Homemade butter made from natural cream. Homemade butter: a recipe from milk, how to make from sour cream, the benefits and harms

19.10.2019 Desserts and cakes

The invariable attribute of the table for breakfast or lunch is butter. So aromatic, tasty and healthy. We will prepare it at home and please our family.

You will need at least 1 liter of heavy cream or heavy sour cream. Prepare a bowl in which you will whisk the original dairy product. The ideal option is a deep bowl with a rough surface inside, for beating with a mixer. The blender can handle it too, but with a little sour cream / cream as it heats up quickly. Pour the contents of the container with sour cream or cream into the container and cover it with a plastic bag so that the valuable future product does not splash. If you are whipping the cream by hand with a whisk or rolling the can, then you do not need to do this. Carefully thread the mixer beaters through the plastic. Skip this step if whisking with your hands. Begin to beat at low speed, gradually increasing it to maximum. Using manual methods of whipping - rolling the can or stirring with a whisk / spoon - it is difficult to increase the speed. Try not to reduce it in these cases, at least. The process of the appearance of oil began from the moment when the entire mass in the plate rises and becomes airy. The cream / sour cream color will change to golden or remain unchanged, but with yellow splashes. These are the first signs of future homemade goodies. After 5-10 minutes, you will see a white liquid. This is buttermilk, or buttermilk - a valuable and scarce product. It is rich in nutrients, and baked goods based on it are especially tasty and aromatic. Drain the buttermilk into a jar or other container as it appears. Approximately 60-70% of the original volume of the source material will turn out. You can salt or sweeten the butter at this stage. If you are preparing it for a child, then it is better not to add anything. Collect the oil and transfer it to a cheesecloth or colander with small holes. This is necessary to drain the remaining liquid. Leave it on for a couple of hours.

If you want to extend the shelf life of the oil, rinse it with clean water. To do this, pour a glass 3-4 times into a container with butter, beat and drain the liquid. A point should be reached when the water remains clear after stirring. Transfer the finished oil to a tray and send to the freezer. Store a small piece in the refrigerator in an oil can for no longer than a week.

At the exit, you will get 300-350 grams of ready-made delicious homemade butter. The total time taken to prepare it varies from 40 minutes to 3 hours. You will see that homemade oil is not as yellow as the store oil, it is more “alive”, tastes different, more aromatic. And it is also saturated with your energy and love, which gives your family and friends health and good mood!

I will not write about the percentage of the starting products - I did not measure it, I don’t know. I am sure that all dairy products send me good ones.

I take 2 liters of homemade sour cream. (You can use heavy cream.)

I move it to a bowl and start whipping. I put a small "watch" next to you so that you can see how long it took me to cook the butter this time.

I advise you to use not slippery dishes, but a little rough. Otherwise, it will be difficult to collect the oil into a single lump.

Since I haven’t bought a churn yet, I still use a blender. With such a volume of work, it overheats a lot. Therefore, if you are not sure of its "stability", it is better to take sour cream or less cream. So that the apparatus does not burn out.

You can use a mixer, harvester. You can stir in a bowl or saucepan with a fork, spoon, pestle. And you can pound in the bank. You will see all the variety of ways in the video at the end of this post.

After five to ten minutes from the start of whipping, depending on the amount and temperature of sour cream or cream, there is confidence that "the process has begun." The light, dense fat mass rises higher and coalesces into larger and larger lumps.

Today it takes me more time (15 minutes), as I have to periodically wash my hands and take pictures.

Not to be confused with the whey that is left over from the curd! The serum is liquid, often greenish. And not so tasty. By the way, both products are very useful.

I carefully pour the oil can into a suitable dish, squeezing it to the maximum. I cherish this very valuable product to the last drop.

At this stage, I advise you not to "crawl" with a blender anymore, but collect the oil into a single lump with clean hands. If desired, rinse thoroughly with cold water in a bowl or sieve / cheesecloth before collecting.

Once upon a time, I poured the resulting butter several times with chilled water in order to finally rinse it. This way it lasts longer and tastes better. Now I do not always do this. But if I'm going to overheat it, then I flush it.

Sour butter in Russia was called Chukhonsky, kitchen or sour cream. This type of butter was made by churning sour cream or sour milk. Chukhonskoye oil was used primarily for culinary purposes.

If I want to make of it honey, chocolate, pepper, garlic, herring, with herbs, then I will definitely wash it to clean water. Many of the oil obtained at home is salted. I do not do this, since I hardly use salt and sugar. You do what you like best. For children, I would not salt too.

And here is the finished product - delicate delicious butter! More photos can be found in my article, where I cook and much faster.

Because of the pictures and because the sour cream is very cold, this time it took longer than usual: 40 minutes for 2 liters of sour cream. I don’t want to warm up, I can miss it and spoil it. Usefulness must be protected.

As you can see, the result is 750 grams of delicious homemade butter.

Buttermilk came out 1.25 liters. Part of it is drunk right away - delicious! The rest is in the refrigerator. There are many ways to use the oil can. And in baked goods, and in okroshka, and for lush dumplings or pancakes - but wherever you want!

In the videos, you will see that someone is pouring buttermilk into the sink. Very sorry.

For many of us this thick drink is much healthier than oil. In our area, you can't even buy a shop oil can, let alone a homemade one. This is a deficit. Many do not even know what it is. I do not know if she is anywhere in Kiev. Surely there is - the city is big.

Do not pour out - drink to your health! It is very tasty, especially made from fresh sour cream. Well, if the sour one has learned, then bake bread or something else on it.

I put the butter in a plastic container, level it. I put some in the oil can. The rest is in the freezer. It will harden a little, - I will turn it over and cut it into portioned cubes, so that it is convenient to take it if necessary.

I could not resist, took out my plastic dish from the freezer. To show you. There is oil, washed and unwashed, for different purposes. Stored very well. Storage times depend on the temperature in the freezer.

I forgot to say about the price: 60 hryvnia for 2 liters of sour cream. But I myself began to pay so much to the hostess for the simple reason that I refused cottage cheese and it became unprofitable for her to send me only milk and sour cream. She sells 25 hryvnia a liter. I took milk for 15 hryvnia per three-liter. Now I'm paying 20, just to send it.

Why refused cottage cheese, some of you will ask. I answer. Cooking fresh at a time. Fresh cottage cheese and whey have an alkalizing effect, while stale ones acidify the body. If you want to lose weight or don't want to gain weight, do the same.

As usual, at the end of the article I post a playlist with the most, in my opinion, interesting videos.

P.S.: When using sour cream, it is better to pour the butter out. Rinse the oil thoroughly. Better to melt it or bake something on it.

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To the entry "Butter at home" 56 comments

    Irina, how great you are doing! Eh, even a cow on the balcony of the backwater)). Have you tried to do it from store sour cream? It is difficult to find “homemade” milk in Moscow.

  1. Irina, thanks for the recipe for homemade butter. My mother-in-law knew how to cook, but I haven’t learned yet. We buy homemade sour cream and cream. I will definitely try to repeat it! By the way, I also became interested in the independent preparation of homemade feta cheese, mascarpone and ricotta. Otherwise, it is not always possible to buy these expensive cheeses, and there are many recipes based on them.

    Irina, while reading, drooling. Your oil, of course, cannot be compared with the store oil. Last year I had a chance to try such butter, they bought it from the hostess when they were resting in Crimea

    Irina, thanks for this article. We also constantly take home dairy products. I'll try to make butter from sour cream. Surprised by the exit from 2 liters - 700 gr. Good sour cream.

  2. Farmers have been bringing all the milk to our yard for 20 years already. Very good milk, sour cream, cottage cheese. I buy everything, but I didn't make butter at home. You need to try, otherwise there is almost no real oil in the store now.

    I myself have never tried to do this. But the taste itself is one of the first childhood memories.)) Like many children, my grandmother lived in the village.)) And butter, cottage cheese - it was all so delicious!

    When you try homemade butter, you don't want to eat later. it's good that I have the opportunity to buy homemade cream and beat it into butter.

  3. It's great when you can eat your butter. I also buy country milk all the time, but they drink it so quickly that sometimes I don't have time to make anything out of it.

  4. I remember whipping butter at my grandmother's in the village, in the early 2000s, everything was so elementary: cream was poured into a special pot, a spatula for whipping and a gear mechanism was attached to the hemp and sit and twist the handle for an hour, and probably homemade butter is ready, milk from under your cows, everything is homemade .. Not like everything is purchased now, blender-schmenders, etc ...

  5. Hello! Now I'm making butter with a spoon. At first everything was fine, crumbs appeared and buttermilk came out. I poured the buttermilk and started stirring, but the consistency of the resulting product is like liquid sour cream, it does not look like butter. I'm afraid to rinse. What to do?

  6. Hello, my question is: I am afraid to drink fresh cow's milk due to the possibility of contracting brucellosis and other diseases.
    If in industrial production, dairy products undergo some kind of processing (i.e. sour cream, and you can eat butter without fear - I'm not talking about the taste and various additives, namely, about bacterial safety). Then if you make milk from a cow and make sour cream and cream yourself, it turns out from them you can also get sick. How can you process sour cream, cream and cooked butter so that you can eat without fear for your health.

  7. Hello girls,
    I bought farm oil at the market, I was at first delighted, delicious, delicious, it smells of delicate cream, 250r a pound. But they sell it for some reason always melted, somehow it is very airy, completely loose, after the freezer it is very crumbly, also less dense than ordinary butter. Maybe someone knows what the matter is. Is this a fake, or just an unusual way of making butter?

  8. Irina, thank you very much. Thanks to your detailed story, I decided to make the oil myself. We have a car regularly, twice a week, arrives with excellent homemade dairy products - for them there is a queue that I have not seen since the Soviet deficit. But these guys, farmers, stopped making butter, because they even take out everything in the form of sour cream for a clean one. And I already got hooked on their oil in the spring. But I always thought that making butter is some kind of procedure inaccessible to mere mortals, requiring special equipment. I decided only thanks to you. It turned out great, I'm very happy!

    But here's what I will add. When I was buying sour cream, I told the hostess that I wanted to make butter myself. And she said that fresh sour cream does not whip well, you need to sour it. “Better yet, freeze and beat the ice cream once,” she added, when I asked in confusion how exactly to “acidify” :)) In general, that's what I did - I put the sour cream in a plastic container for the freezer, froze it, froze it once. Whipped perfectly.

    The only thing is that at the stage when the oil tank began to separate, the mixer stopped coping, I gave him a rest, then I literally did a couple of scrolls - I was afraid that my favorite mixer would break. And so it seems to me that more liquid would stand out if she continued to beat. How important is it?

    All the best, thank you again!

  9. girls three years ago moved to live in the village, slowly started a farm, korovoks. now I can’t live without cream and homemade butter. I planted the whole family) my little curds are pressed on both cheeks. I can’t even understand how I used to eat that pile from the store!: | so now I supply my friends in the city)))

    A very useful recipe, for a long time I myself have been making yoghurts, and cottage cheese, and sour cream, but I have never tried butter. Correctly, the users above note that it is difficult to find homemade sour cream in Moscow, it is unrealistic to find. But you can cook) I think with such sour cream and butter it will be tastier. I take special starters, called Aibi, I order Probiotics on the website. For a liter of sour cream, you will need 1 liter of cream and 1 stick of sourdough, I just stir it in a slow cooker overnight. In the morning there is such sour cream that the spoon will not fall, and the sourdough contains only useful bacteria characteristic of sour cream, no stabilizers and thickeners. On the same site, consultants advised special starters for yogurt and cottage cheese, produced by Bakzdrav, we liked it very much. So now we go to the store only for milk, and they bring starter cultures to the house) But at home there is always fresh and natural sour milk, now if I learn how to make butter myself, in general, there will be beauty.

    Leave your comment

Many people believe that butter is unhealthy because it contains a lot of cholesterol. Therefore, it became customary to replace it with margarine. But the harm of butter is too exaggerated.

Butter is a natural dairy product, tasty and healthy. No vegetable fats can replace it. The product has been prepared from cream, cow's milk for many centuries and the technology of its production has remained practically unchanged. How to make butter at home, what are the health benefits of it, we will tell you on our website www.site.

What is the use of butter?

The cream from which this product is prepared is rich in useful substances, vitamins, including vitamin A, D. Also, cream contains protein, carbohydrates, phosphorus. They are indispensable for nutrition in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - gastritis, gastric ulcer, 12 duodenal ulcer. The basis of butter is milk fat, which is completely absorbed by the human body.

Traditionally, Russian cuisine does not often use cream in its recipes. But the cuisines of other countries are actively using cream for the preparation of various dishes. For example, the French use them to make soups, dressings for vegetable salads, sauces, and gravies.

It is not surprising that in this country there are so few diseases of the cardiovascular system, heart attacks.

The fact is that the cream contains lecithin, which fights bad cholesterol, normalizing its balance, protecting blood vessels from cholesterol plaques. Therefore, cream, butter will neutralize the harm from eaten meat.

The product is good for the skin. It makes it soft, restores firmness, elasticity. The oil is also useful for beauty, hair density, it improves eyesight, strengthens the skeletal and muscular systems.

The cholesterol in it is harmful only in large quantities. Small amounts of cholesterol are even needed by the body. It has a beneficial effect on the hormonal system, which is very important for children in the formation of the reproductive system.

When picking a product on store shelves, resist the temptation to buy flashy imported packaging. It is better to carefully read the composition of the product. The natural product must not contain plant-based ingredients such as coconut or palm oil.

You also need to know that butter made in summer is more nutritious and tastier than winter oil. Since the cows feed on fresh grasses in summer and hay in winter.

How to make butter at home?

At home, you can make delicious, healthy, natural butter. It is made from natural, heavy village cream, which can be bought at the market or at the farmstead. Just don’t use supermarket cream, it’s no use.

Buy a 3 liter can of fresh milk from the farmer. Put in the cold. When the milk has settled, cream appears on the surface. Sometimes they take up to a quarter of the volume of a can. It is from them that we will prepare real oil, rich in nutrients and easily assimilated by the body.

For cooking you will need: Fresh country milk, a metal spoon with holes, a mixer.

How to cook:

Leave the jar of milk in the refrigerator overnight. In the morning, gently skim off the cream using a wide, perforated spoon. The fattier the milk, the more cream there will be.

Pour the skimmed cream into a mixer bowl, leave to stand for 15-20 minutes. During this time, they will reach room temperature and will beat better.

Now we begin to whip the cream. First turn on the mixer at a slow speed. When the cream has increased in volume and is smooth, turn on the mixer at high speed.

As you whisk, you will notice that a white liquid and flakes form. This is buttermilk that must be drained separately and then used for baking.

Continue whisking the thick mixture until you find that you have made a large white lump of butter. Squeeze the oil out with your hands. If a small amount of buttermilk re-formed, drain it. Put the butter in an oiler and refrigerate. Everything, tasty, healthy oil for morning sandwiches is ready.

You can add salt during cooking, then the resulting product will be salted, you can pour cocoa powder and powdered sugar, then you get the chocolate butter loved by children.

If the refrigerator is not nearby or it just broke, you can save it this way: Wrap it tightly in plastic wrap or a clean cotton cloth soaked in a weak vinegar solution. Turn over a deep plate, bowl or saucepan, place the wrapped butter under it, put a couple of refined sugar cubes next to it.

Now you and I know how to make butter, what are the benefits of it. Try making a delicious, natural product at home using the recipe above. Be healthy!

Today we will talk about how to make butter at home. This can be done very quickly and easily. You will spend a maximum of 20 minutes of time, but at the end you will get a delicate and fragrant butter, which will cost less than a purchased good one in terms of cost, and will surpass the latter by an order of magnitude in quality. After all, it will not contain any preservatives, vegetable fats and other harmful additives.

If you do not have your own farm, then for a start you will definitely need to purchase the sour cream itself. Please note that it should be non-acidic and the fatter the better. I usually buy sour cream at the market in the morning and, when I come home, I immediately send it to the refrigerator in a chamber with zero temperature. Immediately fill the pan with filtered water and also send it to cool in the refrigerator. After a couple of hours, when both the water and sour cream have cooled enough, you can start.

Note: The yield depends on the fat content of the sour cream, I got from 400 to 600 grams of butter.


  • 1 kg of home (purchased market) sour cream
  • 4-5 liters of cold water
  • mixer


Beat until characteristic grains and "splashes" appear. Once the sour cream has started to splash, it means that buttermilk has separated from it. Continue to beat for just a couple of minutes and that's enough.

I have a mixer with a stand and a rolling bowl. Plus, after the sour cream begins to thicken, I "help" the mixer with a spoon - so that more sour cream gets under the nozzles at once. Taking these conditions into account, it takes me 8-10 minutes to whip the sour cream until the buttermilk separates. So the buttermilk has separated: carefully pour it into a separate bowl - it will still come in handy, it turns out to be excellent baked goods. And rinse the sour cream-oil itself with cold water 2-3 times. The better you rinse, the more you will wash out any extraneous muck from it, and it will be better stored. For clarity, I did the whole process in stages using several bowls. You do everything in one - oil remains on the walls of the dishes, I probably lost 50 grams of it because of this. So - the buttermilk branch.

I drained the buttermilk and put the butter in another bowl. Here you can see that there is still a little buttermilk left - I cast it again.

Flushing the oil in the second water. The water is almost clear - you don't need to rinse it anymore.

Now you can pour out the water and simply form the balls of oil with your hands. Squeeze as best you can so that no water remains in the oil.

Since I put the butter back into a new bowl (just with a mesh), I didn't have to squeeze out so thoroughly. That's all. Now you can divide it into portioned "pieces", pack it in plastic bags and send it to the freezer. It can be stored for a long time.

Many people use butter every day. They prepare sandwiches with it, use it as an addition to porridge or pancakes. And although you can buy butter at any store, some people still cook it at home - simply because it tastes so much better. Such a product is made from ordinary homemade milk or cream.

How to get cream from milk?

To make cream from cow's milk at home, you only need one component - whole milk. You can make cream in two ways: manually and using a separator.


To begin with, the milk must be filtered and poured into a prepared clean container, which can serve as a deep bowl or glass jar. After that, you need to put it in the refrigerator and let the product stand for 24 hours.

After this time, the milk must be taken out and very carefully remove the cream formed on the surface with a regular spoon. Then they can be put back in the refrigerator or used for their intended purpose. If you collect the cream in this way, then their fat content will be approximately 28%.


If there is a separator at home, then it is much more efficient to use this particular device. It must be placed on the very edge of the table and fixed on a specially made stand for this. It is important that the separator itself is vertical.

Since only warm milk is suitable for this procedure, it must be warmed up to 40 degrees and filtered thoroughly. After that, it must be poured into the milk receiver and the separator must be turned on. Then you need to start rotating the knobs and slowly build up speed. After the sound signal, you need to open the tap. The milk will flow into the drum. Accordingly, the cream will go to one vessel, and the milk to another. This will already be a fat-free product.

Before the end of the separation, add some more separated milk. This is to ensure that the cream comes out of the drum completely.

Cooking recipes

There are many ways to make butter at home. Usually a mixer is used for this, but you can beat a delicious product by hand.

Using a mixer

To cook properly tasty and high-quality butter at home, you need a mixer, a deep bowl and a sieve. Only one component is needed for butter - cream.

When manufacturing, you must clearly follow the step-by-step instructions.

  1. Before starting work, you need to cool the cream a little. Their temperature should be 8-11 degrees.
  2. Chilled cream must be poured into the prepared container and whipped, turning on the highest speed. The procedure itself will take very little time - 8-12 minutes will be enough.
  3. When the mass begins to thicken and liquid comes out of it, the whipping speed can be reduced.
  4. After the liquid ceases to be released, the mixer can be stopped. The finished oil must be filtered through a sieve. The liquid that drains out is perfect for making any baked goods.
  5. The oil must be transferred to a prepared bowl and mixed so that it turns out to be very soft in the end.

You can put the oil in the refrigerator or freezer.

With your own hand

Back in the old days, when there was no trace of modern technology, butter was whipped by hand. This method will not appeal to those who like to do everything quickly, but the oil turns out to be very delicate. To prepare it, it is enough to take 1-2 liters of heavy and heavy cream.

  1. If in the previous recipe the cream had to be cooled, then here, on the contrary, they must be put in a warm place. Then they must be poured into a deep bowl and stir well. This will take a long time, but the result will exceed all expectations.
  2. When the grains of oil begin to appear, you can exhale - the process is almost over. Another couple of minutes of mixing, and these crumbs will turn into a thick oil mixture.
  3. It must be well squeezed out of excess moisture and placed in the refrigerator.

After a while, the oil will solidify, and it can be used for its intended purpose.

In the churn

Very often in villages, people did not have enough time to produce large quantities of oil. To make their work a little easier, people cooked it in special churns made of wood. Cooking such oil in this device is as simple as possible.

  1. First, the container must be doused with hot water, and then immediately doused with cold water. Then wipe it dry. This should be done so that the fat from the oil is not absorbed into its surface.
  2. Next, pour the cream into the churn. They should only fill half of the entire container.
  3. After they are ready (the whipping procedure usually takes no more than 1 hour), the separated liquid must be drained. You can use an ordinary sieve for this. The resulting oil must be placed in a cold place.

When it cools and thickens, it can be used as directed.

How to give the product the desired shape?

To give the oil a beautiful shape, you can take a fairly deep vessel and roll it on it for a while. A little later, you can get a smooth oval piece out of it.

Alternatively, you can simply pour the oil into a silicone mold and leave it to harden.

To properly prepare homemade butter and preserve it for a long time, you need to choose quality products. As you know, it is quite difficult to find out the quality of a store product, so it is better to cook it at home. But choosing good products is much easier. The fat content of such oil will be much higher, respectively, it will be tastier.