How to spell espresso. Espresso coffee at home: a recipe

25.04.2019 Healthy eating

It's hard to imagine a morning without a cup aromatic coffee... This popular drink invigorates and energizes for the whole day. Now more and more people prefer a drink called espresso coffee, which is different among others. rich taste and an unrivaled, energizing scent.

In the middle of the last century in Italy was invented the new kind coffee. Espresso translated from Italian means "squeezed out" or "pressed". It is prepared using a special device - a coffee machine.

Scientists from the Italian National Espresso Institute are confident that in order to get a real drink, a number of conditions must be met:

  • use only natural grains good grade and deep roast;
  • store them in a sealed glass or ceramic container;
  • before cooking, the grains must be finely ground without turning them into dust;
  • use filtered water;
  • at the beginning of the preparation of a drink, ordinary water is passed through it to warm up the machine;
  • the ideal temperature for brewing espresso coffee is 90 degrees;
  • the drink can only be poured into a well-heated cup called demitasse;
  • all parts of the coffee machine must be kept perfectly clean to avoid unpleasant odors during subsequent espresso preparations;
  • It is recommended to drink a coffee drink immediately after preparation.

If a brownish-red froth has formed on top of the beverage, the espresso was prepared correctly. They drink coffee in small sips to fully enjoy its taste.

And despite all the strictness of the rules, you can use a coffee pill from a world-renowned manufacturer to make a good espresso.

Composition and calorie content

100 ml of espresso coffee contains 9 kcal.

The chemical composition of the drink:

  • protein - 0.1 g;
  • fats - 0.2 g;
  • carbohydrates - 1.7 g.

To get rid of calories after drinking espresso, you need to spend 1 minute running, jumping rope, strength or abs workout. Or 9 minutes to sleep.

Espresso coffee drinks

The main types of espresso-based drinks include:

  1. Doppino (double). This is an espresso that doubles the amount of ingredients. The drink is served in a 120 ml mug.
  2. Lungo. In this drink, only the volume of water doubles, and all other components remain unchanged.
  3. Macchiato. Whisk half a small spoonful of milk into a froth and add to the main ingredients.
  4. Latte. Pour milk in a ratio of 3: 7.
  5. Corretto. An alcoholic beverage (usually liqueur) is added to the espresso.
  6. Ristretto. Most strong coffee, instead of 25 ml, 18 ml of water is added.
  7. Romance. V classic recipe include lemon zest or juice.
  8. Kon-panna. V ready drink add whipped cream.
  9. Fredo. Serve the espresso cold with sugar and an ice cube.
  10. Latte macchiato. Served as a drink consisting of 3 layers: the first is milk, the second is espresso, the third is milk frothy.
  11. Macchiato Fredo. Milk is added to the fredo ingredients.

The expert in making espresso is called a barista.

How to cook at home

Connoisseurs invigorating drinks have thought more than once about how to make espresso coffee at home. It's quite simple, the main thing is to choose how the drink will be prepared: in an espresso machine, a Turk or in a coffee maker.

Before starting the cooking process, you need to prepare:

  • Select coffee beans excellent quality... Well-done arabica and robusta beans are good for this.
  • The beans are ground in a coffee grinder. Correct grinding is the key to a real and tasty drink. Grains that are crushed to a sand state are ideal. If the pieces are larger, the coffee will be too thin and tasteless. If the beans are ground into flour, the espresso will taste bitter.

Turkish cooking recipe

  1. Pour 2 small spoons of ground coffee beans into the Turk, salt on the tip of a knife and sugar to taste.
  2. Put the mixture on low heat and stir constantly so that the bulk ingredients do not burn.
  3. When the heat starts from the mixture, you need to add 200 ml of water at a temperature of 30 - 40 degrees.
  4. The espresso is brought to a boil, removed and mixed.
  5. The second time, put on fire and warm up to a boil. The more the drink is heated, the more stable the foam becomes.
  6. Then the coffee is allowed to settle and poured into mugs.

To achieve foam in a Turk, you need to try very hard.

With added milk

Milk can be added to soften the taste of the double espresso. This drink is most often prepared in the morning.

To do this, take the doppino and pour it into a glass cup. Then 160 ml of milk is divided into 3 parts. Now 2 parts are gradually mixed into the coffee, and the rest is heated to 60 degrees and whipped. The frothed milk is poured into the espresso.

Espresso in a coffee machine

Real espresso is prepared using a coffee machine.

To brew it, you must follow a certain algorithm:

  1. The cups, into which the drink will be poured, are placed on a tray and warmed up.
  2. The horn is cleaned of coffee residues and heated.
  3. 7 - 9 g of ground coffee is put into the holder.
  4. Then, the ground grains are pressed into a tablet of the required size and density.
  5. Then you need to again clean the rim of the horn of coffee residues and turn on the water supply to clean the sprinkler.
  6. A holder with a tablet is inserted into the divider, water is turned on and a heated cup is substituted.
  7. Cooking time does not exceed 30 seconds.

One cup will be 2/3 full (25 - 30 ml).

  • Espresso is preferred by gourmets and connoisseurs of bitters taste natural coffee. Americano will appeal to those who do not like bitterness.
  • Espresso is prepared only by distillation of water vapor, and Americano - by the method of continuous flow.
  • For making Americano, the beans are ground coarser than for espresso.
  • Foam is an essential characteristic of a properly prepared espresso, but it may not be available in an Americano.
  • Espresso is a drink for connoisseurs who can appreciate the unsurpassed aroma and nutty flavor of real, high-quality coffee.

    Espresso is more than just coffee. This is a real art, quite complex. A dark, intense, velvety drink is the result of the interaction of many factors. From the first sip, espresso strikes with a thick and concentrated aroma that distinguishes it from coffee prepared in other ways.

    All over the world there have been unsuccessful attempts to create something similar. But every Italian knows - no best coffee than at home in Italy. At any bar, at any time, in any cup, you will find perfect harmony, rich in aromas and unique flavors.

    The first espresso machine was born at the suggestion of the Milanese engineer Luigi Bezzer at the dawn of the 20th century. Entrepreneur Desiderio Pavoni launched a coffee maker under the La Pavoni brand. After a couple of decades, the bartender Achille Gaggia, experimenting with coffee machines, figured out how to make a semi-automatic coffee maker. Gaggia coffee equipment is known to this day. The market offers both manual geyser coffee makers and super-automatic models for every taste and color. But the principle of making espresso coffee has remained the same.

    The coffee maker is designed in such a way that water (steam-water mixture) flows through a filter with coffee, which is tamped and constitutes a certain obstacle, at a pressure of 9 bar. It will take about 25-30 seconds for the liquid to extract all the best from the coffee powder, gain organoleptic properties and flow out freely in the form of a thick oily aromatic drink.

    The speed of preparation is probably reflected in the name."Espresso" - fast, fast, like "express" in Russian. Another interpretation of the name emphasizes that the word is derived from "extra" and "pressione" and means filtration under pressure - the main factor without which coffee will not be "espresso". The term also has a third meaning - “clearly expressed”. Espresso coffee is just that - bright and rich. It makes no sense to dispute any version. The name perfectly reflected all the main aspects related to the drink.

    To get the "correct" espresso, the following conditions are necessary:

    • Most delicious drink obtained from freshly ground beans or freshly opened vacuum packaging ground coffee... Coffee powder oxidizes over time under the influence of air, gains bitterness, and almost half of the aromas evaporate within 20 minutes after grinding.
    • Espresso is easiest to prepare in a coffee machine that has special settings for obtaining the perfect drink... It can also be brewed in a handheld portable coffee maker. Hot water, passing through the coffee powder, turns into a rich concentrated drink.
    • It is very important to respect the degree of grind. The fine powder is like dust and forms a doughy mass with water, which will simply clog the holes in the filter. Coarse coffee particles will quickly let water through and do not have time to saturate it with aromatic substances. The drink will turn out to be watery. Therefore, only medium grinding is suitable, with the same name "espresso".
    • it's important. It should be thick enough so that the temperature of the drink remains unchanged and warmed up for as long as possible. In bars, cups are kept on top of the coffee machine, covered with a napkin. Many coffee makers are equipped with an automatic warming dish. And true connoisseurs of coffee drink it right away "with ardor, with heat", without leaving the bar.

    Even minor deviations from the listed conditions can hopelessly spoil finished product... The correctness of preparation is assessed by outward appearance dripping coffee. In international coffee jargon, it is called "mouse tail". The quality of the drink is determined by the color of "crema" - the foam on the surface of the coffee.

    The classic recipe for espresso in a coffee machine: add 1 tsp. heaped coffee (7-9 g) into a portion horn, tamp it tightly, install and press the start button. A properly prepared drink will be indicated by light brown or creamy foam.

    Turkish espresso recipe

    It is not always possible to get a cup of aromatic coffee from a barista, and not all are happy owners of coffee equipment. Therefore, at home, you can safely prepare espresso in a regular Turk. It is recommended to use copper dishes. In this case, it is better to take a very fine grinding, because our goal is to get a rich drink.

    1. We will measure 7-9 g of coffee, pour it into a slightly warmed Turk and pour cold water(30 ml).
    2. Cook over low heat until foam appears. When it begins to rise, remove the Turk from the fire for a few seconds and, if desired, throw in a pinch of salt.
    3. When the foam is lowered, put everything back on the fire. We repeat the procedure several times, but without salt, without bringing the liquid to a boil.

    Varieties of drink

    In addition to the classic, there are several types of espresso:

    • Doppio (espresso doppio) - simply put, it is a double shot of regular espresso. Accordingly, a 2-portion cone is used in the carob machine, and if there is none, then 1 portion is cooked twice. Coffee consumption for doppio 2 tsp. with a slide for 60 ml of water.
    • Con panna (espresso con panna) - coffee with cream. The usual serving of classic espresso is poured into a large cup. Top with 25 g of whipped natural cream which can be powdered with grated chocolate or nuts.
    • (lungo) has a less intense coffee flavor and noticeable bitterness. However, it contains an increased proportion of caffeine. Caffe lungo translated from Italian means "long" or it is also called "diluted coffee". It requires a regular serving of ground grains (7 g) and a double portion of water (60 ml). Accordingly, the cooking time is increased to 50 sec. Due to this, a double portion hot water takes away from coffee additional components, which give the drink bitterness. However, this wonderful remedy to cheer up at any time of the day.
    • Ristretto (ristretto) or corto (corto) is a thick concentrated drink, the usual portion of which is drunk in one sip. For preparation, take 7-11 g of coffee and half a portion of water (15-20 ml). The drink is stunning coffee taste with a minimum content of caffeine, which simply does not have time to accumulate in it for a short time cooking. it is customary to serve in tandem with a glass cold water, so you can enjoy the richness of taste for a longer time.
    • Macchiato (caffe macchiato) - coffee with the addition of whipped milk, literally “with a spot”. Espresso is preparing the usual way, and then comes the turn of that same milk speck. Usually it is taken 1 tbsp. There are cooking variations. Milk is added to the drink or whipped and spread on top with a cap. A variety of macchiato with cold milk is called freddo, and with hot milk it is called caldo.
    • Espresso Romano or Roman coffee- a sophisticated tonic drink with sunny citrus. To prepare, brew a regular serving of classic espresso and add 1 tsp to it in a cup. lemon juice... When serving espresso romano, garnish with a slice of zest or a slice of lemon.
    • Corretto is coffee "flavored" with alcohol. Moreover, the drink is chosen according to preference, it can be lungo, ristretto, but more often a regular espresso. Alcohol is added to the finished portion: cognac or anise liqueur, brandy, sambuca or Italian grappa... It is customary to add alcohol to taste, but there is an unspoken rule that more than 1 tsp. alcohol will ruin the drink.

    Italians, with their inherent humor, say that it is not at all necessary to season coffee, and the recipe "caffe corretto" was born solely as an excuse to knock a glass over after dinner. In addition, after taking Corretto, it is customary to do the so-called Resentin. You need to pour a little grappa into a cup of coffee you have drunk, twist it to wash off the foam from the walls, and drink it in one gulp. Italians believe that science has not yet come up with anything more invigorating after dinner.

    Coffee can do a lot. You just need to choose the most delicious recipe and sit in good company. And the drink will do the rest, filling every moment with a bouquet of aromas and incomparable taste.

    photo:, massonforstock

    What does the word ESPRESSO mean and how did it come about?

    In different articles and books, on different sites about coffee, you can find the translation from Italian into Russian of the word "espresso". Espresso is translated as fast, fast, compressed, compressed, express and probably still, somehow, but no one gives its exact translation in accordance with the dictionary. And we were puzzled by the translation of the word ESPRESSO from Italian to Russian. To translate Italian-Russian, we used translate, i.e. website By the way, it is quite a decent translation system, if the language does not boom at all. After translation, at least something can be understood. When translated from Italian into Russian, espresso coffee means "EXPRESSED COFFEE". Next, we carried out the following experiment. Translated in Italian-English dictionary espresso word, and then translated the result into Russian. It turned out that, see for yourself:
    When translated from English, it came out invariably excellent result... The English-Russian dictionary said that ESPRESSO means ESPRESSO COFFEE... Translated into French EXPRESS, and further translated from French into Russian EXPRESS means FAST TRAIN. The English-Portuguese dictionary has translated ESPRESSO as café. English-Spanish - café exprés, which means coffee express in Russian, and when translated back into Spanish, it turns out El café el tren expreso, which in turn means Coffee fast train. Well, and so on.

    ESPRECCO (espresso) - coffee expressed as well as possible

    As a result, if you tell fortunes and estimate, then it is safe to say that "ESPRESSO" in relation to coffee means not "pressed" or "quick", not "squeezed", namely "expressed", i.e. "Expressive coffee"... In other languages, as a rule, "espresso" is translated as FAST, but I think that it is the Russian translation that most accurately reflects the meaning of this word. Exactly EXPRESSIVE or maybe even IDEAL... Surely the inventors of espresso coffee laid such a meaning in the name.

    What does the word COFFEE mean and how did it come about?

    Various versions and legends exist about the discovery of the properties of coffee. Several of the most common legends are about goats, goats and monks, about Archangels, Prophets and Shahs. However, there is no answer why COFFEE was called "COFFEE" (coffee, coffee) in these legends and tales. The exact origin of the word Coffee itself remains, so far, unproven. Many believe that the name COFFEE comes from the Ethiopian province of Kaffa (Caffa, Kafa, Kaffa) or from the Arabic name “qahwa” (cahwa, kahwa, cahwe, kahwe, qahwe). Nevertheless, one of the anonymous sources reports ...
    According to the ancient writings of the English alchemist, ....

    Latte coffee, cappuccino, espresso, americano ... Do you know exactly how they differ from each other and how they are prepared?

    Coffee is a favorite drink of millions of people around the world. For some, the morning begins with its wonderful aroma, for others coffee is an excuse to meet friends. Coming to a coffee shop, we look at the menu and see many coffee drinks- espresso, latte with black currant syrup, flat white coffee, cappuccino, mocha ...

    How do you decide which one you like? To do this, you need to figure out what each of them is. So:

    What is espresso coffee

    Espresso is a coffee drink that is prepared using a coffee machine: it is passed through the ground coffee under high pressure hot water. Extremely concentrated taste and aroma are “squeezed out” into a cup. One serving of espresso takes 7 grams. ground coffee in 30 ml of water.

    This drink prepares quickly (within 30 seconds) and should be served just as quickly. The thicker the walls of the miniature cup, the better, as the espresso stays hot longer. Espresso should be drunk quickly, before it has cooled down - this type of coffee loses its taste and aroma over time.

    The main feature of a quality espresso is persistence, thick foam which should cover the entire surface of the coffee cup. In bad espresso, the crema has holes through which the drink itself is visible.

    Varieties of espresso

    Dense foam is a sign of a quality espresso.

    Espresso doppio- espresso of double strength, 15 g is used for its preparation. ground coffee in 30 ml of water per serving.

    Espresso lungo- less Reviver, for its preparation you need 4 gr. ground coffee to a standard volume of water. You cannot dilute regular espresso with water to obtain lungo espresso - the result will not be lungo coffee, but Americano.

    Espresso coretto- an espresso in which a few drops of any alcoholic beverage(cognac, rum, amaretto, etc.).

    "Coretto" in translation from Italian means "seasoned". Espresso Romano is a standard espresso served with a lemon wedge.

    Espresso macchiato- an espresso to which a drop (about 15 ml) of whipped cream has been added. Cream spreads over its surface and creates a light marbled pattern. "Macchiato" in translation from Italian means "marble".

    Espresso con panna- Viennese coffee, standard espresso served with a large head of whipped cream.

    Latte - coffee with milk

    Latte has more milk than coffee

    Latte- the lightest of all coffee cocktails, it should contain three times more milk than espresso. Milk must be frothed to make the latte. Milk is first poured into a transparent glass, and then espresso is gradually added to it so as not to mix.

    As a result, it turns out puff cocktail- milk below, and then coffee, on top of which a thick milk foam floats. Lattes are often prepared with the addition of a variety of syrups - peach, raspberry, vanilla, but latte with black currant syrup is considered the most delicious among gourmets.

    Latte is a traditional drink for Italians, but at home it is not as popular as in the United States. In Europe, the classic portion of latte coffee, sometimes called latte macchiato, is 200 ml, while in America latte is traditionally served in 400-500 ml cups.

    Cappuccino and other types of coffees with milk

    In the "correct" cappuccino, the foam is so strong that sugar does not sink on it.

    Cappuccino Is a coffee drink in which one third of espresso, one third of boiled milk and one third of frothed milk are mixed (cappuccino milk is frothed with steam). It is because of the lush foam on top, slightly resembling the hood of a Capuchin monk, that this drink acquired its name.

    The foam prevents the aroma from evaporating and helps the cappuccino stay warm for longer. First prepare the espresso and then carefully pour the frothed milk into the center of the cup. In a well-prepared cappuccino, the froth is so strong that if you put a small spoonful of sugar on it, it will not drown. Although Italians themselves always drink cappuccino without sugar, and only before lunch. Standard portion is 150 ml.

    Flat white coffee- a drink based on one part of a double espresso diluted with two parts of boiled but not frothed milk.

    This coffee, the highlight of which is a rich coffee taste with a noticeable milky note, is gaining more and more popularity among coffee lovers. On the basis of cooled flat white coffee, they make a wonderful cocktail with vodka.

    Torre- a layered drink, much like a latte and cappuccino at the same time. This espresso is covered with a thick milk froth, which is drier and denser than a cappuccino.

    Mocha- a mixture of espresso, hot chocolate, milk and whipped cream. Ideally, each espresso has a portion of hot chocolate, boiled milk, and whipped cream.

    Most often, instead of hot chocolate, mocha is added chocolate syrup therefore mocha is the most nutritious of coffee drinks. It has a lot more caffeine than regular espresso.

    How does Americano differ from espresso?

    Foam was not originally envisioned in americano

    Americano is a simple coffee made in a filter coffee maker. They say that during World War II, American soldiers asked Italian bartenders to brew the coffee they drank at home in the United States, and the bartenders simply bred ready-made espresso. hot water.

    Americano is not as strong as espresso (however, it contains the same amount of caffeine, just in a lower concentration). Americano is popular with Europeans who are concerned about their health.

    There was no Italian in American coffee crema, familiar to Europeans, so the Swiss suggested new way its preparation - do not add water to espresso, but, on the contrary, carefully pour coffee into a cup of hot water, then foam will remain on its surface. Perfect proportion- one part espresso for three parts hot water, and the result should be 120 ml of beverage.

    We hope you enjoy some of these espresso-based drinks!


    Yesenia Pavlotski, linguist-morphologist, expert of the Institute of Philology, answers mass media and psychology of the Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University.

    There is a word express and the word espresso... In modern usage, they have nothing to do with each other, on which literate native speakers of the Russian language continue to insist.

    There is also a third word - espresso- error resulting contamination, spontaneous crossing of words express and espresso... We know that the main complaint of literate people about the word espresso lies in the fact that those who are mistaken in this word are led by a false etymology: according to their representation, the word espresso means instant coffee.

    Indeed, when there are two similar words, the meaning of one of which is known or intuitively understandable, this understandable meaning is attributed to the second word. Express, in our understanding, is something fast. This means that e (k) presso is some kind of "fast" product.

    (By the way, in the Russian language there is, in general, a lot of false etymologization: very from the word juice, dominates from the word crush etc.)

    So, literate native speakers assume that words express and espresso just similar, no more. They have nothing in common, but to call coffee espresso well, it's just indecent. Some teach others, explaining that express Is something urgent or special, and espresso- what is prepared under pressure, under Press ohm because espresso means squeezed out... The latter, saddened by their stupidity, try to remember the difference, while those in the know triumph, I must say, somewhat prematurely.

    Word express(both in the meaning of a vehicle and in the meaning of something special, urgent) comes from lat. expressus- expressive, sharply distinguished, intelligible; expressus is the past perfect participle of exprimo. And exprimo (ex-primo) - yes, yes, squeeze out, squeeze out.

    Word espresso comes from esprimere, which translates as to express... It turns out that everything turns upside down: etymologically "squeezed out" is vehicle, and coffee is "pronounced"? Yes, the value squeeze at the word espresso there is also, but far from the first. But "to make something espresso" in Italian means "to make on purpose and quickly." In Italy, there were establishments in which you could ask to make spaghetti out of dough pieces immediately, right now, and this dish was called "espresso spaghetti."

    Linguists also claim that the word espresso in meaning train in the middle of the 19th century came to Italian from French exprès, which completely turns our understanding of truth. (In Italy there are train classes: P - regional, E - espresso, etc.)

    Now it's obvious that the words espresso and express not strangers at all - you can endlessly drown in etymological dictionaries and talk with native speakers, finding out how much espresso and express intertwined. But the main thing is that this example gives us good lesson: before insisting on any fact and teaching others, you should think about whether everything is so simple and unambiguous.

    Returning to the modern Russian language, we remind you that today the words express and espresso despite its interesting story, while clearly separated lexically and spelling.

    Express- a vehicle or something urgent, special.

    Espresso- coffee. Without K!