How to salt lard so that it is soft. Make hard lard soft

03.05.2019 Grill menu

It is in vain that they talk about lard as the national pride of Ukrainians. He is adored in many other countries, including Russia, etc. good health, incomparable feasts, irreplaceable snacks, and many owe the invaluable properties of this ubiquitous product.

Once upon a time, only self-sufficient people allowed themselves the best parts pork carcasses... And fat was considered the lot of poor people. Meanwhile, it was it that supplied the working people with the energy and health that helped them to carry out so much sometimes overwhelming work. As history tells us, the legionaries were fed lard in antiquity, and this was the order of the Emperor Justinian. By the way, they say that if there were no bacon on the ship of Columbus, the sailors, having become brutal with one fish, simply would not have made it to the New World.

In a word, armed with such pleasant facts, let's go to the kitchen and properly prepare the lard that will nourish us the most useful substances and will give a lot of strength and energy, if we, of course, observe the measure! After all, we will be dealing with "long-playing calories."

What is needed to properly salt lard?

  • Lard - 1 kg
  • Salt - how much fat will take
  • Red and black pepper - optional
  • Spices for lard - optional
  • Garlic - 3-4 cloves
  • Bay leaf - 6-7 pcs

How to cook very tasty salted lard in a dry way - step by step instructions with a photo

Of course, in this case important role plays a choice. After all, having bought “the wrong lard, we will get a tasteless product later. Fortunately, there is always a choice, and you can discuss all the details with the seller. Making lard with your own hands is easy. You can boil, smoke, fry, stew, etc. But today we will learn how to properly salt lard at home. Let's start by cutting an even piece so that the salting is even.

Step 1. Prepare lard, cut unnecessary

If you did right choice raw bacon, then the skin of the piece will be as if burnt. A good owner, bringing lard to the market, knows that the pig carcass needs to be singed after slaughter. Another question is what. If straw then it will be easy chic option... Well, since the skin was grinded, as the people say, a piece of bacon must not only be washed, but also thoroughly cleaned of this carbon deposits.

Step 2. Wash and remove carbon deposits from the skin

An excellent option for salting lard is one salt, and nothing else. What could be better than natural taste! This is especially important for those who are allergic to this kind of food, or those who have contraindications against spices and everything spicy, specific. Therefore, put salt in a bowl or on cutting board, and carefully dump each piece in salt. Even a little, as it were, pushing, so that there is not a piece of bacon not covered with salt.

Step 3. Thoroughly pour out pieces of bacon in salt

If you are a fan of garlic and can't imagine lard without it, let's stuff the sides of the lard. Let's take the garlic that is larger and more juicy, and not stale. Peel it and cut it into thick slices. Let's leave it in a bowl for now. Then, when the bacon is ready, cutting into pieces, you will understand why you need to put large slices.

Step 4. Peel and chop the garlic

So, we, accustomed to modern pickles, seasoned with incredible spices, will want something else to cook delicious bacon... So let's choose what we like. There will be several pieces in this recipe, which means that we will take several spices, in which we roll the pieces of bacon. What should you choose? There are several variations. Let's say pepper is ground red and black. There are spices specifically for lard. You can crush lavrushka and peppercorns - this is even more interesting. In short, it's up to you to choose. One hundred percent, you will love both, and everything else! Lard, as they say, cannot be spoiled by anything. Pour the spices that you have chosen into different dishes and roll in them, as before in salt, each piece separately. And then, after making deep cuts on the sides, stuff it with garlic.

Step 5. Stuff the pieces of bacon with garlic

Now what? It remains for us to choose a place in which the fat will "ripen". There are several options. But, apparently, the townspeople have the most comfortable and preferred ones. The first is to leave the pieces in a bowl. In this case, cover it with a towel and put it somewhere higher, in a dry place, say, on the refrigerator. Let it stand here for at least three days. That is, if today is Tuesday, then cutting can be done on Friday. But people are more careful and do it after a couple of weeks. Yes, and let's not forget to transfer the pieces of bacon with lavrushechka.

Step 6. Leave to salt in a bowl for 3 days

There is another common pleasant and super convenient practice of salting lard. Take food grade plastic and wrap pieces of bacon in it. What's next? Let's send them to the freezer and don't look in for several days. Someone advises to start eating it even after a couple of weeks. But they eat Stroganina in the north. We can also taste this yummy in a week.

Step 7. Wrap the bacon in food grade plastic and send it to the refrigerator

There are also people who, on the third day, cut and quickly put this piece of the cherished delicacy on bread, preferably black. Oh, and delicious! And it is useful as ... Only, in spite of this, everyone should look according to the circumstances. Even after three days, the bacon may not be salted. Therefore, we will be more attentive!

Delicious, well-salted lard on black bread, with pickled cucumber and garlic - here classic set hearty snack and traditional appetizer under a glass of strong alcohol. If you love and respect this truly "folk" food, you just need to know how to salt lard at home. Moreover, you don't need any special skills for this. The main thing is to purchase high-quality raw materials, and with the help of our advice, an excellent result is guaranteed even for an inexperienced housewife.

The classic recipe for salting lard in Ukrainian

Ukrainian lard is still considered exemplary. This is largely due to the diet of pigs - it is customary to grow them on grain feed, so the taste of meat and lard is significantly different for the better. It is important to know and correct recipe how to salt lard in Ukrainian so that it comes out soft and fragrant.

Cooking method:

  1. rinse one kg of fresh bacon with water and scrape the skin thoroughly with a knife;
  2. cut into large cubes;
  3. prepare brine (salt brine) - pour 3 tablespoons of salt, 1 teaspoon of ground black pepper into a wide saucepan, put 5 - 6 allspice peas, 5 cloves of garlic and lavrushka. Fill in cold water and stir until the salt is completely dissolved;
  4. put the bacon in the brine and press down on top with oppression so that it is completely immersed in the water;
  5. this is the end of your mission - you just need to leave the dishes of the day for five days in a cool place, tightly covered with a lid;
  6. after the lard is completely salted, pour out the brine and dry each piece with paper towel;
  7. the product is already completely ready for use, but it is recommended to eat it after cooling in the refrigerator or in the freezer.

Advice! Never use seafood or iodized salt... To get a well-salted piece of bacon, only the classic stone bacon, or extra without additives, is suitable.

Hot lard recipe for soft lard

It is very unpleasant when, after all the money and efforts spent, the resulting product does not meet expectations - it becomes tough and tasteless. In order not to get into such a situation, you need to know how to salt lard so that it is soft.

One of the best ways is to salt the bacon in hot brine. This is the most quick method- you will be able to enjoy bacon in a day. And exposing pork fat impact hot temperature, you do not have to worry about the safety of the finished dish.

In hot brine with garlic

In an apartment, the easiest and most convenient way is to salt lard in a jar. To do this, it is better to take fresh brisket with soft skin and layers of meat.

Cooking method:

  1. wash, clean and cut the bacon into pieces. Their size is determined by the volume of the can in which the process will take place;
  2. with a sharp knife, pierce the pulp in several places and carefully push the plates of garlic into the resulting slots;
  3. rub each part with a mixture of spices, which includes pepper, cumin, paprika and others of your choice;
  4. now it remains to tightly place the bacon in the jar so that the bars do not lose their shape, and the spicy "powder" does not sprinkle;
  5. v separate dishes cook brine - dissolve 2 tablespoons (with a slide) of salt in one liter of water, add Bay leaf ik and allspice;
  6. boil the brine for 2 - 3 minutes, turn off the heat and leave to cool slightly under a closed lid;
  7. very carefully, in a thin stream, pour hot liquid into a jar of bacon;
  8. close the neck of the can nylon cover and take out to a cool place to cool. In the demi-season, a balcony is best suited for this, and in the summer - a cellar;
  9. lard is prepared in this way during the day, but if you suspect that this is not enough, keep it in the jar for some time until the brisket is completely salted.

Advice! Experienced hostesses it is advised to add a little sugar to the brine, from this the consistency of bacon becomes softer, and the taste is more piquant.

In Belarusian

Preparing lard according to the traditional Belarusian recipe, you will get pieces of a pleasant golden color, outwardly very reminiscent of homemade smoked meats. The husk gives this effect. onions, which is present in this variant of salting.

Cooking method:

  1. in one liter of cold water we throw 2 tablespoons of salt, five cloves of garlic, 2 - 3 peppercorns, lavrushka and always clean husks from 2 - 3 heads of onions;
  2. put prepared bacon in the brine, cut into medium-sized pieces;
  3. bring to a boil and cook under a lid over medium heat for 10 - 15 minutes;
  4. after the lard has boiled, you need to leave it to cool in a saucepan when room temperature;
  5. after a while, remove the pieces, dry them with paper napkin and rub the sides with a mixture of cumin, pepper, paprika and crushed garlic for more flavor and pungency;
  6. wrap in baking paper or clean cheesecloth and place in the freezer.

Advice! For high-quality salting, always try to stack the cut pieces as tightly as possible to each other. The fat should not "float" in the brine. It is enough for the liquid to cover the surface of the product only for a couple of cm.


There are many cooking options in Transcarpathia home fat... But the classic is the one where lard is marinated with the addition of vinegar. It is best to use the pork belly (pork belly) for this - it is in it that the optimal proportion of fat and pork meat is observed.

Cooking method:

  1. cut the parts of the peritoneum into long strips and make cuts in them, into which alternately push a piece of garlic and hot pepper;
  2. salt, pepper and roll into a roll with the skin up;
  3. Tie tightly with threads, put in a boiling marinade;
  4. we do the marinade like this: for 1 kg of lard we take 2.5 liters of water, 5 tablespoons of salt, a spoonful of sugar, a spoon table vinegar, rings fresh onion and a head of garlic;
  5. it is enough to boil for 2 - 3 minutes, then turn off the heat, place oppression on top of the underwire (for example, a jar of water) and leave to rise in hot liquid;
  6. after two to three days the bacon is ready for use.

Recipe for cooking salted lard in brine in a slow cooker

Lard cooked in a slow cooker tastes like a cross between a salty and a baked product. To get such a peculiar flavor, we will cook lard in foil.

Cooking method:

  1. grate 1 kg of fresh, well-washed bacon with spices (you can take ready mix"For meat" or "For lard");
  2. sprinkle with garlic and sprinkle generously with salt on all sides;
  3. wrap in foil and leave for a while to soak better;
  4. put a wrapped bar on the bottom of the multicooker bowl, fill it with a glass of water and set to cook in the "Stew" mode for 2 hours;
  5. after the end of the process, take out the package and carefully, so as not to burn yourself, unfold the foil;
  6. cool the finished bacon and you can start your meal.

How many days to salt lard?

The answer to the question of how many days to salt lard depends on several factors:

  • from the characteristics of the raw material - from which part of the carcass the fat is cut;
  • on the method of processing - dry or wet;
  • from the size of the pieces that are salted.

With the dry method, the bacon should be in salt from 3 days to a week at room temperature and another 2 - 3 days in the refrigerator. Only then can you eat it.

The lard is cooked faster with the wet method. It is enough to hold it under pressure in a saline solution for 3 - 4 days, dry it, grate with spices and cool.

How to speed up the salting process?

Most quick way to speed up the salting is boiling. Lard is boiled in brine for 10 minutes to several hours, after which it can be eaten immediately.

There are a few more secrets to speed up the process:

  • pre-soak lard in water for at least 12 hours;
  • cut into smaller pieces, about 5 by 5 cm;
  • cool the hot brine with lard at room temperature;
  • make more deep cuts - this will allow the product to soak better.

Knowing these recipes, you can pamper your loved ones with delicious and hearty snack, do healthy sandwich or use salted lard when making borscht or potato dressing. If you do not abuse and observe the measure, the body will only be grateful to you for such natural quality food.

A hundred years ago simple people knew that only lard would help to survive in cold and hungry times. It was harvested in huge numbers, stored in wooden chests, covered with salt and spices, knowing that it will not lose its taste even after many months. Today, housewives no longer make such large stocks, because there is no threat of hunger, and there are plenty of food in the hypermarkets.

And yet with lard home salting no one store product does not compare. Salted lard- it's incredibly tasty and healthy. It includes many useful microelements, it has a beneficial effect on potency, gives women the beauty of skin and hair. The use of fat has a beneficial effect on the state of blood vessels and allows you to strengthen the immune system.

Therefore, in many families, bacon always lies on the table in the most honorable place. Below is a selection of recipes for salting lard different ways at home.

How to deliciously salt lard at home - a step by step photo recipe

Salting lard at home will save a lot. the presented recipe for salting lard is quite simple and unpretentious. Finished product turns out to be extremely tasty with a garlic aroma. Lovers will definitely appreciate this salting method. There are no strict guidelines for the quantity of products. Perfect proportion can be achieved through experimentation.

Cooking time: 15 minutes

Quantity: 1 serving


  • Lard: 1 kg
  • Salt: 200 g
  • Garlic: 1 head

Cooking instructions

How to salt lard in brine

There are several different methods of salting lard, a novice housewife should experiment and decide which one is right for her family. And you can start with salting in brine: thanks to this method, salting goes evenly, the product retains its juiciness, does not dry out.


  • Lard - 1 kg.
  • Water - 2.5 tbsp.
  • Bay leaves - 4-5 pcs.
  • Salt ½ tbsp.
  • Garlic - 0.5-1 head.
  • Hot black peppercorns.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. For salting bacon in the proposed method, you need to take a glass container.
  2. Bring the water to a boil. Dissolve salt in it. Cool down.
  3. Cut the bacon into equal pieces; in thickness, they should freely pass through the neck of the can.
  4. Peel and rinse the garlic. Cut into large pieces.
  5. Lash the pieces of lard with garlic. Place in a container, loose enough. Transfer with bay leaves, sprinkle with pepper.
  6. Pour with brine. Cover with a lid, but not tightly. Keep in a cool place, but not in the refrigerator for 2-3 days. Then refrigerate.
  7. After 3 days, it can be considered ready, although some housewives keep the lard in brine for several more weeks.
  8. After that, the salted pieces must be removed from the brine, dried with a paper towel. Grate with spices. Wrap using paper or foil. Store in a freezer. Get it out as needed.

Lard salted using this technology is perfectly stored without losing its taste for several months.

Glass containers are used for salting and dry method. For big family you can take three-liter cans, for small company best salted in liter. Repeat the process as needed.


  • Fresh lard with meat veins.
  • Garlic - 1 head.
  • Red and black pepper (ground).
  • Bay leaf

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Wash the jar hot water with soda, rinse and dry.
  2. Cut the bacon into pieces of such a size that they pass freely through the neck of the can.
  3. Peel the garlic, cut large cloves into 4 parts, small ones - in half. Break the bay leaf.
  4. Cut pieces of bacon, stuff with garlic. Ground peppers mix with coarse salt and bay leaf. This salty fragrant mixture grate well each piece of bacon (from all sides).
  5. Put in a jar, cover with the remaining salt. Lard has one feature - it takes as much salt as needed. Cover the jar of lard, but not tightly.
  6. Leave in a cool place for 1-2 days and then refrigerate.

Take as needed, gently peel off the salt, cut and serve. Lightly salted or pickle, well, a glass of some strong drink(for adults only).

The hot way of salting lard

Serbia, then Poland is called the homeland of this method of preparing lard, and only Ukrainian housewives do not doubt that this is the work of their distant ancestors. They made lard national product, and they know best of all how to procure it for future use.


  • "Pure" (without meat layers) lard - 1-1.5 kg.
  • Garlic - 1 head.
  • Salt ½ tbsp.
  • Bay leaves - 2-3 pcs.
  • Pepper peas - 10 pcs.
  • Allspice - 10 pcs.
  • Hot pepper (pod) - 1 pc.
  • Water - 1 liter.
  • Seasoning for lard.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Lard for hot salting should be fresh, without meat layers. First you need to rinse it under running water, pat dry with paper towels.
  2. Put on a cutting board, cut into equal pieces (length ≈10 cm, width / height ≈ 5 cm).
  3. Then everything is simple - prepare the brine: add spices, salt, bay leaf to the water. Bring the saucepan with brine to a boil, put pieces of bacon there. Boil for 10 minutes.
  4. Cool, put in the refrigerator for a day.
  5. Remove pieces of bacon from the brine. Prepare a garlic-spice mixture, rub each piece with it.
  6. Wrap with cling film, put in the refrigerator again for a day. Then freeze slightly, and you can start tasting.

Lard salted in this way is very delicate in taste.

Recipe for salting lard with garlic and pepper

The easiest way to prepare lard is dry, it only requires spices, salt and garlic, and, of course, lard.


  • Lard - 300-500 gr.
  • Garlic - ½ head.
  • Salt - ¼ tbsp. (coarse grinding).
  • Spices - 1 tsp
  • Cumin - 1 tsp

Algorithm of actions:

  1. The cooking process is almost primitive. Cut the bacon into bars. Rinse and blot off excess moisture.
  2. Mix salt with spices and caraway seeds. Peel, chop, and crush the garlic. Add to salt.
  3. Grate each bar of bacon with a fragrant spicy mixture.
  4. Wrap in cling film, once again crush.
  5. Leave in the kitchen for 6 hours. Put in the refrigerator.
  6. After 2 days, which are so difficult to endure, you can start tasting delicious, aromatic, moderately salty bacon!

How to salt lard in onion skins

Many housewives trying to find the best way salting, noticed one thing - onion peel, firstly, gives fat a special softness, and secondly, it provides a very pleasant shade.


  • Lard - 1 kg.
  • Coarse salt - 1 tbsp.
  • Onion peel.
  • Garlic - 1-2 heads.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. First you need to brew onion skins... Boil 1 liter of water, add husk and salt.
  2. Cut the bacon into bars. Dip in boiling brine, add chopped garlic there. Boil for 20 minutes.
  3. Leave to cool for a day.
  4. Remove from the brine, put in a cold place.

In salting lard, a lot depends on the quality original product so it is important to be careful when purchasing. Good lard has a clean White color, sometimes a pink tint. The skin is thin, without foreign odors.

When salting, it is best to cut a large piece into bars up to 10 cm long. So the salting process go faster and more evenly. The main ingredients are salt and garlic and are found in almost all recipes.

Salting lard, especially with meat layers, has long been revered as a matter of special importance. There are quite a few recipes on how to salt lard with a layer. We share a method that takes only a quarter of an hour and can be stored as long as you want.

To cook delicious lard with a layer, you will need:

  • Fresh lard - calculation for 1kg. Choose layers so that their thickness is no more than 6-7 cm.

If you buy such a product on the market, ask how the skin was processed. Experts say that scalding with hot steam is not the best the best way... The skin will then be tough. In the villages from time immemorial, an ordinary burner was used for this. Therefore, the skin remains soft and tender when salted.

  • Garlic - about 1 head.
  • Salt - necessarily large - about 100g.

Although this product cannot be oversalted! The structure is such that it absorbs exactly as much as needed.

  • Condiments: a bag of ready-made spices is convenient to buy, but you can assemble the mix yourself if you take thyme, caraway seeds, a mixture of red, crushed allspice and black peppers, and lavrushka.

You can salt tasty, aromatic lard with a layer like this:

It is better to make a mixture for salting in advance. Toss the crushed spices with salt. It is better to cut the garlic into thin slices and use a knife to stick them evenly into the layers of bacon.

Keep in mind that garlic pickling does not imply long storage... If you want to salt for future use, do not stuff with garlic, but sprinkle or add snacks before serving.

Rub each piece thoroughly. Prepare a handy container for pickling. Be sure to pour salt and spices at the bottom. Put the pieces with the skin down, and upper layer on the contrary - with the skin facing up. Sprinkle the future snack with salt, spices and cover with a cotton towel or napkin.

For the first two days, let the lard be salted at room temperature, and then let it return to normal in the refrigerator. Usually, the product is ready for use after three days.

In villages, especially in Ukraine, lard was salted in oak or walnut barrels. The aroma from such a snack cannot be replaced by any spices. If possible, buy a small jug or barrel. You can salt the "pig's product" in different ways. Read recipe for salting lard in brine. Perhaps you will like this method better.

Watch the video, you will like "I suffer without fat"))) just below!

It's no secret that salty and fresh lard have colossal differences not only in taste, but also in price, which is several times higher than the cost of packing salt. But it is salt that acts as a key ingredient in this case, spices only complement the overall culinary picture, and you can easily find them in almost any kitchen.

In a word, we suggest that you save and salt lard on your own at home, especially since it is not at all difficult.

Basic cooking principles

Both the quality of salted lard and, in fact, its very taste, directly depend on the product used for its preparation. It is not recommended to choose overly thick or, on the contrary, too thin pieces of bacon. But the presence meat layer welcomed!

There are the following methods of salting lard:

  • hot;
  • using brine;
  • dry;
  • wet.

The least time will be taken up by cooking bacon, which can be tasted in just an hour (it is often allowed to cool completely without removing it from the broth). Other salting methods will require longer periods of time (an average of four to five days).

The finished product should be stored in an airtight package on the shelf of the freezer or refrigerator so that it does not lose its original taste and magic aroma.

Express method of salting lard at home in a day in a bank

If you have a piece of bacon in your fridge, and you want to salt it quickly, then you will like this recipe, as it is easy.

Salting bacon in a jar is as easy as shelling pears: it is important to choose the right spices and salt, pick up a solid piece of bacon (you can even without meat) and leave it for a day. After this time, it will be possible to make sandwiches with bacon, add it to various dishes(for example, baked potato) and enjoy the taste.

As you already understood, the whole process of salting lard with meat will take you no more than a day. Do not forget that lard is very high-calorie product(800 Kcal per 100 grams), so it will not work for people who are losing weight. But at the same time, for men who want to replenish their energy reserves, a lard sandwich will be relevant.

The main plus is that the fat cannot be oversalted. It will take in just as much salt as is required, so if you are still in doubt, be sure to try to salt it.


  • lard with meat - 1 slice (about 150 grams),
  • salt - 2 tsp,
  • bay leaf - 3-4 pcs.,
  • black peppercorns - 5-6 pcs.,
  • oregano - 1 tsp.


Take a piece of bacon with meat. First, you can salt a small piece for a sample and, if you like it, then make another portion.

Slice the fat into thin slices. You can also cut it into strips, then you will have to peel off the salt longer. Therefore, the layers are quite suitable for salting, and after removing excess salt, cut as you like.

Pour salt into the jar.

Add bay leaves.

Fill in the black peppercorns.

Put in the oregano.

Put the lard you chopped into the jar.

Stir the bacon well in the jar with the lid on. Refrigerate for 24 hours.

Before serving, all salt must be removed from the bacon. Great for sandwiches, cracklings and baked potatoes.

The main nuances of the dry salting method

This method is one of the simplest and does not require special skills or time consuming. Before use, you only need to clean off the salt layer with a blade (you can also rinse it thoroughly and then dry it).


  • one kilogram of raw bacon;
  • one kilogram of coarse salt;
  • black pepper.

You can also use any seasonings and spice mixtures.

How to cook

The first step is to prepare lard: peel the skin, rinse with running water, wipe dry thoroughly and cut into equal pieces, so that in the future it will be more convenient to remove the product from the freezer in one-time portions.

We make a mixture of pepper, salt and other spices selected for salting, and roll a piece of bacon in it from all sides, not excluding the skin.

At the bottom of the container in which the salting will be carried out, pour a layer of salt about five millimeters thick and spread the pre-cut pieces of bacon on it so that small gaps remain between them. Sprinkle the whole thing with salt and add two or three laurel leaves.

After that, lay out the next layer of bacon and pour the remaining salt on top, then cover and send it to heat for the next twenty-four hours and for another five days in the refrigerator.

It is best to store the finished product in some cool place, you can also pack it hermetically and send it to the freezer, increasing its shelf life several times.

Another way to deliciously salt lard in brine with your own hands

This is fast and enough in a simple way many housewives use it. For the preparation of brine, it is best to choose exactly sea ​​salt, however, regular coarse grind is also suitable.


  • 800 grams of water;
  • a kilogram of bacon;
  • glass of sea or table salt;
  • three cloves of garlic;
  • two laurel leaves;
  • black peppercorns or any other seasoning of your choice.

How to cook

Cut the previously washed and carefully wiped lard into pieces of arbitrary thickness, then clean and cut the garlic (each clove into four parts).

We make slits in lard of medium depth and place the garlic in them, then mix a large number of salt with black pepper, rub the pieces and add salt on top, then put the packed pieces in a bag, which, in turn, put in a saucepan, bowl or any other container. We send it to a warm place for one day, and then to the refrigerator for five days.

Lard in brine with garlic

For cooking, the following components will be needed:

  • one kilogram of lard;
  • four cloves of garlic;
  • five leaves of laurel;
  • ground white pepper;
  • black pepper in the form of peas;
  • one liter of water;
  • five tablespoons of salt.

Peel the skin of any existing dirt, rinse the bacon thoroughly and cut it into pieces of any thickness and shape, and then place in a deep container, sprinkle with black pepper and add finely chopped garlic and bay leaf.

Dissolve the salt in cold water and fill it with bacon, then leave it under oppression for three days (the brine should completely cover the contents).

After the specified period, remove the product, wipe it with a towel, sprinkle with pepper and roll in chopped garlic as finely as possible.

The most effective ways to store salted lard

So that the harvested bacon, and with it all of it taste qualities kept as long as possible, use the following method:

  • Choose a container with small holes (an old leaky saucepan or a regular wooden box). The holes are needed in order to ensure free flow of brine into the pan, while the product itself was able to remain dry.
  • The bottom of the box should be lined with several layers of newspapers or any other paper and a layer of table salt should be poured over it, putting pieces of bacon on it, and then again covered with a layer of salt on top.
  • Before laying fat on long-term storage, we recommend to dip the product in a mixture of aromatic herbs, sprinkle with pepper or garlic.
  • Also works well as a storage space freezer, before laying in which the bacon should be cut into small pieces, and then wrap each of them with a napkin and pack in cellophane. It is possible to store fat in such conditions for many months.

The nuances of choosing a product for pickling

First of all, try to purchase the product along with the skin, while the thickness of the piece should, on average, reach three centimeters. At the same time, the consistency of bacon should be as homogeneous, dense and elastic as possible (you can verify this by piercing a piece with a knife right on the counter).

Pig fat is much more suitable for salting, rather than boar.

In places of incisions quality product will have either a pink or slightly whitish tint, in no case should you buy yellow fat!

As you can see, the salting process does not require any special skills or serious effort. At the same time, there is no need to use exactly those components that are indicated in the recipes; it is quite possible to replace them with others that are more appropriate to your taste.