Sea buckthorn jam is the ideal winter dessert for you. Useful properties and contraindications of jam from sea buckthorn

28.09.2019 Salads.

Sea buckthorn, rubbed with sugar - one of the most useful billets that you can make late autumn. It is at this time that bright yellow berries rich in flavonoids, antioxidants, vitamins and various minerals, essential oils and other substances that help support health and immunity. Sea buckthorn, carved with sugar - perhaps the most acceptable way to prepare a berry, because it is simple - you do not need to cook it even. Store the workpiece is also not difficult - the cans do not even be rolled, it is enough to close with polyethylene lids or parchment and put in a cold place, such a lack of heat treatment retains the maximum amount of vitamins.

Sea buckthorn, rubbed with sugar: Recipe for useful jam without cooking

To cook the grace, you just need to choose ripe, but not soft berries, carefully wash them and dry on a towel. Sugar needs to be taken in the proportion one to one. Just fall asleep sea buckthorn, mix, and then decompose according to pre-sterilized banks. It is not necessary to close the lids - it is necessary to put a towel from above and leave to stand the filled day of the day. During this time, the berry will fall, and you will need to report fresh to almost the neck, and to fall asleep sugar sand with a centimeter. And then you can close banks with lids or parchment and clean it.

Sea buckthorn, rubbed with sugar: prescription jam

What is the difference between jam from jams and confitures? The answer is simple: in the first case, berries or fruits remain targets or halves, and in the second - are crushed with a meat grinder or blender. To prepare the jam without cooking you will need:

  • a kilogram of fresh sea buckthorn;
  • 1-1.5 kilograms of sugar sand (orient to taste).

We take the berry, wash and dry. Put in the pelvis, add and frone a wooden pestle. Of course, you can use a blender or meat grinder, the process in this case will be somewhat faster. After the puree is ready, spread it into sterilized banks, block and put it on storage in cold.

Sea buckthorn, rubbed with sugar: recipe without bones and peel

If you love the "clean" jam, in which other impurities are missing, then use this recipe: for 1 kilogram of the prepared sea buckthorn you will need one and a half kilograms of sugar sand. Wash and beat the berries, and then lower them in boiling water for a couple of minutes. They should become very soft. After wipe the mass through a sieve with a shallow cell or squeeze through several layers of gauze. You have to get very thick juice, in which there will be no bones and skins. Now mix it with sugar sand until the latter is completely dissolved, roll in the bank and store, like all other billets. Such a sea buckthorn, rubbed with sugar, the recipe for the preparation of which does not imply cooking, will allow you to provide the most familial vitamins to the whole family. Every day in winter, diverate the tablespoon of the supplies in a liter of water and drink with pleasure. To taste you can add honey, fresh orange juice or even spices - carnation or cinnamon. Thus, you support immunity without using synthetic polyvitamins and other medicines.

Sea buckthorn contains dozens of Bav, so it is recommended to include in his diet and adults, and children, prepare juices, sauces and even jam from it. A sea buckle jam has an unsurpassed aroma and an original taste, which is very reminded by pineapple.

Why prepare sea buckthorn jam?

Biologically active fuel substances give it many, among which, first of all, it is worth noting anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory. For this reason, the sea buckle jam will become an indispensable assistant in the so-called cold season, because much more pleasant, and, most importantly, it is more useful to eat several spoons of delicious and fragrant treats with tea than to swallow the handustrians of the tablets. In addition, such a workpiece is useful to those who suffer from cardiovascular diseases, blood pressure jumps or faced with inflammatory processes in the oral cavity. Do not give up such jams as well as those who follow the state of their own skin and wishes it to see elastic and silky. But in the presence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, including the pancreas of the gallbladder, you should first consult from the doctor.


With the traditional recipe for jam from sea buckthorn, even those who have never had been conservation before, before he is simple. For its preparation, it will be necessary:

  • 2 kg sea buckthorn;
  • 2.5 kg of sugar sand;
  • 2 liters of purified water.

Berries should be carefully loosen, wash under the jet of water and be sure to dry on paper or ordinary towels. While the sea buckthorn dries can be prepared sugar syrup. Sugar is falling asleep into the pan and water, stirring, the syrup is adjusted to a boil. The protected berries are referred to in a bowl and poured boiling syrup.

Attention! When cooking a syrup, you need to ensure that all crystals of sugar are dissolved.

After 3 hours, sea buckthorn gets noise, shifted into the pan and bring up to boiling. The berries heated in this way are poured by the remaining sugar syrup and boil on low heat until the jam does not get the desired consistency. The finished jam is unfolded according to sterilized banks and roll with sterile covers.

Jam without cooking

Keep the maximum of the valuable substances contained in the berries, you can prepare a sea buckage jam without cooking. For this, 1 kg of fruits are sworing, wash and dried. While the sea buckthorn dries, prepare syrup, warming 1.2 liters of water from one and a half kilograms of sugar. Berries are poured with the resulting syrup. After 4 hours, the syrup merge and bring to a boil again. As soon as it cools up to about 60 ° C, it is shuffled in a sea buckthorn and heat out a little on low heat. The cooled jam is packaged in dry sterile banks.

Important: the jam is considered ready when the berries are evenly distributed in the liquid, and the drop of syrup holds the form if it is applied to the plate.

You can also do without heat treatment at all, but it should be borne in mind that such jam is stored no more than 3-6 months. For its preparation, it will be necessary to squeeze juice from sea buckthorn berries on a meat grinder, juicer or with a blender and add sugar. A kilogram of such juice requires 0.8 kg of sugar sand. Mass are diligently stirred and packaged by banks. Store jam follows in the refrigerator. After 3 weeks, the workpiece is stratified by 3 fractions, but this should not be afraid.

Other recipes

  1. Excellent jam is made from sea buckthorn with walnut nuts. It is made from 1 kg of berries, 150 g of nuts, 1.5 kg of sugar and half-liter of water. The preparation scheme is not different from the classic, except that the chopped in the coffee grinder, the combine or with the help of a rolling nuts fall asleep in boiling sugar syrup and hold on the minimum fire of 1/3 hours. Then the berries of sea buckthorn are introduced into the mixture and still 20 minutes withstand on fire, systematically stirring and removing foam.
  2. Bright sea buckthorn jam with pumpkin combines the benefit of these two unique products. It will take 3 kg of berries of sea buckthorn and pumpkin pulp, 1.5 kg of sugar and 1 orange. Severed, washed and dried berries are crushed with a blender or ordinary mortar and pestle. The resulting mass is separated by juice and cake through a sieve or gauze.

    Tip: Waterproof juice is better to press in a saucepan.

    The pumpkin fleshy is cut by pieces freed from the peel and bones. A well washed with a sponge oranges are shredded with boiling water and remove the zest. Sugar sand is added to the sea buckthous juice, bring to boil and achieve dissolution of all sugar crystals. In this mass, the pieces of pumpkin and the zest are introduced, stirred and kept on the minimum heat until the pumpkin softens. Finished jam rolling into sterile banks.
  3. A very simple recipe for the winter of jam made of sea buckthorn with apples. For its preparation take 1 kg of sea buckthorn, the same number of apples and 1.5 kg of sugar. The fruits carefully move, wash and dried. As soon as the sea bucktha is completely dry, it is silent through a small sieve and sugar is added. After that, well-washed apples are released about the cores with seeds, cut into a cube and in a pot of thick bottoms stew until they are with a small amount of water until they become soft. Finished apples are sorted or crushed in the combine. In the pan connect both mashed potatoes, bring to a boil, remove foam and immediately removed from the fire. Jam rolling into sterile banks.

Attention! Sweet variety apples jam need to be cut slightly longer than sour.

You can also prepare sea buckthorn jam in bread maker or multicooker. But in this case, it is necessary to follow the recommendations of manufacturers of such devices, observing the above-mentioned proportions of products.

Tip: Since pasteurized jam is best stored, then this procedure should be carried out. For 0.5 l jars are enough 15 minutes, 1 liter - 20 minutes.

Thus, it is easier to prepare jam from sea buckthorn at home easier, especially since in the origin and 100% of the naturalness of such a workpiece can be completely confident. So, why spend money and buy dubious jam in the store?

All materials on the site site are presented solely for informing information purposes. Before applying any means, consultation with the doctor is obligatory!

Sea buckthorn. 8 recipes

A sea buckthorn jam is a delicious dessert with a sour and sweet taste and a pronounced pleasant aroma. This delicacy can be surprised and pleased to please their loved ones and even prevent some diseases with it. The maximum balanced vitamin composition of the sea buckthorn will help cope with the organism with colds and autumn malaise. Easy and simple, pose a suitable recipe for yourself, you prepare an extraordinarily delicious and useful dessert from sea buckthorn. The bright appetizing color of jam attracts children and adults, and in its aroma you can feel unexpected pineapple notes.

Blooming jam has the following beneficial properties:

  • provides an antibacterial effect during injuries and diseases of the oral cavity,
  • saturates the body with vitamins, helps to cope with vitaminosis,
  • useful in the prevention of atherosclerosis,
  • has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system,
  • bone jam is recommended for diseases of the digestive system.

Sea buckthorn. Recipes

Classic sea buckthorn jam

Ingredients: 900 g of sea buckthorn, 1200 g of sugar.

We wash the buckthorn, removing in the process spoiled, rummed berries, inedible parts, twigs and other trash. Without in the colander, until all the water has allocated from the sea buckthorn surface, or lay out on the napkins for a speedy drying. We carry sea buckthorn into a wide saucepan or a pelvis covered with enamel. I fall asleep sugar, gently stirred. We retain the container with candied sea buckthorn by 5.5 hours. We place it on the stove, heating slowly, stirring. If the sea buckthic juice is poorly separated, so that sugar does not have a burnt, you can pour some water. However, the ripe berry usually boils well with sugar and without adding fluid. Wegan up to thickening the syrup and transparency of sea buckthorn. Let the jam cool. Pour into clean sterile banks. Store in the cold.

Jam from sea buckthorn "Five minutes"

Ingredients: 960 g of sea buckthorn, 1160 g of sugar, 280 ml of water.

We swore sea buckthorn, rinse under running water. Water boil. Suck a clean sea buckthorn, boil the berry mass of about 5 minutes. Fix the decoction, which again warm. I fall asleep sugar, cook before dissolution. We transfer to the boiling syrup softened sea buckthorn. Boil 5 minutes. Remove the foam, we feed the jam for about 5 minutes, stirring. Cool. Spill into sterile small jars, pre-dried. We telete hermetically or cover with polyethylene covers.

Sea Bare Jam

Ingredients: 2 kg of sea buckthorn, 1200-1600 g of sugar.

We rinse sea buckthorn, removing unusable berries and twigs in the process. We load the berries in the juicer. Squeeze juice from sea buckthorn. Sugar sugar in it, which takes 150 g per 100 g of juice. Heat juice in enameled container, stirring. For those who prefer jams, you can add some more sugar. Boiled a couple of minutes, for which all sugar must dissolve, carry jam into sterilized banks. Store in the cold. In the storage process, sea buckthorn jam is stratified, which does not affect its taste characteristics.

Sea buckle jam with apples

Ingredients: 950 g of sea buckthorn, 950 g of apples, 1320 g of sugar.

Wear a sea buckthorn, cut off the remaining fruits. We rinse, drier, laying out berries on a flat surface, shining with paper. Sea buckthorn with boiling water, wipe through the fine sieve, thus taking off from solid bones. Sucked in a sea buckthorn puree sugar, we assign it. Apples cleaned from the peel, the cores. Weganing the fruit data for about 15 minutes. Grind the blender, connect with sea buckthorn and sugar. Heat slowly and boil 1 minute. We carry apple-sea burying jam into clean, sterilized and dried half-liter banks. We cover with covers, sterilize the filled container in water, poured to the shoulders cans, 20 minutes. After hermetically weching.

Sea buckthorn jam in a slow cooker

Ingredients: 1050 g of sea buckthorn, 1300 g of sugar, 160 ml of water.

We wash the buckthorn, we clean from the fruits, we remove unsuitable berries. We carry clean sea buckthorn into the multicooker's bowl. Fill with water, sugar sugar top. Select the "quenching" mode about an hour. We regularly mix the sea buckthorn jam by a plastic blade, somewhere in 12 minutes. After boiling, we remove the foam from the surface. At the end of the preparation, we remove the remains of foam, withstand jam until it cools. We shift into clean banks. We are clocked.

Frozen sea buckle

Ingredients: 1100 g of frozen sea buckthorn, 1550 g of sugar, 820 ml of water.

Frozen sea buckthorn rinse. We leave in the colander placed in a deep bowl, for a couple of hours so that the berry is deficiently, and the glass is excessive liquid. In the enamelly boltoness, preparing syrup. Relieve sugar in water until it dissolves. In hot syrup, we carry the wilay buckthorn, we leave for 4 hours without heating.

Then again boil. We prepare sea buckthorn jam on slow fire before transparency. Fasting on the prepared pre-container, we ride. We leave in the cool room.

Sea buckle jam with pumpkin

Ingredients: 2900 g of pumpkins, 2300 g of sea buckthorn, 190 g orange (for zest), 960 g of sugar.

We wash the buckthorn, dry, laying out on the towel. Let us squeeze the sea buckthorn juice, which should be on the specified amount of ingredients near the liter. Pumpkin cleaned, removing the skin, seeds. We cut into cubes, the size of 1.5x1.5 cm. Citrus is well wash, rub the yellow part of the peel. Separate juice introduce into a thick container, heating sugar sugar. We stir up to dissolution. We transfer to the pumpkin juice, citrus zest. Slowly boiling, interfering until the pumpkin pieces are transparent. We break up the jam on sterile banks, we silent. Without the container in an inverted form - down the neck until a complete cooling.

Sea buckthorn jam with honey and nuts

Ingredients: 1050 g of sea buckthorn, 400 g of walnuts, 420 g of sugar, 90 g of honey.

We wash the buckthorn by removing the garbage, unsuitable for the use of berries. In the pan, we pour water, about 10 mm high. We lay out sea buckthorn, heating up to 80 degrees, without bringing to a boil. Suck the berries in a metal sieve, under which we place an enameled deep container. Wooden spoon wipe off the buckthorn through the sieve. To the resulting puree sugar sugar. Let me strengthen about an hour. I cleaned the nuts, weching the knife is not very finely. Suck the chopped nuts to the sea buckthorn puree, add honey. Stir, heating to complete sugar dissolution. Wegan up a couple of minutes, preserving. Fasting for sterile small banks.

How to boil jam from sea buckthorn

Sea buckthorn jam does not require long cooking. The cooking time of the bone jam varies within 10-20 minutes, depending on the magnitude of the berry. Bones of sea buckthorn useful, but rather solid. Some prefer to use them together with a berry, but there will be an opinion that they can provoke appendicitis. There are options for sea buckthorn jam, the recipes of which are shown how to cook it without bones. In this case, sea buckthicker, obtained from a berry in a hollow, or a woven wake-up puree is used. Another recipe offers to brew jam with bones, and after strain through the sieve or gauze. These variations are preferable for children who can be problematic independently remove bones from the finished jam. In addition, they require less long thermal processing - the wipe of sea buckthorn or berry juice is equipped with a couple of minutes.

Today, sea buckthorn jam is a kind of wonder, rarely appearing on the tables of modern citizens.

Sea buckthorn from a long time known to us with useful properties. At the moment, many recipes are based on yellow berry. From the sea buckthorn is cooking healing chambers, tasty compotes and other delicacies. Berries are not speculating in cultivation and most often grow in wildlife. The sea buckthorn in its useful qualities is an order of magnitude superior to many berries. Consider popular jam recipes.

Classic sea buckthorn jam

  • sand Sugar - 1.1 kg.
  • berries of sea buckthorn (fresh) - 1.2 kg.
  1. Collect sea buckthorn berries, at the coming home, organize preparatory activities. Havalized way to bite the raw materials, get rid of the spurious fruits. Rinse the sea buckthorn on the colander, wait for the runoff.
  2. Spread the berry on the sheet, leave half an hour for drying. After that, the fruits must be placed in a comfortable container, pierce each copy of the needle, pour sugar and mix.
  3. Leave the product for insteading for 5-6 hours. Next, it must be placed on the stove, turn on the minimum power and wait for the boil. With the advent of bubbles, negotiate the composition literally 5-7 minutes. Close the jam in a classic way.

Frozen sea buckle

  • water filtered - 0.8 liters.
  • sugar sand - 1.6 kg.
  • berries sea buckthorn - 1 kg.
  1. Get out of the freezer, take, rinse and fold on the sieve. Wait for the flow of the entire fluid, in parallel, proceed to the cooking syrup. Send cleansed water in a saucepan on the stove, wait for the appearance of bubbles.
  2. Pull the sand, reduce the fire, do not forget to systematically alter the composition. Welcome to the complete dissolution of sugar crystals. After that, the fluid must be skipped through the gauze and return to the stove again.
  3. Wait for the boils of the syrup. Place the sea buckthorn in the heat-resistant bowl, fill the berries with a hot sweet composition. Leave in this form for several hours. After time, sea buckthorn should be re-put on the burner.
  4. Turn the fire, wait for the boil, reduce power to a minimum. Weganize 4-6 minutes, turn off. Pour the sea buckthorn jam on the banks, which have passed sterilization, sunk by the Capron. Store in the cold.

Sea burying jam with hawthorn

  • hawthorn ripe - 550 gr.
  • sugar - 1.4 kg.
  • outlet fresh - 950 grams.
  1. Bring the raw materials, remove the frozen, rinse with standard water flow water. Catch off the berries on the colander. Wait until the water is fully stroke. After the manipulation conducted, immerse the products in the bowl of the blender.
  2. Turn the berries into a homogeneous cleaner. Next, the finished puree needs to be pouring into a metal container. Pass sugar, mix the ingredients. Send to the containers to the minimum fire. Strip up to 80-85 degrees.
  3. After a series of actions, break off the sea buckthorn delicacy on dry banks. Place the glass container with jam in a saucepan with hot water. Sterilize in a boiling fluid with a duration of about a third of the hour.
  4. Consider that the covers should be loosely closed. After the expiration, roll banks by classical technology. Turn the packaging, warming up. A day later, remove the jam for long-term storage at a suitable place.

  • sand Sugar - 1.3 kg.
  • sea buckthorn (amber) - 1.4 kg.
  1. Classically prepare berries. Connect sea buckthorn with sugar in a metal saucepan.
  2. Gently mix products, leave for several hours at room temperature. After that, put the components in the multiple, set the "Fastening" program.
  3. Manipulation should take about 1 hour. Open the household appliance cover, mix the composition. As a result, you will have a thick mass.
  4. Exhibit on a slow cooker any mode on which the delicacy will boil. If necessary, remove the foam. Tearing a treat for another 10 minutes. Put the booster jam, roll up.

Sea buckle jam in bread maker

  • lemon Juice (Fresh) - 27 ml.
  • sea buckthorn - 0.9 kg.
  • sand Sugar - 975 gr.
  1. Prepared sea buckthorn berries lay on the fabric, dry some time. After that, move the fruits into the bowl, pour sugar, mix.
  2. Leave the product to be for 2-3 hours. Place the container on fire, pour 200 ml of water and fresh lemon juice. Boil the mass until the bulk product is completely dissolved. Do not forget to systematically mix the components.
  3. Pour the prepared composition into the bakery bowl. Store the "jam" mode on the household appliance. Close the lid, expect the program to complete. Next, the delicacy must be distributed according to sterile containers, close by a classic way.

Walnut sea burying jam

  • water purified - 450 ml.
  • sugar - 975 gr.
  • walnuts (purified) - 225 gr.
  • berries of sea buckthorn - 1.1 kg.
  1. Send purified walnuts into a coffee grinder. The resulting composition is filled with water, place on the stove. Jointing the nuts of about 20-25 minutes. Parallel to prepare berries.
  2. Wash the sea buckthorn with sugar to a puree state. After a predetermined cooking time nuts, mix the berry mass. Pretty break the composition.
  3. Tomit products about 10-12 minutes. Pour ready-made delicacy into sterile dishes, roll the lids. Store indoors with suitable conditions.

Sea buckle jam with apples

  • apples sour-sweet - 950 gr.
  • sugar - 2.4 kg.
  • ripe sea buckthorn - 900 grams.
  1. Wash out the sea buckthorn, lay out on the fabric for drying. Next, overripe berries and a half of the sand in a comfortable container, retain.
  2. Remove the peel with fruits, remove the middle. Cut apples with cubes, pour sugar. Pour 120 ml. Send the water on the stove. As soon as the product boils, Tomit is another 8-10 minutes.
  3. Using the press, turn apples in Cashitz. Next to the mass you need to add a sea buckthorn. Mix the components, warm on the burner to 80-83 degrees.
  4. It is not allowed to boil the composition, otherwise all the beneficial substances dissolve. Hot mass must be poured into clean banks. Put the container into a saucepan with boiling water, sterilize the product is one third hour, roll out.

  • fresh sea buckthous juice - 950 ml.
  • sand Sugar - 1.4 kg.
  1. For preparation, freshly plated fruits will be required. Juice can be obtained by juicer. Place clean berries, start the process.
  2. Take advantage of the suitable stainless steel pots. Mix the components in the container, send on the stove. Still in the ingredients before boiling.
  3. Boil the hot treats on glass containers that have passed sterilization, block the lids. After cooling, store in the cold. Do not frighten the bundle of delicacy, this is the norm.

Sea buckle jam with pumpkin

  • sea buckthorn (prepared) - 2.9 kg.
  • pumpkin flesh (fresh) - 2.8 kg.
  • orange (large) - 1 pc.
  • sugar sand - 1.6 kg.
  1. Pure dry berries skip through the kitchen processor. Fold the gauze into several layers, press the product, get sea buckthorn juice.
  2. Put the pumpkin meat with pieces of small size. Throw the orange boiling water, remove the zest, grind with a blender. Sea buckthorn product Couple with sugar in a saucepan.
  3. Place the container on fire, wait for the appearance of bubbles. After that, add citrus peel and pumpkin. Products need to be thoroughly mixed and dried at least half an hour.
  4. Pay attention to the pumpkin: if it has become transparent and soft, the jam is ready. Slide the product according to classical technology, store in a suitable place.

Sea buckthorn jam with cinnamon and honey

  • cinnamon of fresh grinding - 10 gr.
  • honey (floral) - 1 l.
  • sea buckthorn - 1.1 kg.
  1. Prepare sea buckthorn, remove the frozen and damaged fruits. Rinse the berries in the colander, lay out on the fabric, wait for the burnt. Pour the honey to the enameled pan.
  2. Put the container with the contents on the stove, turn on the minimum fire. Bring the composition before boiling. Carefully follow the process, constantly mix the mass, otherwise honey can burn.
  3. Send a berry and ground cinnamon to the overall container. Mix the products thoroughly. Join the composition until readiness. The time of manipulation will take about 40-50 minutes. After that, sunk jam, store in the cold.

  • sand Sugar - 1.2 kg.
  • sea \u200b\u200bbuckthorn (prepared)
  1. Prepared berries to overtake through a small sieve, you will have a homogeneous Cashier at the exit. For such purposes, you can also use the kitchen processor or blender.
  2. Pour sand to the finished mass, slow down. Move the components into a saucepan with an enameled coating. Send Tara Fire. Warrate a homogeneous composition up to 70-75 degrees. Boiling in this case is unacceptable.
  3. Boil the future jam on banks, sterilize the glass container with a classic way. Slide the Capron. Warm jam is a dense cloth. After a day, the cans need to be removed into the dark room with a temperature below room.

Sea buckthorn is capable of cope with many diseases, berries are also used against baldness and weight loss. Jam from amber fruits can be combined with almost any fruit, berries and even vegetables. Please make households with an unusual treat. Use sea buckthorn jam and strengthen health with pleasure. Add delicacy to various baking and hot drinks.

Video: Sea buckle

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Sea buckthorn was always valued for therapeutic properties. Doctors recommend include it in the diet as a prophylactic agent from various diseases.

Few people like the taste of these berries in the raw form, in this case they are used to prepare the fragrant and pleasant taste of delicacy. Sea buckthorn jam can be prepared from the berries themselves and sugar sand, as well as with various additives.

The benefits of jam from sea buckthorn

In fragrant jam from sea buckthorn, a lot of useful properties:

  • Due to the high content of minerals and vitamins, it is a good tool for;
  • Helps to improve vessel elasticity;
  • Used to prevent atherosclerosis;
  • Normalizes the processes of digestion, as well as blood sugar levels;
  • Useful in diseases of the oral cavity;
  • In the sea buckthorn jam contains many group vitamins, which is indispensable in neurosis, stress.

Since this berry contains many half-saturated fatty acids, people who have problems with the bubble bubble and the pancreas comes up with caution with caution. Observe moderation you need and those who have overweight.

How to collect and prepare berries

The sea buckthorn matures by the end of August, at this time it should be collected.

The sea buckthorn bush is very prickly, so the collection of berries presents some difficulties.

There are several ways to help facilitate this process:

  • Small twigs are cut off, and then gently remove the berries. It must be done carefully, otherwise you can damage the thin skin of the berries.
  • Cut branches with berries can be placed in the freezer. After 1-1.5 hours they are removed and shaking them, and the berries themselves fall.

  • There is a special device that collect sea buckthorn fruits for jam. The device consists of a long cloth and perpendicular to the wire ring screwed to it, which you want to bend in the form of a candle flame. This device is put on the branches and sharply stretches down. The sea buckthorn berries will fall on paper or newspaper, which is pre-spread under the tree.
  • Before preparing jam from sea buckthorn, the berries are moved and washed.

What to cook jam

You can take any comfortable container with a thick bottom, such as a saucepan or pelvis from stainless steel, aluminum or copper. Return better in clean and sterilized jars with a volume of 200-500 ml.

How to prepare sea buckle jam

There are several ways.

You will need:

  • Berries sea buckthorn 1 kg
  • Sugar Sand 1 kg

Recipe 1.

  • Myti berries fall asleep with sugar sand, give to stand at about five o'clock so that the fruits let juice;
  • The dishes are put on a small fire, the mixture is brought to a boil. To preserve all vitamins, it is enough to break all 2-3 minutes;
  • Spill jam in jars and silent.

Recipe 2.

  • Washed berries need to be cut, grind into a homogeneous mass, sugar sugar;
  • Putting on fire do not let boil, but only heated to a temperature of 75 ºС;
  • Barrowing jam pour into banks that need to be sterilized for 20 minutes, then roll.
  • This jam is well suited for baking, but you can simply use it with tea.

Recipe 3.

  • For this recipe for a kilogram of fruits take 1.4 kilograms of sugar sand;
  • Separate sea buckthorn wash and dried;
  • Put into the pan with balls, speaking sugar;
  • Berries must stand at about five o'clock in a cool place;
  • Juice needs to merge and bring to a boil. Such syrup is filled with sea buckthorn in the proportion of 1: 2, allow to stand an hour;
  • Again put on a small fire and boil into several approaches. Be sure to stir and remove the foam.

Sea buckle jam that does not need to cook

In such a sea buckthorn jam, all vitamins are preserved, as it is not necessary to cook it. From it you can make compotes, kisins, jelly.

You need to take:

  • Sea buckthorn berries 1 kg.
  • Sugar 1.5 kg
  • Washed and dried berries fall asleep into the container and sugar are added;
  • Then you need to take a wooden brush and cut the berries with sugar sand so that a homogeneous mass is formed;
  • The resulting vitamin mass faced into banks is sent to a cool place for storage.

How to cook sea buckthorn jam with apples


  • Sea buckthorn berries 1 kg
  • Apples 1 kg
  • Sugar 2.5 kg


  • The washed and slightly dry berries are frayed by adding half the amount of sugar, retarding for a while;
  • Apples wash, remove the skin, cut into cubes and laid in the dishes. They are added sugar sand, which remained. If the fruits are not very juicy, you can add some water;
  • The mixture is maintained on a small heat for about ten minutes. Then peat the fruits to a homogeneous state;
  • Sea buckthorn is added in the apple puree. The mass is mixed and heated 70 ° C;
  • Sea buckthorn jam is bottled into the glass container. Banks sterilize at least 20 minutes, roll.

Sea buckthorn jam with walnuts

This is a high content of protein and trace elements values. It saturates the body with useful substances, gives energy.

You will need:

  • Sea buckthorn berries 1 kg
  • Sugar Sand 1 kg
  • Nuts 200 g
  • Water 500 ml
  • Nuts are clean, crushed, poured with water, boil 20 minutes;
  • Berries wash, dried, peat with sugar;
  • Nuts add to the sea buckthorn mass and boil about ten minutes;
  • Split jam pour into banks. Banks roll.

Sea burying jam with hawthorn

Useful to use people with heart disease.

Have to take:

  • Berries sea buckthorn 1 kg
  • Hawthorn (fruits) 0.5 kg
  • Sugar sand 1.5 kg
  • Berries go through, wash, grind into a homogeneous mass;
  • Add sugar, warm up to 80 ° C;
  • The mixture is put in banks, sterilize 30 minutes, roll.