Term paper commodity characteristics, classification and examination of spices and seasonings. Commodity research of food products

17.04.2019 Desserts and Cakes

Commodity Research

Spices are herbal products with a specific aroma and taste, containing essential oils, glycosides and alkaloids. They improve the smell of food, contribute to its absorption, remove toxins from the body, increase protective
body functions, as they have bactericidal properties. They are used in canning, production of canned goods, sausages, drinks, etc. Depending on which part of the plant is used for food, spices are classified into groups: fruit, seed, flower, leaf, crust, root. Pepper (black, white, allspice, red), anise, star anise, vanilla, cardamom, coriander, caraway seeds belong to fruit spices.

Black pepper - dried unripe fruits of a tropical plant (homeland - South India). After drying, the fruits shrink, turn black, acquire a spherical shape; piperine alkaloid gives sharpness and pungency to pepper (up to 9%), and pepper aroma - essential oil (up to 1%). Black pepper hard, sinking in water, dark is appreciated. Release it in the form of peas and ground. Used in cooking for the preparation of meat, fish, vegetable dishes, with canning. White pepper is obtained from the ripened fruits of the same plant as black. This pepper is less burning, has a smooth surface of a grayish-cream color. Allspice - dried unripe fruits of a tropical pepper tree. The fruits have a spherical shape with a thickened top, a rough surface, the color is dark brown in different shades, the taste is sharp, the aroma of cloves, black pepper, nutmeg and cinnamon combined. Red pepper - dried whole pods or red powder. Cultivated in the south. The pungent taste of red pepper is due to the capsaicin alkaloid content (up to 1%). According to the degree of severity, there are three types: burning, medium and slightly burning. It comes mainly in ground form. Used for the preparation of meat and vegetable dishes, rice dishes, fish.

Anise - the fruits of an annual herb. It is cultivated in Ukraine, the North Caucasus, and Moldova. Anise fruits have an ovoid shape, brownish-gray, the taste is sweetish, the aroma is very spicy, due to the essential oil, which contains from 2 to 6%. Anise is used in the manufacture of confectionery, in bakery.

Star anise - the dried fruits of an evergreen tree. Star fruit, inside are seeds. Star anise has a brown color in different shades, the taste is slightly bitter, burning, the smell is spicy, resembles anise, contains 3-6% of essential oils. It comes in its entirety, sometimes it is ground, it is used in the manufacture of gingerbread, soft drinks, meat dishes, game.

Vanilla - dried unripe pod-shaped fruits of a climbing tropical plant - creepers. The pods are dried until a white coating - vanillin - appears on the surface. Fruits that are 20-25 cm long, elastic, dark brown or brown-black with a greasy sheen, oily to the touch, covered with a white crystalline coating are appreciated. It has a sweet, burning taste, a strong pleasant smell. This is an expensive spice and comes packaged one at a time in glass tubes. Vanillin is a substitute for natural vanilla. Receive synthetically. It is a white crystalline powder with a strong vanilla odor and a burning taste, it is soluble in water, the solution is clear. It comes in its pure form and in the form of vanilla sugar. Vanilla and vanillin are used in bakery, confectionery, dairy industry, in the production of alcoholic beverages, in cooking.

Cardamom is the dried unripe fruits of a herbaceous perennial plant that grows in tropical countries. The fruits are oval in shape with a ribbed surface, inside with seeds. The color of the fruit is from light brown to light yellow after bleaching, the taste of the seeds is spicy-burning, with a strong aroma. Use it for flavoring flour products in the production of alcoholic beverages.

Coriander is the dried fruit of an annual herb that grows in the south and in the middle zone of the country. Fruits have a spherical or slightly elongated shape
yellowish or yellowish-brown color, the taste is sweetish, the aroma is spicy. They are released in whole and in ground form, used for pickling fish, stewing meat, in the preparation of kvass, sauerkraut, etc.

Caraway seeds are dried fruits of a two-year-old herbaceous plant distributed in the European part of the country and Siberia. Caraway seeds have an oblong-ovoid shape, consist of two cotyledons, brown with a brownish-greenish tint, taste bitter-spicy, strong aroma. Used in cooking, baking, with sauerkraut, pickles, in the preparation of alcoholic beverages.

Mustard - oilseeds of annual herbaceous plants. Oil is extracted from mustard seeds, and mustard powder is obtained from the remaining cake. The powder contains sinigrin glycoside, which when mixed with warm water under the action of the enzyme breaks down into burning allyl mustard oil and glucose. The quality of mustard powder is 1 and 2 grades. Mustard powder is used for cooking table mustard for pickling.

Nutmeg - Dried, peeled and processed seeds of the fruit of a nutmeg tree native to tropical countries. Nutmeg seeds have an ovoid shape, curved deep grooves on the surface, light brown color of different shades, slightly burning taste, with bitterness, spicy-resinous, strong, pleasant aroma. Nuts are divided into small, medium and large (appreciated above). Used in cooking, for the production of sausages, drinks.

Nutmeg is a shell taken from a nutmeg seed. These are hard, very fragile plates about 1 mm thick, light orange or dark yellow in color, slightly burning
tastes thin with a spicy smell. It comes in whole and ground.

Dill - seeds of an annual herbaceous plant that grows everywhere. Seeds have an oval shape with sharp ribs on the surface, a grayish-brown color, pronounced taste and aroma. It is used in canning vegetables, for dill essence (20% solution of alcohol and dill essential oil), in cooking.

Cloves are the dried, unopened flower buds of an evergreen tropical clove. In appearance, the clove resembles small nails 15-20 mm long with a spherical hat. It has a fine wrinkled surface, color - brown in different shades. Cloves have a strong spicy aroma, burning taste. A benign clove, when pressed on the head, releases oil, drowns in water or floats vertically with its head up. It is used in cooking, for preserving fruits, berries, mushrooms, meat, fish, and in the confectionery industry.

Saffron - the dried stigmas of freshly blossomed flowers of a perennial bulbous plant, is randomly confused fragile, oily threads up to 3 cm long, but not sticking together into lumps, from orange-red to brown-red in color, with a bitter-spicy taste and strong aroma. In cooking, saffron is used to prepare meat, vegetable and rice dishes. They also use it as a dye for tinting butter, cheeses.

Bay leaves are dried leaves in the shade of an evergreen plant of laurel noble. It grows on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, in the Krasnodar Territory. The leaves are oval and oblong-lanceolate, leathery, green in various shades, the taste is slightly bitter, the smell is spicy, aromatic. In cooking, they are used to flavor meat, fish and vegetable dishes, sauces, soups, put in a dish at the end of cooking.

Rosemary - dried leaves of an evergreen shrub. Cultivated in subtropical areas. Rosemary has a characteristic spicy aroma, slightly revealing camphor. It is used in cooking to flavor dishes.

Cinnamon is the dried bark of young shoots of an evergreen cinnamon tree. Ceylon cinnamon is most appreciated. Cinnamon can be sold in the form of tubes and in powder form. It has a brown color in different shades, a sweet-spicy taste, a delicate aroma. Cinnamon is used in the confectionery industry, used in cooking for the preparation of sweet main dishes, fruit soups, drinks, marinades.

Ginger is the peeled and dried rhizomes of perennial tropical
herbaceous plant. It comes in the form of rhizomes, ground. Pieces of rhizomes have different shapes and sizes, the color is light gray, the horn-shaped fracture is white with a yellowish tint, and the ground one is in the form of a powder. The taste and aroma are hot and spicy. In culinary use for the preparation of dishes from poultry and game meat, in the production of sausages, confectionery, alcoholic beverages.

To replace the expensive natural classic spices produce artificial (synthetic) substances that reproduce the smell of natural spices. On their basis, various compositions of food flavorings in the form of essences (vanillin, cinnamon extract) are produced; powdered (substitutes for cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, saffron); concentrates (salt powder - a clove concentrate (98% sodium chloride and 2% eugenol essential oil). Food flavorings are used in the manufacture of confectionery, soft drinks, ice cream, liquors, etc. Store spices in dry, clean, not infected with pests rooms at a relative humidity 65-75%, at a temperature of 10-15 ° C away from heating appliances and sharp-smelling products.It is better to store whole spices than ground ones.

The shelf life of spices (per month, no more): unmilled, packaged in paper and plastic bags - 12, crushed, packaged in polymeric and combined materials -18, ground spices - 6 and 9, respectively, and a mixture of ground spices - 4-6.

Spices   - These are dried ground (crushed, crushed) or whole parts of spicy aromatic plants, which are added to food in small quantities to improve its taste and aromatic properties. The specific taste and aroma of spices is due to the essential oils, glycosides, alkaloids that make up their composition. Improving the taste and aromatic properties of food, spices activate the release of digestive juices and thereby contribute to better absorption of food in the body. Many spices have bactericidal and antioxidant properties.

Depending on the area of \u200b\u200bdistribution, spices are divided into classic (exotic), widely used by all peoples, and local (national). Spices can be natural and artificial (synthetic) (for example, vanillin, powdered substitutes for cinnamon, cloves, saffron, etc.). Depending on what part of the plant spices are, they are divided into:

  • the seeds   - mustard, nutmeg, dill, etc .;
  • fruit   - pepper (black, white, allspice, red), vanilla, caraway seeds, coriander, cardamom, star anise, etc .;
  • flowers and parts thereof   - cloves, saffron, etc .;
  • leaves   - bay leaf, rosemary;
  • bark   - cinnamon, cassia (Chinese cinnamon), cinnamon (spicy cinnamon), etc .;
  • the roots   - ginger, turmeric, galgant (galangal).

Spices are produced separately by type or in the form of mixtures (classic and local, sometimes with the addition of artificial flavors), for example, “Sun-hops”, “Curry” spicy mixtures, spicy mixtures for pilaf, fish soup, barbecue, for vegetable dishes, etc.

Seasonings   are added to food in much larger quantities than spices, and significantly change its taste. Seasonings include table salt, edible acids (acetic, citric), table mustard, horseradish, adjika, various sauces, ketchups, etc.

Salt   is a seasoning for everyday use. 97-99.7% sodium chloride consists of natural crystalline sodium chloride (NaCl). The daily requirement of an adult in sodium chloride is on average 10-15 g. Edible table salt by origin and method of extraction is divided into stone, boiling out, self-catering and cage, and by the nature of the processing - on crystalline (boiling out) and ground. For therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, iodized salt (enriched with iodine) is also released. By quality (color, degree of purification, humidity) table salt is produced in different varieties: extra, higher, I and II (depending on type).

Acetic acid is used to make food vinegar. Food vinegar is a weak solution of acetic acid. It is divided according to the raw materials used and the content of acetic acid into the following types: table (with 6 and 9% content of acetic acid); alcohol (6, 9, 12%) and alcohol (6%) with lemon infusion; natural wine (4 and 6%), natural apple (6 and 9%), fruit (6%). Acetic essence is also produced (concentrated acetic forest chemical food acid - 70 and 80%).

TO food flavoring additives   include natural, identical to natural, and artificial food and taste additives and flavorings. Widely used in the food industry and in cooking monosodium glutamate   (flavor enhancer, gives dishes meat and mushroom taste and aroma), vanillin   (artificial flavor is used instead of natural vanilla) various essential oils   (lemon, bergamot, mint, ginger, dill, etc.), food essences   (coffee, orange, etc.).

Assortment of spices

1. Commodity characteristics of spices

Spices are herbal products that have a strong spicy aroma and often a sharp, pungent taste. They improve the taste of food and contribute to its assimilation, as they are catalysts of many enzymatic processes and activate the metabolism as a whole. Spices play a large role in removing toxins from the body and increasing the body's protective functions. The latter is due to the fact that they exhibit bactericidal and antioxidant properties. This also explains their preservative effect when added to food products. Some spices and their components exhibit medicinal properties, and they are used for the preparation of various medicines.

Taste and aromatic origin of spices are substances that relate mainly to three groups of chemical compounds - essential oils, glycosides and alkaloids.

More than 150 different types of spices are known, but not many of them have been used since ancient times.

According to the classification proposed by V.V. Pokhlebkin (Russian scientist, historian, geographer, journalist and writer, author of famous cookery books, spices are divided into two groups: classic or exotic spices and local spices.

Classic or exotic spices.

Spices, known since ancient times, have received worldwide distribution and are widely used in almost any national cuisine. They are parts of tropical and subtropical plants, as a rule, that have undergone one or another treatment (almost always - drying, can also undergo fermentation, purification, boiling, etc.). The range of application of classic spices is very wide: from meat to sweet dishes.

Classical spices are extremely diverse in the nature of the parts used, and this feature in this case has a purely external, insignificant value, since the main value is the maximum flavor, regardless of what part of the plant it is contained in. Classical spices are used in cookery in pre-processed and necessarily in dry form, which largely determines their worldwide distribution, since in dry form the aromaticity of these spices either appears or increases and reaches its maximum, and, moreover, in dry form spices of this group can be stored and transported over long distances for a long time.

Classical spices, depending on which part of the plant is used for food, are divided into the following subgroups:

¦ leaves - bay leaf;

¦ flowers and their parts - cloves, saffron;

¦ fruits - pepper (black, white, allspice and red), vanilla, star anise, cardamom;

¦ seeds - mustard, nutmeg, nutmeg;

¦ bark - cinnamon, cassia;

¦ roots - ginger, turmeric, galagan.

Spices seed

Mustard. Get the powder from the cake after squeezing the oil from the seeds of Sarepta mustard. Dry mustard contains sinigrin glycoside, which breaks down into allyl oil (mustard) and glucose. Allyl mustard oil has a pungent smell and a burning taste. The quality of mustard powder is 1 and 2 grades. From mustard powder with the addition of sunflower oil, sugar, vinegar and other components, seasoning is prepared for snack and lunch dishes. Nutmeg (Fig.) Is a dried seed of a nutmeg tree that grows in tropical countries.

Nutmeg is highly oily, the total fat content can reach 35% or more, contains essential oils - up to 11%. The nutmeg kernel has a pleasant aroma, the taste is spicy-resinous, slightly burning, with bitterness. Nutmeg is used in the highest grades of sausages, in distillery, in cooking.

The nutmeg color is the dried pulp of the fruit of the nutmeg tree. These are red-brown hemispherical plates about 1 mm thick. Pleasant aroma and bitter taste due to the presence of up to 14% of bitter essential oil. It is available for sale as a whole and in ground form. Used in cooking, sausage and canning.

Fruit Spices

Fruit spices include pepper, vanilla, cardamom, coriander, star anise, cumin, anise.

Peppers are distinguished black, white, fragrant, red. Black pepper - dried unripe fruits of a tropical creeping plant of the pepper family. The homeland of black pepper is South India. After drying, the fruits turn black and take the form of small peas. Black pepper contains up to 9% piperine alkaloid, which causes a sharp and burning taste, and the presence of essential oil (up to 2%) contains a specific pepper aroma. Pepper quality is assessed by appearance, color, taste, aroma, size (standard grain diameter 3-5 mm), moisture (not more than 12%), ash content (not more than 6%), essential oil content (not less than 0.8 %).

Infection with barn pests, impurities are not allowed. The presence of a gray tint in black pepper characterizes a complete or partial loss of taste and aromatic properties.

Black pepper is used for cooking meat, fish, vegetable dishes and for canning.

White pepper - dried ripe fruits of the same plant that gives black pepper. Aroma and taste are less pronounced than black pepper. In white pepper, the pericarp is removed, with it a significant part of piperine and essential oil is lost. White pepper production is mainly concentrated in the countries of Indochina (Laos, Kampuchea, Thailand).

Allspice - dried unripe fruits of a tropical tree (myrtle family).

Allspice is grown on the island of Jamaica (about 85% of the total world crop) in Cuba, in San Domingo. The size of allspice is larger than black, the diameter of standard peas is 3-8 mm, the color is dark brown, the surface is rough, the taste is sharp, the smell is complex - it combines the aroma of cloves, cinnamon, nutmeg and black pepper. The content of essential oil is 1.5-4.4%. The humidity of allspice should be no more than 12%.

Red pepper - dried ripe fruits of the nightshade family. Types and varieties of red pepper are distinguished by shape, size, color, and degree of burning. Red pepper contains 1% capsaicin alkaloid, which causes a sharp, burning taste. There are varieties: burning, medium-burning, slightly burning and sweet.

Pepper pods are consumed with and without seeds, in general and ground.

In our country, the following varieties of capsicum are cultivated: Giant, Astrakhan, Namangan, etc.

Ground red pepper, slightly burning and burning, goes on sale. Ground red pepper is used for vegetable and meat dishes; in general, for marinades and pickles.

Vanilla - Dried immature pods of a tropical orchid plant.

The birthplace of the plant is Mexico. Vanilla is one of the most expensive spices on the world market. It is difficult to cultivate, to obtain this spice it takes a long special treatment. Unripe fruits are subjected to a short belt heat treatment, followed by their fermentation in the dark at 60 ° C for a week until the aroma of brown color. Then the vanilla pods are dried for several months in the open air until a white coating of vanillin appears on the surface. Vanillin, piperonal and essential oil take part in the formation of a stable aroma. Vanilla pods contain 1.7-3% vanillin.

Benign vanilla is dark brown in color; in the best varieties, the fruits are covered with a white crystalline coating with a greasy sheen.

Vanilla goes on sale in packaged one pod in test tubes. The tubes are covered with foil and covered with a cork stopper.

Vanilla is used in the confectionery industry, for alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, sweet dishes (puddings, jelly, soufflé, curd pastes).

Synthetic vanillin is a substitute for vanilla. It is a white crystalline powder with a vanilla odor, it dissolves well in water, and has a burning taste. It goes on sale in its pure form and in the form of vanilla sugar, packaged in 2.5-10 g paper bags.

Cardamom - immature dried fruits (seeds) of a herbaceous plant of the ginger family. As a spice, seeds are used that are enclosed inside three-nested fruits - capsules 0.8-1.5 cm long, containing 9 to 18 small reddish-brown seeds. Seeds have a spicy-burning taste with a strong aroma. The content of essential oil ranges from 2 to 8%.

Cardamom is used for flavoring flour confectionery, in the manufacture of liquors, tinctures, marinades, meat fillings and sausage stuffing.

Coriander - the fruits of a herbaceous plant that grows in the south and in the central strip of our country. The content of essential oil is about 1%. The fruit has an almost spherical shape ranging in size from 2 to 5 mm, the aroma is spicy, the taste is sweetish. It is used in confectionery, canning, distillery.

Star anise - the fruits of a tropical evergreen tree. Seeds have a brown color, a strong aroma reminiscent of the smell of anise, burning taste. It goes on sale in general and ground. Used for gingerbread, meat dishes, game.

Cumin - the fruits of a herbaceous plant, grows in the Caucasus, Central Asia, Siberia. Fruits with a size of 3 to 8 mm, a width of 1-2 mm, contain essential oil in an amount of 3 to 7%. The color of the fruits is brown with a brownish-green tint, the aroma is strong, the taste is bitter-burning.

Anise - the fruits of a herbaceous plant, grows in the North Caucasus, Ukraine, Moldova, Central Asia. Anise fruits with a length of 3-5 mm, a width of 2-3 mm are ovoid or pear-shaped; gray color, sweetish taste, spicy aroma. Contain essential oil from 2 to 6%. Apply anise and aniseed essential oil in bakery, medicine, cooking, pickling and pickling vegetables and fruits.

Leaf spices

Bay leaf - dried leaves of an evergreen noble laurel. It grows in the Krasnodar Territory, on the Black Sea coast of Transcaucasia. The leaves of the laurel are oval-pointed, painted green in different shades. The bitter-spicy taste and pleasant specific aroma of bay leaves are due to the content of essential oil. The quality of bay leaves is assessed by the size, the presence of broken and yellowed leaves, organic and mineral impurities, the content of leaves damaged by barn pests, thrips, scale insects.

Bay leaf is used in cooking, pickling, canning foods. Packed in paper bags of 25, 30, 100 g.

Spices Floral

Cloves are blanched in boiling water and then sun-dried buds of an evergreen tropical clove of the myrtle family. Carnation consists of a stalk thickened at the top and a head with sepals; the taste is burning, spicy. Carnation benign in water drowns or floats vertically with its head up, when it is pressed, it releases oil.

Cloves are used as a spice in cooking, for preserving meat and fish, in distillery and confectionery production.

Saffron is a perennial plant growing in southern European countries, as well as in Pakistan, China, India, Iran. Saffron is a laborious culture. As a spice, dried stigmas of saffron flowers are used. The taste of saffron is bitter-spicy, pleasant aroma due to the content of essential oil, color from orange-red to brown-red. Saffron is used as a spice in the baking industry, in cooking, and also as a dye, for tinting cheeses, liquors, butter.

Spice root

Ginger is a sun-dried rhizome of a perennial tropical plant of the ginger family. The rhizome is cleaned of dense integumentary tissues, sometimes bleached with chlorine or a solution of lime. Semi-peeled gray ginger, unrefined black Chinese ginger are on sale. These are flat pieces of rhizome with rounded or palm-shaped protrusions, at the fracture - horn-shaped white or gray with a yellowish tinge. In ground form, ginger sand color the content of essential oil from 1.5 to 3.5%. The taste and smell are spicy. Ginger is used for meat, sweet and flour dishes for beer, kvass, jelly, marinades.

Spices Crust

Cinnamon belongs to the crust of spices. The following types of cinnamon are best known on the world market: Ceylon, Chinese, Vietnamese, Indian and Madagascar. This is the dried bark of young shoots of cinnamon laurel family. On sale comes in the form of tubes of yellow or light brown color, as well as ground. The taste is burning, slightly sweet. Cinnamon should have a characteristic smell. Cinnamon is used in canning, in distillery.

Local spices.

Local spices are spices that for the most part have a historically and geographically much smaller range of application or are used exclusively on the spot, that is, near the place of production, and cannot withstand long-distance transport.

Local spices, on the contrary, are characterized by their use mainly in fresh form, consumed locally or near the place of production. Moreover, the differences in the nature of the consumed part are more significant, since they affect the duration of storage and transportation, and thereby the prevalence in the culinary production.

Therefore, local spices are divided into spicy vegetables and herbs.

Spicy vegetables.

Spicy vegetables are much wider geographically, almost everywhere, and are more widely used in cooking than spicy herbs. Spicy vegetables are exclusively cultivated plants. They, in turn, are divided into root crops and bulbs, and for both of them the main parts used are underground, although in some cases they are also used aboveground.

There are not so many spicy vegetables, it is important to note that in spicy vegetables, both roots and stems and leaves are used, and they are mainly used everywhere.



The onion homeland has not yet been established. The primary genetic center is considered to be the region of North-West India, Afghanistan, Uzbekistan and the western Tien Shan. The smell and taste of onions are weak, sharp depending on the type. It is used as an important raw material in the canning industry, it is added to fresh and sterilized salads, canned mushrooms, cucumbers and canned vegetables. He gives good taste to sauerkraut. Usually it is used as flavoring additives in various types of soups, sauces, gravy, minced meat, fried meat, onion pies, etc. Most often it is used raw or fried in lard or vegetable oil until golden brown. Raw onion perfectly complements sausages and meat products, cottage cheese, cheeses, bread with lard.

Tiered Bow

Shallot, aka magpie, Charlotte


Leek belongs to the group of onion vegetables. Its homeland is the eastern part of the Mediterranean. It smells of onions; its taste is more delicate than that of onions. It is used to make soups, special leek dishes, various raw salads, sauces, served with meat, and used to make various pastas. Some gourmets appreciate leek cooked like asparagus, fried in butter with breadcrumbs. Leek is a good addition to fried eggs, it can be fried in batter.


Chives, aka chisel, speed

Chives are a perennial plant that is resistant to frost. Probably comes from Italy, but was known in Asia and America as far back as the Middle Ages. It has a peculiar onion smell and the same onion taste, but more subtle. Due to its delicate taste, chives are popular vegetables and spices and are relatively widely used. It can be added to the same dishes in which onions are added to improve the taste of potato, bean, pea and meat soups, cucumber, potato, French meat and assorted salads, egg dishes, fish, fries, pastes, cottage cheese , soft cheeses, sauces, marinades, sandwiches, cold appetizers, sausages, mashed potatoes, etc. Children benefit from bread with butter or lard, sprinkled with chives. Due to its delicate spicy taste, chives are a constant spice of dietary dishes in summer and winter. However, chives should not be cooked, should be consumed fresh - sprinkle finely chopped finished dish.

Mangir, he's an aging onion

Altai onions, it is also Siberian wild, stone, Mongolian, pine forest, Kurai onion, sochina

Pskem onion, aka piez-ansur, mountain onion

Garlic is an annual plant. Its homeland is the steppes of Central Asia, from where it spread to Western Asia, Egypt, Western and Central Europe. The smell is very pronounced. The taste is sharp, burning, reminiscent of onions. Garlic is mainly needed for cooking lamb, lamb, game, stew and fried meat, especially pork. Garlic is used in soups, in all salads, for cooking steaks, sauces, croutons. Garlic is also used to wipe the dishes in which salads are served. It goes well with soft cheeses, cottage cheese; useful with butter and hot milk. Garlic is used in almost all dishes of Hungarian, Greek, Italian, Spanish and Yugoslav cuisine.

Ramson, she’s a bear bow, wild bow, hansels

Flask, she’s the victorious onion, Siberian wild garlic

Garlic, aka garlic, garlic grass, forest garlic



Parsnip, aka field borsch, clerk, tragus, pastarnak

Parsnip sowing - a two-year plant, which before the new era was used as a vegetable and spice. At our latitudes it is widespread in the middle part of Europe. It has a delicate, faint odor reminiscent of parsley. The taste is spicy, sweetish, similar to the taste of carrots. Parsnip is used with caution as a spice, adding it to salads, mainly in potato and vegetable. Use the same way as carrots, parsley and celery, as soup vegetables. Parsnip puree can be served instead of potato for meat dishes, which is even recommended in some diets.

Celery, it's fragrant parsley

Fennel, he is a pharmaceutical dill, Volosh dill


In spicy herbs, only the aboveground part is used, usually its upper third is leaves with flowers. Spicy herbs can be cultivated (garden) and wild-growing, and many gardening have wild-growing correspondences. A common characteristic difference between wild grasses and garden herbs is that the former are sharper and stronger in smell than the latter. But the latter are more tall, give more green mass. This leads to known differences in the method of application of garden and wild herbs. Garden herbs are used mainly fresh, wild-dried for future use.

Just the same spicy herbs, unlike vegetables, a great many. The roots of herbs are generally not used. Often they have a rather limited use, or, more often, are recommended for special use (for example, marjoram, often called "sausage weed" in the western regions of Russia, Belarus and the Baltic states).

About spicy herbs (celery, parsley, coriander, chervil, fennel, cucumber herb, caraway seeds, hyssop, tarragon, mint, lemon balm, marjoram, oregano, savory, basil, thyme, etc.) were found in Europe only in the XIII - XVII centuries. .

Many herbs in fresh, dried and canned form are widely used in the Caucasus, Ukraine, Moldova and Central Asia. Most herbs use flowers, stems and leaves for food. Often they are not only spices, but also therapeutic agents.

Fresh greens are washed with cold water and wrapped in a damp cloth. In winter, they use it in dried form. To do this, the herbs are bundled and dried in a well-ventilated dimly lit room, then ground into powder and placed in dark jars with tightly screwed caps to protect against oxidation by air and loss of aroma.

Azhgon, ayoran, Coptic caraway seeds, Indian caraway seeds, Iranian caraway seeds, Zira.

Caraway leaves are added to salads or used when cooking vegetable soups. Seeds are used in the production of bakery products, salting and pickling vegetables, and are also used as seasoning for various dishes, especially from cabbage, cottage cheese, feta cheese, cheese.

Air, aka ir, irrigation root, gairo, yaver, Tatar potion, saberelnik, calmus

Anis, he is a ganus

Fresh anise leaves are used to make salads and side dishes. Seeds are used in the manufacture of bakery products, some sauces, stewed fruits, jelly, as well as dairy products. Anise is added to hot dishes 3-5 minutes before being ready, and to cold dishes - when served.

Basil, it is darling, fragrant cornflowers, red cornflowers, regan, rayon, rean.

Basil has a spicy aroma and pungent taste. Fresh and dried leaves are used in the manufacture of salads (vegetable, fruit), sauces, vegetable soups, marinades, cottage cheese and egg dishes, as well as in salting and pickling vegetables. Basil is introduced into the first and second dishes 5-10 minutes before they are ready. Fresh and dried hyssop leaves are used to flavor salads, soups and second vegetable dishes.


Black mustard, it’s real, French

Sarepta mustard, she is Russian, mustard

White mustard, it is yellow, English

Gravilate, it is also pharmacy gravilate, clove, comb, comb, benedict grass, undergrowth, hanging

Blue clover, it’s blue clover, fenugreek blue, gunba, blue goat shamrock

Oregano, it’s oregano, the motherboard, frankincense, matserdushka, flea’s, stuffed cabbage, yellock, punishment of the gyna, zvirak, tashava

Angelica, aka angelica, angelica, angelica, cowshed, sweet trunk

Hyssop, aka gisop, susop, yuzefka, blue St. John's wort

Kalufer, aka kanufer, kanuper, Saracen mint, balsamic mountain ash

Chervil, he’s a bumpkin, a snedok, a casket

Spanish chervil, it’s a perennial chervil, wild parsley, fragrant buten, frankincense

Cumin, it is cumin, spicy caraway seeds, caraway seeds, Roman caraway seeds, Egyptian caraway seeds, Voloshisk caraway seeds

Kolyuria, she is a gravity knot, clove

Coriander, it is a gut, kolyandra, kolendra, cilantro, kinji, klopovnik

Coriander is used in the form of fresh or dried herbs, which are often called cilantro, and seeds are coriander. Used in the manufacture of salads, soups, rice, egg and curd dishes. Pounded seeds are added to the dough when baking bakery products.

Watercress, it is also a scent, rezhuha, brunn-cress, key cress, water horseradish, watery spring

Bitter watercress, it is also lentil, spoon grass, spoon horseradish, varuha, sea salad, scurvy grass

Meadow cress, aka field mustard, core, smolyanka

Garden cress, it is also watercress, pepper shaker, hrenitsa, undercoat, pepper grass, kir salad

Capuchin cress, it is also a werewolf, Indian cress, Spanish cress, colored salad, nasturtium

Lavender, it is also Levanda, lavender, colored grass

Lovage, he is a lovage, a lover, a lovage, a dawn, a pipe-maker, pipe grass, we love, a fence


Marjoram uses dry leaves and flower buds. They are used in the manufacture of vegetable and mushroom salads and soups, cottage cheese and cheese products.

Melissa, she’s lemon mint, honey, mother liquor, warrior, apiary, folder grass

Melissa is Turkish, she is the Moldavian snakehead

Juniper, he is juniper, Yalovets, genevier, back-out

Peppermint, it’s also English mint, cold mint, chilly

Peppermint is used in cooking in the manufacture of salads, soups, vegetable dishes, compotes, jelly. Fresh and crushed dried herbs are added to many national dishes (lactic acid products, vegetables). Adding peppermint to milk slows its souring.

Curly mint, it’s German mint, curly mint, meadow mint

Spicy mint, aka Elsgoltia, combed chandra, spicy hyssop

Apple mint, it’s round-mint, Egyptian, golden, confectionery, wild balm

Cucumber herb

Cucumber grass has a pleasant smell of fresh cucumber. Leaves are consumed mainly fresh. Cucumber herb goes well with vegetables and mushrooms. It can be used for cooking first courses.

Common wormwood, it is Chernobyl, Chernobyl, simple wormwood

Roman wormwood, it is also Alexandrian, Pontic, Black Sea, narrow-leaved, small, Pontic absinthe, white non-fruit

Paniculate wormwood, it is also a kurovnik, a shoreline, a dipper, a chiliga

Wormwood is lemon, it is God's tree

Wormwood Alpine


The parsnip uses thick fleshy roots that have a sweetish taste, and leaves that are introduced into vegetable salads and first courses.

Thyme, it’s fragrant thyme, thyme, incense, incense

Fresh and dried thyme is added to potato and vegetable salads, sauces, soups, borscht, cereal products, egg dishes. Thyme is especially good in dishes from beans, peas, soybeans, lentils. It is also used for salting tomatoes and cucumbers.

Caraway seeds, it is cumin

Celery and Parsley

Celery and parsley are widely used in food in many countries of the world. Three varieties of celery (root, lettuce and leaf) are grown and two - parsley (root and leaf). All parts of plants are used for food. Fresh and dried roots are added to soups, as well as to dishes from vegetables and grain products. Previously, they are finely chopped and sautéed in vegetable oil. At the same time, essential oils, aromatic and coloring substances dissolve in fat and, when introduced into the first courses, give a persistent delicate aroma. Raw celery is added to cold and main dishes, as well as soups. Grated celery goes well with carrots, apples, lemon.

Dill, he is a pile driver, DAC, crop, sewn, sew, Samit, Kaka, Til

Dill is used as a seasoning for various dishes. Its stems are widely used for salting and pickling vegetables.

Fenugreek, it is also fenugreek, fenum Greek, fenigrekov grass, Greek hay, Greek goat trefoil, Greek nomad, cocked hat, camel grass

Savory, he is a garden or summer cheber, chobra, sheber

Savory is winter, it is also perennial, alpine, mountain savory, chachet

Fresh savory leaves are added to salads, soups (vegetable, mushroom), egg dishes, and especially to legumes and fresh salads. Savory leaves can be added when pickling cucumbers, tomatoes, sweet peppers, as well as pickling and pickling mushrooms.

Thyme, it’s creeping thyme, Bogorodskaya grass, lemon darling, pine-forest pepper, muhopal, matzerzhanka, rammer

Chernushka, she is Chernukha, black caraway seeds, matzok, nigella, Roman coriander

Sage, aka Shawli, Shawlia

Fresh and dry sage leaves are added to salads, vegetables, cheeses (especially processed), egg dishes.

Tarragon, aka tarragon, tarragon, dragoon grass

Tarragon is consumed fresh and dried. Stems are used for salting cucumbers, tomatoes, eggplant. Leaves are added to various salads (potato, green, vegetable) and dairy products. Dishes are sprinkled with chopped tarragon before serving.

Mixtures and combinations of spices.

Often, first of all, in order to save time, storage, partly to create a slightly new taste, spices are pre-prepared in a mixture. Naturally, technically any spices can be mixed, but the question arises as a result: not all spices are combined with each other, and the culinary of different countries developed their own specific combinations of spices inherent in a particular historical or geographical region and used in certain dishes (group dishes).

Of the most famous mixtures, it is worth highlighting:

Curry mixture (from 7-12 to 20-24 components)

The famous curry blend first appeared in India, from where it spread throughout Asia - from Adan to Yokohama. Subsequently, the British brought it to Europe, America and Australia. Curry is now considered a common spice mix worldwide. Over time, national variations in curry composition appeared. In America and Europe, the composition of curry was slightly changed in accordance with local tastes. Ultimately, a variety of spice mixtures can appear on the market under the name of curry. A mixture of curry powder consists of 7-12 and even 24 components. However, curry leaf as well as turmeric root powder are the constant constituents of curry. In countries where it is not possible to purchase curry leaf due to local conditions, it is replaced with fenugreek; the presence of turmeric and fenugreek in mixtures of spices is already a sign of curry. The main components of curry are turmeric, fenugreek, coriander and red pepper, most often cayenne. The remaining 10-15 components are usually added to give the prepared mixture a particular shade of the main flavor.

Indian Blend (10 ingredients)

Semi-hot mixture (in g): coriander - 40, azhgon - 35, caraway seeds - 5, Jamaican pepper - 5, red pepper (chili) - 5, cinnamon - 7, cardamom - 3. Moderately aromatic mixture (in g): coriander - 42, azhgon - 35, caraway seeds - 4, Jamaican pepper - 4, red pepper - 4, cinnamon - 8, cloves - 2, cardamom - 1. Non-hot mixture (in g): Jamaican pepper - 5, black pepper - 5, cinnamon - 5, cloves - 5, ginger - 10, coriander - 35%, aggon - 35%. These mixtures are characterized by the presence of a large proportion (up to 70-80%) of caraway spices (azhgon, coriander, caraway seeds).

siamese mixture (10 ingredients)

Distributed in Indochina, Thailand, Burma. Like Indian mixtures, it is slightly hot. The composition of the mixture includes 10 spices, but it is based on shallots, which in fresh form should weigh 10 times the total (total) weight of all spices. To prepare the Siamese mixture, garlic (in powder), fennel, anise, star anise, turmeric, nutmeg, black pepper are taken in equal parts. To these 7 spices add red pepper (2 parts), parsley (seeds or leaves, powdered, 1/2 part), cardamom (1/2 part). It is allowed to replace fennel with dill, and nutmeg in color - with nutmeg. It turns out a fragrant powder with a peculiar smell. This powder is poured into shallots, which are pre-cooked in vegetable oil, and stirred intensively. The mixture is active only when heated. It is used in dishes of potatoes, meat, rice, and also added to the dough.

Chinese Wuxiang (5 ingredients)

Sweet usyanmyan: dill, star anise, cloves, cinnamon, Ural licorice. All components are taken in different parts, only cinnamon can be taken in double quantities. Acute Wuxiang: Japanese pepper (huajie), star anise, cloves (heads without legs), cinnamon, fennel. All components must be in powder form and taken in equal parts. Both versions of the Chinese mixture are devoid of stickiness. The Chinese mixture is added to dishes from meat (lamb, pork, beef) and especially from poultry (for example, Peking duck), to which it gives a specific, slightly sweet taste. This mixture is good for flavoring hot fruit dishes and pastries, as well as clam dishes.

Caucasian mixtures:

Suneli hops - a spicy mixture used to make satsivi, kharcho and other Georgian dishes. Reduced composition: coriander, basil, marjoram, dill, hot red pepper, saffron. The first 4 components are taken in equal parts by volume (in powder). Red pepper is 1-2% of the total mass, saffron - 0.1%. Full composition: fenugreek, coriander, dill, celery, parsley, basil, savory garden, bay leaf, peppermint, marjoram, hot red pepper, saffron.

Adjika - A common Georgian mixture, which exists in the form of pasta, and in the form of a mixture. Common is the Georgian mixture, which exists both in the form of a paste and in the form of a mixture. It is not difficult to get a paste from the powder, for this it is enough to mix the powder with a small amount of salt, moisten with 3-4% wine vinegar to obtain a wet mass. The mass must be mixed well, closed in a tight airtight vessel and let it brew. Adjika is widely used in Georgian national cuisine, and primarily in the preparation of lobio (boiled beans). It is also used in the preparation of other dishes - borscht, cabbage soup, soups, added to meat, fish, sauces. Usually based on the calculation: 1 tablespoon per 1 kg of meat or 1 liter of water. Adjika can be added to tomato juice and get a wonderful seasoning; for boiled meat, gravy can be prepared from it, for this it is enough to combine 1 part adjika and 3 parts canned lingonberries, and then grind everything. The composition of the mixture includes: a mixture of hops-suneli (3 parts), red bell pepper and red hot pepper (2 parts), coriander, garlic, dill, barberry (1 part each), salt.

Mixtures for making dolma - To prepare the most famous Armenian dish - dolma (small cabbage rolls from grape leaves) - use several options for mixtures of spices.

Yerevan mixture: onion, black pepper, thyme, mint, cilantro, basil, cinnamon, garlic, tarragon, dill, parsley.

Ashtarsky mixture: onion, black pepper, thyme, mint, tarragon, dill, parsley.

Echmiadzin mixture: onion, black pepper, thyme, cilantro, basil, tarragon.

Simple mixture: onion, black pepper, thyme, mint, cilantro, parsley.

Stamps of spices sold.

The Russian market of spices, spices and seasonings can be called saturated, but at the same time not sufficiently developed. The reason for this, oddly enough, is the low culture of their consumption. Moreover, such a pattern is observed: in the capital and other large Russian cities, priorities are given to leading foreign manufacturers, and in the regions, on the contrary, to Russian companies.

About 25 brands of spices from foreign and domestic manufacturers are represented in retail trade.

Russian companies specializing mainly in the import and further packaging of the “spicy product” conditionally divide the market into three sectors: spices under the foreign brand name, which include Avocado, Cycoria, Gurmetta, Kamis, Knorr, Kotany, Madison, Maggi, Rollton, Santa Maria, Vegeta, Ziolopex et al .; less well-known brands (they account for 40 to 80% of the Russian market); the rest is anonymous products or products under the domestic brands Aidigo, Overseas Spices, Proxima, Russian Product, Meal, etc.

Storage of spices.

Spices are among the products with increased sorption and desorption. Low humidity and a high degree of porosity determine their high hygroscopicity and the ability to absorb extraneous odors from the surrounding atmosphere. On the other hand, the loss of volatile and modification of easily oxidizing components is the reason for the weakening or complete loss of its own aromaticity and the specific taste of spices.

Spices are stored in dry, clean, well-ventilated warehouses not infected with pests at temperatures not exceeding 20 ° C and relative humidity - not more than 75%. In this case, strict adherence to the commodity neighborhood is necessary.

It is very convenient for any housewife or professional cook when in the kitchen all spices in glass jars are arranged in a row on a shelf, but for spices themselves this storage method is not entirely successful.

It is necessary to ensure that direct sunlight does not fall on the spices, because in the light they quickly lose their flavor and fade. In addition, spices should not be stored close to the stove, as they quickly deteriorate due to heat and condensation.

It is best to store spices in sealed containers. The storage location should be dry, dark and cool, so the shelf in the kitchen cabinet or pantry can be considered ideal. Spices easily release their aromatic substances into the space surrounding them; they themselves absorb extraneous odors. That is why it is impossible to store various spices in one container.

Spices in the form of whole rhizomes or tubers must be stored in air-permeable baskets, wicker tuyes or clay pots, because otherwise they simply rot.

It was found that a decrease in the quality of spices during storage corresponds to a decrease in the content of essential oil. In this case, spices, in the essential oil of which eugenol predominates (the most stable component), retain their aroma better and longer. Alkaloids, in particular piperine, are more stable in storage in comparison with essential oil, so the taste in spices remains longer than the aroma.

It is better to store spices in their whole form, grind them only as necessary. In stores, the stock of spices should not exceed a monthly need.

According to research carried out at VNI-IKOP, the following shelf life of spices is recommended as a whole: in paper and polyethylene packages - not more than 12 months, in packages of polymer and combined materials (varnished cellophane, viscotene, aluminum foil) - 18 month Ground spices store respectively 6 and 9 months. Mixtures of ground spices in plastic bags are stored for 4 months, and in packages of polymer and combined materials - 6 months.

There are general rules for storing spices, but it will not be superfluous to draw your attention to some features of storing fresh herbs.

Wrap basil leaves in a damp towel, put in a plastic bag or container and store on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. Use if possible for 4 days until they wilted. Fresh basil is well frozen.

It will fade incredibly quickly, so wrap it in a damp towel, put it in a container and use for 2 days. You can freeze chervil in ice cubes.


It is stored in the refrigerator on the lower shelf for up to one week, but daily it is necessary to take away and discard yellow spoiled leaves. In dried form, coriander is tasteless, and in frozen form - a slime, so it is better not to harvest it.


Large leaves are stored fairly well in a tightly closed container in the refrigerator. You can freeze a lovage and crumble into dishes, but it should be borne in mind that when dried it is too aromatic.

To prevent it from wilting, keep it like a basil. Keeps aroma even in dried form. For drying, you need to hang bundles of marjoram in a dry and well-ventilated place.

It withers very quickly on a hot day, so keep it in a cool place, wrapping it in a damp towel and putting it in the refrigerator in a tightly closed container. Mint dries surprisingly well.

Like most herbs, it can be frozen. Put a few leaves in a large ice container, fill with water and freeze. The cubes are ready for use in the preparation of Italian goulash, soups and sauces.


This herb is well stored for a week or longer in a tightly closed box on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. Yellow leaves are best discarded. Parsley can be frozen, it is not enough of dried use, although it is sold in this form.

Dill can be stored in a tightly closed container or in a bag on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. To freeze it, it is necessary to cut and put in an ice container, pour water and put in the freezer.


Wrap it in a damp towel, put it in a plastic bag or container and store on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. Use if possible 2 days before it wilts. It does not make sense to freeze or dry it.


Store tarragon in a sealed container in the refrigerator, where it can stay for about a week. It is good in dried form, frozen with water in the form of ice cubes. It can be infused in white wine sauce.

It is better to store it, like basil, use for 3-4 days. Leaves can be frozen, stems can be dried.


Spices for retail sale are packaged in a net weight of up to 100 g inclusive in:

¦ packs of paper, cardboard with an inner bag of parchment, parchment, glassine, combined heat-sealing materials;

¦ bags (single) from heat-sealable materials combined on the basis of paper and from heat-sealable film materials based on aluminum foil;

¦ bags (double), consisting of an outer paper bag and an inner one of glassine or subpergamine (except for star anise, vanilla, cinnamon sticks, nutmeg and saffron);

¦ glass jars for spices, sealed with plastic lids.

Then packs and bags with spices are packed in corrugated cardboard transport boxes with inserts; wooden multi-defenses; boards for food industry products with a net weight of not more than 20 kg.

Glass jars with spices are packed in boxes of corrugated cardboard, with longitudinal and transverse partitions.


Marking is applied directly to consumer packaging or to the label. It should contain the following data: name of the manufacturer, its mailing address and trademark, product name, net weight, product composition (for mixtures), method of use (for mixtures), production date and shift number, shelf life, standard number, the inscription "Store in a dry, cool and dark place"

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
Russian University of Economics
named after G.V. Plekhanov

Course work

discipline "Special course on commodity science of food products"

subject: “Commodity characteristics, classification and examination of spices and seasonings” .

  2nd year student
  group T-403
  Egorova D.D.

Moscow 2011


It is assumed that a person began to use spices in food earlier thansalt , due to their greater availability in some regions, while spices have also found their application in religious rites and medicine. In antiquity, it is obvious that spices were used in many ways to preserve a product in a hot climate, since they have some bactericidal properties.
The first mention of spices (referring to classic spices) are found in the sources of ancient civilizationEast: in China, India, Egypt   and date back to a historical period of about 5000 BC. So,cinnamon   used inChina   in 2700 BC. In the ancient period, spices were widely used.greeks and Romans.
Spice SuppliersIndia, Ceylon, South Asia, Asia Minor, the Middle East, Africa and The Mediterranean, and their cost was very high.
They go on sale separately by type or in the form of sets for soup, fish soup, stewing meat.
Today, the main exporters of spices areIndia, Indonesia, Vietnam and Brazil . However, annually, depending on the crop, for some types of spices other countries may come to the forefront. Some countries are suppliers of only certain spices; so major supplierscoriander   to the world market areMorocco, Egypt, Australia, Bulgaria, Romania and Russia; Syria and Iran   specialize incaraway and zire . However, overall leaders areIndia and the countries of Indochina . Thus, India annually exports about 230 - 250 thousand tons of spices.
The largest consumers of spices today are consideredUSA, Germany, Japan and France . The place of Constantinople is currently takenSingapore , which receives a large amount of plant material fromThailand, Sri Lanka   and other countries of Southeast Asia. In Singapore, raw materials are processed and packaged.
Seasonings include ready-made sauces (tomato, fruit, gourmet, mayonnaise), table horseradish, table mustard, pasty mixes of spices with various additives and toppings, food acids, salt and much more that are used to improve the taste and aroma of food. Unlike spices that are exclusively of vegetable origin, seasonings may include animal products, inorganic salts and other components.
Seasoning examination is carried out in accordance with the applicable scientific and technical standards on organoleptic, physico-chemical, microbiological and safety indicators.
The aim of the course work is to consolidate the theoretical knowledge that I received while studying the discipline.
In modern market conditions, in the presence of a large assortment, it is important to be able to correctly evaluate the necessary product, choose one that would most satisfy in quality and price. Due to the presence of low-quality and fake products on the market, it is important to have the necessary knowledge about the properties of the goods so as not to become a victim of an unscrupulous seller or manufacturer.

    Commodity characteristics of spices
Spices are herbal products that have a strong spicy aroma and often a sharp, pungent taste. They improve the taste of food and contribute to its assimilation, as they are catalysts of many enzymatic processes and activate the metabolism as a whole. Spices play a large role in removing toxins from the body and increasing the body's protective functions. The latter is due to the fact that they exhibit bactericidal and antioxidant properties. This also explains their preservative effect when added to food products. Some spices and their components exhibit medicinal properties, and they are used for the preparation of various medicines.
Taste and aromatic origin of spices are substances that relate mainly to three groups of chemical compounds - essential oils, glycosides and alkaloids.
More than 150 different types of spices are known, but not many of them have been used since ancient times.
According to the classification proposedV.V. Pokhlebkin (Russian scientist, historian, geographer, journalist and writer, author of famous books oncookery ) spices are divided into two groups: classic or exotic spices and local spices.
Classical or exotic spices are spices used since ancient times, which have become widespread worldwide and have become classic for the vast majority of national cuisines, both Western and Eastern.
Local spices are spices that for the most part have a historically and geographically much smaller range of application or are used exclusively on the spot, that is, near the place of production, and cannot withstand long-distance transport.
Classical spices are extremely diverse in the nature of the parts used, and this feature in this case has a purely external, insignificant value, since the main value is the maximum flavor, regardless of what part of the plant it is contained in. Classical spices are used in cookery in pre-processed and necessarily in dry form, which largely determines their worldwide distribution, since in dry form the aromaticity of these spices either appears or increases and reaches its maximum, and, moreover, in dry form spices of this group can be stored and transported over long distances for a long time. Local spices, on the contrary, are characterized by their use mainly in fresh form, consumed locally or near the place of production. Moreover, the differences in the nature of the consumed part are more significant, since they affect the duration of storage and transportation, and thereby the prevalence in the culinary production. Therefore, local spices are divided into spicy vegetables and herbs.
Spicy vegetables are much wider geographically, almost everywhere, and are more widely used in cooking than spicy herbs. Spicy vegetables are exclusively cultivated plants. They, in turn, are divided into root crops and bulbs, and for both of them the main parts used are underground, although in some cases they are also used aboveground.
In spicy herbs, only the aboveground part is used, usually its upper third is leaves with flowers. Spicy herbs can be cultivated (garden) and wild-growing, and many gardening have wild-growing correspondences. A common characteristic difference between wild grasses and garden herbs is that the former are sharper and stronger in smell than the latter. But the latter are more tall, give more green mass. This leads to known differences in the method of application of garden and wild herbs. Garden herbs are used mainly fresh, wild-dried for future use.
Finally, an independent group of spices consists of the so-called combined or complex spices (spicy mixtures), which are various combinations of spices of different types (from 3 to 24), as well as artificial or synthetic spices, which are not natural products.

2. Range of spices

Classical spices, depending on which part of the plant is used for food, are divided into the following subgroups:

    fruit and seed (use fruits and seeds) - anise, star anise, mustard, vanilla, cardamom, nutmeg and color, pepper (black, white, red, allspice), caraway seeds;
    flower (use flowers and their parts) - cloves, saffron;
    leafy (use leaves) - bay leaf;
    core (use bark) - cinnamon;
    root (use roots) - ginger.

Spices are produced separately by type or in the form of mixtures (classic and local, sometimes with the addition of synthetic or natural food flavorings).

Anise - dried two-seeded fruits of an annual herb from the umbelliferous family. His homeland is Egypt, Syria. Industrial planting is concentrated mainly in the central black earth regions of Russia and Ukraine.
Anise fruits (aniseed seeds) are small, 3-5 mm long, 2-3 mm wide, greenish or yellowish-gray, broad-ovate, and sometimes oval-pear-shaped, slightly flattened laterally. The aroma is spicy anise, the taste is sweet mint. The content of essential oil in the seeds is high - 2-6%.
Anise and aniseed essential oil are used in bakery and distillery, culinary, pickling and salting of fruits and vegetables, as part of spice mixtures instead of star anise, in the perfumery industry, medicine, and soap production. Anise is able to neutralize unpleasant food odors.
Star anise is the dried star fruit of the evergreen tree of the magnolia family. The birthplace of Badian is Southeast Asia. Thickets form entire forests in southern China and Vietnam. Cultivated in the Philippines, Jamaica, Japan, India and other countries of the tropical zone.
Star anise - solid shuttle-shaped leaflets, grouped in fruit fruit around the axis in the form of an asterisk. The asterisk is most often 8-point. At first it is fleshy, but eventually becomes stiff. Inside the leaflet is one shiny seed.
In the sale of star anise comes in whole and ground. Ground star anise coarse-grained powder of yellow-brown color with a reddish-burgundy hue. The taste of star anise is sweet-bitter, burning, the smell is pleasant, reminds anise, but more subtle and complex.
Star anise is more fragrant than anise. The taste of star anise is spicy, sweet. Used in the production of liquors, punch, grog and stewed plums, pears, apples and quinces. Star anise perfectly complements the taste of dough (especially cookies), various fruit soups, puddings. Star anise goes well with black pepper, cinnamon, cloves and ginger. Therefore, it can be used to obtain various mixtures that are added to pork and poultry dishes.
Under the name "mustard" several species of annual herbaceous plants of the cruciferous family are combined, yielding fruits in the form of tuberous pods with small spherical seeds of pale yellow, brown, black and gray, and black (white, gray, black and Abyssinian mustard).
Sizaya (Sarepta) mustard. The homeland of Sarepta mustard is Eastern China. From China, she moved to India, where one of the primary centers of cultivation of this crop is located. In addition to India, it is currently cultivated in China, Egypt and several other countries. It is widely cultivated in Russia (Volga region), in Kazakhstan, Ukraine, the North Caucasus. It is found in Siberia, the Far East, and Central Asia.
Black mustard is one of the oldest cultivated plants in Europe. It is cultivated in many countries of southern Europe, mainly in France and Italy. Within Russia and neighboring countries, black mustard is relatively rare, with the exception of the Krasnodar Territory, Ukraine, and Transcaucasia.
Annual plant, up to 80 cm high. The stem is smooth or pubescent in the lower part, green with anthocyanin in the axils of the lateral branches. Leaves are lyre-shaped, pinnately incised or lobed. The flowers are yellow. The fruit is a pod, 1-2 cm long, tetrahedral, tuberous. When ripening, the pod opens and the seeds crumble. The seeds are small, red-brown in color, when rubbed emit a moderately pungent odor.
White mustard hails from the Mediterranean, from where it has spread to almost all countries of the Northern Hemisphere, to America, Japan, and India. It is cultivated in the central black earth regions and in the southern regions of Russia, in Ukraine.
Annual plants, reaching a height of 0.30 - 0.80 m. The stem is branched, covered, like leaves, with hard hairs. Leaves are lyre-like, cirrus-separated. The inflorescence is racemose, multi-flowered (25-100 flowers) with a strong honey aroma. The flowers are yellow. The fruit is a pod filled with small, round seeds of light yellow color. It is noted that the seeds contain up to 30-40% of high-quality oil of golden yellow color, which is well stored.
From mustard powder with the addition of sunflower or mustard oil, sugar, vinegar, spices and other components, food mustard is prepared - seasoning for snack and lunch dishes.
Vanilla is dried after special processing pod-shaped fruits of a climbing tropical plant - orchid creepers. The homeland of vanilla is Mexico, Panama and the Antilles. Vanilla is currently grown, in addition to Mexico, in Florida, Brazil, Paraguay, Java, Reunion, Mauritius, Ceylon, Tahiti and West Africa.
Fragrant vanilla - a perennial creeper from the Orchid family. In cooking and medicine, they use the vanilla fruit - a capsule in the shape of a pod, 20-30 cm long and up to 1 cm wide. Seeds are black and small.
Vanilla is used mainly in the manufacture of expensive confectionery (chocolate, cocoa products, biscuits and other dough products, nut masses for cookies or sweets, creams, preserves, candied fruits), sweet dishes (jelly, mousses, soufflé, puddings, curd pastes), ice cream, as well as alcoholic beverages.
Cardamom - unripe fruits (seeds) of a herbaceous perennial plant of the ginger family, dried in the sun with alternating hydration and subsequent bleaching with or without bleaching. Homeland Cardamom India.
In appearance, these are oval-shaped fruits with a ribbed surface from light green to brown or light cream with seeds of dark brown color. The taste should be spicy, spicy, with a cardamom-like aroma.
The taste and smell of cardamom are spicy, aromatic, pungent, due to which it gives a special aftertaste to the liver, marzipan, honey gingerbread, yeast dough pies, fruit cake, fruit compotes and fruit dishes.
Fans of this spice add finely ground cardamom powder to black coffee. Cardamom improves the taste and aromas of all soups, gravy, fish and meat dishes.
Nutmeg and nutmeg, which are traded, are processed products of the nutmeg from the nutmeg family. The center of origin of the nutmeg tree is considered the Moluccas and the islands of the Banda Sea. Nutmeg and nutmeg have been known in Europe since the 8th century.
Nutmeg is an evergreen tree up to 20 m from the nutmeg family, a typical plant of the equatorial belt. It blooms year round from 5 to 6 years. Fruiting lasts up to 40 years. From one tree they collect from 3 to 10 thousand nuts per year. Some plants survive to 100 years. The fruit of the muscatel looks like a peach; when ripe, it begins to crack into 2 parts.
The pulp is massive, sour in taste. In the fruit is a large seed protected by a hard shell and covered with a fleshy seedling (actually a nutmeg color). Sun-dried plum-tree is fragile, fragrant, orange-yellow. After removing the seedling, the seeds are subjected to fire drying, cracked and the kernel is removed.
Nutmeg is an egg-shaped kernel 2-3 cm long, 1.5-2 cm wide, grayish-brown in color, pierced by a network of winding brown veins, especially noticeable in the section. A white spot clearly stands out on one of the poles of the core, and a dark spot on the opposite. Cores processed for durability in storage with milk of lime have a white coating on the surface. The aroma of the kernel is strong, pleasant, characteristic of nutmeg, the taste is slightly burning, with bitterness, spicy-resinous.
In trade, large nutmegs are valued at 6-7.5 g or more. Nutmeg kernels are highly oily. The total fat content in them can reach 35% or more, including essential oil, which determines the specific aroma of the kernel, up to 11%. The basis of nutmeg essential oils are aromatic and terpene hydrocarbons.
When carefully removed from the seed, the nutmeg color (matsis) has the form of a wide bell after drying with a round hole in the center and petals separated along the edge.
Nutmeg is used in minced meat and fish, premium sausages, in dishes combining fish and meat with vegetables, mushrooms, dough, and especially in sauces, as well as in the manufacture of sweet dishes, confectioneries and bakery products, in alcoholic beverage production. Matsis is used in the manufacture of the same products instead of or with nutmeg, with the exception of mushroom, fish dishes, as well as pasta and game dishes.
In perfumery, a mixture of essential and fatty oils extracted from nutmeg and walnut is used.
Black pepper - dried whole unripe fruits of tropical leafy creeper of a family of peppers. The birthplace of black pepper is the forest of the west coast of South India. It is cultivated in India, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam and others. India is the world's largest producer of this spice.
The leaves are ovoid, leathery, grayish-green. The flowers are small (7-15 mm), white, collected in drooping ears. Soplodia 5-10 cm long consist of 20-30 fruits. The fruit is a drupe with a hard shell. Mature seeds are red, then turn yellow.
By origin and quality, several groups of black pepper are distinguished. The best is considered more fragrant, hot and large peppers from the Malabar coast (1000 grains - about 46.0 g). High quality is distinguished by Singapore pepper. From black pepper comes white pepper.
The first fruits appear in the third year. To obtain black pepper, unripe, reddish fruits are harvested: they are dried in the sun for 7-10 days, but sometimes they are immersed in hot water for a short time to speed up drying. During drying, the fruits turn black. White pepper is obtained from ripe fruits when their color turns yellow-red or red and they easily fall off. The fruits are dried and peeled from the outer shell. White pepper has a more delicate taste, noble and strong aroma. When collecting green unripe fruits, the most fragrant of the above spices is obtained - green pepper. Its production requires special processing.
Black pepper is very widely used in cooking, and it is difficult to find products that would not be flavored with them. Spice cold appetizers: salads, caviar, pickled, aspic and stuffed fish, jelly, cold dishes from cheese, cottage cheese, meat, fish, poultry, game. It is put in all soups, with the exception of dairy, sweet and fruit.
White pepper is the ripe fruit of a tropical leafy liana, dried after freeing them from the pericarp. The mass of 1000 peas of white pepper is 32.0-53.0 g. The aroma and taste are less pronounced than black pepper. White pepper, like black, is divided into varieties at the place of production and port of export. Its production is concentrated mainly in the countries of Indochina.
Allspice is obtained by drying in the shade of the fruits of a tropical tree of the myrtle family, collected shortly before full ripening. As a spice, allspice was used by the Aztecs, known in Europe since the time of Columbus. It grows wild in Central America, cultivated in India, South America, Cuba and Jamaica. Allspice peppers - spherical in shape with a flattened top, on which the remains of the calyx and pestle are visible. Allspice is added to meat dishes, mainly lamb. It also complements well fresh, canned vegetables and vegetable soups, spinach, fish, game sauces and jelly. In a small amount, it gives a peculiar taste to fruit compotes, puddings and liver. It is introduced in its entirety only into sausage meat, into the dough and puddings - in the ground.
Red pepper - dried ripe fruits of capsicum and cayenne pepper. Cayenne pepper is a relative of capsicum from the group of hot peppers. We are talking about many kinds of different sizes and colors: the color can be from green and yellow to red up to dark shades, and the size can be from 2 to 10 cm.
The severity of pepper depends on the species. There are species that, in their obscure spicy taste, are more likely to resemble vegetables than a classic spice. This led to the fact that cayenne pepper is classified on a scale of 1 to 120, depending on the severity and hotness. Shades of aromas, pungency, astringency and color are distinguished on this scale.
Types and varieties of red peppers differ in the shape of the fruit (long, curved, conical), their size, the shade of color in a mature form (bright red, brick red, orange) and the degree of burning (burning, medium burning, slightly burning and sweet). As a spice, mainly hot and medium-hot peppers are used.
Cayenne pepper differs from paprika in a smaller fruit size and a lighter color. The color of the crushed cayenne pepper is pale orange, yellow or gray-yellow, while paprika is bright red. Cayenne pepper surpasses other peppers in severity and hotness.
Caraway seeds are dried two-seeded fruits of a 2-year-old herbaceous plant from the umbellate family. Homeland - Northern and Central Europe. In the European part of Russia, caraway seeds are cultivated everywhere, and in Siberia to Baikal. Caraway seeds from the Baltic countries and Belarus, where it grows in the wild, are most aromatic.

Cumin is used in bakery, cheese making, in cooking in the manufacture of first and second courses (especially potato, cabbage and cottage cheese), with salting and pickling vegetables. It is added to beer and kvass.

Cloves are blanched in boiling water and then sun-dried unopened flower buds of an evergreen tree of the myrtle family.
The birthplace of cloves is the Moluccas. The plant is cultivated in Indonesia, India, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Guinea, and Madagascar. The main production (up to 80%) is concentrated in Tanzania. Clove is a tropical plant up to 20 m high of the myrtle family. Clove has a burning taste and strong spicy aroma.
Spice is placed in the second courses. Vegetables, cereals, pilafs are cooked with it. Cloves go well with meat. It is flavored with beef, veal, lamb, poultry, and game. Russian cuisine is distinguished by the use of spices in hot mushroom dishes.
Clove conveys its aroma not only in hot, but also in cold water. Therefore, it is used in marinades and sauces, and in combination with a wide variety of products. Cloves are added to Karski, veal, chicken and fish barbecue marinades. Cucumbers, cabbage, pepper, pumpkin, melon, carrots, beets, cherries, black and red currants, lingonberries, etc. are pickled with spices. Cloves are used less often in pickles. It is flavored with salted mushrooms and salted watermelons.
Saffron is a perennial bulbous plant of the family of iris. As a spice and vegetable dye, dried stigmas of saffron flowers are used, having the appearance of oily mixed, but not clumped into clods of dark orange and brownish-red threads up to 3 cm long.
The homeland of saffron is Asia Minor. The main areas of sowing culture are the South European countries, as well as Iran, India, Pakistan, China. The best is French saffron. In Russia, saffron is cultivated in Dagestan and on the southern coast of Crimea.
As a spice, saffron is used in the production of bakery and flour confectionery, as well as in cooking in the manufacture of meat, rice and vegetable dishes. As a dye, it is indispensable for tinting butter, cheeses, liquors and some soft drinks. Saffron is used in dissolved form in the form of alcohol tincture and in very small doses.

Bay leaf - dried leaves of an evergreen shrub or tree of a noble laurel of the laurel family. This is a relict culture remaining from the flora of the Tertiary period. In nature, the tree lives 300-400 years. The birthplace of the laurel is the coast of the Mediterranean Sea. The plant is grown in Turkey, Greece, Italy, France, Spain, Portugal, Albania, Yugoslavia, Guatemala. In our country, as a decorative and aromatic culture, it is cultivated in the Crimea and the Caucasus.

Bay leaf is the most common spice used in the food industry. It is added to Moskovsky cream cheese, used in the production of canned cucumbers, squash, tomatoes, vegetable salads, pickles, mustard, sauces, cabbage soup, borscht, soups. Bay leaf or its essential oil is flavored with stew, boiled and half-smoked sausages. Having a strong antioxidant property, bay leaf prevents the fish from “rusting”, therefore it is used in all recipes of domestic spices and in combination with imported ones. Bay leaf is used in the production of spicy and pickled herring, sprats, white herring and natural herring, herring, canned fish in tomato, etc.
Soups (with the exception of dairy and fruit), cold meat and fish snacks, stewed or boiled dishes of meat, fish, poultry, vegetables, mushrooms, offal aromatize this spice in culinary of all countries of the world. Bay leaf is indispensable for salting, pickling, pickling, smoking. Some people use bay leaf in drinks and sweet foods.
Cinnamon is the dried bark of several species of evergreen cinnamon plants of the laurel family. The birthplace of cinnamon tree is Sri Lanka, Southwest India, South China. Cultivate it in Sri Lanka, India, China, Madagascar. The main supplier of cinnamon to the international market of Sri Lanka.
Cinnamon tree is an evergreen tree up to 15 m high of the laurel family. Leaves are ovate, with three to five veins. The flowers are small, greenish-yellow, collected in loose brushes.
To obtain cinnamon, other types of cinnamon tree are also used:
    chinese, or cassia, characterized by a stronger and pungent smell
      clove cinnamon
Cinnamon tree grows well at an altitude of 1000 m above sea level. The first crop is harvested two years after pruning. Harvesting is carried out at a time when the bark is easily separated. Shoots are cut 1-1.5 m long and 1.2-1.3 cm thick with dark brown bark. First, a rough outer layer is removed from them, then the delicate inner bark is removed, which is dried and sorted.
The finished cinnamon has the appearance of very fragile tubes of yellow or light brown color embedded on top of one another and darker inside. The wall thickness of the tubules is up to 1 mm (the thinner, the higher the quality), at the fracture their fibrous structure is visible. The smell of cinnamon is delicate, spicy, the taste is sweet-burning.
Cinnamon is a part of many spicy mixtures: "curry", Yerevan, "dry spirits", for marinades, flavoring meat, fish, sweet rice dishes, etc. Cinnamon is used in almost all branches of the food industry. It is added to red and white brawn, black pudding, liver paste, cheese sourdough, curd mass, ice cream. With cinnamon, they cook spicy and pickled herring, spicy small fish, and smoked fish. Bakery products are also flavored with cinnamon.
Ginger, or white root, is the rhizome of the perennial herbaceous plant Zingiber officinale from the ginger family, completely purified from denser integumentary tissues, dried in the sun. His homeland is Southeast Asia, China and West India. In Europe, known for about 2000 years. In the wild, it does not grow anywhere. Cultivated in the tropical regions of South Asia, South America and West Africa. The largest producers of ginger are currently Nigeria.
Ginger is a perennial herb of the ginger family. The height of some individuals reaches 2 m. The underground part is represented by fibrous roots and horizontally located tuberoid rhizomes. Smooth leafy stems and short scaly flower stems grow from a horizontally growing rhizome. Violet-brown or yellow flowers bloom at the top of the flower stems.
Depending on the processing method, several types of ginger are distinguished. Black, unpeeled is “Barbados,” and white, peeled is “Bengali.” To give the spice the best presentation, the peeled rhizome is bleached before drying with chlorine or a solution of lime.
In appearance, ginger is flat pieces of rhizome with palmate or rounded protrusions, at the fracture horn-shaped, gray-white in color with a yellowish tinge. In powder form - powdery greyish-yellow powder. Taste and smell are hot-scented.
Ginger has a very spicy aroma and a burning spicy taste. It is used for the production of gastric and bitter liquors, fruit juices and punch, and in England - a popular ginger beer. Ginger is added to cookie dough, puddings of various sweets, stewed pears and canned pumpkin, cucumbers, in the manufacture of marmalade, jelly and candied fruits.
Ginger gives a delicate flavor to soups, especially poultry broth, fruit soups, meat soups, sauces, and game. In a mixture with salt it is used to flavor cheeses, meat products, fish, boiled chicken, fried meat and vegetables.
Also known is extract from ginger - an alcoholic extract containing volatile aromatic essential oils and sharp tarry substances. In Chinese cuisine, ground ginger rhizome, ginger vinegar, and candied rhizome are widely used.

Local spices

Spicy vegetables

There are not so many spicy vegetables, it is important to note that in spicy vegetables, both roots and stems and leaves are used, and they are mainly used everywhere
        Tiered Bow
        Shallot He’s a magpie, Charlotte
        Chives He’s a rezan, speed
        Mangir he's an aging onion
        Altai bow , it is the Siberian wild, stone, Mongolian, pine forest, Kurai onion, sochina
        Pskem onion He's a piez-ansur, a mountain onion
      Ramson she’s a bear bow, wild bow, hansels
      Flask , she’s the victorious onion, Siberian wild garlic
      Garlic aka garlic, garlic grass, forest garlic
      Parsnip , he is a field borsch, clerk, tragus, pastarnak
      Celery he is fragrant parsley
      Fennel He is a pharmaceutical dill, Volosh dill
The onion homeland has not yet been established. The primary genetic center is considered to be the region of North-West India, Afghanistan, Uzbekistan and the Western Tien Shan. The smell and taste of onions are weak, sharp depending on the type. It is used as an important raw material in the canning industry, it is added to fresh and sterilized salads, canned mushrooms, cucumbers and canned vegetables. He gives good taste to sauerkraut. Usually it is used as flavoring additives in various types of soups, sauces, gravy, minced meat, fried meat, onion pies, etc. Most often it is used raw or fried in lard or vegetable oil until golden brown. Raw onion perfectly complements sausages and meat products, cottage cheese, cheeses, bread with lard.
Leek belongs to the group of onion vegetables. Its homeland is the eastern part of the Mediterranean. It smells of onions; its taste is more delicate than that of onions. It is used to make soups, special leek dishes, various raw salads, sauces, served with meat, and used to make various pastas. Some gourmets appreciate leek cooked like asparagus, fried in butter with breadcrumbs. Leek is a good addition to fried eggs, it can be fried in batter.
Garlic is an annual plant. Its homeland is the steppes of Central Asia, from where it spread to Western Asia, Egypt, Western and Central Europe. The smell is very pronounced. The taste is sharp, burning, reminiscent of onions. Garlic is mainly needed for cooking lamb, lamb, game, stew and fried meat, especially pork. Garlic is used in soups, in all salads, for cooking steaks, sauces, croutons. Garlic is also used to wipe the dishes in which salads are served. It goes well with soft cheeses, cottage cheese; useful with butter and hot milk. Garlic is used in almost all dishes of Hungarian, Greek, Italian, Spanish and Yugoslav cuisine.


Just the same spicy herbs, unlike vegetables, a great many. The roots of herbs are generally not used. Often they have a fairly limited use, or, more often, are recommended for special use (for example,marjoram , often in the western regions of Russia, Belarus and the Baltic states called "sausage weed").
    Azhgon , he is ayovan, Coptic caraway seeds, Indian caraway seeds, Iranian caraway seeds,zira.
    Air , he is ir, irrigation root, gairo, iavr, tatar potion, saberelnik, calmus
    Anis, he is a ganus
    Basil , he is darling, fragrant cornflowers, red cornflowers, regan, rayon, rean.
      Black mustard she is real, french
      Sarepta mustardShe is Russian, mustard
      White mustard She is yellow, English
      Avens , it is pharmacy gravilat, clove, comb, comb, benedict grass, undergrowth, hanging
    Clover blue he is a blue clover, blue fenugreek, gunba, blue goat shamrock
    Oregano , she is oregano, motherboard, frankincense, matserdushka, flea, strangulation, yaw, punishment, zyvira, tashava
    Angelica , he is an angelica angelica, angelica, barn, sweet trunk
    Hyssop , he is gisop, susop, yuzefka, blue hypericum
    Calufer He is Canufer, Canuper, Saracen mint, Balsamic mountain ash
    Chervil , he’s a kupyr, a snedok, a casket
    Chervil spanishHe is a perennial chervil, wild parsley, fragrant buten, frankincense
    Cmin , he is cumin, spicy caraway seeds, caraway seeds cumin, Roman caraway seeds, Egyptian caraway seeds, Voloshisk caraway seeds
    Coluria , she is a gravure-shaped coluria, carnation
    Coriander , he is a gut, kolyandra, kolendra, cilantro, kinji, gob
      Watercress , he is the same woman, rezhuha, brunn-cress, key cress, water horseradish, watery spring
      Bitter cress , he is a teaspoon, spoon grass, spoon horseradish, varuha, sea salad, scurvy grass
      Meadow cress , he is field mustard, core, smolyanka
      Garden cress , it’s watercress, pepper shaker, crap, choppy grass, pepper grass, kir salad
      Capucin cress , he is a rotter, Indian cress, Spanish cress, colored salad, nasturtium
    Lavender , she is levanda, lavender, colored grass
    Lovage , he is a lovage, a lover, a lovage, a dawn, a pipe-maker, a pipe grass, we love
    Melissa , she's lemon mint, honey, mother liquor, warrior, beekeeper, folder grass
    Melissa TurkishShe is the Moldavian snakehead
    Juniper , he is juniper, Yalovets, genevier, back-up
      Peppermint , she's mint, cold mint, chilly
      Curly mint She’s German mint, curly mint, meadow mint
      Spicy mint She is Elsgoltia, comb chandra, spicy hyssop
      Apple Mint , it’s round mint, Egyptian, golden, confectionery, wild balm
      Common wormwoodShe’s Chernobyl, Chernobyl, simple wormwood
      Roman wormwood , she is Alexandrian, Pontic, Black Sea, narrow-leaved, small, Pontic absinthe, white non-fruit
      Panicle wormwood, she is a kurovnik, a shoreline, a dipper, a chiliga
      Wormwood lemon she is God's tree
      Wormwood Alpine
    Thyme , he’s fragrant thyme, thyme, incense, incense
    Caraway seeds, it is cumin
    Dill , he is a pile driver, DAC, crop, sews, sew, Samit, Kaka, Till
    Fenugreek , he is fenugreek, fenum Greek, fenigrekov grass, Greek hay, Greek goat shamrock, Greek nomad, cocked hat, camel grass
    Savory He is a garden or summer cheber, chobr, sheber
    Savory winter , he is a perennial, alpine, mountain savory, chachet
    Thyme , it’s creeping thyme, Bogorodskaya grass, lemon darling, pine forest, muhopal, matzerzhanka, zhadolbnik
    Chernushka , she is chernukha, black caraway seeds, matzok, nigella, Roman coriander
    Sage he is shawl, shawl
    Tarragon He is Tarragon, Stragon, Dragoon-grass
Many herbs in fresh, dried and canned form are widely used in the Caucasus, Ukraine, Moldova and Central Asia. Most herbs use flowers, stems and leaves for food. Often they are not only spices, but also therapeutic agents.
Fresh greens are washed with cold water and wrapped in a damp cloth. In winter, they use it in dried form. To do this, the herbs are bundled and dried in a well-ventilated dimly lit room, then ground into powder and placed in dark jars with tightly screwed caps to protect against oxidation by air and loss of aroma.
Mixtures and combinations of spices.
Often, first of all, in order to save time, storage, partly to create a slightly new taste, spices are pre-prepared in a mixture. Naturally, technically any spices can be mixed, but the question arises as a result: not all spices are combined with each other, and the culinary of different countries developed their own specific combinations of spices inherent in a particular historical or geographical region and used in certain dishes (group dishes).
Of the most famous mixtures, it is worth highlighting:
- curry mixture   (from 7-12 to 20-24 components)
The famous curry blend first appeared in India, from where it spread throughout Asia - from Adan to Yokohama. Subsequently, the British brought it to Europe, America and Australia. Curry is now considered a common spice mix worldwide. Over time, national variations in curry composition appeared. In America and Europe, the composition of curry was slightly changed in accordance with local tastes. Ultimately, a variety of spice mixtures can appear on the market under the name of curry. A mixture of curry powder consists of 7-12 and even 24 components. However, curry leaf as well as turmeric root powder are the constant constituents of curry. In countries where it is not possible to purchase curry leaf due to local conditions, it is replaced with fenugreek; the presence of turmeric and fenugreek in mixtures of spices is already a sign of curry. The main components of curry are turmeric, fenugreek, coriander and red pepper, most often cayenne. The remaining 10-15 components are usually added to give the prepared mixture a particular shade of the main flavor.
- Indian blend (10 ingredients)
Semi-hot mixture (in g): coriander - 40, azhgon - 35, caraway seeds - 5, Jamaican pepper - 5, red pepper (chili) - 5, cinnamon - 7, cardamom - 3. Moderately aromatic mixture (in g): coriander - 42, azhgon - 35, caraway seeds - 4, Jamaican pepper - 4, red pepper - 4, cinnamon - 8, cloves - 2, cardamom - 1. Non-hot mixture (in g): Jamaican pepper - 5, black pepper - 5, cinnamon - 5, cloves - 5, ginger - 10, coriander - 35%, aggon - 35%. These mixtures are characterized by the presence of a large proportion (up to 70-80%) of caraway spices (azhgon, coriander, caraway seeds).
siamese mixture (10 ingredients)
Distributed in Indochina, Thailand, Burma. Like Indian mixtures, it is slightly hot. The composition of the mixture includes 10 spices, but it is based on shallots, which in fresh form should weigh 10 times the total (total) weight of all spices. To prepare the Siamese mixture, garlic (in powder), fennel, anise, star anise, turmeric, nutmeg, black pepper are taken in equal parts. To these 7 spices add red pepper (2 parts), parsley (seeds or leaves, powdered, 1/2 part), cardamom (1/2 part). It is allowed to replace fennel with dill, and nutmeg in color - with nutmeg. It turns out a fragrant powder with a peculiar smell. This powder is poured into shallots, which are pre-cooked in vegetable oil, and stirred intensively. The mixture is active only when heated. It is used in dishes of potatoes, meat, rice, and also added to the dough.
- Caucasian mixtures:
Suneli hops - a spicy mixture used to make satsivi, kharcho and other Georgian dishes. Reduced composition: coriander, basil, marjoram, dill, hot red pepper, saffron. The first 4 components are taken in equal parts by volume (in powder). Red pepper is 1-2% of the total mass, saffron - 0.1%. Full composition: fenugreek, coriander, dill, celery, parsley, basil, savory garden, bay leaf, peppermint, marjoram, hot red pepper, saffron.
Adjika - A common Georgian mixture, which exists in the form of pasta, and in the form of a mixture. Common is the Georgian mixture, which exists both in the form of a paste and in the form of a mixture. It is not difficult to get a paste from the powder, for this it is enough to mix the powder with a small amount of salt, moisten with 3-4% wine vinegar to obtain a wet mass. The mass must be mixed well, closed in a tight airtight vessel and let it brew. Adjika is widely used in Georgian national cuisine, and primarily in the preparation of lobio (boiled beans). It is also used in the preparation of other dishes - borscht, cabbage soup, soups, added to meat, fish, sauces.
    Spice Production Technology
In general, the technology for the production of spices consists of the following stages: collection, drying, sorting, grinding, packaging and labeling. Depending on the type of spices, grinding may be absent. Each of the spices has its own characteristics in terms of collection, and the technology of collection, drying, packaging.
Consider the production technology of some spices.
Harvesting cloves begins with six-year-old plants. Mature buds (slightly pink in color) are removed manually. Peduncles are removed, the buds are dried. Productivity from one tree reaches 8 kg per year. If the buds are upright when immersed in water, then their quality is good. With a horizontal arrangement of buds on the surface of the water, their aroma is low.
Vanilla fruits are harvested by hand in the incomplete phase when they contain up to 80% water and begin to turn yellow. Freshly picked fruits are odorless. It appears after a special short-term heat treatment of unripe fruits, followed by their fermentation in the dark at 60 ° C for a week before the appearance of aroma and brown color. Vanilla pods are dried in the open air for several months until a white coating of vanillin (C8H8O3) appears in the form of needle crystals on the surface of the pods. After sorting by quality (for 8 grades), vanilla is packaged in iron boxes weighing net 3-4 kg in bundles of 50 pods.
Ginger rhizomes are harvested after the leaves and stems have dried or immediately after flowering, and rhizomes are dug up manually. Depending on the processing method, several types of ginger are distinguished. Black, unpeeled is “Barbados,” and white, peeled is “Bengali.” To give the spice the best presentation, the peeled rhizome is bleached before drying with chlorine or a solution of lime.
Saffron is a very laborious culture (to get 100 g of saffron, you need to pick 5-8 thousand flowers, and then pluck stigmas from them), this explains the high price of spices in the world market. Each flower has only three saffron veins. To obtain 1 g of this spice, 50 flowers are required. Veins are removed manually, and only young girls with delicate fingers are allowed to work.
To obtain black pepper, unripe, reddish fruits are harvested: they are dried in the sun for 7-10 days, but sometimes they are immersed in hot water for a short time to speed up drying. During drying, the fruits turn black.
White pepper is obtained from ripe fruits when their color turns yellow-red or red and they easily fall off. The fruits are dried and peeled from the outer shell.
Allspice is obtained by drying in the shade of the fruits of the tropical tree Pimenta officinalis L. of the myrtle family, collected shortly before full maturity. The fruits are harvested before the seeds ripen, when they are blue-green in color. After drying, the fruits become brown. In size, they are slightly larger than grains of black pepper.
Cinnamon is obtained from the inner layers of the bark of an evergreen tree, native to West India and China. Cinnamon tree grows well at an altitude of 1000 m above sea level. The first crop is harvested two years after pruning. Harvesting is carried out at a time when the bark is easily separated. Shoots are cut with a length of 1-1.5 m and a thickness of 1.2-1.3 cm with a dark brown bark. First, a rough outer layer is removed from them, then the delicate inner bark is removed, which is dried and sorted.
Bay leaf is harvested from December to June, since it is at this time that the maximum amount of aromatic substances accumulates in the laurel. Leaves are harvested from 3-4 year old plants. Cleaning lasts from November to February. The branches with leaves are cut and dried for 7-10 days in the shade. Then the leaves are separated, sorted, bagged and stored in dry rooms.
    The chemical composition and nutritional value of spices
Black pepper - contains 1.5% of essential oils, which give the pepper a strong aroma, and piperine alkaloid, which gives it a burning taste.
Allspice - contains from 3 to 4.5% of aromatic substances.
Red pepper - The most important component of red pepper is capsicin, which gives it a distinctive taste. The red color of pepper gives the karate-like substance capsaicin. Red pepper contains provitamins A and vitamin C.
Vanilla - contains aromatic substance vanillin.
Coriander - contains essential oil, rich in vitamins.
Cumin - contains an essential oil with a pleasant taste and smell.
Nutmeg - contains many aromatic substances, essential oils and alkaloids.
Clove - contains essential oil eugenol, fats, tannins, the bitter substance caryophilin, etc.
Saffron - contains coloring matter, essential oils, flavonoids, etc.
Cinnamon - contains essential oils, cinnamaldehyde, etc.
Bay leaf - contains essential oils, alkaloids, bitter substances, a little vitamin C and P. The cineol essential oil gives a pleasant aroma.
Dill oil - contains provitamin A and C.
Mint - contains a large amount of vitamins C, P and provitamin A.
Spices contribute to the release of enzymes, thereby improving appetite and digestion. But in cooking, such small doses of spices are used that they will not produce a great healing effect, spices in cooking have a preventive effect rather than a healing effect.
It is impossible to refuse other methods of treatment, completely relying on the medicinal effect of spices. Increasing the dose of spices is also not worth it. Their use in large quantities has nothing to do with cooking, it is already a herbal treatment, which is dangerous to do on your own.
There are several spices that can be used constantly and thereby heal a little. Chinese medicine recommends using cinnamon as often as possible: it improves blood circulation in the vessels of the brain. Fennel can make life easier for those who suffer from gas in the intestines. With low acidity, you can safely use caraway seeds.
In mixtures, spices can lose their medicinal properties, since many of them neutralize each other. When mixing spices, you must remember: do not experiment with asafoetida. In certain combinations, this spice can become very poisonous.
Almost all spices stimulate appetite, so excessive passion for spices leads to weight gain. On the other hand, with the help of spices, you can also lose extra pounds - diuretic herbs are used for this. There are such spices that it is better not to get carried away in our cold Russian climate, otherwise an energy imbalance can occur in the body. All exotic spices have the ability to cause an imbalance to one degree or another. The more distant their historical homeland is from us, the less desirable they are for our body.

5. Storage of spices.

Spices are among the products with increased sorption and desorption. Low humidity and a high degree of porosity determine their high hygroscopicity and the ability to absorb extraneous odors from the surrounding atmosphere. On the other hand, the loss of volatile and modification of easily oxidizing components is the reason for the weakening or complete loss of its own aromaticity and the specific taste of spices.
Spices are stored in dry, clean, well-ventilated warehouses not infected with pests at temperatures not exceeding 20 ° C and relative humidity - not more than 75%. In this case, strict adherence to the commodity neighborhood is necessary.
It is very convenient for any housewife or professional cook when in the kitchen all spices in glass jars are arranged in a row on a shelf, but for spices themselves this storage method is not entirely successful.
It is necessary to ensure that direct sunlight does not fall on the spices, because in the light they quickly lose their flavor and fade. In addition, spices should not be stored close to the stove, as they quickly deteriorate due to heat and condensation.
It is best to store spices in sealed containers. The storage location should be dry, dark and cool, so the shelf in the kitchen cabinet or pantry can be considered ideal. Spices easily release their aromatic substances into the space surrounding them; they themselves absorb extraneous odors. That is why it is impossible to store various spices in one container.
Spices in the form of whole rhizomes or tubers must be stored in air-permeable baskets, wicker tuyes or clay pots, because otherwise they simply rot.
It was found that a decrease in the quality of spices during storage corresponds to a decrease in the content of essential oil. In this case, spices, in the essential oil of which eugenol predominates (the most stable component), retain their aroma better and longer. Alkaloids, in particular piperine, are more stable in storage in comparison with essential oil, so the taste in spices remains longer than the aroma.
It is better to store spices in their whole form, grind them only as necessary. In stores, the stock of spices should not exceed a monthly need.
According to research carried out at VNI-IKOP, the following shelf life of spices is recommended as a whole: in paper and polyethylene packages - not more than 12 months, in packages of polymer and combined materials (varnished cellophane, viscotene, aluminum foil) - 18 month Ground spices store respectively 6 and 9 months. Mixtures of ground spices in plastic bags are stored for 4 months, and in packages of polymer and combined materials - 6 months.

Spices for retail sale are packaged in a net weight of up to 100 g inclusive in:
¦ packs of paper, cardboard with an inner bag of parchment, parchment, glassine, combined heat-sealing materials;
¦ bags (single) from heat-sealable materials combined on the basis of paper and from heat-sealable film materials based on aluminum foil;
¦ bags (double), consisting of an outer paper bag and an inner one of glassine or subpergamine (except for star anise, vanilla, cinnamon sticks, nutmeg and saffron);
¦ glass jars for spices, sealed with plastic lids.
Then packs and bags with spices are packed in corrugated cardboard transport boxes with inserts; wooden multi-defenses; boards for food industry products with a net weight of not more than 20 kg.
Glass jars with spices are packed in boxes of corrugated cardboard, with longitudinal and transverse partitions.

Marking is applied directly to consumer packaging or to the label. It should contain the following data: name of the manufacturer, its mailing address and trademark, product name, net weight, product composition (for mixtures), method of use (for mixtures), production date and shift number, shelf life, standard number, the inscription "Store in a dry, cool and dark place"

The main difference between seasonings and spices is that seasonings can be eaten as an independent dish, for example, spread on bread (sour cream, mayonnaise, pasta made from tomatoes, apples, quinces and barberries, ketchup, etc.)
  Seasonings make the dish more delicious, hearty, nutritious and easier to digest.

Rarely anyone is mistaken with the use of seasonings, but here, as in any serious matter, it is necessary to observe

1. Salt

Edible salt is a natural crystalline compound containing 97.0-99.7% of pure sodium chloride and some other mineral salts extracted from natural deposits.
Salt improves the taste of food and affects the physiological processes in the body. The intake of sodium chloride in insufficient volumes in the human body leads to severe violations of the input-salt and other metabolic processes. Sodium chloride is the main source of chlorine ions necessary for the synthesis of hydrochloric acid in the process of gastric secretion, is part of the blood, lymph, and cellular protoplasm, serves as the main regulator of the osmotic pressure in tissues and cells, and affects the elasticity and irritability of muscles. Sodium ion of sodium participates in the conduction of nerve impulses, in the formation of pancreatic juice, causing its alkaline reaction, and in many other metabolic processes.

Spices and seasonings are widely used in food to improve the aroma and taste of dishes. Most of them do not contain food substances (proteins, fats, carbohydrates), but rich in flavoring and aromatic substances.

The physiological significance of spices and seasonings lies in the fact that they, through the organs of smell and touch, act on the food center and cause conditioned reflex separation of gastric juice, stimulate appetite. In addition, flavors and seasonings are chemical pathogens of the secretory activity of the digestive glands. However, with excessive use of spicy or spicy dishes, the normal reaction of the body to eating is disrupted, the use of spices and seasonings becomes a necessity. The harmful effects of some of them are known. So, excessive intake of vinegar causes the breakdown of red blood cells.

Spices include pepper, cloves, cinnamon, bay leaf, ginger, vanilla, caraway seeds, seasonings include salt, mustard, vinegar, etc.

Black and white peppers are the dried fruits of a trophic plant native to India, Sri Lanka, Java, and the Philippines. The aroma and burning taste of pepper are caused by the content of essential oils and alkaloid - piperine.

Cinnamon is the bark of the evergreen Cinnomomum tree, dried and rolled into tubules. The aroma of cinnamon depends on the content of cinnamaldehyde and cinnamic acid in it. It is used in the baking of confectionery products, as well as in the manufacture of some sweet dishes, sauces, marinades, national dishes.

Carnation - dried unblown flowers of a clove. It is used in cooking in the manufacture of some stews of meat, game, marinades for mushrooms, vegetables.

Saffron is the dried inside of crocus flowers. It is used for tinting dough and in the manufacture of many national dishes.

Vanilla - dried or dried immature fruits of a tropical plant from the orchid family. The aroma of vanilla is determined by the content of vanillin in it (up to 3% ’), vanillin can be obtained artificially at present. Vanilla or vanillin is mixed with sugar and is used to flavor cheeses, creams, dough, puddings, etc.

Bay leaf - dried leaves of an evergreen plant of laurel noble. It is widely used in cookery (for cooking soups, for stews, sauces) and for pickling.

Spices should have their own characteristic aroma and taste, without impurities. They need to be stored in tightly closed glass or porcelain containers, in a dry and cool place. Spices in powdered form should not contain metal impurities more than 10 mg per 1 kg; their size should not exceed 0.3 mm.

Salt - sodium chloride mixed with other mineral salts. By origin, it is divided into stone, self-planting, boiling out. Rock salt is mined from the depths of the earth in natural deposits, self-produced from the bottom of salt lakes, and digested by evaporation of natural salt brines. Depending on the content of sodium chloride and the degree of purity of the grinding, table salt is divided into grades: extra, higher, 1st and 2nd. The content of sodium chloride in the Extra salt should be at least 99.2%. Its color is completely white, the smallest grinding. The color of the remaining salt varieties may be grayish or pinkish.

A high-quality salt should have low hygroscopicity, that is, not damp, loose, not clumped. Its solution should be transparent, without sediment, odor and extraneous taste.

Mustard seed oil is obtained from mustard seeds. The remaining part is crushed into powder, which, when brewed with water, vinegar, sugar and other substances, is used as a seasoning for meat dishes. Mustard - burning alilovy alcohol.

Benign mustard has the appearance of a light yellow powder, without variegation and lumps. It should not have a foreign smell and taste.

Vinegar - 4% solution of acetic acid, obtained as a result of acetic acid fermentation of alcohol, wine, fruit and berry juices or only strong acetic acid. Table vinegar should be transparent, without mucus and sediment, with aroma and taste characteristic of vinegar. An admixture of mineral acids and salts of heavy metals, coloring substances to vinegar is not allowed.