Kaka to cook apple cider vinegar at home. Apple cider vinegar - step by step cooking recipes

23.04.2019 Snacks

Good day, dear readers! Today I would like to tell you a recipe for apple cider vinegar, which I got from my grandmother. Such a tool can also benefit health.

Moreover, the technology is simple. And you know that natural vinegar helps fight cellulite, and is also used to tighten the skin, for weight loss and for beautiful hair.
  It is used internally for medicinal purposes and is used for all kinds of rubbing and compresses.

It is known for a long time and is used for the preparation of various drugs and for the treatment of many diseases.

In cooking, this product allows you to give dishes a refined taste. Cabbage is fermented with it, and various canning options are being prepared.

Use garlic as a supplement.

Apple cider vinegar has a large number of essential enzymes and vitamins. It has a positive effect on the nervous, digestive and cardiac systems.

The product, made at home, has a lower strength compared to the synthetic version.
Remember that the frequent use of synthetic products inside leads to the formation of sand and kidney stones, as well as to the appearance of peptic ulcer.

The store option is better not to use for weight loss.

It is also worth considering some of the subtleties of using a natural product. Do not use a cloudy product.

Wait until the sediment sinks. Vinegar in a jar will roam for a longer time than the same product in a saucepan or wide bowl.

Apple cider vinegar at home: popular recipes

If you want to know how to make apple cider vinegar, try this simple recipe without yeast.

Make simple ingredients-these are 3 kg of apples, 300 g of sugar and water.

You will also need gauze and a large vessel. The dishes can be made of glass, wood or enameled.

In this case, stainless steel will not work. It is better to use natural apples, the cultivation of which did not use chemistry.

Wormy fruits will tell you about naturalness.

So let's get started:

  1. Peel and peel the fruit, and then finely chop it.
  2. Put the apples in a bowl and place sugar in the same place.
  3. Mix the components and fill with water. In this case, the liquid should rise two fingers above the product.
  4. Then place the dishes in a dark place. At first the mixture will roam for two weeks. Stir the fluid twice a day.
  5. Cover the vessel with gauze or a regular napkin.
  6. After two weeks, the mixture must be filtered through cheesecloth and at the same time squeeze out the remaining pulp.
  7. Then store the liquid in a 3 liter jar. Cover the container and put it back into the room. After this, the second stage of fermentation occurs, which lasts about four weeks.

The finished mixture will get a rich shade. Store the product in a glass container.

Try making vinegar according to Jarvis. To do this, you will need a liter of water, 800 g of apples, about 200 g of sugar. You can use honey. You will also need 20 g of rye bread or 10 g of yeast.

Wash and grate the fruit with the core. In the resulting slurry, add warm water, honey and yeast.

Pour the mass into a container with a wide neck. Place the dishes for 10 days in a warm and dark place.

Stir the mixture several times a day with a wooden spoon. After this period, squeeze the mass through cheesecloth. For every liter add 50 g sugarand then pour into a wide-necked vessel.

Tie the neck with gauze and place the container in a dark place on 40 days. The end of the fermentation process can be judged by how the liquid ceases to be cloudy.

Filter the finished solution and bottle. Cork them and store in a cool place.

Apple cider vinegar for weight loss

Using a natural product, treatment and weight loss are carried out. This will help folk recipes.

To lose weight, spill three tablespoons of vinegar in a glass of water and drink such a liquid before meals.

This is a great cleanser.

The healing composition will also help with cellulite.

For this, special wraps are made. First you need to cleanse the skin.

Then vinegar should be diluted with water in the ratio 1 to 1   and add a few drops of lemon juice and essential oil to the solution.

In the prepared mixture, bandages are moistened with which you need to tightly wrap your stomach, hips and legs. In general, all the problem areas.

Wrap the film and towel on top. With such a wrapper lie in bed under the covers about 40 minutes.
  Pretty simple to cook and wrap for better fat burning. To do this, mix our main ingredient with honey and apply a sticky composition to your stomach and other areas of your concern.

Wrap with cling film on top. Put on warm tights. Take cover with a warm blanket and lie down for an hour.

There is also a special method according to Bolotov, which involves the use of home vinegar. A useful product should be used for chronic fatigue, arthritis and varicose veins. It is effective in fungal diseases.

Do not deny yourself the pleasure of using natural products. Moreover, it does not require large financial costs and excessive efforts. Hope my simple recipes will benefit you.

Be healthy and happy dear friends!

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Good day, my beloved readers! Probably many of you have heard about. How it prevents the appearance of cellulite, helps to grow gorgeous hair, is used to lose weight and tighten the skin, to treat low acidity in the stomach and even varicose veins. Yes, you won’t just list how useful it is. But, the trouble is that it is not always possible to buy a quality product in a store.

Home vs Store

Most often, the manufacturer "conjures" vinegar from the remains of other industries, using:

  • apple peel
  • core
  • spoiled places
  • often cooks from cake, left over from the production of juice,
  • but about the presence of honey in a store product, you can only dream.

The use of waste is not the worst thing - they are food. This product surpassed all others in falsification. Producers are very fond of vinegar and to chew:

  • add preservatives to their goods that extend their storage,
  • dyes to mask used low-quality raw materials and give a more presentation,
  • subjected to severe filtration using reagents to remove natural sediment,
  • and often under the guise of a natural product, they sell a chemical mixture altogether.

Such a product will not contain either vitamins or minerals, and fermentation accelerators and preservatives will only worsen the situation.

Home vinegar is stored, maybe less, and its color will not be so bright. Own apple bite cooking at home which does not require much time and money will be much safer and more useful, because the hostess will invest in it not only love, but also high-quality fresh products!

Basic recipe

Many sites and forums of the worldwide network have collected a lot of different step-by-step recipes, among which you can find both the old "grandmother" and the modern one from popular experts. Although not all, they have a right to exist, although the basic principle of how to cook a healthy product is practically the same for everyone. That’s what I’ll prove now.

I went for apples

What is vinegar? In fact, it is soured wine. That is, the cooking process of both is the fermentation of fruit juice. And the only difference is that the wine wanders without access to air, and vinegar, on the contrary, must breathe.

So where does good vinegar start? Right! With good raw materials. At us, today it is apple. Therefore, we cook, it does not matter red or yellow, the main thing is sweet and ripe apples. And it’s not at all necessary to wash them (not even desirable!) And cut off the beaten places, it is enough to tear off the stalks and cut out the rot. After all, in order for fermentation to be active and without yeast, it is necessary that fungi remain on the fruits that contribute to this fermentation itself. And they are only on the "unwashed" apples.

By the way!   The more ripe and sweeter the apples, the less subsequently sugar will need to be added to the wort and the faster the fermentation process will take place.

  • grate
  • cut in a combine or mixer
  • mince
  • just cut with a knife

You can choose any method you like. But! On a grater, this is a long time and our fingers are not at all safe. With a knife - even more dangerous and longer. The meat grinder crumbles the raw materials too much, turning it into slurry, which subsequently affects its filtration. Therefore, I usually do this in a harvester. The apples in it do not crumple, but are obtained in small pieces.

The basis of the natural product

The most important, but not the most difficult moment in our undertaking begins: we are laying the foundation for future vinegar. What is needed for that:

  • apples of any kind (suitable as Antonovka, and small ranetki);
  • water;
  • honey (which is preferred) or sugar;

Everything is with the main components! All other additives are just variations on the vinegar theme. A slice of rye bread can be added to enhance fermentation. But I would not recommend adding yeast - if you do everything, as I wrote above (and below, too), and without them you will get wonderful vinegar.

There are not many options with the proportions of these components, but there are. I believe that one liter of water should be taken per kilogram of apples, and sugar - depending on the sweetness of the original product. On average (in terms of sweetness) it will be - 100 grams per selected amount.

Attention!   Mix the ingredients in a wooden, glass, clay or enamel bowl. Aluminum, iron, and especially plastic is not suitable for this purpose. Be sure to leave a place in the container for fermentation of the product, do not fill it to the brim.

When the base for vinegar is ready, cover it with a napkin or towel, put in a dark place in which a fairly high temperature should be maintained - 28-32 ° C. For this, hidden places in your apartment are closer to heating appliances or a dark cupboard in the kitchen.

In such conditions, the harvest must be kept for 10-15 days, it all depends on the presence of the aforementioned fungi and the storage temperature of the wort. All this time you need to “disturb” his calm three times (or at least once) a day by mixing with a wooden spoon.

This is also an important stage. First you need to separate the pulp from the liquid (while it is not vinegar). How to make it easier? Apple porridge will be poorly squeezed through cheesecloth, I know from my own experience. That is why, I advise you to do this “in draft” through a colander, on which you fold the pasta.

Just throw the wort into a colander and press the mass with your hands so that the glass liquid is as large as possible. Do not rub anything! This will only knead the pulp into porridge, and it, in turn, will clog the tissue during subsequent filtration.

Then we put gauze on our colander (make it in two layers) and filter the liquid already “clean”. This is no longer juice, but also not vinegar! The resulting semi-finished product should still wander, not so violently, but still. We repeat the technology in the same sequence, only we no longer add water:

  • sweeten per liter of liquid 50-100 g of sugar, again, depending on the source material;
  • pour into a clean container and also cover with a cloth;
  • set in a dark, warm place for 40-60 days to complete the fermentation.

Our daily presence is no longer required, you do not need to interfere with the strained workpiece, and do not touch it at all until the product is ready. Vinegar will be considered ready when the fermentation process is over and it becomes completely transparent.

Packing and storage

Ready vinegar must be removed from the lees. Do you know how to do this? No? Just like the finished wine. I know two options:

  1. Gently, without raising sediment from the bottom, the liquid simply overflows into a clean container. This is done quickly, but the minus here is that it’s good to drain, it doesn’t work out with the least “loss” - the precipitate will certainly rise and flow into a clean product. The second method of waste will turn out less, but you will have to tinker longer.
  2. Using a rubber tube. We fix one end of it in a container with vinegar, somewhere in its middle and certainly not touching the bottom. To start the process, it is necessary to draw air from the other end of the tube, and quickly lower it into the poured dishes (it should be much lower than the first). Thus, the "pumping" will begin from one tank to another. You just have to make sure that the tip of the tube does not fall into the sediment and does not jump out.

If you have a lot of cloudy fluid left, don't be discouraged. Let it stand for another day or two and you can repeat the process again. Not only that, I advise you to clean neat vinegar in a week or two in the same way again, it is very difficult to do it well the first time.

Attention!   At the stage of pouring vinegar for storage, you can insist it on various herbs for medicinal purposes or to add flavor. This is done by adding the selected weed to the bottle of the finished product. After 3-4 weeks, she will give vinegar not only its aroma, but also all the beneficial properties and it can be removed.

Pour the finished vinegar into a smaller dish, you can into bottles or small jars and do not do this right at the neck. Cover simply with nylon caps or tight plugs, but not tightly. Now it is still completely “green”, with a fortress of no more than 4-5%, it will still ripen with time, why should it be deprived of clean access to air.

It is better to store at a temperature of 6-8 ° C, but more can be, not the point. In a year, vinegar will reach a good fortress and will be fully ripe. You can use it without fear for health (and health!) For 3 years, which means more than one winter!

Vinegar Theme Variations

What else do you want to say on the vinegar theme? While preparing an article, which only recipes and recommendations did not read. My God, if I myself were completely off topic, it would not be surprising to get lost.

What I mean? Yes, at least for an example. I open top articles on our today's topic. And what do I see? A recipe for apple cider vinegar from Dr. Jarvis! I do not argue at all, there was such a doctor who promoted vinegar (by the way, not only him!) For medicinal purposes.

But, that’s why I don’t understand this recipe according to Jarvis. All the same recipe, rewritten many times from site to site with bread and yeast. Maybe I didn’t understand? Maybe YOU explain to me?

By the way!   Our Russian Malakhov also respects the use of vinegar and soda for medicinal purposes. If you listen to the herald of the people, this product helps absolutely in any cases, starting with a cold and ending with arthrosis.

And yet there is still an option that deserves special attention. I offer it to you.

Apple Juice Recipe

For the production of vinegar from apple juice, we will follow the principles of the main recipe, but there are certainly subtleties. This is the easiest way, excluding the part of the recipe where we regularly interfere with the wort. But, for active fermentation, it will be necessary to add yeast to the juice in addition to sugar. What could it be?

  • slice of brown bread
  • live yeast
  • wort left over from previously prepared vinegar
  • acetic uterus with residues of non-expressed sediment

The choice of the appropriate option is up to you, but I think the second and third are more acceptable.

Tip:   try to make vinegar with honey and sugar free in any recipe, because the bee product product contains significantly more vitamins and minerals.

Do I dilute the juice with water? Many met sources do not give such a recommendation. But, I am still inclined to the fact that it is necessary to do this. Judge for yourself - from non-diluted juice, vinegar will turn out to be very concentrated and, I think, strong. What for? Do it about 3 parts juice, one - water, or a little more.

I will not describe the rest of the process, everything is repeated one by one:

  • fermentation
  • sedimentation
  • storage

But, even this more lightweight version will not work in 1 hour. In any case, for everything about everything you need at least a month and a half.

Video recipe

Autumn ... Collected apples, now is the time to make apple cider vinegar. Its benefits and applications are described in another article, here we will only consider the recipe for cooking apple cider vinegar at home.

Natural apple cider vinegar is so called because it is made exclusively from apple juice with small additives of honey or sugar. The principle is this: the juice is fermented during the manufacturing process and alcohol is obtained, and even with further processing, acetic acid is formed.

For the preparation of apple cider vinegar, it is advisable to take sweet varieties of apples, as they give more alcohol and require less sugar. You can take both whole fruits and ready juice from them.

Apple Cider Vinegar Recipes

A simple recipe for apple vinegar

It will take 1.5 kg of apples. Rub them whole on a coarse grater without discarding the core, put them in a glass jar or in an enameled bowl and pour 2 liters of boiled cold water.

Then put in a bowl a piece of rye bread, about 50 - 60 g and add 150 g of natural honey. Do not cover with a lid, but cover it with a towel or gauze on top, keep it warm for 10 days, apples should ferment during this time.

The recipe is a little trickier

Take 2 kg of apples and 1.5 liters of pure raw water, for sweet apples, take 100 g of sugar, and for sour apples - 300 g.

Apples of any sort are suitable for cooking, it is enough to grate them on a coarse grater with peel and seeds, put in an enameled pan and pour water, adding half the sugar and mixing everything well.

Cover the container with the vinegar in the preparation with a towel or gauze, as the fermentation must take place with the access of air. Leave to roam for 3 weeks. Stir mass occasionally with a wooden spoon.

After 3 weeks, strain the mass, add the remaining sugar, mix to dissolve, and pour into jars, covering them with gauze. Wait another 40-50 days, let everything roam. Over time, the liquid will brighten, and then completely become transparent - this means that the fermentation is complete and vinegar is ready for use.

Filter it, bottle, cork and place in a dark, cool place to store.

The old recipe for cooking apple cider vinegar at home

In principle, it is also simple. Preparing vinegar from overripe apples. Wash them, cut and chop finely. Transfer the resulting slurry into an enameled pan and pour hot water (about 70 degrees). The water level should be 3-5 cm higher than the slurry level. Add sugar at the rate of 50 g per 1 kg of sweet apples or 100 g per 1 kg of sour apples.

Put the pot with gruel in a warm dark place, and do not forget to stir the contents occasionally. After 2 weeks, strain and leave for further fermentation. After another 2 weeks, homemade apple cider vinegar is ready, it must be poured into the container in which it will be stored. Drain without shaking, and filter the sediment. Store vinegar in a cool dark place, well corking containers with it.

How to make apple cider vinegar from juice

Natural apple juice without pulp is taken. Yeast and sugar can not be added, but to speed up the process, it is better to take quite a bit of dry yeast, about a quarter of a teaspoon, add 1 teaspoon of sugar and dilute in a small amount of warm water, this will turn out to be a couple. When the dough begins to foam and rises slightly, it is poured into a container of juice. To speed up the fermentation process, you can put a crust of rye bread in a bowl with juice.

A medical glove is usually worn on the neck of a container with preparing vinegar to prevent air from entering the vessel. Carbon dioxide, which is formed during fermentation, will gradually fill the glove, and if it breaks, you need to wear a new one. So the juice should stand for 4 weeks, during which time fruit sugar will completely turn into alcohol.

The result was something like a young wine, and we need vinegar, so we leave the contents to wander further, only in open form. It is best to pour the liquid into the pan, cover with something and ferment for 1.5-2 months at room temperature.

Vinegar is ready when the sharp unpleasant odor, which usually appears during the processing of alcohol into vinegar, disappears.

Making vinegar from apples - video

If you have your own methods and recipes for cooking apple cider vinegar, please write them in the comments. What apples make the best apple cider vinegar (in your opinion).

Apple cider vinegar is a fermentation product of natural fruits. It has not only a more pronounced and mild taste than regular, alcoholic vinegar, but also contains a huge amount of nutrients. Due to the presence of biologically active components, its biological value is several times higher. This is once again an incentive to learn a simple recipe. Every housewife can cook apple cider vinegar at home. This is a natural, high-quality product that can be prepared in the summer season, and then used all year.

All the benefits of fresh apples

You can not only save it for the winter period, but also increase it. It was found that in this product the concentration of amino acids and active substances is several times higher than in natural apples. At the same time, calories are several times lower than apple juice. That is, even with diabetes, you can use apple cider vinegar. The recipe for its preparation can be mastered even by a novice hostess, and it turns out he always successfully and at all.

The composition of apple cider vinegar

It has already become interesting. Let's look further at what gives the body the use of a natural product and for what purposes it can be used. A recipe for apple cider vinegar will allow you to regularly replenish its supplies. So, the composition includes more than 50 compounds and 16 amino acids. That is, the natural product surpasses most of the dietary supplements that we buy at high prices in pharmacies.

Important components are:

  • Biologically active enzymes, pectin belongs to them.
  • Various vitamins.
  • Useful lemon, oxalic).
  • Trace elements (sulfur, potassium, calcium, iron, copper and several others).

As you can see, in the winter it is quite possible to use it as a bioadditive. It is enough to study the apple cider vinegar recipe once, and it will be possible to use it constantly.

Cooking yourself

Of course, you can buy a bottle in the supermarket. But such a product has a big minus. Even if it turns out to be natural, and not a tinted solution of acetic acid with a flavor, it is still made from oilcake and peel. Of course, if at home you take whole fruits, then the composition will be much more vitamins and nutrients.

The recipe for homemade apple cider vinegar is simple, but to begin with, here are a few tips:

  • Apples must be taken ripe, but in no case spoiled or rotten. This is a common mistake, as people find it possible to dispose of raw materials in this way.
  • For harvesting you need sweet varieties. The more sugar they have, the higher the alcohol and acid content.
  • Do not remove or discard the vinegar uterus. It is similar to kombucha, formed by fermentation on the surface.

Standard Apple Cider Vinegar Recipe

At home, it takes quite a while to cook, but as a result you get a well-fermented product, ready for use. No sugar is used for this recipe, so even diabetics can use vinegar. The healing power of this product is very high, it just needs to be kept in reserve in every home. Let's move on to the recipe:

  • For cooking, you need to choose ripe and sweet apples. It is very good if you have a summer residence, then there will be no problems with raw materials.
  • Dice the apples and leave them in the open.
  • After about an hour, you can squeeze the juice from the fruit.
  • Drain the resulting liquid into a glass container and put on a glove on top. Do not forget to puncture. In a warm place, the container should stand for up to 6 days.
  • When the glove swells violently, it's time to drain the vinegar into a wide container. This will increase the fermentation rate. The temperature should be +27 o C. The fermentation time is 2 months.

After the fermentation process is over, the mass must be filtered through cheesecloth and bottled.

Sugar Free Recipe

This is a very simple recipe for apple cider vinegar. At home, it cooks relatively quickly, the result is a natural, high-quality product. The number of ingredients must be calculated based on the mass of apples. For every kilogram of sweet fruit, 50 g of sugar is required. And if the apples are sour, then you need to double this amount.

  • Apples need to be washed and grated. Now put them in an enameled pan and pour hot water. The temperature should be 70 degrees. Water needs to be poured 3-4 cm above the level of apples.
  • Now add sugar, mix thoroughly and leave for two weeks in a warm place.
  • In order not to form a crust and apples could ferment, it is necessary to mix the mass several times a day.
  • After two weeks, you can strain the resulting product and leave it to ferment for another 2 weeks. After this, an additional precipitate may form. Just filter it again.

Yeast Vinegar

Most housewives agree on what real apple cider vinegar should be like. A simple recipe is time. The process should not be time-consuming, in the summer there are enough other worries. The healing properties of the resulting product must be consistently high - these are two. These goals can be achieved using yeast.

This is actually a classic recipe for apple cider vinegar. Harvesting with yeast allows you to provide the product with the greatest amount of nutrients that make the product healthy. To prepare, you will need:

  • litere of water;
  • apples - 800 g;
  • sugar - 200 g;
  • yeast - 10 g.

There are alternative options if for some reason you cannot use these products. Sugar can be replaced with honey. Instead of the indicated amount of yeast, put 20 g of rye bread. If it’s hard to find raw yeast, take dry yeast. Just do not put a lot, a quarter of a spoon will be enough. If the room is cool and fermentation is not too active, you can add a little.

Cooking technology

As already mentioned, this is a simple recipe for homemade apple cider vinegar. Yeast activates fermentation processes and accelerate the maturation of the finished product. It is most convenient to prepare vinegar in three-liter jars. To do this, wash thoroughly and prepare the required amount.

  • The apples must be grated.
  • Put them in jars and fill them with hot water. Make sure that there is room for fermentation, because the mass may rise slightly.
  • Leave the container for 10 days, be sure to stir occasionally.

After 10 days, add sugar and yeast, tie with gauze and leave for 60 days for final maturation. The product is considered fully prepared when the liquid brightens and bubbles cease to form in it.

Vinegar of their meal

If you make apple juice for the winter, then there is probably a lot of waste left. It’s a pity to throw them away, so you have to come up with recycling methods. Of course, apple cider vinegar of their meal is not as useful as if you were taking whole apples. But still it is a natural and high-quality product. The recipe for apple cider vinegar involves the use of ready-made cake or mashed potatoes. If there is none, then you can twist the fruit in a meat grinder. To get a liter of vinegar, 1.5 kg of apples is required. The more mature they are, the better. For every 100 grams, 10 g of yeast is added.

  • Grated apples mix with the same amount of water.
  • Add yeast to them.
  • Cover the dishes with a cloth.
  • Place it in a warm place for 10 days.
  • Stir the mixture every day.

It remains to strain the vinegar. If desired, add a little citrus peel. They will give a special touch to your drink. Now carefully close and remove the container for 1.5 months for fermentation.

Vinegar with honey

It takes quite a while to prepare, but, according to doctors, it is very high quality. Analyzing the recipes for making homemade apple cider vinegar, we can say that this is one of the most thorough. The output is healthy and trace-rich vinegar. The cooking process is as follows:

  • Grate the apples, put them in a bowl and pour warm boiled water. 1 kg of apples will require a liter of water.
  • Add honey. This is the most expensive part of the recipe. For each liter of a mixture of apples with water, 100 g is required.
  • For excellent fermentation, you need to add 20 g of dried black bread and 10 g of yeast.
  • Cover the jar with gauze and leave for 10 days. Prerequisite: the room must be warm. But direct sunlight will be superfluous. Be sure to remove the container in a dark place.
  • After ten days, drain the liquid and add 100 g of honey for each liter. It is both a preservative and a flavoring additive at the same time. If the fruits were sweet, then you can take half less.

Now the final fermentation. Leave the vinegar for about 2 months. During this time, it will become completely transparent. After that, bottle again and close tightly.

Beneficial features

Apple cider vinegar is considered one of the most useful in its family. This is a natural product of fermentation, during which it is saturated with trace elements and amino acids. This tool has long been used in traditional medicine. It is used both internally and externally. There is a whole list of indications in which it is recommended to use apple cider vinegar. Of course, this is not a panacea; it will not replace a visit to a doctor. But in some cases, it can provide serious assistance to the body and create conditions for a speedy recovery.

This product effectively accelerates metabolism and metabolism, removes toxins from the body. That is why it is widely used for weight loss. Apple cider vinegar is taken to cleanse the body of accumulated mucus. To do this, you only need to drink in the morning a little vinegar mixed with warm water. This tool has a positive effect on the immune system, strengthens and heals the whole body.

For the whole body

If you find it difficult to curb your appetite and constantly want sweets, pay attention to apple cider vinegar. Daily intake of it will help to normalize the potassium-sodium balance, which allows you to reduce cravings for sweets. In addition, this product has a positive effect on the digestive organs, on the cardiovascular and endocrine systems. We can safely say that the regular use of apple cider vinegar, one spoonful per day, makes it possible to improve the health of the whole organism and saturate it with useful substances and microelements. At the same time, cooking does not take much time, which is a significant plus.

Apple cider vinegar (acetate) is used in cooking as a seasoning and preservative, in cosmetology to create anti-aging masks, and in folk medicine for certain ailments. You can buy it in a store, but to be sure of quality it is better to make apple vinegar at home according to a simple recipe. We will consider the classic technology that gives the most useful product.

Theory. Cooking apple cider vinegar consists of three main steps:

  • fermentation - processing by sugar of yeast (natural in the fruit and introduced) into alcohol without air, as a result, a young wine is obtained, preferably with a strength of 6-10%;
  • souring - the conversion of wine alcohol into vinegar under the influence of bacteria of the Acetobacteraceae family, which are activated when oxygen is available;
  • filtering the finished vinegar and bottling for storage.

Vinegar can be made from homemade apple wine (preferably dry) of any extract. In-store analogues, such as cider, are not suitable, as they contain sulfur or other substances that impede the development of acetic bacteria. If you have ready-made wine, immediately proceed to the 11th stage of the preparation technology. This will greatly simplify and speed up the process.

Attention! The authors of some recipes for apple cider vinegar suggest adding pressed or dried yeast, bread and other ingredients to the composition. The resulting drink will not be natural vinegar and will lose some of its useful properties, because instead of wine alcohol, ordinary ethyl alcohol will appear.


  • apples - 10 kg;
  • sugar - 50-80 grams per liter of juice (optional);
  • water - 50-100 ml per liter of juice (in some cases).

Apple Cider Vinegar Recipe

1. Unwashed apples (very dirty, wipe with a dry rag) cut into slices, remove the core and seeds. On the surface of apples are wild yeast, due to which the juice will ferment.

2. Grind the slices with a grater, meat grinder or other way to the state of mashed potatoes.

3. Put the mashed potatoes together with the juice that has stood out in a non-metal container with a wide neck, for example, an enameled pan or a plastic bowl. Cover with gauze.

4. Put for 2-3 days in a dark place with room temperature. Stir every 8-12 hours with a clean hand or wooden stick. When the apple mass darkens, foam appears on top, hissing and a slight smell of fermentation, go to the next stage.

5. Squeeze the mashed potatoes through cheesecloth or press. Squeezes are no longer needed.

6. Pour the filtered fermented juice into a jar or glass bottle, filling no more than 75% of the volume.

7. Taste. If the juice is not sweet, add sugar based on the proportions in the recipe, mix. Juice should be sweet, but not sugary (the maximum permissible sugar content is 20%). If strong acidity is felt (pinching tongue), add water.

8. Install a water lock or a medical glove with a hole in the finger on the neck of the container (made with a needle). Check the tightness of the connection between the neck and the water seal to prevent air from entering.

  9. Transfer the bottle (jar) to a dark place with a temperature of 20-25 ° C for 25-40 days.

10. At the end of the fermentation (the water trap does not emit gas or the glove is deflated, the wine has brightened, a layer of sediment has appeared on the bottom), drain the young wine through a tube without touching the sediment at the bottom so that apple cider vinegar turns out light without turbidity.

11. Pour wine into a wide-necked container. The larger the area of \u200b\u200bcontact of the wine with the air, the better. You can leave it sour in a jar, but the cooking time will increase. Top with gauze to protect from insects. After some time, a film (a layer of Mycoderma aceti bacteria) may appear on the surface, this is normal.

  In a wide capacity, wine will turn sour faster

12. Leave for 45-60 days in a dark place (or cover) at 18-23 ° C. The wine will gradually turn sour, turning into vinegar. At the end of the fermentation, the characteristic pungent odor of souring disappears.