Butter cream recipe. Butter cream for cake is one of the most delicate decorations

15.03.2020 Bakery products

The most delicious cream is handmade. But for the preparation of most creams, skill and time are needed, which modern ladies often lack. There is an exit. It's a cream cake. It consists of simple and affordable components, and making it easier than ever. We offer a selection of the most popular recipes among hostesses.

But before we start, let's acquaint you with the secrets of cream cake cream so that no trifle overshadows the cooking process.

Butter cream secrets

1. It is important to know that there is vegetable cream, which includes vegetable fats, and there is also a natural version of the product. Regarding the first case, it will be much easier to beat them, although you can lose in utility.

2. In order to qualitatively knock down the cream, they must be cold, for this it is better to put them in the refrigerator for a day. Also, it is worth placing a bowl with a mixer whisk in the cold, you can put it in the freezer, for 20 minutes.

3. It is necessary to start whipping at a minimum speed, and then gradually increase it.

4. Use a mixer to get a whipped product. Let's explain - food processors or powerful blenders can make butter from cream.

5. For the cream, granulated sugar is mainly not used, it is more correct to beat with powder or sugar syrup.

6. The cream should be prepared immediately before use. The fact is that cream tends to release additional moisture, which means that during storage it can be lost as a finished product.

7. Utensils and devices that are used for whipping must be dry and clean, as the slightest bit of moisture will interfere with making a quality cream.

Classic Cream Cream

It is based on the use of natural ingredients. In this case, we will make a cake cream from 33 percent cream, although a 35 and 38 percent product will also work.

cream (at least 33% fat) - 500 ml;
powdered sugar - 70 g;
vanilla sugar - 10 g (for an amateur).

First, pour the cream into a container for fluffing, turn on the mixer to a minimum, beat for a minute or two.

Then adding powder, continue the process, gradually adding speed. Add vanilla as well, if desired. When all the sugar has been added, turn on the device to maximum and beat until soft “peaks” appear. As soon as you see that the mass holds its shape, stop, because another minute and your cream will become butter.

If you don't know how to make whipped cream to decorate a cake, then this recipe is perfect. Moreover, you can get bright shades of cream, for this, at the stage of adding vanilla sugar, you can introduce the selected food coloring 1 drop at a time. No need to hastily add 3-5 drops at once, this can spoil the color and make it too saturated.

You can squeeze the buttercream onto the cake using a bag or syringe. It is also a good option to use ready-made cream products, for this you will need to put the cream mass into molds and let it freeze in the cold.


It is based on the use of chocolate, and in order not to get a too fatty finished product, this recipe for a 20% cream cake cream.

2 cups cream (20%);
1/3 cup powdered sugar;
50 g of chocolate;
1 tsp gelatin.

Throw gelatin leaves on a sieve, after washing them in water. When all the liquid has drained, pour in a third of the cream, mix. Leave for 2 hours so that the gelatin swells in the best way. Next, heat the container with the mass until dissolved in a steam bath, cool.

In the meantime, melt the chocolate, pour into the gelatin. You can also use cocoa, for this you need to put it in hot cream and dissolve it in them. In the case of cocoa, it needs 40 g.

Whip the remaining unused cream with powdered sugar. Next, without turning off the whipping device, for example, a mixer, add chocolate, and then gradually pour in the gelatin composition. Beat until a stable foam is formed.

sour cream

For this recipe, you need the most delicious and healthy dairy products. Proper mixing of them will allow you to get a delicate creamy substance, which is great for layering any cake layers.

milk - 200 ml;
potato starch - 4 g;
cream (minimum 30%) - 250 ml;
sour cream - 120 ml;
powdered sugar - 70 g;
vanillin - 1 sachet.

Heat half of the milk slightly, add starch, cook jelly, heating over medium heat. Be sure to stir so that the composition does not burn.

Bring the second half of the milk to a boil, add the jelly, mix well and let it cool.

Take care of the rest of the products. Whip the cream with a mixer until you see airy peaks. Without stopping, add sour cream, preferably in small portions, then powdered sugar and vanillin. After combining with milk jelly, you need to mix for about 3 more minutes. Now the cream is ready.

By the way, yogurt can be an excellent alternative to sour cream, but it is better that it be natural, ideally homemade.


cottage cheese - 500 g;
powdered sugar - 100 g;
cream (the fattest, homemade) - 250 ml;
gelatin - 10 g;
water - 50 ml;
orange zest - 1 tsp;
vanillin - 2 g.

Separately, whip the homemade cream to get a thick mass and refrigerate.

Take care of gelatin, pour warm water, leave for 10 minutes.

While the gelatin is infused, grind the cottage cheese through a sieve and beat lightly with a blender at medium speed. Pour the powder here and mix with a spoon. Also add vanilla and fruit zest. Shake vigorously.

Pour gelatin into the resulting composition and already with a mixer, turning on the highest speed, fluff.

Time for the cream, they need to be transferred to the resulting consistency and carefully mixed (with a spoon). Do not do this for too long, a few manipulations are enough. Now put the cream in the refrigerator to allow it to fully absorb the orange flavor.

From dried cream

5 st. l. dry cream;
200 ml of milk;
120 ml of water;
100 g of powdered sugar.

Pour dry cream with water, stir, you should get 150 g of the mixture. Now add milk here and mix well. Refrigerate for 30 minutes, and 2 minutes before you whip the future cream, remove the cream from the freezer.

With a mixer, beat the resulting consistency at low speed, pour in the powder and increase the speed. As soon as you see that the mass has begun to thicken, reduce the speed again until lush "slides" form. Remove the cream in a cold place for 30 minutes and you can use it as directed.

With butter

The cream, which contains cream and butter, is a stable mass that does not sag even under heavy layers of biscuit cakes.

1 st. cream;
4 tbsp. l. butter;
0.5 tsp vanilla extract;
1 st. l. Sahara.

Warm up ¼ of a glass of cream slightly, add butter, preferably soft, melt. Make sure that the temperature of the cream does not exceed 35 degrees. Cool down to 20 degrees.

Beat the rest of the cream with a mixer with sugar, slowly add the butter mixture and beat until you see the state of hard peaks.

with ricotta

A great option for a delicious cream for those sweet lovers who are trying to keep their figure. Due to the low calorie content of the products, 100 g of the finished cream product contains 214 kcal.

Would need:
ricotta - 500 g;
powdered sugar - 150 g;
cinnamon powder - 1 tsp;
cream - 50 ml.

First, warm the cheese and cream to a temperature of 20 degrees. To do this, simply remove the food from the refrigerator an hour before cooking.

Using a blender, beat the powder and cream, after the first is completely dissolved, add the remaining ingredients and mix until the mass is uniform and fluffy. You can lubricate cakes with cream, decorate pastries, but it is advisable to put the dish in the refrigerator for several hours in order to allow the cream to soak.

With condensed milk

An ideal option for a sweet tooth is a thick cream of cream and condensed milk for a biscuit cake. It is worth remembering that the cream must be as fat as possible, the dietary option simply will not whip.

half a liter of cream;
200 ml of condensed milk;
powdered sugar (as needed)

Pre-cool the dairy products, then beat with a mixer at low speed until you see bubbles. Then turn on the maximum and continue whipping for another 10 minutes. During this period, the cream will thicken before your eyes.

As for the powder, it may not be useful, since condensed milk is already sweet. And if you still decide to use the component, then pour it immediately with milk. As soon as you "grow mountains" from the cream, turn off the device.

If you add boiled cream to whipped cream, then a delicate cream with caramel flavor is perfect for.

With mascarpone

And now we will tell you how to make a cream of mascarpone cheese and cream for. Delicate and refined taste!

fat cream - 250 ml;
mascarpone - 300 g;
powdered sugar - 120 g;
vanilla sugar - 1 pinch.

Separate half of the powder, add cheese to it and knead with a spatula.

Add the rest of the powder to the cream, whisk with a whisk until the mass becomes fluffy.

Now combine 2 consistencies and already, using a mixer, gradually increasing the speed, beat well. Ready!

As you can see, it is not so difficult to prepare cream from cream for a cake, the main thing in this matter is the quality of the products and sufficient whipping. By the way, you can add other ingredients to the ingredients proposed in the recipes, for example, liquor, cocoa, zest, but this should be done at the 1st stage of preparation. The most delicious food for you!

In desserts, I value naturalness the most. Everything that is in the decor or filling should be harmoniously combined not only in color, but also in taste. All kinds of sugar beads and plastic figurines can look great on a birthday cake, but, you see, most often they end up on the edge of the plate, because guests are afraid to break their teeth on them. Therefore, the best cake decoration is whipped cream and fruit. Today I will tell you how to whip cream correctly, which whipping product to choose, what mistakes can be easily avoided during the process.


  • Fat whipping cream (33%) - 500 g. I used Lakomo products (Russian production, the label says “whipping cream”)
  • Powdered sugar - 70-100 g (to taste)
  • Vanilla extract (optional) - 1 tsp (or vanilla sugar half of a small bag weighing 10 g)

How to make whipped cream cream (recipe with step by step photos)

Natural cream is a very capricious product, so every little thing is important when working with it. Even experienced housewives may encounter the fact that the cream does not whip or, on the contrary, turns into butter. How to whip cream with sugar to make a delicious cream?

Powerful combines are not suitable for whipping, which can turn cream into butter in a matter of seconds. Use a hand mixer with a power of 350-400 W, while turning on the average speed (for example, I have a BOSCH hand mixer with a power of 350 W, I beat first at 2 speeds, then increase to 3, without bringing it to the maximum fourth). The cream will look runny at first, but will thicken as you beat. Literally after 4-5 minutes (the time depends on the power of the mixer) you will see soft peaks. I completely immerse the whisks in the cream and hold the bowl at an angle, then move the whisks over the entire mass of the cream until it thickens (at this point I begin to pour the powder).

Once you see whisk marks on the surface of the cream and feel it thicken, stop the mixer. Sift the powdered sugar into a bowl. Its amount depends on your preference, so add 50 g, taste it. Then add some more if needed.

After adding the powdered sugar, it will take another 5 minutes to beat the cream into a thick mass. In total, it takes me 8-10 minutes.

Delicious whipped cream is ready to serve! Use it for desserts, decorating cakes and cupcakes, as an addition to fresh berries and fruits. Enjoy your meal!

Why won't the cream whip?

Let's look at common mistakes when working with natural cream:

  • low fat product

Buy for making cream only those creams that have the inscription "For whipping" or any cream with a fat content of 33% or more.

  • too warm cream

Only chilled cream whips well, so you can put it in the freezer for 10-15 minutes before whipping.

  • cream separates when whipped

If the cream separates and becomes butter, it may mean that you overdid it and whipped it too hard. Do not be upset and do not try to throw out the "spoiled" butter-cream! Just add a few tablespoons of cold cream, stir, and after a few seconds start gently whipping.

  • the cream does not hold its shape in the decorations on the cake and pastries

Not enough whipped cream, you still need to work with a mixer, achieving distinct marks on the surface of the mass.

What cream to choose for the cream?

I always have whipping cream in my fridge, I buy it very often to pamper my family. They can layer biscuit cakes, serve with waffles, add grated chocolate, fresh fruits and berries to them and eat as a dessert.

If we talk about manufacturers, I can single out the following TOP 3, the cream of which I really like in my work:

Parmalat 35%

Very expensive and considered the best (but I have a different opinion). Everyone admires their density, but I do not like the fact that they contain corn starch. Along with carrigian, cornstarch acts as a thickening agent, so the cream is thick, not because it is fatty in nature, but simply well flavored with starch. It turns out some kind of deception. Of course, the taste of starch is not felt in any way, and it beats well, but still.

Firma Petmol 33%

High quality product and will never let you down. They are expensive, but you don’t feel sorry for good products, especially when it comes to a holiday, and you need the cream for the cake to turn out 100%. If you are just learning pastry and do not want punctures, you will make the best cream on this cream.

Whipping cream Lakomo 33%

An excellent product in terms of price-quality ratio. In stores in our city (in Auchan) they are sold at a price of 120 rubles per 500 ml. The cream has a convenient packaging in which it is convenient to store and use the cream, thanks to the screw cap. Excellent whipping, pleasant taste and aroma.

At the end of my review, I also want to talk about those creams that are intended for whipping - vegetable cream. The most common of them: Wilpak and Shantipak (look at the photo).

There is an ambiguous attitude towards them (as well as towards everything unnatural). They whip up “excellent”, but there is no information about how safe they are for health.

I wish you a successful cream and desserts prepared with it! Share information, what kind of cream do you like, what firms do you prefer?! I will be glad to comments, your responses and responses to the recipe.

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If you decide to cook a real birthday cake for a family celebration, then you should read this article. In it, we will share with you the secrets of preparing a sweet treat, and also tell you how to make a delicious Recipe with a photo you can see below.

in condensed milk

Butter cream is the best choice for those who decide to decorate a cake or a homemade cake. You can also use it as a filler for eclairs or cream of butter and condensed milk:

  • Take 200 grams of butter and beat it until fluffy with a mixer. For this purpose, it is best to turn it on at low or medium speed.
  • (ten tablespoons) pour into a bowl of oil in a thin stream, continuing to beat the cream until smooth.

If you don't have a mixer handy, use a whisk or wooden spatula. Remember that if you wish, you can give the treat any taste. To do this, just add a little aromatic additives to the cream.

Cream "Charlotte"

The recipe for creamy milk and eggs is not complicated, and you can easily cook it yourself at home. It is prepared as follows:

  • Pour four tablespoons of milk into a saucepan, add four tablespoons of sugar to it, put the dishes on the fire and bring its contents to a boil.
  • Whisk two eggs in a separate bowl. Gradually pour hot water into them without ceasing to interfere. Bring the new mixture to a boil as well.
  • While the syrup is cooling to room temperature, beat 200 grams of butter until fluffy. Pre-heat it to the consistency of thick sour cream.
  • Combine the prepared products and beat them together until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

milk cream recipe

One of the main advantages of this cream is the ease of preparation. You can add pineapple, kiwi, strawberries or vanilla sugar to the main ingredients. Each time you will get a new result and come up with new desserts. Butter cream cake recipe:

  • Hold 200 grams of butter for half an hour at room temperature so that it becomes soft enough.
  • Beat one glass of milk with two tablespoons of flour, put on fire and bring the liquid to a boil, and then let it cool.
  • Beat butter with one glass of sugar and vanilla using a mixer.
  • Add the milk mixture in a thin stream, remembering to stir. Wait until the cream acquires an airy consistency.

Cream "Glace"

Butter cream mixed with eggs has a special taste that your loved ones will certainly notice. How to make buttercream (recipe):

  • In a suitable bowl, mix two eggs and four tablespoons of sugar.
  • Put the mixture on a low heat and stir until it doubles or triples in size.
  • Beat with a mixer or whisk 200 grams of softened butter.
  • Combine the prepared products and beat them to a state of air cream.

Prepare delicious meals for the whole family. Delicate custard dough of these cakes goes well with butter cream. Read the instructions for preparation carefully and get to work:

  • Melt 150 grams of butter in a saucepan over low heat, add a pinch of salt, one glass of boiling water to it and bring the mixture to a boil. Carefully pour one cup of flour into the saucepan and begin to stir it vigorously so that no lumps appear. When the dough has a uniform consistency, remove it from the heat and let it cool slightly.
  • In the finished dough, add five eggs in turn, mix and transfer the resulting product to a pastry bag.
  • Preheat the oven and grease a baking sheet with oil. Squeeze strips of dough 10-12 cm long onto it and bake the blanks for about 15 minutes until a golden color appears.
  • Now you can cook cream butter, the recipe of which is quite simple. Mash one egg with one glass of sugar, carefully pour one glass of hot cream into them and heat over a fire until thickened, stirring constantly. Add one tablespoon of vanilla sugar to the cream and leave to cool. Beat 200 grams of butter until it turns white, and then combine with cream.
  • Cut the eclairs on one side with a knife so that steam can escape from them. When the blanks have cooled, fill them with cream using a pastry bag.

Cover the finished eclairs with chocolate icing and serve with hot tea.

Your guests will appreciate this original dessert thanks to a pleasant combination of butter cream and coconut flakes. We will prepare the dough like this:

  • Beat with a mixer or whisk one glass of sugar and three eggs. Add 100 grams of sour cream, 150 grams of melted butter and mix well. Sift three cups of flour through a sieve, mix with one cup of ground almonds and a bag of baking powder. Combine the prepared products and mix them well.
  • Divide the dough into two equal parts, roll each one out, put them into round shapes and bake in a preheated oven until done. When the blanks have cooled slightly, cut each lengthwise into two parts.

Prepare cream butter (recipe):

  • Beat four eggs with a glass of sugar, add three glasses of milk and eight tablespoons of flour. Put the mixture on the fire and cook until it becomes thick enough. Then take it off the heat and let it cool down to room temperature.
  • Beat 300 grams of butter with one glass of coconut flakes and combine with the milk mixture. Stir the cream until smooth.

Now you can start assembling the cake. To do this, spread the cakes with cream, lay them on top of each other and cover the surface of the cake with the rest of the butter cream. Sprinkle generously with coconut flakes on your dessert.

Cake with strawberries, buttercream and whipped cream

In your kitchen, you can easily create a real masterpiece. Stock up on time, patience and get to work:

  • For the dough, combine two cups of flour, two cups of sugar, a bag of baking powder, 200 grams of butter, four eggs, a glass of milk, a little vanilla and half a glass of strawberries, mashed to a puree.
  • Divide the dough into three equal parts and bake round cakes in the oven.
  • For the filling, beat one and a half cups of cream, two tablespoons of sugar and one and a half cups of strawberries, cut into slices.
  • Cooking cream butter. Recipe: beat 100 grams of butter at room temperature, 200 grams of any two cups of powdered sugar, two teaspoons of vanilla.

“Assemble” the cake by smearing it with cream and decorate with whole strawberries.

Recipes for cream and other confectionery decorations

cream cake

25 minutes

270 kcal

5 /5 (1 )

Whipped into a lush, brittle and airy mass, cream is not only a great dessert, but also perfectly plays the role of a delicate filling for various pastries and cakes. Who among us is not in awe of a stunningly beautiful buttercream cake?

However, despite its popularity, whipped cream is considered quite complicated - many say that in order to make such a filling for a cake, not only experience and skill are required, but also a special recipe and ingredients that are rarely found on sale. I agree with only one thing: without a properly balanced recipe, it is impossible to prepare the perfect cream. Everything else does not matter at all, even a green novice in cooking can handle the preparation of the filler. Today I will be happy to prove it to you, we will take a closer look at how to make two options for cream cake from cream.

Butter cream with vanilla

Kitchen tools

To make your cream simply excellent and you don’t spend too much time preparing it, I recommend preparing all the necessary kitchen utensils and utensils ahead of time:

  • several capacious bowls with a volume of 350 ml or more;
  • a few tablespoons and teaspoons;
  • long knife;
  • kitchen scale (you can also use a measuring cup);
  • metal whisk.

In addition, you need a mixer or a food processor with a special whipping attachment - without these helpers, you most likely will not be able to make a great cream.

Vanilla Buttercream Ingredients

Making buttercream is a simple task, and it can be easily accomplished on one condition: if you have the right ingredients for the recipe. How to prepare such a cream of whipped cream exactly according to the recipe so that it is suitable not only for filling, but also for decorating a cake? I suggest you read some helpful tips.

  • To make the vanilla cream bright white and shiny in appearance, choose only the fattest cream for the implementation of the recipe (from 33%) preferably high quality. Special varieties of cream are suitable, which manufacturers label with the inscription “for whipping”.
  • Besides vanilla, you can add additional spices to the recipe such as nutmeg, ground cardamom, or chopped fresh ginger.

Making vanilla buttercream

Vanilla Buttercream Cake Video Recipe

Below you can find out in detail how to properly make buttercream for filling and decorating a cake.

How to whip cream. Butter cream for cake (only 3 ingredients).

Creamy cream. Butter cream for cake (only 3 ingredients). Butter cream - a recipe for a gentle cream. Delicate cream based cream. Airy buttercream is perfect for almost any occasion. How to make simple buttercream for pastries and cakes. Butter cream is suitable for absolutely any cake. how to whip cream.

Cream Ingredients:
- 500 ml 33-36% cream;
- 100 g of powdered sugar;
- vanillin on the tip of a knife (optional).

Only fresh and very cold heavy cream, at least 33% fat, is whipped well.
Whisks and dishes in which the cream is whipped should also be cold.
Sometimes, while whipping, a bowl of cream is placed on ice.
Pour the cream into the cold mixing bowl and start beating at high speed.
After a while, add vanilla and sift the powdered sugar.
Beat until you get a fluffy cream that holds well on the whisk.
Cream ready.

You can use butter cream to decorate the surface of pastries and cakes. It is very good for leveling the cake.
You can use the cream as an independent dish, with fresh berries and fruits.

Hundred https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vq-fLhpoqd8&t=22s [Recipe: Classic biscuit]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=trAVWfvOK_4 [Step-by-step video cake recipe: biscuit, cream, chocolate icing.]




Butter cream with gelatin

  • Time for preparing: 10 to 20 minutes.
  • Servings: for 1 cake weighing 450 - 500 g.

Kitchen tools

Pick up in advance the dishes and kitchen utensils that you will need in the process of preparing the cream:

  • several bowls;
  • two or three tablespoons;
  • measuring cup or scales;
  • metal whisk;
  • food processor (you can also use a hand mixer).

Gelatin Butter Cream Ingredients

  • 500 ml of heavy cream;
  • 150 g of granulated sugar;
  • 7 g gelatin.

How to choose the right ingredients

  • Granulated sugar for gelatin cream can be replaced with fine powder, however, pour it in less than regular sugar: approximately 100 - 120 grams. Remember also that brown sugar is not advised: it does not dissolve well when whipped and gives the filler an unpleasant dark color.
  • Gelatin for cream is best to use powder. Also, do not forget that you can not pour gelatin from a pack that was opened a few days ago into the cream: such a powder has long lost all its properties.

Preparation of butter cream with gelatin

Gelatin Buttercream Cake Video Recipe

In the video below, you can see how to make the perfect creamy gelatin cake cream.

Delicate CREAM - SOFFLE cream for cakes, cupcakes and any pastries.

Very simple and easy to prepare cream-soufflé can be used for any cakes and pastries. Delicate and airy structure and wonderful taste will please you!
Chocolate Chiffon Biscuit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WzEeb7D4X5I
Biscuit Castello https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lpICUKHVhno




What kind of cakes is buttercream suitable for?

This type of cream is perfect for both decorating and filling various confectionery products, for leveling cakes and making cream figures. The filler goes well with:

  • To make the cream thick, be sure to use only cold, even ice cream. In addition, the filler will definitely “flow” if you whip cream at room temperature in a warm room.
  • Whip the cream for a long time, it will definitely thicken, if not lazy. If after five minutes the substance is still liquid, then it needs to be whipped for another five.
  • Always add granulated sugar in parts, otherwise the whipped mass will inevitably settle under the action of the sugar mass and it will be very difficult to beat it again.
  • Use prepared creams only in reliable recipes so as not to waste time and resources. For example, I strongly advise you to cook with creamy, ice cream and mascarpone - an inimitably tasty and nutritious dessert that all members of my family gobble up with the same pleasure.

Butter cream for the cake can be easily and simply prepared even for those who have never even touched such sweets before. Maybe one of the readers has useful experience in making such a cream, or do you know what additional components can be added to it to make the cake even more attractive and tastier? Share your findings in the comments, let's discuss all the pros and cons of this filler together! Bon appetit and always successful culinary experiments!