What vegetables are frozen at home. In sugar syrup

15.04.2019 Buffet table

The graceful perfection of shining white flowers on high stalks and the huge shiny dark leaves of euharis give it the appearance of a classic star. In room culture is one of the most eminent bulbous. Few plants cause so much controversy. In some, euharises bloom and delight completely effortlessly, others for many years do not let out more than two leaves and seem stunted. Amazon lily is very difficult to rank as unpretentious plants.

Kefir pudding fritters - delicious pancakes with mushrooms, olives and mortadella, which are easy to prepare in less than half an hour. There is not always time to cook yeast dough and turn on the oven, but sometimes it will want to eat a slice of pizza without leaving the house. In order not to go to the nearest pizzeria, the wise housewives came up with this recipe. Fritters like pizza is a great idea for a quick dinner or breakfast. We use sausage, cheese, olives, tomatoes and mushrooms as stuffing.

We grow many vegetable and flower crops in a seedling way, which allows us to get an earlier harvest. But it is very difficult to create ideal conditions: the lack of sunlight for plants, dry air, drafts, delayed watering, soil and seeds may initially contain pathogenic microorganisms. These and other causes often lead to exhaustion, and sometimes to the death of young seedlings, because it is most sensitive to adverse factors.

Thanks to the efforts of breeders in recent years, the range of coniferous perennials has been supplemented by a number of unusual varieties with yellow needles. It seems that the most original ideas that landscape designers have not yet been able to bring to life, just waited in the wings. And from all this variety of yellow-coniferous plants you can always choose the types and varieties that are best suited for the site. We will tell about the most interesting of them in the article.

Chocolate whiskey truffles are homemade dark chocolate truffles. In my opinion, this is one of the most simple and delicious homemade desserts for adults, unfortunately, the younger generation can only lick at the side, these sweets are not for kids. Truffles are made with different fillings, stuffed with nuts, candied fruits or dried fruits. Roll in biscuit, sand or nut crumbs. Based on this recipe, you can make a whole box of assorted homemade candies!

There is still snow outside the windows, but for vegetable growers the main issue is the purchase of seeds. Today the market has the widest range of seeds and companies producing them. How to make the right choice? We picked up high-yielding hybrids of cucumbers, all five hybrids can be found in the Agrospech seed line. High quality seeds of this brand are provided by well-known world companies and leading Russian breeders. The high level of quality is confirmed by valid certificates.

Onions - a vegetable that is grown today all over the world, from the tropics to the northern latitudes. In the community of plants, it is characterized by a significant variety of species (500-600), but onions are most common. It can be grown in several ways. The usual - in the 2-3 year old culture through getting onion sets or a selection of large bulbs. Or as an annual crop - from seeds (chernushki). In this article we will talk about the seedling method of growing onions from seeds.

The calendar spring does not coincide with the spring garden, but March is considered the official start of active work. Almost all the efforts of gardeners this month are aimed at growing seedlings. Along with the increase in daylight hours, it is time to sow the best and original varieties of vegetables, berry crops and various ornamental plants. Almost all garden flowers that will decorate the balconies, sown in March. But do not forget about working in the garden.

Luxurious tunbergia, which in Europe is called “black-eyed Susanna”, is one of the brightest annual garden vines. These tropical plants are so good in vertical gardening that the opportunity to grow different types of tunbergia in greenhouses and rooms is often forgotten. One plant became the star of the stars, the most spectacular of the shrub species - Tunbergia erect. Large and elegant funnel-shaped flowers and whole leaves give it a special nobility.

March madness - this is how those who grow up seedlings of their favorite vegetables themselves perceive the first calendar month of spring. In March, they sow their favorite tomatoes and peppers, spend their first crops in the greenhouse, and even sow vegetables in the garden beds. Growing seedlings require not only a timely dive, but also considerable care. But only her efforts are not limited. It is necessary to continue planting in greenhouses and on window sills, because fresh greens from the beds will not appear so soon.

While the plants have not yet woken up their buds, or at the very beginning of growth, seedlings and delenki adapt much better. Although the main attention in March is still focused on completely different plants - seasonal. Growing your own seedlings allows you to save money, find new varieties and guarantee plant health. The lunar calendar in March for ornamental crops recommends choosing days more carefully, since unfavorable periods span almost half a month.

Stuffed boneless chicken in the oven - juicy and tender, stuffed with fried mushrooms and vegetables. Your guests will not have to get their hands dirty, the dish is eaten with a knife and fork - there are no bones inside! You will have to tinker a bit at the initial stage, but over time, experience will come. Chicken bones do not throw away! Send the bones to the pan add spices, roots, pour water and cook the broth. Chicken broth is always useful in the household - cook sauce or soup.

In March, most of the flowering annuals are sown, which require a seedling method of growing. Typically, these flowers from germination to flowering takes no more than 80-90 days. In this article I would like to dwell on interesting flyers who are a little less popular than timeless petunias, marigolds or zinnias, but they have no less advantages. And they also should try to plant for flowering in the future season.

Petunia - unpretentious plant with bright colors. Comes from the Pasanow family. The name is derived from the Brazilian word “petun” - tobacco, since petunias and tobacco are related species. As an ornamental plant used since the 18th century. Petunias feels good with begonias, marigolds and nasturtiums. Effectively look in beds, and in hanging pots. Petunia is popular because of its unpretentiousness, and even an inexperienced gardener can grow it.

Can I freeze apples for the winter? It often happens that autumn was rich in harvest, and there is a desire make a stock of fruit for the year ahead. But there is a danger that if improperly treated with cold, the fruit is simply spoil.

Do apples and pears freeze? Frost a few apples different from freezing berriestherefore, subject to all technologies, autumn fruits will be stored in the freezer for a year.

Fundamental rules

The most important thing is large freezerIn this case, the fruits will retain all the vitamins and nutrients to the full.

Is it possible to freeze apples in the freezer? With weak cooling ability  it will not be possible to make the necessary preparations for a long time.

Frozen apples must be ripe, intact.

When freezing overripe, rotted fruit, it is likely that after thawing, they turn into unappetizing mashed potatoes. Preference should be given to apples recently harvested, because the less time has passed from the moment of harvest to processing, the better.

About the benefits

Is it possible to freeze apples for the winter? Which one benefitfrom them? Charlotte, apple pies, strudel, compote, various desserts and much more - all this will be available for cooking at any time of the year. Everything clean, eco-friendly  and already sliced.

But the main plus is hold all propertiesfresh apple. After all, it is freezing that preserves the maximum amount of vitamins in food, about 90%.

Can I freeze apples and pears for the winter and why? By the end of winter, many fresh fruits lose almost all the vitamins, so frozen fruits make it possible in the spring maintain immunity.

Ways of cutting

How best to freeze slices, whole apples or another way? You can freeze like whole fruitso and slices. It can even freeze apple sauce. When frozen in slices, apples are cut.

In this case, the shape can be any: slices, slices, pieces, circles. Removing the rind, stem and seeds is a matter of taste for every housewife. It all depends on the purpose for which the preparation is made.

If for pies and compotes - quite peel presence is acceptable, then for fruit sauces, casseroles and similar dishes it is better, of course, to do without peel.

Everyone knows this property of apples, as darkening after cutting, but this can be avoided.

Must be prepared in advance solution(1 liter of water + 5 g of citric acid).

After slicing, immerse the slices for no more than 20 minutes in this composition, which save them from darkening. You can freeze as soon as apples, and mix them with various berries and fruits.

Required temperature

How to freeze fresh apples at home? At what temperaturecan I freeze apples for winter? There are several ways to freeze: dry and so-called shock.

Dry- Fruits spread on trays and sent to the freezer. Temperature range not less than -23 ° C. 2-3 hours after freezing, the apples are laid out in a container. After that, frozen pieces can be stored already in a conventional freezer at a temperature of at least -18 ° C.

Shock freezing  - This is an ultra-fast freezing of apples in bags. To do this, in the mode of operation of the freezer, you must put the "quick freeze".

The shelf life of frozen apples

How long can you store apples in the freezer? With proper observance of all rules, frozen apples can be stored in the freezer up to 12 months, keeping all your properties.

It should be remembered that re-freezing is prohibited.

Freezing methods

What are the ways to freeze apples for winter at home? There are several methods of freezing apples.


Apples cut into slices, remove the seeds and the stem (but can be frozen with seeds).

Arrange sliced ​​apples on dry chopping boards or trays.

Slices should not touch each other and lay on one layer. And immediately put it all in the freezer.

After 2-3 hours, you can start packing. Carefully removed slices are laid out in plastic bags or containers  in small portions.

When packing in a bag, make sure that less air is inside. If the packaging takes place in plastic containers, then they are correct. very tight closeto avoid ingress of air and moisture inside.

In sugar syrup

Cook syrup (750 g of water mixed with 450 g of sugar and 1500 mg of ascorbic acid). Apples cut into slices, dipped in cold syrup for a day. After that, slice the pieces blanched (boiled over with boiling water), put on the pans and cool in the freezer.

After decomposing into packages, with minimum amount of air. Apples thus prepared have the flavor of baked apples and are a good dessert.

And the shelf life of such apples is increased by using citric acidwhich acts as a preservative.

Preparation of mashed potatoes

Peel apples, chop, sugar, you can not add, cook for 15 - 20 minutes on low heat. Cool, chop blender, pour into plastic containers or cans. So, the ready pie filling is always in the fridge.

From fish stuff, and not only from it, you can make a gorgeous snack that just flies off the table. These are homemade canned fish, which for some reason are always compared with the store. Even the names of the recipes necessarily sound something like this ... ›

Sauerkraut - perhaps the easiest recipe for preserving this useful vegetable. When cooking cabbage in it, almost half of such a useful vitamin as B9 (folic acid) is destroyed, but during the fermentation all the vitamins remain intact and even added! The amount of vitamin C, for example, is increased several times, reaching 70 mg per 100 g, and vitamin P in sauerkraut is 20 times more than in fresh. ›

Some 20 years ago, few people heard about ketchup, and store shelves were occupied by half-liter jars with Krasnodar tomato sauce. As children, we ate it almost in cans - with bread, before heartburn, it's delicious! And then ketchup appeared - oh, this is bliss ... You could literally eat everything with it. But here's the bad luck - the more ketchup types appear in stores, the less likely it is to buy real tomato sauce with spices and seasonings, more and more starch, yes dyes, and preservatives ... Only one way out - to prepare ketchup yourself. ›

Crisp pickled pickles - the dream of every hostess. To achieve the desired result, very many of them have to go through a difficult path of trial and error. But in fact, it is not difficult to cook pickled cucumbers for the winter for crunching, you just need to know a few important secrets. ›

Cook wonderful jam from the cones, it is not difficult even for a novice hostess. There are many recipes for its preparation; among them you can choose both simpler and more refined. The main thing is to do it correctly, observing the technology of your chosen recipe and listening to our useful advice. ›

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Each housewife seeks to preserve the maximum of vitamins in vegetables harvested for the winter, which will provide the benefits that our body needs in the winter. Pickled garlic is just one of the ways to get at the same time a benefit, and a wonderful preparation that can be used to spice up various dishes and serve to the table in addition to meat dishes. ›

With the arrival of spring, the new harvesting season began. But what blanks can we talk about when the snow has just melted and the first green has just begun to appear? Together with the first greens, wild garlic begins to appear - a plant familiar to many of its light garlic flavor and a whole list of vitamins and nutrients. ›

Perhaps no New Year is complete without mandarins. This is not only a tradition that cannot be changed anymore, but also a great pleasure from the contemplation of bright, mood-enhancing fruits, and aroma that instantly immerse us all in the atmosphere of the New Year holidays. How do you want to extend all these feelings a little longer! Everything is possible - cook tangerine jam! ›

Pumpkin is beautifully stored in its natural, so to speak, form. And all would be nothing, but not everyone has the opportunity to put a dozen or a half orange balls in storage in the apartment, so most often city hostesses prefer to preserve pumpkin. One of the options for preserving pumpkins for the winter is pumpkin jam. Those who have never tried this jam should try to cook a couple of jars of amber delicacy at least for the purpose of the experiment. ›

Salted cucumbers have long since become the primordially Russian product, in the preparation of which there is no one equal to us, and the accompanying pickle is also our Russian beverage, the surest remedy for the well-known ailment. ›

If corn is the queen of the fields, then the pumpkin is the queen of the gardens. So, no more, no less! And no wonder that is the name of this great miracle. A pumpkin contains a lot of carotene - almost as much as carrot! - which normalizes metabolism, accelerates cell renewal, maintains the strength of teeth and bones. And she is the leader among vegetables in iron content. Pumpkin contains vitamins C, B6, B2, E, micro and macronutrients. ›

In the cold season, many of us so want to please ourselves with fresh vegetables or dishes prepared not from canned ingredients. But winter is traditionally considered to be sometimes for eating all kinds of delicious preservation, which the housewives lovingly prepare ahead of time. Thanks to modern refrigeration units, which no longer turn products into frozen chunks of ice as before, it became possible to enjoy fresh vegetables that have hardly lost their taste. In addition, at the same time receive a huge stock of vitamins, which, thanks to this method of preparation of the product are saved almost completely. Let's see what kind of vegetables can be frozen for the winter at home.

Today, freezing vegetables is one of the most popular ways of storing food. And this is quite understandable. After all, as a result, we get vegetables that have fully preserved their taste and the whole storehouse of vitamins. In addition, a considerable advantage can be considered the fact that from vegetables thawed by spring, there will be more benefit than from their counterparts, recently plucked from the bed. When freezing vegetables, of course, you need a quality freezer. In addition, you must follow certain rules that will help to further fully enjoy the product:

Council Take into account when freezing the fact that once defrosted vegetables can not be frozen again.

Although it is possible to freeze for the winter most of the vegetables and fruits, so that during defrosting they do not turn into an unattractive mass, it is necessary to take into account certain subtleties of proper freezing of products:

  • To freeze, you should choose only intact vegetables with whole skin (if any).
  • Before freezing the vegetables must be thoroughly washed, dried and removed the seeds and bones. The exceptions are vegetables, which can lose their original appearance as a result of the removal of "entrails".
  • Some vegetables are best blanched (boil for a few minutes) before freezing. In this way, it is possible to destroy all microbes and stop oxidative processes.
  • Frozen vegetables should be stored at a temperature of at least -18 degrees for no more than a year; at a higher temperature, no more than a season.

Pack in a package of vegetables in batches

Vegetables that are suitable for winter frost

Asparagus. It is necessary to remove the tails from the asparagus and cut it into small pieces about 2-3 cm long. Then blanch for about 2 minutes in boiling water and drain in a colander. This is an indispensable condition, without which the asparagus thawed in the future will be fibrous and tasteless. Then dry it thoroughly and send it to the freezer in plastic bags.

Green pea. Only one thing can be considered a mandatory requirement for frozen green peas - its milky ripeness. Peas must be removed from the pods, decomposed into packets and sent to the freezer.

Bell pepper. Peppers must be selected without defects, approximately the same size. First of all, it should be thoroughly washed, cleaned from seeds and legs and dried thoroughly. You can chop a vegetable in several ways. If you plan to use it for stews, soups, borscht, etc., then you need to cut the pepper into strips, pre-spreading it into 3-4 pieces. If the pepper begins (minced meat, vegetables, etc.), then it should be frozen completely.

Council Do not throw away the seeds from the pepper - they can also be put into action. First you need to thoroughly wash and dry them. After grind in a coffee grinder - and you have absolutely natural pepper seasoning in your kitchen.

Cauliflower. It must be disassembled into medium-sized inflorescences and blanched in salted boiling water for a couple of minutes. Then it is thoroughly dried, packed in polyethylene and sent to the freezer. Thawed vegetable will be a great addition to the stew or soup. You can even make special soup blanks. For example, cauliflower, peas, carrots, etc.

Tomatoes. Several options are acceptable here. But first, remember: tomatoes are not cooked before freezing! So, the first thing tomatoes are washed and dried. If they are very small, you can freeze them whole, if they are quite large, then you should cut them into small slices or circles. Then put on a dish, cover with polyethylene and send in the freezer. After a while, pull them out and put the already frozen vegetable in a convenient storage container.

Most vegetables are suitable for freezing.

Courgettes and Zucchini. Like other vegetables, the first step is washing and drying. If the vegetable will be used as one of the components for a soup or stew, then zucchini should be cut into small cubes, put in portions in plastic bags and sent to the freezer. It is not necessary to impose a vegetable in large quantities in one package, because then it will be difficult to separate the required amount of product from the total frozen mass or you will have to defrost everything.

Carrot. Washed and dried carrots are rubbed on a coarse grater, laid out in small portions in sachets and sent to the freezer. If vegetables are needed for vegetable mixes, then we cut the previously blanched and cooled carrots into small cubes and then send them to the freezer.

In addition to vegetables, you can also safely send some types of greenery for long-term storage in the freezer and enjoy hot soup with fresh parsley and not only in cold winter. In order for this to be possible, it is necessary to follow certain rules for the preparation of greens, so that it is preserved in edible form. First, the greens must be pre-washed in a large bowl (in no case under the pressure of water).

Green Freeze Portion

Secondly, the herbs need to be dried and thoroughly. Then cut (and quite finely) and decompose into a container or small bags. Alternatively, you can freeze small portions of greens in pieces of ice. To do this, it is superimposed little by little in the form for ice, filled with water and put in the freezer.

So we learned with you what kind of vegetables can be stored in order to subsequently fully enjoy their fresh taste. Use the provided tips and a variety of delicious vegetable dishes on your winter table will be provided!

Freeze vegetables: video

What vegetables can be frozen for the winter: photo

Among growing in our country. She is rightly called the "miracle berry" because of the healing properties, which the ancient Greeks knew, who prepared sea buckthorn based drugs for warriors and war horses. Not everyone knows that not only the berries of this plant are healing, but also the leaves, and even the bark. Sea buckthorn berries are therefore related to questions about how to preserve this vitamin treasury for a long winter period and whether it is possible to freeze sea buckthorn for the winter, are relevant.

Sea buckthorn: a little about the benefits

Sea buckthorn is rich in such vitamins: B1, B3, B6, C, H, PP. Due to the huge content of vitamin C, it is used to prevent colds. But this is not all its advantages. The berry contains many valuable microelements, such as iron, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, calcium, flavonoids, keratinoids, and in addition, glucose, folic acid, blame, malic and citric acid. In these berries are tannins and protein substances, as well as monounsaturated fatty acids (omega-3).

Sea buckthorn helps from many ailments. It is used in cardiovascular diseases due to its ability to strengthen the walls of blood vessels. Its berries have antioxidant properties, accelerate skin regeneration and wound healing. Therefore, they are used as a remedy for burns of various degrees, as well as for the removal of age spots and other skin damage and changes.

Regular intake of sea buckthorn berries will provide an anti-inflammatory and antiviral effect in the treatment of ARVI. In a mixture with honey, it will cure cough.


Sea buckthorn, like any berries, has a high content of fruit acids. In this connection, caution with it should be shown to anyone who has an increased acidity of gastric juice and diseases such as gastritis and gastric ulcer, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, or urolithiasis. In addition, fresh sea buckthorn berries have a laxative effect.

How to freeze the sea buckthorn for the winter?

Gardeners who grow these sunny trees know that, for all their value, they are unpretentious in growing. But it is not enough to grow the berries, you should still properly save them. Compote and jam is, of course, good, but heat treatment reduces the usefulness to almost zero. Is it possible to freeze the sea buckthorn for the winter? After all, it is known that during freezing a greater amount of useful substances is retained. This is a responsible matter, especially when it comes to such a useful product as sea buckthorn berries. It is necessary to approach this process thoroughly - the result directly depends on it.

First, you should carefully sort out the harvest. For freezing, spoiled or unripe berries are completely unsuitable. In addition, you need to remove excess trash.

After all ripe fruits have been picked, they should be washed. To do this, pour water into a deep container and pour berries into it. Then gently wash them. Water in the process is better to change several times.

The next step will be drying. For freezing excess moisture is not needed. Washed berries should be laid out on paper towels and allowed to dry. It will take about 30-40 minutes.

Important: freezing berries at an insufficiently low temperature of about -10-12 С o will not give the desired result and will lead to the deterioration of raw materials.

Frozen berries can be decomposed into individual bags or plastic containers for long-term storage. It is necessary to place the containers separately from the frozen meat and fish.

Store sea buckthorn in the freezer can be no more than 9 months.

Sweet sea buckthorn from the freezer

Is it possible to freeze sea buckthorn for the winter with sugar? Sure you may. This option is suitable for anyone who loves sweeter, especially since this berry is quite tart and slightly sour.

For freezing berries with sugar, all preparatory procedures (sorting, rinsing, drying) should be carried out as in the case of ordinary freezing. Sugar should be added after the shock freeze. Thus, the sugar will be distributed evenly, and the berries will not lose their shape and will look like fresh. Dosing sweetness can be to taste, but do not overdo it, so as not to turn the benefit to harm. It is enough to add half of the sugar to the part of the berries.

Sea buckthorn grated with sugar

Is it possible to freeze the sea buckthorn for the winter in another way? There is an option - prepare frozen berries, pre-pereterev them to the state of mashed potatoes. This method is suitable for those who are not happy with the bones. In addition, freezing mashed potatoes will save a lot of space in the freezer due to its compactness.

The recipe for such a miracle puree is simple. Selected washed and dried berries are ground in a blender with added sugar. The latter is added depending on taste preferences. The usual proportions of sugar and berries - 1: 1. Ready sweet flavored puree is decomposed into shallow plastic containers and placed in the freezer.

Frozen sea buckthorn jam

Frozen berries are suitable for jam. The process of cooking this winter treat is different only in that it is necessary to defrost the sea buckthorn.

For jam you need: 1 kg of berries, 1.5 kg of sugar and about 1 liter of water. Berries should be thawed and squeezed. Boil sugar and water syrup. Put the berries in it and let it brew for 4 hours. After that, bring to a boil and cook over low heat for no more than 10 minutes, until the syrup is clear. Prepared and slightly chilled jam poured into prepared containers.

Jam from sea buckthorn frozen for the winter is obtained absolutely the same as from fresh berries, both in taste and in beneficial properties.

The benefits of frozen berries

If you freeze the sea buckthorn for the winter, is it possible to make the usual sweet cakes, other pastries and other culinary delights from such a berry?

To get a loading dose of vitamins and get rid of winter depression, it is enough to get a small portion of frozen berries and let them melt a little. After that you can eat. If the sea buckthorn is not too late to add it at this stage.

Of course, frozen berries are also suitable for cooking all kinds of dishes and desserts. After freezing the berries do not lose their beneficial properties.

Having figured out how to freeze the sea buckthorn for the winter, you can not worry about the preservation of the useful properties of this Russian superfood. You can freeze the sea buckthorn for the winter for tea, and for the preparation of sweet pastries, jam, delicious berry puree. It is useful to use the berries in frozen form, adding to the morning porridge or yogurt.