Bread baguette recipe. French baguette recipe

01.11.2019 Dishes for children

Hello dear readers of my culinary blog. You've probably heard a lot about French pastries. Have you ever tried it? Do not despair. Today, I'm going to show you how to make a delicious and incredibly flavorful French baguette at home.

It can be offered to a household for tea for breakfast. And if it's still warm, with butter and cheese ... It's just a fairy tale.

Not sure how to make a delicious homemade crusty baguette in the oven? We will help you cope with this task.


1. Wheat flour of the highest grade - 3 glasses

2. Dry yeast - 1 tsp.

3. Salt - ¾ tsp.

4. Vegetable oil - 1 tbsp.

5. Warm drinking water - 1 glass.

A step-by-step recipe with a photo will help you if you are making bread for the first time.

Cooking method:

1. First, sift about three glasses of premium flour. Thus, it will be enriched with oxygen, the dough will be softer and more fluffy. Then I add one teaspoon of dry yeast. I mix everything thoroughly.

2. To completely dissolve the salt and distribute it evenly throughout the dough, I will dissolve it in warm water. And then slowly pour it into flour and stir.

Add one tablespoon of vegetable oil to the resulting dough.

3. And now the crucial moment begins: kneading the dough. First, mix it with a spoon, and when this task becomes difficult, we begin to knead the dough with our hands. I sprinkle the table with flour and knead for ten to fifteen minutes. The finished dough becomes elastic and does not stick to your hands.

After that, I put the dough in a deep dish, cover it with a towel and send it to a warm place for two hours (to come up).

Then we knead it very carefully and quite a bit so that the finished product does not turn out to be stale.

Usually, I divide the resulting dough into several parts. I straighten each one with my hands, you can use a rolling pin - it will be faster this way.

4. I twist the finished "pancake" with a tube (I try very hard not to press) and pinch all parts of the joints with my fingers.

I roll out the tube, focusing on the length of the baking sheet. I repeat this with the rest of the test. I put everything on a baking sheet, sprinkled with a little flour.

I make a few cuts (for beauty), but carefully so that they are not too deep. Then I sprinkle the future bread with flour on top.

I cover it with a towel and leave it to come up for thirty minutes.

5. Everything. Let's start baking. We put the baking sheet in the oven and bake: first for ten minutes at a temperature of 220 degrees (this will give our baguettes a thin crispy crust), and then the same amount of time, but already lower the temperature to 180 degrees (so that they bake well inside).

Our French baguette is ready. Let it cool a little. And at this time, you can invite your household to breakfast. Warm, incredibly aromatic bread made with your own hands - what could be tastier? I wish you bon appetit.

In addition to the so-called "classic" product, you can diversify it if you wish. By making filled bread, you can surprise your family and friends. This can be an onion or garlic baguette. My children are very fond of onion. It comes out incredibly fragrant and goes with a bang.

Stuffed bread turns out to be very interesting. You can use your favorite foods as the filling. It can be cheese or ham, with or without herbs. And for your loved ones, you can make a sweet filling.

It is not necessary to bake the product in the oven. If you are in the country, you can bake in a bread maker.

Always cook with love and pleasure. Do not be afraid to experiment and you will definitely succeed. Share the recipe with your friends and leave your wishes on the site. I wish you all the best. See you.

Today, it's not too hard to find a recipe you love. French baguette is no exception. It has been cooked since time immemorial. The beauty of these loaves lies in the fact that under the crisp crust hides a soft and aromatic bun. The downside is his tendency to harden quickly, by the end of the day. But even in this state, it remains tasty, although not the same as it was in the morning. Below we take a look at the most popular recipe. The French baguette is a true example of a Parisian breakfast.

Spirit of France

Indeed, this romantic country is loved by many. And despite all the natural beauty and cultural values, French cuisine remains invariably popular. Croissants and oysters, foie gras and delicious rolls, and a thin and long loaf that makes you want to bite into a recipe. A French baguette is a consistently hard, crispy and simply amazing crust with fresh crumb. Despite the fact that it is prepared all over the world today, it invariably remains a symbol of France.

The history of the amazing bun

It first appeared on the shelves in the 20s of the last century. In fact, this was not a tribute to traditions, bakers and a special, refined recipe did not implement it. The French baguette was just a necessity, which was pushed by special circumstances. When the government issued a special decree not allowing them to go to work before 4 in the morning, they had to look for an option that would take less time for the dough and baked goods to germinate than regular loaves.

It is a long and thin pastry. The standard size that was originally proposed is 60, 70 cm in length, 5-6 cm in width and 3-4 cm in height.The product weighs only 250 g. ... Since the baking process was accelerated, so many workers were no longer required, which also reduced the costs of bakeries.

Baking features

How do you know that it is a French baguette in front of you? The recipe assumes the release of a very capricious roll, it is not cut with a knife when fresh, so it is customary to break it with your hands. Already after 8 hours, it becomes completely stale, so it is better to take such pastries at the rate of one or two meals. In France, such baked goods are made as varied as possible in order to please the majority of buyers. It can be found in a wide variety of lengths and shapes, from very thin to wide, sandwich buns. Donuts range from very pale to slightly burnt. In addition, various additives are used. It can be onions, garlic, sesame seeds, caraway seeds, cheese, aromatic herbs.

Meet the French Baguette Cooking Recipe

In the capital of France alone, up to a million crispy loaves are sold every morning. The finished product weighs 250 g (remember, for comparison, a Soviet loaf, weighing 1 kg). It is prepared, in general, in a classic way. First, the dough is laid, for this, as all housewives know, you need to dissolve the yeast in water, add flour and leave for 20 minutes. Then you need to add salt, the rest of the water and flour, knead the dough. This is an important point, you need to knead for a long time, about 10 minutes. Then the structure will become homogeneous. It remains in the proofer for 45 minutes, after which you need to cut it into products. They are covered with a damp cloth and left for another 45 minutes. After that, they are placed in the oven for 15-20 minutes. As you can see, nothing complicated, every housewife can do it, even without experience in the culinary arts.

Cook at home

A bakery is one thing, and cooking something like this at home is very interesting. Imagine taking out a warm, French baguette for breakfast in the morning. The recipe in the oven for the baked product is no different from the original, which is designed for production ovens. As you may have noticed, this type of baked goods has many advantages. The dough is simple to perform, requires a minimum of ingredients, they are all simple and affordable. In addition, there is no need for special ovens, food processors and other devices. Quick baked goods can be a good option for your morning breakfast. Proofing will take place in the refrigerator. There is a minus, the dough is moist and sticky. It is not very convenient and you need to get used to handling it.

So, we bake a French baguette. The oven recipe assumes a two-day cooking cycle, although the entire procedure can be done in one day. This can be convenient for those who will cook the dough the next day every day, and get up in the morning to cook a roll for breakfast. You need to take 500 g of 1st grade flour, 375 g of water, ¼ teaspoon of dry yeast and 10 g of salt. As usual, you dilute the yeast, add the rest, and knead the mass. Cover with plastic wrap and let sit for 20 minutes. Use a mixer to knead the dough for about 10 minutes. Now the dough needs to be greased with oil, covered with foil and put into the refrigerator. And you can go about your business.

The second cycle starts the next day. In the morning you take out the dough, divide it into three parts. The dough is very sticky, but try not to clog it with flour. You can grease your hands with oil. Each part must be kneaded into a layer and rolled into a roll, immediately transferred to a baking sheet. This will be the final form of our baked goods. Your French baguette will remain this way (the recipe with the photo will help you navigate the shape), they do not rise very much, so you do not need to leave a lot of space on the baking sheet between the loaves. After 45 minutes (cover with plastic wrap) you can put them in the oven. Temperature 250 degrees, bake for about 20 minutes.

Features of cooking in a bread maker

The recipe for a French baguette for a bread maker is slightly different from the classics, in particular, it greatly reduces the time the hostess is busy. Each model may differ, but we will provide a standard recipe. You will need to stir 2 teaspoons of yeast in a glass of warm water. Add a tablespoon of sugar and let sit for 15 minutes. Now the next step is 2 tablespoons of butter, 370 g of flour. Knead the dough, divide into 2 parts, roll into layers and roll into rolls. Now you can send them to the bread maker for 60 minutes in the "Bake" mode.

Most of the adherents of this bakery product live in Germany and France. It is very interesting how the table setting takes place. An authentic French baguette (recipe may contain flavors) is served with butter and a large cup of coffee. This is absorbed in a very original way: breaking off a crispy bun and spreading it with butter, you need to quickly dip it into coffee. The butter does not have time to melt, and the crumb is absorbed by the coffee. The result is a delightful composition from which you get real pleasure.

Let's summarize

You don't have to go to France to taste the wonderful baguette. You can make it easier for yourself and buy it in a store, but usually we do not follow the classic recipe. Therefore, in order to appreciate the real "crunch of French bread", you should try to bake it at home. It's easy, it doesn't take too long. The overwhelming smell from your kitchen will beckon guests all day. By adjusting to the time it takes to make this baguette, you can wake up your loved ones with the smell of fresh bread every morning. And even though hot bread is harmful to our figure, it is better to go to the gym in the evening than to deprive yourself of such pleasure. By the way, connoisseurs note that baking in a bread maker somewhat changes the taste of the baguette. Therefore, it is better to spend a little more time, but serve a real miracle on the table.

A baguette is the famous French long loaf with a fluffy porous crumb and a crispy crust. It is baked from the most ordinary products, and if even the first attempt to bake such bread fails, pretty soon even a novice housewife can handle the baking recipe!

Traditional French baguette


0.5 kg flour

400 ml water

2 teaspoons of salt

2 tsp sugar

10 g yeast

1 tbsp. a spoonful of butter (better than butter)

How to make a French dough baguette:

  1. A dough is prepared from yeast, sugar, part of warm water and flour. It should stand for about 15 minutes until it turns into a bubble mass. Add the remaining ingredients to the resulting mass and knead the dough: it should turn out to be elastic, not too tight and only slightly stick to your hands.
  2. From the resulting dough, you need to form long baguettes, put them on a floured baking sheet, make oblique cuts about 1 cm deep on the blanks, cover with a towel or film and leave for at least half an hour until the dough rises 2-3 times.
  3. For those who like salty baguettes, we recommend greasing the surface of the loaf with a mixture of one yolk, 250 ml of water and salt to taste. Or sprinkle baked goods with water and sprinkle with coarse salt.
  4. The matched baguettes must be placed in the oven preheated to a temperature of 200-240 ° C. For the dough to fit better, you must provide a humid environment. To do this, you need to put a heat-resistant dish with water in the oven.
  5. 10 minutes after the start of baking, the water can be removed and the baguette can be baked for another 10-15 minutes until golden brown.
  6. The finished loaf should be laid out on a wire rack, covered with a towel and allowed to cool.
  7. Bon Appétit!
Want to cook a French-style dinner? Share recipes in our video!

Sift flour through a sieve onto a clean work surface. Make the flour look like a mountain with a well in the center.

Gently pour half of the warm water into the "well", then add yeast, sugar and salt. Stir the contents of the "well" with a fork or spoon, being careful not to touch its walls.

Gently, little by little, with your fingertips, move the flour from the edges of the "mountain" to the "well". Continue trying not to damage the walls of the "well" until its contents acquire a mushy consistency.

Start kneading the dough by adding the remaining warm water little by little. To make the dough less stick to your hands, they should be lightly sprinkled with flour from time to time. To knead, first knead the dough in a circle, then roll it into a roll, put it on the priest and knead it again in a circle. Continue for 5-6 minutes, until the dough is elastic.

Form a ball or a shape close to the ball out of the dough. Sprinkle lightly with flour. Place in a large bowl and cover with a dry towel. Put the bowl in a warm place without drafts (one of these places is an oven preheated to 50 C and then turned off, 10-15 minutes after turning off).

When the dough doubles in volume - this will happen after about 1 hour - take it out of the bowl, place it on the work surface and quickly knead it with your hands.

Re-form the dough into a ball, put in a bowl, cover with a towel and put in a warm place without drafts. When the dough has doubled in volume again, take it out of the bowl, divide it into 4 or 6 equal parts (depending on how large the baguette you expect to get). Shape each part into a long cylinder.

Sprinkle a baking sheet with flour, place the baguettes on it. Preheat the oven to 250 C (if your oven is equipped with a forced convection function, then up to 239 C). On each loaf, using a small sharp knife, make several shallow cuts obliquely. Leave the baguettes for 10 minutes. Place the baking sheet with baguettes in the middle of the preheated oven. Bake for 15 minutes, until loaves are golden and crispy. Transfer the baguettes to a wire rack and let cool slightly for 5-6 minutes.

A baguette is very easy to bake if you know a few secrets. You can cook your own baguette in the morning. This is instant bread.

Sift 500 grams of flour. Put 10 grams of wet yeast in the flour and mash it thoroughly with the flour.
Note that everyone puts yeast in water, but a French baker teaches you how to grind yeast with flour. This baker prepares baguettes for the President of France.

Every year in France there is a competition for the best baguette. The winner, in addition to the monetary reward, receives the right to supply baguettes to the presidential palace. This recipe is from the baker who received this honorary title.

In France there is a tradition, they every morning, early, go to the bakery for a baguette for breakfast. The French don't eat yesterday's bread.

After the yeast lumps have been ground with flour, add warm water (about 350 milliliters) in small portions and knead the bread. Add 10 grams of salt while mixing.
Please note Standard recipe for baguette: flour, salt, water, yeast. There should not be any oil in the dough!

The secret of kneading a baguette

You need to take the dough from below and, lifting, stretch it in order to drive more air into the dough. Repeat this procedure and repeat again. The kneading lasts 15 minutes. After 15 minutes, the dough will begin to peel off from your hands. This means that the dough is already well kneaded.
This is the difference between the method of kneading dough for French baguettes and traditional kneading yeast dough.

Sprinkle the kneaded dough with a little flour, cover with a towel and let it come up. The dough is suitable for about two or three hours, increases in volume by 2 times.

Shaping a classic French baguette

Dust the surface of the table with flour. Lay out the dough by cutting it into two equal parts, since this recipe indicates the rate for making two baguettes.
Stretch each part with your hands into a rectangle. We fold this rectangle with a roll. It turns out a baguette.
There are certain requirements for the size of the baguette: length - 65-70 cm, width - 5-6 cm, height - 3-4 cm.The standard weight is 250 g.

We carefully seal the edges so that the roll does not unfold during baking. real baguettes should have thin tips, which are obtained by manually rolling the dough.

With a knife we ​​make cuts - notches. 5-7 diagonal cuts, the so-called "cat ears".

Use a very sharp blade. You can even make notches with just a blade. We apply the notches quickly so that the dough does not stick to the blade.

The baguette is molded. We spread it on parchment paper, dust it with flour, and put it in a proofer (for about 1 hour), and then in the oven. Temperature 250 degrees. We bake for exactly 10 minutes.

Good baked goods depend on good flour. Use premium flour that is high in gluten (protein).
Be sure to sprinkle the walls of the oven with a spray bottle with water before placing the baguette in the oven. In the home oven, to bake a baguette, it will not be superfluous to put a bowl of water under the bottom of the baking sheet.

Baking in the oven with and without steam

Eppie baguette can be formed

This is a very popular baguette. He is especially loved in families with small children. Because a child can break off a piece of baguette and eat it like a bun.

Along the entire length of the twisted roll - with culinary scissors we make cuts at the same distance from each other. We immediately take the cut piece to the side (left / right). A kind of pigtail turns out. And nothing complicated.

Another secret to know about baguette

Usually, yeast dough products are greased with an egg before baking. The baguette is by no means greased with an egg. It is allowed to sprinkle the baguette with flour. Only.

The second method of molding a baguette: we spread the dough with our hands into an oval, then we apply the edges of the dough to the center and again in half - we get a loaf. We roll it a little to improve its shape.

Baking bread is like a double-edged sword: the faster the dough ripens, the faster it hardens later. That is, if you add less yeast and give it more time to work, then the bread will be tastier, and vice versa - quickly ripened dough gives a tasteless brittle bread that quickly turns stale.

As a bonus - a recipe for a pate, which is served with a baguette

Fry the onions in a mixture of vegetable and butter. Saute the onion at a not very high temperature until translucent.

Grind the walnuts in a food processor. Add 2 hard-boiled eggs, a little mustard, black pepper, salt, salted onion to the chopped nuts - mix everything in a blender. Chopped garlic can be added to the pate.

Put the finished pate in a gravy boat and serve with a baguette.

Baguette - the iconic bread of the French