How much to bake yeast pie with cabbage. Closed pie with cabbage made from yeast dough

10.04.2019 Dishes for children

This is the simplest and most delicious yeast doughfrom which I had to bake pies. The dough is prepared quickly, it turns out fluffy, soft and fragrant. It can be used to form buns, rolls, pies with sweet and not sweet fillings. Today I propose to bake delicious, soft closed pie with cabbage made from yeast dough... Be sure to cook!


To make a closed pie with cabbage from yeast dough, we need:
For dough:
300 ml of milk;
6 tbsp. l. flour;
4 tbsp. l. sugar;
11 g dry yeast.
For the test:
450 g flour;
130 ml of vegetable oil;
2 eggs;
1 tsp salt.
For filling:
500 g of white cabbage;

vegetable oil;
3 eggs;
1 onion;
1 carrot;
greens - optional;
salt pepper.

Cooking steps

Add flour gradually and knead soft doughthat does not stick to your hands.

Leave the dough in a warm place for 40-60 minutes. The dough will increase in volume well.

Place on a greased or parchment-lined baking sheet and leave in a warm place for 20 minutes.

Send the cake to the oven, preheated to 180 degrees, for 30-40 minutes. Delicious, soft closed pie with yeast dough cabbage is ready.

Enjoy your meal!

Cabbage pie is a dish that is perfect for any occasion, be it family dinner or simple gatherings with friends.

Ease of preparation, availability of ingredients, satiety and pleasant taste - main advantages flour products with cabbage. Four exclusive variations of this dish are offered to your attention below.

Plain open pie with yeast dough cabbage

Ingredients amount
Wheat flour top grade - 0.5KG
Fresh yeast - 25-30 g
Pasteurized milk - 1 glass
Sunflower oil - 50 ml
Egg - 1 piece
Cabbage - 1 kg
Sunflower oil - 5 tbsp. l.
Yellow onion - 1 large head
Paprika (sweet ground red pepper) - tea spoon
Salt, ground black pepper - to taste and desire
Time for preparing: 150 minutes Calories per 100 grams: 186 Kcal

Yeast dough is a real find in skilled hands. Products on this basis come out incredibly lush and soft.

So, let's get started: combine yeast, salt and sugar, add water and stir. Pour flour into a bowl, make a funnel in the middle - drive in an egg, pour out milk and yeast, as well as vegetable oil.

Mix all the constituent bases and knead the dough. Kneading is required at least 10 minutes, as the dough "loves hands".

You should end up with an elastic, but not sticky dough. Cover the bowl with a woven cloth and put it in a warm place for an hour.

While the dough “fits”, we can start filling.

Finely chop the cabbage on a special grater, or cut it with a knife as thin as possible. Heat the sunflower oil in a frying pan container and pour in the cabbage.

Cut the onion in half rings, grate the carrots. Salt the cabbage a little at the very beginning, so that it softens, add the onion.

When the vegetables are browned, pour 100-150 ml into the pan boiled water and keep everything on low heat for at least 20 minutes. After this time, season the cabbage - add all the listed spices and seasonings.

During the time while the filling is being prepared, the dough base should double. It needs to be crumpled so that it grows again to the same size as the first time.

The oven must be warmed up to 200 degrees, after which we can begin to "assemble" our pie. Grease the baking sheet with oil, roll out the dough not too thin, line the baking sheet with it.

Put the filling on top of the dough (the more, the better and tastier), evenly distributing it over the entire surface.

We put in the oven cabbage pie for 15 minutes, after which we reduce the temperature by 20 degrees and keep it in the oven for another half hour until tender.

Readiness must be checked with a dry wooden stick (a match, toothpick, skewer is suitable), if dry, the product must be removed from the oven, as there is a risk of overdrying. Cool the cake before serving.

You can serve the way you like best: with sauces, herbs, or just as independent dish... Delicious pie for you !!!

Puff yeast dough with cabbage and egg

Puff yeast dough greatly simplifies the cooking process, since it can be bought ready-made, the quality of the dish will not suffer from this.

You will have to make the filling for the cake yourself, but this is a short-lived procedure, therefore this dish can be safely called fast, which can be prepared when guests are on the doorstep.

For the recipe you need to take:

  • Layered dough - half a kilogram;
  • Cabbage - half a kilogram;
  • Eggs, boiled "cool" - 4 pcs .;
  • Butter - 4 tsp;
  • Egg for lubrication - 1 pc .;
  • Salt, spices - to taste;
  • Greens (dill, parsley) - 1 bunch.

The dough must be thawed until room temperatureso that you can roll it out and shape the future cake. Chop small cabbage, cut eggs into slices or cubes.

Finely chop the greens. Preheat the pan, add butter to it.

When the butter has melted, you can pour in the shredded cabbage. Simmer over low heat for about thirty minutes.

You do not need to brown the cabbage, if it has not been cooked yet, and there is no more water - add a little water. At the end of cooking, salt and pepper the base for the filling.

Let the cabbage cool, add the crumbled eggs and greens before. If necessary, you can add salt and season the cabbage.

Roll out half of the dough in a thin layer and line a baking sheet. Put on a layer of dough ready-made filling, and cover the cake with the remaining rolled dough.

Lubricate the top with an egg and send it for baking in a baking cabinet, preheated to 190 degrees for 45 minutes. At the end of this time, remove the product from the oven and let the cake cool.

Our chicken egg cabbage pie is ready - bon appetit!

Learn the secrets of the masters. Try delicious recipe baked carp fillet in the oven, you can't resist asking for more. All secrets. once again how to cook potato pancakes with cheese, you didn't know for sure some secrets, but the taste is only better.

Closed pie with sauerkraut made from yeast dough

Sauerkraut gives pies a spice and harmonious taste that cannot be achieved when using fresh white cabbage for the filling.

The recipe for the correct (and, most importantly, delicious) yeast dough is described above, and you can safely use it to make a closed pie with sauerkraut.

For the filling you need:

  • Sauerkraut - 600 grams;
  • Chicken eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • Sour cream (fat content from 15% and above) - one hundred grams;
  • Onions - one hundred grams;
  • Salt, spices, spices - to taste.

Boil the sauerkraut for twenty minutes, then let it cool and squeeze out the unnecessary liquid. Finely chop the onion, mix the sour cream with 2 eggs and mix until smooth.

Season the squeezed cabbage with standard spices (salt and pepper), to taste, you can combine with other spices. Add the sour cream mixture and onion to the cabbage, mix until smooth - the filling is ready.

We line the baking sheet with parchment, roll out one part of the dough and line the baking sheet with it. Lay out on a layer of dough cabbage filling, and cover it with the second part of the rolled yeast dough.

Lubricate the top with whipped chicken egg and bake at a temperature of 190 degrees to golden crust (about 45 minutes). Chill before serving, add your favorite sauces if desired.

Yeast dough pie with fresh cabbage and meat

Meat in this recipe will make cabbage pie filling, so you can serve it as a separate dish.

We prepare yeast dough according to an already familiar recipe, and for the filling you need:

  • Meat ( better assorted 50/50) - five hundred grams;
  • White cabbage - five hundred grams;
  • Greens (parsley, dill) - one hundred grams;
  • Salt, pepper, spices - to your taste;
  • Sunflower oil for frying - 3-4 tbsp. l.

Finely chop the cabbage and simmer in a pan with vegetable oil on a quiet fire. The cabbage should become soft - you need to simmer for at least twenty minutes. At the end, add salt, spices, black pepper.

Cut the meat into medium cubes, fry in a skillet separate from the cabbage until tender. When the meat has cooled down a little, we pass it through a meat grinder.

We mix all the components, add finely chopped greens and taste - salt and pepper if necessary.

Roll out the dough and transfer it into a mold, greased in advance with vegetable oil. Put cabbage with minced meat on the dough, and, if desired, cover with a layer of dough. This version of the cake can be prepared both open and closed.

We bake cabbage pie in a preheated oven for 40-45 minutes at 180 degrees.

The dish is served immediately, hot. Enjoy your meal!

Here are a few secrets for baking the ultimate cabbage pies:

  1. The filling for the pie should always be prepared separately, since when baking, thermally unprocessed cabbage releases a lot of liquid, and the pie will not be baked;
  2. It is better to take young cabbage, as it is softer. If the pie needs to be cooked in winter, and young cabbage is not available, we simmer the old heads of cabbage for 45-50 minutes, then the filling will be soft and juicy;
  3. Yeast dough must be “lowered” once, so that it rose twice - the pastries will be fluffy and soft even the next day;
  4. Do not keep cabbage pie in the oven for longer than the specified time, as the dough may dry out and harden;
  5. Cabbage "loves" a variety of spices - caraway seeds, hops-suneli, paprika, marjoram, rosemary. If you add them, the cake will be fragrant, as the spices harmoniously complement the taste of the filling.

Many housewives are accustomed to cooking yeast dough with milk. However, the dough on kefir turns out to be no worse - lush, soft, tender, aromatic; it is not as afraid of drafts as the analogue cooked in milk. Products made from such dough do not stale for a long time, they can be stored in a cool place for several days. The most popular filling for yeast pies is made from cabbage, onions and carrots. Such cabbage pies have been a favorite dish in Russia since ancient times; they were served not only on weekdays, but also on holidays. They could only compete with them.

So, if you have a set ideal ingredients to prepare a simple and tasty cabbage pie, as well as a few hours of free time - I suggest you start culinary creativity. Decorate the cake with strips of dough intertwined in the form of a pigtail - the decoration is easy, but it looks beautiful and festive.

Recipe Information

Cuisine: Russian.

Cooking method: baking in the oven.

Total cooking time: 3 h

Servings: 8 .


to prepare the dough:

  • kefir (can be replaced with milk or water) - 400 ml
  • dry yeast - 1 tsp
  • granulated sugar - 3 tsp
  • salt - 2 tsp
  • wheat flour - 650 g (the amount can be changed, depending on the consistency of the dough)

for filling:

  • cabbage - 500 g
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • onions - 1-2 pcs.
  • butter - 2 tablespoons
  • sunflower oil - 5 tablespoons


  1. Let's start making the dough. To begin with, we heat the kefir a little to a temperature of 40 degrees, no more. After we dilute yeast in it. The yeast should be fast acting.
    Add sugar and salt to this mixture.
  2. Gradually start adding the sifted flour. We add not all at once, but in portions. You may need a little more or less flour than indicated in the recipe.

  3. Knead the dough for at least 10 minutes. The dough should be soft, but not sticky to your hands. The main thing is not to "hammer" the dough with flour, ie. don't put too much of it. Otherwise, the dough will turn out tough, heavy.
    We take a pre-prepared bowl, grease it sunflower oil, put the dough in it and cover cling film... The dough should be left for 1.5 hours so that it doubles.

  4. While the dough is right, you can start preparing the filling.
    To do this, we cut the cabbage into medium pieces or shred.

  5. Then we send it to a preheated frying pan. Cooking in vegetable oil.
    Finely chop the onion. And three carrots on a grater.

  6. Simmer cabbage with vegetables over medium heat. If the cabbage is not juicy and starts to burn, then you can periodically add a few tablespoons of water. Ready-made cabbage should be soft. At the end of stewing, salt and pepper it to taste.

  7. After the dough has come up, we start forming the cake.

  8. First, the dough must be divided into 2 parts (65% and 35%). The larger part of the test will become the basis. Roll it into a circle, approximately 25-27 cm in diameter. The size depends on the shape in which the cake will be baked.
    We make the sides.
    The finished crust must be pierced evenly many times with a fork so that the crust does not rise too much during baking.

  9. We spread the cabbage filling and distribute it evenly.

  10. The rest of the dough will be used to make the braids that will decorate our cake. Divide the dough into about 4-5 identical pieces.

  11. Roll each piece of dough into sausages. After that, we roll out the sausage along the length and cut this layer into three parts, without finishing 0.5 cm to the end.

  12. From these strips we weave pigtails, which will then need to be laid out on the filling. You should get 4-5 of such braids.

  13. We spread the pigtails on top of the filling. You can spread it not very tightly, since the pigtails will still rise and increase in size. In order for the braids to be well fixed, they can be additionally pressed with a fork along the edges of the cake, where the sides are. This will also serve as an additional decoration.

  14. We set the pie to rise. I put it on the battery for 15 - 20 minutes.
    After the cake you need to grease. Can be brushed with beaten egg, milk or melted butter.

  15. We send the cake to a preheated oven (180 degrees).
    The cake will be ready in 30-40 minutes. Be guided by your oven.
  16. Take out the finished cabbage pie onto a dish and serve.
  17. This cabbage pie can be eaten hot or cold. Enjoy your meal.

Note to the hostess:

  • A small amount of fried mushroomsadded to the filling will make the cake even tastier and more satisfying.
  • pay attention to

Cabbage pie recipes

cabbage and egg pie

2 hours 30 minutes

140 kcal

5 /5 (1 )

A pie with cabbage - this is very versatile dish... It is easy to bake, you can use several versions of the dough, based on your preferences. The ingredients are not expensive and are often on hand, and it is easy to feed such a cake to almost any number of guests. You can also serve it to your choice - as a main course or as an appetizer.

IN slavic cuisine cabbage pies are very popular, often added to the filling boiled eggs, green onions or mushrooms. It turns out very tasty pie with cabbage, egg and cheese, a variant of this is also known sauerkraut and egg pie.

Today I will tell you a recipe for a delicious and easy to prepare pie with fresh cabbage and egg in the oven... I will also share several test options that are suitable for him, and you can choose the one that you like best.

Inventory and kitchen appliances

  • several deep bowls;
  • corolla;
  • rolling pin;
  • cutting knife;
  • grater;
  • pan;
  • stirring paddle;
  • baking tray;
  • baking paper.

Puff pastry

To bake a cabbage and egg pie without yeast, but at the same time get fluffy and airy dough, you need to choose puff... The easiest way, of course, is to buy ready-made, frozen, but dough in the store homemade, without a doubt, more tasty, natural and healthy. It's easier to make than it sounds, and once you've tasted it, you'll never want to take it to the supermarket.
There are several cooking secrets puff pastrythat will be useful to you:

  • Always use premium flour and do not be lazy to sift it.
  • Water should be used cold, but not ice cold, but it is better to add milk in a 1 to 1 ratio, this will improve the taste. If milk and water are replaced egg yolks, the dough will turn out to be impossibly fluffy and tender.
  • Butter or margarine is best used salted (then you will need to add less salt to the dough) and with a higher percentage of fat. It must not be frozen, otherwise the layers may break.

Required ingredients for puff pastry

Puff pastry preparation

Yeast dough

If you chose yeast dough, you need to remember the nuances of its preparation.

  • All yeast dough products should be at room temperature.
  • Try to avoid loud noises and drafts. Yeast dough, like a living organism, senses vibrations around itself and reacts to them not in the best way.

Essential ingredients for yeast dough

Making yeast dough

The simplest and most quick way knead yeast dough - make it without dough, using dry yeast, which is poured into flour without the need for preliminary infusion.

Cabbage pie filling

Essential filling products

Cooking cabbage pie filling

  1. To make delicious and juicy filling from cabbage with an egg for the pie, first I put the eggs to boil. After boiling, I leave it to boil over low heat for another 10 minutes.
  2. While the eggs are cooking, I need to chop the cabbage. I clean the head of cabbage from the first and spoiled leaves, mine. For convenience, I cut it into several parts and shred. This can be done on the special side of the grater or cut thinly with a knife.
  3. Likewise, thinly chopped washed and peeled onions.
  4. I put a frying pan on the stove to warm up and pour vegetable oil on it. I put the onion in the pan and leave it to fry.
  5. When it is browned, I pour the cabbage into the pan and mix well so that the onions do not stay below and do not burn.
  6. When the cabbage has a little sweat in the pan, sprinkle it with spices and mix well again.
  7. While the cabbage continues to stew and smell delicious, finely chop the eggs. The smaller the pieces, the better.
  8. When the cabbage is completely cooked, it becomes soft and ruddy, let it cool, and then mix with the eggs. The pie filling is ready.

I love all sorts of spices, and not a single dish is complete without a spoon or two of something aromatic.

Did you know?IN stewed cabbage, in addition to onions, lavrushka and peppers, I recommend adding coriander, marjoram, caraway seeds, cloves, red bell pepper and cucumber grass. You can select several of the most readily available spices from this list. And don't overdo it in proportions. A pinch of each of these additives is enough for a pound of cabbage.

Making the cake

  1. I roll out the finished dough into an even square.
  2. I spread the filling in the middle with a rectangle, leaving a little space at the edges at the top and bottom, and leaving the strips wider on the right and left.
  3. I connect the right and left edges of the dough in the middle and pinch all the edges. This is the easiest way to close the cabbage pie.
  4. You can use more original options decorations, for example, lay the top layers with a pigtail.
  5. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees.
  6. I brush the cake with yolk to get a glossy crust and send it to the oven.
  7. The cake will be ready in about half an hour, you need to remove it from the oven when the crust is nicely browned.

To further simplify the recipe, you can bake pie with cabbage and egg in a slow cooker on the "Baking" mode.
White cabbage has excellent tastemoreover, it is satisfying and healthy vegetable... It contains a lot useful substances, proteins, carbohydrates, potassium and vitamin C and, at the same time, it is completely free of fats. Therefore, a pie stuffed with cabbage is at the same time a hearty, tasty and healthy dish.

A sumptuous cabbage pie is in itself a reason for a feast. He definitely needs to add a small amount of sugar to both the dough and the filling. When extinguishing it, add water: the filling should reach readiness under a lid for steam. For spice, you can add a spoonful of spicy tomato sauce or any marinade to taste. It is better to dry prepared cabbage on paper napkin: excess oil "precipitates" the yeast dough.

Open pies look more appetizing and provide great opportunities to show imagination when decorating: intricate ruddy stucco molding always looks advantageous.



  • milk - 250 ml
  • salt - 1.5 tsp.
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. l.
  • fresh yeast - 50 g
  • refined sunflower oil - 5 tbsp. l.
  • wheat flour - 500-550 g
  • white cabbage - 600 g
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • refined sunflower oil - for frying
  • ground black pepper
  • ground coriander

For lubrication:

  • chicken yolk - 1 pc.
  • sesame seeds - 1 tbsp. l.


1. Let's start with the test. For truly airy baked goods, use fresh yeast... Shred them with your hands into a convenient deep container. Add sugar and mash with a spoon.

2. Pour in the warmed milk. Instead of milk, you can take the usual warm water... The liquid temperature should not be higher than 38 degrees. Stir with a spoon until the sugar grains are dissolved.

3. Add salt and oil to the rest of the ingredients. Stir.

4. Be sure to sift the flour. Pour in small portions to the liquid mixture. Stir well with a spoon after each addition. When the dough ball is thick, place it on a floured work board and continue kneading until the dough is smooth. The lump should not stick to your hands.

5. Cover with a towel and send to a warm, comfortable place without drafts for an hour or more.

6. In the meantime, prepare the cabbage filling. Wash a small head of cabbage, cut into thin strips. Place in a convenient container.

7. Chop the carrots on a large grater. Add to the cabbage. Add a little salt and remember with your hands to soften the vegetables.

8. Cut the onion into small pieces. Fry until golden brown over medium heat.

9. Add to fried onions prepared cabbage and carrots. Stir and continue sautéing over medium heat, stirring occasionally, until tender. It will take about 20-25 minutes to fry the cabbage. If the pan is dry, add some oil or water and continue to fry until desired. Season with salt at the end of cooking, ground pepper and coriander. Cool to room temperature.

10. The dough has grown well.

11. Lay out on a board, crinkle and divide into two pieces, one slightly larger than the other.

12. Roll a larger piece into a layer and place in a baking dish. The diameter of the mold is about 25–28 cm. Cover with parchment if desired. Lay out the cabbage filling.