New Year's festive table in kindergarten. New Year's recipes: children's table, fast and tasty

13.04.2019 Dishes for children

Future adults love to imitate their parents, and this is an important quality for development, but it is a pity that parents imitate their heirs a little - in the ability to genuinely enjoy the holidays. Let's fix the annoying mistake, and begin to enjoy life at the culinary preparation stage, for which we will arrange the children's New Year's table generously, beautifully and creatively! You will find a triumph of spectacular ideas, fabulous motifs of glorious calendar days, delicious food combinations and ample opportunities for kids to imitate their parents.

Thinking over a children's holiday, immediately direct your imagination towards the buffet table. We have already written more than once about children's birthdays, and the convenience of a buffet service - with tons of recipes and photos! - leaves no room for doubt. Children will enjoy the buffet for the new year!

For those who want to learn interesting thematic ideas for a festive table, we suggest reading them in the following articles.

New Year's Eve buffet reception: what you can make a Christmas tree of

On the New Year's table you can’t do without Christmas trees, so even at the snack stage you can build a lot of elegant options. Here are just a few photos that make it easy to understand the principle of growing festive beauties - from a variety of products.

There are cheese and sausage slices, and slices of cucumbers, and plates of cucumber skins, and grapes, and, of course, citrus fruits, so much loved by Monkey-2016.

New Year's “recipes” for the Christmas tree for children

The snowman and Christmas balls look interesting, which can be made from several eateries. You will find three recipes for them in the story about New Year's snacks.

On the basis of inexpensive, but tasty New Year's salads, which we talked about in the same article, you can make cones.

This can be several large cones that you have to share with a spoon, or many portions - on a plate for each child.

You can bribe the hearts of parents who are anxious about the diet of their children by choosing a high-value product for traditional recipes. For example, quail eggs - for stuffed eggs.

We need

  • Hard-boiled quail eggs - 10 pcs.;
  • Soft cheese (creamy or curd) - 2-3 tbsp. (can be replaced with curd with greens
      or processed cheese);
  • Salted salmon - 50 g;
  • Dill - 3-4 branches;
  • Pepper - 1 pinch.

How to cook

  1. We cut the boiled eggs across and take out the yolks.
  2. Salted salmon cut into as small a cube as possible
  3. We chop dill very finely.
  4. We combine the yolks, cheese, salmon and dill and mix thoroughly to obtain a homogeneous mass.
  5. With this mass, we stuff the halves of the eggs, covering the top with the second empty half.
  6. Dress each stuffed egg on a skewer or a toothpick.

Serving - on lettuce leaves or surrounded by cheese and sausage slices.

"Egg" children's New Year's table (photo)

While preparing the menu for the New Year's holiday, I don’t want to go beyond the already bloated budget. On the other hand - I so want to please the guests with something original!

We suggest you consider the ideas of hot with apples, bananas and frozen cherries, because these are the most affordable fruits on winter counters.

And in general, it makes sense to look through the options for hot dishes for a children's birthday, because December 31 is also the birthday for the new 2016 year.

And if you decide not to limit the New Year’s menu to snacks and sweets, then look for recipes for hot on our website - at the request of "children's birthday."

For dessert, gingerbread cookies are especially good - as an option for a portioned New Year's dish, which is convenient to eat with your hands, including with a free buffet. And again it is worth focusing on the form.

A few photos of traditional options.

Children's "photo recipes" of gingerbread cookies for the New Year

How to work with glaze is the topic of a separate detailed conversation. And today we will describe for you a delicious dough recipe and an easy way for a charming decor for children - WITHOUT GLAZING.

New Year's gingerbread cookie "Bear wants to be friends!"

We need

  • Flour - 250 g;
  • Butter (already softened) - 70 g;
  • Sugar - 80 g;
  • Egg - 1 pc.;
  • Cocoa powder - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • Ginger (dried, in powder) - 1 tsp;
  • Fresh ginger, grated - 1 tsp;
  • Ground cinnamon - 1 tsp;
  • Clove (ground) - ½ tsp;
  • Soda - ½ tsp;
  • Almonds (whole nuts) - by the number of cookies.

How to make Christmas cookies

  1. We cut the butter into cubes, combine with sugar and egg and beat in a blender until smooth.
  2. Add flour, spices, soda, grated fresh ginger, cocoa powder to the mass. Twist again in a blender. We form a test lump, wrap it in a film and send it to the refrigerator for 30-40 minutes.
  3. Divide the dough in half. We take one part to work, and the second we can return to the refrigerator.
  4. We roll out the dough between two layers of baking paper: put a lump on the paper, gently press it, on top of the second piece of paper - and slowly works with a rolling pin. Our goal is an even test pancake up to 7 mm thick.
  5. Using a curly tin in the shape of a bear, we cut out the cookies. Any color pencil (or pastry stick) outline the eyes, mouth, ears and nails on the feet. Put a nut in the middle of each cookie and wrap the upper legs that hold the nut.

Cooking Tip
  You can cut cookies with other cookie cutters. The main thing is that it be an animated character with distinct handles.

  1. Preheat the oven to 180 * C. We put baking paper on a baking sheet. And lay out our figures.
  2. Bake cookies for 10 minutes. If the dough is thicker than 7 mm, an additional 4-5 minutes will be required.
  3. While baking the first batch, repeat all the steps to create cookies from the second half of the dough.

Of course, when preparing a children's New Year's table, one cannot do without a wide variety of sweets and pastries. Interesting ideas for recipes - without extra time and effort! - have long been described on our website, where we invite you to look.

Pay special attention to cheesecakes without baking, which are easy to prepare even for a novice hostess. Among the proposed options there are convenient recipes - with ingredients that are easily available in winter.

For these uncomplicated cakes, we have in store an equally simple but effective decor - in red and white New Year's style.

Approaching the completion of the article, we will not pass by the apogee of adult attributes in the New Year's menu. This is a necessary drink not only for the upcoming 2016, but also for all past and future. Yes, yes, you guessed correctly, we mean CHAMPAGNE!

In order to fully please the children, we will serve a refreshing children's drink in bottles of champagne or wine. Or we’ll buy apple juice with gas, which is called “Baby Champagne”, and, armed with simple techniques, we decorate bottles specifically for children.

Such a drinking accompaniment is perfect for a sweet table, because, you see, tea is served to children and at home on ordinary days. And the New Year's menu is a place for surprise and delight!

New Year decor options for bottles

Method number 1

Easy to manufacture Santa Claus, for which you will need red, white, gold and black fabric, some cardboard, cotton wool, ribbons and buttons.

Fleece, felt, tight chintz will help you out. But even if these materials are not there, you can create an adornment of glossy colored paper, it is only important to stick it well (a thick PVA layer or “Moment” glue).

Method number 2

With the presence of acrylic paints, a piece of sponge, brushes and minimal skills in drawing, you can realize other wonderful recipes for Christmas bottles with drinks for a children's table.

Leaving your home after the New Year's celebration, each of the young guests can take with them a sweet memory of a happy holiday and a delicious, originally laid table.

Option number 1

If you bake well and with pleasure, this may be the easiest gingerbread recipe with icing. It is important that there is a ribbon in the gingerbread, for which it can be hung from a Christmas tree.

And do not forget to make a bright label where the wish is written for the child - always with his name (!)

Option number 2

Take a look at the candy Christmas trees - on the basis of a bottle. Please note that you can always choose a bottle less than champagne. At your service kefir, from juice or milk. The main thing is that they are glass.

For a smaller bottle and candy, you can choose a smaller one. However, the well-known craft will not lose its relevance, because it is beautiful, stable and curious for children in the very process of extracting sweets - they need to be cut off or cut off.

Option number 3

For older children, who are already beginning to be interested in all sorts of tests and horoscopes, you can beat the meeting of the new 2016 year - as time under the symbol of the Monkey. And then the best decor for the bottle will be round candies in gold foil. What beauty can be built - clearly visible in the photo.

Such a pineapple need not be decorated with expensive sweets. There is another - a budget recipe: take any round sweets and wrap them in gold foil. Pineapple Leaves - Double Sided Green Paper:

Option number 4

The abundance of interesting New Year's dishes and entertainment for children is very elegantly emphasized by handing parting candy wreaths. They may be the same for everyone, but not executed in a circle, but in the form of a heart.

The universal symbol of love emphasizes the friendliness of your home and the desire of the child to make friends with all guests.

The recipe for making wreaths is easy! Just one photo immediately makes the manufacturing process clear:

You will need cardboard, sweets, scotch tape (or strong threads) and a ribbon for the eyelet on which the wreath can be hung. Note! It’s easy to attract your child to this craft - starting from 4 years old. Let the kid know that friendship is a troublesome matter that requires labor and dedication. And only in this way does a person have the right to count on the reciprocity and reliability of friends.

Always remember that a children's New Year's table, like a holiday for children in general, is primarily a creative approach and an optimistic vision of the world. All of his joys, prettiness and madness open up forgotten space for you to express affection, friendship, love, faith in one's strength and in all good things!

New Year is a holiday of childhood. In search of ideas on how to celebrate this night, what is interesting to give and how to create a menu, we somehow return thoughts in those days when we were children, with bated breath we waited for gifts under the Christmas tree, believed in Santa Claus and miracles ...

Let's not forget about it in the bustle of New Year's eve. When inviting guests, think about the children - with whom will they celebrate this holiday? Thinking through the scenario of the New Year's Eve, do not forget about the kids - what games do you organize for them? When deciding what to prepare for the festive table, try for the small participants of the celebration as well - the New Year's menu for children should be such that they are happy and know for sure: there is a fairy tale!

Holiday ideas for a children's table are as abundant as a child’s fantasy. This is only the smallest part of our collection.

Appetizer from pita bread on the children's Christmas table "Fir-trees"

In the center of the children's New Year's table, let them be ... Christmas trees! Many, many fur-trees - furry and prickly, cold and hot, bright and fragrant. No ideas? Start with the simplest: roll up the pita leaves with triangles, fill them with something tasty and healthy - and voila!, The Christmas trees have grown and are asking for a mouth.


  • 5 round sheets of pita bread;
  • 150 g cream cheese;
  • 10 slices of slightly salted salmon;
  • a few leaves of green salad;
  • bunch of dill.

We cut the sheets of pita bread in half - you get 10 semicircles.

Grease each piece with cream cheese, put a leaf of lettuce and a slice of fish on top. Visually determine the center of the line along which the pita was divided, and begin to add the triangles, the top of which is this central point. As a rule, 4-5 bends are obtained.

We put the finished triangles on the dish (the oblong plate on which the “forest” grows looks good), lay a small layer of cream cheese on top of the pita bread again, sprinkle with finely chopped pine dill.

If desired, "Christmas trees" can be decorated with pomegranate seeds, sweet peas or dairy corn.

Christmas tree decoration option: cream cheese + avocado, turned into a paste, and slices of bright sweet pepper.

Pita bread is not necessary to buy, it can be made at home - see

Herringbone sandwiches for the smallest

Often children perceive the world through pictures - and the brighter they will be, the more fun and meaningful for a child, the better information about the world will fit in small blond and dark-haired heads. Do you plan to prepare profiteroles with salmon mousse for the New Year's table? Adults will surely appreciate, and kids? I propose making funny Christmas sandwiches for them: the basis will be the same mousse, however, the overall picture compares favorably with the “adult” version.

Ingredients for 3 Sandwiches:

  • 6 slices of white bread;
  • 1 boiled carrot;
  • a slice of bell pepper for decoration;
  • 5 tbsp. l soft cottage cheese or cream cheese;
  • 50 g of boiled salmon;
  • salt to taste;
  • a small piece of celery stalk.

Knead the fish with a fork until smooth, add half the cottage cheese or cheese, salt and stir again.

We cut the crusts of bread, give each slice the shape of a triangle. Make sure that all cut pieces are the same size.

Smear with fish cream three slices of bread, close the remaining three.

From carrots and peppers, we cut out decorations - Christmas balls, star, garlands. "Dress" the tree, do not forget to install the "trunk" from a piece of celery in the base of the tree.

Garnished Christmas tree - cauliflower and broccoli with bechamel sauce

Traditionally and out of habit, we cook potatoes for garnish, which no one eats traditionally on New Year's Eve. Let's try to move away from the rules? Useful vegetables wrapped in a delicate milk sauce, laid out in the form of shaggy spruce - in my opinion, such a dish will not only decorate the festive table, but also diversify the menu, creating the necessary balance of a company of heavy snacks and solid dishes.

Children with enthusiasm perceive everything unusual - and even the hated cabbage, which on ordinary days they refuse to eat, will be a celebration and a reason for joy for them if the vegetables are served in an original and non-standard way.


  • 400 g of cauliflower;
  • 400 g broccoli;
  • 50 g of hard cheese;
  • 1 tbsp. l flour;
  • 1 cup of milk;
  • 50 g butter;
  • nutmeg, salt to taste;
  • cherry tomatoes for serving.

In salted water, boil broccoli and cauliflower alternately. Lubricate the baking dish with a small piece of butter, put the rest of the butter on a well-heated skillet (minimum heat), sprinkle with flour, mix until smooth and pour in the milk a little, each time stirring the sauce to a smooth, even texture. Add a pinch of nutmeg, pour cheese, stir. Turn off the fire.

We put broccoli in the center of the form, giving the inflorescences the outlines of a Christmas tree. Do not forget about the trunk. The remaining space is filled with cauliflower. Pour vegetables with sauce and bake in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for about 15 minutes. When serving, decorate with cherry tomatoes.

Skewered fruit snacks

I have a suggestion - let's dress up a Christmas tree! Well, just don’t have to laugh chastisily, listen to the end.

In flower shops you can buy an inexpensive cone-shaped foam base. If you don’t have time to look for something ready, roll up a sheet of Whatman paper with a cone, cut off the excess on the base, and blow out the mounting foam inside. After drying, again remove the unnecessary - and you will get the same wonderful foundation that you can decorate! Cover it with a clean sheet of green paper (a good replacement is foil: simple and elegant) and start your work.

Stringing pieces of fruit onto skewers, cubes of delicious cheeses, shrimps and olives, grapes and ham, insert skewers with the pointed end into the prepared base cone, forming “Christmas needles”. Such a table decoration will attract a lot of enthusiastic looks, do not hesitate!

One side of the “Christmas tree” can be made a nursery (slices of banana and apples, slices of tangerine and mango, cheese of the type “Russian” and home-made boiled pork cubes), decorate the second for adults (dor blue and brie, smoked ham and thin salami circles, pickled olives and stuffed chili peppers).

This Christmas tree is made of fruits, but any products can be “needles”.

Cake "Polenitsa" - a classic children's New Year's table

A holiday without a cake is not a holiday at all, and do not argue! Even if you are indifferent to sweets, do not forget that children are still waiting for dessert, so I recommend paying special attention to this moment. Fashionable "Sacher" and replicated "Esterhazy" let them stand aside, today is the time for delicious homemade pastries according to grandmother's recipes.

In our family, on New Year's Eve, they traditionally bake the Polenitsa cake - crispy “wood” with sour cherries carefully covered with sweet sour cream “snow”. And say that your children will not appreciate the fairy tale about how forest animals make firewood for Santa Claus, knowing that before the New Year he has a lot to do, that he is busy with picking gifts for each kid, that after the chimes are beaten their 12 times a night from December 31 to January 1, an old wizard comes to his house, where no one has flooded the stove ... and there’s nothing to flood it with. Forest animals - people are sympathetic: they worry about grandfather, therefore they collect firewood for him! Maybe you will try the cake for now, and in the morning during the walk you will also think about someone else? And it is not necessary about Santa Claus - birds, for example, also need attention!

Ingredients for the dough:
  250 g butter;
  200 g sour cream;
  3.5 cups flour;
  1/3 tsp salts;
  1/3 tsp soda.

Ingredients for the filling:
  1000 g of cherry, canned in its own juice (can be replaced with frozen berries).

Ingredients for Cream:
  700 ml of fat sour cream;
  2 cups icing sugar.

From these components we knead a soft dough that does not stick to your hands. We divide it into 15 parts, each ball is rolled into a long rectangular strip about 5 cm wide. Along the length of the entire strip, lay cherries in a row, turn them into a tube and pinch the edges. Thus we form all 15 "logs".

Bake the tubes at a temperature of 180 degrees for about 25 minutes. After cooling, remove from the pan.

Beat sour cream with powdered sugar and proceed to the assembly of the cake.

We put 5 "logs" on a dish of a sufficiently large size. Pour a little cream, place 4 “logs” on top. Cream, then 3 tubes, cream, 2 tubes, cream, last tube. Pour the cake with the remaining cream and leave to soak. In the process of impregnation, we select sour cream with a spoon from below and periodically water the cake from above.

Before serving “Polenitsa” you can optionally sprinkle with grated chocolate.

Cupcakes "Christmas trees" - cream needles

Well, and based on the principle that there isn’t much sweet on a children's holiday table (and not only on a children's table), I propose cupcakes - funny cupcakes with a huge hat made of cream - to make a quick bang. It is checked more than once: the children sweep away such pastries in an instant, so do not hesitate and be sure to bake!

Under each cupcake, you can put a piece of a leaflet with a number that will determine the fantasy number, according to the results of tea drinking, children will be happy to do the tasks that you will prepare for them in advance: number one is to go to the neighbors for snowdrops for soup (and do not forget to congratulate them on the upcoming holiday!), number two - call the godmother and ask if she forgot to turn off the gas under a saucepan with milk, number three - with facial expressions and gestures, poses and movement, depict cuttlefish and so on.


  • 2 eggs;
  • 100 g of chocolate;
  • 70 g of butter;
  • 1/2 tsp salts;
  • 1/2 tsp soda;
  • 1/2 tsp baking powder;
  • 150 g of flour;
  • 150 g of sugar;
  • 200 ml of milk.

Ingredients for Cream:

  • 150 g of white chocolate;
  • 200 g butter;
  • 200 g of powdered sugar;
  • 2 tbsp. l spinach juice.

To decorate:

  • strawberries by the number of cupcakes;
  • small sugar figurines of different colors (it is convenient to use those that are offered in Easter sets).

Separate the yolks from the proteins.
  Sift together flour, salt, soda, baking powder.
  Beat softened butter with sugar, add the yolks. Gently pour the melted chocolate, continuing to whisk.

Add half the flour mixture, stir. Pour in half the milk, stir. Stir the remaining flour. The remaining milk - stir until smooth.

Beat the proteins until a stable foam, carefully and carefully introduce them into the dough with a wooden or silicone spatula.
  Spoon the dough into molds, fill them in 2/3 of the height. Bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for about 25 minutes.

After complete cooling, we begin to grow Christmas trees.
  Beat softened butter with powdered sugar and spinach juice until lush. Add melted chocolate, continuing to whisk until smooth.

In the center of each cupcake, glue the strawberries (dripping a small amount of cream). The remaining cream is transferred to the confectionery envelope and with the help of a suitable nozzle we decorate the cupcakes with “needles”, starting from the base of the strawberry “Christmas tree” and moving upward in a spiral. Decorate with sugar stars, hearts, snowflakes. Do not forget about the forfeits!

Porridge with deer sausages

Breakfast on January 1, I propose to declare a holiday. This is for us adults, a bowl with Olivier yesterday and a couple of dried sandwiches with caviar seem to be a worthy option after New Year's Eve, but for some reason children are pleased with completely different things. For example, sausages - due to the inaccessibility (I can’t buy it!), My child seriously considers them festive food! I suggest pampering a person - a couple of times a year you can.


  • 1 sausage;
  • 1/3 cup rice;
  • 1 cherry tomato;
  • 1 tbsp. l butter;
  • 2 peas or a grain of corn;
  • salt to taste.

  In a sufficient amount of salted water, boil the rice, drain the water and rinse the cereal with boiling water (we do not cook porridge, but just rice for a side dish, so you can resort to this method).

We clean the sausage, cut in half. On both sides (rounded) we make longitudinal cuts about half the depth of the sausage (more precisely, half the sausage). Lightly fry in butter - cut "horns" under the influence of temperature will diverge to the sides, acquiring the desired shape.

Put the rice in a deep plate. On one side of the plate we insert sausages, slightly sinking in the croup - we get deer horns. In the middle we put cherry tomatoes (nose), with peas we designate eyes.

An excellent festive breakfast is ready - it remains to tell how long the deer ran to your child, jumped over the bumps, fought with winter winds, carrying through the snowdrifts another tiny gift from Santa Claus. Well, and, of course, give a box with a puzzle or a set of colored pencils.

Sugar cookies "Deer horns"

January 1 was always an unloving day for me: adults slept, I was not allowed to walk around the snow-covered city, I watched beautiful snowflakes only through the window, and all day I had to gnaw on candies from gift sets and lazily look for cartoons on TV. Remembering well my first days of the new year, I propose to organize your children a different scenario: a joint rise, a delicious breakfast, gatherings in the kitchen and games with pastry.


  • 1.5 cups flour;
  • 150 g butter;
  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • 1 egg
  • 1/3 tsp salts;
  • 1/3 tsp soda.

To decorate:

  • 30 ml cream 33% fat;
  • 50 g of chocolate;
  • multi-colored round tablets of type "M & M’s".

Rub the butter at room temperature with sugar, salt and soda, add the egg and, adding flour, knead a soft, elastic dough that does not stick to your hands.

Roll out the dough into a layer 3-4 mm thick, cut out cookies with a sufficiently large glass or round mold. We shift the rounds onto a baking sheet (no need to lubricate), bake cookies for about 15 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees.

Cooked cookies decorate. We melt chocolate and cream, pour ganache into a ready-made or homemade cornet (or an ordinary medical syringe - after adjusting, you can work with it). In the upper part of the “head” of a deer with a chocolate mass we draw small deer horns. In the middle of a drop of chocolate glue the nose (colored candy). Denote the eyes (ganache). We give to dry - and we start the competition: whose deer is faster to the mouth and disappear into its depths!

  And more photo ideas for children's New Year's table, collected all over the Internet. Hares from marshmalo, Santa Clauses from strawberries, Christmas trees from green fruits on skewers, graffiti on jam (or tomato), baked potato-deer, pizza-fir-tree ...

Cover the Christmas table fabulous! Children's fantasy and happiness in the New Year!

Christmas recipes: children's table, fast and tasty

If you always have a lot of people on New Year's Eve, it makes sense to part him separately. For the children's table. But then serve is different, logical?

Children are not so important to eat for a feast of hot potatoes and fatty meats or cutting - because they do not have to fight alcohol. Children want to be nonfamily, bright, fun and that they can eat with their hands. So we have collected for you 5 recipes of dishes that will not tire you and become hits of the children's New Year's table.

Christmas tree made of pita bread or pancakes

What a New Year without a tree? One already, probably, is dressed in a corner, and the second itself will serve as an ornament. The table. Find (or, if you are a skilled craftswoman) a long, narrow dish. The longer, the higher will be our Christmas tree.

You will need:   several fresh thin pita breads or pancakes, ingredients for the filling. For example, cottage cheese or ordinary cheese, red salted fish, cold fresh meat slices, home-made marshmallow plates. In general, anything that will not spread at the slightest movement of pancake or pita bread.

How to do:   pita bread cut into quarters, and damn taken whole. Lay the stuffing, fold a triangle, lay the triangles on a dish at each other, to resemble a Christmas tree. Decorate on a dish with “balls” - grapes, olives, quail eggs halves, candied cherries, raspberries and blackberries from the freezer.


Bright, small, varied in taste and type canapés - generally unchanged hit on children's parties. You can cut bread and cheese under a canapé with vodka, a figured cookie cutter or just a knife into squares. It is best to make canapés of all kinds.

You will need:   many thin slices of fresh white bread and ingredients for different types of toppings. For example, cheese, feta cheese, ham, cold beef, boiled egg white, salted fish, cucumber, marmalade, chocolate or nut paste, banana, in general, if only not very spicy or salty and kept on a skewer. If you are able, instead of bread you can bake tiny (very, very tiny) plump pancakes.

How to do:   we think you already know. And on the dish you can put hundreds of different ways. Completely mixed. Circles, by type of filling. In small squares, as in boxes with sushi. If at the top you can’t decorate anything with canapés, you can mark it with canapés with different fillings with a drop of syrup or sauce.

Stuffed Apples

The best kind of stuffed cabbage, in terms of children. Prepares simply, disappears from the table quickly.

You will need:   apples, boiled cold not crisp rice, walnuts, berries from jam, oranges or lemons, powdered sugar.

How to do:   cut off the apples from the side of the cutting, cut the flesh, throw out the films and seeds. Remaining after clearing the chaff pulp chop or grate, mix with rice and crumbled walnuts. Now this mass is divided into two parts. Mix one with berries from jam, the other with sliced ​​citrus slices. That is, we get a sweeter and more acidic version of the dish. Stuff the apples with these fillings, close them with “lids”, wrap them in foil and bake in the oven. Before serving, sprinkle with a “snowball” of powdered sugar.


Ready baskets for cold tartlets can be bought in the store. It remains only to fill them with sweet or salad filling. Here, as well as with a canape, taxis a variety, both external, and flavoring.

You will need:   ready baskets for tartlets, ingredients for toppings. For example, for sweet ones - whipped cream, banana puree (just take and crinkle a banana, adding a bit of ordinary cream to the resulting mass), soft cheese like mascarpone, apple and pear slices, seedless grapes, half slices of tangerine or cherry berries with husked seeds, peeled sunflower seeds, chopped walnuts, cashews, jam.

How to do: Mix in different combinations, taste and eye. Salads can be put in tartlets the same as you put on an adult table. By the way, besides tartlets, small portions of salads for children can be put in halves of cucumbers instead of removed pulp, in halves of tomatoes and eggs.

Baked vegetables

Assorted sliced ​​sticks and baked in the oven or microwave, potatoes, carrots, squash goes with a bang, because it reminds children of food from an unnamed restaurant. Here, it seems, both the recipe and the ingredients are clear from the description. One has only to add that the potato bars are baked with the addition of butter and salt, only salt is added to the zucchini. Assorted as a single, well-mixed pile spread on a large platter and put near it several containers with sauces for different tastes. The children themselves will not notice how everything is stumped, dipping vegetable pieces into one sauce or another.

Text: Lilith Mazikina
Photo: Shutterstock

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New Year's Eve is one of the main holidays of the year, which is customarily celebrated with the whole family. Children of all ages are especially looking forward to New Year's Eve - they help to decorate a Christmas tree, decorate a room, prepare a festive dinner and lay the table. If you plan to celebrate the New Year with your family, there is no need to set up a separate table for children. Include in the New Year's menu snacks, hot and desserts that will appeal to both children and adults, paying particular attention to table setting and decoration of festive dishes.

In the case when the coming year will meet several families with children, for the younger generation it is better to set a separate table. To decorate a children's corner in a special way, New Year's chair covers will help to make it truly festive,

decorating the walls around the table, set a separate table for desserts.

The main table is also decorated with New Year attributes and covered with elegant snacks, vitamin salads, light desserts and healthy drinks.

At the same time, do not forget that children cannot spend the whole evening at the table - make an entertaining program for all participants of the New Year's party, where there is a place for fun contests, live performances, funny sketches and dancing to the fiery New Year's melodies.

Children's New Year's menu

Covering children's New Year's table, you need to adhere to certain principles:

1. All meals for children for the new year should be freshly prepared, from fresh and healthy products with a minimum content of dyes and chemical flavors. For dressing salads, use homemade mayonnaise, natural yogurt, low-fat sour cream or a mixture of vegetable oil with lemon juice. You should not give young children seafood, smoked sausage and other similar products with high salt and artificial preservatives that can cause allergies.

Prepare a home roll made from chicken breast or turkey fillet, jellied in portions, and serve lightly baked vegetables as a garnish.

Instead of factory-made soft drinks and Coca-Cola, put healthy drinks for children on the children's holiday table — natural juice, homemade juice, compote of fresh, dried or frozen fruit, smoothies or fresh fruit.

Children's desserts - instead of a multilayer cake with fat cream, prepare fruit and milk jelly, homemade ice cream, fruit salad with sour cream and nuts, a fruit plate, dessert sandwiches on skewers of fruit cubes and grapes with non-sharp cheese.

2. The second important rule - all New Year's food for children should be beautifully decorated. Show your imagination when setting the table and serving dishes - make a bright tablecloth with Christmas patterns, use plates with a beautiful pattern, complement the table decor with colorful napkins and Christmas figures.

Decorate the salad in the form of a symbol of the coming year - the Rooster, the New Year's clock, a gift or a Christmas ball. You can simply arrange the salad in tartlets or a la carte baskets. Make a dish "snack snegovichki" of the cheese mass (grated crab sticks, melted or finely grated hard cheese, sour cream, greens). Instead of the usual sandwiches, make a fruit snack on skewers.

As decorations, you can use figurally chopped vegetables, pomegranate berries and cranberries, fresh green sprigs and other ingredients that are part of Christmas salads and snacks.

3. When planning a children's New Year menu, you should not chase the quantity. For a company of children, two or three snacks, one hot dish and a dessert are enough. Set the table in such a way that children can refresh themselves in the intervals between games and entertainment. Prepare drinks, baked goods, fruits and desserts with a reserve - small gourmands simply “sweep” portioned sweets from the table and empty an incredible amount of glasses with refreshing drinks.

Useful advice - do not take the whole process of preparing for the New Year by yourself, actively involve children in the New Year's troubles. Joint preparation at home for the New Year, setting a Christmas tree, table setting, cooking and decorating dishes will deliver a huge amount of positive emotions to all participants of the New Year's feast, regardless of age.

Children's menu for the new year

This sample menu is made for school-age children.

1.Zakuski for children

2. Hot meals for children

On hot children fit beautiful or. You can cook an original dish -. Children can participate in the preparation of these dishes.

Another option is hot dishes for children - or. Garnish - suitable for all ages, you can cook for older children.

3. Drinks for children for the new year

Drinks for children of any age are better natural -

All children are waiting for the New Year, for them it is not only fun and gifts, but also tasty treats! And if there are several children in your family or families with kids are invited, then for younger guests it is better to set up a separate table. Olivier and herring under a fur coat - for adults, and how to please the kids? We offer you 12 best recipes and ideas for a New Year's children's table.

What should be the New Year's table?

Before you share with you the best recipes for children's holiday meals, let's remember about "Prohibited"   for them, the products that they probably decide to try with an adult table:

  • Mayonnaise, purchased sauces, ketchups and dishes filled with it all.
  • Sausage and cold cuts from the store.
  • Smoked meats and pickles.
  • Soda.

And what will you add to this list?

Curd Cheese Boats

Bulgarian pepper (4 pcs.) Well wash and cut in half, do not forget to clean it from the seeds. The first half of the pepper will be the “boat”, cut out the “sail” from the second. Fill the “boats” with simple curd cream, you can add corn and pieces of fresh cucumber. Place the "sail" in the salad, garnish the dish with greens.

At the end of the article we have prepared for you a check-list "The optimal mode of the child on New Year's Eve". Download it, and remain attentive and responsible parents!

Christmas tree of pita

You will need 5 sheets of pita bread, cut them in half in advance, smear each part with curd cheese (150 grams in total), add greens and pieces of lightly salted salmon (10 slices in total). Now it remains only to fold the pita bread with a triangle-shaped filling. Put ready-made “fir-trees” on a flat dish, once again smear with a thin layer of curd cheese, make “needles” of dill, decorate the tree with toys - corn, peas, pomegranate seeds.

Sandwiches "Herringbone" for the little ones

If there are children up to one and a half years old among the guests, then all of the above dishes are canceled. What to treat a crumb? Herringbone sandwich, the appearance of which he will appreciate. Boil in advance 1 carrot and 50 grams of salmon. Mash the fish with a fork, mix with a small amount of cottage cheese (50 gr.). Cut a piece of white bread in the shape of a Christmas tree, smear the resulting cream. Decorate the Christmas tree with a star of boiled carrots, instead of toys - small pieces of vegetables. Tree trunk - celery stalk.

Chicken Snack

Boil three hard-boiled eggs, cut them in half, remove the yolk and chop.

Form balls of pre-cooked mashed potatoes, 5 smaller balls and 5 large ones. Each ball roll in chopped yolk. Collect from balls of chicken, a smaller ball in diameter - this is the head. Make him eyes from pieces of olives, spout from carrots, put chicken in the shell - half of the protein. Each shell to make a nest of thinly sliced ​​boiled potatoes.

Be sure to attract the kids themselves to the table decoration, because the New Year's table should not only be tasty, but also beautiful. Decorate it with sprigs of coniferous trees, Christmas-tree toys, handicrafts, cones.

Hot dishes

There should be a lot of snacks, but only one is hotter, we offer three simple recipes to choose from.

New Year's deer from porridge

For the youngest guests, you can offer a simple and well-loved dish - homemade sausages. Boil any porridge, form a deer head out of it. Cut horns from boiled sausages - it is very simple, cut the sausage into 4 pieces along - to the middle of the body and dissolve the "branches" of the horns in different directions. When the "horns" in place, will only make the mouth, nose and eyes. For this you can use olives, carrots and greens.

At the end of the article we have prepared for you a check-list "The optimal mode of the child on New Year's Eve". Download it, and remain attentive and responsible parents!

Turkey Roll with Apples

You need only 1 kg of turkey and a few sweet apples. Slices of apples, peeled and seeds baked in the oven, roasting time - 10 minutes, temperature - 180 degrees. Pieces of turkey fillet discard, salt, put a few slices of baked apples on it. Form rolls, cook in a double boiler for 25 minutes. By the same principle, you can make one big roll, not a portion rolls.


This recipe is very simple: boil different kinds of fish, bake in the oven any vegetables that your children can eat. Cut fish and vegetables into squares and put them on a wooden skewer - the kebab is ready. Serve with greens and homemade cream sauce.

When developing a festive menu, consider the age of children, if it is possible for one, and for others it is impossible - it is better to refuse a dish.


Homemade ice cream

Which of the children does not like ice cream? We recommend to cook it a day before the holiday. Boil 400 ml of milk. 6 yolks beat with sugar (300 gr.). While stirring, pour the milk into the mixture, put on the fire and warm until thick. Add 1 tsp. vanilla essence and put in the freezer. Every hour, get ice cream and beat with a fork, so that there are no lumps of ice, repeat three times. Store in the freezer.

Christmas cookies

150 grams of butter, rub with a glass of sugar, add a pinch of salt and soda, 1 egg. Sift one and a half cups of flour, knead the dough. It should be elastic, good dough does not stick to hands! Roll out the dough into a layer about 4 mm thick, using molds “cut out” the New Year's deer, bunnies and gingerbread men. Bake cookies in the oven at 200 degrees for 15-20 minutes. We draw figures of the face with melted chocolate and a confectionery syringe; you can also decorate cookies with colorful candies in bright glaze.

  Herringbone from fruit

This beautiful dish will undoubtedly decorate the festive table, even a child can cook it. It takes a whole apple and one carrot. Cut out the core of the apple so that it fits in carrots. We pierce both the apple and the carrot with a large number of toothpicks around the perimeter, and later we string any berries and pieces of fruit on them. It looks very impressive!

We deliberately did not share complex recipes for cakes and pastries, which can be prepared for half a day, because the holiday table for children can be very simple, but at the same time very beautiful, useful and tasty.

And what children's recipes for the New Year would you recommend?