Sen soy sauce for funchose. Do-it-yourself dressing for funchose

04.03.2020 Beverages

Are thin starchy or rice noodles, which are often called glass noodles because of their characteristic transparency.

Various soups, meat dishes and salads are prepared with funchose. Dishes from it can be not only hot, but also chilled. But the most important thing in its preparation is a tasty and aromatic filling. You can buy it ready-made in any store, or you can make a filling for funchose with your own hands.

Recipe for dressing funchose


  • sesame natural oil - 1 tsp;
  • ground hot red pepper - 1 tsp;
  • ground coriander - 1 tsp;
  • soy natural sauce - 1 tsp.


How to prepare a dressing for funchose? So, mix the ground red pepper in a bowl with coriander until a homogeneous mixture is obtained. Then add sesame oil and natural soy sauce. We mix everything thoroughly, send it to the refrigerator, and then pour the funchose with the finished dressing.

Korean funchose dressing recipe


  • odorless vegetable oil - 550 ml;
  • table vinegar - 170 ml;
  • granulated sugar - 40 g;
  • ground black pepper - 2 g;
  • fine salt - 20 g;
  • citric acid - 2 g;
  • ground coriander - 2 g;
  • ground ginger - 2 g;
  • fresh chili peppers - 5 g;
  • fresh garlic - 10 g;
  • filtered water - 250 ml.


Funchose salad dressing



Pour funchoza with boiled water and leave for 10 minutes. Then we discard the finished noodles in a colander, and do not pour out the water yet! Process the red sweet pepper and onion and chop them into thin strips. Now we are preparing the marinade: finely chop the cilantro, and peel the garlic and pass it through a press. Next, mix a few tablespoons of the remaining water with sesame oil and soy sauce. Add some curry powder, cilantro, garlic and lemon juice. We send the sauce over low heat and boil for exactly 2 minutes, stirring vigorously.

Cut funchoza, mix with seafood, pepper, onion and season with sauce!

Funchoza is called glass or starch noodles. Dishes from Chinese, Japanese and Korean national cuisines came to us relatively recently and turned out to be to the taste of many. Especially popular are dishes that use vegetable funchose salad dressing. Traditionally, noodles were made from mung beans, sometimes other starch was used - from potatoes, yams, cassava or canna. Now in mass production, starch from legumes is often replaced with cheaper corn starch.

Funchoza is sold dry in our stores. White strings of noodles, rolled into a ring, become translucent when boiled - hence the name "glass". Here funchose is often called rice. The difference between these products is that rice noodles turn white during cooking, like spaghetti, while starchy noodles cook much faster and "glassy".

Why funchose is useful

Bean noodles do not have a distinct flavor, so they can be combined with any sauces and dressings. Funchose looks very original, it contains a lot of nutrients. With a minimum content of fats and proteins, the product is rich in carbohydrates - 84%, in 100 grams 320 kcal.

If you manage to buy noodles made from legume starch, along with aesthetic pleasure and a feeling of satiety, you will receive a complex of B and PP vitamins, a set of useful microelements. Recall that thiamine, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, pyridoxine and folic acid are necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system, tocopherol is a powerful antioxidant, and the circulatory system needs vitamin

PP. An additional advantage - the absence of gluten - makes funchose completely safe for allergy sufferers.

The minimum fat content in noodles makes them a dietary food, but only if you choose a low-calorie sauce recipe. Spicy Asian dishes are contraindicated for everyone who is familiar with gastritis, stomach ulcers, problems with the pancreas and liver. The noodles themselves are harmless, you just need to choose a suitable recipe for sauce or funchose dressing, which you can make yourself.

Dressing for funchose: how to cook

Glass noodles are completely tasteless, which can be considered both an advantage and a disadvantage. It is unlikely that there are many people who would like to consume funchose as an independent product, but you can make a delicious side dish with sauce, salad, soup from it. When choosing a recipe, you don't have to worry about flavor matching, only the texture of the noodles should be considered.

It is customary to season dishes with starch noodles with soy sauce - this is the easiest and most reliable way to add flavor to the dish. A pleasant sweet-sour taste is given by the chim-chim dressing, which is sold in our stores, a special funchose sauce or a spicy Korean-style funchose dressing. If you decide to buy a ready-made sauce, try to find a South Korean product. The recipe used by Chinese manufacturers is not bad, but the funchose dressing will turn out to be too thick for a salad, so before adding the sauce, you need to dilute the sauce with water by a third.

Cooking starch noodles is a snap: dip them in boiling water and cook, stirring occasionally, for 3 minutes. The noodles should be transparent. After that, you need to fold the funchose into a colander with small holes.

Funchose salad recipe

The spicy and pungent taste of Asian cuisine diversifies the usual menu. A moderately spicy and very tasty funchose salad will become your favorite dish, especially since the recipe is very simple and quick. We'll show you how to make funchose dressing from vegetables and available spices.

Cooking time - 20-30 minutes, number of servings - 2-3

For refueling you need ingredients:

  • Two cucumbers
  • Two sweet peppers, different colors are better
  • Glass noodles - 150 g (two skeins)
  • One carrot
  • Two tablespoons of soy sauce
  • Two tablespoons of sesame oil. Can be replaced with any odorless vegetable oil
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic
  • 10 grams of chili peppers
  • A pinch of ground coriander
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice

Preparing the dressing

  1. First you need to wash the vegetables and put a saucepan of water for the noodles on the fire.
  2. Divide the bell pepper in half, remove the seeds and membranes. Cut into thin strips.
  3. It is better to grate cucumbers on a special grater for Korean salads. If not, try chopping them into thin strips.
  4. Grate the peeled carrots on a Korean or ordinary coarse grater. Place the grated carrots in a separate bowl.
  5. Chop the garlic and chili.
  6. Stir carrots, garlic, pepper and coriander.
  7. Heat the sesame oil in a skillet and pour into the carrots.
  8. Stir everything vigorously, set aside for 10 minutes.
  9. Dip the noodles in boiling water, cook for 2-3 minutes, remove from heat and discard in a colander.
  10. Add cucumbers and bell peppers, stir.
  11. Cut the noodles with a knife if they seem too long for you, and add to the vegetables.
  12. Season the salad with soy sauce and lemon juice. Stir.
  13. Season the dish with lemon juice and soy sauce.

The funchose salad should be eaten while the noodles in it are not completely cold - this is how all the tastes and aromas of vegetables will appear. Bon Appetit!

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If you are a big lover of oriental cuisine and, in particular, Korean, then the recipe for this funchose dressing will be very useful to you. The fact is that not only hot dishes with funchose are prepared in Korea, but also a large number of various salads and snacks, and this particular dressing goes into all these dishes.

The composition of the dressing is quite traditional, its pungency can be controlled by the amount of hot pepper added, and its richness - by the amount of spices.

To prepare a dressing (sauce) for funchose in Korean with our own hands, we will prepare the products according to the list. Sesame oil can be replaced with odorless vegetable oil, and both table and rice vinegar can be used.

Pour sugar and salt into a saucepan.

Pour in water and put the pan on fire. Let the water boil, and the salt and sugar dissolve.

Now add soy sauce, sesame oil and vinegar to the dressing.

Chop the garlic and chili very finely with a knife and add to the saucepan to the rest of the ingredients.

At the very end, add all the spices. You can preheat the spices for 3-4 minutes in a hot pan to "wake up" their aroma. After we have added the spices, be sure to try the dressing for the balance of sour, sweet and spicy and add either sugar, or salt, or vinegar, if necessary. Let the funchose dressing boil again and remove the pan from the heat. Let the sauce cool completely.

We soak the funchose or a dish from it with the finished funchose dressing and let the dish brew for 15-20 minutes.

The sauce can be prepared in advance and in larger quantities and stored in the refrigerator for 3-4 days.

Funchose dressing is a great way to make Korean food especially delicious!

The funchose dressing is what gives the main taste to dishes made from "glass" noodles. Funchoza is called starch vermicelli made from legumes or corn flour. It is very popular in Asian countries, in particular Japan, China, Korea and others. The vermicelli itself is practically tasteless, and therefore it goes well with various vegetable and meat sauces. To enliven the taste of the dish, various spices and herbs are added to the dressing.

Funchoza is widely used in cooking for cooking,. Glass noodles are lower in calories than regular wheat flour pasta. Very satisfying and tasty dishes are obtained from it that do not burden the digestive system. The composition of such vermicelli is quite rich in minerals. Making noodles at home is quite laborious, so I recommend buying them in supermarkets. But you can prepare sauce for funchose yourself according to the recipes below.

Korean funchose dressing

There are quite a lot of recipes for dressing funchose, but all of them are united by the presence of spices. Dressing for funchose in Korean based on vegetable oil was also no exception.


  • 550 ml odorless vegetable oil;
  • 40 gr. white sugar;
  • 170 ml. 9% vinegar;
  • 20 gr. salt;
  • 2 gr. ground black pepper;
  • 2 gr. coriander (ground);
  • 2 gr. lemons;
  • 2 gr. ginger powder;
  • 250 ml of water;
  • 10 gr. garlic.

Cooking scheme step by step:

  1. We send the stewpan with water to the burner. When the liquid boils, add salt, sugar, vinegar and vegetable oil.
  2. Wash chili pepper and, after cleaning it from seeds, grind it. Peel the garlic and push through a press. Pour the prepared ingredients and spices into the water.
  3. Bring the contents to a boil again, set aside from the stove and cool, covering with a lid.

Such a delicious Korean funchose dressing is suitable not only for dressing glass noodles, but also for other oriental salads.

Fast filling for funchose

If there is no time at all, then cooking "glass noodles" will not take much time. The dish does not need to be cooked. One has only to steam it with boiling water for 10 minutes, and then rinse it with cool water. To complement this dish, there must be a sauce. We will consider a quick recipe for dressing funchose below.


  • 1 tsp sesame oil;
  • 1 tsp good soy sauce;
  • 1 tsp coriander powder.
  • 1 tsp red hot pepper (ground);

Cooking process:

  1. To prepare this simple dressing in a glass or earthenware dish, mix ground red pepper (hot) with ground coriander until a homogeneous mixture is obtained.
  2. Then add sesame oil and quality soy sauce. Stir the ingredients, tighten the bowl with plastic wrap and put the sauce in the refrigerator to infuse.
  3. The dressing for funchose is ready, it remains only to fill the vermicelli with it. Mix everything well and serve.

Lemon sauce with cilantro for funchose

Funchoza is a fairly neutral product. Therefore, additional ingredients with pronounced flavors such as garlic, lemon or aromatic herbs will not interfere with it.


  • 1 tsp soy sauce;
  • 2 tbsp lemon or lime juice;
  • 2 tbsp sesame oil;
  • 2 tsp curry (powder);
  • 2 garlic cloves;
  • 20 gr. cilantro;


  1. To prepare the sauce for funchose, rinse and dry the cilantro well, chop it very finely. Peel the garlic and push through a press.
  2. In a separate bowl, mix 2-3 tablespoons of water left over after soaking the "glass noodles" with sesame seed oil and soy sauce. Pour the mixture into a ladle, add spices, garlic, herbs and freshly squeezed citrus juice there.
  3. Heat the sauce at a low boil for a couple of minutes, stirring all the time. Cool and season the warm noodles, as shown in the photo.
  4. In addition to the dish, you can add boiled shrimps and sautéed vegetables (carrots, onions and bell peppers), cut into strips.

Ginger sauce with squid for funchose

Seafood, like funchose, is a fairly dietary and light product. Therefore, these two ingredients should be eaten more often. For example, using this recipe for funchose sauce with squid and ginger.


  • 2 squid carcasses;
  • 1 garlic clove
  • 1 chili pepper;
  • 2 cm fresh ginger root
  • 1 bunch of cilantro;
  • 1 lime;
  • 2-3 tbsp grape seed oil;
  • A little salt and pepper.

Cooking instructions:

  1. We clean and boil the squid carcasses. Cut the chilled seafood into strips. Peel the ginger thinly, chop it finely. Take out the seeds from a small chili pepper, and finely chop the pulp. Cut the peeled garlic or press through a press.
  2. We roll the lime on the table, cut it in half and, with a knife, squeeze out all the juice. Rinse and cut the cilantro greens.
  3. Put the squid on a hot frying pan, add ginger with garlic and chili. Fry the food quickly over high heat for a couple of minutes. Then we reduce the power of the burner, pepper and salt the contents, pour in lime juice, add cilantro. Mix the dressing well.
  4. Now add the ready-made "glass noodles", stir thoroughly and serve immediately.

Video: Dressing for funchose in Korean

If you have spices, you need to strongly heat 2 tablespoons in a small frying pan. vegetable oil and add the Korean composition there. Stir quickly and remove from heat. If you cannot find them, you can make an analogue yourself. To do this, boil water, dissolve salt and sugar in it, add spices. Bring the mass to a boil, add the grated garlic, mix and cool under the lid.

You need to store the gas station in a closed jar.

The specified amount of food is enough for 2-3 servings:

  • water - 100 ml;
  • vegetable oil - 200 ml;
  • vinegar 9% - 1.5 tablespoons;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. l;
  • black pepper - ¼ tsp;
  • ginger - ¼ tsp;
  • chili pepper - on the tip of a knife;
  • salt - 1.5 tsp;
  • garlic - 2 cloves.

Lightly beat the pork and fry. Bake a pancake from a beaten egg. Cut the meat and omelet into strips, and grate the peeled fresh cucumber. Steam funchoza in boiling water and rinse with cold water. Then it can be cut into pieces, as many find it uncomfortable to cope with too long threads. Put everything together in a skillet with vegetables. Drizzle with the dressing, mix gently with a special spoon with cloves or just with two forks. Put the dish in the refrigerator for 2 hours. When serving, garnish with lemon slices and herbs.

Funchoza(Dung. glass, starch, Chinese noodles") - a dish of Chinese, Korean, Japanese and other Asian cuisines,which is made from dry noodles (so-called glass noodles) seasoned with pickled peppers and jusai, carrots, radishes, onions and other vegetables. Served hot or cold. Can also be served with mushrooms or meat (which is typical for the Korean Japche appetizer)

Glass noodles are usually made from mung bean starch. Less commonly used starch of potatoes, cassava, canna, yam. In modern production, legume starch can be replaced with cheaper corn starch.

As a rule, glass noodles have a circular cross-section; diameter varies. Sold dried. Used in soups, salads, deep-fried dishes. Its name "glass noodles" is due to the translucent appearance that it acquires after boiling.

In Russia, often glass noodles mistakenly called rice.Unlike rice noodles made from rice flour, which after boiling turns white, almost indistinguishable from spaghetti, starch noodles become translucent, but less resistant to heat treatment. It is in this mixture that the "Funcheza" salad is made, not turning it into porridge, but leaving elasticity and familiar taste qualities to the fibers of the noodles.

Valuable properties of funchose

This product is rich in vitamin B, which is required by the human body to strengthen the nervous system. Also in funchose there are vitamins of group E, PP, and also minerals (zinc, iron, copper, selenium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese). This wide range of vitamins and minerals is the best way to support the full functioning of the human body.

Vermicelli will be a godsend for all people who want to eliminate extra pounds. The content of funchose contains complex carbohydrates that provide muscles with energy. If you eat funchose every day, you can significantly reduce the consumption of fats and sugar, and this, in turn, will have a very good effect on well-being, the person will become more energetic.

Product value lies in the fact that it is rich in amino acids that are required for the creation of new cells. It is also good that this vermicelli does not contain gluten protein, which leads to the appearance of allergic diseases, and this is very important for all allergy sufferers. The conclusion suggests itself, funchose is a safe and healthy product for human health.

Traditional noodles are used to make soups, but more often they are used in salads. In dry form, the calorie content of this product is 334 calories, in boiled form, funchose has only 87 calories per hundred grams of product.

Making noodles is easy. You just need to boil it for three minutes, and then rinse it in cold water. If desired, you can lightly fry it. They eat funchose as a side dish for meat, fish dishes, and also as a main course with the addition of vegetables, mushrooms, meat and other food products. You can cook it and use it as you see fit, in this case everything directly depends on your taste preferences.

Calorie content of funchose

The calorie content of funchose is 320 kilocalories per 100 g. product. Funchoza is a high-calorie flour product. But still, funzocha is recommended for people with overweight problems, because it is made from rice or other types of flour (for example, legumes), which means that this product will not harm your figure.

After boiling, the rice noodles are milky white and the starchy noodles are transparent, which is why they are also called "glass noodles." It does not at all resemble the usual wheat one in its structure and taste, and it doesn’t have any taste as such, it is neutral, only a light subtle aroma.

Diluting the neutral taste palette of funchose with bright appetizing vegetable, meat, sea and aromatic-spicy notes, you can prepare a lot of amazing culinary masterpieces, especially since this outlandish noodle is good both hot and cold.

There seems to be nothing particularly difficult in cooking funzoza dishes, because in fact it is the same noodles seasoned with sauce, vegetables, meat, seafood, but in order to salivate, and after the meal you want to lick your fingers, you need to know some culinary subtleties and tricks. And what wonderful salads are obtained from funchose! A real feast of taste!

How to cook funchose

If you do not cook funchose, it will stick to your teeth, and if you digest it, it will simply become limp. Therefore, boiling funchose should be approached with all seriousness, otherwise it will not work to cook culinary masterpieces from it.

Depending on the thickness of the "threads" of the noodles, boil it for three to four minutes or simply pour boiling water over it. To prepare thin types of funchose (up to 0.5 mm in diameter, similar to the Italian angel hair paste), put the noodles in a deep container, pour boiling water over them, close the lid tightly and let stand for about five minutes.

Thicker funchoza is prepared similarly to other types of pasta - in salted boiling water, only the cooking time is limited to three to four minutes.

To prevent the noodles from sticking together, it is advisable to cook them in a large amount of salted water, into which a little vegetable oil should be poured. If the funchose is boiled correctly, it will turn out soft, but a little crunchy.

Most often, on store shelves, you can find fnchoza in the form of various-sized hanks.

It should be cooked in a special way. Before boiling, thread a long thin thread through the noodles and tie it into a ring.

We take a deep pan, fill it with water at the rate1 liter per 100 grams of noodles, and add a tablespoon of vegetable oil and a teaspoon of salt for each liter.

In boiling water in the center of the pan, lower the tied skein of noodles. Cook funchose for 3-4 minutes, discard in a colander and immediately under a stream of cold water. Then we take the skein by the thread ring, shake it well and send it to the cutting board. We remove the thread, and cut the funchose across the fibers with a sharp knife.

We need:

40 grams of funchose (1 dry bunch)
one medium carrot
half onion
a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil with yannem *

Cooking method:

First of all, prepare the noodles using one of the appropriate methods (see above). Shred the carrots or grate them on a special Korean carrot grater. Mix the warmed vegetable oil with yannem and add to the carrots.

You can also use a ready-made dressing for Korean carrots, although it is much more interesting to try to do it yourself.

Yannem- spicy Korean dressing for salads and other dishes. To prepare yannem we need: a tablespoon of warm boiled water, 2 tbsp. ground red pepper, three cloves of garlic, a teaspoon of salt and sugar. Pour pepper, salt and sugar into a small container. Fill with water and mix well. Pass the garlic through a garlic press and mix everything again. Yannem is ready! It can be stored in a tightly closed jar in the refrigerator and used as needed. Keep in mind that yangnem is a thermonuclear pepper-garlic mixture, so it should be added very, very little to the dishes.

Add funchose to the finished carrot and sprinkle the dish with soy sauce. Gently mix all the ingredients so as not to break the noodles.

We let the dish brew and soak for half an hour, and then we treat and treat ourselves. You can safely diversify the proposed recipe by adding finely chopped cucumbers, onions, meat to the Korean funchose with carrots. Experiment!

We need:

100 grams funchose (rice noodles)
300 grams of shrimp (peeled and boiled)
one red sweet pepper
2 onions
10 grams of cilantro greens

For refueling we take:

2 teaspoons curry powder
1 teaspoon soy sauce
2 tablespoons lemon juice
2 tablespoons sesame oil
2 cloves of garlic
20 grams of cilantro greens

Cooking method:

Pour funchoza with a liter of boiling water and leave for 10 minutes. Put the finished noodles in a colander. We do not pour out the water! It will still be useful to us. Cut the sweet red pepper and onions into thin strips.

Prepare the marinade: finely chop the cilantro, pass the garlic through a press. Mix 3 tbsp. "Funchose" water with soy sauce, sesame oil, curry powder, cilantro, garlic and lemon juice. We send the sauce to the fire and boil for literally 2 minutes, stirring vigorously.

Coarsely chop the funchose, mix with shrimp, onion, pepper and the remaining cilantro. Season with sauce, stir and enjoy!

Funchoza with mushrooms and bell peppers

We need:

250 grams of funchose
250 grams of shiitake mushrooms
1 sweet red pepper
3 tablespoons sesame seeds
3 cloves of garlic

2 tablespoons vegetable oil

Cooking method:

Boil or steam the noodles. Cut the pepper and mushrooms into thin strips. Pre-soak the dried shiitake in cold water. Remove too hard mushroom legs. Fry chopped mushrooms with pepper in vegetable oil for about five minutes. Then add sesame seeds and garlic and fry for about one or two minutes more. Mix with ready-made noodles and fry for a couple of minutes. As a final touch, pour in the soy sauce, add salt if necessary, mix well and serve hot.

We need:

100 grams of funchose
turkey fillet, chicken breasts or escalopes - 3 pcs.
150 grams of green beans
small broccoli
3 tbsp pine nuts or cashews
2 cloves of garlic
3 tbsp vegetable oil
soy sauce

Cooking method:

Boil rice noodles or pour boiling water over and leave for 10 minutes. We discard the finished funchose in a colander and rinse under running cold water.

Cut off the ends of green beans and cut each pod into several parts. We disassemble the broccoli into inflorescences. We send the beans with broccoli to boiling water and cook for about 5 minutes.

In a deep frying pan, fry small pieces of turkey in vegetable oil until an appetizing golden brown crust appears. Then add chopped garlic and nuts to the turkey. We mix. Add boiled beans with broccoli, finely chopped leeks and, stirring continuously, fry the turkey with vegetables for about 5-7 minutes. At the end of cooking, add funchose and soy sauce. Mix well and remove from heat. The salad is light but nutritious. You can serve funchose with turkey and broccoli either fiery hot or cold.

Funchoza with chicken and vegetables

We need:

70 grams of rice noodles
1 skinless, boneless chicken breast
300 grams of vegetable mixture: carrots, celery root, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, leeks
2 cloves of garlic
ginger root
chicken bouillon
vegetable oil
soy sauce
Cayenne pepper

Cooking method:

Peel and grind the garlic and ginger. Take about 2 centimeters from the ginger root. Fry garlic with ginger in vegetable oil. When the garlic begins to darken, use a slotted spoon to catch it out of the oil along with the ginger.

They gave us their spicy scent and will no longer be needed. Cut the chicken breast into thin strips and fry, stirring constantly. Transfer the finished chicken to a plate and cover with a lid. Fry the diced carrots and celery root together with onions, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts for a few minutes in the same aromatic oil in which the chicken was fried, adding a little chicken broth to the pan.

Meanwhile, boil funchose or just pour boiling water over it. Add chicken to the finished vegetables. We drain the water from the noodles and send it to the pan to the chicken with vegetables. Mix quickly and season with soy sauce and cayenne pepper to taste. We serve the dish hot.

Spicy Korean funchose soup

We need:

200 grams of funchose
100 grams of chicken breast
4 cups chicken stock
1 medium courgette
2 tablespoons soy sauce
1 tablespoon sesame oil
2 cloves of garlic
chili peppers, chili paste and spices to taste

Cooking method:

Boil in advance and cut the rice noodles not too long. We send the diced zucchini to a deep saucepan. Add soy sauce, sesame oil, finely chopped garlic and chili to taste. Put the saucepan over medium heat and cook the courgette until transparent. Then pour in 4 cups of chicken stock and bring to a boil.

For funchose salad, prepare in two different ways:

  1. Soak noodles in hot water for 5-7 minutes, remove and rinse under cold water. Such funchose is prepared for cold salads.
  2. Put the noodles in cool water, the water temperature is about 30 degrees for 30-40 minutes. Take out and dry a little. This funchose goes into hot fried salads and soups.

Consider a recipe in Korean with step by step photos:

  • Funchoza- 100g
  • Fresh cucumber- 100g
  • Carrot- 70 grams
  • Bulgarian pepper- 30 grams
  • Garlic- 4 cloves
  • Dressing for funchose
  • How to make Korean funchose salad

    1 ... Put the noodles in a deep cup.

    2 ... Pour hot water, temperature 30 degrees. Leave on for 5-7 minutes. Rinse in a colander under cold water.

    ... Chop the cucumber and bell pepper on a Korean carrot grater or cut into thin strips.

    4 ... Chop the carrots and add to funchose and vegetables.

    ... Season (Korean dressing for funchose of various brands is taught in the store), stir.

    Delicious salad with funchose is ready

    Bon Appetit!

    The word "funchose" appeared in the lexicon of European culinary experts not so long ago. But now few specialized TV shows or thematic magazines can do without it. For those who are still unfamiliar with funchose, it is worth making some explanations. Funchoza or glass vermicelli is a type of dry pasta popular in Southeast Asia and made from starch.

    Yes Yes. Contrary to popular belief, funchose has nothing to do with rice noodles. It is made not from rice flour, but from starch. Moreover, in the classic (and not the cheapest) version, not from any starch, but obtained from the beans of golden beans, known in our country as mung or mung. Less commonly, sweet potato, yam or cassava starch is used for the same purpose. Well, in our stores, just the most budgetary version of glass vermicelli is usually sold. It is made from corn or potato starch, familiar to everyone.

    Unlike rice noodles, funchose has no taste or smell of its own. Therefore, all dishes with this ingredient necessarily contain a large amount of seasonings and spices, and are also flavored with soy sauces. By the way, for the same reason, funchose is not used as an independent side dish. In most cases, it is included in thick soups, a variety of meat dishes and numerous salads. It is worth talking about the latter in more detail.

    Funchose and chicken salad

    Strictly speaking, this recipe cannot be called a salad 100%. In fact, this is a complete second course. But if you do not find fault, then this masterpiece of Asian cuisine can be classified as warm salads. For him you will need:

    • funchose - 150 g;
    • chicken fillet - 200 g (you can take any part of the poultry);
    • bell pepper - 2 pcs.;
    • garlic - 3-4 cloves;
    • water - 100 ml;
    • dill, parsley, black pepper, salt - to taste.

    First you need to grind the ingredients. Cut chicken meat into cubes, onion - into a quarter of a ring, pepper - into strips, grate carrots on a fine grater, crush garlic in a crusher.

    Heat a frying pan over a fire, add oil and put the chicken. As you know, poultry meat in such situations secretes juice, so you need to fry the chicken until all the liquid has evaporated. In this case, the pieces of meat must be constantly stirred. When the juice has evaporated, add the onions and carrots to the pan and continue to fry, bringing the vegetables until tender. Now send the bell pepper to the brazier, pour in water and, covering with a lid, simmer the salad for about 10 minutes.

    During this time, you can prepare funchose. Put glass noodles in boiling, slightly salted water and cook for 4-5 minutes. Then fold the funchose in a colander and rinse with cold water. After that, the "noodles" should be cut into small pieces, about 4 cm long. This is most conveniently done with the help of culinary scissors.

    Now you need to mix all the ingredients in a salad bowl, salt, pepper and mix. Serve salad, you must first decorate with fresh herbs.

    Funchose salad with crab sticks

    If we talk about salads in the usual sense, then funchose with crab sticks can be an excellent snack. You can make this salad with the following products at hand:

    • funchose - 100 g;
    • crab sticks - 200 g;
    • canned corn - 1 can (about 400 g);
    • bell pepper - 2 pcs. (about 200 g);
    • low-fat sour cream - 150 g (best of all 10-15% fat);
    • black pepper, salt to taste.

    Boil funchoza with boiling water. Finely chop the crab sticks and bell pepper. Drain the liquid from the corn. Throw the funchoza into a colander and drain off excess water. Mix all the ingredients in a salad bowl, season with salt, pepper and season with sour cream.

    In theory, such a salad can be seasoned with mayonnaise, but in this case, it is better to add a couple of hard-boiled and finely chopped chicken eggs to the listed ingredients.

    Another variant

    You can make it even more interesting. Pour funchoza with boiling water and leave for 5 minutes. Beat the raw eggs thoroughly and fry in hot vegetable oil. Allow the resulting "pancake" to cool. Rinse the funchoza under running cold water, drain off the remaining water and chop it a little with culinary scissors. Roll the cooled egg pancake into a roll and cut into thin strips. Finely chop the crab sticks too. Mix all the ingredients, new and indicated at the beginning of the recipe, add salt, pepper and season with mayonnaise.

    Funchose and Korean carrot salad

    Simple option

    The simplest version of a salad with funchose can be prepared in literally 10 minutes. To do this, you need to brew the vermicelli, rinse it and mix it with Korean carrots. Salt the resulting snack and sprinkle with soy sauce. Ready!

    Although this option is tasty, it is not particularly interesting from the point of view of cooking. Therefore, it is worth turning to a more refined variety of salad with funchose and Korean carrots.

    Option 2

    For this salad, you will need a little more products than for the simple version. More specifically, you have to prepare:

    • funchose - 250 g;
    • Korean carrots - 200 g;
    • broccoli - 100 g;
    • champignons - 100 g;
    • sesame seeds - 1 teaspoon;
    • vegetable oil - for frying;
    • soy sauce - for dressing.

    Prepare the funchoza according to the instructions on the package, rinse and drain. If desired, the vermicelli can be cut into pieces with scissors. Disassemble the broccoli into inflorescences, boil for 3-4 minutes in salted water and fry together with thinly sliced ​​mushrooms in vegetable oil. It is not worth cooking for a long time. 10 minutes is enough.

    Mix funchose, carrots, broccoli and mushrooms in a salad bowl, season with soy sauce and let stand for half an hour so that the products are saturated with the aromas of spices present in Korean carrots. Stir the salad again and sprinkle with sesame seeds before serving.

    Those who don't like broccoli can substitute cauliflower for this product. The salad will not lose at all from this, and maybe even vice versa.

    Funchose and vegetables salad

    Oddly enough, but the closest to Korean cuisine is a salad with funchose and vegetables, and not with Korean carrots. In fact, apart from funchose and spices that go to the dressing, there is nothing exotic in this appetizer:

    • funchose - 200 g;
    • carrots - 1 medium root vegetable;
    • bell pepper - 1 pc.;
    • fresh cucumber - 1 pc .;
    • ginger, chili, coriander and garlic - 5 g each (take all seasonings in dried and ground form);
    • vinegar - 1 tablespoon;
    • sesame oil - 1 tablespoon;
    • sesame seeds, parsley and cilantro to taste.

    It all starts again with brewing funchose in boiling water. When it stands for 5-7 minutes, put the vermicelli in a colander, rinse and let it flow. Cut the bell peppers into thin strips, and the cucumber and carrots can be grated on a Korean carrot grater. When the main ingredients are ready, you can start preparing the dressing.

    In principle, you can not bother with making homemade dressing, but purchase a ready-made mixture for funchose. But this is for the laziest. Moreover, the preparation of salad dressing does not take either effort or time. To do this, just pour all the spices into a bowl (ginger, chili, coriander and garlic), add soy sauce, sesame oil and vinegar there. Mix the mixture thoroughly and the dressing can be considered ready.

    It remains to mix all the ingredients, add sesame seeds, chopped herbs and season with the resulting sauce. Stir the salad well and let it brew for about an hour in the refrigerator. After that, you can serve the appetizer to the table.

    This version of the salad with funchose can be considered basic. If desired, you can add meat, seafood and other vegetables not present in the main list to it. And you can add this salad to any hot dish, using it instead of a side dish.

    Funchose and meat salad

    This salad, too, with a stretch can be attributed to appetizers. Still, this is, perhaps, a transitional stage between salads and main courses. Well, a salad of funchose and meat is prepared using the stir-fry technology - this is when the products are quickly fried in hot oil in a wok or deep frying pan. To prepare for a similar "a la salad" you need the following products:

    • funchose - 150 g;
    • meat - 150-200 g (beef is better, but lean pork is also suitable);
    • carrots - 1 medium root vegetable;
    • champignons - 100 g;
    • onion - 1 head of medium size;
    • garlic - 4-5 cloves;
    • eggs - 1 pc.;
    • sesame and sunflower oil - for frying;
    • soy sauce - 3 tablespoons;
    • sugar - 1 tablespoon;
    • green onions and sesame seeds to taste.

    First of all, you need to marinate the meat. To do this, cut it, as for beef stroganoff, salt and pepper, mash it a little with your hands and put it in the refrigerator for 10-15 minutes. Now you can start making the sauce, i.e. just dissolve sugar in the soy component. On this, the process of preparing the dressing can be considered complete.

    Defrost the mushrooms and cut into slices. Cut the carrots into slices. It is desirable to make them as thin as possible. Chop the garlic and onion as small as possible. They just need to be fried in hot oil first. When these ingredients are golden brown, you can add carrots to the wok. Do not fry vegetables for too long. It is necessary that they only soften slightly. This will take 4-5 minutes. Put the prepared components of the salad in a separate plate.

    Add a little oil to the wok, put the mushrooms and fry for 10 minutes, after which they are also transferred to a separate bowl. Now let's move on to the meat. It should be fried in the same oil for about 10 minutes, stirring constantly. When the pieces are fried on all sides, extinguish the fire under the wok, cover the dishes with a lid and let the meat simmer for another 5-7 minutes. And during this time you can do funchose.

    This time it is better to take thicker vermicelli and boil it in boiling water for 5 minutes, then put it in a colander and rinse. When all the water has drained, cut the funchose into pieces of 7-10 cm each, transfer to a salad bowl, sprinkle with sesame oil and stir.

    It's time to tackle the omelet. To do this, pour the beaten egg into a greased pancake pan, distribute it over the entire frying surface, shaking the pan slightly, and fry for 3 minutes. Then gently turn the egg pancake, turn off the gas under the pan and leave on the stove for another couple of minutes. Put the finished omelet on a plate, and when it cools down, roll it up and cut into strips.

    This completes the preparation of the components of the salad, so you can start assembling it. First, pour the sauce into the funchose and mix thoroughly so that the vermicelli is evenly saturated with it. Now you can put in all the other ingredients, mix and, if necessary, salt the finished snack. On top, the salad can be lightly seasoned with sesame oil and sprinkled with the seeds of the same plant.

    Funchose and shrimp salad

    Korean cuisine is unthinkable without seafood. So funchose salad with shrimps is more than appropriate. In addition, it is well absorbed and generally very useful. To prepare it, you need to prepare:

    • funchose - 100 g;
    • boiled shrimp - 300 g;
    • cherry tomatoes - 6 pcs.;
    • bell pepper - 1 pc.;
    • onion - 1 head of medium size (preferably white);
    • garlic - 2 cloves;
    • soy sauce - 2 tablespoons;
    • lemon juice - 1/2 lemon;
    • vegetable oil - for dressing (olive or sesame);
    • cilantro or parsley to taste.

    Again, you need to start with funchose. Thin vermicelli can be simply poured over with boiling water and held in a lidded container for about 10 minutes. Thicker vermicelli should be boiled for 3-5 minutes. Then everything is as always - a colander, rinsing, flowing.

    Cut the pepper and onion into strips and preferably thinner, and the tomatoes into small slices. Boiled prawns are easy to peel.

    For dressing, put finely chopped cilantro or parsley in a small ladle, add oil, lemon juice, soy sauce and 3 tablespoons of water. Stir the contents of the ladle and cook for 2-3 minutes.

    When the dressing has cooled down a little, you can collect the salad by mixing all the ingredients and seasoning with the resulting sauce. The finished appetizer should be allowed to brew for half an hour, and then serve.

    Funchose and cucumber salad

    This is another variety of funchose and Korean carrot salad. All it takes is:

    • funchose - 150 g;
    • cucumber - 1 pc.;
    • Korean carrots - 150-200 g;
    • onion - 1 head of medium size;
    • vegetable oil - for frying;
    • dill, parsley - to taste.

    So, cut the onion into rings and fry in vegetable oil until tender. Then put it in a salad bowl and pour over the remaining oil after frying. Put Korean-style carrots there and mix everything thoroughly.

    Add the pre-cooked funchose to the vegetables and mix all the products again. When the semi-finished product has cooled down enough, put the last ingredients in it - cucumbers cut into strips and finely chopped greens. Mix everything again and let stand for 30 minutes.

    Funchose and beetroot salad

    And finally, a very simple salad, which will surely please beetroot lovers. After all, this is the second most important component of this snack. And you will need the following ingredients for its preparation:

    • funchose - 200 g;
    • beets - 1 large root vegetable;
    • garlic - 2-3 cloves;
    • vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons;
    • soy sauce to taste.

    Boil the beets, cool under running cold water, peel and grate. Prepare funchoza according to the instructions on the package and mix with the beets. Add garlic crushed in a press to the salad and season it with butter and soy sauce, then mix everything.

    By the way, it is a good idea to add pine nuts or chopped walnuts to such a salad.

    Video recipe for salad with funchose from chef Ilya Lazerson

    Noodles made from green bean starch or other crops are one of the most common foods in Asian cuisine. In recent years, funchose has become available for our compatriots. Korean-style funchose is especially popular: various snacks made from so-called "crystal noodles" are sold in many stores and are in demand, especially among those who prefer spicy dishes. You can prepare a similar funchose salad at home if you know the features of the technology and several suitable recipes so that you have plenty to choose from.

    Cooking features

    Funchoza is considered to be cooked correctly if it becomes flexible and soft, but at the same time retains some elasticity and even crunchiness. This effect can be achieved only if you know the features of the technology.

    • Not in all cases, funchose needs to be boiled. If it is thin, like threads, it is not boiled, but steamed, that is, it is poured with hot water, covered with a lid and left for an average of 5 minutes. If the cross-section of the noodles has a diameter exceeding half a millimeter, it is advisable to boil it. It is cooked in the same way as pasta, so even a novice housewife will not have any difficulties with this. It is only important not to exceed the cooking time. It usually takes 3 to 5 minutes. More precise instructions can be found on the packaging.
    • During or after cooking, funchose can stick together. To prevent this from happening, you need to cook it in a large amount of water: for 100 g of dry noodles, you need to take at least a liter of water. Therefore, a large pan is required.
    • Adding vegetable oil to the water when cooking funchose will protect it from sticking. The optimal ratio is considered to be 20 ml of oil per liter of water. In this case, the oil should be taken refined, odorless.
    • Boiling funchose in skeins requires a special approach. They are tied with a thread before cooking. Cook in water with the obligatory addition of a small amount of salt and oil. After shaking off, remove the thread, cut the noodles into several parts.
    • To prepare funchose in Korean, it is convenient to use a ready-made dressing for Korean snacks or a specially selected mixture of seasonings. However, if you wish, you can prepare the dressing yourself by combining the seasonings and main ingredients to your liking. The main thing is that the dressing should include vegetable oil, soy sauce, garlic, ground red pepper or fresh chili. It is desirable to include in the composition of rice vinegar or ordinary vinegar with the addition of sugar, coriander, black pepper. It is possible to add other spices and spices. Then the finished funchose salad will taste like Korean cuisine.
    • Before serving, the prepared salad must be kept for an hour in a cool place. This is done in order to allow time for the ingredients to soak in the aroma of the spices.

    Korean funchoza is made with the addition of various vegetables, mushrooms, and meat. Therefore, the range of tastes of snacks with this name is very wide.

    A simple Korean funchose recipe

    • funchose - 0.2 kg;
    • carrots - 150 g;
    • Bulgarian pepper - 0.2 kg;
    • garlic - 3 cloves;
    • vegetable oil - 30 ml;
    • soy sauce - 10 ml;
    • table vinegar (9 percent) - 5 ml;
    • seasoning for salads in Korean - 10 g;
    • sugar - a pinch;
    • water - 20 ml.

    Cooking method:

    • Crush the garlic with a special press.
    • Dilute the seasoning with water, add soy sauce and garlic, stir.
    • Pour in a teaspoon of vinegar, add sugar and vegetable oil, mix well again.
    • Wash the pepper. Remove the stalk and extract the seeds. Cut the pulp into thin strips.
    • Peel and grind the carrots for making Korean salads. If you do not have such a grater, simply use a vegetable peeler to cut the carrots into long thin strips.
    • Steam the thin funchose for 5 minutes. Remove from water, rinse with cold water. Cut into pieces about 4-5 cm long.
    • Mix funchose with carrots and peppers, season with prepared sauce.

    The salad can be served when infused. To do this, you need to put it in a cool place for a period from an hour to 4 hours. It is not recommended to store such a snack for more than a day.

    Korean funchoza with cucumbers

    • funchose - 0.3 kg;
    • carrots - 100 g;
    • Bulgarian pepper - 0.25 kg;
    • cucumbers - 0.25 kg;
    • onions - 100 g;
    • garlic - 5 cloves;
    • ground coriander - 5 g;
    • ground red pepper - 5 g;
    • sugar - 5 g;
    • grape vinegar (3 percent) - 50 ml;
    • soy sauce - 50 ml;
    • ground black pepper - 5 g;
    • vegetable oil - 50 ml.

    Cooking method:

    • Wash the bell pepper. After removing the seeds and stem, cut the rings into thin quarters.
    • Remove the husk from the onion, cut it into thin half rings.
    • Cut the cucumbers into semicircles or strips.
    • Grind the peeled carrots on a Korean snack grater.
    • Mix vegetables.
    • Boil the funchoza until tender, following the instructions on the package. Cut it into about 10 cm pieces. Mix with vegetables.
    • Pass the garlic through a press, mix with vinegar, soy sauce, sugar and spices. Add vegetable oil, stir.
    • Season the salad and refrigerate for an hour.

    The salad for this recipe is fresh, light, but rather spicy. It can be served instead of a side dish for meat dishes, including barbecue.

    Korean funchoza with chicken and zucchini

    • funchose - 0.2 kg;
    • chicken breast fillet - 0.25 kg;
    • Bulgarian pepper - 0.2 kg;
    • carrots - 150 g;
    • zucchini - 0.25 kg;
    • garlic - 3 cloves;
    • chilean pepper - 1 pod;
    • soy sauce - 60 ml;
    • vegetable oil - 40 ml;
    • rice or grape vinegar (3 percent) - 10 ml;
    • sugar (if grape vinegar is used) - a pinch.

    Cooking method:

    • Boil the chicken breast until tender, cool and cut into small cubes.
    • Peel vegetables. Grind the zucchini and carrots on a grater for Korean salads, cut the bell peppers into strips, mash the chili peppers using a blender, pass the garlic through a special press.
    • Place funchoza in chicken broth, steam or boil in it until tender.
    • Mix the mass of chilean pepper with garlic, dilute them with soy sauce. Add oil, vinegar, sugar. Stir.
    • Combine vegetables and boiled chicken pieces with funchose and spicy Korean sauce.

    If you are not used to eating zucchini raw, even in salads, you can pre-fry it lightly in oil. In this case, the composition of the sauce should include a little less oil than indicated in the recipe.

    Funchoza in Korean is one of the most popular Asian dishes among our compatriots. Such an appetizer will appeal to those who love spicy and want to diversify their diet with dishes with a new taste.

    In recent years, more and more culinary experts are interested in the preparation of funchose. These glass noodles are made from green beans, cassava starch, cornstarch, or mung bean starch. It is considered traditional for Asian recipes, but is popular all over the world. It is worth learning how to serve these noodles on the table.

    Funchoza - recipe for cooking

    Dietetics and food trendies want to know how to make glass mung bean starch noodles so they are the right consistency without being too soft. For salads or main courses, it can be boiled, fried or combined. Then you need to season it with a sauce of spicy or sweet taste, combine with chopped vegetables, fried meat pieces, eggs.

    It will come in handy to know how funchose is prepared to make a spectacular snack. You can cook soup from it, make a side dish, but salads based on crystal noodles are very popular. They have a pleasant refreshing taste, go well with spicy dressing, saturate the body, while being low in calories. Everyone will appreciate the recipes that make it possible to prepare original dishes.

    How to cook

    The most popular question among cooks is how to cook funchose at home correctly and how long. You can prepare it like this - the thin one is simply poured with boiling water, covered with a lid, and after 4 minutes it becomes ready. When boiling thick noodles, they should be dipped in a pot of water for 5-7 minutes.

    If you bought bean noodles in hanks, then you need to tie them with threads, pour boiling water with salt and oil. After 3 minutes, put in a colander, rinse with water and shake. The thread is removed, the skeins are cut to the desired length. You should cook enough at a time to be enough for a dish without a trace - the noodles should not be stored, because they lose their nutritional properties. Fiber readiness is determined by transparency. If funchose is overcooked, it becomes sour, and undercooked sticks to the teeth. The right noodles are soft, firm, slightly crunchy.

    How to fry

    Sometimes recipes contain instructions on how to fry funchose. This processing method gives the product a pleasant crunchy taste; it turns out to be very satisfying and aromatic. Before frying, pour boiling water over the fibers for 6 minutes, rinse with cold water, and then fry in olive or vegetable oil for 5 minutes, stirring constantly so that it does not stick together.

    Funchose recipes

    From oriental cuisine came to us dishes from funchose, which today are popular all over the world. Any chef can find a step-by-step recipe on how to make funchose. It will even be better to take the recipe from the photo in order to prepare the appetizer exactly with the instructions. Noodles go well with many products - fried meat, chicken, turkey. Vegetable supplements are considered more dietary options, and sauces and condiments add spices and pungencies.


    • Cooking time: 2 hours.
    • Servings Per Container: 3 Persons.
    • Calorie content: 124 kcal.
    • Purpose: for lunch.
    • Cuisine: Chinese.


    • funchose - 100 g;
    • Bulgarian pepper - 150 g;
    • fresh cucumbers - 1 pc .;
    • garlic - 3 cloves;
    • carrots - 1 pc.;
    • wine vinegar - 40 ml;
    • soy sauce - 40 ml;
    • vegetable oil - 20 ml.

    Cooking method:

    1. Pour boiling water over the noodles, rinse with cold water after 10 minutes.
    2. Cut the pepper and cucumber into strips, grate the carrots, season with vinegar, sauce, crushed garlic cloves.
    3. After 10 minutes, mix with noodles, butter, leave in the refrigerator for 2 hours.

    In korean

    • Cooking time: half an hour.
    • Servings Per Container: 8 Persons.
    • Calorie content of the dish: 94 kcal.
    • Purpose: for lunch.
    • Cuisine: Asian.
    • Complexity of preparation: medium.

    A popular recipe is how to make Korean funchose. This spicy snack with a pronounced specific taste will become a decoration of the table, quickly saturate and warm the body. It is good to eat it on its own or serve as a side dish with chicken fillet, fried turkey or beef in Teriyaki sauce with sesame seeds. Dressing for funchose can be made from a ready-made spice mixture or use those that are at hand - it makes no difference.


    • rice noodles - 0.4 kg;
    • water - 1000 ml;
    • carrots - 70 g;
    • cucumbers - 100 g;
    • bell pepper - 30 g;
    • Korean dressing for carrots - 30 g;
    • soy sauce - 40 ml.

    Cooking method:

    1. Boil the noodles, rinse with water, mix with vegetable strips and crushed garlic.
    2. Season with sauce, spices, mix until smooth.

    With Chiken

    • Cooking time: 1.5 hours.
    • Servings Per Container: 6 Persons.
    • Calorie content: 115 kcal.
    • Purpose: for dinner.
    • Cuisine: Asian.
    • Complexity of preparation: medium.

    A delicious dinner will provide a recipe for how to make chicken funchose. This hearty yet dietary snack features a rich, meaty roast poultry flavor combined with a refreshing vegetable aroma and a crispy noodle texture. A spicy dressing of a garlic-onion mixture creates food with a real oriental spirit, giving it a piquant original flavor.


    • funchose - 0.4 kg;
    • tomatoes - 0.35 kg;
    • cucumbers - 150 g;
    • carrots - 100 g;
    • onions - 100 g;
    • garlic - 2 cloves;
    • soy sauce - 20 ml;
    • vegetable oil - 20 ml;
    • water - 300 ml;
    • chicken breast - half a kilo.

    Cooking method:

    1. Pour noodles with hot water, drain after 6 minutes.
    2. Cut the chicken into pieces, fry for 5 minutes, add onion half rings, salt.
    3. Prepare frying: cut the tomatoes with cucumbers into strips, grate the carrots, chop the garlic - fry in a pan for 2 minutes, add the rest of the vegetables. Bring to readiness, salt and pepper.
    4. Combine all the ingredients, pour over soy sauce. Insist an hour at room temperature.

    With vegetables

    • Cooking time: half an hour.
    • Servings Per Container: 3 Persons.
    • Calorie content: 170 kcal.
    • Purpose: for lunch.
    • Cuisine: Asian.
    • Complexity of preparation: medium.

    The vegetarian option will work if you know how to cook funchose with vegetables. It is perfect as a lean snack, it will please a child and an adult. The appetizer looks attractive and appetizing thanks to the combination of bright vegetables, aromatic dressing and glass noodles. You can adjust its severity yourself - add more garlic or ground black pepper.


    • funchose - 100 g;
    • carrots - 100 g;
    • cucumbers - 100 g;
    • bell pepper - 50 g;
    • garlic - 3 cloves;
    • vinegar - 30 ml;
    • soy sauce - 30 ml;
    • vegetable oil - 40 ml.

    Cooking method:

    1. Pour boiling water over the noodles, salt, rinse with cold water after 5 minutes.
    2. Cut carrots, paprika, cucumbers into strips, chop the garlic.
    3. Prepare frying vegetables, add noodles.
    4. Season with vinegar, sauce.

    With shrimps

    • Cooking time: half an hour.
    • Servings Per Container: 2 Persons.
    • Calorie content: 187 kcal.
    • Purpose: for dinner.
    • Cuisine: Asian.
    • Complexity of preparation: medium.

    A hearty version of a festive dinner will turn out if you know how to make a funchose salad with shrimps. The noodles go well with seafood, which accentuate its delicate taste. Cherry tomatoes add piquancy and a little sweetness to the appetizer, and onions add spice. You can add a little compressed garlic.


    • shrimp - 150 g;
    • onions - 15 g;
    • olive oil - 10 ml;
    • cherry tomatoes - 50 g;
    • funchose - 200 g;
    • fresh paprika - 1 pc.;
    • soy sauce - 5 ml.

    Cooking method:

    1. Boil the shrimps, peel off the shell, fry together with chopped onions and chopped tomato slices with paprika.
    2. Pour boiling water over noodles, drain after 5 minutes, add to frying.
    3. Serve after 5 minutes simmering over medium heat.

    With mushrooms and vegetables

    • Cooking time: half an hour.
    • Servings Per Container: 3 Persons.
    • Calorie content of the dish: 80 kcal.
    • Purpose: for lunch.
    • Cuisine: Asian.
    • Complexity of preparation: medium.

    There are many varieties of recipes that tell you how to make funchose salad with mushrooms. You can add the usual champignons, pickled honey mushrooms or exotic shiitaki, oyster mushrooms or tree mushrooms. In any case, the appetizer will turn out to be spicy, aromatic and very tasty. It is perfect for the holiday table, even if you are expecting vegetarians or fasting people.


    • funchose - 100 g;
    • sweet pepper - 70 g;
    • carrots - 100 g;
    • honey mushrooms - 400 g;
    • sunflower oil - 10 ml;
    • soy sauce - 15 ml.

    Cooking method:

    1. Pour boiling water over the noodles for a minute, rinse.
    2. Make a roast of fried peppers and carrots, cut into strips. Add honey mushrooms, simmer for 10 minutes.
    3. Combine with noodles, season with soy sauce.

    With meat and vegetables

    • Cooking time: 80 minutes.
    • Servings Per Container: 4 Persons.
    • Calorie content: 275 kcal.
    • Purpose: for dinner.
    • Cuisine: Asian.
    • Complexity of preparation: medium.

    An excellent option for a festive dinner would be Korean funchose with meat. To make it, you will need to take the usual pork, which goes well with noodles. The dressing will be unusual - garlic arrows, lemon juice and carrots. All this will make the appetizer uniquely tasty, piquant and aromatic. For a spicier taste, add a chili pepper.


    • pork - 400 g;
    • onion - 1 pc.;
    • funchose - 600 g;
    • carrots - 1 pc.;
    • garlic arrows - 300 g;
    • vegetable oil - 55 ml;
    • lemon - 1 pc.;
    • soy sauce - 30 ml;
    • garlic - 2 cloves;
    • water - 100 ml;
    • dried paprika - 2 g.

    Cooking method:

    1. Cut the garlic arrows into short pieces, boil for 5 minutes in salted water.
    2. Grate carrots for Korean salads, cut onions into half rings, pork strips.
    3. First fry the onion until golden brown, add the meat with arrows. After 15 minutes, add water, cover and simmer the same amount.
    4. At this time, boil the noodles until transparent, rinse.
    5. Prepare the dressing: mix lemon juice with soy sauce, dried paprika, pepper, season with chopped fried garlic.
    6. Combine all the ingredients, put them on the refrigerator shelf, serve after 20 minutes.

    With soy sauce

    • Cooking time: 5.5 hours.
    • Servings Per Container: 6 Persons.
    • Calorie content: 175 kcal.
    • Purpose: for lunch.
    • Cuisine: Asian.
    • Complexity of preparation: medium.

    Funchose with soy sauce, seasoned with vegetables of different colors, turns out to be tasty and dietary. Such a snack will perfectly saturate the body, fill the stomach and keep the feeling of fullness for a long time. It can be served as a stand-alone dish or combined with main meat or fish. If you know how to make noodles, try pairing them with fried chicken, stewed pork, or boiled shrimp.


    • funchose - half a kilo;
    • carrots - 2 pcs.;
    • radish - 1 pc.;
    • cucumbers - 2 pcs.;
    • garlic - 5 cloves;
    • soy sauce - 10 ml;
    • vinegar - 5 ml;
    • ground red pepper - 1 g;
    • monosodium glutamate - 2 g;
    • sugar - 2 g;
    • dry coriander - 2 grains;
    • vegetable oil - 40 ml;

    For the second refueling:

    • bell pepper - 3 pcs.;
    • sesame seeds - 10 g;
    • soy sauce - 10 ml;
    • garlic - 3 cloves;
    • jusai onion - 1 pc.

    Cooking method:

    1. Make a cold dressing: grate carrots with radish, season with soy sauce, vinegar, paprika, crushed garlic, sugar, glutamate. Heat oil, season with coriander, pour over the mixture. After 5 hours add the grated cucumbers.
    2. Prepare a hot dressing: chop the pepper into strips, fry with butter and sauce, add chopped jusai and garlic. After softening, add the sesame seeds.
    3. Boil the noodles, pour with oil, cool, season with hot mixture.
    4. Cool, then add cold dressing.

    With Korean carrots

    • Cooking time: 2.5 hours.
    • Servings Per Container: 4 Persons.
    • Calorie content: 262 kcal.
    • Purpose: for lunch.
    • Cuisine: Asian.
    • Complexity of preparation: medium.

    A delicious and satisfying snack will be Korean-style funchose with carrots. She is pleased to dine at work, dine at home with her family. A spicy appetizer will be pleasant not only as an independent dish. It goes well with any baked meat, stewed or boiled fish, fried shrimp or squid. It is spiced up by a special spice mixture based on coriander.


    • funchose - 200 g;
    • spices for Korean salads - a bag;
    • cucumbers - 2 pcs.;
    • carrots - 1 pc.;
    • bell pepper - 1 pc.;
    • garlic - 2 cloves;
    • vegetable oil - 40 ml;
    • parsley, dill - a bunch.

    Cooking method:

    1. Pour noodles with hot water, drain after 7 minutes, rinse.
    2. Chop vegetables into thin strips, squeeze out the juice. Finely chop the herbs with garlic.
    3. Mix the ingredients, season with seasonings, oil.
    4. After 2 hours of infusion, serve on the refrigerator shelf.
    5. Optionally add strips of seedless tomatoes.

    Soup with funchose and chicken

    • Cooking time: 1 hour.
    • Servings Per Container: 10 Persons.
    • Calorie content of the dish: 35 kcal.
    • Purpose: for lunch.
    • Cuisine: author's.
    • Complexity of preparation: medium.

    You can make a light, low-calorie dinner if you know how to make funchose soup. It is better to take chicken meat for the broth, which is characterized by low fat content and tenderness. If you are not ready for experiments, you can add potatoes, and serve soup with sour cream and chopped herbs with garlic croutons.


    • chicken fillet - 0.25 kg;
    • water - 2500 ml;
    • potatoes - 0.45 kg;
    • funchose - 100 g;
    • onions - 50 g;
    • carrots - 150 g;
    • salt - 5 g;
    • parsley - 20 g.

    Cooking method:

    1. Cut the chicken into cubes, add water and boil. After half an hour, add the potato cubes.
    2. After the potatoes are ready, add chopped onions, carrots, noodles.
    3. After two minutes, when the soup is ready, season with chopped herbs.
    4. If desired, onions with carrots can be pre-fried.

    Funchose sauce

    It will be useful to learn how to make funchose sauce at home. It will make any noodle dish even more tasty and aromatic, eliminate possible dryness and give a beautiful look. Here are some mouth-watering marinade options:

    • to cook hot funchose, you will need to season it with a mixture of green onions, garlic, carrots, sesame oil, soy sauce and fresh parsley;
    • the original sauce is a mixture of cilantro, lemon juice, olive oil, soy sauce, white sesame seeds, garlic and curry;
    • You can marinate noodles in a mixture of soy sauce, garlic, cilantro, lemon juice, olive oil and curry;
    • delicious dressing - vegetable oil, soy sauce, garlic, black and red peppers, coriander, monosodium glutamate, carrots, cucumber, lemon juice;
    • it will turn out original if you fill the vermicelli with a mixture of granulated mustard, lemon juice, olive oil, garlic and honey.
