How to pickle lightly salted tomatoes. How to cook quick lightly salted tomatoes- video

16.05.2019 Vegetable dishes

Tasty recipe lightly salted tomatoes for you, our dear readers. Lightly salted tomatoes in the bank They are distinguished by the fact that they do not contain preservatives, they use a small amount of salt and they are very fast. In addition, tomatoes are salted in brine, which means they can be stored in the refrigerator for much longer than those cooked in a saucepan or in a bag, which must be eaten right away.

Mistresses on a note: Tomatoes for pickling are better to choose a variety with a dense skin and a small size. It is imperative to pour the tomatoes with warm brine, but not hot, so that the tomatoes do not burst, and externally lightly salted tomatoes looked beautiful as fresh.

Recipe for lightly salted tomatoes with garlic and herbs

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Lightly salted tomatoes in a jar

Type of dish: Blanks

Cuisine: Russian


  • Water - 1 liter
  • strong tomatoes - 1 kg,
  • garlic - 5 cloves,
  • granulated sugar - 1 tbsp. l.,
  • salt - 1 tbsp. l.,
  • black peppercorns - 5-7 pcs.,
  • tarragon (tarragon) optional - 3-4 branches,
  • hot pepper
  • Bay leaf- 1 PC.,
  • greens.


  1. First, wash the tomatoes and remove the tails.
  2. After that, in each tomato in the place where the stalk was, we make a shallow puncture with a toothpick.
  3. After that, at the bottom of a clean, sterilized jar, put half the greens, peeled garlic and a small piece hot pepper.
  4. Then, put the tomatoes and the rest of the seasonings on top.
  5. Cooking the brine: for this, boil water and salt for 2-3 minutes, granulated sugar, peppercorns and bay leaves. Cool to a warm state.
  6. Next, fill the tomatoes with cooled brine, cover with gauze and leave at room temperature for two days.
  7. After this time, we cover the banks nylon cover and put it in the refrigerator for storage.
  8. Lightly salted tomatoes are ready.

Bon Appetit!

Lightly salted tomatoes in a jar

Delicious recipe lightly salted tomatoes for you, our dear readers. Salted tomatoes in a jar are different in that they do not contain preservatives, they use a small amount of salt and they cook very quickly. In addition, tomatoes are salted in brine, which means they can be stored in the refrigerator for much longer than those cooked in a saucepan or in a bag, which must be eaten right away. Housewives on a note: tomatoes for pickling are better to choose a variety with a dense skin and a small size. It is imperative to pour tomatoes with warm brine, but not hot, so that the tomatoes do not burst, and outwardly salted tomatoes look beautiful, like fresh. Recipe for lightly salted tomatoes with garlic and herbs 5 from 1…

Mankind knew about tomatoes more than 200,000 years ago. But they were afraid to try these fruits. In ancient Mexico, there were legends that tomatoes (tomatoes) are not suitable for consumption and, moreover, are even deadly. Even the first settlers did not dare to taste these fruits.

But, there was a hero who did not heed these prohibitions and tasted the forbidden fruit. I did it, even very heroically. A Mexican aborigine was captured. Escaping, he hid in the jungle. There was nothing to eat and he had to eat the forbidden fruit - a tomato. His thoughts were as follows: I will die as a real man and a warrior.

Death, however, did not come and he decided to continue to eat, for survival, these wonderful fruits. People followed his example and we eat tomatoes to this day.

Summer and autumn are a hot time for good housewives... There is a need to preserve, so that there is something to eat in winter period... Jar to jar and already a whole arsenal finished products for the winter. It happens that in the summer you want something like that, for example, salty or spicy.

Touch already finished blanks do not want. It is better to use vegetables, which are now abundant and cook with them. Let the banks stand. Here's a snack on the table. Summer is around, but we have salty!

There are many ways to prepare pickles and, in general, not very complicated. Anyone will like them, as they are very diverse. Each housewife prepares them in her own way. In less than a couple of hours, they are ready. But, it is better to be salted for at least a day. The pickle from tomatoes obtained from such salting is very useful.

Today on our menu:

Connoisseurs of pickles will surely appreciate this cooking method. The tomatoes will be juicy, aromatic and spicy. Make a marinade for them at your own discretion and add those spices that are at your fingertips.

Cloves or extragon will give the pickle a stunning aroma. This recipe can also be used for green tomatoes. Only if they are green tomatoes, then keep them in the brine a little longer. The more they are in a cold place, the tastier they will become.


  • tomatoes (not overripe) - 500 gr;
  • garlic - 1 large head;
  • bee honey - 70 gr;
  • dill -1 bunch;
  • parsley - 1 bunch;
  • salt - 20 gr.


First you need to remove the skin from the tomato. To do this, you need to make a cruciform incision. You only need to cut the skin; if possible, do not touch the pulp.

We boil the water and keep them in boiling water for 2 minutes, then immediately dip them into cold water, preferably even ice.

Thanks to this technique, the skin is removed easily.

Cooking greens. My dill and chop finely.

We do the same with parsley.

Peel and grind the garlic.

Mix the herbs and garlic.

Pour honey into a deep bowl in which we will salt.

We put each half of the tomato in honey, but before that we dip it in salt.

When I have laid out one layer of tomato, fill it with herbs on top and pour it with honey. We repeat the process until we run out of ingredients.

Tomatoes are ready in a day. Serve as a snack to mashed potatoes or to any other side dish.

You can store these tomatoes in the refrigerator.

Lightly salted tomatoes in a saucepan - cook in brine

Salting tomatoes in a saucepan is one of the modern options, which replaces salting in barrels. Nowadays, there is nowhere to keep barrels in modern urban-type apartments.

Therefore, the hostesses came up with unique recipe how to harvest green tomatoes in a saucepan. It will not work to store pickles for so long in an enameled container, therefore, they are ultimately laid out in jars. In this form, they will be stored for several seasons.

They are prepared very quickly, conveniently and simply, and most importantly - it turns out delicious!

What do we need for pickling?

  • tomatoes (about eight small),
  • dill and parsley,
  • hot peppers and allspice,
  • Bay leaf,
  • garlic,
  • sugar (tablespoon),
  • salt (teaspoon),
  • water (one liter approximately)

You can take any dish, I took a saucepan with a lid. It's not convenient for me in the bank, until you get it, you remember all the tomatoes.

We take large, ripe tomatoes.

Put half of the prepared herbs, garlic, pepper, bay leaf in a container at the bottom, put prepared tomatoes on top. Prepare the brine (boil water with sugar and salt) and immediately pour the hot brine over the tomatoes.

Put the rest of the greenery on top and press down with the "weight". For this purpose, I use a jar of water on a plate.

Cover your "building" with gauze to prevent dust from getting there and leave it at room temperature (you can directly on the kitchen table) for two days. In two days, get it out and try it!

Put the remaining tomatoes in the refrigerator.

Lightly salted tomatoes with garlic

This recipe will surely appeal to lovers of tomato pickles. So sharp fragrant tomatoes also called "Armenians" - this gorgeous appetizer... They are moderately salty and spicy. Cooking them is simple and very fast. All ingredients are readily available and are found in every kitchen.


  • small tomatoes 600 g,
  • 1 head of medium size garlic,
  • hot pepper 0.5 pcs.,
  • bay leaf 2 pcs.,
  • black allspice 6 peas,
  • large salt 1 tbsp. l.,
  • granulated sugar 1 tbsp. l.,
  • table vinegar 9% 2 tbsp. l.,
  • purified water 1 l,
  • ground coriander 1 tsp,
  • fresh dill bunch

Prepare the brine: add salt to cold purified water and stir to completely dissolve the salt.

At the bottom of the sterilized jar, put dill, a few cloves of garlic, a ring of hot pepper, black and allspice on an umbrella.

Fill the jar with halves of previously washed tomatoes (remove the "butts"). Tomatoes should be inserted cut-side down. Place a clove of garlic, a circle of hot pepper and an umbrella of dill between the tomatoes.

On top are also the leftover dill, pepper and garlic. Pour the prepared brine over the tomatoes.

Cover the jar of tomatoes with a nylon lid.

Lightly salted tomatoes, cooked in a bag

It's summer now both on the market and in stores full of fresh vegetables, but still sometimes you really want something salty. I suggest you uncomplicated recipe cooking lightly salted tomatoes in a bag. Such tomatoes can be eaten in a day, but if you let them lie down for 2-3 days, the taste will become more intense.

To prepare lightly salted tomatoes in a bag, we need:

  • small tomatoes - 1 kg;
  • garlic - 8-10 cloves;
  • dry dill - 3-4 umbrellas;
  • sugar - 1 tsp;
  • coarse salt - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • bitter pepper - optional.

Wash the tomatoes and wipe with a dry cloth. Make cross cuts on the top of the tomatoes.

Remove the stalks from the tomatoes by making diagonal cuts.

Fold the tomatoes in a plastic bag, add finely chopped hot peppers and garlic.

Pour sugar and salt into the bag, put dry dill.

Tie the bag tightly and shake to distribute the sugar and salt evenly. Put in another bag and leave at room temperature for 1-3 days. Small tomatoes will be ready in a day, those that are larger will take more time.

You can serve lightly salted tomatoes cooked in a bag with any side dish, they are especially well in harmony with boiled potatoes.

Lightly salted tomatoes are the same frequent guests on summer table as well as quick-pickled cucumbers. Kept mouth-watering fresh look, ruddy tomatoes delight housewives and guests with their piquant taste and unique aroma... At the same time, cooking them is very simple, you just need to have freshly picked, strong vegetables, salt, spicy herbs on hand - and a little imagination! So, we remove a couple of dozen of the most ripe and dense tomatoes from the garden - and proceed to salting!

For lightly salted vegetables, small vegetables are best, since they are more quickly saturated with brine and seasonings. It's good if you give preference to sugar varieties: the taste of finished tomatoes will be brighter and richer. Before cooking, rinse tomatoes and herbs well in cold water, prepare clean three-liter jars and a large pot for boiling the brine (it will come in handy for the jellied salting option).

Lightly salted classic tomatoes
One three liter jar you will need:

  • tomatoes - 1.5 kg;
  • non-iodized salt - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • granulated sugar - 1.5 tbsp. spoon;
  • black and allspice - 6-8 peas each;
  • garlic - 8-10 cloves;
  • black currant - 6-8 leaves;
  • cherry - 5-6 leaves;
  • dill on stems - 3-4 umbrellas;
  • horseradish - 2 young leaves;
  • water.
Salting technology:
  1. Gently place the tomatoes in the jar, placing sliced ​​garlic cloves, dill umbrellas, and cherry and currant leaves between them.
  2. Fill the container with water to the top, then pour the liquid into the pan: this is the amount of water you need to prepare the brine.
  3. Place salt, sugar and pepper in a pot of water. Put on fire, bring to a boil and boil for 5 minutes.
  4. Cool the finished brine to 50-60 degrees and pour it into the jar. Close the container tightly with a lid and place in a cool, dark place for 2-3 days.
Lightly salted tomatoes are ready! By the way, if you are an amateur bell pepper, you can pickle a couple of peppers with tomatoes; this will significantly enrich the flavor and give the vegetables an extra flavor.

Lightly salted tomatoes in a bag
This recipe is good because the tomatoes prepared in this way are ready for use the next day after salting. In addition, the vegetables are very aromatic, with a pronounced, mouth-watering garlic aftertaste.
In order to pickle 1 kg of tomatoes, you will need the following ingredients:

  • salt without iodine content - 1.5 tbsp. spoons;
  • garlic - 3-4 medium heads;
  • greens and fresh dill seeds.
Cooking procedure:
  1. Carefully cut out the places of the stalks of vegetables; make cruciform incisions on the underside of the fruit.
  2. Chop the garlic and mix with finely chopped herbs or dill seeds.
  3. Lightly stuff the tomatoes through the incisions with the spicy mixture.
  4. Pour to the bottom plastic bag salt mixed with sugar. Place the tomatoes in a bag and stir in the garlic-dill gruel and salt.
  5. Tie a bag and place it in another, also tying it in a knot. This is necessary to create an air gap.
  6. Place the bag of vegetables in a moderately warm place and shake every 4-6 hours. In a day, you can treat yourself to delicious light-salted tomatoes!
In the same way, you can grind green tomatoes, increasing the cooking time to 5-7 days. It turns out very tasty and original!

Spicy salted cherry tomatoes
Tomatoes prepared in this way will surely appeal to fans of "peppercorns", because they have a peculiar pungent taste. Required Ingredients:

  • cherry tomatoes - 1 kg (can be replaced small vegetables sugar varieties);
  • water - 1 l;
  • garlic - 1 medium head;
  • non-iodized salt - 1.5 tbsp. spoons;
  • granulated sugar - 1.5 tbsp. spoons;
  • black and allspice - 6 peas each;
  • cloves - 3-4 grains;
  • bay leaf - 1 pc .;
  • hot pepper.
Salting technology:
  1. Remove the stalks from the tomatoes and make neat punctures of small depth in the place of their growth with a toothpick.
  2. Place half of the chopped garlic cloves and a slice of hot pepper on the bottom of the jar; put the tomatoes on top. Pour the remaining garlic over the vegetables.
  3. Boil water with salt, sugar and dry seasonings. Boil for 5 minutes.
  4. Cool the brine until warm and pour into a jar.
  5. Cover the container with a napkin and place in a dark place for 2 days.
Lightly salted tomatoes prepared in this way will delight the most sophisticated gourmet; most importantly, do not forget to refrigerate them before serving. Bon appetit - and a good harvest of tomatoes!

    About appetizing chips quick pickles read at the end of the article. Now it's time to conjure tomato miracle"Must have" in the summer menu.

    Quick navigation through the article:

    Dry pickling with minced garlic and herbs - up to 8 hours

    We need:

  • Tomatoes hard grade- 1 kg
  • Green onions - 1 small bunch
  • Dill - 1 bunch
  • Cilantro - 1 bunch
  • Garlic - 2-3 medium cloves
  • 1 lemon juice
  • Salt - 1 tbsp a spoon with a slide
  • Sugar - 2 tsp.
  • Ground black pepper - 1 tsp.

Important notes:

  • Hard tomato varieties suitable for pickling are often referred to by the general term "pink" on the market. We took medium sized vegetables. Each weighs 150-180 g.


Let's prepare the washed dry tomatoes.

With a knife, remove the bed of the stalk: cut out a green speck in a circle - in depth, like a funnel.

We cut each vegetable into 4 parts, crosswise - deeply, but not completely (!).

We put it in a large container, where we will salt it. The choice is glass, enamel, stainless steel.

An important nuance: for this container it should be easy to organize oppression, under which our tomatoes will be salted.

Let's prepare minced meat with garlic and herbs.

Finely chop the greens that you decided to use. Combine the cuts in a convenient bowl. Pass the garlic through a press, add to the herbs and mix.

We also mix sugar, salt and black pepper to get a mixture of seasonings.

Squeeze out lemon juice from 1 lemon in a convenient way. For example, with pressure, roll the fruit back and forth with your palm on the table. Cut in half and squeeze the juice out of both halves.

Stuff the tomatoes.

It is convenient to work with your hands. We wash our hands and put the salt, sugar and pepper mixture into the tomatoes. We do not just add salt on top of a slightly opened vegetable, but grease with sweet pepper powder the entire surface of the cuts.

Now sprinkle each grated vegetable with lemon juice - again along the surface of the pulp in the incisions... It is convenient to drip with a spoon to distribute the juice evenly.


Dry salted - great way grease the tomatoes different sizes in one batch... Of course, not babies and giants, but reasonable deviations from the average size are possible.

Thanks to the individual processing of the salt mixture, we can focus on the size of the fruit and salt one tomato more or less than the other. Since the amount of salt, sugar and pepper we count on the total weight of vegetables, it remains only to distribute the sprinkles on the tomatoes according to their size.

Processed vegetables are ready to eat green minced meat... Fill them tightly with a garlic mixture of herbs. A little more neatness! Vitamin minced meat should be between all slices, and not just in the central hole.

We send to be salted.

We put oppression on stuffed vegetables and leave at room temperature for 5-7 hours so that they are well salted.

Heavy construction can be two layers cling film and a container with water. Or a flat plate and a water bottle. Anything that is convenient for you to press all vegetables to the bottom of the selected container.

When the time for salting has passed, we remove the oppression and see what we have done ...

Beauty: fragrant, fast and delicious!

Lightly salted "cherry" in brine with lemon juice - 1 night

We need:

  • Cherry tomatoes - 1 kg
  • Drinking water - 1 l
  • Greens (dill, parsley, cilantro) - each type 1/3 of large bunches
  • Garlic - 4-5 medium cloves
  • Salt - 3-4 tbsp spoons (adjustable to taste)
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • Lemon juice - 4 tbsp. spoons
  • Black peppercorns - 4 pcs.
  • Cloves - 2 pcs.
  • Bay leaf - 2 pcs.

Important details:

  • The salt should be clean, without impurities - stone, coarse / medium grinding. No iodine and Chinese production.
  • Vary the set of greens to taste. It will always be tasty, even only with dill or parsley.
  • If the tomatoes are equally ripe, you can combine vegetables of different colors in the brine.

How to cook.

We prepare herbs, garlic and cherry.

Wash the greens in running water, shake them off and cut them into large pieces.

Peel the garlic and leave it intact. If you took a very large clove, you can cut it in half lengthwise.

My tomatoes. In each vegetable, we make a deep puncture with a toothpick (up to the middle in depth) - at the point where the stalk was attached. You can use a cast thin wooden stick.

Make sure the toothpick is of good quality. Chips are too easily detached from cheap samples and may get caught in the dish.

Cooking the brine.

Bring the water to a boil and add sugar, salt, lemon juice, cloves, pepper, bay leaf to it. Stir, wait for it to boil again, reduce heat to medium and let it gurgle for another 5 minutes.

Salt tomatoes in brine.

It is convenient to pickle in a saucepan - only enamel or stainless steel. We spread the tomatoes in a container, alternating with coarsely chopped herbs and garlic. Fill vegetables with hot (!) Brine, cover with a lid (!), Let cool and set in the refrigerator for 1 night.

The first sample can be taken in the morning. You'll like it!

If left in brine, the tomatoes will continue to salt. It will not be possible to oversalt. They eat graceful beauties quickly - in a couple of days at most, even in a small family.

Lightly salted tomatoes in a package - up to 2 days

This is not to say that the method is popular with us this summer. We decided to reduce the exposure to plastic in the kitchen, at least in part of the utensils. Therefore, we use an algorithm for dry salting in a package for the most ordinary glass jars... It turns out just as fast and delicious! And what is especially convenient, you can store it in it.

And from the storage bag it is necessary to shift, otherwise the vegetables quickly cease to be appetizing.

To repeat successful experience from the video, we need:

  • Tomatoes (cut off the top) - 1 kg
  • Medium bunch of dill
  • Garlic - 4-5 medium cloves
  • Sugar, salt, ground black pepper
  • 2 packages

* Food grade plastic, or replace with a 3 liter jar with a nylon lid.

Classic light-salted tomatoes "Armenians" - 36-48 hours

This is a classic of the genre when you have to be patient. For our taste, it is worth withstanding the handsome "with hats" all 48 hours - the peak of harmonious salting for every taste.

We need:

  • Tomatoes - 1 kg
  • Dill - 1 bunch (both leaves and umbrellas)
  • Garlic - 6 cloves
  • Salt - 2 tbsp. flat spoons
  • Spices (black peppercorns, bay leaves)
  • Horseradish leaf (optional)


We make a brine (preferably with a margin of 1.5-2 liters). We put salt from the calculation 2 tbsp. spoons for 1 liter of water... Add to the boiled salt water dill stalks, a couple of young twigs, 2-3 bay leaves and 4-5 peppercorns. Let it boil for 3-4 minutes.

Cooking tomatoes-"Armenians", cutting a hat for each vegetable. With a knife we ​​make a deep cut, as if separating the cap from the tomato, but we do not cut it off completely. It turns out a "hat" that can be opened slightly.

Finely chop the dill and garlic.

Stuff the tomatoes under the hat. We put on the cut first pieces of garlic, then chopped dill slices - more, not stingy.

We put the "Armenians" with filling into an empty container, where we will lightly salt vegetables. We cover with a sheet of horseradish (if any), a plate and put oppression (a can or plastic bottle with water).

The beauty of this snack is that you get the pickles you want in just 24 hours. Lovers spicy taste sour filling and fresh tomatoes can take a sample literally in 4 - 6 hours

Lightly salted tomatoes with garlic and herbs

This recipe does not require great effort and wasting precious time. Tomatoes are salted in jars, and after 24 hours you have a wonderful light snack... You can also serve lightly salted tomatoes with garlic and herbs with any vegetable or meat dishes.


  • ripe tomatoes - 0.5 kg
  • parsley and dill - small bunch
  • celery - optional
  • garlic - 3 cloves.

for 1 liter of brine:

  • water - 1 l
  • sugar, salt - 2 tbsp. l.
  • allspice and black pepper - 6 - 7 peas each
  • bay leaf - 1 - 3 pcs.
  • paprika - 2 tsp
  • vinegar 9% - 2 tbsp. l.


Try to pick tomatoes of one small size and dense enough. The "cream" variety is ideal for this salting. Rinse the tomatoes and remove the green roots with leaves.

Place a few sprigs of dill and parsley at the bottom of a well-washed jar. Add celery if desired.

Add the garlic cloves, chopped into several pieces. Garlic can also be pressed or grated. But the cut pieces look better.

Top with a few sprigs of parsley and dill.

It remains only to prepare the brine and pour over the tomatoes with garlic and herbs.

Add salt, sugar, paprika, bay leaf and pepper to a pot of water. Bring to a boil, pour in the vinegar. Let it simmer for 5 minutes. Cool the brine and pour it over a jar of tomatoes. Close the lid tightly and refrigerate for 24 hours. Then eat and enjoy

Quick Salted Tomato Recipe

The cooked tomatoes in this recipe will be ready to eat in 5 to 6 hours.

Take 0.5kg ripe tomatoes small size. Wash them well. Now you need to blanch the tomatoes and skin them. Dip the tomatoes in boiling water for 2 minutes and then immediately transfer to chilled water. After such procedures, the skin can be easily removed. Remove the stalk attachment points.

Take a one-liter jar that has been cleanly washed and carefully lay out the tomatoes, dill, and a couple of three chopped garlic cloves. Take the amount of dill to your liking. You can add currant leaves, cherries or other greens of your choice.

Prepare the pouring brine. Pour 500 ml into a saucepan or saucepan pure water... Add a tablespoon of salt, a spoonful of sugar, a couple of bay leaves, 5 allspice and black peppercorns each. Bring the brine to a boil and boil for 2-3 minutes. Remove from heat and pour in 3 teaspoons of 9% vinegar, stir.

Pour the hot brine over the tomatoes, close the lid. When cool, put in the refrigerator. After 5 hours, quick salted tomatoes are ready, you can take a sample.

Instant lightly salted tomatoes in a bag

It's very simple to cook lightly salted tomatoes in a regular food bag.

Take 1 kg of ripe tomatoes. Rinse them out. With a sharp knife, cut off the attachment points of the stalk and put it in a regular food bag.

Cut 4 cloves of garlic into small wedges and send them also in a bag. Chop a small bunch of dill and add to the tomatoes.

Add 10-15 black peppercorns, a tablespoon of salt, and a teaspoon of sugar. Sprinkle over the entire contents of the bag ground pepper, taste.

Tie the bag securely and shake well several times to mix the contents.

To the tomatoes fast food do not leak, place them in a second bag and refrigerate for 2 days.

Bon Appetit!

Jul 21, 2017 admin