Beer 12 degrees title. How many degrees in regular and non-alcoholic beer

19.04.2019 healthy eating

How many degrees can a beer contain? It all depends on how it's prepared. If we take modern statistics, we can safely say that beer, in terms of consumption per capita, ranks third after water and tea. This is due to the fact that it has pleasant taste. Modern manufacturers offer a large number of varieties of this drink, which may contain different amount alcohol.

The process of making beer, and its main indicators

Though this drink is very popular, its composition cannot do without ethyl alcohol. Alcohol appears there not because it is added, but because technological process beer has its own characteristics.

Conventionally, the manufacturing process can be divided into several stages.

  1. Malt is taken, which undergoes special preparation, and then is fed into a special container, where it is mixed with prepared water.
  2. After that, special brewer's yeast is added to this consistency, which makes the mixture ferment.
  3. The next step is the addition of hops, which gives special taste and makes this drink unique.

The appearance of ethyl alcohol in beer is caused by the vital activity of microorganisms that are found in brewer's yeast and the addition of hops.

On the labels of this drink, manufacturers will always indicate two indicators:

  • alcohol content in beer, i.e. alcohol;
  • density.

These are two different indicators. The first shows how much alcohol (its percentage) will be contained in the beer, and the second will talk about the quality of the drink itself and its taste.

How to find out how much alcohol can be

If you look closely at the label, you can see such an indicator as the alcohol content in the drink. In our state, the amount of alcohol is indicated in volume percent.

That is, if on the label with your favorite drink you can see such a designation as 4% vol. (revs), which means that the container will contain no more than 16 percent alcohol (16 grams). Such labeling, the content of the amount of alcohol is recognized in European countries.

If a person likes beer from American manufacturers, then there is a slightly different marking of the amount of alcohol in the drink. State standards provide for the measurement of strength in parts by weight. For comparison, if in our country it is 2.5 percent by volume, then by American standards it is 2 percent by weight.

The following brands are present on the modern market, depending on the amount of alcohol:

  • light brands that contain no more than 2% alcohol;
  • classic brands that contain no more than 4-5% alcohol in their composition;
  • strong brands in which the alcohol content exceeds 5%, and sometimes can reach up to 30%.

It is important to know that the quality of beer will not depend on the amount of alcohol it contains, but on quality ingredients and production technology of this foamy drink.

Beverage density and soft drink

This is the second indicator, which also matters. It is determined at the initial stages of the production of the drink. After yeast is added to the initial wort, a special device measures the density, which is indicated on the label.

The higher the density, the richer the taste of this drink will be. Density does not affect the amount of alcohol.

In some countries, density is measured in Balling degrees. Therefore, having bought beer with such an indicator, you should not be afraid to drink it. This will mean that it is made in another country.

It is important to know that the density of beer affects its taste qualities. Many manufacturers are trying to make their products by reducing the amount of natural raw materials, resorting to various chemical ingredients. Therefore, it is important to know that high-quality raw materials and products made from it will have an appropriate price.

Some manufacturers have introduced to the market. According to all indicators, it does not contain alcohol, as it has special process production. Companies that produce it adhere to two production technologies.

  1. The first involves the extraction and control of the amount of brewer's yeast at the initial stage of production. That is, when the bacteria begin to release alcohol, the drink undergoes cooling, and they die, and the alcohol that has been released decomposes into carbon dioxide. This is the cheapest technology.
  2. The second technology involves the removal of alcohol after the preparation of the drink using special technologies. This increases the cost, but it will contain less harmful impurities hazardous to human health.

According to the studies, all the same, alcohol in a certain percentage will be in such a drink, so it is wrong to think that there is nothing in it.

Gravity values ​​for non-alcoholic products remain the same as for alcoholic products, but ingredients may vary.

It's important to know that soft drink, contains some elements that negatively affect gastrointestinal tract person.

Speaking about the most popular drink, which is consumed by a large number of residents of our state, it should be noted that it has two indicators. The first is the amount of alcohol, which is indicated in percentages and revolutions, and the second is the density, which affects the quality and taste properties products. In some countries, other designations are used, which you also need to know.

Many of you will say about 10-12 degrees, the maximum possible strength of this drink.

All of us familiar "standard" varieties light beer, pour into our little bodies, being chilled and carry 3.5-5 degrees of alcohol.

Varieties darker accelerate to 5-9 degrees. Accordingly, without delving into this topic, we can assume that beer can most likely reach 10-12 degrees.

But no, the maximum achieved beer strength, obtained by the natural fermentation process, is neither more nor less than 29 degrees .

But when adding science and using the process of fractional freezing, the maximum that was achieved was - 70 degrees .

The process of fractional freezing is not our topic today, but for a general understanding of the process, let's say this: alcohol, which is part of beer, has a different freezing temperature threshold, compared to other substances dissolved in beer. Using this principle, the process of separation and separation of the alcohol component takes place.

I would also like to know more about what it looks like, such and such a beer. And who is the manufacturer of such tasty and strong drinks.


brewery: BALADIN
country of origin: Italy
alcohol: 40º

A beer spilled in 2011 that was deliberately left to rest in oak barrels until the drink reaches perfect harmony between its spirit and the aromas of the barrel in which it was stored and created. Which will certainly not go unnoticed by passionate beer lovers who appreciate taste and elegance. Straw yellow color, mild flavor gentle notes wood and chocolate.


Brewery: BrewDog

alcohol: 41º

Editorial comment.

BrewDog brewery launches strong varieties beer type Pale Indian ale from the release of the Tokyo variety, which contained 18.2 degrees of alcohol. Fans met the novelty ambiguously, and some expressed disapproving criticism of the brewery. To which, strong Scottish guys answered simply, they released an even stronger beer with the most amusing name - Tactical Nuclear Penguin (maybe the name was associated with the sensations that are born in the head of the drunk 🙂), which already contained 32 degrees of alcohol. After that, the Scots were unstoppable and they continued to work on raising the degree.

What the manufacturer says about his offspring drink.

We rolled out big guns this time. Sink the Bismark has four times the hops, four times the bitterness, and we froze it four times to get that staggering 41 degrees.


brewery: Schorschbräu
country of origin: Germany
alcohol: 43º

What the manufacturer says about his offspring drink.

Limited edition (2015) of about 450 bottles, each bottle contains the year and serial number
Amber color, sweet caramel and fruity notes from raisins and dried red fruits, low bitterness and a strong alcoholic aftertaste with port wine aromas.

Editorial comment.

Based on the description, it’s already scary to imagine true taste drink with a strength of 43 degrees. 🙂


Brewery: Brewmeister
country of origin: Scotland
alcohol: 65º

Manufacturers today offer wide range of beer different brands and varieties. Its label can tell about the features of the drink. Among all the information that it contains, two key points can be distinguished: the strength and density of alcohol. It is on them that special attention should be paid in the process of choosing "foamy".

What does the information on the label say?

The strength of alcohol is the percentage of alcohol contained in the drink to its total volume. It is measured in degrees, the inscription on the bottle looks like this: "alc. 3.7%" or "3.7% vol", where the designation "vol." is the volume fraction of alcohol. This figure for the usual "foamy" varies from 5 to 12%. Above 12% the natural yeast will die.

To increase the strength of malt alcohol, manufacturers create a temperature difference. Freezing the liquid allows the ethanol molecules to be separated from the water molecules. It was in this way that the unique Scottish beer "Snake Venom" was created with an alcohol percentage of 67%. Its creators were forced to freeze and thaw the wort 15 times, while the amount of liquid was reduced by 10 times. Another, less popular, way to increase the strength is to add champagne yeast to the feedstock.

Russian regulations require manufacturers to ensure that the proportion of alcohol in the total volume of alcohol is not less than the declared one, therefore, domestic "foamy" most often turns out to be stronger than the value indicated on the label. In Europe, the opposite approach is practiced: the ethanol content should not exceed what is stated on the bottle. In the USA, the strength is calculated not from the volume of the liquid, but from its weight, therefore the difference in measurements can reach up to 20%.

The gravity of the beer refers to the dry matter content of the initial wort. It is determined before the fermentation process. We are talking about those substances that make the drink tasty and healthy, therefore, higher-quality alcohol always has a higher density. This indicator is marked on the label as a percentage or in degrees Balling ( mass fraction extract per 100 g of solution).

The gravity of a beer may be labeled on the bottle as "extract" or "initial gravity". This figure can vary significantly different varieties. For non-alcoholic beer, it is 5%, for light - 12%, for dark - up to 20%.

With the same quality used original components and the same production technology, the density of beer and its strength are directly proportional. It can be argued that low alcohol drink as the density increases and more sugar is added, it will become stronger.

Density and strength of different varieties of "foamy"

All existing brands of beer can be divided into two types: lager and ale.

Lager makes up 90% of the "foam" consumed in the world. Its name was formed from the German word lager, which means "tank" in translation. It is a soft drink made by bottom fermentation. The technology for the production of such alcohol requires low temperatures at the final stage. It was discovered in Germany in the Middle Ages, when the foamy drink was kept for maturation in cold caves.

One type of lager is Pilsner. It was first brewed in the 19th century in Bavaria, since then the spirit has gained popularity, and its name has been used to refer to a whole category of foamy alcohol. The drink is characterized by impeccable transparency, pleasant amber color and mild taste.

Today, the terms "lager" and "pilsner" are considered almost synonymous, but the first meaning is somewhat broader than the second. A number of types of such alcohol can be distinguished around the world, here are just a few of them:

  1. March and Oktoberfest beers are seasonal grassroots liquors with a characteristic sweet taste, amber-copper tint and a significant amount of alcohol. Their strength varies from 4.5 to 6.5%, density - 13-15%.
  2. May bok and bok are traditional Czech varieties, which are characterized by an impeccable amber hue and a pleasant malt flavor. According to the regulations in force in the Czech Republic, the density of beer must be at least 16%. As a result, the proportion of alcohol in the drink is also high - up to 7.5%.
  3. Black beer is dark in color. It is brewed from pre-roasted malt and has moderate bitterness. Its density is about 12%, the alcohol strength is low: 3.5-4.5%.
  4. Dortmund beer is a drink with full and bright taste, golden color and perfect transparency. Its extractivity is up to 15%, the proportion of alcohol is up to 5.5%.
  5. Smoked beer - brewed in Bavaria since the 16th century from pre-smoked malt. Its density is 14%, the alcohol strength is up to 6.5%.

Ale is a different type of "foam" that is made from barley malt top fermentation technology. This method of preparation gives it a bright and unusual taste with fruity and sometimes oily notes. Sometimes this alcohol is added spices. Excessive sweetness of alcohol is neutralized by characteristic malt bitterness.

The most famous varieties of "foamy" top fermentation are stout, porter, lambic. Ale has a significant density (more than 15%), thanks to which it acquires its rich taste. Its fortress is often higher than that of a lager, it can reach 7-9%.

To find out how many degrees in beer and what is its extract, just read the information on the label. These indicators are important, but they are not decisive for the taste and quality of the drink. Therefore, when choosing a bottle of "foamy", you should be guided not only by technical data, but also by your own taste preferences.

If we take common statistics, then we can say with great confidence: beer in terms of the number of liters per unit of population in Russia takes the 3rd place of honor (1st - water and 2nd - tea). Modern manufacturers offer huge quantities varieties of foamy drink, which, of course, contain a different percentage of alcohol.

How many degrees in beer can be real? The task, frankly, is not for a beginner. You say, everything here depends on the method of its preparation? And any label on the bottle can tell about the main features of the contents. But, firstly, you still need to be able to read it correctly. Among essential information, which is contained there, 2 key positions can be noted: the strength of alcohol and the density of the liquid. It is to them that you need to turn your eyes in choosing "foamy".

And secondly, there is also draft: varieties can be similar in appearance, but in terms of strength they can differ significantly from each other.

Alcohol component

So, how many degrees are there in beer? This drink is gaining great popularity almost from the very youth among the general population. However, everyone should be reminded that its composition in almost all 100% of cases of cooking cannot do without ethyl. And alcohol is taken in foam not because alcohols are added there, but because the process of making beer itself requires its own nuances. And in order to know how many degrees there are in beer, you need to understand how it is prepared.

Stages of a long journey

First, malt (sprouted cereal grains, prepared in a special way) undergoes special training, then it is fed into the cooking tank, mixing with clean water. After that, brewer's yeast is added to this mass, which will make this mixture ferment. Next step- the addition of hops, which will give the drink a characteristic taste and make the foam unique.

From the life of microorganisms

The appearance of ethyl alcohol in beer is caused by the life and activity of microorganisms (brewer's yeast). The addition of hops also contributes to this. On the label of a bottle of this drink, manufacturers always indicate 2 parameters:

  • alcohol content in beer;
  • density.

Recall that these are 2 different characteristics. The first shows the alcohol content as a percentage, and the second indicates the saturation of the drink itself.

The simplest classification

On the global market of beer products there are such brands of foamy (depending on the percentage of ethyl):

  • light - contain no more than 2% pure alcohol for the total weight;
  • classic - contain 4-5%, no more;
  • strong, in which the alcohol content can exceed 5% (and sometimes reach as much as 30%).

But what is most interesting: the quality of beer does not depend on the amount of ethyl it contains. And influence him the right ingredients and strict adherence to production technologies.

Dark beer: how many degrees?

Some people think that it is the strongest. In fact, the strength of beer does not depend on the color scheme. The amount of ethyl (degrees, percent) is associated only with sugars that are consumed by microorganisms involved in the fermentation of the drink. And the higher the difference between the initial and final amount of sugars, the stronger it will become. final result. Where does sugar come from? It is obtained (or “produced” by yeast) from consumable components: malt or molasses.

But the colors of the foamy drink depend on the type of malt used for brewing. For the preparation of dark, caramel or burnt malts are used, which give the beer a traditional and familiar dark color (or shades of velvet). Some varieties of malts can even make the drink opaque dark, to completely black. For the manufacture of light, unroasted malt is usually taken, therefore this drink turns out to be of a golden hue.

Summing up, it cannot be said that the dark is the most strong drink from pubs. On the contrary, even, practice says that the percentage of ethyl is greater in light and semi-dark. And the question of how many degrees in dark beer cannot be answered with accuracy. Each manufacturer decides for itself.

Today you can find on the counter a dark beer from 4 to 12 degrees of strength. Light does not lag behind him: his fortress starts at 3 degrees and can reach up to 11 (rare special varieties - and higher, but they, as a rule, are not sold in bulk).

Beer Garage. How many degrees?

Garage, in fact, is a beer drink (that is, brewed with additives), but it has already managed to acquire its large army of fans. "Garage" fell in love with the younger generation, as well as older people. They fully appreciated the fresh citrus notes and relatively low alcohol content. This low-alcohol beer drink allows everyone to get relaxation after work or study, the pleasure of an excellent balanced taste. The content of ethyl in beer drink - 4,6%.

"Baltic" realities

How many degrees are there in Baltika beer, which is quite popular in our country? There are several varieties. In Nulevka - 0.5% - no more. In light (No. 1, No. 2, No. 3) - from 4.4 to 4.8. In the dark (No. 4) - 4.5%. The strongest is "9", it contains 8% ethyl.

And there is also “Golden” No. 5 (light, 5.3%), “Porter” No. 6 (dark, 7%), “Export” and “Anniversary”, “New Year” and “Wheat”, some other special varieties of the favorite "Baltic".

And to finish our short essay “Beer. How many degrees?" I would like to remind you that beer (even non-alcoholic, as you can see) and all beer drinks contain, if not too large, but a percentage of ethyl alcohol. Therefore, it is recommended to use them responsibly and moderately, because this is the same alcohol!

Although beer is classified as a drink with a low alcohol content, each variety has a certain strength. Before purchasing a drink, it is worth examining the label on the bottle, which indicates the percentage of ethyl alcohol. About how much alcohol in beer is important to know for people who own vehicle, as well as those who have alcohol intolerance, athletes and those who are trying to lead a sober lifestyle.

In order to determine the alcohol content of beer and the amount of ethyl alcohol, two methods are used. To begin with, it must be said that the numbers indicated on the package refer only to the lower limit of the ethyl alcohol content. In fact, the amount of ethyl in the product may be slightly higher.

The percentage of alcohol in beer is less than in vodka, but abuse is even more dangerous.

In European countries, the amount of alcohol in drinks is measured as a percentage of the volume. In the USA, weight fractions are used to determine the amount of ethanol. When buying American beer, in order to find out the strength of the beer, you need to divide the volume by specific gravity ethanol, which is zero point seventy-eight hundredths. For example, if the packaging indicates that the strength of the product is three and a half percent, then in our usual standards this value will be equal to four and a half.

Since the question of how many degrees in beer is quite important, you need to clarify the country of origin before purchasing a drink. When beer is produced by American breweries, you need to remember that according to the standards of Europe and Russia, there is much more ethyl alcohol in the product than indicated on the package.

About varieties and types

The strength of the beer has big influence the method of its manufacture. If you start from the fortress, then you can divide the varieties into five main categories:

  • non-alcoholic beer - strength from 0.15 to 1.45;
  • light beer - a fortress of up to two percent;
  • classic beer - from 3.5 to 7 percent;
  • strong - from 8 to 14 percent;
  • very strong - over fourteen percent alcohol.

The method of making a foamy drink is quite simple. At the beginning of brewing, only barley is used. When the drink reaches a certain condition, hops are added to it to give flavor. The resulting mass must be fermented, after which it is sent for distillation. After that it turns out ready drink containing ethanol, fusel oil, phytohormones and other substances.

Various preservatives and additives are used to improve taste and extend shelf life.

The number of degrees directly depends on the technology of its manufacture.

Most classic varieties have a strength of three and a half to four point seven tenths of an alcohol percentage. In order to reduce the concentration of alcohol, special filters are used. In addition, in order to extract ethanol from finished product pasteurization technique is used. This method allows you to reduce not only the amount of ethyl alcohol, but also remove other volatile substances from the drink.

Very often, sugar is used during brewing to increase the strength of the beer. Such beer goes through several stages of freezing. Based on this, we can say that strong varieties contain more calories. Everyone who follows the figure or uses a diet should have such knowledge.

Substances such as phytohormones can also influence weight gain. These substances have a structure similar to estrogens - female sex hormones. Their entry into the body can cause problems with endocrine system, which becomes the basis for weight gain.

In addition, phytohormones Negative influence on the body. So, their high concentration in the body causes the inhibition of sex hormones. Long-term consumption of beer in abnormal amounts leads to the fact that the male body begins to rebuild into a female body, breasts appear and hips increase. IN female body changes occur, as a result of which facial hair appears and the timbre of the voice changes.

About non-alcoholic variety

Despite the fact that this drink is positioned on the market as a completely non-alcoholic product, there is a small amount of ethyl alcohol in beer. The percentage of alcohol is about one unit per hundred milligrams.

Such a drink has only the smell of beer, but the taste of the drink is completely different.

The technology of preparation of this variety is no different from the more familiar to the consumer. The only caveat is that this variety goes through more stages of purification and distillation. Only with the help of this technique can the minimum strength of the drink be achieved. As a result of such tricks and increased production costs, finished non-alcoholic beer has a price significantly higher than the cost of stronger analogues.

The traditional strength of beer is 3.5-4.7%

Despite the small strength, it is better not to get carried away with this type of alcohol. And this is not about the fact that it is very difficult to get drunk with the help of a drink. The main thing in this matter is that the abuse of a non-alcoholic foamy variety can cause severe stress on internal organs. These varieties contain a high concentration of cobalt, which has a negative effect on the digestive tract.

It is unacceptable to use such a drink for children under the age of eighteen and women during pregnancy. Experts say that people who have problems with work should refrain from drinking beer digestive system or the presence chronic diseases liver.

About strong varieties

Let's look at how much alcohol is in strong beers. The usual brewing technique allows you to get a drink with a strength of not more than five degrees. For the preparation of stronger products, expensive components are used, which contributes to an increase in the price of the finished product.

In addition, the brewing technology itself has several differences. The composition of beer increases the amount of sugar and other necessary components. After cooking, the product goes through many stages of freezing in order to get rid of excess liquid.

An example is the American brand of beer "Samuel Adams", which contains twenty-six percent ethyl alcohol. In addition, the Dive brand is popular in the United States, with a strength of about twenty-nine percent. For their manufacture, the yeast used to make champagne is used. There are varieties of foamy, which, after freezing, are infused in barrels where whiskey was previously infused.