Soviet menu for the new year. New Year's table in the USSR and now

Mimosa salad"

One such salad is, on average, six separate servings. Only two cans of canned fish in oil or in own juice, three carrots and boiled potatoes, four boiled chicken eggs and mayonnaise.

You need to boil potatoes and carrots, eggs in uniforms. When the food is cool, peel and grate on a coarse grater. Do not mix the ingredients with each other, but divide the eggs into whites and yolks, and then grate (just mash the yolks with a fork, and rub the whites on a coarse grater). Drain the oil a little from the canned food and knead the fish well with a fork.

It is recommended to lay this salad flat with high sides... Layers of the dish are laid, each of which must be generously greased with mayonnaise. First comes potatoes, then carrots, fish and proteins. Then repeat the layers, and sprinkle everything with yolk on top.

"Winter" salad

Once upon a time, by-products, including tongue, were considered a delicacy and they were bought only for great holidays... So, this type of salad was often prepared in the USSR for the New Year, if it was possible to get all the ingredients for it. What you need: 0.5 kg of tongue, four potatoes and eggs, pickles, onion, jar of green peas, mayonnaise.

Boil potatoes and eggs. Boil the tongue separately, if desired, you can steam the product. Peel eggs and potatoes, cut into cubes. Peel and chop the tongue, too, just like the previous ingredients. Mix everything and finely chop the cucumbers, onions, herbs. Add the second part of the ingredients to the salad, then add the peas without liquid and season with plenty of mayonnaise.

Aspic based on three types of meat

What you need: two carrots and onions, parsley root, beef shank, two pork legs and one whole chicken, salt and peppercorns, bay leaves, three cloves of garlic, herbs.

The meat will need to be rinsed in cold water and soaked overnight. In the morning, put the broth to boil in new water. When the water boils, turn the heat to low and simmer the meat over low heat for eight hours. If foam appears, remove it. After three hours of cooking, add the onions, carrots and parsley root to the saucepan. If it appears on the surface a large number fat, it is also recommended to remove it.

An hour before the end of boiling jellied meat, add peppercorns and a bay leaf to it. When cooking jellied meat, in no case should the lid be closed. Then turn off the heat and remove the meat, separate from the bones and chop finely. Salt everything, then put the meat in the molds, pour the broth on top and leave to cool, then put it in the refrigerator.

Marinated fish

So that the dish does not work out, as in the famous New Year's Eve film "The Irony of Fate or light steam", when main character said: "What disgusting is this your aspic fish", you need to cook everything strictly according to our proven recipe.

What you need for cooking: 0.4 kg fish fillet, two tablespoons of flour and vegetable oil, three carrots and onions, a glass of tomato juice and the same amount of water, salt and sugar, vinegar, bay leaf, cloves.

Initially, a marinade is prepared for which carrots and onions are peeled. Cut vegetables into strips (you can grate on a coarse grater), put in heated vegetable oil in a frying pan. First fry the onion, then add the carrots to it. Then pour into a frying pan tomato juice and simmer everything for a quarter of an hour. Pour in two tablespoons of vinegar and a glass of water, add salt and sugar, set the marinade aside to cool.

Cut the fish into small cubes, mix the flour with salt and pepper. Dip the fish in the mixture, fry until tender. vegetable oil... Then put the fish in a jellied dish and pour it on top ready marinade, leave in the refrigerator overnight. When applying for New Year's table decorate with herbs, roses from eggs, carrots, tomatoes.

Stuffed chicken

For four servings of this amazing snack you need one chicken, 100 grams of rice (boil) and dogwood, an onion and a few tablespoons of vegetable oil. Rinse the chicken well and pour it over with boiling water, then rub with salt and paprika. Chop the onion and fry in vegetable oil, add to the boiled rice, send the dogwood there. Put this minced meat in the carcass and send it to the oven for an hour, cook at 200 degrees.

We all know that people in the USSR did not live the way we live now, and therefore they celebrated holidays a little differently, although many traditions have survived since those times. Next, let's talk about how the citizens of the Soviet Union celebrated the most long-awaited and beloved holiday by all - New Year.

How the New Year was celebrated in the USSR is quite accurately described in the Soviet film by Eldar Ryazanov "The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath!"
With only one drawback - there is no TV in the film, on which this very "Irony" is shown, which since 1976 has become one of the main Soviet New Year traditions.

TV, as the postman Pechkin used to say, is best decoration New Year's table. "Carnival Night", "Irony of Fate", "New Year's Adventures of Masha and Viti", "Blue Light", "Frost" - Soviet films, programs and cartoons in the morning without which no man in the USSR could imagine festive night.

All the same total deficit taught Soviet citizens that they need to buy what they need not on the eve of a holiday, but when the opportunity comes along - it is better to let it lie down. Food was stored in the refrigerator or on the balcony,
It was necessary to prepare for the holiday ahead of time.

First, to buy food - that is, "get it", stand in hourly lines, get sprats, caviar, smoked sausage in grocery orders.

Prepare Olivier, jellied meat, jellied fish, carrot and beetroot salads, herring under a fur coat, open pickled cucumbers and tomatoes harvested from summer.

Smoked sausages
Purchase of products

Olivier salad

400 grams of cooked sausage (or boiled meat)
1 can of canned green peas
5 eggs
2 large carrots
3-4 medium potatoes
3-4 pickles
100 ml mayonnaise

Dip the eggs in a pot of water and cook for 7-10 minutes.
Dip potatoes and carrots in lightly salted water. Cook until tender (about half an hour).
Cut the sausage into cubes.
Cut the cucumbers into cubes.
Pass the eggs through an egg cutter.
Add green peas to the salad.
Dice the carrots and potatoes.
Mix salad with mayonnaise. Salt if necessary.

Herring under a fur coat

salted herring fillet or whole fish- 2 w
medium potatoes - 3 pieces
eggs - 3 pcs.
small beets - 2 pieces
carrots - 1 pc
apple - 1 pc
onion - 1 piece

Boil potatoes, beets, carrots and eggs, cool and peel.
It is better to pickle onions. Chop finely, lower it into a container, fill it flush with water and add 1 tbsp. vinegar. Leave it on for 15 minutes.
If using whole fish, remove the bones and cut into small cubes.

In the recipe, it is recommended to rub all the ingredients except for the apple on fine grater so the salad will be softer.
classic herring under a fur coat
Rub the potatoes into the bottom of the dish. Place the herring on top. Next, a layer of onions, then grated carrots... The next layer of apple, grated on coarse grater... Next come the eggs, and the beetroot completes the masterpiece.

Do not forget to smear each layer with mayonnaise.

Drinks - Soviet champagne, Stolichnaya vodka, Buratino lemonade, fruit drink and compote. In general, they ate tasty and satisfying, but without much variety. The same thing from New Year to New Year.

She is the

Christmas tree in the house

Earliest New Year's tradition- not new, but revived - it became the custom to put a live spruce in the house for the New Year. Since the trees were grown for sale on purpose, they were also a relative shortage, and therefore they were bought at the first opportunity, and not at a convenient time. A common sight, for example, in Moscow were people who, one and a half to two weeks before the New Year, carried Christmas trees tied with twine, bought on the occasion, in the subway. The trees were kept hanging outside the window or on the same balcony. (to be honest, we didn't buy trees, dad dragged from the forest ...)

Christmas toys

Eh, now how many new year decorations do not put on store shelves! Any Size, Any Color, Any Style, Any Price! Christmas tree decorations, interior decorations, door decorations. Anything you want. Christmas decorations of the USSR era were distinguished by a wide variety of shapes.

Until now, someone else has such ...


New Year gifts.

Top of fragrant chic - perfume "Klima", the lower limit - perfume "Perhaps"

The man was supposed to smell too, but the choice was even less: "Sasha", "Lily of the valley", "Triple." exotic fruits, black or red caviar, gorgeous candies.

Children's Christmas trees

Oh, yes, about schoolchildren! .. As traditional as Olivier and tangerines were New Year's "trees" - theatrical performances for schoolchildren, held from mid-December to mid-January in city recreation centers. The level of performances depended on what kind of artists the organizers could find, but the main pleasure from visiting the “Christmas tree” was gifts - pastry sets packed in elegant cardboard boxes.

The best and most important "Christmas tree" was considered the one that was held in the Kremlin Palace of Congresses. Tickets for it were practically not available for sale, but were distributed among the enterprises, going to the managers and foremost workers of production. The level of the performance on this "Christmas tree" was the highest, and the gifts were the richest: every year new unique ones were made for them. plastic packaging, which were often approximate copies of the Kremlin towers.

Probably, precisely because the New Year was the most common holiday in the USSR (except perhaps for Victory Day, but it began to be celebrated only since 1965), people of the older generation still remember it with nostalgia. Those who were schoolchildren during the late stagnation remember well the joyful foreboding that filled the New Year's days.

Today it is very fashionable to have themed parties. We invite you to plunge into the past and spend New Year in the style of the USSR... We will tell a story, show a photo, suggest a script and a menu, choose clothes and funny contests.

Before arranging new year in the style of the USSR, you need to remember the history, how it was, how it all began.

New Year in the style of the USSR: history

New Year in the USSR was somewhat different than today, more general. If you had the opportunity to new year's eve to visit several hundred apartments scattered throughout the Union, you would be amazed at how the holiday is celebrated in the same way everywhere. Everyone who remembers how the New Year was celebrated in the USSR knows this atmosphere of a general holiday, the smell of tangerines on the balcony, optimistic TV programs, Olivier salad and chocolates on Christmas trees.

Officially, the tradition of celebrating the New Year was returned to Soviet citizens only in 1935, and became widespread only 20 years later. After all, January 1 became a day off only in 1947, and only then did the inhabitants of the USSR have the opportunity to properly celebrate on New Year's Eve. And since a rich table was an indispensable attribute of any holiday in Soviet times, the majority of citizens can truly celebrate Soviet Union became only when the card system was finally canceled, and stores appeared enough products and - New Year's food sets!

Moreover, New Year in the USSR is, in fact, a city holiday. This is understandable: for a villager, both December 31 and January 1 are no different from other winter days. If it was possible to refuse to perform the obligatory daily rural work, it was not for the sake of an annual holiday - but only for a much rarer occasion, for example, for the sake of a wedding or the birth of a child.

Therefore, it is possible to speak about the Soviet tradition of celebrating the New Year only since the beginning of the 1960s, when the share of the urban population in the country exceeded the share of the rural population. In addition, it was in the 60s, with the beginning of the Khrushchev "thaw", that the right to privacy and private holidays began not only to be recognized, but also to enter the official ideology. And the flow of young specialists, who poured into the formerly purely rural areas of the country to build new cities and factories, brought with it the urban tradition of celebrating the New Year.

New Year in the style of the USSR: traditions

The first main tradition - "Blue Light"... Since 1964, it has become an annual New Year's program, and for twenty years it was songs and jokes from this TV show that accompanied the Soviet New Year's holiday.

The second tradition is the film "The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath". The comedy of Eldar Ryazanov was not only strongly associated with New Year's Eve (it was shown every year, only the time of the show's start changed), but itself served as a source of some traditions of decorating a house for the New Year.

New Year in the style of the USSR: menu

The third tradition was grocery set for the New Year's table - the so-called "order". Since the heyday of the nationwide celebration of the New Year came in the mid-70s with their beginning deficit, the main source of products were "orders" that were issued at the workplace (by the way, such sets were issued almost exclusively in cities, which also worked to consolidate the image of the New year as a purely urban holiday).

Traditionally, the "order" included one or two jars of sprat, a box chocolates, a bottle of "Soviet champagne", a boiled-smoked loaf or raw smoked sausage, pack Indian tea"With an elephant", " Lemon wedges"And sometimes a jar of red caviar. At the same time, tangerines began to be perceived as a purely New Year's delicacy: the USSR received the bulk of these fruits in the form of export deliveries from Morocco, where the main harvest ripens in November-December.

New Year in the style of the USSR: photo

However, it is worth getting better: perhaps the earliest New Year's tradition - not new, but revived - was the custom to put a live spruce in the house for the New Year. After the anti-religious campaign of the late 1920s and early 1930s, it was only in 1935 that the Soviet government again began to propagandize this custom. Since the trees for sale were specially grown, they were also a relative scarcity, and therefore were bought at the earliest opportunity, and not at a convenient time. A common sight, for example, in Moscow were people who, one and a half to two weeks before the New Year, carried Christmas trees tied with twine, bought on the occasion, in the subway.

And of course, the famous phrase can be attributed to the New Year traditions of the USSR times “Here is a gift (food, souvenirs, etc.), but this is for the New Year!”. All the same total deficit taught Soviet citizens that they need to buy what they need not on the eve of a holiday, but when the opportunity comes along - it is better to let it lie down. Food was stored in the refrigerator or on the balcony, things were stored in cupboards or storage rooms, and Christmas trees were hung outside the window or on the same balcony. Almost all family members knew what would be given to whom for the holiday, but this did not diminish their joy: the very opportunity to get a new thing pleased!

New Year in the style of the USSR: how it was

... The final credits of "The Irony of Fate" are floating on the TV screen, champagne is sent to be cooled outside the window or in the refrigerator, vases with the indispensable Olivier salad (quickly, satisfyingly and almost without using scarce products!), "Custom-made" sprats and sausage are placed on the table. A few minutes later the doorbell rings: these are the first guests. Surely they brought with them a jar or two of salad for the New Year's table or homemade pies: the table, put together, was also a Soviet New Year's tradition. As, in fact, the custom of celebrating the New Year with a friendly company: few could boast of their own large apartment in those years, as well as the opportunity to set a rich table alone, so the holiday was celebrated in a wide friendly circle - it was both more convenient and simpler.

After the feast, many companies went out into the street, going for a walk or just in the yard - to take a break from the feast in the interval between hot and sweet. Often, companies began to roam on different floors of the house: often high-rise buildings were departmental or belonged to enterprises, and most residents knew each other well from their joint work. Children by this time usually had already gone to bed: although January was the time of the New Year's school holidays, the children were still not allowed to stay up after midnight.

New Year in the style of the USSR: children's Christmas trees

Oh, yes, about schoolchildren! .. As traditional as Olivier and tangerines were New Year's "trees" - theatrical performances for schoolchildren, held from mid-December to mid-January in city recreation centers. The level of performances depended on what kind of artists the organizers could find, but the main pleasure from visiting the “Christmas tree” was gifts - pastry sets packed in elegant cardboard boxes. The best and most important "Christmas tree" was considered the one that was held in the Kremlin Palace of Congresses. Tickets for it were practically not available for sale, but were distributed among the enterprises, going to the managers and foremost workers of production. The level of the performance on this "Christmas tree" was the highest, and the gifts were the richest: every year new unique plastic packaging was made for them, often representing approximate copies of the Kremlin towers.

But other "Christmas trees" made children just as happy - primarily because of the gifts. By the way, children often got only a part of the goodies from the set, and the most best candy parents saved it until New Year's Eve.

Probably, precisely because the New Year was the most common holiday in the USSR (except perhaps for Victory Day, but it began to be celebrated only since 1965), people of the older generation still remember it with nostalgia. Those who were schoolchildren during the late stagnation remember well the joyful foreboding that filled the New Year's days.

After all, it was not just a holiday - it was also an opportunity to taste rare dishes on other days, to receive some new item as a gift, and finally, just to chat with friends without any political overtones - not like May 1 or November 7! Even Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev's New Year's TV address or “on behalf of the Central Committee of the CPSU, the Supreme Soviet of the USSR and the Soviet government” was perceived only as a preface to the chiming clock, announcing the approach of midnight - and the New Year, the most desired and free holiday ...

New Year in the style of the USSR: instructions for execution

1. Invitations to the New Year's party in the style of the USSR

Pick up pictures with advice symbols and make a collage. V in a small size, it is suitable as an invitation, but if you make it larger, then it will already be a decoration of the room.

2. Meeting of guests at a New Year's party in the style of the USSR

A solemn meeting can be organized, for example, in the costume of a leader of all times and peoples, in the form of a pioneer leader. This will immediately fill the space with positive energy.

Especially if the role is played talentedly, with the imitation of the voice of the chosen hero, the corresponding stamped slogans under the bravura music.

The highlight of the evening is a book for registering guests. V at the end of the event, you can leave your positive feedback here.

3. New Year in the style of the USSR: room decoration

Decorating a room for a theme party is not so difficult, because there are still plenty of items from the Soviet era that are gathering dust in the far corners of the mezzanines and closets.
So, preferably cover a round table with a red tablecloth, put a decanter with faceted glasses. We put Soviet postcards under glasses or glasses. We decorate the walls with posters with slogans typical of that time, portraits of members of the CPSU Central Committee and the Politburo, and red banners.

You can hang a fringed lampshade above the table. The presence of a gramophone, a radio, a reel-to-reel tape recorder is encouraged.

4. New Year in the style of the USSR: clothes

Classic Komsomol kit:

  • white top, dark bottom,
  • shorts and a light shirt with a red garrison cap, a pioneer tie,
  • dresses with polka dots combined with patent leather shoes on a low run,
  • jackets with patches on the sleeves, denim jeans,
  • "Shot" trousers, trousers - "bananas",
  • a brown school dress with an apron are the things that will complement the look of a themed party.

See more:

5. New Year in the style of the USSR: menu

According to the scenario, at a party in the style of the USSR, of course, there should be treats that were put on the table in Soviet times at the most solemn moments. Boiled hot potatoes, Ivasi herring with onions and sunflower oil, Chicken Kiev, Olivier salad with boiled sausage, sprats, "Bear in the North" sweets.

5. New Year in the style of the USSR: music and cinema

Music of the 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s of the last century is one of the main components of a Soviet-style party that accompanies almost the entire event. It can “light up” the dancers at the disco or just be a background for guests to communicate.

It would be nice to watch your favorite Soviet comedy film on the big screen, for example, "Prisoner of the Caucasus" or "Ivan Vasilyevich changes his profession", quoting in chorus famous phrases... As well as

6. New Year in the style of the USSR: scenario

Not a single entertainment event in Soviet times was complete without contests, so they should be at this party as well.

For instance:

  1. - Make a toast on behalf of the rulers, accompanying it with long, prolonged applause.
  2. - Continue a quote from a film, a famous slogan, statements by the country's leader, etc.
  3. - Add Rubik's cube for speed.
  4. - Recall TV shows from Soviet times.
  5. - List the names of newspapers and magazines in the USSR.
  6. - Decipher the abbreviations: VLKSM, TRPO, BAM, NKVD, etc. (own interpretation is possible)
  7. - Come up with a storm with rhymes like: OBKHSS - KPSS, constitution - - revolution, etc.
  8. - Demonstrate your jumping rope or rubber band skills.

Competition winners are rewarded with small token gifts.

A well-organized event will bring you a lot of joy and fond memories. And most importantly, it will allow close people of different generations to get closer.

Soviet New Year's table, with an invariable bottle of "Soviet", salad and cuts. Young people really don't understand why their parents miss how hard things were. But how was then appreciated!

Indeed, Soviet people could look into any apartment, everywhere the picture was the same - the same furniture, the same GDR walls in the halls, TVs, radio in the kitchen, tables and sofa triplets with painted carpets on the floor. What did you indulge yourself with during the holidays? The patience, tricks and perseverance of Soviet women can be envied. How many hours they stood in lines to collect the coveted supplies for the New Year's table! Champagne was extracted in a separate grocery order, the sausage was literally torn off with hands in the market. The current mistresses do not understand.

Yes, there are queues in stores on the 30-31st, but the shelves are full of food, take any. There are dozens of types of sausages, different cuts, vegetables, jars of pickles, alcohol! You can collect any, cook any dish. The Soviet people did not see such luxury, except perhaps in some supermarkets, for example, in Eliseevsky, where the products on display seemed to be museum pieces and the people looked with delight at such wealth.

It's hard to imagine, but in order to buy, for example, sausages for salad or cold cuts, people gathered in a meat shop and waited until the sellers accepted the goods and put them on the counter! They waited sometimes for an hour, or even two. They were warned by their acquaintances about the day and time of arrival of the goods. Then the coveted sausage, barely appearing on the shelf, instantly disappeared through the string bags.

It was either "Doktorskaya" or "tea" or other types of boiled sausage, which then went to Olivier or other salad. And similar situations happened regularly. Housewives collected New Year's menu literally in parts, long before the holiday itself. But how appreciated everything was! Who remembers the aroma of oranges or tangerines, when my mother strictly forbade eating even one, telling me to wait for the evening of the 31st! As if in the refrigerator jars of pickles were waiting in the wings.

What kind of dishes were there then?

Olivier salad

Yes, the New Year's table in the USSR, the photo cannot be imagined without Olivier. In any family album there are pictures of the New Year's Eve, where the family is sitting or standing at the table. Olivier will definitely be there!

It was usually prepared a lot and the expression "bucket" has a very real basis. People liked him, but on holiday they did not want to deny themselves something. They rarely ate salads on ordinary days.


Most often it was "Soviet" semi-sweet or semi-dry, however, it is put on tables even now. Foreign alcoholic beverages were rare, and then if the head of the family brought something from a business trip or friends brought it. And "Soviet" could be included in the festive grocery basket boldly. What were the student memories worth when they managed to get a bottle for the group and literally a tablespoon of drink was poured into each of them. But they celebrated cheerfully, with noise and congratulations.

The children were bought a bottle of Buratino lemon or sweet syrups. There are no such people now. In addition to champagne, adults sometimes took out cognac or vodka for the subsequent increase in the degree. A tree was green in the corner. By the way, Soviet people the horoscope and preferences of symbols were alien, so the New Year's table usually did not change for decades.


New Year's dishes were rarely distinguished by some originality, the hostess looked from her reserves and own fantasy... Certainly, cookbooks then there were, but women were guided more by the experience of their mothers and grandmothers. Therefore, there were such dishes as pilaf or chicken baked surrounded by vegetables, roast. Grilled chicken was also a frequent guest on the New Year's table.

Other peoples often cooked their own classic dishes... Kazakhs are beshbarmak, and instead of meat they could use chicken and even fish.

Under a fur coat

Barely the hostess received good jar sprat, they immediately went to "Under a fur coat", the kids' favorite salad. It was made on big platter and delicate taste testified to the art of the hostess as a cook. Well, it was important to find quality fish.

People thought little about calories. of this product, rightly believing that once it is worth forgetting about the figure or diets. New Year! The hostess's salad recipe was passed on to each other, each tried to add something of her own at least in the design, experimented with the number of ingredients in order to amaze guests with a new taste.


Usually, with the arrival of autumn, people began to close banks, because in winter, many products will become a large deficit. They covered cabbage, tomatoes with cucumbers, preserves. Sometimes the children waited for December 31 with special impatience, knowing that their mother would definitely get the coveted jar of raspberry or strawberry jam for sweet!

Together with this, were taken out strategic reserves sauerkraut, tomatoes with brine. Each was served in a separate bowl. Cucumbers were often sliced ​​thinly and served as a good snack with alcohol. Purchased banks were rare, so everything had to be done by ourselves. The hostesses adopted the experience of seaming from their mothers and grandmothers, the villagers annually make banks in cellars or warehouses. However, they are always happy to send children in parcels a couple of cans, a bunch dried mushrooms, berries are delicious!


Sometimes met and served as the first course or a separate snack... In a deep plate, pieces soft fish with vegetables, flavored with herbs. Seeming a simple dish in reality it took a lot of effort and experience. So that the broth comes out transparent, and the fish retains its shape, because long cooking quickly destroys its structure.


Salad where you could add sprats. In composition, it looks like a cross between "Olivier" and "Under a fur coat". The composition is similar to Olivier, and the layout is similar to “under a fur coat”. Flat plates were prepared for "Mimosa", it was considered more delicate salad, albeit generously flavored with mayonnaise.


Real black or red caviar real delicacy and now, although it is a little easier to get it. Then, the caviar was carefully packed and sent to relatives. Husbands and brothers who had visited the seaside towns were secretly taken from fish farms or taken home. We ate little by little, carefully taking care of our supplies.

Of course, in the houses of the party nomenklatura and "food magnates" caviar was considered the usual dish, but ordinary citizens could eat it only through acquaintances or "by pull." However, the residents of the seaside were a little more fortunate, although the sale or extraction of black or red caviar in private was prohibited in principle. I had to go to different tricks to please your family and yourself.

Eggplant caviar

Its mistresses did it themselves and boldly included it in their holiday menus... True, not everyone loves eggplants, but caviar is tasty and nutritious. If you also don't like eggplant, then you can cook Spread in small sauce bowls and set in several places on the table. It was eaten by adding it to dishes as a sauce or simply spread like butter on bread. Delicious, nutritious, and affordable. Immediately I remember the film of the same name, where the king of such caviar was given just a spoonful, as a large deficit.


For dessert, the hostesses put sweets, these are toffee, and chocolate bars- what we managed to get. The more skilled baked pies or cakes. Jam is a must and homemade honey... However, cakes and various pastries could be bought at pastry shops. Cakes were popular
"Napoleon" or "honey cake". Country women often baked themselves. Of course, there were cheesecakes, pies or school cookies.

Maybe, Soviet time and could not boast of variety, but many remember the Soviet tables for the New Year with tenderness and nostalgia. Especially the parents. After all, it was their cheerful youth when big company while waiting for midnight on the 31st we enjoyed delicious food, told stories and shared news.

Much of that already past tense remains now. People choose the classics, they want to feel the taste of their favorite, long-known dishes. Of course, they try new things, feel foreign trends, but the New Year's table in the USSR and the photo has long become an immortal classic.

Less than a week is left until the New Year. In every house, the most interesting begins - decorating and preparing the table for the holiday. The question of what to cook this year is one of the most relevant for housewives. Below we will talk about what the Soviet New Year's table should be like this year for those who are not ready to come to terms with the collapse of the Union, and still prefer to indulge themselves with memories of how good life was there.

Cooking traditional Soviet Olivier

Is a cult dish. It was cooked by grandmothers modern housewives... This salad will be prepared by the granddaughters of modern housewives. Moreover, in some families, the Olivier recipe is carefully stored and protected from strangers. It is known that the New Year's table in the USSR (photo) was not complete without this dish. Below will be presented a recipe on how to properly prepare this salad in order to return to the Soviet Union at least for a moment.

The required ingredients should be:

Salad (eighty grams).
Potatoes (one hundred twenty grams).
Carrot (fifty grams).
Peas (eighty grams).
Cucumbers (eighty grams).
Pickled cucumbers (sixty grams).
Testicle (two things).
Beef tenderloin (one hundred twenty grams).


No unusual products there are no ingredients for the salad in the list. Despite the fact that outside the window is no longer the seventies and eighties, all of them can be found in any grocery store.

Boil potatoes and carrots. It is best to boil vegetables in lightly salted water. After boiling, it will take fifteen minutes for them to become soft. Determining the readiness of potatoes and carrots is very simple. To do this, pierce them with a knife. If the knife enters the middle very easily, then the vegetables are ready to eat.

Boil the meat. It will take about a quarter of an hour to boil the beef tenderloin. From time to time, you need to remove the foam from the meat. It is advisable to boil the beef over medium heat.
Boil eggs. It will take no more than 10 minutes to boil the eggs. If you boil the eggs less, they will turn out to be liquid. For a salad, such an ingredient will not work in any way. It is important not to forget to salt the water before lowering the testicles there. Otherwise, they may burst, and some of the yolk will leak out.

Peel and cut vegetables. When all necessary ingredients ready, they should be peeled and cut into cubes. Finely chop the onion. You must first cut off the "butts" from the cucumbers.
All ingredients are transferred to one bowl and spices are added to taste. Salt and black pepper are usually sufficient. Salad Olivier is laid out on plates on lettuce leaves and served to the waiting guests.

How to prepare a Mimosa salad according to a Soviet recipe?

"Mimosa" - the second most popular salad on the New Year's table during the Soviet era. He's not entirely different from Olivier. There are several of the same ingredients here. Nevertheless, the salad is worthy to stand on the table next to other dishes from childhood.
Why does this salad have such a name? It's all about its presentation. At first glance, it really looks like a mimosa flower.

To prepare this appetizer, you will need to purchase:

Potatoes (three pieces).
Carrots (three things).
Canned fish(two banks).
Eggs (four pieces).


Having figured out what products are needed for the dish, you can leave all business behind and start preparing "Mimosa". If, in addition to adults, there are children over ten at home, they can also be involved in the cooking process. Prepare "Mimosa" as follows.

Boil potatoes and carrots. Before you put potatoes and carrots in the water, you need to salt it. Making sure the vegetables are ready is easy. To do this, you need to lightly pierce them with a knife. If the knife passes freely into the middle, it means that the potatoes and carrots are ready.

Vegetables can be boiled in their skins. After they have cooled, the peel is removed. Grate both carrots and potatoes. In this case, the products for the time being need to be decomposed into separate plates.

The testicles are boiled. Eggs, like vegetables, must be boiled in salted water. To make them clean better, you need to place them in cold water directly from boiling water. For proteins, you need a large grater. It is enough to knead the yolks with a fork. If desired, you can also rub it on a grater.

Open the canned food. Remove excess liquid from canned food. Then knead right in the jar with a fork.

Lay out the salad in layers. To lay out the salad in layers, you need a glass or any other form with narrow sides and a flat bottom. The first layer is laid out with potatoes, then carrots, fish, whites and yolks. It is important not to forget to coat each layer with mayonnaise. Perfect option- if you manage to get Provencal somewhere.

Most famous mayonnaise from the USSR.
If the dish is small, the layers can be repeated. Nothing wrong. So the dish, on the contrary, will turn out to be more satisfying. You can use any greens to decorate the salad.

How to cook traditional jellied meat?

A traditional Soviet feast cannot be imagined without one of the main dishes after Olivier and Mimosa - jellied meat. Each mistress has her own unique recipe how to cook aspic from meat so that all guests are crazy about it. If you want to cook light and non-greasy, next recipe exactly for you.


Turkey (thigh and 4 wings).
Carrots (2 pieces).
Onion (2 pieces).
Garlic (5 pieces).
Peppercorns (6 pieces).


When all necessary products have been purchased, you can start preparing the dish:
The first thing to do is rinse the food thoroughly. This is especially true for meat. Onions and carrots should also be rinsed, but they must first be thoroughly peeled.

Next, the meat and vegetables are transferred to a saucepan and poured with water so that it completely covers the food. Put on a strong fire and simmer on the stove until it boils. Add pepper and cook for about 6 hours. An hour after cooking, you need to get carrots and onions from the broth. You won't need a bow anymore. Carrots will be needed at the time of pouring the jellied meat. Before that, you need to cut it somehow.

The turkey is taken apart, separating even the smallest pieces of meat from the bone. The broth is filtered through a strainer.

Finely chopped garlic, carrots, herbs and a couple of lemon slices are placed on the bottom of the selected form for pouring the jellied meat. Next, the form is poured with broth with meat and removed to the balcony or in the refrigerator until it cools completely.

Place a sprig of dill on top of the dish before serving. If desired, jellied meat can be made from any other type of meat. It's best not to put a chicken dish on the table for the coming New Year's Eve. The owner of the year - Cockerel - is unlikely to be able to appreciate it, despite the fact that the jellied meat will certainly be very tasty.

Cooking vinaigrette

The abundance of salads on the table is the main feature of the Soviet table. Moreover, the simplest products are used for their preparation. On holidays, the hostesses put on the table those dishes that were on the menu on ordinary days. Among such dishes -