Honey is poorly soluble in water why. The simplest ways to open impurities

25.04.2019 Healthy food

    16 hours ago by 24medok April 3, 2011. The winter was cold and snowless. Spring came quickly. Wintering went well. 2 families were killed (last year's swarm) of 250 hives. The same number was an intense fly-through. Bees eat honey throughout the winter, there are years when bees do not fly out of the hive for more than 200 days, during which time their intestines are full and they really want to go to the toilet. These stains on the roof are the "poop" of bees, bee diarrhea is the right thing to say. And propolis, which buyers often consider to be a poop of a bee, will be shown in the next message: # diarrhea

    2 days ago by 24medok Gift set number 1 in a wooden box In this set there are three types of honey and a bar of dark chocolate. All products own production. Cornflower-taiga honey, 370g. Honey with raznotravya "Flooded Meadows", 370g Donniki honey, 370g. Home-made chocolate with honey (cocoa butter, cocoa mass, natural 70%, honey from our apiary), 50g. # honey # medsibiri # ng # gift # tree # white fair # white # krasnoyarsk # gifts # donate # Siberia

    4 days ago by 24medok Yesterday all day I washed the buckets from under the honey. He drew the wax into beautiful molds and still cooked a new batch of bright mead. By the way, the previous batch is almost lightened, will be available in a couple of days. So who wants to new Year's table  natural and healthy alcohol  come .... Addresses of stores in Krasnoyarsk: - Novosibirsk, 5. - Paris Commune, 9. - TSUM (base). # buckets # ng # history # work # sale # shop # nursibiri

    6 days ago by 24medok Photos of our boxes from different sides. Separately, it is not for sale. Only with content that can be any. Honey, tea, cones, chocolate, honeycomb. The average cost of a set of 1200-1500r. The box is universal, suitable for any occasion. # gift # ng # new year # medpodarok # gifts # krasnoyarsk # medsibiri # siberian honey

    1 week ago by 24medok Gift box for honey present. The composition can be any. For example, a chest with three jars of honey at 370g.: Cornflower-taiga, flood meadows, sostovy will cost 1300r. Instead of honey can be honey with nuts or any tea of ​​your choice. # gifts # honey # box # new year # apacebiriri # apacestarchevsky

    Summarizing the data of analyzes of honey samples for the past period of 2012, we are forced to state a catastrophic increase in cases of honey falsification.

    Unfortunately, by specific gravity  of counterfeit trade, we are very close to the situation described in the Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedia, published in the late 19th century: “In Moscow, according to Villaret, cheap honey varieties (up to 20 kopecks a pound) turned out to be all consisting of a mixture of molasses and potato flour; some samples were added chalk and sawdust. Honey, priced from 30 to 45 kopecks. per pound, was falsified mainly by potato molasses, cane sugar and flour. Natural, without impurities, honey could only be bought for 50-90 kopecks. per pound. "

    New technologies in the manufacture of artificial honey

    However, it is not even the amount of counterfeits that causes particular concern, but the use of new technologies and substances used in the manufacture of counterfeits. Honey counterfeiters who worked in the 19th and 20th centuries look like timid students elementary school  in comparison with the scammers armed with modern technologies, the real professors of falsification. If, as follows from the above quotation, mostly cheap types of honey have been falsified before, then counterfeit goods are being sold as an exclusive, as special, higher quality honey at exorbitant prices.

    The taste, color, aroma and texture of modern falsification satisfy the requirements of the most demanding customers who consider themselves experts in honey.

    Syrup, potato flour, chalk, sawdust, cane sugar - it is a substance of the old gypsy fun. Biotechnology, various types  thickeners and gelling agents, enzymes - this is what modern falsifiers operate with. Taste, color, aroma and texture of modern forgery satisfy the requirements of the most demanding customers who consider themselves to be experts in honey. Bragging about the honey they bought to their neighbors and telling about where and from whom it is possible to buy such a miracle, they do not even suspect that they have acquired a fake, which, the bestcan be called confectionerybut not natural honey.

    Examples of counterfeit (fake) honey

    Let us give some examples of falsifications that were transferred for testing to the independent accredited laboratory of Apis Analytical Center LLC by buyers and the Apigard beekeeping consumer protection society.

    In natural honey should be pollen grains

    Consider a sample of a typical counterfeit - crystallized honey of excellent oily consistency, excellent taste, white color. The content of OMF 18 mg / kg. honey, a diastatic number of 7.0 units. Gotho, total acidity 0.8 cm3. It seems that everything corresponds to the current standard for natural honey. However, no pollen grains were found. What is it, not honey or the so-called ultrafiltration, which removes all pollen grains? Ultrafiltration is expensive and pays off when processing hundreds of tons of honey, moreover, in Russia, according to our information, there are no installations for ultrafiltration of honey.

    In natural honey, fructose is always more glucose.

    Further, the mass fraction of reducing sugars is 75.1%. This is a clear inconsistency with the current standard for natural honey, according to which the minimum limit for this indicator is 82%. Suppose that the mass fraction of reducing sugars is not an indicator of the naturalness of honey. The composition of reducing sugars, more precisely the ratio of glucose and fructose, can clarify the question of the naturalness of honey. In natural honey, fructose always contains more than glucose. In the test sample, the fructose content is 35.6%, and that of glucose is 39.5%, i.e. glucose contains much more, and this is clear sign  unnatural.

    Natural honey is completely dissolved in water

    It is known that natural honey, liquid or crystallized, must be completely dissolved in water, and the resulting solution must be clear. The test honey is not completely dissolved in water, and the resulting solution turns turbid. This indicates the presence of impurities in the honey. In the photo (Fig. 1): on the left - a clear solution of natural crystallized honey, on the right - a cloudy solution of falsified crystallized honey.

    After filtration, the solution of counterfeit honey becomes transparent, and mechanical impurities in the amount of more than 1% remain on the filter. The presence of water-insoluble impurities in such an amount is a violation of the current standard for honey. An analysis of the impurity has shown that it is a gelling agent used by scammers as a thickener of honey and to give it an oily consistency.

    We deliberately do not call this substance, as well as other substances found in the samples described below, in order not to introduce into the temptation of unclean businessmen and not to expand the production of falsification.

    Natural honey at a temperature of 30 degrees begins to bloom

    The sample is not dissolved when heated to 60 ° C. This explains the fact that such counterfeit easily tolerates summer temperature: no stratification, while natural crystallized honey begins to dissolve at 30 ° C. This circumstance also indicates the unnatural product.

    The following photo (Fig. 2) shows a number of samples of counterfeit honey studied.

    ABC Honey - Counterfeit Honey Store

    Dietary honey from the ABC of honey

    The first on the left is the inscription on the label: “The ABC of Honey” (obviously a trademark), “Esparcetovy” - crystallized honey, of a dazzling white color, an excellent oily consistency. The sucrose content of 1.2%, reducing sugars - 87.8%, OMV - 3.0 mg / kg of honey, a diastatic number of 8.2 units. Gotho, total acidity 0,5sm3. The listed indicators meet the requirements of the current standard. Despite the name "Esparcetov", pollen of sainfoin was not found, but there are pollen grains of linden. Doubts about the naturalness of the product causes the opacity of the solution (flask on the container with honey) and the ratio of glucose to fructose. In the sample under study, the content of fructose is 41.7%, and that of glucose is 46.1%, i.e. glucose contains more, and this is a clear sign of unnatural. The content of insoluble impurities is more than 1%. At 60C honey is not dissolved. The same signs of artificiality as in the previous sample.

    The photograph (Fig. 3) shows the solutions of the studied samples (top row) and the same solutions treated with iodine. The first sample from the left is a solution of natural crystallized honey. After treatment with iodine acquired a yellowish color. Second from the left - a muddy solution of “esparceti honey”, after processing iodine turned red-brown, which revealed the presence of a certain type of gelling agent in it.

    Honey With propolis from the ABC of honey

    In the photo (Fig. 2) the second sample on the left is the inscription on the label: “Alphabet of honey”, “With propolis”. Product green. Again, there is an excess of glucose over the fructose content (47.2% and 44.3%), as well as all the signs of unnatural product described in the previous case. The aqueous solution is turbid and has a pronounced green ring in the upper layer of a substance lighter than water that is clearly not of bee origin.

    Clover honey from the ABC of honey

    In the same photo, the third sample on the left was sold as crystallized clover honey, and the fourth sample on the left is the foam of the same honey, which had to be removed from the container before it was possible to reach the bulk of the honey. Clover pollen grains are present. There is an excess of glucose over the fructose content (47.2% and 43.7%). A solution of this honey in the water is cloudy, the content of water-insoluble impurities is more than 1%. After exposure to iodine, the solution acquired a reddish-brown color, which indicates the presence of a gelling agent. At 60C honey is not dissolved.

    Linden honey from the alphabet of honey

    In the photo (fig.2) the fifth sample without a name contains linden pollen grains. With a mass fraction of water of 20.2%, it has an oily structure and a solid texture, which indicates the presence of a gelling agent. Natural honey creamy consistency with room temperature  and the mass fraction of water of 20.2% becomes so soft that it cannot retain its shape and spreads. The honey solution is cloudy, the content of insoluble impurities is more than 1%. A substance that does not react with iodine is used as a taper.

    Studies have shown the possibility of detecting falsification simple waysavailable to consumers even at home.

    Checking honey at home:

    To check the naturalness of honey consumers can recommend the following steps:

    1. Dissolve honey in water (if natural honey, the solution should be clear);
    2. Filter the solution (the presence of a residue on the filter indicates the unnatural product);
    3. Add iodine to the honey solution (any color change, except yellowing, will indicate the presence of impurities of non-beekeeping origin);
    4. Keep the container with the breakdown of honey in a water bath at a temperature of 40 ° C for 1 hour (if the honey does not dissolve, there is a fake before you).

    Cream honey fake more often

    As noted above, all samples of adulterated honey were crystallized honey with the softest consistency, i.e. cream honey Getting natural cream honey - is the highest aerobatics in the technology of honey processing. Stable production  quality natural cream honey requires knowledge of all the subtleties of the crystallization process, adherence to technological, temperature conditions, special equipment and laboratory control.

    Discrediting the whole direction of natural honey processing causes outrage.

    The article discusses only samples of falsified crystallized honey, because this is a new direction in falsification. However, among the liquid honey, fraud cases also become more and more.

    Fake liquid honey

    Orange honey

    An example of counterfeit liquid honey is Pomeranziy honey. Pollen analysis showed the absolute absence of orange pollen. Pollen of chestnut, linden and sunflower was found. Mass fraction of reducing sugars is 55.8%, against the regulatory 82%. Such a shortage of reducing sugars is not talking about the poor quality of honey, but already about falsification. The glucose content is more than the fructose content: 28.7% versus 27.1. Both absolute values ​​of indicators, and their ratio speak of counterfeit. If you add to this the content of OMF - 36% and the value of the diastatic number of 3.2 units. Gota, then a picture of a product that does not have the right to be called natural honey appears.

    Stop the counterfeit can only the consumer!

    To stop falsifiers in the conditions of legal powerlessness in matters of quality that now prevails in the state, is possible only with the help of consumers who will refuse to acquire falsification. To do this, you need to inform consumers, using all possible means, about the signs of counterfeit honey and how to detect it.

    To prepare water with temporary hardness (alkalinity and calcium hardness) is needed a piece of chalk  (CaCO 3). However, the chalk does not dissolve too well in water and most of the added chalk falls to the bottom as a sediment or floats in undissolved form. This article will tell you how to dissolve the right amount of chalk.

    About chalk and carbonate system

    If you are too lazy to deal with the chemical principles of chalk dissolution, you can safely skip the theoretical part.

    Step 3

    Look at the resulting water profile. If you compare it with the profile of Düsseldorf, which we talked about above, you will see that they are very similar. So not always lucky, because the brewer does not have the full range of combinations of cations and anions, that is, various salts. In this case, you should focus on the relevance of residual alkalinity and the content of calcium, sulfates and chlorine in water.

    Step 4

    Now it is time to introduce the total volume of water and the volume of water in the mash. The calculator will calculate the volume of wash water based on this data. You will also need to enter the weight of the grain bill, which will allow you to calculate the density of the mash.

    Once you enter the color of the beer in the SRM and indicate how much roast malt is used, it will be possible to calculate the pH of the mash. In our case, this is 5.5, which fits perfectly into the allowable range of 5.2 - 5.7. At the bottom right, the pH table of the mash also displays the calculated amount of residual alkalinity (RA), which will be needed to achieve a pH of 5.2, 5.4 and 5.6. The wide range of required additional CaCO 3: from -100 to 200, demonstrates how different water can be used to brew beer with a color of 20 SRM and a mash density of 4 l / kg.

    Step 5

    The required amount of salts is calculated based on the volume of water, determined earlier. Since I do not have the opportunity to immediately prepare all the water I need at once, I have to prepare the mash and wash water separately. But for those who can afford to do all the water at once, the calculator counts the salt for the whole volume as well.

    Since we are talking about the dissolution of chalk, for us the most interesting is the section “dissolving chalk”. You enter in it a volume of water in which you plan to dissolve the chalk, and the calculator calculates the CO 2 pressure required to dissolve the right amount  chalk The nonlinearity of the relationship between the chalk concentration and the pressure, which grows with great speed, as soon as the chalk concentration reaches 750-800 ppm, is striking. In practice, this concentration is the upper limit of the solubility of chalk and in order to dissolve more chalk, you will have to dissolve it in a larger volume of water.

    Whenever possible, I prefer to dissolve chalk in 2 liters. bottled them under carbonated water, which is done in this case. I used 1.9 l. for dissolving chalk under mash water and 1.6 l. for washing water and it took me a pressure of just 1.55 bar (23psi) and 1.38 bar (20 psi), respectively. These are absolute values, which means that atmospheric pressure also goes into these numbers, in other words, when I put carbon dioxide in bottles, my gauge should show\u003e 0.55 bar (\u003e 8 psi) and\u003e 0.38 bar (\u003e 6 psi), as it measures pressure that exceeds atmospheric.

    Brewing water

    Figure 5. Necessary things: 2 liters. bottles, aerated cap, funnel, a measured amount of salt and water. I wrote on the bottles the cooking number for which I was preparing the water, as well as marked for the wash or mash water I was preparing a “pickle”.
    Figure 6. Insert the funnel into the bottle and pour salt through it into the bottle.
    Figure 7. Pour in water. Water will wash away in the bottle all residues of salts that are stuck on the funnel. Even when the required volume of water is close to 2 liters, do not fill the bottle under the neck, leave space to facilitate the dissolution of carbon dioxide in water.
    Figure 8. Install the carbonation cap, open it, and squeeze out all the excess air from the bottle. Removing the air and replacing it with CO 2 will allow carbon dioxide to dissolve much more efficiently, since all the free space will be filled with CO 2.
    Figure 9. Let the CO 2 into the bottle through the regulator and shake the bottle carefully to get a better solution. Continue shaking the bottle until gas enters it. After the water is carbonated, top up if necessary, and gas again. Do the same with another bottle.
    Figure 10. After the water has stood for a while, it should become transparent. Some turbidity is permissible, but no sediment of chalk on the bottom, which again makes the water turbid when shaken, should not be observed. If the water does not clear, pour half the bottle into the other, doubling the amount of water, and gas again. Perhaps the concentration of chalk is too high to dissolve it all at the CO 2 pressure available to you.
    Figure 11. The day before or directly on the day of boiling, I mix the brine with the rest of the water filtered by reverse osmosis to get the desired volume of mash water, and after a while I do the same for the wash water. Despite the fact that CO 2 is now able to leave the solution, the chalk will not precipitate too quickly. Since it is now dissolved in a very large volume, it will take a long time for it to leave sufficient amount of CO 2 for precipitation of chalk to leave the solution. You will see that when heated, CO 2 comes out more intensively, but as long as the water does not boil, it contains enough CO 2 to keep the chalk in a dissolved form.
    Figure 12. If you measure the pH of the resulting water, then you will see that it is higher than you would expect from enough alkaline water. Such a low pH is the result of the presence of a large amount of carbonic acid; however, this does not affect the alkalinity of the water. I checked the alkalinity and hardness of water with the help of the “GH & KH test kit

    It has long been talked about how good it is to drink more. clean water. Modern people forget that for the normal functioning of all organs, it is precisely this fluid that is needed, not tea or juice. Special great benefit  brings water with honey in the morning. Reviews of those who tried to drink it, note that it is possible to get rid of many diseases and to establish the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Even official medicine recognizes the benefits of such a drink. How can this be explained?

    The benefits of water drunk on an empty stomach

    Many doctors say that most often violations in the work of human organs are associated with a lack of fluid. Dry skin, headaches, malfunctions of the nervous system, constipation and decreased performance - all this happens due to dehydration. Therefore, it is so useful to consume at least two liters of fluid per day. Of particular importance is water, drunk on an empty stomach in the morning. During the night, the body loses a lot of fluid, slags accumulate in it. Drink a glass of warm water in small sips. He quickly digested. This will help restore the water balance in the body and wake up faster.

    Pure water renews the composition of the intercellular fluid, dissolves and removes slags. It helps to normalize the work of all organs and improves metabolism. People who have made it a rule to drink a glass of water in the morning undergo constipation, digestion is normalized and the efficiency increases.

    What is the use of honey

    And why is it recommended to add honey to water? This unique product, although it is avoided by many because of the fear of an allergic reaction, remains one of the most useful natural remedies. It contains a large number of  vitamins and trace elements, a lot of easily digestible carbohydrates and glucose, organic and inorganic acids. Honey has long been used to treat many diseases and just as nutritional product. It contains glucose, which is completely absorbed by the body and immediately converted into energy.

    The use of honey improves the composition of blood and hormonal background human, strengthens the immune system, stimulates the brain and metabolism, and also helps to normalize sleep and resist stress. But not all people use honey correctly, because when you add it to hot tea beneficial features  greatly reduced. Therefore, the best effect on health is warm water with honey. It contributes to a more complete assimilation of all beneficial substances. Many doctors recommend this solution to get rid of some diseases (in the absence of allergic reactions).

    Honey water features

    To prepare a healing drink, you need to dissolve a spoonful of honey in a glass of water. Boiled for this is not suitable, as it is "dead." For these purposes, it is better to take any mineral water  without gas from the bottle or passed through the filter tap. Natural honey dissolves in water quickly and without sediment. It turns out 30% solution that has amazing properties. It is close in composition to the plasma of human blood, therefore it is so useful.

    Cold water with honey forms a special cluster connection. It turns out structured fluid, which immediately penetrates into the cells, normalizing their work. The melt liquid has the same properties.

    What temperature should be honey water

    The only condition - you can not add this natural product in boiling water. From the heat in it, most vitamins and minerals are destroyed. Best absorbed warm water with honey. If you drink it in small sips, nutrients quickly enter the blood. But the best cleansing properties have cold water with honey. Its benefits are enormous, because it is in this combination that a structured fluid is formed, which is close in composition to the plasma of human blood. It should be drunk in one gulp, so it quickly gets into the intestines and does not lose its properties, immediately absorbed into the blood. But in general it is recommended to drink a liquid of such a temperature that you enjoy.

    Water with honey - good

    According to the reviews of doctors, the liquid in question has the following advantages:

    It helps to cope with herpes and catarrhal diseases, as it strengthens the immune system.

    Normalizes the bowels and eliminates constipation (this is due to the fact that honey vodichka dissolves fecal masses and cleans the body from toxins).

    This fluid has a mild choleretic effect, normalizes the liver and gallbladder.

    What else helps water with honey in the morning? Reviews of many people who have tried this tool, talking about a quick relief from bronchitis and chronic rhinitis.

    Value to the brain

    In today's world, the human brain is experiencing a very strong load. From the abundance of stress and a variety of information nerve cells are depleted. For their recovery and normal functioning of the nervous system, the human body necessarily needs glucose. It is found in fruits and vegetables, and most of all in honey. The amount of glucose, which is necessary for normal brain function, cannot be obtained from regular sugar.

    It is best to provide the body with the necessary amount of glucose water with honey in the morning. Reviews note an almost instant effect, because it is absorbed immediately and enters the brain with blood. This helps to wake up faster and immediately get into work mode. A person becomes active, active, can easily withstand stress.

    Benefits for the digestive organs

    Many people know the problem when after eating a heaviness and pain in the abdomen is felt, nauseous in the morning, other symptoms of malfunctioning of the gastrointestinal tract appear. The state of immunity depends on the health and normal functioning of the intestine. Most diseases arise from slagging of the body. Therefore, the intestine begins to work worse, dysbacteriosis develops. Best remedyto cope with it, is water with honey in the morning. Reviews of her show that a few days after the start of the reception, the person feels incredible ease, he goes through constipation and improves digestion.

    Honey has the ability to dissolve fecal masses, settling on them crystals. After this, all slags that have accumulated over the years gradually come out naturally. Water with honey is also capable of dissolving stones, which in many are in the gallbladder, in its ducts and pancreatic ducts.

    To fully manifest the cleansing effect of honey, you should drink its solution immediately after waking up, before breakfast. If you take it in one gulp, then the stomach sphincter will immediately open under the pressure of the liquid, and it will wash away the remnants of indigestible food from the walls, thereby clearing it. After that, the drink will wash the duodenum and enter the intestine, where it is immediately absorbed into the blood. Therefore, water with honey on an empty stomach is so useful. Reviews of this solution indicate that the stomach works better after that.

    What can be added to the drink

    Honey water can be enriched with the following components:

    It is very useful to dissolve the honey in combination with other bee products. Honey water with propolis helps to cope with inflammation, pollen  improve performance digestive system, but royal jelly  will quickly restore a sick liver.

    Very useful water with vinegar and honey. AT traditional medicine  It is used in the treatment of many diseases. For the preparation of therapeutic mixture you need to take a spoonful of honey and apple cider vinegar. Dissolve them in a glass of water. This solution helps with pain in the throat and joints, with heartburn and indigestion, reduces cholesterol and slows the aging process.

    A common means for weight loss is a mixture of honey and lemon juice, dissolved in cold water. With regular use  Such a drink cleans the body, improves metabolism and weight slowly but steadily decreases.

    The optimal time to receive healing remedies

    Dilution of honey in water results in a solution that is very similar in structure to liquids. the human body. Therefore, it is believed that you can drink it in unlimited quantities. But the most useful water with honey in the morning. The reviews of those who use such a solution for some time are only positive. People say that they have begun to feel better, their working capacity has improved and many diseases have gone away. Also useful water with honey at night, especially those who are prone to edema. Honey is hygroscopic and attracts fluid, so the kidneys rest at night after taking such a drink.

    Buying natural honey becomes a difficult task, because even in small apiaries, careless beekeepers mix real honey with artificial honey. When you are not sure of the origin of the honey you purchased, the ability to check its quality can be very useful. Do you want to buy real honey? Honeycombs and smiling bees on the labels of cans does not mean that the product inside is similar to real honey.

    What is useful in natural honey?

    Not without reason honey and his healing properties  so widely used. Carbohydrates, organic acids, essential oilsnectar, polyphenolic compounds, proteins, vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B12, C and folic acid - all this contains honey. And about 300 other nutrients acting on the human body. Honey was called liquid gold not only because it is of this color, but mainly due to its preventive and curative properties.

    The taste of real honey - the sweetness and the feeling of scratches in the throat

    Much depends on taste. Beekeepers and connoisseurs, having tasted honey, can determine by what bees a delicacy is made, determine its age, the way it was saved, and feel flavoring additiveswhich should not be in real honey. Honey without additives at the beginning is very sweet. After the natural aromas are released, which allows to determine the herbs from which honey was made. You should feel a slight burning sensation in your mouth and your throat will start to scratch, especially if it is buckwheat honey.

    If honey is tasteless, we are dealing with artificial productproduced by water and sugar.

    Testing honey for naturalness

    The first test - the malleability.  Scoop honey over the spoon and turn the spoon high above the saucer. If the honey flows evenly, the stream does not break and the cone forms a cone on the plate, this is natural honey. The consistency of artificial honey will be more liquid, flow intermittently and spread on a plate in a uniform puddle.

    The second test is dissolution.  Take a cup of cold water, put a teaspoon of honey there. If honey dissolves unevenly, creating streaks in water, you can be sure that honey good quality. Artificial honey will dissolve evenly and quickly.

    The third test is weight. Liter pot  honey should not weigh less than 1.4 kg.

    The fourth is crystallization.  Liquid honey can be stored for up to a year, but it must crystallize several months after harvest. This is a natural process that always happens if the honey is natural. Crystallization does not affect it. nutritional value  or therapeutic effect. The time required for hardening depends on the type of honey. The longest shelf life in liquid form is white acacia honey. Other types of honey should crystallize until the end of the year in which it was harvested. Artificial honey does not crystallize - this is one way to check the quality of the product.

    Unripe honey: how to determine the maturity of honey

    Honey with a high water content, more than 20%, is not yet mature (with the exception of honey from clover, heather and acacia). After collecting nectar, in honeycombs, in the microclimate of the hive, the process of maturation occurs - evaporation of water and decomposition of complex sugars into simple sugars. After 4-5 days, the bees close the honeycomb, protecting ready honey from evaporation. If the beekeeper wants to speed up the process and collect honey too early, with unclosed honeycombs, he will not be properly mature. The maturity of honey is determined by its density. At a temperature of 20 degrees, a trickle of honey should lazily flow down, forming a cone when falling on a plate.

    Is it possible to heat the honey

    If honey crystallizes and you want to make it liquid, you can heat it up by putting a jar of honey in the pan with warm water  (temperature should not exceed 25 degrees Celsius). In this case, the honey must be stirred with a wooden spatula. Remember that honey when heated to temperatures above 40 degrees loses its beneficial properties.

    Honey that you are going to use in medical Purposesshould be primarily natural and high quality. It goes without saying that in this case the use of honey with signs of fermentation, foaming, a specific smell and taste is not allowed.

    Typically, sellers in the market give a little honey to the sample and the above signs of a poor-quality product are hard to miss, if only to be a little closer when buying it. It is much more difficult to organoleptically distinguish high-quality honey from low-quality honey, that is, such honey to which an unfair entrepreneur added sugar in order to increase the profitability of his business. Here the sight, taste and smell can let us down. And this is very disappointing, because sugar, artificially introduced into honey, can greatly reduce the therapeutic effect of the treatment.

    To avoid this, I recommend to use when choosing and buying honey. simple dough. Take a chemical pencil with an unfinished sharpened pencil to the market, so that the line it leaves on paper is “fat”; and I also advise you to take with you a piece of bad writing paper, on which stationery ink is usually spread, or a blotter from a school notebook. Why you need to take just such a paper, you will soon understand.

    Honey, which will be offered to you on trial, the seller will put on a small piece of wax paper. Dip a poorly sharpened end chemical pencil into a drop of honey for 15-20 seconds, and then spend it on a piece of paper prepared in advance at home and watch for 5-10 seconds, which eventually will be the trace of a chemical pencil. If sugar was not added to the honey you are testing, then the line on the paper will be black in color, as if from a simple pencil, and nothing will happen to it during the experiment.

    In the same case, if sugar was added to honey, the following metamorphosis will occur with the line: it will take on a purple ink color and will blur with a wide stripe.

    Such a reaction of a chemical pencil to fake honey is caused, of course, not by the sugar itself, but by the water in which the scammers have to dissolve the sugar before adding it to the honey. If a granulated sugar  just pour in honey, it will not dissolve and honey will not become a presentation. Therefore, before adding sugar to honey, it is dissolved in a small amount of water, preparing thick syrup, which is already easily mixed with honey. It is on the water in which sugar is dissolved, and the chemical pencil reacts.

    However, if you spend a chemical pencil on waxed paper that is not wetted with water, which is usually used by sellers for hygienic purposes, giving you honey for testing, then even in the case of sugar syrup  honey strip left a chemical pencil, for a very long time does not blur and does not turn blue. This is due to the hydrophobicity - water-repellent properties of this kind of paper. On it, even from a chemical pencil well moistened with water, a clear black line at first remains. That is why the paper should stock up still at home. And loose paper, which has a pronounced hydrophilicity, that is, the ability to absorb water. Medotherapy as a way to normalize the work of the large intestine.

    As one of the ways to normalize the acidity of the gastric juice, I propose medotherapy, which consists in regularly taking honey in a certain way at a certain time before eating.

    How to take honey? In the medical and prophylactic purposes  with increased acidity of gastric juice, honey must be taken by dissolving it in warm water   with a temperature not higher than 40-42 "C, so that the destruction of the most valuable organic substances that make up honey does not occur. It is not necessary to measure the temperature of water every time in which you are going to dissolve the honey. Water having a temperature of up to 40-42" C burns lips, with more high temperature You can already get burned. With low and zero acidity of the gastric juice, honey must be dissolved in cold water (room temperature).


    You can take honey up to 150-120 g per day, but you need to completely abandon sugar and sugar-containing products.

    Honey is taken four times a day. Three times before the main meals - breakfast, lunch and dinner, and the fourth time half an hour before bedtime. How much honey you take per day - 50, 100 or 150 grams, you decide for yourself. How much honey to put in a glass of 150 g of water - 1.2 or 3 teaspoons - you ask your stomach. Start with one spoon. If you like it, try two, maybe it will be even better, then try three, but this is the limit - there are good reasons to believe that your pancreas will not approve a further increase in the amount of honey. If two teaspoons will be many, go back to one.

    So, I hope, that honey should be put in a glass of water (warm or cold depending on your acidity), stir it up to complete dissolution and drink before meals, we learned firmly.

    This is very important condition  medical therapy, because patients with zero acidity drink honey for 5-10 minutes before eating, with acidity they drink honey 15-20 minutes before eating, with normal acidity - for 1 hour, and finally, patients with increased acidity of gastric juice, in order to normalize it, they must drink honey for 1.5-2.0 hours before eating.

    By the way, this technique is good not only as a way of preparing for colon cleansing, but also as an independent method of treating gastritis of any etiology, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, as well as cholecystitis. But just as any therapeutic treatment has its time limits, so the medical therapy cannot last more than 1.5-2 months, once every six months. A few more words about bee honey. Honey has a natural slightly laxative effect on the intestines, which will make it possible to have daily regular stools.

    I am not afraid to repeat myself, but this method of preparing the large intestine for cleansing is not applicable in case of concomitant diabetes and honey allergy.

    I recommend that such patients who need to correct the acidity of their gastric juice and improve the performance of the digestive system use one of the following sets of recreational exercises.