Maple Tatar healing properties of flowers. The best qualities of chernoklёn honey

02.04.2019 Desserts and Cakes

When a tree-shrub is found near the river banks (it is also called black-boned or non-woody) few people know that this tree is considered. The sweet product collected from this tree is distinguished by its unique composition and is of great benefit to the human body. Possessing a mass of beneficial properties, black-honey honey is a real salvation in the autumn-spring season of colds.

Let's find out its features, useful properties and contraindications to the use.

Taste and appearance

The rarity and uniqueness of this can be explained by the fact that, due to its early flowering, it is the main source of energy for the bee colony and helps it to survive before the flowering of the main honey-bearing trees. So neklenovogo honey is never a lot.

To obtain it in its pure form, experienced beekeepers are transported to the plantings (thickets) unclean for its entire short flowering period. Only in such cases is obtained monoflure pure maple honey, distinguished by the special uniqueness of its beneficial properties.

Did you know? Up to 200 kg of pure monoflorny (harvested from one plant) maple honey can be obtained from 1 ha of black-thickets.

Chemical composition

Neclenic honey contains such substances:

  • water - up to 17%;
  • easily digestible carbohydrates: fructose, glucose, sucrose, maltose, melitsitoza;
  • vitamins A, E, PP, K, B1, B2, B6, B9, carotene, ascorbic acid;
  • enzymes: diastasis, amylase, phosphatase, catalase, inulase, etc .;
  • minerals, micro- and macronutrients: iron, zinc, potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, etc .;
  • amino acids and antioxidants: glutamic acid, alanine, arginine, tyrosine, and others;
  • organic acids: citric, malic, grape.
  Caloric content of the product - not less than 325 kcal per 100 g of product.

Beneficial features

Neklenovy honey is especially valued for its unique composition. It contains more than 300 vitamins and minerals, carbohydrates, organic acids. The optimal ratio of active ingredients in the composition gives it undoubted healing properties.

The beneficial effect on the human body is as follows:

  • a significant amount of "useful sugar" gives extra energy to people with great physical and mental stress. For the same reason, it has a positive effect on the state of the nervous system and helps to combat stress, depression and insomnia;
  • due to the high content of vitamins, it is prescribed as an immunostimulating agent. Vitamins help to strengthen the walls of blood vessels and influence the blood formation processes. The high content of vitamin E helps in the process of tissue regeneration after burns and operations;
  • the presence of enzymes helps to normalize the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, relieve the load on the liver and pancreas, balance the readings of acidity;
  • in small doses, it helps to lose weight dieting. Weight loss occurs due to improved metabolism and faster metabolism, and easily digestible sugars and vitamins will come to the aid of the body as a nutritious product;
  • it has an anti-inflammatory effect both in oral and as an external agent. Inside is actively prescribed for any seasonal diseases (tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, bronchitis). As an external tool is actively used in cosmetology at home, or in professional offices as the main component in the composition of shampoos, balms, face masks, scrubs, etc.

Did you know? Several eaten spoons of a non-product can lift your spirits faster than a single eaten chocolate bar.

To preserve all the useful qualities of the product for a long period will allow its proper storage. Keep it only in a glass container, at a temperature of 10-15 ° C and away from sunlight. The top (warmest) shelf of the refrigerator is quite suitable for this.

Use in traditional medicine

   So, it is prescribed to people with aggravations:
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • diseases of the urinary system;
  • skin diseases or in the postoperative period;
  • unstable psycho-emotional diseases of the nervous system;
  • catarrhal and viral diseases;
  • swelling and toxicosis during pregnancy.

How to distinguish a fake

Unfortunately, unscrupulous beekeepers very often resort to fakes. There are several criteria by which you can determine the real non-member:

  • price- the most important criterion. It can not be low! Black honey is not often found in the sale, it is a rare product with a correspondingly high price;
  • colour - dark and brown, without any light inclusions. The light color indicates that under his appearance is presented honey of mixed type or not containing at all;
  • taste  - not very sweet and tart, compared with other bee products;
  • consistency  - thick and creamy. Liquid structure indicates a poor quality product;
  • crystallization  - in principle, it cannot be in fresh black-honey honey. This product crystallizes only a year later, so the presence of crystallization indicates that it is already at least last year’s, or a frank fake is being sold under its guise.

  Buying a non-green product from proven beekeepers, the consumer will save himself from a poor-quality product.


Like other similar products, black-honey, in addition to useful properties, has some contraindications to use. Due to bioactive substances in its composition, the main contraindication is an allergic reaction to the components.

The plant is decorative throughout the growing season, but in the fall - especially. With proper care lives from 100 to 300 years.

In autumn, the leaves and fruits of black soil start to gradually get a red hue.


  • ovoid crown 5 m in diameter;
  • thin, smooth bark of gray-brown color with dark grooves;
  • ovoid small buds reddish-brown shade;
  • elongated leaves are green, and in autumn - bright red;
  • thin pinkish scapes;
  • small white-green flowers, gathered in thick panicles;
  • flat, rounded, yellow-green lionfish.

The plant blooms in late spring. Maple grows quickly, adding 0.7 m high and 0.5 m wide in a year. The plant looks good in single plantings, groups or hedges. It is a good honey plant, a bee can collect more than 100 kg of honey per hectare of plantings.

Planting chernoklena and tree care

The plant is light-loving, drought-resistant, frost-resistant and not demanding to the composition of the soil, although it develops better on sandy soils. Tatar maple is practically not subject to pest invasions and rarely gets sick.

These trees are preferably planted in open areas or in light penumbra. When planting at the bottom of the pits, it is advisable to make a drainage of rubble, especially for areas with a high level of groundwater. Fertilizers need to be added to the planting pit, but it will be possible to feed the seedling next spring.

The root neck should remain at ground level.

Young seedlings need to be watered well - at least 18 liters per plant. And in the future, the tree will need the same amount of water every 7 days. It especially requires watering in hot and dry weather.

It is advisable to grind the earth in the near-ground circle with peat. Young saplings in frosty winters with a lack of snow are best covered with fir branches near the root collar.

Frost-damaged annual branches should be removed immediately.

Pruning is the periodic removal of dry and diseased branches. If maple is used as a hedge, it should be trimmed quite often. So the plants will branch better and make the fence dense and difficult to pass.

Tatar maple is often used for landscaping urban parks and gardens and to protect the soil in roadside plantings.

Everyone heard and used lime and acacia honey. But few, except for beekeepers and other connoisseurs of this bee's livelihood product, have heard or tried blackened honey. This is a high-grade and useful product. It belongs to rare varieties. Its taste is specific and different from others.

In this article, we will learn about the beneficial properties and contraindications of black maple honey, learn about the therapeutic effect and talk about its storage.

Black honey in color can range from dark yellow to brown. It is lighter than buckwheat. In the light, this delicacy plays with scarlet hues.

The crystallization process is slow.  Because of this, it remains in a liquid, stinging state for a long time. But not splashing. Its texture is viscous. The color does not change.

The aroma is pleasant. The taste is tart. After its use, a specific aftertaste remains in the mouth, which pleasantly envelops the oral cavity.

It is tart pleasant taste that remains for a long time - a distinctive feature of this type of honey. On this basis it is distinguished from fakes, as well as from other varieties.

Ingredients: vitamins and minerals

Another distinctive feature of maple honey is the presence of a large amount of fructose in its composition. According to this indicator, it differs even from the May, obtained from acacia.

Black honey is rich in easily digestible carbohydrates, in particular fructose.  Its composition is as follows:

In the composition of black-honey, there are more than three hundred minerals and trace elements.

The following main trace elements:

  • Manganese;
  • Nickel;
  • Chromium;
  • Copper;
  • Fluorine;
  • Zinc and others.

Minerals are represented by salts:

  • Sodium;
  • Phosphorus;
  • Calcium;
  • Yoda;
  • Gland.

This product has many essential amino acids. Biogenic stimulants are also present in it.
It contains ascorbic acid (vitamin C), vitamins of group B, vitamin K and E, and others.

He is very nutritious. 100 g of the product contains about 320 kilocalories.

Useful properties of black honey

The composition of this variety allows you to successfully deal with harmful microbes, improve the body's immunity in any season.

Due to the fact that by its consistency, it is able to envelop the oral cavity after its use, as well as the intestinal wall, which has a beneficial effect on the body.

Adults need only to eat two tablespoons of this delicacy a day - on an empty stomach in the morning and evening after drinking a glass of water.

Contraindications and harm

There are no obvious contraindications for the use of this variety, with the exception of an allergic reaction to all varieties. In this case, it is advisable to try it half a teaspoon twice a day. If the body takes it, then the dosage can be slightly increased.

Diabetics use honey after a preliminary medical consultation.  Children under two years are also not recommended to give it. Restrictions exist in terms of quantity of consumption, because black-calf honey is high in calories.

About honey plant

The bearer of this variety is the Tatar maple. It is also called black clown. This is a small tree or shrub. It grows in the forest. Therefore, honey is obtained environmentally friendly. This is another virtue.
This honey plant can not be found in large numbers in city parks and squares, forest belts along the roads.. Distributed in Siberia, southern Russia, the Caucasus, Western Europe.

Blooms profusely in the April-May month. Therefore, beekeepers can take out their apiary in this period further into the forest, where, in addition to this tree, other melliferous plants start to bloom - lungwort. But it is better to have the apiary, of course, closer to the Tatar maple.

The abundance of flowering for a long period will enable the bees to work for glory in order to stock up on this useful organic delicacy.

Storage conditions

If you want honey to crystallize as quickly as possible, place it in a basement or other cool place. Temperature from +4 to +7 degrees - just what you need for this product.

You should not store honey at temperatures above 35 degrees Celsius and below the same temperature, but with a minus sign. This is due to its physical and chemical composition. Otherwise, you can lose a lot of its useful properties.

60% humidity - just right for storage. Better for this purpose use glass containers and in no case - metal. We avoid its long stay under sunshine.

Healing properties of black honey

For gastritis, ulcers and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, feel free to use black honey. It heals wounds, envelops the walls of the intestines with its binding substance. With its moderate use normalizes metabolism in the body.

It treats skin diseases, helps to get rid of problems with eyesight and normalizes the work of the heart, liver.  And of course, honey helps with colds, bronchitis, the initial stages of asthma and other respiratory diseases. In folk medicine, it is used by women to stimulate uterine contractions during labor. With avitaminosis and scurvy, it also helps a lot.

This product of beekeeping has a large number of positive reviews. Once you have tried it, you understand why the true lovers of this delicacy appreciate it. Taste, beautiful color, a lot of useful qualities - all symbiosis in one product - chernoklena honey.

Black honey is a rare type of tasty beekeeping product. Its rare composition is appreciated among people. The product has many useful properties. It helps to cope with various diseases. Sweet nectar contains a large amount of minerals, vitamins, carbohydrates and organic acids.

Black honey

In the people black-honey is called "full". Tastes of the product are honored from ancient times. In the 70s, 20 components became known that benefit the body. Scientists have constantly investigated the value of the product, its composition is replete with more than 500 properties. At the time of our ancestors, it was not so well studied, nobody knew about the significance of honey. However, in those days, honey sweetness began to be used in its favor. It is believed that the dark variety has more useful components than the light one. Exploring honey, scientists have fully confirmed these rumors.

Its origin is very interesting. Maple trees are familiar to all, only to beekeepers, they have nothing to do. But the amazing beauty of the plant is just black honey. From his flowers, bees collect nectar. Chernoklain grows not everywhere, you can find it in Ukraine, in Eastern Europe, in the south and in the central regions of Russia. A stately plant almost 10 meters high blooms in early May. Since the black honey bee blooms in early May, and the bees are not very active at this time, it is very difficult to collect nectar from the flowers in such a situation. For these reasons, this honey plant without impurities can hardly be found. It can add other varieties, and mix.

The plant chernoklen grows bushes not for long: about two weeks. During this time, you should hurry to collect honey in its pure form. That is why professional beekeepers, taking their hive, migrate to the places of flowering plants. But then their work fully justifies itself, because they get the most delicious and rare variety.

Black plant

Composition and description

The bush of the plant in spring is covered with white flowers, which are combined in a brush. Since honey is harvested in the spring, it can be attributed to an early variety. Often black-nectar mixed with forest. According to its consistency, it is possible to distinguish where pure honey nectar is, and where mixed. Having tried the product for the first time, it seems that it is not very sweet. Without impurities and without adding other varieties to it, it will not be very sweet and a bit tart unlike its varieties. It is thick, stretches quite well, has a special aroma and a slight caramel smell. Taste with pronounced sourness. Honey has a dark brown color with purple tints. Its crystallization lasts a long time due to the glucose content. With long-term storage, the product becomes lighter and is not completely candied. No sort of honey can compare with Chernoklenov.

The dark variety of blackgrass melliferous includes: fructose, maltose and glucose. Such sugars are quickly absorbed by the body, and provide an additional source of energy, and the surplus is deposited in fats. The heart, muscles of the nervous and skeletal systems need such substances for normal work.

Beneficial features

Since ancient times, our ancestors valued honey nectar. The valuable properties of honey are struggling with various diseases: viral and chronic etiology, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and other diseases. It also has other healing properties:

  • relieves pain;
  • tones the body;
  • diuretic;
  • stimulates the immune system;
  • heals wounds;
  • reduces stress;
  • antiseptic effect.

Honey reduces stress

He also copes with insomnia and avitaminosis, and pregnant girls are advised to use it in case of strong toxicosis. It will help people with a weak vestibular apparatus, as an antiemetic. Together with medication treatment prescribed for gastritis, colic, constipation, and even during dentistry, it is useful.

Sleep problems disappear in the first days of taking honey nectar. If you add one tablespoon of honey plant to a glass of warm water and drink it at night, you will remove insomnia as a hand.


Black-maple sweetness undoubtedly only provides benefits to the body. However, there are contraindications. If you tried it for the first time, you should eat quite a bit to see how your body responds to the new phenomenon. If a skin rash or any other allergic reaction has started, then you should stop taking it quickly. People with high blood sugar levels are also not recommended. Small children, its consumption is also undesirable, in order to avoid allergies. This honey nectar should be completely excluded from the diet by people diagnosed with the last degree obesity diagnosis. In acute gastric diseases, it is contraindicated.

Storage conditions

Shelf life is full, as well as other varieties is not limited. Even after many years, all its taste and beneficial properties will not change. But for this, it must be stored in suitable conditions for him, otherwise he may lose his healing qualities. After collecting nectar, the product must be decomposed into glass jars.

Black honey storage

Dark dry place will be optimal for storing nectar. It is advisable to keep it in a warm room, but try to avoid spaces with low temperatures, it should be at least 10 degrees Celsius.


Black honey has a lot of beneficial effects on the body: it raises immunity, tones up, has healing properties. If you eat full meals in small portions daily, this will help keep your body healthy, eating large spoons is not recommended. Daily intake for adults 3-4 teaspoons. Children should be denied a treat to 4-5 years, as they are more susceptible to allergic reactions than adults.

It is undesirable to add the rarest variety of black-honey melliferum during cooking to food. It is important to remember that at high temperatures above 50 degrees, all its useful properties are lost.

It will be of great benefit if used in its pure form. You can add to stewed fruit, juices, grease pies after cooking, and season salads.

Among the products of beekeeping, this honey variety is a rare value. Beekeepers respect this plant for its beneficial healing properties. You are incredibly lucky if you have a jar of amazing healing black-honey honey at home.

Chernoklenovy honey - one of the rarest varieties with unique properties. Only the most skilled beekeepers manage to collect such a product in a pure form, the rest have to be limited to the mixture with acacia. Scientists have shown that black-honey honey is ten times more useful than the May fees. It may be hard to believe this statement, but this is true.


It is worth emphasizing that the bees are not attracted by the usual maple, which we see at almost every step, but by its Tatar relative. It is to him that the bees flock to collect nectar from sweet and fragrant flowers.

As for the tree itself, its maximum height usually does not exceed 6-8 meters. The Caucasus and the South of Russia are considered to be the main habitat of the Tatar maple, but it is also often found on the territory of European countries located to the south.

The peculiarity of honey collected from Tatar maple is that the tree blooms in the middle of spring and is only 2 weeks old. At this time, most bee colonies are not yet fully ready for honey collection, therefore, they do not have time to collect enough rare nectar.

A pure product can be obtained only if you find a glade with a large number of trees.

Maple product boasts an unusual structure and the consistency of pasta. It is very sweet and has a unique caramel flavor. Although, in some cases, it is very difficult to distinguish a fake from a natural product.

The main properties of honey

As we have said above, Chernoklen honey is a very rare product, which is why it is highly valued among beekeepers. What is its rarity? The fact is that the Tatar maple, from the nectar of which the bees make the product, blooms only for two weeks in the middle of spring.

Below we list the main properties of chernoklenov honey:

  1. Maple honey has a dark color. If you bring it to the light, the product starts to play in dark red hues.
  2. Black honey is collected in the middle of spring and therefore is considered very useful.
  3. It has a unique flavor that combines sourness and caramel notes.
  4. Tart taste, which leaves a pleasant aftertaste for a long time.
  5. It can be stored for a relatively long time in a liquid state due to the fact that crystallization proceeds slowly.
  6. Very thick and the consistency is more like pasta.

As mentioned earlier, maple honey in its pure form is a rarity. More often it can be found in the form of a combination with acacia or other melliferous products.

The composition of honey from chernoklёna

Black clay honey has a unique composition: 50% fructose, 30% glucose and 5% maltose.

All these substances are fast carbohydrates and are well absorbed by the human body. Fructose and glucose have a positive effect on the functioning of the skeleton and heart muscles. All substances that are not absorbed are deposited as fat.

Maple honey contains more than a dozen vitamins. We note among them such components as: A, B, C, E.

In addition, the product contains biogenic stimulants, pantothenic acid and other organic acids.

The composition of maple honey is another confirmation that this is a unique product that is absorbed by the human body by 99%.

Taste and appearance

Black honey refers to the dark varieties. Although, immediately after pumping, it has a light shade, but as a result of crystallization, it gradually darkens. On a consistence reminds dense paste.

As for taste, it has a pleasant caramel aroma with a slight acidity.


What is useful honey from Tatar maple? Even our ancestors discovered the healing properties of this product. They preferred dark varieties and for good reason, scientists proved that such products contain more than 500 substances, most of which are occupied by the minerals necessary for the human body.

The product has healing properties that help get rid of the following ailments:

  • toxicosis;
  • avitaminosis;
  • liver disease;
  • insomnia;
  • flu;
  • angina

This list can be continued for a very long time.

Scientists have proven the benefit of black maple honey in the postpartum recovery period. It is an excellent analgesic and disinfectant drug. In addition, this variety is often added to the composition of cosmetics.

Black honey has a positive effect on the digestive system:

  • normalizes the process of production of gastric juice;
  • stabilizes the acidity of the stomach;
  • accelerates the process of regeneration of damaged tissues.

It is proved that this product regulates the body's metabolism and strengthens the immune system.

Maple honey is actively used in medicine. He proved to be effective in dentistry and cardiology. Many doctors recommend it as an effective antiemetic.

To minimize the risk of an allergic reaction, it should be taken in small doses, several times a day.

If black honey mixed with carrot juice, sea buckthorn, rowan and blueberries, you get an effective means to improve vision. In addition, using this product, you can increase the tone of blood vessels.


No one doubts the benefits of the product, but do not forget about contraindications. Maple honey is contraindicated:

  • Children younger than 3 years;
  • People with a diagnosis of diabetes;
  • People with peptic ulcers or acute gastritis;
  • People who are allergic to this product;
  • Overweight people who are trying to lose weight.


Maple honey boasts a fairly broad front of use. It is used in both therapeutic and traditional medicine, cosmetology, confectionery. Useful properties of the product have repeatedly been proven by scientists. But unfortunately, this is a very rare product, which is almost impossible to get in its pure form.

Use in traditional medicine

Black honey must be used for diseases of the digestive system. Thanks to its therapeutic components, it heals wounds and accelerates the process of regeneration of the intestinal walls. With a moderate use of the product, the metabolism is normalized.

In addition, it helps to improve vision, as well as normalize the work of the heart. Folk healers use the product to treat colds, bronchitis, asthma, beriberi and scurvy.

How does bloom black

To see how black maple blooms, you need to visit the honey plant in the middle of spring, with a large number of trees of this breed.

During flowering, on the branches of trees appear white-green flowers, which are collected in small bunches. Duration of flowering - 20-25 days. All this time, the bees collect nectar from this generous plant.

If you do not have the opportunity to visit the flowering honey plant, watch the video below.

Terms and conditions of storage

In order for honey to retain its healing properties for a long time, you need to follow the rules of storage. It is better to store the product in a glass container and pour it into a wooden one only when serving.

Recommended storage temperature: 10 degrees and below. It should be noted that with a negative thermometer, the bee gift can be stored even longer. It is important that the product does not fall into the direct rays of the sun, as it begins to crystallize.

If we talk about storage at home, then a few small portions can be placed in the refrigerator, and the remains hidden in a dark and dry place. It is easier to store “nectar” in the village, since practically every owner has a cellar.

How to distinguish a fake?

We do not recommend buying a product in the bazaar, because if you are not very good at honey varieties, sellers can take advantage of this and slip you lime. To prevent this, we will teach you to distinguish between "original" and fake.

First of all, we note that the maple "nectar" should have a dark brown or dark brown shade. From the natural product comes a rich aroma of caramel, and the honey itself leaves a long sour aftertaste.

When buying black-honey, you need to pay attention to the color, flavor, price and time of sale.

Maple "nectar" is much more expensive than other varieties, so you should not be led to a cheap product - most likely it is a fake. Tartar maple honey is distinguished by its toughness and the duration of the crystallization process.
