How to make fennel tea. Fennel tea is an invaluable drink that defeats ailments

31.03.2019 Soups


Greetings to all of mine. Today I will talk about fennel tea.

Fennel - even the ancient Greeks noticed and used the properties of a wonderful herb in the liberation from a variety of ailments. By the way, his second name - "plant-marathon" - he owes it to the Greeks. Since then, fennel has remained a plant of success.

The ancient Saxons fennel was included in the list of nine sacred herbs that eliminate the nine underlying causes of disease. In the people, the grass is also called pharmaceutical dill and used for a variety of purposes. Most often it is used in the form of tea decoction.

A bit of history

PA Matiol, the court physician Ferdinand I, wrote and published a kind of “ode” to fennel tea in Prague in the distant 1563. The treatise is called "The Power and Effect of Fennel".

In his work, he cited all the medicinal properties of the plant known at that time, which even today are recognized and used in scientific medicine, homeopathy and very widely in traditional medicine.

If we shift the work to the modern language, we get the following:

fennel helps with inflammation of the eyes, nervous anxiety, bloating, indigestion, and insufficient lactation. Especially good is fennel tea for cough, asthma and whooping cough, lung diseases and headaches.

Let us consider in more detail where and what application of this miracle plant will be indispensable.

Fennel tea for newborns.

Drink for the child, first of all, should be pleasant to the taste, otherwise the baby will simply refuse to drink it. Tea made from fennel will appeal to all children without exception, it is very tasty.

In addition, its use perfectly strengthens the immune and nervous systems of the child, eliminates a very unpleasant and frequent phenomenon in infants from the first days of life - the formation of gases and intestinal colic

Natural natural ingredients that make up tea, lead all digestive processes back to normal. The musculature of the intestine relaxes, spasms go away.

Pharmacies are now selling special baby fennel tea to help parents of newborns. In order to normalize the intestinal function, the prebiotic inulin is present.

The drink does not contain any sugar, preservatives and dyes. But there is a lot of useful and necessary vitamin C in it. If the baby is more than three months old, such tea can be given.

In addition to the normalization of processes in the gastrointestinal tract, tea contributes to the fact that calcium is absorbed by the body well, therefore, the bone system of a small person is correctly formed.

As for adults, the infusion is also good for any problems with digestion: gastritis, dyspepsia, spastic colitis, irritable bowel syndrome. It has a mild laxative effect.

Boil one or two teaspoons of fennel seeds with a glass of boiling water. Let it brew, the tea is ready.

Fennel for weight loss.

We decided to get rid of extra pounds, and in this case fennel will help.

If you chew fresh or dried plant seeds, your appetite will decrease significantly. In addition, the seeds will remove excess fluid from the body.

Fennel strengthens, improves the functioning of the liver and pancreas, helps to process fats and sugars.

It is no secret that for any organism a diet is stressful, therefore it is important to maintain mental equilibrium during such a period.

Having a sweet-spicy pleasant aroma, fennel tea helps to relax the nervous system and calm it down. And this is half the battle in the fight against weight.

If you lose weight in your plans is not included, but and to remove the nervousness does not interfere, you can safely brew fennel tea.

Cook it easy. You only need to crush about twenty grams of seeds, pour them with a glass of boiling water, put on the fire and let it boil for four to five minutes. Remove from the heat, insist for half an hour, and then we drink, lose weight, calm down.

Fennel tea for the eyes.

Centuries ago, people firmly believed in the ability of fennel to heal from blindness. Maybe such miracles happened, but we do not know about it.

Here are fennel tea lotions good for washing dry and inflamed eyes with conjunctivitis. While resting in countries where the sun is especially active, when for a long time you have to be under its rays and in salty sea water, tea lotions will be most welcome.

Burning and all painful symptoms go away. Infusion sometimes cleanse the skin from fungal lesions. Therefore, collecting luggage on the road, do not be lazy, grab a bag of dry fennel in a suitcase, it will help you more than once.

It will be enough to pour a tablespoon of seeds with a glass of boiling water, let it cool and rinse their eyes or apply cotton swabs for five to ten minutes.

Fennel for women's health.

Since ancient times, traditional medicine has used fennel extracts to normalize the cycle in a woman and increase the flow of milk from a nursing mother. “Is it even this?”, You ask. Imagine yes!

Numerous studies have confirmed these properties of the plant. The thing is that it acts like female hormones - estrogen, thanks to which lactation and the female cycle are regulated during the use of fennel tincture.

Fennel tea is made by brewing one or two small spoons of seeds per cup of boiling water. With insufficient milk production, the woman is recommended to drink three or four glasses.

In the period of menopause in women, which, as you know, is also associated with hormones, the drink will facilitate the flow of not the most pleasant period in the life of a woman.

Infusion can be used with sediment. Although it is believed that fennel eliminates toxemia during pregnancy, it is still necessary to abandon the use of this tea, or to drink it moderately, within reasonable limits.

We run off the flu, cold, cough.

Diseases of the upper respiratory tract can also be treated with fennel. The property of the infusion to clear the respiratory tract from mucus is used quite often.

I caught the flu by surprise, tortured my cough - make tea from five grams of pounded seeds into a glass of boiling water, let it stand for about ten minutes, cover with a lid, strain and treat for health.

Smaller dosages of the drink will serve as an excellent prevention of any cold and flu. It is enough to drink only fifty milliliters a day to always remain in the ranks. They can also gargle for pain and hoarseness. Antimicrobial properties of plants are present in the list of its advantages.

The combination of fennel with coltsfoot, anise is a powerful expectorant, indispensable for dry bronchitis and pneumonia.

Sand, gall bladder - all this is a continuation of the list of ailments subject to fennel.

  Alesya Kim, 1795

  • The use of fennel
    • 1. Fennel and dill - helpers for babies from intestinal colic
    • 2. Methods of cooking broths based on fennel and dill
    • 3. How to properly drink dill water
    • 4. Reviews of young mothers
    • 1. Soothing fennel tea with melissa
    • 2. Tea with fennel with thyme
    • 3. Tea with fennel and anise
    • 4. Tea with fennel with cumin
    • 5. Tea with fennel and chamomile
    • 6. Brewed Ivan-tea with fennel
    • 7. Who should not drink herbal tea with fennel

The most resistant phrase associated with fennel -   dill water. It is used when a newborn baby experiences its one of the most difficult periods - intestinal colic. At this time, the baby is restless, cries a lot and requires constant attention.

A young mother, to make it easier for her child to take into account, goes on a diet, excluding all gas-forming products from her diet. But the flip side of this medal is that the diet becomes scarcer, it slows down the process of recovery after childbirth and affects the general condition of the woman.

To improve this situation, newborns are recommended to give dill water and young mothers themselves to drink fennel tea. The prebiotic inulin contained in it is responsible for the normalization of the bowels. In this case, nursing mothers should take into account that fennel enhances lactation.

Many confidently believe that fennel and dill are one and the same plant. But no, similar in appearance, they have completely different  chemical composition and have different beneficial properties.

Fennel and dill - similarities and differences

Outwardly, these plants are very similar to each other and both belong to the umbrella family. They are actively used in cooking and medicine. Dill and fennel are widely used to improve lactation during feeding. Perhaps this is where their similarities end and the pronounced taste differences begin:

  • Fennel has a pleasant sweetish taste with a light aroma of mint, anise and tarragon.
  • Dill has a fresh and spicy flavor, it can not be confused with any more smell of herbs.

No culinary masterpiece can do without this herb with a pronounced spicy aroma, because it skillfully emphasizes the taste of the main dish.

Previously, our grandmothers did not have the opportunity to buy modern means to increase lactation - they used folk remedies. That which grew in the garden and was always at hand. How often they teach young people to drink dill water, which also makes colic easier for babies.

Today, pharmacies can buy ready-made dill water, which is made from fennel oil, also called pharmacy dill. Such a water can make any mommy at home.

A tablespoon of dill seeds should be chopped in a blender or mortar and pour one cup of boiling water. Next, you need to keep the infusion for two hours in a warm place. And take twice a day for half a cup.

The use of fennel

  • Fennel has a bright carminative effect, reducing the formation of gases in the digestive system.
  • It contains a lot of useful elements, here are some of them: limonene, potassium, iron, anethole, calcium and quercetin, etc. Thanks to them, it acts as a light diuretic.
  • The main thing for fennel is characterized by antispasmodic and disinfectant properties.
  • It contains phytosterol, which pushes.
  • Fennel very gently affects the body, and for this reason it is prescribed to babies. Only use it should be following the instructions and instructions of doctors.
  •   , the Ivan-tea with fennel seeds will be a great help. He dulls the feeling of hunger,. Thanks to him, proteins, fats and sugar are better absorbed by the body, due to which you will become much more energetic. In addition, the long-term use of such herbal tea will have a positive effect

Great benefits from the use of herbal tea with fennel will be with the following diseases or problems:

  • Flatulence

Fennel and dill - helpers kids from intestinal colic

Since the infant has only formed the digestive system, it often has an accumulation of gazik in the intestine. They bring discomfort to the baby and pain, his tummy starts to swell and ache. He can often scream, hold legs and cry loudly. Every mother is trying to alleviate the suffering of the crumbs, and in this case dill water or tea based on fennel seeds will be an effective tool. Medicines based on these plants help relieve spasms in the intestines and calm the stomach, have anti-inflammatory effect. But it is important to remember that, in addition to colic, the baby may experience other diseases in which dill and fennel cannot help and need a qualified medical consultation. How to make dill water at home?

Methods of cooking broths based on fennel and dill

From the fruits of fennel. They can be purchased at any pharmacy. The first thing you need to chop the seeds of fennel, take 1 teaspoon and pour a glass of boiling water. Hold for 45 minutes and then strain. You can make some water in a water bath. To do this, you need to take the ingredients in the same proportions and hold on the water bath for about twenty minutes, then strain. It should be borne in mind that babies up to a month should be given only freshly prepared decoction. If there are no seeds, you can take the essential oil, it is also sold in any pharmacy.

Pour 2 liter of boiled water and 5 ml of oil into a separate bowl, shake well. It is advisable to keep the prepared water in the refrigerator for up to 30 days. Before taking, measure the required amount and heat it in warm water.

These same recipes are ideal for making water from dill seeds. In the summer you can make your baby tea from fresh leaves of dill. It will not only facilitate the state of infants, but also refresh in the heat of summer. You need to take one tablespoon of chopped or chopped greens and half a glass of boiling water, let stand for one hour and then strain.

How to drink dill water

Before taking it will not be superfluous to consult with a pediatrician.

Usually, such water begins to be given to newborns after two weeks. At one time it is not recommended to give more than one teaspoon. The maximum number of receptions - from three to six receptions. If the baby does not like to drink some dill, you can stir it in milk.

To achieve the best effect, it is necessary to turn a warm diaper over the baby’s tummy and make a light massage in a circular motion. If you doubt the popular methods, you can read the reviews of young mothers who made such water to their infants.

Reviews of young moms

The first review from mom Maria from Moscow:

Fennel Tea

   "As discharged from the hospital, colic began, the baby did not sleep at all, I was completely exhausted from carrying it around the clock in my arms until my mother advised me to fill some dill. The next day, the child slept like an angel, smiled in a dream and I finally sighed A week later, the colic stopped altogether. "

Maria, Moscow, 1 month baby

  (Fennel + dill)

Feedback from young mother Natalia from Moscow:

Dill water

   "Everything was fine before the month, then something started .. The kid began to arch, all available means did not help, the pediatrician advised me to buy fennel-based gulls at the pharmacy and drink myself, which I did. The next day, the child got a better chair , the tummy became soft and he no longer cried. "

Natalia, Moscow, 2 months baby

  (Dill water)

Popular fennel tea recipes

Soothing fennel tea with melissa

The recipe of making a drink is very simple. You need to take a teaspoon of plant seeds, pour them with hot boiling water (1 cup), add a couple of lemon balm leaves. Hold for 10 minutes. Such tea will relax and soothe well.

Thyme tea with fennel

It will be useful to everyone who suffers from various respiratory pathologies - with a strong cough, with bronchitis, with pneumonia. The recipe of the drink is as follows: You need to take a teaspoon of plant seeds, pour them with hot boiling water (1 cup), add a teaspoon of thyme. Hold for 10 minutes.

Tea with fennel and anise

It is necessary to take half a teaspoon of anise seeds and fennel, pour boiling water over them (1.5 cups), soak for 10 minutes, strain. Such a drink would be useful for small children to relieve intestinal colic and to soothe. Giving kids tea drink need a teaspoon several times a day.

Fennel tea with cumin

You need to take the seeds of fennel and cumin in equal proportions in half a spoon, pour two cups of boiled water, and insist 10 minutes. Take nursing moms before feeding your baby to improve lactation, all the nutrients from the milk will be transferred to the baby.

Tea with fennel and chamomile

It is necessary to take fennel seeds and chamomile flowers in equal proportions of one teaspoon, add a glass of boiling water to the herbal mixture. The drink will be useful for both adults and children in order to improve digestion.

We brew Ivan-tea with fennel

Teas made from fireweed are good because any medicinal herb added to it enhances its properties. Take fennel, for example.

In order to properly and tasty brew fennel Ivan-tea follow the following rules:

  1. Boil the water, let it cool to 80C.
  2. Rinse the teapot with hot water and add 2-3 teaspoons of fermented Ivan-tea with fennel.
  3. Fill with a third of hot water, shake, and drain.
  4. The remaining steamed brewed tea must be filled with hot water again and let it brew for a few minutes (or up to 20 minutes longer).

The taste of this Koporsky tea is pleasant, not pronounced, with a delicate aroma of anise. By adding honey or berry jam to it, you can enjoy a tea party, calm down and recharge your batteries.

In India, where spicy, spicy food is prepared, dishes with fennel served lastbecause they noticed one important property - he refreshes his breath. In European cuisine it is added to soups, main dishes and it is especially good in combination with fish. In general, many wonderful legends are connected with this wonderful plant, one of them says that it was in the stalk of fennel that Prometheus brought fire to people.

Who should not drink herbal tea with fennel

In order to make the right conclusions and understand whether you like Ivan-tea with such an additive or not read reviews about it.

When preparing children's tea with fennel, be careful to observe the proportions and be sure to consult with your pediatrician before starting the reception so as not to cause harm to a small child.

With its many beneficial properties, herbal tea has a number of cautions:

  • In no event it is impossible to drink it at stagnation in intestines.
  • If during the process you feel nauseous, dizzy, unpleasant, then you have an individual intolerance to the components that make up the tea.
  • Excessive and rash use of Koporsky tea with fennel can lead to indigestion and cause allergies.
  • This type of tea is not recommended for people with epilepsy and people with heart rhythm disorders.

Learn about the beneficial properties of fennel more? Easy. Just watch this 5-minute video:

The beneficial properties of fennel tea have been known since ancient Greece. It has a wide range of uses and refers to herbal remedies that are not contraindicated in newborns. In which cases it is used effectively and how to prepare healing tea from it?

Useful properties of fennel

In fennel seeds are considered medicinal, although its stem is often used to make salads, and branches are used to decorate and flavor dishes. Most often on the shelves of pharmacies and specialty stores you can find tea with fennel for newborns and nursing mothers. It eliminates flatulence, colic and cramps, and also increases lactation.

What properties does this plant have and what is its mechanism of action? Seeds, and therefore fennel tea, can boast the content of such valuable substances as:

  • vitamin C;
  • carotene;
  • essential oils;
  • vitamins E, PP, groups B, K;
  • sodium, magnesium, potassium, iron, calcium, etc.

This plant does not contain irritating substances, therefore it rarely causes allergic reactions. Based on the composition and many studies that were conducted at the level of independent laboratories and universities, the following useful properties of fennel tea can be distinguished:

  • antispasmodic;
  • carminative;
  • soothing;
  • diuretic;
  • bactericidal;
  • anthelmintic;
  • mucolytic;
  • vasodilator, etc.

Fennel - a close relative of dill, but more useful and fragrant

Drinks from the seeds of the plant help the body absorb calcium, improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and strengthen the immune system. Fennel tea is effective for the following diseases:

  • spastic colitis;
  • flatulence;
  • dyspepsia;
  • gastritis;
  • bronchitis;
  • flu;
  • weak lactation;
  • diseases of the gallbladder with a weak flow of bile;
  • menstrual disorders;
  • inflammatory diseases of the eye, etc.

The most commonly used fennel for newborns. Tea from it treats such baby problems as colic, flatulence, poor sleep, poor digestion and other conditions of the gastrointestinal tract.

Tea for newborns

Children's tea with fennel is the first medicinal drink offered to the baby. The immature digestive system of the baby in the process of adaptation to new conditions outside of my mother's tummy often fails. This increased gas formation, problems with waste gas, bloating and colic. They provoke irregular stools, abdominal pain, poor sleep, and a lack of weight.

To solve these and other problems use tea for infants with fennel. It is shown from one month of life and can be used both for a child and for the establishment of lactation in a nursing mother.

With proper and systematic use of the drink, in addition to solving the above problems, stabilization of the digestive processes occurs, proper formation of intestinal microflora, strengthens the immune system. In addition, the drink has a pleasant taste and aroma, so most kids drink it with pleasure.

  From the first weeks of life, you can offer the crumbs a healthy fennel drink.

Herbal tea for infants is also unique in that it is a completely natural product, which means that the negative impact on the child’s body will be minimal. In addition to fennel seeds, tea may include thyme, lemon balm, chamomile and other components. Such multi-component drinks are shown to children from 3 months and older. When using them, it is necessary to follow all the instructions contained in the instructions.

How does fennel drink on children? Thanks to essential oils and carminative components, tea relieves inflammation of the intestinal walls, improves peristalsis, relieves dyspeptic conditions, thanks to which the movement of food through the intestines normalizes, the stool becomes regular, as does the waste of gases. The child calms down, his appetite improves. If mum consumes tea with the baby, its effect will be even faster and more noticeable.

The most famous brands

Children's teas for infants in the domestic market represent several well-known brands.

These are global brands and Russian ones, such as:

  • Hipp;
  • Grandmother's basket;
  • Bebivita;
  • Humana and others

Hipp tea with fennel is considered one of the most popular.

The brand offers herbal and instant drinks for newborns, which are easy to use and high efficiency. In addition to fennel itself, it contains dextrose, which also works to normalize the state of the digestive system and strengthen the immune system.

A distinctive feature of Hipp products is fennel extract itself. It is derived from a special variety of plants, in which the natural content of tarragon is much less than in the usual, and therefore the harm to the health of the baby is minimized. To prepare a drink for 100 ml of hot water, take 1 tsp. instant tea. This is the daily dose of the medicinal product for children from 1 to 3 months.

A whole line of teas offers Grandmother's basket. The range includes monochas and multicomponent ones intended for children from one month of life and nursing mothers. These are products represented by cardboard boxes filled with disposable filter bags with vegetable raw materials. To make tea, you need to fill one bag with hot water (150 ml) and insist 5 minutes. Next, the bag is removed and tea is given to the baby, cooled to body temperature.

  One of the leaders in the domestic baby food market

Fennel seeds can be bought at the pharmacy and make healthy tea by yourself. To do this, an incomplete teaspoon of seeds (about 5 g) is poured with a glass of boiling water and infused in a ceramic container for 15 minutes. After this infusion filter and give the baby small portions before or after feeding. Store the infusion during the day in the refrigerator and dilute with hot boiled water if necessary.

Fennel tea is one of the first herbal remedies offered to your child for digestive problems. It can also be given for prophylaxis in order to better adapt the baby to a new regimen and independent feeding. It is a useful, safe and time-tested product, which in rare cases causes adverse reactions.

Flatulence and colic occur in 80% of newborns. Permitted medications are sometimes ineffective, and then in the course are folk remedies. Chamomile and fennel teas have been used for a very long time and are especially loved by mothers. But also an important condition is the speed of their preparation, since the mother does not always have the opportunity to leave the restless child and go to prepare the healing infusion.

Tea for newborns "Hipp" is designed specifically for newborns, has an organic composition, comes in a convenient form, which minimizes the time for its preparation. Read more about this product in our article.

About brand Hipp

The history of the world famous brand Hipp began in Germany back in 1956. At this time, farmer Klaus Hipp seriously engaged in organic farming and began to grow in his small farm environmentally friendly and safe products. He had to go through ridicule and reproach, but after 10 years, the Hipp brand was talked about as a reliable manufacturer of high-quality baby food in banks.

Today, the company is guided by the same principles and uses only organic raw materials for the manufacture of baby food, supplied to the factory from more than 8,000 farms. The quality of Hipp tea and other brand products is still at the highest level.

The range of tea "Hipp"

Tea "Hipp" is available in two different forms: in granules and bags for brewing.

Granulated tea contains natural herbal extracts, as well as dry fruits and vegetables, juice extracts and vitamin C to strengthen the immune system. They are available in different age categories: from 4, 5 and 6 months of the baby. Presented by the following types and flavors: fennel, lime blossom with melissa (from 4 months); apricot, raspberry with briar, from wild berries (from 5 months); apple with lemon balm and fruit (from 6 months).

Tea for newborns "Hipp" packaged is designed for children from the 1st week of life (chamomile and organic fennel). In addition, a special tea is produced from 4 months (wild rose and apple-fennel), from 5 months (wild rosethorn and fruit hip).

For newborns, Hipp has released a special packaged tea, on the package of which a special quality mark HіPP ORGANIC is indicated. It is intended for a children's age category from the 1st week. For babies, 2 kinds of organic tea are made: fennel and chamomile. These products are subject to increased requirements in accordance with European Union legislation.

Organic raw materials for tea are grown on special farms and controlled by an independent Institute of Control. Parents can be sure that it does not contain harmful and toxic substances.

  • hipp tea for newborns from the first week of life can be given from one teaspoon per day, gradually increasing the volume to a daily rate of 50-100 ml. In this volume, tea is given from the 1st week to 3 months;
  • from 4 to 6 months the volume is increased from 100 to 150 ml;
  • in 7 to 12 months, the baby is allowed to drink 150-200 ml of tea per day.

After 1 year of tea, "Hipp" is offered to the child depending on his needs.

Hipp Fennel Tea: Benefits for Newborns

The main reason why tea with fennel is recommended for newborns is the problems with the digestive system in infants, increased gas formation and colic. The fact is that at the time of birth the body of the child is sterile. Gradually, various bacteria begin to colonize the intestines, and this process is often accompanied by various muscle spasms and other discomfort.

Tea for newborns "Hipp" helps to cope with most of the problems of the digestive and other systems of the child's body:

  • relieves muscle spasms, thanks to which it is possible to cope with such common problems as bloating and intestinal colic;
  • accelerates the processes of assimilation of calcium, necessary for strengthening the bone apparatus;
  • strengthens the immune system and stabilizes the nervous system.

Which is otherwise called pharmaceutical dill, you can brew yourself. But with a small child in her arms, it is much easier and more convenient to prepare Hipp granulated or packaged tea.

Composition of tea with fennel

Hipp tea with fennel, intended for newborns, is an organic product that does not contain harmful and toxic substances. It is made from high quality fennel. It is recommended for use in case of digestive disorders, abdominal distention, intestinal colic.

Hipp tea with fennel for newborns from the 1st week is packed in 1.5 g sachets and labeled with the HіPP ORGANIC quality mark. The composition of the product is indicated on the pack: 100% organic fennel. Tea is hypoallergenic, does not contain sugar, gluten, preservatives, flavors, dyes, GMOs. The special form of the bag allows you to save all the beneficial properties and aroma of medicinal herbs.

Tea "Hipp" for newborns: instructions for preparation

To prepare tea for newborns from the mother will need a minimum of time and effort. Thanks to convenient packed bags, it is not necessary to measure the required amount of granules or dry fennel seeds. There is nothing easier for mom than to make Hipp tea with fennel for newborns.

The cooking instruction consists in performing the following sequence of actions:

  1. Boil the purified water in the kettle.
  2. Prepare a cup of 200 ml and put in it a bag of tea with fennel from the package.
  3. Pour the bag in the cup with water (200 ml).
  4. Let the tea stand for 5-10 minutes.
  5. Cool the tea to a temperature not higher than 37 degrees.
  6. Pour over the tea "Hipp" for newborns from cup to bottle and give a newborn.

Granulated tea for newborns is prepared a little differently. In this case, a teaspoonful of granules is poured into a cup and 100 ml of boiling water is poured. After that, the tea must be cooled, poured into a bottle and given to the baby.

29 03.16

Last night, Roma walked around the square and found a box with fennel (still packed), apparently someone dropped it, carrying a full package from the store. I understood - this is a sign, it is time to write about this wonderful drink.

The best cure for all sorts of diseases is prevention. To this end, it is best to use traditional medicine, one of which is fennel tea.


Fennel - one of the oldest medicines, with pronounced healing properties. Funds based on it are:

  • Antispasmodics,
  • Diuretic
  • Expectorants
  • Disinfectants
  • Promote lactation,
  • Have a mild laxative effect.
  • Antimicrobial and antifungal,
  • Increase the secretion of digestive glands,
  • Improve digestion.

Easy to handle

This drink is good to use for children from birth when they have gas and bloating, it also helps from intestinal colic. Fennel tea normalizes all digestion processes, removes spasm from the intestinal muscles.

If the child has constipation, the enema with fennel decoction will quickly solve this problem. With flatulence, tea can be enhanced with cumin.

Very often in pharmacies you can find tea for babies, which is called dill water, because fennel belongs to the same umbrella family as dill.

There are also various modern names for this drink, but regardless of the name, they all have similar instructions for use.

For adults, indications for the use of fennel-based products are gastritis, dyspepsia, spastic colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, nervous over-stimulation, etc.

The drink has the property to increase lactation, so it will be very useful for nursing women.

Thus, the benefits for our body from the use of fennel tea can not be overestimated.

How to brew

Making fennel tea is very simple. A couple of spoons of seeds is poured with a quarter-liter of boiling water and kept for one hour. The resulting drink has a pleasant smell and taste, so it is with great pleasure that adults and children drink it.

It should be noted that to prepare the broth for babies seeds, it is recommended to pre-rinse and cook it in a clean, boiled pot.

When applied to the eye area lotions of tea are applied for 10 minutes.

The recipe for harmony

It is necessary to crush 20 grams of raw materials, pour boiling water (200 ml) and boil for about 5 minutes, then insist for half an hour and the drink is ready for use.

Weight loss occurs due to a slight diuretic effect and a reduction in hunger, and a mild laxative effect allows you to prevent the occurrence of constipation.

Need to use within reasonable limits, courses. It should be remembered that such recipes are suitable only as an additional tool for physical activity and a balanced diet.


This drink has a minimum list of contraindications:

  • Individual intolerance,
  • Epilepsy,
  • During pregnancy and lactation, you should consult with a specialist,
  • In violation of the heart rhythm with caution,
  • In case of overdose, bleeding, indigestion and disturbed stool may occur.

Fennel - a useful plant that allows us to deal with various ailments. Funds based on it can be prepared independently or purchased at the pharmacy.

Until we meet again, your Evgenia Shestel