Classic french baguette recipe in the oven. Baguette in the oven - Recipe

16.04.2019 Salads.

The product contains the flesh inside, crispy crust, sometimes flourged. In the classic version, this product has a length of more than half a meter, and about five centimeters is a width and height. Baguette is counted to one of the most popular characters of France. Recipes of the French baguette are very similar, but make it possible to experiment with fillings.

History Bagueta

It is believed that for the first time bakery product appeared during the reign of Napoleon. His legend had to wear right in his pants, but this legend could not withstand critics, since in the evening such a product would already be unbendable.

The more believable version is the one in which the authorship of Bagheta belongs to Austria. In 1839, a shop selling Austrian baguettes was opened in the capital of France, which were so loved by citizens that this product was one of the popular symbols of the country.

From that time a lot of recipes has changed, but the classic prescription of the French baguette in the oven can be read below. This recipe Was formed for the first time in 1993, when France issued a law that allows Bread dealers to engage in their business and not be afraid of the competition of supermarkets.

Home Recipe

The French baguette can be found not only on the expanses of France, but also to cook at home. This process is not complicated, even on the contrary, interesting and pleasant. Recipes this product There are many. Below will be presented one of classic options Cooking french baguette.

Components for the preparation of three baguettes:

  • advanced yeast - 15 grams;
  • white flour, top grades - 3.75 glasses, approximately 480 grams;
  • warm i. pure water - 300 ml;
  • a small amount of oil so that the dough does not stick to the hands;
  • sugar is about five grams;
  • salt - approximately 7 grams.

During cooking, it is better to keep the oil near, as it may be needed for lubricating the tables and dishes.

Recipe home French baguette:

1. In a very big bowl, sift all the flour. You can repeat this process 2-3 times, then the flour will be impregnated large quantity Oxygen and helps yeast better to develop.

2. In the sifted flour, break into small parts of pressed yeast. You can do it with your hands.

3. Add salt and sugar to this mixture.

4. Throw the hands of yeast in flour to the state small crumb. The mixture should be homogeneous.

5. Crushed flour with yeast to gather in the middle of a bowl and make a deepening. Pour into it water. The water temperature should be about 40 0.

6. Stir all with a fork.

7. Sprinkle the table with flour, put on it the resulting dough and knead further on the table.

8. The dough should always remain a bit sticky and very soft.

9. In order not to have problems sticking it to hand, they need to be lubricated sunflower oil In small quantities. Similarly, you can go with the table, adding a thin layer of oil on it.

10. Mix the dough for at least 20 minutes. If the kneading takes a smaller time, the dough will not be quite lush, and this is necessary to create the right baguette. After about five minutes of mixing, it ceases to adhere, and the process becomes easier.

11. Put the dough into a lubricated bowl of the bowl. Cover the towel and put near the battery for 90 minutes.

12. When it rises, roll it out again on the table.

13. To divide it into 3-4 parts.

14. Each part to form in a rectangle with hands. Its dimensions must be less than the format of the A4 sheet.

15. One long edge to wrap to the center.

16. Second wrap as first.

17. Collapse the first and second edge once again and fasten the edges.

18. Scroll to the future baguette on the table so that it is pulled out. Thickness should be the same throughout the entire length.

19. Repeat the whole process for the remaining two pieces.

20. Share them on the flavored baking tray at a distance of about five centimeters from each other.

21. Cover the towel and put it in heat for half an hour.

22. Preheat the oven up to 200 degrees.

23. 10 minutes before the time the baguettes should be sent to the oven, they need to make cuts on the diagonal.

24. Before putting products for cooking, you need to take cast iron skillet or metal dishes, heat it on the stove, put in the oven. Then put a baggage baggage.

25. Pour in the dishes under the opposite and clean water.

26. Close the oven.

27. Bake half an hour at a temperature of 200 degrees and more until a golden crust appears.

28. Pull out ready dish And in order for the crust to be soft, but crisp, you need to cover it with a towel, sprinkling a little with water before the baking sheet. Wait for the end of cooking for about five minutes.

Taking note of this recipe for the French baguette in the oven, you can delight relatives and close to fresh and crispy bread.

Cheese and garlic filling will give the dish juiciness, bright and rich taste. Also garlic can be replaced by other spicy spices.

For cooking this dish A small number of components will be required:

  • ready baguette - 1 piece, preferably a little bitty;
  • garlic - 15 grams;
  • greens - any quantity;
  • butter - batter;
  • cheese "Parmesan" - 100 grams.

Such a number of components is required for five portions.

Recipe for French baguette with cheese and garlic:

1. Obtain cheese on any grater.

2. Garlic and greenery very finely cut.

3. Melt a little oil and combine it with a mixture.

4. Mix carefully what happened.

5. In the baguette make deep cuts, almost to the end.

6. In each section add a cooked mixture, wrap the foil baguette.

7. Put in the oven, preheated to 200 degrees. Wait 25 minutes.

8. Open foil and bake for another 5 minutes.

Dish is ready. It can be used as independent dishand soup.

Types of baguetov

In the world there are three types of baguettes that differ in each other. The first option is classic baguettehaving a crust gold or yellow color. The weight of such a product is about 250 grams.

Second view - Baguette forms. Its bake in industrial furnaces, it has a drawing on its basis, which indicates that it is made with the help of technology.

Third view - Farin. This baguette is sprinkled with flour before cooking, so it does not have a crispy crust. At the same time, it can be prepared by classic recipe. Photo with french baguettes different species will be listed below.

Despite the differences, each of these types of baguette has beautiful taste And it will suit almost any table.

Properties of Bagueta

Recipes french baguetov very similar, that is why they have similar properties. One of them is rapid drying. This usually happens by the end of the day. Therefore, French bakers try to bake bread in the morning so that it can be used without loss of properties until the end of the day.

Baguette in Paris

Daily in the capital of France is sold more than half a million baguettes. By the way, in Paris, this bakery product weighs exactly 200 grams. Interestingly, in the bakery you can ask for only half of the baguette, and the buyer does not have the right to refuse.

French baguette. I confess, I doubted for a long time that this popular bread can be baked at home. After all, that the baguette turns out, you need to observe a number of details. Which are so important that they definitely you definitely call them. The quality of flour and water, the technology of smear smear and even "hydraulic stroke" in a hot furnace. In short, for me it was the situation that the Parisian baker would not describe, as: - Impossible! (Of course, with an emphasis on the last syllable!)

My doubts would not have a limit if it were not for the experiments. And I started doing, sometimes ridiculous, but still attempts to bake french baguette in the oven. Of course, I was a little easier than Arnaldo Cavallari with his Chiabatu. But bread, nevertheless, did not get! My meticulousness led to the fact that I gained impudence. The arrogance was manifested in the fact that I turned for help directly into French bakery. In the electrooper specified on the website of the enterprise. And you know, the answer very soon came. And I am sincerely grateful to Monsieu Jules for the on-time time and answers to subsequent questions and clarifications. Of course, we had to adapt a little together original recipe French baguette. Because there were no places for an industrial furnace in my kitchen!

And you know what I will say. I tried and everything turned out quite simple. Because the secret of bread was hiding in ... water. Rather in its quantity. As in the case of a chiabatta, the dough for the French baguette should be very liquid and very sticky. Sticky so much that it lippes to everything. To the hands, to the table, to the tools. Ma-ma-aah! It is sticky! Someone will not like it, but otherwise there is no way. As the French say, water in the dough for baguette is our all! So. The first and perhaps the most important thing. Batter - Excellent baguette!

Eeee .... Wait, it's not all! 🙂 So that the bug of baguette is fine and crispy, water should be present in the oven. In liquid form and in sprayed. That is, at all time baking you need to put in the oven trough with water. Plus, several times during the baking time it is necessary to arrange the room from the sprayer. I did not find a distinct relationship, but it seems to be a parallel with a well-haired sauna. When we poured the water on the hot stones, it should become cool, but we feel the heat. In general, I bought some stupid spray, and on the advice of Jules twice picked it in the oven.

You can continue to continue reasoning for an infinitely, but somehow, now I know that the French baguette can be baked in the oven. And it is surprising that the fresh baguette becomes everyday reality. Of course, this recipe does not claim the title of the best, but in originality and in the "French" he does not take.


  • On 4 small or 2 large baguette take:
  • 1/4 h. L. Dry yeast
  • A half glass of water, 325 grams
  • Along the teaspoon salt
  • 4 cups or 500 grams of flour

1. In a spacious, mix the yeast and warm water. Add salt, flour and knead a very sticky dough. Excellent if there is a doughness. It's not difficult to mix your hands, if you do not pay attention to the fact that it is terrible to fingers! Cover food film, and on top of a towel and put for 12-14 hours in a warm place

2. Time passed and the dough has doubled. It has become even more sticky and elastic. Zamk-Zhamk on the walls with a shovel, fall out on the table

3. Out the dough on the table and sprinkle on top of the flour. Our task is to share the dough into 4 equal parts.

Form the dough in the form of a rectangle and divide into four parts. You can bake two large baton by placing one by one on the contrary. Diagonally. My oven is standard and I will bake in two right. Two small baguette at times

4. Unlock the baking paper baking or special matter and sprinkle it to the thoughts of flour

5. It's time to roll the baton. It's pretty cute and pleasant occupation. And it is necessary to adapt to the rolling, but it is worth it!)) For this, every piece of dough twice will turn inside yourself. Time…

and two-s!

Then, squeezing the dough with the palms to the edges, quickly roll it up in a long snake and lay out on the tray. Look at the video that is higher. Sometimes in fact, it is better to see once than to read!

6. Future baguettes supper with flour, cover with a film and remove into a warm place to quarrel. About an hour and a half

7. The time flew quickly, our bars have grown and it's time to turn on the oven for heating.

It is desirable to 300 degrees with, but standard household ovens are ready for only 250 C. In the right pallet or pour cold water into the pan and put on the lower level

8. While the oven heats up, remove the film and a sharp knife or blade to make diagonal cuts on the battles. Well, chopped with kitchen scissors, if there is no sharp knife!)) At an angle of 45 degrees. Plotchpins!

9. Skatter with water and send for 15-20 minutes to the heated oven. And go far! Here it is a pshikalka. I broke my catching at the first recipe!))

10. In 5 minutes, open the door, make some good pshits inside the oven and on the baguette and close the door. You will spend the next few minutes on your knees in front of the stove, looks into the oven through the glass with curiosity!)) So?!

11. After 10 minutes, open the door and splash again to the baguettes. For the uniform of the fry, expand the baking sheet for 180 degrees and go. In the sense, close the door!)

12. Deliver in 15 minutes. And let the bread cooler a little before you begin to cut it!

Baguette is very easy if you know a few secrets. You can cook the baguette yourself in the morning. This is a rapid bread.

Satch out 500 grams of flour. Put in flour 10 grams wet yeast And thoroughly cross them with flour.
Note, everyone put yeast into the water, but french baker Learn to rub the yeast with flour. This Baker is preparing baguettes for President of France.

Every year in France is a competition for the best baguette. The winner, in addition to the money remuneration, receives the right to supply baguettes to the presidential palace. This recipe from the baker, who received this honorable right.

In France, there is a tradition, they are every morning, early, go to the bungeon for baguette to breakfast. The French do not eat yesterday's bread.

After rubble lumps crushed with flour, pour warm water into small portions (about 350 milliliters) and smear the bread. When mixing, add 10 grams of salt.
Note, Standard recipe For baguettes: flour, salt, water, yeast. No oil in the dough should not be!

The secret of smearing baguette

You need to take the dough from below and, lifting, stretching, to drive the air to the dough more inward. This procedure is repeated and repeated again. Zam last 15 minutes. After 15 minutes, the dough will start slowing from the hands. This means that the dough is already well mixed.
This is the difference in the method of mixing the test for French baguette from traditional smelting yeast dough.

Put a little flour, cover with a cloth and give it to approach. Suitable dough for about two or three hours, increases in volume by 2 times.

Forms Classic French Baguette

The surface of the table with a flour. We post the dough, cutting it into two equal parts, because in this recipe it is indicated for the preparation of two baguettes.
We stretch your hands every part into a rectangle. This rectangle is folding the roll. It turns out a baguette.
There are certain requirements for the size of baguettes: length - 65-70 cm, width - 5-6 cm, height - 3-4 cm. Standard Weight - 250 g

Gently seal the edges so that the roll does not turn around during baking. The real baguette should have subtle tips, which are obtained as a result of manual dough roll.

A knife make cuts - notches. 5-7 diagonal suns, so-called "cat ears".

Use a very sharp blade. You can even make notches just a blade. Slaves apply quickly so that the dough does not stick to the blade.

Baguette is molded. Lay it out on parchment paper, Picking up with flour, and put on a frozen (about 1 hour), and then in the oven. Temperature 250 degrees. We bake exactly 10 minutes.

Good baking depends on good flour. Take the flour of the highest grade with a high content of gluten (protein).
Be sure to put in the oven, sprinkle the walls oven From the pulverizer with water. IN home ovenTo bake a baguette, it will not be superfluous to put under the bottom of the opposite - a bowl of water.

Baking in the oven with ferry and without couple

You can form a baguette Eppie

This is a very popular baguette. Especially loved in families where there are small children. Because the child can break down a piece of baguette and easter it as a bun.

Over the entire length of the twisted roll - culinary scissors make cuts at the same distance from each other. Cropped piece immediately assign to the side (left \\ right). Kinda gets a pigtail. And nothing complicated.

Another secret to know about baguette

Usually, yeast dough products are lubricated with egg before baking. Baguette does not lubricate the egg. It is allowed to pour baguette flour. Only.

The second method of molding Baguette: Tough with the hands of the hands in the oval, then apply the edge of the test to the center and again in half - it turns out a loaf. It is a little ride for improving the form.

Baking bread is like a stick about two ends: than faster dough Ripens, the faster it also cries. That is, if you add less yeast and give them more time to work, then the bread will be tastier, and on the contrary - quickly ripened the dough gives the tasteless brittle bread, which quickly cries.

As a bonus - the patesta recipe, which is served to the baguette

Fry onions on a mixture of vegetable and butter. Pass onions with not very high temperatures Before translucency.

Smelchable walnuts in kitchen Combine. In chopped nuts add 2 cool eggs, some mustard, black pepper, salt, discounted bow - all mix in a blender. You can add chopped garlic into the pate.

Finished pate laying in a sauce and taking to the baguette.

Baguette - Cult Bread French

This French baguette is a song. Thin crisp with a slight pressing makes an indescribable sound, and the air fragrant meakash is hidden inside. It is believed that the real baguette can only be tried in France, however, the Russian clenchmen have long been prepared at home.

Today, the site talks about how to bake the French baguette, and is divided by small tricks, allowing to achieve that very unique taste, colors and odor, which is famous for this kind of bread.

Ingredients (3-4 baguette):

  • Bakery flour - 500 g,
  • Cold water - 350 ml,
  • Warm water - 25 ml,
  • Yeast dry "active" - \u200b\u200b5 g,
  • Salt - 10 g

Tip from the site: In order to measure the right amount Products are recommended to use kitchen scales, since the "on the eyes" method, as well as measurements with glasses and teaspoons here do not come here. In addition, the ingredients listed above do not include flour, which you will be needed to form baguettes and for the sprinkle of the anti or a special stone.

Cooking: The preparation of French baguettes takes place in the 3 stages, each of which needs to take into account several nuances.

How to knead the dough for baguette

In a separate container, mix warm water (25 ml), yeast and 2 tablespoons of flour. Put in a warm place and wait until the opara starts to be bubble and double. It will take about 20 minutes.

In a big bowl (approximately 3 liters), connect the flour and salt, add opar, mix thoroughly and gradually pour cold waterwithout stopping to wash the dough. You can use a mixer with a special nozzle. In this case, turn on the mode with the slowest turns.

Mix the dough 7-10 minutes until it becomes elastic. The dough is ready for further manipulations, when completely separated from the walls of the bowl or bowl of the mixer, but it continues to be slightly sticky.

I option. Put the dough on the board, cover with a towel, wait until it rises for 20 minutes, then simplify it again, wrapping the outer edges ingoing. This procedure must be repeated three times.

After that, form a tight ball from the dough, put it in a bowl, lubricated refined vegetable oil, Cut the food film and remove in the refrigerator for about 20 hours. Then remove, put on the table, poured with flour, and divide the dough on as many parts as the baguette furnace is 3, if you want to make long classic, and on 4 - if you like short.

Cover the food film again and leave for an hour - to reach.

II option. Continue to wash the dough on the flour table stretched for another 15 minutes, saturating it with oxygen and achieving a complete connection of all ingredients. If you use a mixer, then install middle speedAnd the time of the knead is reduced to 7-8 minutes.

After the dough is completely mistaken, put it in a bowl, lubricated with vegetable oil, cover a slightly wet towel and put it in a warm place in which there are no drafts. You can heat the oven to 50-60 degrees, turn off, give it a little cool for 10 minutes, and send the dough there.

How to bake a french baguette

Approximately 1-2 hours (time depends on the quality of yeast and external temperature), when the dough increases in the amount of three times, get it and either again remove into a warm place, replacing a food tower with a towel, or proceed to the next cooking step.

Explanation: If you want cavities (air holes) in the crumb of finished bread, it is large, you can start the formation of the baguette immediately after the first lift. If you like small tracks from air bubbles, then give the test to climb three times. In this case, in the second and for the third time it should be changed when it will double the twice.

How to form a baguette

If you have not done this earlier, divide the dough on the 3-4 parts (depending on what size of the baguette you want to get), sprinkle the table. If you decide to follow french traditions, then form long or short baguettes with your hands.

How to bake a french baguette

To do this, each piece of dough is dripped into a 40 cm long layer and width in 20. Then wrap 1/3 of each long edge inside, accumulate slightly and fold the reservoir in half. Make a small deepening in the middle and put together again. After that, start gently stretch the dough. When the baguette stretches slightly, roll it up with his hands until the length you thought. Recall: the classic baguette length is 65 cm.

Lay out the bread on the baking sheet (or on a special stone), lubricated with creamy or vegetable oil and sprinkled with flour. Cover the baguettes slightly wet towel and let it stand until they increase 2 times (about 45 minutes). Then make a sharp knife on the batons of the transverse brazy notches in a depth of approximately 1 cm, sprinkle bugs from above flour, or smear milk, or sprinkle with water.

Forming option: Table Sprinkle with flour, she spray a rolling pin, each piece of dough roll into a rectangular layer with a thickness of about 1 cm, turn it into a dense roll along the long side and fix the seam. Subscribe the ends of the baguette - give them a pointed form, and then act as written above.

French baguette baking rules

Baghette baked in heated to 220-230 degrees oven. Before placing a baking sheet with bread in the oven, put the enameled bowl with water there. It is necessary so that the baguettes get a flat golden thin and crispy crust. After 10 minutes after the start of the baking process, the container with the liquid should be removed, and the temperature is reduced to 175-180 degrees.

How to bake a french baguette

You can proceed and differently - before baking, spray with water from the wall pulverizer already hot oven And repeat this procedure for another 1 time during cooking - before reducing the temperature.

    We prepare the puget for the baguette.In a bowl we pour 170 milliliters warm water - water temperature 32 - 35 ° C. We add yeast to the water on the tip of the knife and leave for 10-15 minutes. In the meantime, we will prepare flour. In a bowl, we serve 250 grams of white flour, add a pinch of salt, mix, add clumsy yeast to flour. Mix for fork or spoon before receiving soft dough, additionally, mix your hands, cover with a film and leave the pole when room temperature for 12-16 hours.

    After 12 hours, we proceed to the preparation of the dough for baguettes. In a bowl, we pour 500 milliliters for warm water, water temperature 32 - 35 ° C. We add 12.5 grams of Saf-Levur yeast to water, these are 2.5 teaspoons and leave for 10-15 minutes.

  • While we prepare flour. In the bowl of the mixer, we seize 750 grams of white flour, add 3 teaspoons of salt, mix. The dough for baguette can be sophisticated manually or with a toughness, we use the test. 10 minutes passed, mix the yeast and proceed to knead the test. Stirring with a mixer at low speed, gradually add yeast into flour. Do not stop stirring, gradually add opar prepared on the eve. We knead the dough, the dough you need to knead well. Ready dough We shift in a bowl covering with a film and leave at room temperature for proofing for 1-1.5 hours. The dough should increase in the amount of 4-5 times.

    Stayed the dough laying on the table. Table and hands must be pre-sprinkled with flour. I do notide the dough. We fold it with an envelope, hugging the tassel of excess flour. We return the dough into a bowl covering the film and leave at room temperature for the proofing per hour, and a half. The dough should increase in the amount of 4-5 times. What can be tastier fresh homemade breadAnd what is the fragrance in the house. In the section on our site https: //www.Syt/ you will find a lot interesting recipes Delicious homemade bread.

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    We sprinkle the table with flour and, perch hands in the flour, lay out the dough on the table. Ignion and divide on 5-6 equal partsDepending on what thickness we want to get baguettes. Usually the length of the baguette 60-65 centimeters, the diameter of 4-6 centimeters. From this number of products, we obtain 6 baguettes with a length of 50 centimeters and a diameter of 4 centimeters.

    Every part alternately rolling as it were in the roll, bending angles inside, and return to the place. Now we take a piece of dough, which was a scanner in the roulet first. We raise one hand and bend the edge of the test, the second we press, do it along the entire length of the workpiece.

    We deploy the dough and repeat this process on the other hand two times in a row, giving the shape of the baguette. Hands rolling up the baguette to the desired length.

    We lay out the blank on the baking tray, fastened with baking paper, and cover with a towel, slightly wet the towel with a water sprayer. We leave for proofing for 60 minutes.

    In an hour, carefully with a scalpel or a razor, we do a diagonal of cuts in a depth of 0.5 centimeters at a distance of 4-5 centimeters from each other.

    We bake the French baguette in a pre-preheated oven at a temperature of 240 degrees Celsius of approximately 20 minutes, until golden color. The oven must be pre-moisturized. We have an oven with a moisturizer, in ordinary oven It is necessary to insert a baking sheet in the oven and sprinkle well with water, with a sprayer. The baguette's crust should be fragile as glass, and the ball is white and very soft. Baguette is a very appetizing, beautiful and delicious bread. No one can say what kind of bread is tastier, but definitely, without any doubt - the French baguette is one of the most delicious breads on the ground.

    We take out the finished baguette out of the oven lay on the grille, we give cool and give a freshly delicious real French baguette to the table. As you can see one baguette, I did not wait for the final photo, I was eaten with great pleasure to members of our family.