Sugar mastic figures. How to make beautiful figures from mastic

23.08.2019 Grill menu

"Hand made" is a great way to please others and show yourself. And cooking is no exception. For example - a masterpiece homemade cake: with lush biscuit cakes and appetizing cream, covered with sweet homemade mastic and decorated with the same sweet mastic figures or flowers. But we will not offer you recipes for delicious cakes, but we suggest focusing on the decor and mastering the basics of art, how to make figurines for cakes out of mastic with your own hands.

How to make figurines from mastic

Let's start with what it takes to make mastic decor at home. Firstly - the mastic or paste itself, which you can buy ready-made in the store or find the most convenient recipe for you and make it yourself.
Secondly, what to work with, that is, the tools (and hands, of course). From special tools you may need:

  • silicone mat for working with mastic mass;
  • special snacks for small parts;
  • notches, plungers, molds, patchwork - that is, various forms for obtaining ready-made figures or their parts;
  • brushes for painting figures, brushing off excess starch or powder from them, as well as applying a coating for shine.

Here we will immediately make a reservation that all of the above will facilitate your work and is not a prerequisite, without which work with a tight-fitting cake is impossible.
Thirdly, the idea and the way of its implementation. Here, you can take your imagination and your culinary and artistic skills as a basis, or you can turn to the all-knowing Internet and find there suitable mastic figures and videos on how to sculpt them. And here it will not hurt you to know some of the practical points of working with a mastic mass in terms of creating figures:

    1. lubricate the joints of the parts or the figure itself with the base with water - this guarantees their strong "grip";
    1. if your idea is colored, it is not necessary to paint the mastic mass itself - you can paint a ready-made, but well-dried figure;
  1. when using artificial food colors, choose salt-free options.

You can substitute natural beetroot, spinach or carrot juice.
If you are just starting your journey into the world of sculpting figurines from mastic, then choose easy-to-accomplish goals - flowers, simple figurines. And we have prepared for you a couple of ways to create such "starter" baking decorations.

Roses from mastic

Making beautiful roses in this way is not at all difficult. For this, take the mastic of the desired color, a cutting board, a scalpel and a rolling pin.
Now let's go directly to the process of creating simple, but very delicate and beautiful roses:
1. we form an oblong "sausage" from a piece of small mastic mass;
2. roll it out with a rolling pin, do not be too zealous and leave sufficient thickness;
3. one edge of the rolled mass, which will be the top of our flower, lightly smooth it with a finger and begin to roll it up from one end, pinching it from below.
If such roses are used to decorate cupcakes or cakes - the lower part of the resulting rose will need to be cut off, it will be part of the cake decoration - try to make the blanks longer.

If you have already mastered this technique or consider it too simple, try another easy way to create beautiful roses by looking at the master class of mastic figurines:

Mastic snails

Ideal use of edible figurines is cakes for kids. We invite you to please them with a delicious cake decorated with cute snails and present an easy way to make such figures from mastic with your own hands. To do this, you will need several colors of mastic: light brown for the calf, purple for the sink, and black for the peephole. Of course, you can choose other color variations to your liking.
Now we make our delicious cake snails:
1.starting with the snail's body, for which we roll a ball out of light brown mastic, from which we form an oval and stretch it, slightly rolling it so that one edge is narrower (this will be the tail), and the other is wider and larger (this will be the head of the snail) ;
2. bending the body, raise the head of the snail to the top and make holes for the antennae in the upper part of it, where we attach thin antennae rolled from a mastic mass of the same color, smearing the surface with water;
3. now we turn to the sink: roll a thin flagellum out of purple mastic and roll it up in a spiral, forming a snail;
4. we connect our shell with the little body, also lubricating the contacting surfaces with water, and attach small eyes formed from black mastic to the head of the snail, also with water.

If you feel the strength to create a more difficult version of the mastic snail, watch the following master class:

Decorating homemade baked goods with mastic, including figurines from it, is extremely exciting and brings a lot of positive emotions. Therefore, be careful - it will be very difficult to stop!

Making mastic figurines for a cake as decoration is actually as easy as working with plasticine or with salt dough (as taught in school in labor lessons).

At the same time, there are difficulties in working with fairy-tale characters or little men created in full (cartoon) growth from mastic.

So when transporting a dessert, there is a possibility that the mastic man will collapse and damage or break himself.

For the frame of the mastic man, you can use a thick floral or frame.

As a rule, if we are talking about desserts, and in particular about cakes, then confectionery masterpieces decorated with figures and other various decorations immediately pop up in our memory. Previously, only cream was in great demand and popularity. A little later, they began to use marzipans.

Unfortunately, it is simply impossible to create truly exquisite cakes through the use of cream and marzipans. This shortcoming was corrected by the appearance of confectionery mastic in cooking.

In the 16th century, mastic was better known as glaze, and it was then that it began to be used to create complex and embellishments. Then it was just as flexible and elastic, but it crumbled when it dries, and could not be stored for a long time.

In the finished form, the mastic can be stored tightly closed in a refrigerator for about 2 months. If you put the mastic in the freezer immediately after cooking or working, then we will save the product for almost six months.

Mastic in its modern form is characterized by a long shelf life and affordable flexibility to recreate a wide variety of designs and shapes for decorating desserts.

powdered sugar

wire (flower or frame)



smooth surface


cutting board


How to make a frame for a figure of a man from mastic with your own hands

To create a skeleton base of the hero for the cake, you would need to present it in real life. The power of thought and violent imagination will not make the correct proportions, so we will use a sketch of a figure from a drawing.

So, let's start making a karateka. We have a sketch. Next, take two pieces of wire and twist them together in the middle.

To correctly make the natural curves of the body, we apply our wire frame to, and adjust the karate stance.

When bending the wire, individual parts may be slightly longer than intended. We will not bend the metal, thereby thickening the future figurine. We just cut off the excess, and that's it.

If it is worth cutting off excess wire from one leg, then we will leave the other leg elongated. After all, we will need to somehow fix the little man on the cake - this part will go into the thickness.

It is worth noting: If you are confused by the fact that the wire is in contact with the cake, then dip the tip that will go into the thickness of the dessert in hot chocolate and let it grab.

Now we need to adjust the little man. So we put it, bending the fastening part. Pressing a little from above, we adjust the tilt.

The framework of the future karateka must be stable without our help.

When the frame is adjusted, you can start wrapping the wire with mastic.

Create colored clothes for the torso. And put the head in place using a simple wooden toothpick.

Now the practically inspired figurine can take its place on the birthday cake. And the frame of the elongated wire coming out of one leg will perfectly keep the athlete on the dessert.

Thanks to the frame base, with figures in any interpretation of movement, it will perfectly reach the point of celebration without losing its aesthetic appearance.


What is Culinary Mastic? This material is convenient for making edible crafts and decorative ornaments, from which you can easily sculpt various shapes (flowers, figurines, children's crafts), quickly solidifying and hardening after finishing with hands or special tools. You do not need to have culinary skills in order to learn on your own (by video lessons and photo master classes) from homemade mastic for decorating cakes and other confectionery products. Little girls especially like to help their mothers make interesting flowers out of mastic that can be used to decorate a cake for a family holiday. Therefore, be sure to involve your children in this creative work.

√ How to make mastic at home for the base of cakes and for sculpting flowers:

Tools for making homemade mastic.

A dry and clean surface for rolling out the mixture (a wooden board is an excellent option);

Rolling pin (wooden or plastic);

Metal ruler;

Knife with a round cutting surface rotating on the handle;

Food film;


Recipes for making homemade mastic for decorating cakes:

There are many different types of mastic and most of the options can be prepared at home with your own hands. But we will focus on several options for mastic - floral and gelatinous.

Ideal material for sculpting edible flowers at home. It is easy to cut flower details from the rolled mass using a knife and molds. From these blanks you can , giving them any shape.


Powdered sugar - 250 gr.
Cold water - 40 ml
Gelatin - 2 teaspoons
Liquid glucose - 1 teaspoon

Cooking method.

... Pour gelatin into a glass and add water. Stir and wait ten minutes

Dissolve gelatin with a water bath and add glucose to the solution, stir

Add powdered sugar on a spoon and stir the mixture each time. You should get a thick consistency

Sprinkle a thin layer of powdered sugar on a clean surface and spread the prepared mass. Stir the mass like a dough and gradually add the powder. The flower mastic will be finished when it gets a little sticky;

Now it remains to pack the homemade mastic in an airtight plastic container and put it in the closet for 4-5 hours.

+ gelatinous mastic (pastilage).
The main ingredient in this cake decorating material is gelatin. Ideal for sculpting complex petals, small flower details - pistils, stamens, inflorescences. This is a very plastic mass, convenient for hand sculpting, which hardens quickly after the part of the craft takes its final shape.

Recipes for making gelatinous, sugar and milk mastics at home:

√ How to make a flower from cake mastic (step by step):

For making delicious crafts, we take marshmallow mastic or gelatinous;

Sprinkle the surface with powdered sugar, spread the mass and roll it out with a rolling pin until the thin mastic shines through;

Cut out the desired flower detail with a round knife according to the template and give it the appropriate shape (petal, leaf, sepal);

We fold a bud or an opened flower from the petals, attach the rest of the elements;

Put each collected flower for a cake in a plastic bag and start working on the next one;

When all the flowers and shapes for the cake are done, carefully lay them out on a curved surface, and then put them in a dry and cold place for several days;

After 2-3 days, you can decorate the cake with hardened flowers and mastic figures.

Children's and wedding cakes made of mastic (photo), decorated with flowers and figures:

√ How to make a mastic cake at home:

Leveling the cake surface.

We heat a wide knife or spatula over the burner;

We begin to gently level the creamy surface of the cake;

The surface should become even - without pits and bumps. The oil will be heated from the heated paddle and gradually spread over the surface in an even layer

Formation of a layer of mastic on the leveled surface of the cake.

Roll out the base mastic with a rolling pin on a clean, flat surface. Walk with a rolling pin 3-4 times over the rolled mass so that the consistency becomes homogeneous, not too grainy;

The rolled mastic should be twice the diameter of the cake in order to completely cover the surface of the product from above and from the sides;

Holding the rolled mastic on a rolling pin with your hand, transfer it to the cake, gently smoothing it with a spatula. But it is best to smooth out a thin layer of mastic with the help of special pastry irons, so that it lays down evenly, without the formation of air bubbles;

With a round knife, cut off the excess pieces of mastic around the cake.

Decorating the cake with flowers from homemade mastic.
The last and most exciting stage. We take out of a dry place the already hardened flowers from gelatinous mastic or from pastilage (marshmallows), we begin to spread and strengthen these beautiful handmade crafts on the surface of the cake.


Sculpting materials and tools:

- Stacks with rounded, sharp, spatula-shaped and other tip options;

Cutting molds with thin edges;

Dry food colors;

Flower (sugar, gelatin, chocolate, milk) mastic.

Large single cake flowers are often sculpted using a wire frame. A wire frame is not used to sculpt a complex composition of flowers and figures. You can fix homemade flowers on a birthday cake using a base laid out from a pastry cream or using a chocolate mixture.

Mastic is a sweet mass that is used by pastry chefs to decorate cakes and muffins. You can make various figures, voluminous flowers, inscriptions on cakes from it and more. Decorations and figurines made from mastic on cakes are very popular, because with the help of them you can create a sweet gift of any theme and please every client.

There are quite a few mastic recipes developed by chefs. Their types are suitable for a wide variety of moments. For example, to create a figurine where there should be many small details, gelatinous mastic works well.

Made on the basis of honey, it has good plasticity, is quite soft and does not crumble. However, the most common type is considered to be dairy. It is mainly used for wrapping cakes and pastries. For the same purposes, sometimes marzipan mastic is used.

In addition, there is an industrial type of sweet mass. It is sold in supermarkets ready-made and the chef can immediately start working with it. Only if necessary, you can change the color.

As already mentioned, milk mass is the most popular. To prepare it, you will need the following components:

After preparing the ingredients, you can start cooking. This is not difficult at all. First, you should thoroughly mix the milk powder with the powdered sugar. Then add condensed milk to the resulting mixture and knead the dough, to which you should also add lemon juice and flavor. If necessary, you can add food coloring to the mass. In this way, you can get completely different shades.

Mass on gelatin

Another recipe that you can use is mastic cooked in gelatin. However, it should be borne in mind that this type of sugar mass is more suitable for sculpting sweet figures than for covering cakes. For cooking, you need the following ingredients:

  • 1 teaspoon of gelatin;
  • 8-9 teaspoons of water;
  • 5 drops of lemon juice;
  • 250-300 g icing sugar;
  • a small amount of flavoring if desired.

When preparing such a recipe, special attention should be paid to the choice of gelatin, because it must be of high quality. If it is chosen correctly, the mass will turn out well. Its quality can be determined by soaking for an hour in water: it should become like a gruel, the consistency of which resembles thick sour cream.

When soaking is carried out, then periodically the gelatin must be stirred from time to time. If the gruel does not come out, then you can try to remedy the situation by adding a small amount of this ingredient. And if the mixture turns out to be too thick and is difficult to stir with a spoon, then a little water should be added to it.

After that, the gelatin mass must be heated in a water bath. In this case, it must be constantly stirred until all the gelatin is completely dissolved. However, at the same time, it should not be brought to a boil. At the same time, add flavoring, lemon juice and stir.

A small amount of powdered sugar (about a handful) should be sifted into a bowl and pour the hot gelatin mass directly onto it. You can start mixing gently. Gradually add the remaining icing sugar to the bowl, and then you can transfer the mastic to a flat surface and continue to knead with your hands.

The result is a soft and flexible lump that is able to keep its shape well. It should be borne in mind that, hardening, the mastic hardens even more, therefore, the powder must be added in parts and stirred until the mass becomes homogeneous and stops "floating". Then you can start sculpting figures and different patterns. This should be done as quickly as possible, because the mastic quickly begins to harden and becomes brittle. To make it more convenient to work with, hands can be greased with vegetable oil.

You can also use dyes to get any shade you want. You should pinch off a small piece of the mass and add a dye of the required color to it, after which you need to knead the sugar dough until a uniform and even color is obtained.

Sculpting mastic for beginners may seem like a daunting task, but it's not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Consider how to make a baby figurine from sweet mass step by step:

Legs are made in the same way as the hands. Here the little one is ready. It can also be turned into a girl, for which it will be necessary to blind two pigtails and decorate with bows. They will need to be attached to the figurine's head. After you succeed in making the little man, you can start experimenting with his clothes. Here's how to sculpt mastic figurines step by step.

Floral decorations look original and beautiful on confectionery. You can start practicing creating sweet flowers with a simple rose. This requires:

When the required number of flowers is ready, they need to be given time to dry out. This will take somewhere around twelve hours, after which you can decorate cake or cupcakes with them. Original eustomas are also made in a similar way.

The simplest master class of mastic figurines for beginners is bow modeling. This is perhaps one of the easiest ways to make a cake beautiful, original and give it a festive look. Making a bow is a task that any novice pastry chef can handle. This requires:

Such a craft must be allowed to dry. After that, all that remains is to attach it to the cake.

Thus, making figures from mastic is not so difficult. They can decorate any cake, both for children and adults. Recently, cakes for a children's party, where a stork brings a baby, cakes with minecraft, have been especially popular.

Thanks to mastic, you can also make a cake in the shape of a pistol, etc. If you blind a person with your own hands on a cake, then he can be a fisherman, and if you put a tractor, a small house, a fence and animal figures next to him, then a farmer.

That is, the sweetness decorated in this way can correspond to any theme of the holiday. Football players - boots, employees can make a soldier, a small child - a favorite toy or cartoon character.

Mastic figurines are a unique way to make a cake of any theme. And the frozen heart cake is no exception. It is enough to cook an ordinary cake (single-tiered or multi-tiered) and simply decorate it with edible figurines. In particular, today we will consider master classes on how to make Anna from mastic.

How to make a figurine of Anna from a cold heart with your own hands

When creating any image, the most difficult thing is to gently blind your head and draw a beautiful face. Therefore, we begin with a step-by-step photo of a master class on sculpting Anna's head from a cold heart.

For a natural look, we insert white mastic into the “eye sockets”, and black into the mouth. On top of the white, carefully paint the eyes with food paint.

Having finished drawing the eyes and eyebrows, glue a piece of white on top of the black one and form teeth from it. We paint the lips. And we start creating hair and braiding.

The result is a very beautiful and delicate image of Anna.

Of course, you will not be able to 100% repeat Anna from the cartoon cold heart. But, in my opinion, this is not a cause for grief. You can make a simply beautiful statuette in her style, slightly different from the original, but no less attractive "Anna". Or you can even make it like a cartoon, as shown in the photo instructions below.

In addition, you can dazzle Anna in the form of a baby.

Eyes are made for the same principle. Notice that here the eyelid was made of dark brown mastic. We drew eyes, eyebrows, blush and charming freckles.

Then the ears were blinded.

And we started to create a hairstyle. The bangs were rounded using a brush handle (you can take a round pencil). Ponytails were blinded from several pieces of mastic. Forming each tail from 3 pieces, at the end they attached black stripes around them, imitating a ribbon.

The finished head looks nice.

Let me especially note that in order to make a proportional figure of Anna from mastic, it is better to draw a drawing in advance. This will make it much easier for you.

Based on the drawing, we sculpt the legs and arms.

The body follows them. We fasten the legs to the body using wooden skewers. And let's start creating the dress.

The result is a beautiful figure of Anna from a cold heart.

If you do not have time to create a complex image, pay attention to the photo master class presented below.

The result is a pretty figure, and most importantly, you can make such an Anna figure with your own hands quickly and easily.

You can compensate for the simplicity of the figurine with the originality of the decor of the cake itself.

How to mold Anna from mastic video tutorials

Video lessons are more informative than photo instructions. Therefore, I bring to your attention a few video tutorials.

Here is the most simplified version. If you watch this video first, you will also see the assembly of the bunk cake.

In addition, pay attention to the video lessons on modeling from plasticine and plastic.

And finally, mk on sculpting a charming figurine in chibi or chibi styles.

Good luck with your experiments!