How to cook a simple puff pastry. How to make a truly delicious puff pastry at home

05.05.2019 Healthy eating

If you decide to make a real puff pastry, know that this is a job for a chef in love with his business. Or for a masochist. The dough is not easy, capricious, and not the fact that it will turn out the first or even the second time. And let everything go complete: puff pastry, recipe + photo, steps and details - it’s still not a fact that it will turn out right away. And it takes quite a lot of time to cook.

Perhaps you have already experienced failure and made a promise to make puff pastry yourself. However, those who make friends with technology and knead the dough in their kitchen “from and to” know that its baking is airier and tastier. Yes, for some reason it melts better in the mouth. Faster or something 🙂

Perhaps the fact is that the storefront is on margarine, and the homemade is on oil, and that at home you can manipulate the amount of oil. Or the warm energy of the hands (ready-made — it is “machine-made”) matters. But be that as it may, let us have this skill - puff pastry at home. And let's go to the store ready when we are in a hurry.

So, the puff pastry recipe. The oil should be soft and the water cold. The amount of oil, as well as the ratio of flour to oil, can be changed. Take less oil, for example, 1 kg of flour 400 g of oil. But the proposed option gives the sweetest dough. Since we are preparing it for a reason, but in order to bake a classic puff khachapuri, this is important.


  • butter - 200 g
  • flour - 250 g + for adding
  • water - 130 ml
  • salt - pinch


    Sift flour with a knoll onto the cutting surface. Add salt. Put 30 grams of oil. Pound flour with butter.

    Now add a little water

    and knead the dough.

    When the ball is formed, knead it for about five minutes - the dough should become elastic, smooth, not sticky.

    From this test, roll out a 13x25 cm rectangle with the middle part slightly larger than 13 cm. As shown in the photo. (The numbers, of course, are conditional, it is not necessary to follow them, but this is GOST, if anyone is interested).

    Put the oil in the middle and flatten: no more than 13 cm wide, in length - so that only the thickened center is occupied.

    Bend the “ears” onto the butter (to the center of the dough).

    Wrap the top of the butter dough.

    Wrap the bottom.

    Now flip the rectangle toward you with the narrow side.

    Roll out gently, delicately so that the oil is slightly dispersed. And then, with sudden movements, begin to roll out the dough in width and length, increasing it three times.

    Add flour to make rolling easy and the dough does not stick to the rolling pin.

    Fold the dough three times again. Wrap with cling film and refrigerate for 30 minutes.

    Repeat rolling and folding six times. If the dough melts during the process, put it again briefly in the refrigerator (wrapping it with foil) before rolling it out again.

    Ready puff pastry can be used immediately for baking, or put in the freezer (do not forget to sprinkle with flour lightly before wrapping in plastic or putting in a bag).

What is prepared from puff pastry

Puff pastry is used for sweet pastries, for example, tubes, puffs and pies with all kinds of filling, as the basis of cakes and cakes (). But it is also great for unsweetened pastries: small meat pies, khachapuri, pizza.

And puff pastry turns into spectacular forms for salads, flounced with fruits and.

Puff pastry khachapuri with lots of butter

Before, I always thought that there was too much fuss with puff pastry, and it was difficult to prepare it for a long time. Therefore, until recently, I used ready-made puff pastry, which is sold in stores. I didn’t even think about how my grandmother manages to bake puff pastry made with her own hands so quickly ... And now I finally figured out that it’s worth asking her a recipe! It turns out that the grandmother has a secret, thanks to which puff pastry does not even have to be rolled out many times, and the whole process of preparing the dough takes no more than 15 minutes.
The composition of the puff pastry:

  • Premium wheat flour - 3 cups,
  • butter - about 150 g., or vegetable - 1/4 cup, or vegetable margarine. Attention! Oils or margarine can be used and more!
  • Water - about 1 cup,
  • baking powder or baking soda quenched with lemon juice - 1 teaspoon,
  • salt or sugar - depending on the purpose of the test.

How to make quick puff pastry

Mix flour with salt or sugar and add baking powder.

Add water.

Knead a tight, elastic dough so that it does not stick to your hands.

Put the dough on a table sprinkled with flour and roll it very thinly.

The thickness of the dough should be about 2 mm.

Grease the entire surface of the dough with vegetable or soft butter. If you use butter, put it out of the refrigerator in advance to make it soft.

Cut the dough in half. Lay one half on top of the second so that the edges coincide, and iron with your hands. After that, take the dough from two edges and roll it into a roll. This is the secret of preparing a quick puff pastry - many layers are formed in the roll. Wrap roll in cling film or plastic bag.

Put the finished roll in the freezer for 15 minutes. Or as much as you like, until you want to cook something from this test (but then you have to defrost it).

ABOUTthe main ingredients of puff pastry are flour, salt, water and butter. Such dough, from which crispy, roasted puffs are baked, requires a lot of attention and great accuracy when cooking. Classic puff pastry and simplified are distinguished depending on the ingredients. To prepare a classic puff, first knead a soft dough of flour and water and then roll in it cold butter (butter and flour are taken at a rate of 1: 1). Preparation of a classic puff pastry requires a lot of time and effort. The main components - dough and butter - roll up in thin layers. The more layers, the higher the quality of the test. The best puff pastry should have more than 140 layers, sometimes their number reaches 240. Of course, the thinnest layers cannot be distinguished with the naked eye. To achieve this result, it is necessary to roll out the main dough from flour and water in an even layer and put a flat piece of chilled oil in the center of the reservoir. Then cover the butter from all sides with the edges of the dough and roll out a rectangle with a rolling pin. Rectangle fold in three:
  first cover the middle of the formation with its third left, then with the right, then fold it again twice. Put the dough in the cold for a while. After this, turn the dough so that its open edges are to your right and left. Roll the dough away from you, rotate 90 ° and roll the layer into a long rectangle. Fold the dough again as described above. This process is called "tuning" by specialists. It must be repeated 4 or 5 times. However, the dough must be placed in the cold every time so that the layers do not stick together.
The dough is rolled into a layer of the required thickness immediately before baking. Preparation of the dough takes a total of several hours, so it is not surprising that housewives prefer to buy ready-made frozen puff pastry. But, when you want to make pies from simplified puff pastry, do not use ready-made frozen convenience foods. This dough also requires lengthy processing, although all its components are mixed at the same time (excluding puff pastry). The composition of the ingredients distinguish the following types of simplified test:

A) Instant puff pastry.
  Flour and butter are taken at a rate of 1: 1. 250 g of flour sifted through a sieve should be mixed with a teaspoon of salt, sprinkled on a table and put in it slices of chilled butter. Chop flour and butter into small grains. Gradually pour into the dough in-8 tbsp. l cold water, knead it, and when it is ready, put in the refrigerator, covering with foil or film. Then roll the dough into a rectangle and “tune” in the same way as a regular dough. So its name - instant dough - is unjustified. This type of dough can be used for baking cakes, salted sticks with cheese or caraway seeds, as well as meat patties.

B) Yeast puff pastry is also called "torn dough."
  For its preparation, flour and butter are taken in a ratio of 2: 1. First, yeast dough is made from 50 g of flour and left in a cold place for fermentation. The finished dough is rolled into a rectangle about 7.5 mm thick. Cold butter, cut into thin slices, is laid out on one half of the rectangle. Cover with the second half and open edges pressed tightly against each other. Then the dough is “tuned”. This dough is especially suitable for baking puff pastry "wicker" or "nut wreaths". Yeast puff pastry made without added sugar is ideal for baking quiche and salty sticks with cheese or caraway seeds.

C) Curd puff pastry.
For its preparation, take flour, butter and cottage cheese in a ratio of 1: 1: 1. Sometimes add a baking powder at the rate of 1/2 tsp. per 250 g of flour. Flour, baking powder and a pinch of salt are mixed on the kitchen table, pieces of chilled oil are placed on top. The cottage cheese is allowed to settle and rubbed through a sieve over oil. Then everything is mixed into a homogeneous dough. Roll the dough into a ball, cover with foil and put in the refrigerator. Then the dough is rolled out on a cutting board, previously sprinkled with flour, and “torn”, like a regular puff pastry. Curd puff pastry is used for baking cookies with a sweet or savory filling, a basket of quiche cookies, sausages or apples in a puff.

D) Creamy puff pastry.
To prepare this type of dough, take flour, butter and cream (sour cream) in a ratio of 2: 1: 0.8. Accordingly, for 250 g of flour, you need to take 125 g of butter and 100 ml of well-chilled cream or sour cream, in addition, 1/2 tsp. baking powder. Flour and baking powder are mixed with 1/4 tsp. salt, gradually adding pieces of chilled butter, sour cream, and knead the dough. Roll the dough into a ball and, covering with foil or film, put in the refrigerator. Then the dough is “tuned” once or twice. Cakes, salted sticks and breakfast cookies are baked from this test. The manufacture of such a test requires the least expenditure of time and effort. Regardless of the type of puff pastry, the following points can be noted during baking: layers of dough are raised with the help of air located between them; butter dissolves, moisture evaporates, causing the layers of dough to rise and peel off from each other. Thus, the baked goods are crispy and layered. Butter gives a particularly delicate flavor to puff pastry. Therefore, when buying oil, pay attention to the date of its manufacture. You can use sweet or sour oil - it depends on your taste. When baking products from puff pastry, it is important to ensure that the oven is tightly closed. It is better not to grease the edges of the dough with egg yolk, as in this case the dough decreases in volume, and its layers become coarse and puff. If the edges of the dough need to be tightly joined, they should be moistened with cold water or pressed down with a fork. Since large layers of dough should be well baked from below, they are baked in the oven at the lower level. Cookies are baked at an average level. The optimum temperature for baking products from puff pastry is 190-200 ° C. It is necessary to strictly observe the baking time. Strongly baked dough has a bitter taste.

If you use ready-made ice cream puff pastry, you should consider the general rules. First, the dough should thaw. If it is frozen in layers, they need to be separated from each other. Dough layers should thaw separately for 20 minutes. Then each layer of dough should be moistened with cold water, put in a pile and rolled on a cutting board in one layer to the desired size and thickness. Roll out the dough with a rolling pin first from right to left, then in the opposite direction, then from top to bottom and from bottom to top. Puff pastry always decreases in size during baking, so the layers need to be rolled out larger than in finished form. So that the dough does not deform, products prepared for baking must be refrigerated for 15-30 minutes. Puff pastry is always baked on a baking sheet, not oiled, but moistened with cold water. Water in the baking process evaporates and gives additional volume to the dough. For the same purpose, you can spray the bottom of the oven with water. During baking, margarine or oil added to the dough increases in volume and releases the liquid dissolved in the dough. It turns into steam, lifts the layers, separates them from each other and makes the dough flake. If these layers were incorrectly processed, mixed too cool, flour gluten does not allow the liquid to evaporate and the dough does not peel. Therefore, for forming puff pastry, sharp knives, recesses or dough cutters are used that do not compress the layers. After molding, it is best to roll out the dough residues immediately and make small pastries from them. If there are too many leftovers, wrap them in foil and put in the refrigerator.

  Puff pastry (1.2 kg)

1. Sift the flour into a bowl. Add soft butter.
  3. Meanwhile, cut the cold butter into slices. put them next to each other and roll them into a rectangle between two layers of transparent film.
  Roll out the dough on a surface sprinkled with flour, also in the shape of a rectangle, only 2 times larger than butter. Put butter on the dough.

I  when I have time, I cook puff pastry according to the same recipe that we were given in college when I was studying. We had a very cool teacher who taught me a lot, including making puff pastry. The only thing I do not have exact product standards. But I can give you my norm:
  flour 500 gr
  cold water 1 1/3 cup
  eggs 2 pcs
  butter 500 gr
  salt 1/2 tsp
  citric acid at the tip of a knife
I want to say right away that kneading any dough is a creative process. Therefore, never tackle this thing if you are in a bad mood. This is verified and proven that the oven is only needed in a good mood and always with a smile on his face. So, if everything is in order with the mood, we proceed to the first stage. This is a batch of dough. I want to say right away that flour should be strong with gluten. So:
  Stage 1 - kneading the dough.
  Knead the unleavened dough: take the sifted flour, put it on the board with a pea. We make a hole in it, pour water, eggs, salt and citric acid into it. Knead the dough well, then leave it under a wet cloth for 30-40 minutes.
  Stage 2 - oil preparation.
  it is better to grate the oil on a coarse grater, mix it (without gluing) with flour (15% of the total amount of flour according to the recipe). Then put the oil on a tray and shape it in the form of a square and put it in the refrigerator until the oil keeps its shape, but does not freeze.
  Stage 3 - rolling the dough in layers.
  After the dough has stood for about 40 minutes, we roll it into a square, 2 cm thick. On this square we put a square of butter, with an angle so that it looks like a rhombus, i.e. the corners of the dough should be open. Then these corners are bent inward with an "envelope". Then the dough is rolled out by pressing lightly so that a rectangle approximately 1 1/2 cm thick is obtained, fold three or four times, cover with a damp cloth and place for half an hour in a cold place. The chilled dough is rolled again, folded and left to stand for 15 minutes in a cold place. This procedure is repeated 3-4 times. When rolling out, use as little as possible, only so that the dough does not stick to the board. If there is too much flour, then the dough becomes too steep, products from it rise poorly and lose their taste. Ready dough is stored in the refrigerator or in a cool place or baked immediately. The most important thing, as our teacher said, is not to rush or get upset ahead of time. This type of dough is very laborious and takes a lot of time, but believe me, when you see a finished dish made by your own hands, you will forget about everything in the world, enjoying a crispy and golden crust.

And for those who are sorely lacking time, I have a recipe for puff pastry dough.
  flour 250 g
  creamy margarine (only of very good quality!) 200 g
  cold water 1 / 2-2 / 3 cups
  sugar 1 tsp
Sift the flour onto the board, put small pieces of butter on it and chop it finely with a knife. Dissolve salt in cold water, and if desired also sugar, combine with flour and butter and quickly smooth dough. The dough is covered with a napkin and kept for several hours or until the next day in a cold place. Products from chopped puff pastry are less crumbly and tender than from rolled dough. Before baking, it is recommended to roll out such dough 2-3 times and fold it into three or four layers.

I have some more recipes for cooking sl. test. Maybe they will interest you:
  Puff pastry for cakes.
  2 1/2 cups wheat flour
  1 cup cold water
  1 yolk
  1 tbsp. l salt
  200-400 g butter
  Stir the yolk in cold water, add flour and knead uncooked dough, salt. Knead again and refrigerate for 20 minutes under a towel. Roll out the chilled dough into a 1 cm thick layer, lay on top with slices of chilled (not frozen!) Butter. Bend the edges of the dough with an envelope, pinch, level the oil and roll out to the previous size. then fold each time three or four times and roll out at least 5-7 times, before each rolling the dough must be cooled, since the oil should not penetrate the dough.

Puff pastry. (1.2 kg)
  Flour 500 gr.
  Butter (soft) 50 gr.
  Salt 1 tsp.
  Water 375 ml.
  Vinegar 2 tbsp. l
  Butter (chilled) 500 gr.
  Baking paper
  1. Sift the flour into a bowl. Add soft butter.
  2. Add salt, water and vinegar. Mix everything and knead thick dough. Give it a ball shape, wrap it in a transparent film and cool for 30 minutes.
  3. Meanwhile, cut the cold butter into slices. put them next to each other and roll them into a rectangle between two layers of transparent film. Roll out the dough on a surface sprinkled with flour, also in the shape of a rectangle, only 2 times larger than butter. Put butter on the dough.
  4. Cover the dough with butter and roll everything into a thin rectangle. After that, fold it into 3 layers and roll it into a rectangle again.
  5. The second time, fold the dough in 3 layers and cool for 10 minutes. Then sprinkle with a little flour and roll. Fold again and roll out for the last time.
  6. Preheat the oven to a temperature of 220. Give the puff pastry the desired shape. Bake on a baking sheet covered with baking paper for 15 minutes.

The ingredients of a successful puff pastry:
- for the preparation of puff pastry, you need to use premium flour, cold water, salt and citric acid, which can be replaced with vinegar.
  - the addition of acid to the dough improves the quality of the gluten of flour, since in an acidic environment it better swells the flour protein.
  - salt gives the test elasticity, improves palatability. With a lack of salt and acid, the layers blur, and excess degrades the taste.
  - we use cold water to prepare the dough. Some replace it with milk (this improves the taste of the dough), but in this case the elasticity of the dough is reduced. Therefore, the ideal option is to use a mixture of water and milk.
  - when laminating, each time before folding the dough, carefully sweep the flour so that the layer does not spray, the product does not crumble and does not turn out to be dry and hard.
  - when cooling and baking the dough, it must be covered with a damp cloth so that the surface of the dough does not dry out.
  - when cutting puff pastry, you need to use sharp knives or recesses, since a blunt inventory crushes the edges of the dough, and this prevents the rise.
  - Do not crush the edges of the prepared products with your fingers.
  - if, according to the recipe, the surface of the dough needs to be greased with an egg, it must be done carefully, so that the egg does not fall on the edges of the dough - the dough will not rise.
  - you need to pour a little cold water on the baking sheet.
  - before baking, the surface of the product must be chopped with a fork or a sharp knife so that steam comes out during baking, the dough does not bubble and has a flat surface.
  - baking should be done at a temperature of 220-250 degrees.
  - and necessarily a good mood

So, if you followed the instructions, then at the end you should get a good puff pastry, which will increase by 6-8 times during baking, and products from it will turn out to be moderately ruddy, tender and crumbly.

  You can make a lot of delicious pastries from puff pastry. I can’t bring all the recipes, but here are some of them ...
Puff pastry cake with jam.
  Puff pastry, 200 g of jam, egg.

Cook puff pastry. Put the prepared jam on a sieve and let the syrup drain. roll out half-finger puff pastry for the seventh time, cut a circle of suitable size, take out the middle, leave a smooth welt around, fold onto a sheet and put in a cold place. Then crush the puff pastry, split into two halves, first roll out thinly and cut into strips, and roll out the second and cut a rant-like circle out of it, put it on the bowl, smear around the egg, put jam in the middle without syrup, twist the strips prepared from dough , smear the edges again, apply the welt, compress, trim around, brush with egg on top and put in a hot oven. When it is half ready, sprinkle with fine sugar and let it redden, remove, carefully remove, put on a dish and serve hot.

Napoleon cake
  First option:
  200 g margarine, 1 egg, 350 g flour, 1/2 glass of water, a pinch of salt. For cream: 1 cup of granulated sugar, salt, 1 egg, 1/2 cup of milk, 200 g of butter.
  Margarine, flour, egg, a little salt mixed with water. On a sheet lightly greased, bake 12 cakes. Cool and smear with cream. For cream, sugar, grind with egg, add the remaining ingredients.

The second option:
  5 stack flour, 500 gr. margarine chopped until smooth, add 1 tablespoon of water and chop to obtain a dough.
  Divide the dough into several parts, put in the cold for 1 hour. Roll out on a sheet and bake.
  Cream: 250 grams of plums. oils, 1 tbsp. sugar knead, add 1/2 cans of thickened. milk, 1 egg, 6 tbsp. spoons of milk. Ready to put the cake in the cold, cream miss all the cakes, sprinkle with crumbs

The third option:
  450 g margarine, 4 1/2 cups flour, 3/4 glass of water, 5 tbsp. l of vinegar, cream, 3 tbsp. l crushed walnuts.
  Melt the margarine, combine it with water and vinegar. Stir constantly, stirring flour gradually, put the resulting dough in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours. Roll out 8-10 flatbread and bake until golden brown on the baking sheet, sprinkled with flour. Grease cream, sprinkle with nuts on top.

Fourth option:
  250 g margarine, 3-4 cups of flour, 1/2 cup of warm water. For cream: 1 glass of milk, 180 g of sugar, 200 g of butter, 4 tbsp. l have flour.
Knead the dough as for ravioli. Divide it into 9-10 parts and roll out thin juices. Bake on a baking tray, oiled. The cream is prepared as follows: Combine 1/2 cup of milk with flour. Heat the remaining 1/2 cups of milk, pour the mixture there and bring to a boil. Remove from heat, cool. Heat and cool the butter with sugar. These two mixtures mix and sandwich them sochni. Sprinkle crumbs on top.

Puff with apples.
  Any puff pastry, 12 apples, egg for lubrication. Stuffing for apples: 2 tbsp. l sugar, 1 / 2-1 tsp l cinnamon or 2 tbsp. l sugar, 1 tbsp. l chopped almonds.
  Roll out a thin layer of dough and cut it into square pieces. Cut apples from apples, peel them, put dough on small squares, pour sugar / cinnamon or sugar with almonds inside the apple. Apples can also be stuffed with raisins. Raise the corners of the squares up and press them with almonds or pieces of dough. Cut dough leaves and attach to almonds. Brush with egg and bake in the oven until the apples are soft and the dough is browned.

  Puff pastry. For the filling: 3/4/1 cup of thick jam or marmalade. Egg.
  Roll out a 1/2 cm thick layer of dough, cut into 8x8 cm squares, cut corners. In the middle of the square, put a jam or jam, lift the corners like a windmill's wings to the center and press it. Put the windmills on a sheet sprinkled with water, brush with an egg and bake.

Puff cheese sticks.
  Puff pastry. To lubricate the egg. To sprinkle cheese and salt.
  Roll out a 1/2 cm thick rectangular layer of dough, cut it with a sharp knife into sticks 6-8 cm long and 1 1/2 cm wide, put it on a sheet sprinkled with cold water, brush with egg, sprinkle with grated cheese, greens and bake until golden brown . And you can make this dish more beautiful. To do this, cut the rolled dough into 12-15 cm long thin strips. Twist the two strips like a rope, brush with an egg, sprinkle with grated cheese and put to bake.

Puffed snails with ham.
  Puff pastry 450 g, 5 slices of boiled ham, 125 g of fat sour cream, spices, salt, pepper
Defrost puff pastry. Slices of ham cut into plates of dough, and then cut them in half. Sour cream thoroughly with spices. Spread the dough with a rather thin layer of sour cream, and if desired, season with salt and pepper. Cover with half of the ham slices. Heat the oven to 200. Roll the dough into rolls and cut into 2 cm thick circles. Cover the baking sheet with parchment baking paper. Ham "snails" put on top of paper and bake in the oven for 20 minutes until golden yellow. Being served hot or warm, puff snails are an excellent snack to a glass of white wine.

Tubes with cream and rhubarb.
  Puff pastry 550 gr, 1 yolk, 3 tbsp. l milk, 4 tbsp. l sugar. For the filling: 250 g of rhubarb, 50 g of sugar, 4 g of gelatin, 250 ml of cream, 1 bag of vanilla sugar, 4 tbsp. l egg liqueur. And so the tubes for baking.
  Thaw the dough if it is ice cream. Cut into 3 cm wide strips. Rinse the molds with cold water and wrap them in strips of dough, starting from the tip. Heat the oven to 200. Beat the yolk with milk, grease the dough and sprinkle with the ground sugar. Bake on a baking sheet covered with paper for 15 minutes. Soak the gelatin. Rhubarb cut into cubes. Sprinkle with sugar, let it brew and extinguish for 10 minutes. To cool. Add pressed gelatin. Whip cream and sprinkle with vanilla sugar. Stir the cream, liqueur and rhubarb. Cream stuffed tubules.

Apple braided with nuts.
  Puff pastry 200 g, 4 apples, 1 tbsp. l hazelnut kernels, 1 tbsp. l honey, 1 tbsp. l chopped candied orange peel, 1 egg white, 2 tbsp. l apricot confiture, 3 tbsp. l sugar powder, 1 tbsp. l orange liqueur.
  Cover the baking sheet with paper. Roll out the dough into 2 rectangles (22x30 cm). Peel apples and cut into cubes. Stir in nuts, honey and candied fruits. Put on a layer of dough, leaving free edges. Cover with another layer. Make transverse incisions along the entire length at a distance of 1 cm from each other. Brush the edges with protein, wrap and squeeze. Bake for 30 minutes at 22. For 10 minutes, until ready to reduce the temperature in the oven to 160. Preheat the confiture, rub through a sieve and grease the braid. Mix the icing sugar and liquor and spread on the surface.

Puff berry cake.
  Puff pastry 450 g, 1 egg. For the filling: 300 g of mixed berries, 150 ml of fruit juice, 1 tbsp. l food starch, 125 ml of cream, 1-2 tbsp. l of sand, 6 g of gelatin, 2 tsp of pistachios.
Roll out the dough into a rectangle. Cut some dough. Transfer the rest to a baking sheet made of paper, pierce with a fork. Cut the strips 1 cm wide from the remaining dough and twist them into strings. Preheat the oven to 200. Lay out the strings of dough across the rectangle and in the middle along the length — there should be 8 compartments. Brush with egg white. Bake in the oven for 20-30 minutes. Wash and sort the berries. Boil the juice. Add berries. Stir the starch with cold water, pour it to the berries, boil and cool. Beat cream with sugar. Dissolve the gelatin and mix with the cream. Mix them with berries and put them in the fridge for 20 minutes. Put on the dough and decorate with berries and pistachios.

Puff pastry can be made in various ways. The classic cooking option is quite laborious and takes a lot of time. In this article I will write a recipe for instant puff pastry. It is mixed in 10 minutes and cooled for two hours. Make such puff pastry easy, not difficult. Follow the instructions below, and you will succeed!

This recipe is the fastest of all. Here everything needs to be done quickly so that the oil does not heat up. Baking from this dough turns tasty, a lot of layers. From this test, you can do anything you want - Napoleon, croissants, samsa, tubules, pies, etc.


  • butter (or margarine) - 400 gr.
  • water - 200 ml
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • flour - 500 gr.
  • salt - 0.5 tsp.
  • vinegar 9% - 0.5 tbsp. (or 1 tbsp. 6% apple cider vinegar)

Quick puff pastry: cooking method.

1. All ingredients for this recipe should be cold. The water must be pre-cooled in the refrigerator, and the butter freeze in the freezer. Layers in the dough are obtained thanks to the pieces of butter. Therefore, the butter must be frozen, and the dough is kneaded quickly so that the butter does not melt. Remove ingredients from the freezer not in advance, but immediately before use.

2. In a bowl, beat in a cold egg, salt it and pour vinegar. Whisk stir these products. Pour ice water to the egg and quickly stir until smooth. Leave aside this mixture on the side.

  Mix cold egg, water, salt and vinegar.

3. On the table, sift all the flour (0.5 kg). Now in flour need to rub frozen butter on a coarse grater. Rub a little butter and sprinkle with flour. Then a little more rubbed, peppered. All oil must be in flour. At the same time try as little as possible to contact with oil by hand. From the warmth of the hands it will quickly melt.

4.When all the oil is rubbed, quickly stir it with flour.

Important! Do not mash the oil with flour, do not rub. Just mix, sprinkle.

5. Make a well in the oil with flour and start pouring water with the egg in small portions and stir it all together. They poured some water, covered it with flour, and so on. When all the liquid has been injected, collect the dough in a bowl. Knead it is not necessary, otherwise the layers will not work. At this stage you will see how the dough is stratified right before your eyes. Quickly collect the dough in one pile, it is done very quickly, in 1-2 minutes.

6. Divide the dough into 2-3 pieces, wrap each in a film or put in a bag. Send the dough to the freezer for 2 hours. Then take out, let the dough defrost a little, and you can roll it out for baking.

The main thing is to pre-cool all products, freeze butter. And quickly knead the dough so that the butter does not have time to melt. This is a very good recipe (and the fastest) puff pastry.

In the next article I will write. See you!

Tell you how to make chopped instant puff pastry at home for pies step by step? Then leave all your business for 5 minutes and read this article to the end. After reading the recipe, you can save not only time but also money every time, since this dough is not very expensive, but the fastest of the puff options I know.

The composition of puff chopped dough is quite simple: flour, butter, water and a pinch of salt.

It is very often used for making pies, baskets and other types of baking, where you can use puff and even shortbread dough.

Puff pastry for a fast hand in general can be considered universal. It is well proven, tarts, as well as pies. Baskets that can be baked from it can be stuffed with cheese, fruit with custard, ice cream and other fillings.

By the way, you can see a variety of test recipes.


  • 200 g wheat flour
  • 100 g butter
  • 5-6 tbsp. water
  • a pinch of salt

Basic tips for making quick puff pastry

  1. Flour. Use for the preparation of the usual bakery flour. Here, there is nothing to be wise and there is no need to look for flour with a certain percentage of protein. True, there is one subtlety that needs to be remembered. If the room where the flour is stored is rather dry, then during preparation it will be necessary to add a little more water than indicated in the recipe.
      Now it's winter and the flour is stored near the heating battery. I buy it at 5 kg, so I quickly use it for baking. Near the battery is dry and the flour just does not spoil. But in order to prepare chopped puff pastry, I need to add more water and I know this in advance and send in the fridge to cool not 6 tbsp, but 9 tbsp. for each portion.
  2. Butter.  It must be of high quality - this is the main criterion. I do not recommend replacing it with margarine. And the taste of the finished baking will not be as it should, and the dough itself will behave quite differently. Butter must be from the freezer, and it is better to knead the dough in a cool room or with the help of a food processor so that the butter does not have time to melt.
  3. Water. Everything is simple here - ice water from the refrigerator is needed (you can even send it to the freezer for a short time). Its amount may be slightly more or less than indicated in the recipe. It depends on the quality and dryness of flour, which I wrote a little higher.
  4. Salt. Everything is also simple - a pinch of salt is added to taste and is a natural flavor enhancer. To make the dough tastier, in addition to salt, for some types of baking, you can add herbs (thyme, rosemary, oregano), as well as nuts, peeled sunflower seeds, flax seeds, poppy seeds.

How to cook a quick puff pastry. Recipe with photos

  1. To prepare the dough, all foods must be cold. To make the dough right, I even send flour to the fridge 15 minutes before making puff chopped dough. Oil should be sent in advance in the freezer for 20 minutes. The main thing is not to freeze it, so that it can be grated or cut into small pieces with a knife. Water also need to take the ice. Only thanks to the cold dough will turn out puffy and tender.
  2. Chop the butter with a knife into cubes straight in the flour. You can grate it, dipping constantly in flour. And you can use the help of a food processor. Here it will cope best with the grinding, since the products will heat up from the warmth of the hands, and the cold blades of the knives will do everything more correctly.

    Personally, I used the grater, as in this case, the pieces of butter will be the same and they are evenly distributed throughout the dough.
  3. When the oil is distributed in the flour, you can add water.

      Its amount depends on many factors (moisture of flour, for example, I already warned you about this), so we add water and form a dough. You need to knead quickly so that the oil does not start to melt. And do not even knead, and sculpt a lump in which the oil should not disperse in the flour, but should remain pieces. Do not overdo it - the whole process of cooking dough usually takes about 3-5 minutes.
  4. Finished dough need to flatten and wrap in foil. In this form, it must be sent to the refrigerator so that it is well cooled again and you can start working with it. If you use a food processor, then the dough will be cold enough and it does not need additional cooling, so you can immediately start baking pies.
  5. To make a cake on chopped puff pastry, sprinkle the cooled dough with flour and roll to the desired thickness (usually 3-4 mm). The pellet rolls well enough and does not tear, as the dough turns plastic.
  6. Roll out the dough is sent to the form, which even lubricate nothing. We press it to the sides and the bottom of the form to remove the voids and the cake after baking was the correct form. We pierce the base in several places with a fork.
  7. Then you can go two ways: bake the base for the cake, and then add the stuffing and send it to the oven again or fill the base with the filling and immediately bake the cake.
  8. If you only need a base for the cake, then you need to cover the dough in the form of baking paper and put beans or peas inside so that the dough does not swell during baking. We send the base to the hot oven, which is heated to 200 degrees. We bake about 15 minutes. Next, cool slightly, add the filling and bake the cake until done.
  9. If we bake the base immediately with the filling, then on the raw base we send the filling you have chosen and bake the cake until ready for about 40 minutes (it all depends on the filling you chose).
  10. You can store it in the refrigerator for 2 days or in the freezer for a month.

Why do you need to knead it that way?

First, cold butter falls into flour (each piece), then ice flour is added to flour crumb with butter. During mixing, small pieces of butter are distributed in the dough, but remain in pieces and flatten during rolling. These flattened pieces of butter in the dough divide it into thinnest layers.

Cakes after baking are tender and crispy. This dough is still far from a real puff, but it is perfect for making pies, and it takes about 15 minutes. For the speed and availability of it fell in love with many hostesses. I hope you will enjoy it, as the next few days I will share with you pies that can be baked on a quick puff pastry.

The most frequent questions during cooking

  1. Why dough badly stuck together? - Because the flour got quite dry and you need to add a little more water. You need to add 1-2 spoons of it in order not to turn it around.
  2. Why is the dough spreading out? - The reason may be a large amount of water. To fix, add some flour. The dough can spread even if the butter had melted during the kneading. The situation can be corrected if you pour a little flour, but the dough will no longer be so tender and layered, since the main task is to prevent the butter from melting.
  3. Why is the dough poorly folded? - The oil melted during kneading or you forgot to add salt. If the filling was too thin, then it could soak the dough and it will exfoliate less.
  4. The finished product turned out tough. Why? - The mixing technology was not observed - the butter had time to melt or the dough was kneaded for too long. The cause may still be too much moisture. If you remove these reasons, the product from the quick puff pastry, which is prepared at home will be gentle and crumbly.

Quick Puff Pastry - Video