Cherry compote winter recipes without. Cherry compote for the winter without sterilization with a bone

25.04.2019 Grill menu

The cherry drink is called royal due to its excellent concentrated taste and noble pomegranate color. Cherry compote for the winter in my family is always harvested as a priority and in a large number... I offer the simplest and delicious recipes blanks in 3 liter jars.

How to cook cherry compote for the winter

The drink is prepared from selected fresh, not too ripe berries. Shubinka, Shpanka, felt, Chinese, and other zoned varieties of cherries are considered the most successful for conservation. The darker the berries, the richer and tastier the compote will be.

Usually closed in big banks by three liters, making a drink of high concentration, so that in winter it is possible to dilute the drink, getting a larger amount.

It is preferable to roll the drink with bones. Although, if you wish, you can fuss a little and prepare without a core. It's up to you to decide, the drink will not suffer in any case.

The big plus of the cherry compote is that you can twist it without sterilization - it stands perfectly in the apartment conditions all winter.

Assorted cherries and apricots, cherries, currants, apples, strawberries, raspberries are very popular among housewives. Boiled with mint, orange. Do not be afraid to experiment; in winter, thank yourself for your imagination, impressing guests and households with a variety of drinks.

How much sugar is needed

  • As a rule, 500 grams is taken for 1 kilogram of cherries. sugar, i.e. half of the weight of the berry.

A simple recipe for cherry compote without sterilization

Here is the simplest cooking option without sterilizing the workpiece. Cherry - unpretentious, small berry heat treatment enough for the compote to stand the winter and not explode. The ingredients are designed for a 3 liter container.

  • Berries - a glass.
  • Sugar - half a glass.
  • Water - 2.5 liters.
  • Citric acid is optional.

How to close the compote:

Place selected berries in a jar. Add sugar.

Boil water, pour into jars. For the best preservation of the dessert, add citric acid on the tip of a knife.

Roll up.

Turn over and, covered with a warm blanket, refrigerate.

Cherry compote with seeds without sterilization for a 3 liter jar

The traditional recipe for rolling compote, the amount of sugar and cherries is given for 3 liter jar... This is the first type of preservation, with a double fill. The workpiece is well worth the winter in an apartment environment. The amount of berries and sweetness can be increased proportionally.


  • Cherry - glass.
  • Sugar - ½ cup.
  • Water - 2.5 liters.

Step-by-step seaming recipe:

  1. Prepare the jars in advance. They must be thoroughly rinsed. Scald with boiling water if desired, although you can skip this procedure.
  2. Be sure to boil the seaming caps - this is necessary condition guaranteed safety of the drink for the whole winter.
  3. Fold the berries, pour boiling water over. Wait 7-10 minutes for the berries to warm up. To prevent the jars from bursting, insert a regular spoon, then remove.
  4. Return liquid to saucepan, add sweetener. Wait for it to boil and dissolve completely. Return the syrup to the jar.
  5. Roll under iron cover... Turn it upside down, wrap it up well and leave the drink to “ripen” and infuse. After cooling completely, check the quality of the seaming and transfer to the pantry or cellar.

Sterilized cherry compote with seeds

Please be aware that cherry drink with seeds it is allowed to store no more than a year. You can apply the sterilization technology to any other recipe for the blank to ensure that the cans will not “explode”. It is more convenient to make seaming in small containers.

  • Sugar - 500 gr.
  • Cherries - 1 kg.
  • Water - 2 liters.

How to prepare compote with sterilization:

  1. Distribute the washed select jar berries.
  2. Boil a syrup from water and sugar.
  3. Pour over the berries. Put to sterilize.

How many cans to sterilize:

  • 0.5 liters - 20 minutes.
  • 1 liter - 25-30 minutes.

Concentrated compote

Drink prepared according to this recipe, obtained in high concentration. One can is enough to dilute the compote by tripling the amount. The number of components is given for several jars.

Would need:

  • Cherries - 2 kg.
  • Water.
  • Sugar - 1 kg.

How to cook cherry compote:

  1. Fill half the jars of any size with clean berries.
  2. Boil water, fill the jars up to the shoulders. Cover with lids.
  3. After 7-10 minutes, drain the liquid into a saucepan.
  4. Pour in the sweetness, stir, helping the sugar to dissolve, wait for a boil.
  5. Pour into jars again, twist. Let cool upside down.

Video recipe for assorted cherry and apricot compote

Pitted cherry compote with sterilization

When preparing compote for the winter, the bones are usually left, thanks to them, the drink becomes brighter, rich taste... Decide to delete, please keep the blank recipe.

Would need:

  • Berries - 1 kg.
  • Sugar 700-800 gr.
  • Water - 2 liters.

How to prepare:

  1. Select the cherry pits, fill the jars. Determine the number of berries yourself. Usually, an almost full can is filled.
  2. Boil the syrup by adding sugar to the water. Pour into jars.
  3. Cover with lids and send to the pot for sterilization.
  4. How much to sterilize: 0.5 liter - 10-12 minutes, 1 liter - 15 minutes, for a 3 liter bottle it will take 30 minutes.

Another option for preparing a concentrated seedless drink is c. Don't know the recipe? Check out another article with a detailed story.

Unusual recipe for sugar-free compote

Adding spice will make the drink taste spicy and amazingly original.

  • Cherries - a kilogram.
  • Carnation sticks - 4-5 pcs.
  • Vanilla - a pinch.
  • Allspice - 3-4 peas.
  • Water - liter.

We procure:

  1. Arrange the berries in the jars.
  2. Pour water into a saucepan, toss in the spices and boil.
  3. Let simmer for 3-4 minutes and pour into jars.
  4. Sterilize half liter jars - 10-15 minutes, liter jars - 15 minutes. Then roll up and let cool upside down.

Cherry and currant compote

Simultaneously with the cherry, the currant ripens. Make a platter of berries in a 3 liter jar.


  • Currant - 250 gr.
  • Cherries - 400 gr.
  • Water - 3 liters.
  • Sugar - 400-450 gr.


  1. Fill the jar with the berry mixture.
  2. Pour boiling water over the shoulders to warm it up.
  3. Transfer to a saucepan after 10 minutes. Now cook sweet syrup adding sugar and stirring well until dissolved.
  4. Return the syrup to the berries, roll up and refrigerate.

Compote with apples and cherries

If you have your first apples, do not miss the opportunity to make an assorted drink for the winter. It is allowed to add sprigs of mint, cinnamon, vanillin to the compote. This will make the taste original. The blank is done in a three liter can.

  • Berries - 2 cups
  • Apples - 3-4, as much as possible.
  • Sugar - 350 gr.
  • Water - how much will go in.

How to cook:

  1. Fill jars with cherries and diced apples (do not cut small ones).
  2. Boil water. Pour into jars. Let it brew for 10-15 minutes.
  3. Transfer the liquid back to the pot. Boil again. Add sugar, dissolve it.
  4. Fill the workpiece, roll it up. Turn over and refrigerate.

How to close a cherry compote with cherries - video

Cherry compote, harvested for the winter in liter jars (with whole berries), turns out to be concentrated and very tasty. That is why it should be closed in 1 liter jars.

Having opened such a jar in winter, concentrated cherry compote dilute with boiled water and serve in a jug to festive table.

A jug of fragrant cold cherry compote with whole berries is paradisaic delight! Berries from cherries winter compote will be a real find for filling in brass pies.

Cherry compote for the winter without sterilization in liter jars

Would need:

  • cherry - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1.5 tbsp.

Cooking time: 40 min. The exit of the finished cherry compote for the winter: three jars of 1 liter each.

How to cook cherry compote in liter jars - step by step recipe with photo:

First of all, we prepare containers for storing cherry compote. It is convenient to pour a rich cherry compote together with whole berries into 1 liter jars.

We lower glass liter jars in water with baking soda dissolved in it. We let the jars lie in water, and then, armed with a clean dishwashing sponge, we wash the surface of the jars outside and inside. Then thoroughly rinse the dishes under running water.

To make a cherry compote intended for the winter tasty, it is not necessary to use sweet varieties of cherries, but you can also make it from early sour cherries.

We take ripe cherries, already filled with our own unique aroma, but not overripe.

We put the cherries plucked from the tree in a deep bowl of water right with the petioles. We mix them in water. After mixing the berries, we notice that pieces of sepals, leaves and other light debris are floating on the surface of the water.

We merge it. So we rinse the cherries several times.

If there is a doubt that there are fruit worms in the cherries, then for peace of mind you can hold the cherries in salt water... Then rinse the cherries clean water without salt.

After draining the water, leave the cherries to dry out a little. Then we cut off the stalks from the cherries, and it is not necessary to remove the seeds from the berries, of course, if you do not store the cherry compote for two or more years.

We put full jars of cherries, pressing them a little with our fingers in the jars so that they fit more tightly in them. Pour hot cherries in jars boiled water, cover with sterile lids, wrap the jars with a terry towel, leave to warm for 15 minutes.

Then pour the water from the cans into a saucepan, add sugar to the water according to the recipe. We boil this syrup for 10 minutes. Meanwhile, we again cover the jars of cherries, from which we drained the water, and wrap them up so that they do not cool down. Pour the finished syrup into jars with cherries.

Having sealed the jars with concentrated cherry compote, turn them over on the necks, leave them wrapped in a blanket overnight. Then we place it for storage in a cool and always dark place until the onset of winter.

Video: Recipe for cherry compote in liter jars with sterilization

The activities of real "conservatives" are full of exciting adventures and surprises. True, not always pleasant. Then the jar will notify with a "joyful" explosion that no vinegar has been added or sugar has not been added to it. Then the lid will barely noticeably swell, as if hinting that a "new life" has started in the carefully prepared compote or pickled cucumbers. But there are simple, tasty and always successful blanks... Like, for example, cherry compote for the winter. Non-sterilized recipes can save you tons of time and get plenty of ruby ​​drink in the cold season.

Simple and quick cherry pitted compote (no sterilization required)

Delicious drink with a subtle hint of almonds. In winter, compote can be drunk, and cherries can be used to fill pies and layer cakes.


Output: 3 liters of conservation.

Step-by-step instruction:

Use ripe juicy cherries, then the drink will be bright and rich. The whole berry must be whole so that the compote does not begin to ferment. Therefore, carefully sort out the main ingredient.

Wash the cherries. Discard in a colander.

Remove the ponytails.

This canning option uses relatively little cherries. Therefore, pierce each cherry with a toothpick, and then the drink will acquire a rich color, taste and smell. Simple and economical.

Prepare a container for compote. Wash it. Sterilize it over steam for 5-7 minutes. Then turn over to drain the condensation. Divide the cherries into the jars.

Cover with sugar. You can also use spices in small amounts - a cinnamon stick or a teaspoon of vanilla sugar.

Boil drinking water... Pour into jars so the liquid covers the cherries and sugar. Cover with lids.

After 7-10 minutes, bring the remaining water to a boil again and pour the jars up to the whisk. Roll up the metal covers under the typewriter. Turn the canning over and place under the blanket. After cooling, hide in a dark place. Such a compote from cherries with seeds is well stored until winter in the cellar, and at room temperature, although it is harvested without sterilization. But keep in mind that it has a shelf life of no more than a year.

The drink is ready to drink in a couple of weeks.

Pitted cherry compote

The cherry taste of the drink is off the charts, and the ruby ​​color is mesmerizing. Yes, the bones will have to be removed. But this is such a trifle!

Grocery list:

Output: 1 three-liter can.

How to prepare a delicious cherry compote for the winter without sterilization (recipe with photo):

Sort out ripe fleshy berries.

Rinse thoroughly. Discard in a colander.

Pull off the ponytails.

Cherry compote is one of the most delicious, favorite and demanded of all such preparations for the winter. He is equally loved by both adults and children. It turns out like two in one, at the beginning it is drunk by itself Cherry juice, and then you can feast on the cherries themselves.

And what could be better and tastier than such a compote prepared with your own hands. When on some holiday I open a jar, and on the table of drinks there is any store juice, and then, of course, first of all ends home preparation... And you always have to get both the second and the third cans from the basement. Therefore, I harvest it as much as possible.

And it attracts first of all with its taste, beautiful rich dark ruby ​​color and, of course, aroma.

You can procure it different ways... Today we will consider the most simple recipes, without sterilization. Such preparations are made quickly enough, they are stored well and, most importantly, they are very tasty.

We need (the calculation is given for one three-liter jar):

  • cherry -500 gr
  • sugar - 300 gr
  • water -2.5 liters


1. Sort out the cherries, removing overripe, spoiled and pecked fruits. Rinse thoroughly to remove all debris. Put on a towel so that water is glass from the fruit.

2. Banks to wash and sterilize. There are different ways to do this. Can be sterilized over steam. To do this, pour water into a saucepan, put a colander on it, and into it a jar with the neck down. The water will boil and the can will be exposed to steam. It is believed that if the jar is hot when touched from the outside, then it is ready for canning.

You can pour 1/3 of boiling water into a jar. Soak the water for 15 minutes and then drain. To prevent the jar from bursting, put a tablespoon in it, and pour boiling water in small portions through the spoon.

You can sterilize the jars by placing them in the oven.

3. We prepare the lids, and we will use metal lids, which are screwed on with a seaming machine. We also wash them, then put them in a pot of water. Bring the water to a boil and boil the lids for 10 minutes.

4. Pour cherries into prepared jars. A can takes about 500 grams. But in order not to weigh it every time, you can use a glass as a yardstick. You will need 3 glasses per jar. And you can make it even easier, just pour 1/3 of cherries into each jar.

5. Boil water. We need about 2.5 liters for each can. It is best to use spring water, or, in extreme cases, filtered.

6. Pour the cherries with water to the very edge, cover with a lid. Leave to infuse for 15 minutes.

7. Then drain the water into a saucepan using a lid with holes.

8. Pour sugar into a saucepan, at the rate of 300 grams per jar. Boil.

9. Pour the resulting syrup into the jar so that when closing metal cover some of the syrup has drained out. This way we can be sure that there is no air left in the jar.

10. Close the jar with a seaming machine.

11. Turn the jar upside down and cover with a blanket.

12. Withstand in this position for one or two days. Natural sterilization will take place under the blanket. In addition, if the bank is not tightly closed, we will see in time that it is leaking. Such a jar should be opened, the contents, along with the fruits, should be poured into a saucepan, boiled for 10 minutes, poured back into the jar and screwed up again. Or just have a drink.

13. Then turn the jars and leave for observation for 2-3 weeks. During this time, and for the entire storage period, the lid should not be lifted. If this happens, then it should be discarded.

Cherry compotes are distinguished by the fact that they are not "capricious" enough in comparison with other fruits. And because of this, they almost never "explode", and their lids do not rise. Maybe that's also why, they are very fond of harvesting.

This is perhaps the easiest cooking method. But there is another simple recipe, according to which we prepared. This method is also applicable for today's topic. Let's remember it.

How to make cherry compote without sterilization

  • cherry - 500 gr
  • sugar - 300 gr
  • water - 2.5 liters


1. In the same way as in the previous recipe, prepare cherries and jars.

2. Pour 1/3 of cherries into prepared jars.

3. Boil water.

4. Fill in water so that only the cherry is covered; you do not need to completely fill the jar with water. Leave to infuse for 10 minutes. During this time, the cherry and the jar will warm up.

5. After 10 minutes, drain the water into a saucepan. And boil it again.

6. Pour sugar into a jar, pour boiling water over 1/3 part again. Let stand for 15 minutes. During this time, some of the sugar will disperse.

7. Meanwhile, bring more water to a boil.

8. Add it to the very top, so that when you put the lid on, some of the syrup will drain out. So we will be sure that there is no air left in the jar. An additional portion of boiling water will completely dissolve all the sugar.

9. Cover and tighten immediately.

10. Turn the cans over and place them under the blanket until they cool completely.

11. Then turn over and leave for observation for 2-3 weeks.

According to these two recipes, cherries can be scalded not in a jar, but in a saucepan. Pour boiling water over it, leave for 15 minutes. Then drain the cherry water, boil with sugar, put the cherries in jars, and pour the prepared syrup. Tighten immediately.

How to prepare compote without sterilization with cooking cherries

We need (for a three-liter jar):

  • cherry - 500 gr
  • sugar - 300 gr
  • water - 2.5 liters


1. Sorting cherries and mine. We prepare jars and lids, that is, wash and sterilize.

2. For the preparation of compote, I use a 10-liter saucepan. That is, from this calculation, I prepare 3 three-liter cans.

3. I pour 7.5 liters of water into a saucepan and set to boil.

4. After the water has boiled, I pour 900 grams of sugar into it, you can add 1 kg, that is, a whole bag. Let it boil again.

5. Then pour 1.5 kg cherries or 9 full glasses into a saucepan.

6. After boiling, cook for 10-15 minutes.

7. First I put the cherries in the jars so that they are evenly distributed over all three jars. And then pour in cherry syrup.

8. Pour to the very edge so that when you close the lid, a little syrup spills out.

9. Immediately tighten the lids using a seaming machine.

10. Then turn the banks over and cover with a blanket. Leave to cool completely.

"Assorted" cherries with apples - recipe without sterilization

Such compotes are good to do with not very large early ripening apples, which ripen at the same time as cherries. As a rule, there are so many of them that you do not have time to process them. And sometimes, when they have a big harvest, you don't even know what else you can do with them.

We need (for one three-liter jar):

  • cherry - 2 glasses
  • apples - 7-8 medium-sized
  • sugar - 350 gr
  • water - 2.5 liters


1. Sort out the cherries and wash. Wash the apples. Cut large apples into two or four parts, removing the core and seeds. Small apples you can not cut it and leave it intact.

2.In a large pot, I have a 10-liter, pour 7.5 liters of water. Bring it to a boil.

3. Add sugar, let it boil.

4. Add cherries to a boil. Cook for 5 minutes.

5. Add apples. Also let it boil. If the apples are intact, they will most likely remain intact. But if they are cut, and the apple variety is crumbly, then the pieces will immediately begin to crumble. In principle, nothing terrible will happen from this. It's just that the compote itself will turn out to be more saturated, with particles of applesauce.

6. Cook after boiling for 10 minutes.

7. First put apples and cherries in prepared jars, distributing them evenly over all jars. Then pour the cherry and apple syrup, the aroma of which spread not only throughout the kitchen, but even leaked out into the street.

8. Cover the jars with prepared lids. Do not forget that some of the syrup should pour out a little from the jar.

9. Tighten the covers with a seaming machine.

10. Turn the banks over and cover with a blanket until they cool completely.

In the same way, you can roll cherry compote with other fruits and berries.

Cherry compote with apples - recipe number 2

We need (for one three-liter jar):

  • cherry - 2 glasses
  • apples - 7-8 medium-sized
  • sugar - 300-350 gr
  • water - 2.5 liters


1. Cooking apples, cherries and jars as described above.

2. Pour cherries into the jar.

3. Boil water and pour over the cherries, let stand for 15 minutes.

4. Drain the cherry water into a large saucepan. Bring it to a boil.

5. Pour sugar into it and add apples. Cook for 6-7 minutes.

6. Add the apples to the jar to the cherries.

7. Boil the syrup and add to the jars, so that when the lids are covered, the syrup spills slightly from the jar.

8. We tighten the lids with a seaming machine.

9. Turn the cans over, cover them with a blanket and leave to cool completely.

10. Then turn the cans over again and leave for observation for 2-3 weeks.

In all the above recipes for a three-liter jar, we use 300-350 grams of sugar. In this version, they can be drunk just like that, everything is balanced and present in them. sweet and sour taste... Sometimes more sugar is added, up to 600 grams per liter of water.

Such compotes are highly concentrated and diluted with water.

We have considered with you the most basic recipes for preparing delicious aromatic cherry compotes for preparation for the winter. I think that you can choose from them, what you like the most and easily prepare them. To delight yourself and your loved ones with this delicious "hello" from the summer!

I will only say that all the recipes are very simple, even those who have never come to the stove, and even more so have not canned anything, can cope with their preparation. Therefore, collect or buy cherries, stock up on positive things, and cook delicious compotes... Without positive, nothing will work, I warn you right away! Only good mood and the desire to cook makes our food truly tasty and healthy!

Bon Appetit!

Even novice cooks can roll up a couple of cans of cherry compote. The main thing is to approach this fascinating process with all seriousness and responsibility, choose the right berries for compote and follow simple rules. There are few of them, but they cannot be neglected.

  • Cherry compote is boiled from dense berries, not overripe, without damage, otherwise under the influence high temperature the berries will creep. This will not affect the taste, but the view will be unappetizing;
  • Leave the seeds in the cherry or remove - it's up to you. But remember that compotes with pits should be consumed within a year;
  • Banks (usually 3-liter) must be washed with soda before cooking and sterilized (steamed or in the oven);
  • Boil the lids and wipe dry.

Cherry compote is cooked in two ways: with syrup (when the berries in cans are first poured with boiling water, then the water is drained, the syrup is cooked from it, poured into the cans and rolled up) and without syrup (the prepared berries are immediately filled with water and sugar and immediately rolled up) ... It's a matter of taste and skill.
Cherries go well with other berries and fruits, so the so-called assorted compotes are also very popular among cherry lovers. Over the years, an incredible variety of recipes have been invented for making this aromatic drink... We decided to focus on only a few, time-tested and trusted by most housewives.
So, we expel from the kitchen everyone who can interfere, and we begin to prepare!

Cherry compote "Traditional"

Ingredients (for a 3L jar):
1 stack cherries,
2.5 l of water,
1 stack Sahara.

Place the carefully washed berries in clean steamed jars and pour boiling water over them to the very top. After 5-7 minutes, use a special lid with holes to drain the water from the cans into a separate saucepan, add sugar and boil. Pour the cherries again with a boiling solution and immediately roll up the boiled lids. Turn the finished cans with compote upside down, wrap and leave to cool completely.

Concentrated cherry compote

2 kg cherries
1 kg of sugar
water - as needed.

Fill the washed cherries to about half the height of the 3-liter jars. Pour boiling water over the cherries up to the "shoulders" of the jars and cover them with boiled lids. After 10 minutes, drain the water, add sugar to it and let it boil. Pour the cherries over with the resulting boiling syrup and leave for another 7-10 minutes. When the time is up, drain the liquid from the cans again and boil it. Pour the syrup over the berries again and roll up the jars. Turn them upside down, wrap them up, let cool and store in a cool, dark place. This compote has a very concentrated taste, so before use, you can dilute it with boiled water to obtain the desired concentration.

Pitted cherry compote (sterilized)

1 kg of cherries
500 g sugar
2 liters of water.

Sort out the cherries, wash well and place in clean banks... Then boil the syrup from water and sugar. Gently pour over the cherries with hot syrup and pasteurize: 0.5 liter jar - 20-25 minutes, 1 liter jar - 25-30 minutes. After that, seal the cans tightly, let them cool and turn them upside down.

Cherry compote "Yummy" (without sterilization)

700 g cherries
400 g refined sugar (in cubes),
3-4 liters of water.

Wash the jars prepared for compote thoroughly. Clean them up with baking soda and then steam them for 5-6 minutes over a saucepan of boiling water, then turn over and let dry. Sort the cherries, peel off excess debris and wash. Do not remove the bones. Put sugar in a saucepan of water and dissolve it over low heat, then bring to a boil. Once the syrup is ready, place the cherries in hot jars and pour over the boiling syrup. After that, close the jars with lids, pre-treating them with boiling water, and roll them up. Turn the finished cans over, put them in a dark place, but not on the floor. It is best to cover the floor with, for example, an old blanket. Cover the jars with compote on top and leave it alone until it cools completely.

Cherry compote with pits and lemon juice

1 kg of cherries
600 g sugar
juice of 1 lemon,
5-6 liters of water.

Boil sugar syrup: pour water into a saucepan, add sugar, put on slow fire and, stirring constantly, let it simmer until the sugar is completely dissolved. Pour the ripe, sorted and washed cherries into the prepared syrup and put on low heat. Bring the compote to a boil and cook for 5-6 minutes. Add lemon juice just before the end of cooking. Pour the finished compote into sterilized jars and roll up for the winter.

Pitted cherry compote (sterilized)

1 kg of cherries
750-800 g sugar
2 liters of water.

Sort out the cherries, rinse cold water, lightly dry and remove the pits from the cherries. Place the berries in clean, sterilized jars, shaking the jar periodically to fill it more completely. Then boil the syrup from water and sugar and pour hot sugar syrup berries. Sterilize the filled jars: 0.5 liter jars - 10-12 minutes, 1 liter - 13-15 minutes and 3 liters - 30 minutes. After that, roll up the jars with sterilized lids and leave them to cool completely.

Compote "Vanilla mood"

1 kg of cherries
4-5 carnation buds,
3-4 peas of allspice,
a pinch of vanilla
1 liter of water.

Place carefully washed cherries in pre-prepared jars. Boil water, add spices and let the syrup simmer for 3-4 minutes. Then pour over the berries with this broth, cover the jars with lids and sterilize: 0.5 liter jars - 10-15 minutes, 1 liter jars - 15 minutes. Then roll up, cool and store.

Cherry compote with cinnamon

300-400 g cherries
200 g sugar
½ cinnamon sticks - in each jar,
3 liters of water.

Prepare the jars, wash the cherries, peel them of leaves and twigs. Put in each jar required amount berries and half a cinnamon stick. If you suddenly do not have cinnamon in this form, add 1 tsp to each jar. ground cinnamon(but then there will be a little sediment at the bottom of the cans, remember this when pouring compote in winter). Pour boiling water over the jars to the very top and leave for 10 minutes. Then drain the water into a large saucepan, add 1 more cup of water, bring to a boil and add sugar. When it dissolves, refill the jars with water and roll up the lids. Wrap up the finished compote and leave for a day until it cools completely.

Cherry mint compote

Ingredients (for a 3 liter jar):
500 g cherries (3 cups),
1 cup of sugar,
2.5 liters of water.

Go over harvested berries and wash them thoroughly in cold water... Place a pot of water on the fire. Pour cherries into the prepared jars, add sugar there and, as soon as the water boils, fill the jars with it halfway, throw a sprig of mint and cover with lids. Let the jars sit for 10-15 minutes until the second portion of water boils. Sugar will have time to dissolve during this time. Take out the mint leaves from the jars, they have already completed their mission, and fill the jars with boiling water to the top. Roll up the jars with sterilized metal lids, wrap them in a blanket until they cool completely. Take the jars to the cellar or basement the next day.

Cherry compote with black or red currant

Ingredients (for a 3L jar):
400 g cherries
250 g black or red currant,
400-500 g sugar
3 liters of water.

Go through the fruits, peel the leaves and stalks. After that, thoroughly rinse the whole berry with running water and discard in a colander until the water is completely drained. In the meantime, prepare the jars. Put the berries in the prepared container and fill them with boiling water up to the very "shoulders" of the jar. Cover them with lids and let sit for 10 minutes. Then pour the water back into the saucepan and bring it to a boil again. In the meantime, pour sugar into the jars and after the water boils, pour the berries a second time, roll up the lids and put in a dark place, tightly wrapped in a blanket, until they cool completely.

Cherry compote with gooseberries "Otmenny"

300 g cherries
200 g gooseberries
400 g sugar
2 liters of water.

Separate the fruits from the leaves and stalks, wash them thoroughly, put them in prepared jars and cover with sugar. Boil water, pour boiling water over the berries in jars, cover them with lids and leave for 20 minutes. Then drain the water from the cans into a saucepan and bring it to a boil again. Pour boiling water over the berries a second time and roll up the lids. Wrap well until it cools completely.

Cherry and apricot compote "Wonderful Duet"

Ingredients (per can of 3 l):
300 g cherries
300 g apricots,
600 g sugar
2 liters of water.

Wash the fruit and remove the seeds. Lay cherries and apricots in layers in prepared jars. Boil the sugar and water to make the syrup. Pour the boiling syrup over the contents of the jars and cover with lids. Then sterilize the jars for 30 minutes. When the time is up, roll up the cans, wrap them up and leave to cool completely.

Cherry and apple compote "Aroma of summer" (with sterilization)

500 g apples
400 g cherries
600 g sugar
3 liters of water.

Rinse all collected fruits under cold water and separate from the seeds (if desired), stalks and leaves. Cut the apples into 4 parts and, putting them in a colander, immerse them in boiling water for 5 minutes. Then immediately immerse in cold. Put cherries and apples in layers in prepared jars and fill them with boiling syrup (for 1 liter of water - 300 g of sugar). Cover the jars with lids, sterilize at 85 ° C for 3 minutes and roll up.

Cherry and pear compote for the winter "Vitamins supply"

300 g cherries
7 medium sized pears
250 g sugar
2 liters of water.

As with the previous recipes, wash and prepare the fruit thoroughly. Boil water along with sugar, let the syrup simmer for 5 minutes. In the meantime, put the pears in a 3 liter jar, fill them with syrup and leave for 15 minutes. After this time, pour the syrup from the jar into a saucepan and boil. Put the cherries in the jars. Pour the cherries and pears in the jar with the newly boiled syrup and roll up the lid. Wrap the jar and leave to cool completely.

How many pleasant evenings a cherry compote can give cold winter how many vivid memories and happy moments every sip of a delicious and aromatic drink will return to you!

Successful blanks!

Larisa Shuftaykina