • butter - 10 g (use for the sauce).

Meat processing

How to make chicken soufflé? The recipe, like in kindergarten, requires careful processing of poultry meat. It must be rinsed thoroughly, and then put in a saucepan of water and brought to a boil. After that, remove the foam from the broth, salt it, cover with a lid and cook for 40 minutes (if the fillet was fresh and young).

After the specified time, the white meat should be removed from the broth and cooled. Subsequently, it is necessary to remove the skin from it and remove all the bones. As for the pulp, it is recommended to chop it coarsely, so that in the future it is convenient to beat the product in a blender.

Making milk sauce

Soufflé, as in kindergarten, requires the obligatory use of a delicious milk sauce. To prepare it, you need to take a small saucepan and slowly melt the butter in it (so as not to burn). Next, the dishes with cooking oil must be removed to the side and light flour must be added to it. After mixing the ingredients well, you should achieve the complete disappearance of all lumps.

After the described actions, warm low-fat milk must be slowly introduced into the resulting mass. In this case, the products should be constantly mixed, achieving a homogeneous consistency.

Finally, put the saucepan with milk sauce on the fire and bring the contents to a boil. Within 2 minutes, the ingredients must be actively mixed, and then removed from the stove. This process will help thicken the sauce.

Mixing the ingredients

To make a delicious kindergarten soufflé, you need to use a good blender. Previously boiled chicken fillet, as well as milk sauce and egg yolk should be placed in its bowl. All components must be thoroughly whipped until smooth. After that, it is necessary to introduce egg white into them. However, it should first be whipped until a strong and persistent foam. It is thanks to this ingredient that the chicken soufflé will become fluffy, tender, soft and very tasty.

If desired, you can add a little salt to the finished mass to taste.

Heat treatment

Now you know what to do to make a chicken soufflé. The recipe, like in kindergarten, recommends cooking this dish in a double boiler. After all, this is the only way you will get a very delicate and nutritious lunch that will be useful for your child.

Thus, the rice bowl should be thoroughly greased with olive oil, and then the previously cooked mass of chicken breasts, eggs and milk sauce should be laid out. Having put the container in a double boiler, it must be tightly closed and the timer must be set to 27 minutes. During this time, the soufflé should completely set.

How to serve at the dinner table?

As you can see, there is nothing difficult in making chicken soufflé at home, as in a nursery / kindergarten. After the steamer has finished its work, remove the rice bowl and allow the contents to cool slightly. Next, the soufflé needs to be cut into portioned pieces and put on saucers. It is desirable to present such a dish to the table with sweet jelly or tea. Enjoy your meal!

Delicious chicken soufflé recipes in the oven

Above, we looked at the classic version of how to cook chicken soufflé in a double boiler for young children. If you want to feed all members of your family with this dish, then we suggest making it a little differently. In kindergarten, this lunch is served in older groups, as it turns out to be a little rude.

So, we need:

  • medium potatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • chicken fillet without skin and bones - about 400 g;
  • large raw eggs - 2 pcs. (yolk and white are used separately);
  • unsweetened white bread - 1 small slice;
  • low-fat milk - ½ cup;
  • iodized salt - use to taste.

We prepare products

How to make an unusual chicken soufflé? The chicken soufflé, the recipe for which we are considering, is made no more complicated than the previous dish. To begin with, white poultry meat should be thoroughly washed, and then put in a blender and chopped into a homogeneous gruel. Next, you need to peel the raw potatoes and grate them on a large grater. As for the bread, it must be broken into pieces, put in a deep bowl and covered with low-fat milk. The flour product must be thoroughly soaked.

Among other things, it is required to separate the whites and yolks into different dishes. The last ingredient can be added immediately to the meat. The first one must be whipped strongly with a mixer or a regular whisk.

Preparing the meat base

After processing all the components, in one bowl you should combine chopped chicken breasts, egg yolks, crumbs of white bread soaked in milk, salt and grated potatoes. Having received a homogeneous meat mass, it is necessary to add proteins whipped to a strong foam to it. As a result, you should get a very lush and delicate base, which should be immediately heat treated.

We bake in the oven

Before placing the meat mass in the oven, it should be laid out in a greased dish. By the way, some housewives prepare soufflés in muffin dishes.

Thus, the filled form or molds must be sent to the preheated oven. It is advisable to bake the chicken soufflé for half an hour at 180 degrees. During this time, the dish will become lush and very tasty.

Serving soufflé to the dining table

After making a soufflé from chicken and potatoes in the oven, it should be cooled slightly, and then cut and put on plates. In addition to such a dinner, you can present any side dish (buckwheat, rice, stewed vegetables, etc.). Bon Appetit!


  • chicken fillet - 600 g;
  • eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • kefir - 300 ml;
  • flour - 2 tablespoons. spoons without a slide;
  • butter - 100 g;
  • carrots - 70 g;
  • salt.

Cooking time - 1.5 hours.

Exit - 5-6 servings.

The traditional recipe for making chicken soufflé, as in kindergarten, involves adding milk or cream to the minced chicken. We suggest diversifying the recipe a little and making a chicken breast soufflé for children without milk, but with the addition of kefir. It is also advisable to put carrots. It will not only improve the taste, but also make the dish brighter and more appetizing.

For children under three years old, it is better to cook chicken soufflé in a slow cooker for a couple, and older children will certainly like chicken soufflé in the oven, the recipe with a photo of which is described step by step below.

How to make chicken soufflé like in kindergarten - a step by step recipe

First, you need to prepare all the foods listed in the ingredient list. If desired, you can add spices to them, for example, ground black pepper. It is advisable to take kefir fat, not less than 3.2% fat.

Before you start cooking chicken soufflé for children in the oven, you need to boil the meat. It is convenient to do this on the eve of cooking. You need to boil chicken fillet in salted water, you can add bay leaves. The boiled fillet must be passed through a meat grinder (for a more delicate consistency, you can even twice). Then carefully separate the yolks from the whites and add the yolks to the twisted meat. Pour a pinch of salt there and, if desired, some spices. Mix everything well.

Then you need to wash, peel and rub the carrots on a fine grater. Melt the butter in a small saucepan and add the carrots. Boil it in oil for about 5 minutes until it becomes soft.

Lightly fry the flour in a pan over low heat. Then gradually pour kefir into the flour, constantly stirring the formed lumps. Proponents of traditional recipes can dilute flour with hot milk.

Add prepared carrots and sauce to the minced meat.

It remains to beat the whites (until a stable foam), add them to the rest of the ingredients and mix everything well. It is well-beaten proteins that are an important condition for a successful minced chicken soufflé. In the oven, thanks to the whipped proteins, the soufflé increases in volume and becomes more fluffy.

Turn on the oven, setting the temperature in it to 180 degrees. Grease a baking dish with a piece of butter. You can cover the form with baking paper, which should also be greased with oil. Put the prepared mixture into the mold, smooth the top and put in the oven for 30 minutes.

At the end of this time, turn off the oven, but do not remove the form, because the recipe recommends chilling chicken soufflé in the oven gradually. The practically cooled product must be transferred to a dish and cut into portions.

So the recipe for chicken breast soufflé in the oven is ready - with a photo and a detailed description of all the steps.

Enjoy your meal!