Royal jelly milk properties. Royal jelly: beneficial properties

08.04.2019 Salads

Bee royal milk is not in the literal sense of the word a dairy product, but a substance secreted by the brain glands of bees. Moreover, it is produced not by ordinary insects, who are at any time collecting pollen, but by hive workers who never leave their home and are engaged in growing larvae.

Workers fill milk with honeycomb larvae. Most of the embryos, of which 3 days after birth begin to receive “top dressing” from honey, become ordinary working bees. But larvae with a diet from milk on day 16 turn into queen bees. True, not all survive to this point. Usually, already on the 6-8th day, when the most valuable product accumulates in the cell of the future uterus, beekeepers carry out the withdrawal. From one mother liquor (honeycomb) an average of 170-250 ml of milk is obtained.

Pure royal jelly is visually a pasty substance of a white (with a light cream tint) color and has a pleasant sour-burning taste.

This beekeeping product has a very complex composition, which includes:

  • Amino acids - histidine, valine, methionine and others.
  • Free fatty acids.
  • Trace elements - zinc, magnesium, silicon, chromium, calcium, cobalt and others.
  • Proteins and carbohydrate compounds (fructose, glucose)
  • Vitamins - PP, Inositol, N, B1, B2, B6, B9, D and E.
  • Hydroselenic acid.
  • Mineral salts and lipids.
  • Hormones.

Bee milk is a truly unique product, because there are very few substances in the natural nature that possess such a set of elements useful to humans.

Useful properties and scope.

Royal jelly is often called "royal jelly" not only because of its pleasant appearance, but also because of its unique healing properties. The product is widely used for the prevention and treatment (as an addition to medicines) of serious diseases, increasing immunity and mental stability.

Among the useful properties of milk include increased metabolism, accelerated renewal (construction) of body tissues, protein synthesis and sterilization of pathogenic bacteria such as typhoid, staphylococcus, and intestinal pathogens. It helps teens and young people cope with strong physical and mental stress (exams).

  • Stimulation of tissue regeneration in the heart muscle.
  • Strengthening the immune system.
  • Increased hemoglobin in the blood.
  • Increasing the vitality of the body and eliminating the effects of severe stress.
  • Normalization of blood pressure.
  • Improving brain function during periods of intense workload.
  • Stabilization of the work of internal secretion.
  • Reducing the effect of hormonal changes during pregnancy or menopause.
  • Increased lactation during lactation.

Positive reviews after the use of royal jelly are noted for diseases such as neurasthenia, pathologies of the cardiovascular system, bronchitis, asthma, tissue atrophy, skin and hair lesions. Scientists have proven that regular intake of bee milk stops the growth of cancer cells and tuberculosis lesions.

For men, the properties of royal jelly milk are very useful in that they help get rid of problems in the genitourinary sphere in a fairly short time. After all, a bee product reduces stress, fatigue, increases blood flow - that is, it eliminates the most common causes of impotence.

We must not forget about the use of this product in cosmetology. Royal jelly can accelerate the renewal of skin cells, normalize fat metabolism, and prevent inflammation. Because women often use it to create "home" masks (for hair and face), creams and serums.

Bee milk also has contraindications for use. In particular, it cannot be used by those who suffer from adrenal gland disease, allergies to bee products, Addison’s disease. In such people, it will cause, at a minimum, skin allergies and indigestion.

The benefits and harms of royal jelly are known throughout the world. It is recommended by practitioners and can be freely bought at a pharmacy. In some places its usefulness is even fixed at the state level. For example, in Japan, the reception of bee milk is the daily mandatory procedure in all kindergartens and elementary schools.

Methods of administration and dosage

Royal jelly can be taken in several ways:

  1. External use - in the form of creams, grindings, powders, ointments or aerosols. In this case, the bee secret is especially effective in diseases of the respiratory tract and in the healing of skin lesions.
  2. Ingestion. And in this case, bee milk can have the following form:
  • Fresh (native) milk. Given that in the open air the substance loses all its useful properties, it is stored directly in the mother liquors and consumed immediately after removing part of the wax.
  • Milk powder is a product obtained as a result of preservation of this substance. One of the most popular forms are granules, which are dry bee royal jelly obtained by adsorption (mixing with glucose and drying the mixture). Granules are taken as regular tablets or dissolved in hot milk or tea.
  • Mixed product. For the preservation of nutrients, mother’s milk can be mixed with honey, propolis, pollen or even wax. Some pharmacies sell special tablets, which are a mixture of wax and milk. They are no less useful than a pure product.
  • Milk in alcohol solution. Alcohol acts as an excellent preservative, helping to preserve the healing properties. A solution is prepared either immediately in the apiary or at home. depending on the concentration, the alcoholic infusion is taken externally (high concentration) either for rinsing the mouth and throat or for ingestion.

Despite the high usefulness of the bee shelf, you must know in advance about how to take it and in what quantity (dosage). With excessive use, rashes on the skin and severe irritability are possible, because the milk is actually a very strong natural dope.

Safe dosages of royal jelly milk:

  1. Milk in the form of a mixture with honey - 50 mg 2 times a day. The mixture is laid on the tongue and resolves. After resorption, you can drink warm tea or water. Reception may be daily.
  2. Milk in lozenges (mixture with glucose) - 3-4 times a day. The full course lasts 15-18 days, after which you should take a break of 10 days and repeat the reception.
  3. Milk in alcohol solution. With a weak concentration (1 drop of milk per 20 drops of alcohol), it can be taken orally 5-6 drops 1 hour before a meal. The substance must be dripped immediately under the tongue or in a spoon with warm water. Under no circumstances should you swallow it immediately - the medicine should be slightly held in the mouth, allowing it to be absorbed into the mucous membrane.

At a concentration of 1:10, the solution can lubricate the nasal mucosa and throat with colds. Moreover, lubrication occurs not with a pure solution, but with dissolved in warm boiled water.

  1. Rectal suppositories are the most unknown form of medicine with royal jelly. The daily dose of the drug is 3 suppositories in the rectum.
  2. Bee milk in the form of granules obtained by adsorption. This is the most convenient form of medication, since dosages are indicated immediately in the instructions. As a rule, granules are taken 2-3 times a day for 1 month.


There are several ways to take advantage of the beneficial properties of this beekeeping product:

  1. In the apiary. Some apiaries specialize exclusively in the production of royal jelly and sell their products on the spot, without supplying them to shops or pharmacies. It is important that only in the apiary can you get a fresh product right away. But they work, usually only in the summer and are not always in transport accessibility for citizens.
  2. At the pharmacy or shops selling beekeeping products. You can buy in such places as fresh milk, as well as mixtures and medicines with the addition of a substance. Among the latter, Apilactose, Apimin-B, Apilak (tablets or ointment), Vitadon, Vitas, KolGel, Melbrozin, Energin-L are the most famous.

The prices in pharmacies for royal jelly in its pure form depend on the region. Naturally, the cheapest product is to buy in cities near which there are many apiaries. For example, very low prices for this product in Ufa (the Republic of Bashkortostan). The level of drug prices in the country differs slightly.

Royal jelly (or “royal jelly”) is an incredibly useful mixture used in medicine and cosmetology. This product is produced by young working bees through special glands located in the throats and upper jaws.

Royal jelly characteristic

The bee family lays the egg of the future uterus in a special cell, similar to a cocoon - mother liquor. They provide the larva with special food. The mother liquor in this period resembles the appearance of a wax barrel, where the larva swims in a white viscous jelly. This is the royal jelly of the bees - a sour creamy mass of pearlescent color. In this form, the product is stored until the larva is 3 days old, after which it acquires a yellowish-matte hue.

Attention! Royal jelly is one of the most amazing products in the world. It has all the necessary substances for the active growth and development of the body, both bee and human.

  The larva, feeding on the uterine substance, increases 1600 times in just 5-6 days, turning into a developed uterus, able to live 30 times longer than an ordinary bee - about 6 years.

Healing action

The effect of royal jelly on the human body is multifaceted:

  • strengthening and toning;
  • growth stimulation;
  • quick recovery after illness, damage, vitamin deficiency;
  • anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect;
  • rejuvenation of cells and tissues;
  • strengthening the nervous system;
  • the fight against heart disease and headache;
  • prevention and treatment of cancer and viral diseases.

Attention! Royal jelly can be safely called a panacea for all diseases and ailments. The product returns lost health, helps to keep elusive youth and contributes to the healthy development of the body.

Chemical composition

The substance has a complex chemical composition, which can vary depending on the age of the larvae and the time of collection. However, any mother product is rich in vitamins and proteins.

The composition of royal jelly includes:

  • 22 amino acids;
  • proteins - albumin, globulins;
  • carbohydrates - glucose, fructose, sucrose;
  • fats
  • lipids;
  • enzymes;
  • minerals - potassium, sodium, iron, copper, manganese, silver;
  • b vitamins;
  • deoxyribonucleic acid.

Attention! In terms of chemical composition, royal jelly is identical to the composition of human blood, so it does not cause rejection and side effects.

Among the contraindications, only a tendency to allergies can be distinguished. However, even a healthy person should not exceed the daily norm, which is 0.5-1 g. Reception is made one hour before the meal.

Types of stock product

The product is used in two conditions:

  • Native royal jelly is a fresh, liquid substance in which all vitamins, minerals are perfectly preserved and useful properties remain unchanged.
  • Adsorbed Royal Jelly is a powdered substance obtained by drying a fresh mother product. As a result of processing, adsorbed milk loses part of its healing qualities. It is used for the manufacture of medicines.

How to get a mother liquor

Product collection is a complex, time-consuming procedure, in which the substance is collected in almost grams. The collection lasts only a few weeks and gives a small volume of milk at the output, which cannot but affect its value. The price can reach 1000 rubles per gram.

Collection stages

Royal jelly production takes place in several stages:

  1. On the territory of an ordinary apiary, about 10 wax bowls are placed on the grafting frame, on which one-day larvae from any bee hive are placed.
  2. The frame is placed in the most efficient bee family, which does not have a uterus.
  3. After 3 days, the working bees will supply the larvae with royal milk, and the frame can be picked up.
  4. On the frame, as a rule, there will be many bees that should be driven away, armed with gloves and a protective net.
  5. Collection of milk from wax bowls should be carried out at a temperature of up to 30 degrees.
  6. First, the larvae of bees are removed, after which they start collecting milk with a spatula (glass or aluminum) or an ordinary knife.
  7. The selected substance should be placed in a sealed container (glass or aluminum) and refrigerated.

This technology is used both on large and small bee farms.

Note! With one bee family, you can get only 100-150 g of mother’s milk.

Storage methods

After collecting the product, many beekeepers think about how to store royal jelly. At room temperature, it remains usable only for 5-7 days.

The following conditions will help to increase the shelf life of the product:

  • The correct capacity. It should be a container / test tube that can be tightly and tightly closed. The best material is ordinary glass.
  • Low temperature. The temperature recommended by specialists is -6 0C.
  • Mixing milk with honey in proportions of 1 g per 100 g, respectively.
  • Reunion with alcohol - per 1 g of milk 10 ml of alcohol. The mixture should be kept away from direct sunlight.
  • Adsorption. Royal jelly is ground in a mortar, mixed with a mixture of lactose and placed in a glass container, thoroughly tamping. Store in the refrigerator. Read about the use of this form of milk in the article:.

Such methods can extend the life of the mother product up to 1-2 years.

All materials on the site are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any means, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

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The gifts of nature allow you to eliminate most of the various pathologies without resorting to medicines. Royal jelly is able to withstand a known disease. The benefits and harms of the composition largely depend on how to take it correctly. Raw materials are quite popular and are used in various directions.

Royal jelly - benefits

1. Systematic eating of the composition guarantees the manifestation of antioxidant effects. As a result, the immune system is strengthened and the human lifespan is increased. The composition prevents premature aging.

2. A sufficient amount of acetylcholine is present in milk. The drug is often called a neurohormone. Thanks to acetylcholine, mental activity is significantly increased. The hormone has a positive effect on the state of the circulatory and cardiovascular systems. Blood pressure is stabilizing.

3. Milk is rich in protein, which in composition is almost similar to human. The enzyme contains 22 known amino acids. They are simply necessary for a person to function normally. Such a protein has a positive effect on the activity of the reproductive system.

4. If you regularly give the drug to children, it will beneficially affect mental and physical development.

5. Also, the product will come in handy with reduced vitality, poor production of breast milk and anorexia.

6. In addition, the rich composition of milk is appreciated in cosmetology around the world. The raw material effectively resists acne, neurodermatitis and psoriasis.

The benefits of royal jelly for men's health

1. The positive properties of the presented product are manifested in many directions. Royal jelly acts as an active biological supplement for the male body. The benefits and harms of the composition largely depend on how to take it.

2. A systematic technique allows you to maintain a healthy mental and physical form. Studies have shown that regular consumption of milk increases testosterone levels, improves blood composition and has a positive effect on spermatogenesis and potency.

The benefits of royal jelly for the body of women

1. Taking milk has tremendous benefits for the weaker sex. Milk has a beneficial effect on appearance, preserving beauty and youth. In addition to the general strengthening of the body, the product positively affects the bearing of the fetus.

2. Studies have confirmed that when taken correctly, the chances of getting pregnant are significantly increased. Experts also recommend taking the product when breastfeeding. As mentioned earlier, the quality and quantity of milk is improved. In addition, the risk of developing anemia disappears.

3. The drug is indicated during the menstrual cycle and during menopause. A difficult condition for the fairer sex at this time is much easier to tolerate. Also, a beekeeping product will help to improve the appearance and maintain beauty.

4. Royal jelly contains pantothenic acid, which has a beneficial effect on the figure. The benefits and harms of raw materials directly depend on the rules and knowledge of how to take them. Valuable biotin is also present in the product. It has a restorative effect on the skin, hair and nails.

How to take royal jelly

1. It is important to know that it is wrong to set the consumption rate yourself. Even for recreational purposes, the beekeeping product can be taken after consultation with a specialist. Otherwise, you run the risk of shortness of breath, rapid heart rate and allergies.

2. In the modern world, raw materials can be purchased in various variations. There is a universal norm of admission. On average, 1 mg is taken for an adult. per 1 kg. weight. This amount can be taken around the clock. Royal jelly is consumed in granules, laying under the tongue. Next, you need to wait until complete dissolution.

3. Before taking the composition, it is strongly recommended to consult a doctor. It is forbidden to swallow such granules. Otherwise, you will not get any benefit, the protein collapses. Also, do not take the drug at night.

4. So that the raw materials bring only benefits, children need to be given 2 granules half an hour before breakfast. The wellness course is about 3 weeks. Then a month-long break follows without fail. Also, granules are allowed to be dissolved in drinks if the baby cannot absorb them.

5. For men with sexual pathologies, Apilak granules should be consumed. Eat 2 tablets three times a day for a crescent. To cope with prostatitis, it is better to resort to rectal suppositories. The procedure must be carried out 3 times a day for a month.

6. Representatives of the weaker sex need to take the drug according to the same scheme as men. Such therapy will improve the general condition. To cope with infertility, you should consume up to 20 ml. raw materials per day. Visit your doctor regularly.

Royal jelly - harm

1. Royal jelly can have a beneficial effect on the human body. The benefits and harms of raw materials will depend on how you take them. In addition, there are contraindications.

2. It is forbidden to consume the product with Addison's disease, renal failure, infectious pathologies in the acute phase, tumor neoplasms and an allergic reaction.

Milk can bring invaluable benefits to a person. It is important to understand that the positive impact will largely depend on compliance with the rules of admission and the absence of contraindications. Take into account all the subtleties and be careful.

Bee milk is a phenomenal product created by bees. For its amazing healing properties, he was given the name "royal jelly." So, royal jelly is a jelly-like substance of white color with a slight cream tint, consisting of nutrients intended for feeding the queen bee throughout its life, as well as larvae and drones.

Detailed composition.

It is produced by nurse-bees in a natural way (it is produced by special mandibulatory and pharyngeal glands during 3-12 days of the workers' life), it tastes sour, with a specific smell.


The composition of the substance is so valuable that it even surpasses honey in its biological indicators. Therefore, it has found wide application not only in the treatment of various diseases, but also in cosmetology (especially in the field of facial and hair care).

And all because this unique beekeeping product contains a lot of useful substances:

  • proteins (15%);
  • minerals;
  • carbohydrates;
  • vitamins;
  • acids (4.8%);
  • hormones
  • water (65%);
  • germicidin.

According to scientists, not all elements that make up bee jelly have been studied to the end. To date, only 110 chemical compounds and 22 types of amino acids are known. The proteins that make up the basis of the substance have a structure similar to plasma proteins in the blood of people, and therefore are remarkably absorbed by the human body.

If we compare it with cow's milk, then bee milk is 2 times more caloric, contains 5 times more protein and 3 times more fat.

The benefits of royal jelly become apparent after the following example: in just 5 days, the larva of the future uterus grows 1.5 thousand times, which is facilitated by this balanced feed. And the uterus lives 30 times longer than ordinary bees.

Apply the "elixir of life" in different forms, which vary in consistency:

  • in liquid form;
  • in powder form;
  • in granules.

In a liquid state, vitamins and minerals are preserved in their original form.   Such a product is called native. Adsorbed royal jelly and granules partially lose their useful qualities, but are quite suitable for the production of pharmacological preparations.

How to get it?

Obtaining high-quality royal jelly milk is possible under the following conditions:

  • The location of the apiary away from industrial buildings and freeways, in a place favorable for bees to collect nectar.
  • The presence of a specially equipped place in the apiary for the collection of concentrate, as well as refrigeration equipment with a temperature below 6 degrees Celsius.
  • Compliance with sanitary standards.

Beekeepers collect royal jelly milk with a special stick made of glass or plastic, having previously removed all the larvae. Then it is placed in a hermetically sealed glass container of brown opaque glass.

With twenty families, if the collection technology is correctly followed, you can get about 3 kg of milk per year.

Beneficial features

Consider how royal jelly shows its beneficial properties. Being the strongest biological stimulator of life processes, it:

  • normalizes metabolism and the work of the digestive tract;
  • increases endurance;
  • slows down the aging of the body;
  • normalizes blood pressure and hemoglobin level;
  • has a beneficial effect on the bone marrow;
  • lowers blood sugar;
  • interferes with the development of bacteria and microbes;
  • improves cerebral circulation;
  • strengthens the heart and blood vessels;
  • accelerates recovery after illness;
  • normalizes hormonal disruptions;
  • improves blood quality indicators;
  • cleanses the body of harmful substances and toxins;
  • positively affects the genitourinary system;
  • calms nerves, helps to cope with depression;
  • restores the elasticity of the skin;
  • increases the efficiency of the optic nerve;
  • eliminates inflammation of the respiratory tract;
  • it is a preventive strengthening agent;
  • has an antispasmodic effect;
  • has a positive effect on the musculoskeletal system.

What is the secret of the effectiveness of this substance for the prevention and treatment of such a large number of diseases? “Milk Elixir” acts on the immune system, which allows the body to independently resist diseases, increasing its overall resistance to infections.

Healthy people can also use this healing tool to improve their overall tonus and well-being in case of nervous overstrain, severe fatigue, or just for prevention. Most often, to enhance the effect, it is taken in combination with honey.

In addition, the substance contains hydroxydecenic acid, which acts as a neutralizer of free radicals. Therefore, it is successfully used in the treatment of cancer.

Benefits for men

Stress and poor lifestyle weaken the body of a strong half of humanity, which is not the best way affect their health, causing various disorders, including the genitourinary system. The bee uterine milk for men is a powerful biostimulant. By its action, it is more effective than pollen and pollen and solves the following problems:

  • adenoma;
  • prostatitis;
  • normalizes spermatogenesis;
  • beneficial effect on the male body, normalizing sex life.

A lot of facts are known when 70-year-old respectable gentlemen fully recovered sexual functions.

Also, many men are actively involved in sports, overloading themselves with physical exertion. Miracle product will help to restore the spent power and prepare the body for further growth of power loads.

For some families, male infertility is a big problem. Even expensive procedures do not always solve this problem. Common causes of infertility are problems with sperm production:

  • asthenospermia (insufficient number of motile spermatozoa);
  • azoospermia (absence of active sperm);
  • oligospermia (small volume of ejaculate).

The use of royal jelly solves the problem of conception, stimulating the production of testosterone and regulating spermatogenesis. Scientists have conducted an experiment on rats, giving them this beekeeping product. According to the results, the number of germ cells increased 5 times.

Taking 25 mg of this bee elixir increases the level of testosterone in the blood by 20%. According to scientists, the reason for this effectiveness of the product is a balanced combination of its biological components.

Benefits for women

"Royal jelly" - an indispensable tool for the preservation of youth and women's health. It is a wonderful tonic, prepares the female body for pregnancy, and then for childbirth, serves as a protective talisman of the emerging life.

Bee uterine milk during pregnancy is used:

  • for the normalization of the hormonal and endocrine systems;
  • to eliminate toxemia;
  • in order to improve the immunity of the mother;
  • as an anesthetic for childbirth;
  • for the normalization of the digestive system of mommies and babies;
  • for proper fetal development.

In most cases, eliminates the risk of miscarriage in early pregnancy, including those who have such a predisposition or have already had a miscarriage. After the end of childbirth, the milk allows you to recover lost blood faster and avoid problems associated with lactation.

When consuming this substance in breastfeeding women, there is an increase in the amount of milk, as well as an improvement in its quality characteristics.

Royal jelly with infertility helps to solve problems with conception, the cause of which most often is the imbalance of the hormonal system. It restores the function of the ovaries, which affect not only childbirth, but also the aging process, which significantly rejuvenates the woman's body. As part of royal jelly contains hormones that act as a temporary stimulator of the ovaries.

It is important to remember that when you stop taking this beekeeping product, ovarian function decreases.   Therefore, take the "elixir" is desirable throughout the entire period of activity. Pregnancy usually occurs after 2–3 months of treatment.

Royal jelly is also indispensable in cosmetology:

  • fights wrinkles;
  • smoothes, tightens and smoothes the skin;
  • helps to improve the complexion.

Collagen, which is produced at the cellular level, contributes to the reduction of wrinkles. Cream with royal jelly has a rejuvenating effect, contributes to the extension of beauty and youth through micronutrients and vitamins that it contains. The skin is nourished, the skin is moisturized, the facial contour becomes clearer and more even, the sebaceous glands function is normalized.

Vitamins B5 and B7 help to improve the structure of the hair and strengthen the nail plates.   This elixir is added not only to the cream, but also to other cosmetics: serums, tonics, masks, massages, etc. A very good lifting effect is achieved by using masks. Such tools are recommended to apply after 30 years.

Also, this bee product will help solve the problem of acne, get rid of excessive skin luster or excessive dryness.

Benefits for children

Royal jelly is very useful for children. It helps them to fully develop (unless the child is not allergic to honey). The fact that this product is completely natural, also speaks in its favor. This unique tool helps the child:

  • get rid of diaper rash on the skin, as well as itching associated with skin inflammation;
  • improve sleep;
  • normalize metabolism;
  • to gain weight;
  • strengthen the nervous system;
  • boost immunity.

Spanish manufacturers of baby food include components of royal jelly in the composition of the mixtures intended for feeding newborns struggling with dystrophy, thereby saving the baby from tummy tummy and colic.

How to use?

Eating "royal jelly" is necessary in compliance with the instructions and recommendations of experts, since the reception of a large dose can cause side effects, such as shortness of breath, heart palpitations and allergic reactions.

Currently, there are various forms of receiving this tool. In general, an adult is recommended to use 1 mg of substance per day per kilogram of weight.

Bee Royal Jelly in granules take putting under the tongue. It is necessary to dissolve until complete dissolution.

Granules do not recommend to swallow, because substances containing proteins tend to curl up in the stomach. And during the resorption, the necessary components are gradually absorbed through the blood vessels, getting into the bloodstream, which distributes useful trace elements throughout the body.

At bedtime, it is not advisable to use this beekeeping product. It can cause restless sleep and nervous irritability.

How to take royal jelly so that it brings only benefit? Children are recommended to take granules in the morning 30 minutes before meals, two granules each. The term of reception is 20 days, after which it is necessary to take a break, and then resume the reception. If the child cannot dissolve the granules for a long time, it is possible to dissolve them in a liquid, for example, in tea or milk, but only so that they are not hot.

Men, with genital diseases, can also use granules. For example, "Apilak", which is prescribed 1-2 pieces 3 times a day for 2 weeks. For the treatment of prostatitis effective candles for the introduction into the rectum. One candle contains 1 mg. facilities. The procedure is carried out 3 times a day for 1 month.

How to store?

After the extraction of raw materials from the mother liquor, the qualitative characteristics of the substance begin to deteriorate sharply. At room temperature, it retains the beneficial properties of the entire order of 2 hours. At a constant temperature of 6 degrees Celsius, royal jelly is stored for two days, and at minus 6 degrees for six months.

In dry form, the shelf life increases to 3 years.   Conveying the concentrate is necessary in the cooler bag at 0 degrees Celsius. A sign of a spoiled beekeeping product is yellowing.

To increase the shelf life of this remedy can be preserved with honey in a ratio of, for example, 1:50. Alcohol is also suitable for this purpose. The optimal concentration in this case is 1:10. Ware for storage must be sealed and dark glass.


"Royal jelly" will benefit if you follow the rules of reception. When used, it is necessary to take into account the individual peculiarity of your body and the presence of allergy to honey. Reception before bedtime is not recommended, as the components entering into the substance have a stimulating and tonic effect.

Excess dosages can cause various disorders, including nervous ones. Improper use in some cases provokes side effects expressed by abdominal pain and diarrhea.

In the treatment of royal jelly should consider the main contraindications for:

  • allergies;
  • oncology;
  • addison disease;
  • with infections, especially in the period of exacerbation;
  • kidney and adrenal gland problems.

Since the product is the strongest biostimulant, which contains a large number of different elements, it is better to consult a doctor before use, in order to avoid side effects. The doctor will prescribe an individual dosage and method of administration.