Recipe for delicious mastic at home. Homemade sugar mastic for cake: milk, gelatin, marshmallow

04.05.2019 Grill menu

Modern decoration of confectionery products using mastic is another way to create an elegant, solemn, stylish dish, which, with its appearance and thematic decoration, emphasizes the festivity and peculiarity of the moment. There are several recipes on how to make homemade mastic for a cake from simple and affordable products.

Marshmallow mastic at home

Marshmallows are candies that vaguely resemble marshmallows or marshmallows. Unlike classic marshmallow, in their composition there is absolutely no or there is an insignificant amount of whipped egg whites, which give the marshmallow a special delicate "melting" consistency. These candies are a mixture of gelatin dissolved in water and sugar syrup, which were whipped hot and stabilizers, flavors and colors were added to it. After cooling, this sticky, dense and porous mass is cut into pieces and rolled in a 1: 1 mixture of starch and powdered sugar.

At home, you can make marshmallows for mastic from a mixture, fructose syrup and gelatin, and to stabilize the foam and prevent sugar crystallization, take lemon juice or citric acid solution.


  • 150-200 g of marshmallows;
  • 400-500 g of a mixture of powdered sugar and starch in a ratio of 1: 1 to 3: 1, depending on the desired sweetness;
  • 1 tablespoon butter
  • 1 dessert spoon of milk or water.


  1. Sift the mixture of powder and starch through a fine sieve so that there are no large inclusions.
  2. Pour milk into a bowl, put butter, pour out sweets and put in the microwave for 10-30 seconds, depending on the mode, or on water bath... The candies will melt a little and increase in volume.
  3. To them you need to add 70-100 g of a mixture of dry substances and mix. The result is a liquid gruel. Color and flavor can be added at this stage.
  4. Then add the powder with starch in portions and stir with a spoon until a very thick mixture is formed. Put it on the table for mixing with your hands on a layer of powdered sugar. Lubricate hands with warm butter so that this very sticky mixture lags behind them better.
  5. Knead the mastic by adding powder or its mixture with starch to the table until it becomes like soft plasticine.
  • Starch improves the properties of mastic, both during its manufacture and in products, making them less sticky, brittle and tough. But there are recipes without starch.
  • To obtain mastic of different colors, it must be divided into portions at the stage liquid mass and add different dyes.
  • It is possible to cook without adding milk.
  • V chocolate paste add 100-150 g of confectionery based on cocoa butter with mass fraction not less than 72%.

Video recipe

Gelatin mastic recipe


  • 5 g gelatin;
  • 60 ml of water;
  • 2 level tablespoons of fructose;
  • 1 level tablespoon of butter;
  • 700-800 g icing sugar.


  1. Pour gelatin with water in advance and let it swell (40-50 minutes), then heat over low heat, without boiling until it is completely dissolved.
  2. Add oil and fructose, mix everything, filter and leave to cool until room temperature... Dye can be added if necessary, although the white gelatinous mastic looks very fancy.
  3. Add powdered sugar to the cooled mass in small portions to an acceptable density for mixing with a spoon.
  4. Then put the product on the table on a previously made slide of powdered sugar and continue kneading with your hands until an elastic state is obtained.

Milk cake recipe


  • 1 can of condensed milk;
  • 1.5 cups milk powder;
  • powdered sugar fine grinding;
  • food coloring.


  1. Mix condensed and powdered milk to the state of soft plasticine. If the condensed milk turns out to be very liquid, it is necessary to increase the amount of dry components.
  2. To make the mastic sweet, you need to add 1 cup of milk powder and 1 cup of powdered sugar, mix everything until you get a non-sticky dough.
  3. Then add food coloring or cocoa powder.

The finished product can be stored in the refrigerator for up to several weeks in plastic bag or cling film tightly packed.

Video recipe

Decorating the cake with mastic

Before decorating, cake or prepare. Inside the cake, the cakes can be poured with any cream, jam, whipped cream. On the outer edge, all the cakes must be treated with butter (butter) cream, which must also be carefully smeared on the top and side surfaces. It makes sense to apply the cream in 2 layers. After that, the cake is put into the refrigerator. When the cream hardens enough, it is quickly leveled with a warm spatula or knife, striving for the most even surface without flaws.

The mastic is rolled out with a rolling pin on a table, greased with butter and sprinkled with powdered sugar (with starch) to a thickness of 5 mm, turning from one side to the other so that the sheet does not stick to the table. Then this sheet is lifted up with a rolling pin and placed on the cake. First, the upper part of the mastic is leveled with the palm of the hand from the center to the edges, pressing it tightly to the cake. Then the sheet is pressed against the side surfaces and smoothed from top to bottom. Excess mastic along the bottom edge is cut off with a knife or scissors.

☞ Video lesson

DIY mastic jewelry

Make flower arrangements, figurines of animals and dolls from multi-colored mastic. Cut out elements for bulky products from a thin rolled sheet with cookie cutters, cut with a knife on a cardboard stencil. Form petals for different colors using a teaspoon, filling it inside with rolled mastic. Make a rose from ordinary circles of slightly different sizes: unfold the first into a tight tube, wrap the next one around it and glue, displacing the rest of the circles relative to each other, bending the upper fly-off part. This should be done with slightly damp hands. Cut the leaves from a thin layer of mastic and draw the veins with a toothpick or the blunt side of a knife. Various figures blind in advance, dry, pack carefully and store for a long time.

Since the mastic easily absorbs moisture from the air and can spread, it makes sense to completely shape the cake shortly before serving.

☞ Video lesson

Making mastic for the cake, you can feel like a child in a plasticine modeling lesson or a sculptor creating a masterpiece. We wish you not only Bon appetit, but also great creative success!

Which mastic recipe do you prefer?

Anyone who loves to cook or just wants to master confectionery art, come in handy sugar dough... Any baked goods decorated with mastic will sparkle with new colors, pleasantly surprising your home and guests.

Sugar dough prepared according to several recipes. You yourself can choose the cooking method that suits you.

Marshmallow mastic recipe for cake

1. Prepare the ingredients required for standard portion product:

half a kilogram of sifted powder (better take a purchased one),

90 - 100 grams of marshmallows

10 grams of milk

2. Mix marshmallows with milk, melt the mixture in a water bath.

3. Pour icing sugar into the melted mixture (add it in small portions, stirring the mass). Knead the elastic mastic. As soon as it stops sticking to the table, you can stop kneading.

4. Put it in a plastic bag, send it to a cold place for half an hour. Now you can start sculpting.

Mastic recipe for decorating a cake

Sugar dough based on condensed milk is easy to prepare, even for novice housewives. Mastic comes out elastic, it is suitable for decorating any baked goods.

1. Mix 300 grams of powder with the same amount of milk powder, sift through a strainer.

2. Add 5 to it dessert spoons lemon juice, pour in a can of condensed milk, stirring constantly. Knead the dough until it stops sticking to your hands.

3. You can start sculpting right away, or you can put the dough in an airtight container, put it in a refrigerator until the desired moment. The mastic is stored for several weeks.

Making mastic from gelatin for cake

1. Soak 10 grams of thickener in 10 tablespoons of water. Leave for an hour to swell the gelatin. Then put the mixture on a small fire, heat it up.

2. When the mixture has cooled slightly, add 900 grams of powder by kneading the dough.

3. Gelatinous mastic is very gentle to use. It makes amazing flowers that differ little from the real ones.

4. Sugar dough is kept in the refrigerator or freezer. The shelf life is 2 weeks and a month and a half, respectively.

Making a cake with mastic - secrets

1. Sweet dough is afraid of moisture, so it is necessary to store it in an airtight container or in a plastic bag.

2. The mastic must not be applied to a damp base (for example, sour cream). It is best to grease the cake with a little water, then gently put a layer of dough on it.

3. Figurines installed only on a layer of mastic or marzipan.

4. To make the sugar dough shine, brush it with a mixture of vodka and honey (1 to 1 ratio). The smell will disappear in 15 - 20 minutes, and the shine will remain for a long time.

How to make fondant cake decorations

1. First you need to decide what exactly you want to blind. These can be animal figures, flowers, fairy-tale characters.

2. Prepare the sugar dough in the shades you want. For example, you are sculpting a chanterelle. To do this, you need orange, white and black mastic.

3. Blind the torso, legs, tail and head. Attach the parts to each other by moistening the attachment points with a little water.

4. Let the workpiece dry. Then attach the ears, make indentations for the eyes and nose, insert the pieces of black mastic.

5. Ideally, the chanterelle dries for 1 - 2 days, after which you can place it on the cake.

Marshmallow cake decoration

Mastic from marshmallows is suitable if you need to sculpt intricate and difficult figures. She is malleable and resilient. In addition, the sugar dough made from mini-marshmallow lends itself well to coloring. Of the whites marshmallows you get snow-white mastic, which you can decorate and wedding cakes, and anniversary baked goods.

Feel free to experiment and fantasize. Thanks to sugar dough you will not be able to create cakes, but real culinary masterpieces.

The most delicious collection recipes with marshmallows - here, on the site of "Marshmallows" of the group of companies "Sweet Fairy Tale"!

Sugar paste is an invention of the 17th century, which was first used as a candy, and only at the end of the 19th century, it became an element of decorating confectionery (see photo). Nowadays, mastic is often used in conjunction with other types of jewelry.

The texture of the material is very elastic, molds well and accepts the desired shape... Its main task is to provide a smooth base for the subsequent decoration. Also using sugar paste you can create a decoration for a cake, or various edible figurines.

Sugar mastic is best material for decorating desserts. It is ideal for coating cakes and for sculpting edible figurines and other delicious decorations.

Types of mastic

There are many types of mastic, which differ in composition and appearance:

Gelatin mastic, or as it is also called pastilage, is prepared on the basis of gelatin, it hardens well and quickly, and also becomes hard and elastic. This kind perfect for preparing flowers, and especially delicate details.

Mastic with the addition of honey is usually used due to the fact that after hardening it begins to stretch, and not crumble.

Marzipan mastic is one of the most soft species... With it, you can both cover the whole cake and sculpt figures.

Condensed milk mastic is used to cover the entire cake, or to sculpt large, round shapes.

Starchy mastic, often used for fine sculpting, is ideal for making floral decorations.

Marshmallow mastic is used when sculpting small figures and details.

Industrial mastic is considered universal, but you cannot cook it with your own hands.

How to cook with your own hands at home?

Preparation pastry mastic do it yourself at home, not such a difficult task, the main thing is to clearly adhere to the instructions. In this section, it is proposed to consider cooking options different types this material for delicious sculpting.

Option 1 - sugar mastic.

For cooking, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 200 g milk powder;
  • 200 g icing sugar;
  • 275 g of condensed milk;
  • 2.5 tbsp lemon juice;
  • 2.5 tsp cognac.

First you need to sift the icing sugar. Then sprinkle powdered milk on the table and mix it with powdered sugar. Add condensed milk to the mixture.

You need to knead the dough very carefully, and only after it has kneaded add lemon juice. Knead all ingredients for 15 minutes. The end result should be a viscous mixture that is easy to work with.

The finished sugar mastic is wrapped in cling film... Food coloring can be added as needed.

Option 2 - gelatinous mastic.


  • 2.5 g gelatin;
  • 15 g of water;
  • 100 g icing sugar;
  • 3 drops of lemon juice.

Pour gelatin with water and leave for 25-30 minutes to swell. Then we take the swollen gelatin, and send it to steam bath, where it needs to be stirred slightly until the crystals disappear. But with all this, you cannot bring the mass to a boil! After the gelatin is completely dissolved, gradually pour the icing sugar into it and stir, first with a spoon, and after a while you can also use your hands.

Option 3 - honey mastic.


  • 1.5 tbsp. l. honey;
  • 5 g gelatin;
  • 1.5 tbsp. l. butter;
  • 260 g icing sugar;
  • 7 tbsp. l. water.

Pour gelatin with water and leave for 45 minutes. Next, we send the resulting mass to the stove on a small fire. When the gelatin dissolves, add butter and honey, mix the whole mass. Then you need to remove the mixture from the stove and give it some time to cool down. Add powdered sugar in small portions to the cooled mixture and mix. Knead the mastic like dough. Sprinkle the mixing board with powdered sugar. Work with the dough until you get an elastic mass.

Option 4 - marzipan mastic.


  • 3 eggs;
  • 180 g icing sugar;
  • 300 g ground almonds;
  • 5 drops of vanilla essence;
  • 1.5 tsp lemon juice.

First, you need to beat the eggs, and gradually add powdered sugar to them. The mixture, which turned out to be sent to a steam bath, and boil, stirring occasionally, until the consistency of a cream.

After that, we remove the mass from steam bath, and add to it, almonds, vanilla essence, and lemon juice, mix all the ingredients thoroughly. This mastic is plastic only when warm, so it needs to be used quickly.

Option 5 - mastic from condensed milk.


  • 160 g of condensed milk;
  • 1 tbsp. powdered sugar;
  • 1.5 tsp lemon juice;
  • 2 tbsp. dry milk.

First you need to mix powdered milk with powdered sugar in a deep plate. Then add condensed milk to this mixture, and use a spoon to mix all the ingredients. Sprinkle the place where the mastic will be mixed with powdered sugar. Put the mastic on icing sugar, and knead like a dough, until it ceases to be sticky.

Option 6 - mastic from marshmallows.


  • icing sugar (how much mastic will absorb);
  • 250 g chewable marshmallows;
  • 2.5 tbsp water.

First, the marshmallows are placed in a deep bowl, and water is added there. This composition is sent to the microwave for 50 seconds. The mastic prepared according to this option will be elastic and tender. After the marshmallow has melted, add powdered sugar to the mixture, which had to be sieved in advance.

Powdered sugar should be poured until the mixture looks like plasticine. The prepared mastic must be packed with cling film, and sent to freeze for half an hour. After 30 minutes, you can safely work with her.

Storing sugar paste

Before sending sugar mastic for storage, it must be well wrapped with foil and put in a tightly closed container. Optionally, you can skip sending this plastic material to the refrigerator. It is enough to protect it from moisture and air so that it does not lose its presentation. Sugar mastic can be stored for up to three months.

Secrets of working with material

Making mastic and working with it requires a lot of patience and perseverance, but there are secrets with which you can facilitate this laborious process.

  1. To prevent the mastic from tearing during kneading, powdered sugar of the finest grinding is used.
  2. The cake that will be covered with mastic must be dry, otherwise delicious element decor upon contact with it, will dissolve.
  3. To cover with mastic wet cake, it is better to first put a layer of cold butter cream on it.
  4. In order for the decor to stick to the cake with mastic, the place of their contact is slightly moistened with water. To connect the parts to each other, egg white is used.
  5. When the mastic is in the air for a long time, it dries up, so you should not delay working with it.
  6. It is better to prepare large-sized decorative elements in advance, and let them dry thoroughly, then they will not go limp on the cake.
  7. It is better to attach large-sized figures to the confectionery, just before serving otherwise, if you attach them immediately and send them to a cold place, the figures will absorb all the moisture and will be spoiled.
  8. Cooked figurines can be decorated with food colors, which are best diluted with alcohol or vodka.
  9. If suddenly the mastic has cooled down quickly and does not mix well, it must be warmed up using microwave oven(literally a couple of seconds), or in the oven. Then it will become firm and elastic again.
  10. It is better to store the finished mastic in the refrigerator for two weeks, or in the freezer for about two months.
  11. At the end of the preparation of a delicious decor, you can take it with cling film and move it onto the cake, with the film facing up, of course. Thus, smooth the mastic on the cake using cling film. As long as you work with it, it does not freeze, and as a result, there will be no cracks on the coating.
  12. To make the mastic evenly lay on the cake, it is better to cover it with marzipan first.
  13. To give the decor a glossy shine, lightly grease it with vodka.

Working with mastic is not difficult at all, and even very interesting. The main thing is to know some of the secrets and features that were given above. Then, as a result, you will not have any problems working with any kind of mastic, and your confectionery will turn out to be real culinary masterpieces.

Tasty unusual cake now you will not surprise anyone, because the service market is filled with offers from talented confectioners working from home. The shelves in the stores are filled with factory-made sweet products of any price category. How to surprise your beloved family and friends? And here mastic for the cake comes to the rescue.

Confectioners often love mastic for its plasticity, pleasant sugar taste, bright colors, and hardening property. Thanks to her, ordinary cakes become a true work of art.

It is sold in any specialty store, where you can buy or order ready-made figurines from it, but it will cost a lot. It will be much more "budgetary" to make it with your own hands, especially since there are several recipes for its preparation, and you can choose your own.

Fundamental rules

It may seem that making it at home is quite easy, but, as a rule, problems can arise at first. The main thing is not to despair, but to try until you get a sweet mass of the consistency of soft plasticine. You may need to use a different recipe.

From homemade mastic, conceived figures are easily obtained, it should be easily rolled out with a rolling pin, not torn at the same time. This is necessary for wrapping a cake or pastry. Colorants can be added, both directly during the mixing process, and colors can be added ready-made.

It is possible to make mastic in several ways.

From marshmallows

This is one of the most simple recipes homemade mastic for the cake. It comes out unusually pleasant, soft, plastic. Real confectionery masterpieces will definitely turn out from such sugar material.

Marshmallows are Western sweets. They represent air soufflé... Don't be confused with our favorite marshmallow. Often on the bags with such sweets it is written “marshmallows”.

Russian manufacturers replace the name with "souffle". When choosing this product, it is better to focus on sweets. white, since they can easily be tinted with a dye.


  • marshmallows - 100g. (one pack of soufflé);
  • water or lemon juice - 1 tablespoon;
  • icing sugar - 1-1.5 cups.

The number of ingredients can, of course, be increased if a lot of mastic is needed for decoration.

Pay attention to the quality of the powdered sugar, it must be carefully grated. Only in this case you will get a uniform mass, ideal for culinary creativity. This rule applies to all recipes.


  1. Place the marshmallows in a deep microwave safe bowl. Add lemon juice or water to puffed sweets;
  2. Next, place the container in the microwave for 10-20 seconds. The soufflé should melt and expand. The microwave can be replaced with a water bath;
  3. Take out the hot and swollen marshmallows. If necessary, add culinary colors to the mass and stir;
  4. Now it's the turn of the sifted icing sugar. It is better to pour it into a bowl in small portions and knead with a spatula until the familiar dough is formed;
  5. Sprinkle the table with icing sugar like flour. Take the mastic blank from the cup and knead it by hand until it ceases to be sticky;
  6. Immediately pack the fresh mastic tightly in plastic wrap and send it to the refrigerator for 30-40 minutes.

After that, with a kind of sugar plasticine, you can safely start creating or use it to cover the cake.

Lemon juice or water is sometimes replaced with butter, and some even mix these products. You can try this option as well.

Condensed milk

This method of preparing sweet culinary mass can be called "for the lazy".


  • powdered milk - 1.5 tbsp.;
  • condensed milk - 1 can;
  • icing sugar - 1 tbsp.


Combine milk powder and condensed milk in a cup until a mass appears that looks like soft plasticine in jars. That's all. You will get the most tender, not cloying homemade mastic with a pleasant milky taste. True, she will not be able to boast of a pure white color, and the added dyes will be distorted in shades. Milk mastic will be appreciated by parents of babies.

If this type of cake decoration does not seem very sweet, you can add more powdered sugar.


This mastic will certainly be appreciated by chocolate lovers. Its peculiarity is that the decorations made from it do not harden entirely in the air, remaining soft, they can even be eaten separately from the cake. A magical chocolate flavor and the shade will definitely capture the hearts and mouths of many.

Read also: How to choose the best multicooker?


  • marshmallows - 90 g;
  • dark chocolate -100 g.;
  • butter - 0.5-1 tbsp. l .;
  • cream (30%) - 40 ml.;
  • icing sugar - 100-120 g;
  • cognac - 1-2 tbsp. l.
  1. Put the pieces of chocolate in a saucepan and melt it in a water bath;
  2. Add soufflé there. Stir the entire contents of the saucepan constantly;
  3. As soon as half melts, pour cognac, cream and butter into the melted chocolate. Do not forget to stir all the time until you see a thick paste without grains;
  4. Remove the container from the heat and, continuing to work with a spoon, add powdered sugar to the contents. Next, proceed by analogy with making marshmallow mastic. As a result, you should get a fatty plastic mass that does not stick to your hands at all.

From gelatin

Also a very simple recipe.

Required components:

  • gelatin-2 tsp;
  • icing sugar-0.5 kg.;
  • water-50 ml.


  1. Place gelatin in a cup, fill with water and dissolve in a water bath;
  2. Gently pour the cooled gelatin into the powder. As in the previous recipes, it is necessary to knead the mass to a clay state.


This cooking method is completely identical to the marshmallow version. It is important not to confuse soufflé with denser marshmallows. To prepare it, you need to cut it into large pieces... Many do not notice the difference in taste and quality of these two masses. Only marshmallows, as a necessary component, can be bought in every store, unlike marshmallows. And who knows how much a soufflé costs, they will immediately understand which mastic will be more profitable for the hostess's wallet.


It is believed that this cooking option is very simple, but many housewives will argue with this. An impressive list necessary ingredients this confirms:

  • sour cream or milk - 0.5 cups;
  • gelatin - 3 tablespoons;
  • caramel syrup - 1 cup;
  • butter - 3 tablespoons;
  • glycerin-3 tbsp;
  • vanilla - 2 tablespoons;
  • sugar - 1.5. kg.


  1. Mix gelatin with sour cream. After the gelatin thickens, microwave the mixture and heat until it completely melts;
  2. Next, you need to put together caramel, glycerin, butter, vanilla, salt and pour this mixture into gelatin;
  3. Heat the resulting mass in the microwave for two minutes;
  4. Take about 1kg. sugar and add the cooled mixture to it. Gradually add all the sugar to the mass and mix with a mixer;
  5. Further, in a familiar way, we bring to the desired consistency... Then wrap it in plastic wrap and refrigerate for 6 hours.

This recipe is not only the most laborious, but also not profitable financially. Experiment lovers can try to bring it to life.

Making jewelry with mastic

Today, not all people understand what mastic is. Many do not realize that this is the name of the decoration for a cake or pie. To be more precise, this is just edible decor cake that you can create with your own hands. In fact, it is very convenient, because with the help of mastic you can create original edible paintings, as well as congratulate your loved one do it yourself. You don't have to be a skilled pastry chef to master the mastic technique. Making mastic at home is quite simple.

The easiest method to make mastic

You will need a small set of products and a desire to create. Please note that a really properly prepared mastic should resemble in consistency nothing more than plasticine. It is this structure of the mastic that allows you to create figures and patterns of different sizes and shapes. You can create shapes not just to decorate a dish, it is no secret that they will taste no worse than ordinary sweets. If you are not afraid to experiment, then you just need to master this technique. You can make mastic at home with a margin.

The best way preparation of mastic

You can put it in the refrigerator and keep it there for about 3 months, using each time to decorate cakes. So that the mastic does not lose its unique properties, it should be wrapped in polyethylene or ordinary film. It is very simple to prepare this substance. To do this, you should buy in advance in the store and purchase following products... You will need gelatin, 10 g will be enough, 1/3 cup of ordinary filtered water, and also, at least a little, citric acid. You have enough of this substance literally at the tip of a knife. Most main ingredient Is powdered sugar. It will be required a large number of... Purchase about 500 g of this product.

DIY mastic

You can make mastic at home by observing the following technology. To do this, the first thing you need to do is prepare the gelatin. It is necessary to soak it in water until it swells. For these purposes, it is worth using cold water... It takes about an hour to soak gelatin, maybe a little more. After the gelatin has acquired the appropriate shape, it must be melted. To do this, create a water bath, and dissolve it, and then just add citric acid... After that, the resulting mass should be properly cooled. Get some powdered sugar.

Making the mask flexible

To make the mastic flexible and plastic, some subtleties must be observed. It is worth carefully sifting the powdered sugar and making a small hole in this slide, then mark the gelatin in this hole, after which you should very quickly mix all the ingredients and knead a kind of dough. You should have a fairly uniform white substance. If you do everything right, following our advice, then in the end you will be able to get plastic mastic from sugar.

We make flexible mastic with our own hands

Many cooking shows tell how to make mastic at home. The recipes are always different. We suggest that you follow our recipe, there are no difficulties in it, the only thing that is required of you is attention. After you have received the mastic, you can roll it into a layer. In order not to damage the surface, the mastic must be covered with a thin film, and only then start rolling.

It is a great decoration for any sweet dish. You can cut flowers or animals using various molds. You can also create complex compositions from sugar figures, you will only need to show your imagination and a boring dish will immediately turn into a complex bright composition. You can create a flower by first cutting required amount petals, leaves and middle. Your drawing doesn't have to be flat. Mastic allows you to create voluminous compositions.

How to make the right mastic

You already know how to make mastic at home. You also need to understand how to mount the parts. All you need is water for this. A drop of water will be enough to hold the details together. But what if you don't want to be limited to white mastic details. You may want to create a bright, colorful composition and multi-colored elements. This is not a problem.

The mastic should look like this

The thing is that the mastic can be painted. You will learn how to do it right now. To do this, it is enough to use natural dyes that are contained in different products... Let's say that red blows can be easily obtained from beets. If you require Brown color, then cocoa powder is suitable for these purposes.

If you require an unusual color that cannot be obtained from natural dyes, you will need to use food paint the desired shade. The master class for creating mastic is very common today. It is not necessary to sign up for them, because everything you need can be found on the Internet. I would like to say a few more words about the coloring of the mastic. It is important to understand the technique for assigning color to figures. You will be required to perform a simple sequence of actions. To do this, you need to add a dye and begin to thoroughly knead the mastic. After these movements, the mass should acquire the desired color.

You should get the following elements

Do the work harder and you get the color you want the first time. Roses are often made from mastic. This delicate decoration which can give festive mood cake. This is very easy to do. You need to cut out a certain number of circles and fold them, having laid them out beforehand, going over the edge of each. The petals-circles should fit snugly, they should be fastened with the same water.

Delicious mastic with sugar

Sugar mastic is depicted in the photo of cakes and pies. This is a versatile way of decorating dishes, which does not require large expenses, although it can create real edible masterpieces. Mastic happens different types... Marshmallow mastic is very popular. If you have not yet met a similar product, then we hasten to assure you that these are ordinary marshmallows. The advantages of such mastic are very great. It is worth noting the versatility of this product... It is quite easy to work with it and create the necessary textures.

Sugar mastic for cakes

To prepare a product such as marshmallow mastic, you should watch the video, or follow our simple instructions. You will need marshmallows, powdered sugar, and water. Such mastic is prepared in the same way as ordinary mastic, but its properties are somewhat different. It takes the desired shape very easily and is lighter in weight. This is a great material to work with.

Regardless of which type of mastic you choose for work, you will be satisfied. With the help of this substance, you can hide defects in cakes, while giving the cake the desired mood and theme. Mastic is a very practical edible material that every housewife should use to decorate her gourmet desserts.
