Nutritional value of dairy milk. The nutritional value of milk

03.05.2019 Desserts and Cakes

Nutrition value is the main characteristic of a food product - the amount of food substances (proteins, fats, etc.) contained in it and their ratio.

Raw materials for milk production are natural milk, skim milk, cream.

Natural milk is non-skim milk without any additives. It does not go on sale, as it has a non-standardized content of fat and SOMO. It is used to produce various types of milk and dairy products.

Skimmed milk - non-fat portion of milk obtained by separation and containing not more than 0.05% fat.

Cream - fatty part of milk obtained by separation.

Milk is a biologically valuable food product, especially for children. It contains complete proteins, fats, phosphatides, fat-soluble vitamins, mineral salts. In total, about 100 biologically important substances were found in milk.

The chemical composition of milk is as follows: protein 3.5%, fat 3.4%, milk sugar 4.6%, mineral salts (ash) 0.75%, water 87.8%. The chemical composition of milk varies depending on the breed of animals, the season, the nature of the feed, the age of the animals, the period of lactation, and the technology of milk processing.

Milk proteins are readily available for digestive enzymes, and casein has a unique property, forming a glycopolymacropeptide during digestion, to exert a regulatory effect on increasing the digestibility of other food substances.

Milk proteins are represented by casein, albumin and globulin. They are complete and contain all the amino acids necessary for the body. Casein in milk is in the form of caseinogen in a bound state with calcium. During the souring of milk, calcium is split off from casein, which, coagulating, precipitates.

Milk fat in milk is in the form of tiny fat globules with a size of 0.1-10 microns. When milk is standing, the fat globules, due to their low specific gravity, rise up, forming a layer of cream. Due to the low melting point (within 28-36 ° C) and high dispersion, milk fat is absorbed by 94-96%. As a rule, the fat content in milk in autumn, winter and spring is higher than in summer. It also increases towards the end of the lactation period. Of great importance are the conditions of the animal and the nature of the feed. With good care, the amount of fat in milk can reach 6-7%.

Carbohydrates in milk are in the form of milk sugar-lactose, which is less sweet in taste than vegetable sugar, but in its nutritional value is not inferior to it. When boiled, milk sugar is caramelized, giving the milk a brownish color and a specific aroma and taste. Milk sugar is of great importance in the production of lactic acid products. Under the influence of lactic acid bacteria, it turns into lactic acid; casein coagulates. This process is observed in the production of sour cream, yogurt, cottage cheese, kefir.

The composition of milk includes phosphorus, calcium, potassium, sodium, iron, sulfur. They are found in milk in easily digestible form, which is especially important in early childhood, when milk is a staple food. Of the trace elements in milk, zinc, copper, iodine, fluorine, manganese are contained.

The main vitamins of milk are vitamins A and B, some amounts of ascorbic acid, thiamine, riboflavin, nicotinic acid. Their content is subject to significant fluctuations. In summer, when animals feed on juicy green foods, the vitamin content in milk rises. In winter, due to the switch to dry food, the amount of vitamins in milk decreases. In the future, the content of vitamins depends on the conditions of storage, transportation and processing of milk.

There are a number of enzymes in milk. The main ones: phosphatase, peroxidase, reductase, amylase, lipase and catalase.

We have all heard about the usefulness of products made from milk since childhood, but not every person has a sufficient idea of \u200b\u200bthe role they play in the life of our body.

Perhaps no one will deny that we simply do not think about the merits of dairy products. And in fact, drinking a glass of milk or eating cottage cheese, we do not think about their composition and usefulness.

And yet, every person needs to be aware of the fact that milk occupies an exceptional place in our diet, that without dairy products our diet would be depleted, deprived of many valuable and scarce substances and, finally, that dairy food is an indispensable and indispensable part of our nutrition. That is why information on the beneficial properties of milk and products from it is necessary for each consumer of this product.

So, what is milk, this secretory fluid secreted by the mammary glands of mammals and designed to feed young animals? From the point of view of nutrition, it is a natural product unique in nutritional value and importance for the body, which a person, in the process of conscious activity, adapted to his needs.

For its high nutritional value, milk is called the “elixir of life,” “white blood,” “the gift of nature,” and IP Pavlov called it amazing food prepared by nature itself, and noted that it occupies an “exceptional position between the varieties of human food” .

Milk and the products obtained from it are not only amazing food in their digestibility and usefulness, but it is also versatile, diverse and everyday. It is universal because, firstly, it contains almost all the substances necessary for the body, which are also favorably balanced, and secondly, it is equally necessary for children and adults, sick and healthy. It is diverse because it has many dozens of types and names of products. Everyday because it is used every day.

Dairy products also have medicinal properties and are successfully used in therapeutic, prophylactic and dietary nutrition.

If we divide all the substances necessary for the body and in food products (conditionally, of course) into energy, satisfying energy needs, plastic, from which cells and tissues are “built”, and regulatory, which are involved in metabolic processes, it will be necessary to note that in milk contains both the first (carbohydrates and partly fat), and the second (protein and minerals) and the third (trace elements, vitamins, enzymes).

The following factors characterize the value of milk as a food product: the richest and favorably balanced composition of the components, the high digestibility of all milk nutrients.

By its chemical composition, milk is a unique food product, since it contains all those substances without which the human body cannot develop normally. In milk, there are already over 200 different substances, but studies are ongoing.

For industrial processing, we use cow milk in greatest quantities, the average content of the main substances of which is given below.

Of course, in addition to these essential substances, milk also contains other substances: acids, vitamins, enzymes, etc. Some of them will be discussed later. First, we consider in more detail the value and properties of the main components of milk.

Based on modern ideas about nutrition and analysis of the actual consumption of nutrients, the most scarce component of food today are proteins, especially high-grade proteins, and these are, as a rule, proteins of animal origin. Therefore, the consideration of the constituent parts of milk is most advisable to start with proteins.

The total protein content in milk (we will only talk about cow's milk) is an average of 3.2%. Proteins of milk are heterogeneous. They are composed of casein, albumin and globulin. The casein content is 2.7%, albumin - 0.4%, globulin and other proteins - 0.1%. Casein is of the greatest practical importance, and not only because it accounts for 80-83% of all milk proteins, but also because it is extracted from milk in the manufacture of cottage cheese and cheese, while albumin and globulin remain in serum (they are called because also whey proteins).

Casein is a specific protein and is found only in milk, where it is combined with calcium and phosphorus in soluble form. If calcium is split off from casein, then, being insoluble in the aquatic environment, casein coagulates, i.e. forms a clot. Casein itself is heterogeneous; several fractions are distinguished in it, differing in phosphorus content.

In milk, casein is in the form of a colloidal solution and represents the smallest spherical particles - globules. They are so small that they cannot be seen with a conventional microscope and only an electron microscope, which gives an increase of 20-30 thousand times, allows you to see its spherical particles. Their value is approximately one hundred thousandth of a millimeter.

Unlike many other proteins, casein is heat resistant. Even short-term heating, for example, of an egg leads to coagulation of its proteins, to coagulation. We can boil milk, but protein coagulation does not occur. This very important property of casein allows the heating of milk to destroy microorganisms in it without a significant change in the properties of the product.

But casein is very sensitive to the action of acids. Everyone had to observe that if you leave the milk in a warm place or add fermentation to it, then lactic acid fermentation quickly occurs in it. In this case, milk sugar is converted by microbes to lactic acid, and we see how a clot forms in a few hours. This is coagulated casein. This property of casein is the basis for the production of kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese and other dairy products.

Casein goes into an insoluble form, forming a clot, and under the action of rennet. However, the rennet does not have a sour taste; it tastes the same as fresh milk. This method of precipitation of milk proteins is used in practice in the manufacture of cheeses and certain types of cottage cheese.

Recently, a third type of coagulation of milk proteins has also found wider application: under the influence of calcium ions. This method was developed and theoretically justified by Professor P.F. Dyachenko. Calcium ions seem to connect casein globules, forming “bridges” between them and causing protein coagulation. We will talk about the practical application of all these methods of coagulation of casein and other milk proteins a little later, considering the production technology of some dairy products.

One more property of casein should be mentioned - its ability to swell. According to P.F.Dyachenko, 1 g of casein binds about 0.7 g of water. Due to this property, dairy products such as cheese, cottage cheese, with the apparent "dryness" contain a significant amount of water. For example, a cheese having a firm elastic consistency contains 40-45% water.

Albumin and globulin are simple proteins. They are soluble in water, as well as in weak acids and alkalis. Like casein, they are found in milk in a colloidal solution. However, their molecules are even smaller than casein, and are not even visible under an electron microscope at normal magnification. Unlike casein, these proteins are non-thermostable, and even at temperatures above 75 ° C they coagulate. In this case, they do not form a clot, but fall out in the form of a thin suspension. But acids and rennet do not cause coagulation of them, and they remain in the serum during the production of cottage cheese and cheese. This gave reason to call them whey proteins.

Until recently, whey proteins remaining in whey after making rennet cheeses and cottage cheese were used extremely poorly, and meanwhile, in terms of their amino acid composition, whey proteins are not only inferior to casein, but even superior to it. For example, most. the nutritionally deficient amino acid lysine in albumin and globulin contains almost 1.5 times more milk than casein, almost 4 times more in milk albumin and tryptophan. Whey proteins are rich in amino acids such as cystine. In albumin, it is almost 19 times more than in casein. Of course, the loss of these proteins is undesirable, therefore, at present, dairy enterprises extract them from whey to obtain albumin cottage cheese, and cheese, pastes and other milk-protein products are produced from it.

In addition to the technological properties noted here, milk proteins also have very important biological properties. All protein substances of milk are easily and quickly broken down by the digestive enzymes of the body. As it breaks down, the protein molecule gradually breaks down into simpler elements, down to amino acids. The latter are the “bricks” of which proteins are made.

It has been established that, according to the speed of digestibility, proteins of milk are in the first place, ahead of proteins of meat, fish, cereals. The digestibility of milk proteins is 95-97%.

But the biggest advantage of milk proteins is their biological usefulness, due to the amino acid composition of proteins.

Milk proteins contain all the amino acids necessary for the human body. Among the two dozen amino acids in the composition of proteins are those that the body can synthesize on its own, and those that are not synthesized, but must come "in finished form" with food. The former are called interchangeable, the latter are indispensable. Naturally, proteins that contain all the essential amino acids are more valuable in nutrition. Proteins of milk are therefore fully functional because they contain all the essential amino acids in a favorable ratio. Moreover, milk proteins are rich in the most scarce essential amino acids, which are often lacking in the human diet. These amino acids include lysine, tryptophan, methionine. And without these amino acids or with a lack of them, their body cannot synthesize “their own” proteins and “build” them into their own cells, tissues, enzymes, antibodies, hormones and other structural and physiological elements. In addition, lack of lysine in food leads to impaired blood formation, tryptophan is necessary for growth processes, methionine normalizes liver activity, and is necessary for the prevention of atherosclerosis.

The biological value of milk proteins can be illustrated by data that show and compare the content of essential amino acids in low-fat cottage cheese, category I beef, buckwheat and wheat flour (the protein content in these products is relatively high and is 18.0; 18.6; 12, respectively 6; 10.6%).

Essential Amino Acids

low-fat cottage cheese


wheat flour





Total Essential Amino Acids

Of the four very common and frequently consumed foods, the highest content of essential amino acids, as we see, is in cottage cheese. It contains more than other products methionine, threonine, isoleucine and leucine. In meat, only two amino acids (valine and lysine) are superior in content to cottage cheese, cereals and flour, and the total amount of essential amino acids in meat is 11% lower than in cottage cheese.

Fat in milk, depending on the livestock and lactation period, contains from 3 to 5%. Milk fat is easily digested and well absorbed by the human body (96-97%) due to the fact that its melting point is several degrees lower than the human body temperature (28-33 ° C). Milk fat contains more than 20 fatty acids, including butyric, kapron, caprylic, and others, which determine the value of milk fat from the point of view of nutritional physiology, because thanks to them, milk fat is very easily digested in the body. True, a small amount (up to 4%) of the so-called essential fatty acids is also contained here: linoleic, linolenic, arachidonic.

In milk, fat is in the form of a fat emulsion. The size of the fat globules is mainly 2-4 microns. If you take into account that a micron is one thousandth of a millimeter, then you can imagine what kind of thin fat emulsion is milk. Due to their small size, fat particles are readily available to digestive juices.

Under the action of enzymes in the gastrointestinal tract, fat breaks down with the release of fatty acids, which are absorbed into the blood.

In milk, fat particles do not merge together, since each ball is surrounded by a strong lecithin-protein shell that prevents this.

Milk fat contains phosphatides, sterols, fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, K and other related substances, therefore milk fat should be considered not only as an energy source, but also as a product of high biological value, rich in biologically active substances.

Like all other fats, milk fat has a high energy value (calorie content). When "burning" in the body, 1 g of fat releases 9 kcal, 1 g of protein - 4 kcal, 1 g of carbohydrates - 3.75 kcal. Consequently, 1 g of fat supplies the body with 2.4 times more energy than carbohydrates, and 2.25 times more than proteins. This means that the more fat contains in the product, the higher its calorie content and the higher the calorie content of the diet in which this product is included.

Is this good or bad? It all depends on many factors - we are talking about them ahead.

Phosphatides, sterols play an important role in the body: they are part of tissues and physiological fluids, participate in metabolic processes, etc. Lecithin is the most important phosphatide in the diet. It contains organic phosphorus and the nitrogenous substance choline, which determine the high physiological activity of lecithin. These substances contribute to the normalization of fat and cholesterol metabolism in the body. Phosphatides prevent the excessive deposition of fat in the liver and thereby violate its most important functions. Phosphatides. also have an antisclerotic effect, since they are involved in the regulation of cholesterol metabolism.

Carbohydrates in milk are mainly represented by milk sugar - lactose (4.5-5%). In water, lactose dissolves much worse than sucrose (beet sugar), and 5-6 times less sweet. It is this: that explains the fact that, being present in milk in almost the same amount as beet sugar, for example, in sweet tea, milk sugar does not give milk a pronounced sweet taste. However, like other carbohydrates, milk sugar is well absorbed by the body, has a high energy value. Milk sugar, like beet sugar, belongs to disaccharides, in the intestine under the action of enzymes it breaks down into glucose and galactose and is absorbed into the blood in this form. In the intestine, lactose serves as a breeding ground for lactic microorganisms that suppress putrefactive microflora.

Lactose under the influence of lactic acid microorganisms is fermented with the formation of lactic acid. This property of it is widely used in the production of many sour-milk products: kefir, yogurt, sour cream, cottage cheese, etc. As a nutrient medium for lactic acid microflora, milk sugar is thereby involved in the technological processes for the production of many dairy products.

Under the influence of high temperatures, milk sugar is caramelized, while the color of the product becomes slightly brownish. If similar conditions are created in a solution containing casein, then melanoidins are formed during the interaction of sugars and amino acids. The appearance of a brownish color in sterilized and baked milk, fermented baked milk is explained by these reactions.

As for minerals, figuratively speaking, we can say that almost the entire periodic table is concentrated in milk. Milk contains both macroelements - sodium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, etc., and microelements - copper, aluminum, zinc, tin, arsenic, cobalt, manganese, chromium, etc. Both the first and second are involved in the construction cells and tissues of the body, and many trace elements are regulators of metabolic processes. The total amount of minerals in milk is 0.6-0.7%. The milk contains mainly salts of phosphoric, as well as caseic and citric acids. Lack or excess of salts leads to imbalance, and proteins can precipitate. This property of milk is used in the production of dairy products and cheeses.

More than half of the total amount of minerals of milk falls on two elements: calcium and phosphorus. No other foods contain calcium in such large quantities as dairy products, especially cheeses and cottage cheese. Studies have found that combining them with milk protein is especially beneficial for the absorption of calcium and phosphorus. It is in milk that both of these elements are associated with the casein molecule and, therefore, are in the form most suitable for the body. Calcium is included in large quantities in the composition of the teeth, together with phosphorus, it forms the basis of bone tissue, is involved in a number of metabolic processes.

Of great importance to the human body are trace elements. Being the catalysts of many biochemical processes, they, in essence, are mineral "vitamins". So, cobalt is involved in blood formation, zinc affects the function of reproduction, fluorine promotes the formation of bone and dental tissue, etc.

Already listing the physiological significance of a small part of the elements contained in milk, indicates their most important role in the human body.

By the content of vitamins, milk cannot be considered as a high-vitamin product, but since dairy products are an everyday food product, milk provides the body with a significant share of these irreplaceable nutrition factors. Milk contains almost all known water-and fat-soluble vitamins: vitamin C (ascorbic acid), PP (nicotinic acid), B 1 (thiamine), B 2 (riboflavin), B 6 (pyridoxine), B 12 (dicobalamin ), A (retinol), D (calciferol), E (tocopherol), K (phylloquinone), etc. Together with other food products, milk is involved in providing the human body with these biologically active substances that regulate the vital functions of the body. The level of vitamins in milk and dairy products is significantly affected by animal feeding conditions, lactation, milk processing and other factors. Under the influence of high temperatures and during prolonged storage of products, some vitamins are destroyed.

So, we noted that milk contains a variety of chemicals that play an important role in the human body, each of the components of milk has one or another value in the diet and in quantitative terms, most of them correspond to the balanced nutrition formula, which indicates a high nutritional and biological value of milk and its products.

Another factor characterizing the nutritional value of milk is the easy digestibility and assimilation of its main components. It is explained by the fact that all components are in the form of tiny particles in milk, so that they are quickly and completely broken down by digestive enzymes. The size of these smallest particles can be judged by the following fact: 1 ml of milk contains on average up to 3 billion fat globules! What can we say about the size of elementary particles of proteins and other components, if they cannot even be seen with a conventional microscope? Naturally, thanks to such a highly dispersed system, which is milk, it is quickly absorbed by the human body.

The third factor characterizing the nutritional value of milk, although not as significant as the first two, is the favorable ratio of its main nutrients.

It is known that in the human diet the main nutrients, i.e. proteins, fats and carbohydrates, must be in a ratio of 1: 1: 4. Naturally, this is achieved due to their total content in the set of various food products. But if we talk about individual products, then only milk has the ratio of basic food substances closest to the optimum, i.e. 1: 1: 1.5. This, of course, is not an ideal ratio, but given that in all other types of natural products it deviates much more from the optimum, it should be recognized that milk has the ratio of these food substances closest to the desired.

In addition to cow's milk, goat, sheep, and mare’s milk are also used in various regions of our country, camel’s in the deserts of Central Asia, buffalo in the mountains of the Caucasus, and deer’s milk in the Far North. Although each of these types of milk has its own characteristics and preserves individuality, nevertheless, their general properties, composition and main factors of nutritional value are close to cow's milk.

The table compares the data on the degree of satisfaction of a person’s daily needs for basic nutrients and energy with the use of certain dairy products and meat.

Food substances

The degree of satisfaction of human daily needs

500 g milk

100 g fat cottage cheese

100 g Russian cheese



deficient amino acids




The energy value


Theoretical part

1 Nutritional value of milk, nutritional value

2 Classification, characteristics of the range of milk

3 Quality requirements, defects

4 Packaging, labeling, storage of milk

Practical part

1 Assortment of milk sold by the Rublevsky store in Gomel. Suppliers

2 Quality of milk sold by a trading company

3 Packaging, labeling, conditions of transportation, storage, ensuring the quality of milk

Conclusions and offers




Milk is a product of the secretory activity of the mammary mammary gland. I.P. Pavlov called milk amazing food prepared by nature itself. It contains in optimal proportions all the substances necessary for the normal development of the body: water, proteins, fats, milk sugar, mineral compounds, organic acids, vitamins, enzymes, hormones, gases and other components, which number more than 100. Milk digestibility 98-99 %

The natural purpose of milk is to feed cubs who are not yet able to digest other foods.

The history of milk is as ancient as the history of mankind itself. Only having appeared on the earth, a person immediately knew the taste of dairy products. Milk was eaten more than 6,000 years ago. The most consumed type of milk is cow's milk.

Currently, milk is a part of many products used by humans, and its production has become a large industry, new technologies and a new assortment have also appeared, so it is necessary to study this product more deeply.

The aim of my course work is to study the nutritional value of milk, its importance in nutrition, the study of the classification and characteristics of the range of milk, quality requirements. And also examine all types of packaging, labeling and storage of milk.

The objectives of my course work: to study the range of milk sold by a trading company; to study and analyze the quality of milk sold by the trading company; examine the packaging, labeling, transportation conditions, storage, ensuring the quality of milk.

1. The theoretical part

.1 Nutritional value of milk, nutritional value

Milk  - biological fluid that is synthesized in the mammary glands of mammals from the constituent parts of the blood. The mammary glands are located in the tissues of the udder. The udder is divided into two parts. In each part there are two independent glands (front and back) that are not connected by ducts, which allows you to extrude each of the parts of the udder separately.

Milk contains physiologically valuable nutrients that are well balanced, easily and completely absorbed by the human body.

Milk is an indispensable product of mass and everyday consumption, and also serves as a raw material for the production of butter, dairy products, cheeses, ice cream, canned milk.

A person should consume almost 1.5 l of dairy products per day (including milk), including 0.5 l of milk, 15-20 g of cow's butter, 18 g of cheese, 20 g of sour cream and cottage cheese.

More than 120 chemicals were found in milk, including: proteins, fats, minerals, vitamins, enzymes, etc. The energy value of cow's milk is 2797 kJ. One liter of milk satisfies the adult's daily need for fat, calcium and phosphorus, 53% protein requirement, 35% vitamin A, C, B1 (thiamine), 25% energy.

The chemical composition of milk depends on the species and animals, time of year, livestock feeding conditions and other factors. Milk in its composition is a complex system consisting of organic and inorganic compounds. Organic matter: proteins, carbohydrates, fats, enzymes, vitamins. Inorganic: water, mineral salts, gases.

An important indicator of the chemical composition of milk is dry skim milk residue (SOMO), the content of which judges the naturalness (undilution) of milk. QS is determined by subtracting the percentage of fat from the dry matter percentage of milk.

Protein substancesare the most valuable component of milk, since the amino acids formed during their splitting are a good plastic material for building body tissues. Milk protein called casein.  Casein is a complex protein phosphoprotein, in milk it is contained in the form of calcium salt, which determines its white color. Casein coagulates under the action of rennet and forms a dense clot used in the production of rennet cheese and cottage cheese.

The remaining simple proteins in serum - albumin and globulin - are called whey, they do not precipitate under the action of rennet, remain in serum.

Milk fat  (average 3.8%) is in the form of fat globules coated with lecithin-protein coatings. Which prevent them from sticking together. 1 ml of milk contains 3 billion fat globules with a diameter of 0.5 to 10 microns. When their shells are destroyed during processing and storage, free fat appears, which affects the quality of the product. Milk fat is the best known dietary fat in terms of taste, composition, and digestibility. However, its shortcomings should be noted. Milk fat is unstable to high temperatures, light rays, oxygen, water vapor, alkali and acid solutions. Under the influence of various factors, it is hydrolyzed, oxidized, salted, as a result of which it spoils.

Milk sugarit has a useful property for humans, it penetrates more slowly through the intestinal wall into the blood, is in the intestine for a longer time and can be used to feed lactic acid bacteria, the development of which has a healing effect on the human body. When heating milk to a temperature above 95 ° C its color changes from pale cream to brown.

Milk sugar plays an important role in the production of fermented milk products and cheeses. In addition to lactic acid, carbon dioxide, alcohol, butyric acid and other compounds may also be formed from milk sugar in these products.

Mineralsare of great importance in the formation of new tissue cells, enzymes, vitamins, hormones, as well as in the mineral metabolism of the body. The mineral content in milk is up to 1%. After burning milk, 0.7% of ash is obtained. The composition of the ash includes salts of organic and inorganic acids, mainly phosphoric, citric and hydrochloric.

Among the mineral salts contained in milk, calcium and phosphorus salts occupy a special place. Calcium milk is characterized by good absorbability and is essentially the main source of providing the body with this element. Calcium milk is absorbed better than calcium cereals, bread and vegetables. 1 liter of milk contains 1.2 g of calcium. Calcium is necessary for bone formation, for regulating blood pressure, and for reducing the risk of getting some types of cancer.

Of the trace elements found in milk, manganese, copper, iron, cobalt, iodine, zinc, tin, vanadium, silver, etc. Manganese catalyzes oxidative processes in the cell and is necessary for the synthesis of vitamins C, B and D. Copper and iron are involved in hematopoiesis, iodine - in the synthesis of thyroid hormone thyroxine.

Enzymescontained in milk such as: peroxidase, reductase, phosphatase, catalase, lipase, lactase.

Lipase  breaks down fat glycerides into fatty acids and glycerin, breaks down at temperatures of 75-80 ° С.

Phosphatasecauses hydrolysis of phosphoric acid esters, is destroyed at 75 ° C . By its presence in pasteurized milk, the impurity in it is judged raw.

Peroxidasedecomposes hydrogen peroxide with the release of active oxygen, is destroyed at 80-82 ° C. By the reaction to peroxidase, the effectiveness of high pasteurization of milk is checked.

Catalasebreaks down hydrogen peroxide into water and molecular oxygen. There are many of them in the milk of animals with mastitis.

Reductase- a reducing enzyme that accumulates in milk during the development of microflora, and the bacterial contamination of milk is judged by its quantity.

Lactasebreaks down lactose into glucose and galactose.

Vitaminsmay be: fat soluble  (A, D, E, K) and water soluble(B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, PP, C, H - Biotin), folic acid.

Vitamin BUT(0.03 mg%) is formed in the animal’s body from carotene feed, is resistant to heat treatment, is easily oxidized in the light and with the access of air.

Vitamin D  (0.00005 mg%) is formed in the animal body from ergosterol under the influence of ultraviolet rays, resistant to heat treatment.

Vitamin   E(0.15 mg%) is resistant to high temperatures (up to 170 ° C), is an antioxidant for fats.

Vitamin FROM(2 mg%) is significantly destroyed during storage, transportation and pasteurization.

Vitamin IN 1(0.04 mg%) withstands heating to 120 ° C in an acidic environment, in a neutral and alkaline environment is less stable.

Vitamin AT 2(0.05 mg%) is destroyed in a slightly alkaline environment, stable in an acidic environment, when heated to 120 ° C ,   collapses in the light.

Vitamin IN 3  (0.38 mg%) is resistant to heat, stimulates the development of bacteria.

Vitamins AT 6  (0.05 mg%) and AT 12(0.0004 mg%) are preserved during pasteurization of milk.

Vitamin PPit is steady at technological processing of milk.

Vitamin Hstimulates the activity of microorganisms, resistant to oxidation and heat.

Bactericidal substances  - immune bodies (lysines, agglutins, antitoxins) have a destructive or inhibitory effect on microorganisms that enter the milk. The time during which the bactericidal properties of milk are manifested is called bactericidal phase  (or period). The bactericidal period lasts at 30 ° C for 3 hours, at 15 ° C for 12 hours, at 5 ° C for 36 hours. Foreign substances (pesticides, nitrites, etc.) can enter the milk, their content and control are regulated by standards.

Hormonessecrete endocrine glands. They are the regulators of complex biochemical processes and carry out communication between individual organs. Under the influence of the hormones prolactin and thyroxine, lactic acid secretes milk.

Coloring matter  - carotene, chlorophyll, xanthophyll get into milk from feed.

Water- the main part of milk, the amount of water determines the physical state of the product, physico-chemical and biochemical processes in it.

Along with cow, the milk of other farm animals is used in the national economy. The average chemical composition of milk of various animals is given in table 1.1.

The average chemical composition of milk of various animals.

Table 1.1

Sheep's milk -compared with richer cow fat and protein and is characterized by higher acidity and density. Fat globules are larger. As a drink it is not used because of a specific smell. It is used for the production of feta cheese and other types of brine cheeses.

Goat milk -similar in composition to cow, but contains more albumin. Goat milk fat balls are smaller. Due to the lack of dyes, it is paler, but contains more vitamin C. Use it in a mixture with sheep for the production of cheeses.

Mare's milk -called albumin. It is a sweet-tasting white liquid with a bluish tint; it differs from the cow in its high content of lactose, less fat, salts and proteins. When souring, the milk of the mares does not give a clot, casein falls out in the form of small delicate flakes. Mare’s milk has high bactericidal properties, in composition and properties it differs little from female. It is used to make koumiss.

.2 Classification, characteristics of the assortment of milk

Cow's milk  depending on the heat treatment goes on sale pasteurized and sterilized.

-pasteurized with a fat content of 1.5; 2.5; 3.2 and 6%;

-protein 1.0 and 2.5%;

-fortified (with vitamin C) - non-greasy and with a fat content of 2.5 and 3.2%;

-milk with cocoa or coffee with a fat content of 1.0 and 3.2%;


-baked milk with a fat content of 4 and 6%.

The following assortment of milk goes on sale: Volkovysk, Minsk; cow pasteurized Birch bark, pasteurized Light; pasteurized cow enriched with bifidoflora, Rosinka; pasteurized Meadow; sterilized with lactulose; iodized iodis; pasteurized, enriched with iodized protein; pasteurized green valley; fortified Vita; pasteurized Polesskoye, Molodetskoye, Vitalact, etc.

To feed infants release ion-exchange milk and vitalact-DM.

Ionite milk  obtained by treating milk with cation exchanger, this removes 20-25% of calcium, which is replaced by an equal amount of sodium and potassium; released without additives, with vitamins of groups B and C.

Vitalact-DM  produced from a homogenized mixture consisting of normalized cow's milk, cream, refined sunflower oil, sugar and other additives.

Sterilized milk  produced in paper bags with a polyethylene coating inside. The fat content is 3.2 and 3.5%.

For immediate use, pasteurized or sterilized milk is used.

Whole  called normalized or restored milk with a certain fat content - 3.2% and 2.5%.

Restored called milk, prepared in whole or in part from canned milk. To obtain reconstituted milk, dried whole milk is dissolved in warm water and kept for at least 3-4 hours for the greatest swelling of proteins, elimination of water taste, and also to achieve normal density and viscosity. The mixture is then cleaned, homogenized, pasteurized, cooled and poured.

High Fat Milk  prepared from normalized milk with a content of 6% homogenized fat.

Melted  called milk with a content of 6% fat, subjected to homogenization, pasteurization at a temperature of at least 95 degrees and exposure for 3-4 hours.

Protein milk  contains an increased amount of dry fat-free substances. It is produced from milk normalized by fat content, with the addition of powdered or condensed milk.

Fortified milk  prepared from whole or nonfat milk enriched with vitamins A, C, D2.

Nonfat milk  - This is the pasteurized portion of milk obtained by separation and containing not more than 0.05% fat.

Heat treatment of milk is necessary for the destruction of microorganisms and the destruction of enzymes in order to obtain products that are hygienic safe and with a longer shelf life. For this, pasteurization and sterilization of milk are used.

Pasteurization can be long-term (at a temperature of 63 ° C, the milk can withstand for 30 minutes), short-term (at a temperature of 72 ° C - for 15-30 s) and instant (high-temperature at 85 ° C and above without exposure). Heat treatment should maximize the nutritional and biological value of milk, and not lead to undesirable changes in the physicochemical properties of milk. During heating, whey proteins are denatured (structural changes in the molecules), and milk acquires the taste of a boiled product or the taste of pasteurization. As a result of pasteurization and sterilization in milk, the amount of calcium is reduced due to the formation of poorly soluble calcium phosphate (precipitated in the form of milk stone or burn with denatured proteins). This impairs the ability of milk to rennet coagulation; during the production of cottage cheese and cheese, calcium chloride is added to pasteurized milk.

As a result of pasteurization and sterilization, the physicochemical and technological properties of milk change: viscosity, surface tension, acidity, milk's ability to sediment cream, and casein's ability to rennet coagulate. Milk acquires a specific taste, smell and color. The components of milk are changing. Milk is sent to the distribution network at a temperature not exceeding 8 ° C.

According to the standard, milk is classified as follows:

GOST 37-91. Cow butter. Technical conditions

GOST 1349-85. Canned milk.

GOST 3622-68. Milk and dairy products.

GOST 3623-73. Milk and dairy products. Methods for determining pasteurization

GOST 3624-92. Milk and dairy products. Acrytometry titrimetric methods

GOST 3625-84. Milk and dairy products. Density Determination Methods

GOST 4495-87. Whole milk powder.

GOST 5867-90. Milk and dairy products. Fat Methods

GOST 8218-89. Milk. Purity Determination Method

GOST 10970-87. Skimmed milk powder. Technical conditions

GOST 23327-98. Milk and dairy products.

GOST R 51917-2002. Dairy and milk-containing products.

GOST R 52054-2003. Natural cow's milk - raw materials.

milk food assortment quality

1.3 Quality requirements, defects

The quality of milk is evaluated by organoleptic, physico-chemical and bacteriological indicators.

Milk must comply, according to organoleptic properties, GOST No. 28283-89 "Drinking milk. The method of organoleptic evaluation of smell and taste, color and texture. "

By appearance  and consistency  milk is a homogeneous liquid without sediment. Sludge cream is not allowed in milk with high fat content and melted milk.

Colour  milk should be white with a slightly yellowish tint, melted - with a cream tint, non-greasy - with a slightly bluish tint.

Wokwith and smell  milk should be clean, without strangers, not peculiar to fresh milk taste and smell.

Of physico-chemical indicators  for milk, the fat content, density, acidity, purity, temperature, and the presence of phosphatase are normalized. An indicator of freshness is acidity. The acidity of pasteurized milk should be no more than 21 ° T, with the exception of milk with high fat content (6%) - not more than 20 ° T and protein - not more than 25 ° T. The acidity of sterilized milk is not higher than 20 ° T, milk for baby food is not more than 19 ° T.


The density of milk should not be lower than 1,024-1,030 g / cm 3  depending on fat content.

Of microbiological indicators the total number of bacteria in 1 ml, the titer of Escherichia coli, pathogenic microorganisms are determined.

Milk defects

More total defects in taste and odor reduce the quality of milk.

Fodder taste, smell of silage, stockyardand other odors are more likely to occur as a result of the adsorption of feed odors by milk.

Sour tasteoccurs when milk develops lactic acid bacteria.

Bitter tasteappears in milk during prolonged storage in a cooled state as a result of the development of putrefactive microflora. Under the same conditions, a rancid taste may appear when, under the action of lipase, fat glycerides are broken down into glycerol and fatty acids.

Metallic aftertasteoccurs in milk during storage during dissolution of metal dishes with impaired half-life.

Foreign tastes and smellsmilk gets during transportation along with odorous products (onions, oil products, chemicals).

Brackish and rancid smackshas old-milk milk due to changes in mineral composition and high lipase content.

1.4 Packaging, labeling, storage of milk sold in the store "Rublevsky" (produced by suppliers)

For the packaging of milk, mainly paper bags with a polymer coating (tetra-pack, tetra-brik, pure-pack), plastic bags, flasks and other types of containers are used. Much depends on the form of the package: convenience of purchase for the buyer, type of transport packaging, stability of packaging during production and distribution. The sharper the corners in the packets (tetra-pack), the faster they get damaged, leak, which entails certain losses. For packing tetra-packs, a special container has been developed and is used - hexagonal boxes made of low-pressure polyethylene. Milk in packages of Pure-Pak and Tetra-Brik in blocks of 10-12 pieces is covered with heat-shrink film and placed in packaging equipment. Fin-pack - a soft polymer bag is also convenient for milk distribution. The use of these packages eliminates the use of returnable glass containers. However, it must be remembered that all polymer packaging in our country is not yet disposed of and pollutes the environment. The following designations shall be applied on the packaging of the embossed or indelible paint: name or number of the manufacturer or trademark; type of milk; volume in liters (on bags); Date or day of the deadline for implementation; designation of the standard.

When pouring milk into flasks or tanks, a label is attached to the container or a label with the same designations is hung. Additional information for buyers is the application on packages of information about the composition of the product, calories. Drawings and indicators for opening containers, conditions and shelf life. Labeling packages should be clear, colorful.

Keepmilk should be kept in clean and ventilated areas without access to light. Pasteurized cow's milk should be stored at a temperature of 4 + -2 no more than 5 days from the end of the process, sterilized milk at a temperature of 0 to 10 ° C - 6 months, at a temperature of 0 to 20 ° C - no more than 4 months .

Relative humidity should not exceed 80%. At higher humidity, mold may appear in the room.

It is forbidden to store milk together with meat and fish products, vegetables, fruits and spices in order to avoid the appearance of an odor and pollution in it.

In refrigerators and utility rooms, milk is stored on shelves and shelves. Packaged dairy products are stored in containers in which they were delivered to the store.

At the seller’s workplace, milk is placed in refrigerated cabinets or refrigerated counters. In the absence of cooling means, the stock of milk delivered to the trading floor should be designed for a two-, three-hour sales period.

2. The practical part

.1 Assortment of milk sold by the Rublevsky store (produced by suppliers)

I work in the Rublevsky store, located at 69 Cosmonauts Ave., owned by the Rublevsky Open Joint Stock Company.

The type of this store is combined, since the forms of service in it are traditional, that is, through the counter, and self-service. The specialization of this store is food products, but there is a “corner” with industrial goods in it.

The store operates on the basis of a license (Appendix A). The number of employees in this store is 56 people.

The total area of \u200b\u200bthe store is 1024.1 m 2, and the area of \u200b\u200bthe trading floor is 379.2 m 2

The turnover for the month is 605,000,000 million rubles, for the quarter - 1,815,000,000 million rubles, for the year - 7,260,000,000 million rubles.

The assortment of milk in this store is quite large, as the store works with many suppliers of dairy products. Milk is delivered to the store on time, very rarely when suppliers delay delivery, and if this happens, then only for a good reason. This also applies to the quality of milk supplied.

Assortment and suppliers of dairy products in the Republic of Belarus:

Table 2.1.1

Grandmother's Krynka OJSC Mogilev, st. Pavlova, d. 3.

№ Product Name Fat Content Volume, l Retail price, rubles Packing 1 Milk pit. paste 2.4% 11210 film 2 Milk pit. paste. 3% 11370 film 3 Milk pit. paste. 1.5% 1940 film 4 Milk pit. paste 3.2% 11680 lin-pack 5 Milk pit. paste 2.5% 11460 lin-pack 6 Milk pit. fuel 4% 0.51010 lin-pack 7 Milk for children 3.2% 0.2620 tetra-brik

Table 2.1.2

TD Rumyantsevsky, Gomel, st. Br Lizyukov, d. 1.

№ Product Name Fat Content Volume, l Retail price, rubles Packing 1 Milk pit. paste. 1.5% 1950 film 2 Milk pit. paste 2.7% 11300 film 3 Milk pit. paste 3.6% 0.5820 film 4 Milk pit. paste 3.6% 11560 film

Table 2.1.4

SOZH OJSC state farm-combine

№ Product Name Fat Content Volume, l Retail price, rubles Packing 1 Milk pit. paste 3.5% 11540 film

Table 2.1.5

Savushkin Product OJSC, Brest, ul. Y. Kupala, d. 108.

№ Product Name Fat Content Volume, l Retail price, rubles Packing 1 Milk pit. paste 3.1% 12730pure-pak2 Milk pit. paste 2.6% 12030 film 3 Milk pit. paste 1.8% 11790 film

Table 2.1.6

TD Dairy lace, Gomel, st. Br Lizyukov, 1a

№ Product Name Fat Content Volume, l Retail price, rubles Packing 1 Milk pit. paste 2.8% 11330 film 2 Milk pit. paste. 1.5% 1950 film 3 Milk pit. paste 3.2% 11450 film 4 Milk pit. paste 3.6% 11560 film 5 Milk pit. paste 2.8% 0.5760 film 6 Milk pit. paste 3.2% 0.5830pure-pack 7 Milk pit. paste 3.2% 11590pyur-pak8 Milk pit. paste 3.2% 11460 film 9 Milk pit. paste. 1.5% 11010pure-pack

Table 2.1.7

Gormolzavod №1, Minsk, st. Soltysa, d. 185

№ Product Name Fat Content Volume, l Retail price, rubles Packing 1 Milk for children 3.2% 250 g 830 tetra-brik 2 Milk pit. paste. 1.8% 11370 tetra-brik 3 Milk pit. paste 3.2% 11450 film 4 Milk pit. oil 2.5% 0.51030 film 5 Milk pit. paste. 1.5% 1940 film

Based on a social survey, the milk of the Gomel supplier was recognized as the best milk. The reason for this is the taste and price of milk. Milk with a fat content of 1.5% in a film bag is the most bought milk among elderly people, since it is cheaper. And younger people pay less attention to price and prefer milk with higher fat content. Therefore, milk from this supplier is ordered in larger quantities than milk from others.

Updatability of the assortment of drinking milk for April 2011

Table 2.1.6

Name of goodsNumber of items Renewability% Drinking milk of all seasons including new items4251

Conclusion: in April 2011, the assortment of milk in the store was updated by 4%.

Labeling Analysis

Consumer product labeling should contain the following information:

product name: "Pasteurized milk" Mozyr ";

mass fraction of fat: 2.7%;

name and location of the manufacturer: PUE “Mozyr dairy products”, Belarus, 247760, Mozyr, st. Proletarian, 114;

trademark - is available;

volume: 1000 l;

product composition: no, because not recombined;

nutritional value: proteins, fats, carbohydrates;

storage conditions: store at a temperature of 4 ± 2 C;

-storage conditions and period of use of the sterilized product after opening the package: 2 days at a temperature of 4 ± 2;

production date: 06/16/2011 at 16.06

designation of this standard: STB 1746-2007;

designation of a technological document in the presence of expiration dates other than those established by this standard:

information on the confirmation of conformity (if any) is missing, because milk not long-term storage;

bar identification code - is available;

Appendix E.

Conclusion: Milk meets the requirements of STB 1746-2007.

The quality and safety certificates indicate:

certificate number and date of issue;

name and address of the supplier;

product name and grade;

batch number;

date and time (h, min) of shipment;

lot volume, l;

data of test results (mass fraction of fat, density, acidity, purity, temperature at shipment);

the number and date of issue of the accompanying veterinary certificate (certificate) and the name of the organization of the state veterinary service that issued it;

designation of this standard.

On the labels of milk-based baby food products there should be an inscription: “For baby food”. The font size of such an inscription cannot be less than the main font used.

On packages adapted milk mixtures and subsequent mixtures should be accompanied by a warning sign "For feeding young children, breastfeeding is preferable."

2.2 Quality of milk sold by the trading company

Before milk gets on the shelves of the refrigerator in the trading floor, it passes a quality check. Each batch of milk is accompanied by a copy of the certificate of quality (Appendix B). At the same time as checking the documents, they inspect the transport in which the milk was delivered. If milk is delivered to the store in dirty vehicles, it is not accepted. The truck delivering milk has a sanitary passport.

Also check the condition of the packaging and labeling during an external examination of the entire batch of milk. After inspecting the containers and checking the correct labeling, a batch of milk is taken in quantity and its homogeneity is established. In the case of mixing batches, products are sorted into homogeneous batches.

When inspecting containers pay attention to the presence or absence of leaks, determine the completeness of milk filling by eye.

Upon detection of milk that has turned out to be with hidden defects, the act “Acceptance of goods by quality and quantity” is issued. It is made out in 2 copies. One copy remains in the store, and the second is transferred to the supplier. In the future, milk is subject to exchange. Suppliers never refuse to do this and conscientiously fulfill all the conditions of the contract.

The drinking milk sold by this store is in good quality according to GOST No. 28283-89 “Drinking milk. The method of organoleptic evaluation of smell and taste, color and texture. "

2.3 Packaging, storage, ensuring the quality of milk, labeling

Milk arrives in this store already packaged and packaged. The packaging of milk is different and since the assortment is large, then the milk comes to the store in various packages.

The milk sold by this store comes in paper bags with a polymer coating (tetra-pack, tetra-brik, pure-pack, lin-pack), plastic bags, flasks and other types of packaging. Much depends on the form of the package: convenience of purchase for the buyer, type of transport packaging, stability of packaging during production and distribution.

Milk arriving in this store has the following designations on the packaging, stamped or with indelible paint:

1)mass fraction;

2)fat content;

)manufacturer, address;

)production date;

)expiration date;

)nutritional and energy value;


)volume and barcode;

The store has all the conditions for storing milk. It is stored in a special chamber where light does not enter and there is constant ventilation of the room. The rules of the commodity neighborhood are also respected. Boxes of milk are placed on pallets. They store pasteurized at a temperature of 4 + -2 ° C for 5 days, sterilized from 0 to 10 ° C for 6 months, from 0 to 20 ° C for 4 months.

Conclusions and offers

Milk -biological fluid that is synthesized in the mammary glands of mammals from the constituent parts of the blood. Milk contains physiologically valuable nutrients that are well balanced, easily and completely absorbed by the human body.

The chemical composition of milk depends on the species and animals, time of year, livestock feeding conditions and other factors.

After analyzing the quality of milk sold by this store and examining the suppliers and the range of milk, one can note the following: that when receiving milk, they evaluate not only the product, but also the container and the vehicle on which this product was delivered. Transport must have ambulance transport, be clean, have all the conditions for transporting milk. Also, the representative of the supplier must have supporting documents on the availability and quality of the product.

When comparing two samples of drinking milk, it turned out that milk, both during acceptance and during storage on the trading floor, did not change its organoleptic properties and meets the requirements of normative and technical document GOST No. 28283-89 “Drinking milk. The method of organoleptic evaluation of smell and taste, color and texture. "

When buying milk, each person makes a choice motivated by different indicators: price, taste, packaging, volume. Therefore, the assortment should be wide enough to satisfy different segments of the population.


My suggestions for improving customer service: add the “new products” section to the trading floor, that is, put the received new items into this section. And also to improve control over the trading floor, with the help of security guards.


1)Reference merchandiser of food products - T.1 M .: Economics, 1987.

2)Mikulovich L.S. et al. “Commodity research of food products” - Mn .: BSEU, 1998.

)Mikulovich L. S. et al. “Commodity research of food products” - Mn .: Vysh. Shk, 2007.

)Kastornykh M.S., ed., Commodity research and examination of edible fats, milk and dairy products, M .: 2003.

)Shalygina EA, General technology of milk and dairy products, M .: Kolos, 2001.

)Shepelev A.F. Commodity research and examination of milk and dairy products, Rostov, 2001.


Expiration date: 5 days

Date of the study: 05/18/2011

Table 2.2.1

Name Indicators of the standard Test results Conclusion External homogeneous liquid without sediment Homogeneous liquid without sediment meets the requirements of the standard White with a slightly yellowish tint, slightly with a yellowish tint meets the requirements of the standard .uniform, liquid without sediment. complies with the requirements of the standard

Conclusion: pasteurized milk of 1.5% fat content in quality, at the time of acceptance, meets the requirements of STB 1746-2007 "Drinking milk".

Organoleptic evaluation of the quality of drinking milk 1.5% fat

Product Name: Pasteurized milk 1.5% fat

Date of manufacture: 05/18/2011

Expiration date: 5 days

Date of the study: 05/18/2011

Table 2.2.2

Name Indicators of the standard Test results Conclusion External homogeneous liquid without sediment Homogeneous liquid without sediment meets the requirements of the standard White, slightly yellowish, slightly yellowish, meets the requirements of the standard Consistency, homogeneous, tasteless, tasteless, tasteless .pure, free of odors and flavors complies with the requirements of the standard

Conclusion: Drinking milk of 1.5% fat content during storage did not change its organoleptic properties. Conforms to the requirements of STB 1746-2007 "Drinking milk".

The nutritional value of milk and products prepared on its basis, determines its importance in baby and diet food. Including such food in your diet, you will saturate the body with calcium and other valuable substances. Milk makes a person more healthy and beautiful.

What is nutritional value?

Being interested in certain characteristics of products, you should reliably know what they mean. So, nutritional value is a complete list of properties that satisfy the physiological needs of the body. Most often, this concept means the content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in every 100 grams of production.

It is also worth noting the importance of such an indicator as biological value. It characterizes the correspondence of the amino acid needs of the human body. Speaking of energy value, it is worth noting that this is the number of calories that are released during the processing of a product by the body.

Milk: chemical composition and nutritional value

Milk is the first human food that gives the body everything it needs from birth. Thanks to its rich chemical composition, it is possible to maintain an active vital activity of the body. So, milk contains such substances:

  • proteins;
  • fats
  • milk sugar;
  • mineral salts;
  • water.

It is worth noting that this is a basic set of components that cannot fully characterize milk. The chemical composition and nutritional value can vary significantly, depending on the origin of the product, as well as the method of processing.

If we consider in more detail the proteins contained in milk, then they are represented by albumin, globulin and casein. The latter is involved in the formation of glycopolymacropeptide, which increases the digestibility of other components. All proteins are characterized by easy absorption and contain all the amino acids necessary for the body.

Fats in milk are contained in the form of minute particles. They form everyone's favorite cream. Milk fat is absorbed by the body by 96%, due to its high dispersion. Its content in the product depends on the season (in summer this indicator decreases), as well as the quality of animal care.

Considering such an indicator as the nutritional and energy value of milk, one cannot but say about the carbohydrate component. It is represented by lactose. It is the presence of this component that determines the possibility of preparing fermented milk products.

The nutritional value of milk is determined by the high content of vitamins. The main ones are A and B. In a small amount, ascorbic acid, nicotinic acid, riboflavin and thiamine are present. The highest concentration of vitamins in milk is observed in the summer. Also, the processing method and storage conditions may affect this indicator.

Vitamin Details

As already mentioned, the nutritional value of milk and dairy products is largely due to the increased content of vitamins in them. So, if we consider the chemical composition in more detail, we can note the presence of the following useful components in it:

VitaminBenefitWhere is contained
IN 1It takes part in the metabolism, normalizes the functioning of the nervous system and heart muscle, improves the condition of the skin and hair.
AT 2It takes part in protein and carbohydrate metabolism.Milk, dairy products, cheeses, whey and cream
IN 3Regulates fat metabolism, and also activates the synthesis of amino acids.
AT 6Promotes lipid and protein metabolism.Milk
AT 12Strengthens the immune system, reduces the risk of tumor formation, increases the body's resistance to radiation.Milk and Cheeses
BUTImproves the functional state of tissues.Milk and Dairy Products

Different types of milk

The nutritional value of milk is largely determined by its origin. So, the most nutritious is deer. The concentration of proteins and fats reaches, respectively, 11% and 20%. As for the vitamin component, it is three times more saturated than in the case of cow's milk.

The nutritional value of milk is largely determined by the nature of the proteins it contains. So, most farm animals (including cow and goat) produce casein milk. And, for example, the mare and the donkey are albumin. Since in its composition it is most similar to mother's milk, such milk is an ideal substitute for feeding infants. Albumin particles are several times smaller than casein, and therefore we can talk about its good digestibility.

Whole milk

Despite the fact that milk is one of the most common products that is familiar from childhood, not everyone thinks that they distinguish several types that are characterized by certain indicators. So, for starters, you should pay attention to whole milk. Nutritional value, in this case, will be the highest, because the product has not undergone any processing. An exception may be the filtering process, which is carried out immediately after milking.

Whole milk contains the largest amount of vitamins and minerals. There is also a high concentration of calcium, which is almost completely absorbed by the body. This product is credited with strengthening the immune system, normalizing the functioning of the nervous system, eliminating heartburn, and accelerating metabolism.

Nevertheless, there are a number of skeptical statements regarding whole milk. Given its increased fat content, it is not suitable for feeding children. And in adulthood, not everyone tolerates this product well. So, according to recent data, one sixth of the world's population suffers from lactose intolerance. Whole milk is an allergen and can also cause dangerous infections.

Skimmed milk

The desire for harmony makes people buy products marked "0% fat." This trend also affected milk. The amount of fat in it does not exceed 0.1%. In fact, this is the so-called reverse, which is obtained as a result of separation of cream from milk. Consumers should be interested in the fact that most of this milk is not sent to store shelves, but back to animal farms.

You should not have high hopes for a product such as skim milk. Its nutritional value is negligible. Carbohydrates and proteins, respectively, 5% and 3%. Calorie content is characterized by an indicator of 35 kcal. Moreover, such milk is characterized by a rich vitamin and mineral composition. Nevertheless, doctors do not recommend using it on an ongoing basis.

It is worth paying attention to the manufacturing process. The nutritional value of skimmed milk powder is significantly reduced during processing. When removing the fat component, vitamins A and D are almost completely removed from the product. Thus, the proteins and calcium that remain in the milk are not absorbed by the body. With frequent use of skim and milk powder, the body’s own resources are depleted.

Milk powder: nutritional value

In the conditions of a big city it is not always possible to meet a natural product. In addition, people tend to give known substances a more convenient form, for example, powder. A good example is milk powder. The nutritional value of this product is the same as that of the original. But for this you need to cook the so-called reconstituted milk. For this, the powder is diluted in water (1: 7). At the same time, it is quite possible to make homemade kefir, cottage cheese and other healthy products from such milk.

The nutritional and biological value of milk is preserved thanks to a special manufacturing technology. Quick drying is carried out, and the temperature does not exceed 40 degrees. Thus, all beneficial substances are preserved. And due to the low moisture content (not more than 6%), long-term storage of the product is ensured.

Nutrition value of condensed milk

It is worth confessing that few are interested in the issue of nutritional value. For most people, this is a favorite treat. Nevertheless, condensed milk is not only tasty, but also a very useful product. To begin with, it is worth noting the high protein content in this product. Its concentration can reach 35%.

In fact, condensed milk is evaporated cow's milk. The nutritional value of the final product is slightly lower, but in general it is no less useful. Condensed milk is completely absorbed by the body, saturating it with calcium and phosphorus. Thus, regularly using this product, you can strengthen the health of bones, eyes and enhance mental activity.

Nevertheless, condensed milk should not be abused. The fact is that it contains a significant amount of sugar, which leads to a high calorie content (328 kcal) and a significant carbohydrate component (55.5 g). A large amount of the product contributes to the development of obesity, diabetes and tooth decay.

Dairy products

The composition and nutritional value of milk make this product one of the most popular. Nevertheless, in its pure form few love it. Most people prefer fermented milk products. They not only preserve the benefits of milk, but also beneficially affect the digestive system. So, you should especially pay attention to the following products:

  • Kefir is prepared on the basis of pasteurized milk. A special leaven is added to it, after which the fermentation process begins. The nutritional value of this product depends entirely on the quality of the milk. If a whole product is used, then the protein component accounts for almost 3%, the concentration of fats is 3%, and carbohydrates 4%.
  •   prepared from a pasteurized product using bacterial cultures. It will contain approximately equal amounts of fats and carbohydrates (about 3%) and 10% carbohydrates. Given the low acidity of the product, it is actively used in artificial feeding of children.
  • Belact is also a fermented milk product made using bacteria. It is characterized by a high content of enzymes. Another feature of the product is the presence in the composition of substances that in their properties resemble antibiotics.
  • "Narine" is a dairy product that came to us from Armenia. There, it is actively used for feeding infants. Due to the special bacteria contained in the starter culture, the acidity index is quite low. And, getting into the body, "Narine" activates the production of a substance that suppresses pathogenic microbes. Proteins and fats in the product account for 3% and 4%, respectively, while carbohydrates account for slightly more than 6%.
  • Koumiss is traditionally made from mare's milk. Nevertheless, recipes adapted for cow are known. Sourdough, which contains bacteria and yeast, is added to milk. Nutritional value largely depends on the quality of the base and the degree of maturity. It can contain up to 3% protein, up to 1% fat and 6% carbohydrates. The product is useful for digestion, and also has a tonic effect.
  • Yogurt is not just a popular fermented milk product, but also a favorite treat for everyone. In ancient times, it was prepared exclusively from. To get yogurt, the basis must be added the so-called Bulgarian stick. On average, the calorie content of the finished product is characterized by an indicator of 57 kcal. Proteins, fats and carbohydrates it contains, respectively, 4%, 2% and 6%. These indicators may vary, depending on the type of milk and the method of processing. It is worth noting that only pure yogurt, which does not contain dyes and flavoring additives, has exceptional benefits.

Other popular products

Since ancient times, people have been interested in such a question as the nutritional value of milk. A great variety of dairy products are being prepared on its basis. Nevertheless, there are a number of popular ones that are almost always present on the table, namely:

  • Cottage cheese is one of the most valuable food products, which is characterized by a high protein content (about 14%). Its preparation is based on the processes of cottage cheese characterized by high acidity. But this indicator decreases with increasing levels of fat content of the product.
  • The process of making cheese is based on the precipitation of casein. Depending on how milk is processed, the product may be hard, soft, brine or processed. The protein component can reach 30% (like fat).
  • Sour cream is a product based on pasteurized cream. It is quite bold (this figure can reach 40%).

Milk quality

The high nutritional value of milk proteins determines the popularity of this product. Nevertheless, only what is good for the body is beneficial. The characteristics of milk largely depend on how the treatment was carried out.

The milk that arrived at the plant is primarily checked for organoleptic characteristics. If it turned out to be in accordance with the standards, it is carefully filtered to remove impurities. Then, the fat content is normalized by adding skim milk or cream.

The most important are the stages of pasteurization and sterilization. These processes are necessary for the destruction of pathogens, as well as a number of enzymes. Thus, it is possible to obtain a safe product, which is characterized by long-term storage.

Pasteurization is carried out by prolonged heating. As a result, milk changes its natural taste. It is also worth noting a decrease in the concentration of calcium in the product.

Does milk pose a danger to humans?

The nutritional and biological value of milk makes this product one of the most beneficial. Nevertheless, it is worth mentioning the danger that he carries. Milk can be a source of dangerous infectious diseases. In this case, viruses can enter the product from the animal and during processing.

Viruses can be found not only in milk, but also in products prepared on its basis. In this case, the incubation period of bacteria increases. So, the most dangerous diseases transmitted through milk are the following:

  • Foot and mouth disease is a viral disease that affects the mucous membrane and respiratory tract. It appears in the form of blisters and ulcers. The virus of this disease is resistant to heat. To get rid of it, you need to boil milk for at least 5 minutes.
  • Brucellosis is a disease that causes damage to almost all body systems. Its danger is that at the initial stage it proceeds almost asymptomatically. Milk from animals infected with brucellosis is subjected to prolonged boiling followed by pasteurization.
  • Tuberculosis - affects mainly the respiratory system. If such an infection is found in the animal, then milk is strictly forbidden to eat.
  • Other dangerous infections are anthrax, rabies, hepatitis, plague and others. Animals with such diseases must be destroyed with the obligatory presence of a medical doctor.


From the very first days of a person’s life, it is milk that supplies all the necessary nutrients and vitamins to the body. Thus, the benefits of this product are undeniable. In order to maintain the bones, digestive, nervous and other body systems in optimal condition, milk is simply obliged to be present in the diet. It is important to choose a quality product, and treat whole or fat-free products with caution.

At the moment, the market has a wide range of dairy products, which are also characterized by high nutritional value. Among them, you can often find many copies marked "Farm" or "Village". Contrary to fashion trends, such products should be treated with extreme caution, because milk that has not been subjected to heat treatment and pasteurization can contain viruses that are dangerous to humans.

Everyone knows the high biological value of such a food product as milk. Milk is especially useful for children.

Milk is among the food record holders for high-grade proteins, fats, phosphatides, mineral salts and fat-soluble vitamins, and a total of about a hundred substances are found in milk that are very important from a biological point of view.

The chemical composition of milk

In figures, the chemical composition of milk, depending on the breed, feed, season, age of cows, lactation and product processing technology, may look something like this:

  • water 87.8%
  • fat 3.4%
  • 3.5% protein
  • milk sugar 4.6%,
  • mineral salts of 0.75%.

It is important that milk proteins are an easy product for digestive enzymes, and uniqueness   casein  It consists in the ability to form a glycopolymacropeptide during digestion, which increases the digestibility of other food ingredients.

The chemical composition of milk  in addition to casein, it contains complete proteins globulin and albumincontaining all the amino acids that are necessary for the body. Casein in milk is bound to calcium and when souring milk, calcium undergoes cleavage and casein coagulates and precipitates.

When defending milk, the smallest fat globules that are in it float up, forming a layer of delicious and healthy cream. The low (28-36 0 C) melting point of this product, as well as its high dispersion, make it possible to almost completely assimilate milk fat.

Nutritional Information of Milk

Carbohydrates of milk, this is milk sugar - lactose, it is not as sweet as vegetable sugar, but it is not inferior to it in nutritional value. When boiling, caramelization of milk sugar occurs, which makes the milk acquire a brownish color and a special aroma and taste. Under the influence of lactic acid bacteria, milk sugar becomes lactic acid, and casein coagulates. The result is yogurt, sour cream, kefir, cottage cheese - such tasty, nutritious and healthy products. Milk contains calcium, phosphorus, potassium, iron, sodium and sulfur, and in easily digestible form, which is very important for baby food, when the main product in the children's menu is milk. The milk also contains trace elements copper, zinc, fluorine, iodine, manganese. Due to its chemical composition, milk has an important nutritional value for the human body.

The main vitamin richness and nutritional value of milk is vitamins A and Dbut besides them there are ascorbic acid, riboflavin, thiamine and nicotinic acid.

Milk enzymes

In addition, milk contains a number of enzymes, from which it should be distinguished:

  • peroxidase
  • amylase
  • phosphatase
  • reductase
  • catalase
  • lipase.

According to GOST 13277-67, fresh high-quality milk must be a homogeneous liquid product, white with a slightly yellowish tint, have a pleasant taste and smell. If we ignore possible deviations in the quality of this product caused by unacceptable changes in the composition, for example, the presence of various harmful microorganisms, its color and smell can largely depend on the feed and storage conditions.

The benefits and harms of fresh milk

An extraneous odor can occur in milk when stored next to substances characterized by a pungent odor - fish, tobacco, oil products, in rotten wooden cellars.

Freshly milked milk is far from a sterile product, since a certain amount of microbes is always present in the cavity of the mammary glands of the udder. These are mainly micrococci, but there are also lactic acid bacteria.

In addition, milk is a breeding ground for microorganisms that enter it during milking and later. In milk, these microorganisms multiply rapidly.

Along with such microflora, pathogenic microorganisms, such as pathogens of intestinal infections, can also be found in milk.

Therefore, according to existing sanitary rules, milk is allowed for use only after neutralization.

Basically, the pasteurization method is used for this at a temperature of 70 0 C for half an hour, or heating at least 90 0 C for several seconds.