Filled croissants from ready-made dough. How to make croissants

17.04.2019 Egg dishes

How, you have never made croissants - French puff buns with sweet filling and a crispy crust ?! Hard? Puff pastry croissants are the secret to lightning-fast success. Fifteen minutes - and you're done! Set a timer. Time has passed ...

Slicing (5 minutes)

Powder the table with flour, spread a sheet of puff pastry on it and cut it into long, palm-wide strips. Now cut them to make triangles:

Curl (8 minutes)

Place the filling at the base of each triangle and roll them into rolls, and brush the surface with a beaten egg. This is necessary in order to delicious bun the same cherished ruddy crust turned out.

Layout (2 minutes)

Turn on and preheat the oven well to 220-230 0 С. Spread the croissants from the finished puff pastry on a greased baking sheet, or even better - on baking paper or foil. Depending on the size, the French buns will take 15 to 25 minutes to bake. This is how French croissants are made. The recipe is not complicated. There would be a desire to please yourself and those close to you.


Puff pastry croissants can be made with any filling. It is worth mentioning separately. Main condition the right filling: it should not be liquid. Otherwise, it will leak out during cooking. Take note of a few ideas that you can adapt to fit your refrigerator.

Filling options

Jam berries;

Pieces of any fruit (apples, bananas, pears, grapefruit, tangerine slices, etc.);

Fresh berries with sugar;

Shards of chocolate or chocolate paste (half a teaspoon for one croissant);

Poppy (advice: pre-scald it with boiling water and leave to steam for 20 minutes, then drain the water, and mix the poppy with sugar and vanilla or honey, and it will be delicious with jam);

Prunes, walnuts, sugar;

Cinnamon with sugar;

Homemade puff yeast dough croissants

Oh, how good puff pastry croissants are! Would you make them too if you had this product in your refrigerator now? Nothing is impossible! If you have a couple of glasses of flour, 8 g of dry yeast, two tablespoons of sugar, a glass of warm milk, a couple of eggs, 30-40 g (two tablespoons) of butter or margarine and a pinch of salt, invite your guests. And while they are going, start cooking.


Mix separately dry foods (flour, sugar, yeast, salt) and liquid (milk and eggs), then combine them, knead the dough. Roll it into a ball and let it stand warm, rise. Then stir in the sliced ​​butter into the dough. Let the dough rise again in a warm place.


Divide the dough in half. Cut these halves too. Continue dividing until you have 24 balls. Leave them on for a few minutes, let them rise. Then take one ball in your hands and, remembering the modeling lesson, make a cone. Rolling it with a rolling pin will give this geometric figure triangle shape. Repeat the procedure with the remaining 23 balls. What to do next, you already know from the subsections "Twisting", "Layout" and "Filling".


By the way, if you have no desire or need to bake all the buns at once, freeze them in plastic bag and store in freezer until needed. Now you know how to make a croissant. It remains only to turn the dream into reality.

Haven't you ever made croissants at home yet? It's complicated?! What are you doing! Moreover, the yeast-free puff pastry always present in any grocery store... And with boiled condensed milk, cheese and ham, chocolate, .... in the form of a filling?

We will not cover everything at once, for a start we will dwell on the recipe with condensed milk. Bake french buns- croissants from ready-made yeast-free puff pastry, and with a sweet filling, as easy as shelling pears. You can buy ready-made milk product, but I always prefer to cook condensed milk myself. So let's get down to sweet homemade cakes, all the more so that just now they came to the table very much.

Baking ingredients:

  • grams of 500 ready-made puff pastry (yeast-free) in a package,
  • a jar of boiled condensed milk,
  • one egg,
  • some flour to roll out the dough,
  • some vegetable oil to grease the baking sheet (you can use parchment).

How to cook croissants with condensed milk according to the recipe, with a photo

To begin with, I preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Preparing a layer of dough. I sprinkle the table with flour, put the dough, then roll it out into a rectangle with a thickness of a couple of millimeters. I shake off the excess flour.

Then with a sharp knife (it is permissible to use a pizza knife) I cut the puff pastry into triangles. I make sure that the base of each triangle reaches about 10 centimeters.

Grease a baking sheet with a small amount of oil.

I spread it on a prepared baking sheet.

Beat the egg with a whisk.

I grease generously egg mixture buns on a baking sheet.

Having sent them to the oven waiting for them, I wait for 20 minutes, maximum - half an hour, after which ready-made croissants with boiled condensed milk, it's already time to eat, because (thanks to the slow cooker!) the household has already "dared"!

Croissants Is a pastry made from traditionally served for breakfast in France, and now in other countries of the world. The tradition, I want to tell you, is wonderful: a delicate creamy croissant with a crispy crust, what could be better for your morning coffee! Classic croissants (and these are the ones we will cook today) are prepared without filling. Various fillings- sweet (, chocolate spreads, ganache, etc.) and savory - are served separately. Everyone can choose the filling they like. In the future, I will also definitely lay out the recipe for stuffed croissants - these will be croissants with chocolate.


  • 1/2 kg. flour of the highest grade
  • 1 box l. Sahara
  • 1 box l. salt
  • 310 gr. butter at room temperature (at least 82% fat)
  • 1 egg
  • 250 ml. + 2 tbsp. l. milk
  • 60 ml. warm water
  • 9 gr. dry yeast or 25-30 gr. alive
  • vegetable oil


  1. We dissolve dry or crumbled live yeast in warm water and leave for 6-7 minutes.
  2. Then pour in 250 ml. warm milk, add sugar, mix. We put in a warm place.
  3. Mix the flour with a coffee spoon of salt, then add 60 gr. oils.
  4. Grind the flour with butter with your hands until fine crumbs are formed.
  5. When the yeast comes up and a frothy cap forms on its surface ..
  6. ... Pour them into flour and butter crumbs, making a depression in it, and knead the non-sticky elastic dough... We knead it for 5 minutes on a table sprinkled with flour, after which we transfer it, collecting it into a ball, into a deep dish greased with a thin layer of vegetable (sunflower) oil. Turn the dough in a bowl so that it is dipped in vegetable oil on all sides.
  7. Close the dishes with the dough cling film and put it in a warm place for 1.5 hours. During this time, the croissant dough will fit and increase in volume.
  8. Approached yeast dough we knead, plunging a hand into it, clenched into a fist.
  9. Knead the croissant dough on the table for another 5 minutes, transfer it again, rolling it into a ball, into a deep dish, tighten it with cling film and leave it warm to come up, this time for 1 hour.
  10. Knead the dough that has come up a second time, put it on cutting board covered with cling film and form a thick rectangle. Wrap the dough well in foil and for 30 minutes. put it in the refrigerator.
  11. After 30 min. We take out the yeast dough from the refrigerator and roll it out in the shape of a rectangle measuring 16 × 32 cm.The thickness of the rolled dough is about 1 cm.
  12. The remaining 250 gr. distribute the butter over the dough, covering 2/3 of its area (we leave indents at the edges - about 2 cm each).
  13. We fold the dough three times, first bending up that part of the dough on which there is no oil.
  14. Then we bend the oiled part of the dough up. At the same time, we lightly stretch the corners so that we get a more or less even rectangle.
  15. Gently pinch the edges of the dough, and turn the dough by 90º and roll it out from you and towards you (lengthwise). It is convenient to start rolling from the middle of the dough. We roll out the dough thinly - so that its thickness is about 1 cm, and its dimensions are 16 × 32 cm. Brush off excess flour - you need to brush off excess flour before each folding of the dough.
  16. Fold the dough three times a second time. Wrap the dough well in cling film. We put it in the refrigerator for half an hour.
  17. We take the dough out of the refrigerator and roll it out again in the same way as the previous time.
  18. Fold the croissant dough three times a third time.
  19. Turn the dough 90º and once again roll it out from you and towards you (in length) up to 1 cm in thickness.
  20. We fold the rolled dough in three times again - this is the fourth folding. Before folding, do not forget to brush off excess flour with a brush.
  21. The puff yeast dough prepared in this way is thoroughly wrapped on all sides in plastic wrap and for at least 45 minutes. (or it is possible up to next day) we send to the refrigerator.
  22. We take out the finished croissant dough from the refrigerator and roll it out in the shape of a rectangle to a size of about 35 × 53 cm.
  23. Cut the rolled dough in half lengthwise, and then cut it into triangles of equal size. I made the bottom sides of the triangles about 9-10 cm in size, but you can make them larger or smaller. To prevent the dough from drying out, cover it with cling film or a clean towel, pull the triangles out from under the film (or towel) one at a time.
  24. Separate the yolk from the protein. Beat it with 1 tbsp. l. milk, and temporarily put the protein in the refrigerator.
  25. We roll out (or stretch) each triangle in length. Stretch the base of the triangle in width and cut in the middle. If the dough nevertheless begins to dry out, then slightly moisten the entire surface of the dough before folding cold water with a brush. This is necessary so that the dough does not crack during baking.
  26. We begin to roll the croissant from the base, first bending the edges of the cut, and directing them in opposite directions.
  27. We place our palms on the curved edges of the triangle and fold the croissant towards the sharp end.
  28. To prevent croissants from unfolding during baking, grease the tip of the triangle with yolk whipped with milk. It is convenient to do this with a clean paint brush. Bend the ends of the croissant slightly towards the middle, giving it a crescent shape. This is what a rolled croissant looks like.
  29. Put the rolled croissants on a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil, leaving a distance between them. We grease the surface of the croissants with cold water, cover the baking sheet with them with cling film or a towel and leave to come up at room temperature(not in a heated oven!) 1 hour.
  30. Add the protein to the remaining yolk and another 1 tbsp. l. milk, beat. Grease the croissants that have come up with this egg mixture before baking. As you can see, the distance between the croissants should be larger, as the dough fits well and they have increased in size. Personally, I had to transfer some to another baking sheet.
  31. Preheat the oven to 220º, then put the croissants there. After 3-4 minutes, reduce the temperature to 180º. We bake croissants for 15-20 minutes. - to a beautiful ruddy golden color. During baking, we periodically look at

Secrets of the Perfect Croissant June 10th, 2015

I somehow got carried away by Switzerland (well, how can you not get carried away, right?) And completely forgot to tell about our meeting with the pastry chef Laurent Bursier, the quality director of the Volkonsky chain of bakeries.

Literally a week before my trip in the Volkonsky cafe-bakery on Sretenka, an incredible thing was arranged: Laurent Bursier himself personally shared with us the secrets of delicious croissants. Of course, whoever at least once in his life tried to make croissants himself will understand that it is not enough to know the subtleties and secrets, a lot depends, of course, on experience. The perfect croissant isn't easy. A real croissant is akin to art. And, it turns out, this art was not invented by the French. Surely many of you are surprised now, right?

So, we ask questions, listen to the master. And at the end - we get a recipe for the dough from the maestro himself.

It wasn't the French who first produced the croissant, they didn't invent it. But they brought it to perfection!
Then who? Who is the creator of this insanely airy, crunchy, fragile, porous work of art that melts in your mouth?
The main culprits of our ... (sorry, I could not resist, it so happened that if something has been added here and there, the croissant is to blame for everything) - in fact, the Austrians. There are several official origin stories. But the Austrians are to blame for both. One version says that even in the period of the Ottoman Empire, baking in the shape of a month was known, allegedly during the siege of Vienna by the Turks, as a result, as a sign of victory, Austrian bakers baked a product in the shape of a crescent. It is the ancestor of the modern croissant. According to another version, a croissant arrived in France from Austria: a certain Monsieur Zang moved to Paris in the 19th century and opened his first bakery there, where puffs, bagels and croissants were sold, prepared by his bakers using the technology with the addition of sugar and butter to the dough. By the way, brioches, another symbol French cuisine, also originally from Austria. What did the French bring new? They started making croissants using yeast. The Austrians did not add them. A large number of oils and yeast are what distinguishes the true croissant from the bagel ancestor.

Monsieur Laurent cuts the bagel first, and then the croissant, and uses examples to tell how they differ. And then gently spins the croissant into a ribbon. What for? Only the right croissant can open up like that, here it is - the pinnacle of skill!

Laurent also showed us a raspberry croissant, which uses raspberries, proteins, almond cream and sugar, - they say it is very tasty, but I have not tried it yet. The authorship belongs to Laurent, and it seems that this croissant even appeared first in "Volkonsky", and only then in France! This is how it happens;) next year promise something new, but so far the secret is not revealed.

Breaking off the tip of a croissant, a member of the French Academy of Culinary Arts, the National Academy of Culinary Arts, the White Cap International Club, the Eurocolpac and EuroGastronomy Associations, and many other high-profile international associations (you can't remember everything) remembered how he once "watched the terrible": a visitor to Volkonsky ate a croissant with a knife and fork. Who is this "savage"? All in all, it's even worse than having a cappuccino in Italy at lunchtime. God forbid you to do something like that somewhere in Paris, it's okay, not every day Laurent walks around the Volkonsky. Nevertheless, he is a busy man: he runs four dozen bakeries in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Nizhny and Kiev.

So we got to the secrets.
Are you listening? Are you writing it down? Are you ready to join the art?

1. Kneading. The oxygen in the dough is very important. But in this situation, the main thing is not to overdo it, you should not run a lot of oxygen. Knead well, but don't overdo it.
2. Sourdough, yeast should be a little, the principle - the dough should come up slowly.
3. It doesn't matter which yeast you use - dry or pressed. It is important that they work.
4. The ideal temperature for kneading dough is 24 degrees, for rolling out - 16, and for proofing - 25-26.
5. When rolling, it is important to change the direction of the dough (turn 90 degrees). This will make it more plastic, it will be easier to give in to each subsequent rolling (only 3 times you need to fold the dough and put it in the cold).
6. At the stage of combining dough with butter, the ratio of dough to butter should be 250-300 g per 1 kg of dough.
7. The dough and butter should be close in consistency: if the dough is too thick and the butter is soft, it is a disaster. If the dough is soft and the butter is thick, this is not a disaster, but also bad.
8. The oil should be at least 82.5% fat (we simply did not see a higher fat content, although someone said that it happens), and ideally 84% or more.
9. The thickness of the dough at the time of cutting the triangles should be 2.5-3 mm. When folding, they need to be slightly stretched.
10. The longer the proofing process, the better the taste.

And, of course, I wouldn't be a food blogger if I hadn't begged for a recipe for the dough.

Strong flour 1000g
Biological yeast 30 - 40g
Salt 20g
Sugar 90-110g
Eggs (optional) 1pc.
Milk or milk + water about 6 dl
Folding oil 450-600g

Weigh and sift the flour.
Add salt, sugar and almost all the milk or a mixture of milk and water (you need to take a little less water if the dough will be rolled out on the dough sheeter).
Next, add the yeast diluted in a little water.
Knead the dough well to make the mass elastic and resilient. The dough should easily lag behind the sides of the container in which it is kneaded.
Depending on the season, start the first batch at room temperature for about 30 minutes.
Note: Cover the dough with a towel to avoid crusting.
Then transfer the dough to the refrigerator (+5 ̊C) and leave it there until the next day.
If you want to use the dough on the same day, let it sit for 1 hour, then refrigerate for a few minutes to make folding easier.
Roll out the dough into a rectangle about 1 cm thick.
Distribute the butter over half of the dough, rolled out in the shape of a rectangle.
Cover half of the rectangle containing the butter with the other half. Align and "seal" the edges with a rolling pin.
Fold in three layers or two times in half.
After proving for a few minutes, roll out the dough into a rectangular shape 32 cm long and about 3 mm thick.
Note: Sometimes it is necessary to cut the dough in two.
Cut the rectangle into two strips 16 cm wide.
Apply one strip to another, after sprinkling them with flour.
Cut into triangles with a base of 12cm, weighing about 40-50g.
Collapse the triangle, starting at its base, without pressing too hard. Work with two palms, while stretching the dough slightly in opposite directions.
7. You can cut the base of the triangle with a knife to make folding easier.
Place crescent-shaped croissants on a moistened baking sheet: 20 pieces on a 60x40 baking sheet. Try to stack the croissants with the tips down.
Spread the melange on the croissants sparingly.
Place the baking sheets in a proofing cabinet (35 - 40 ̊С).
Before the croissants finally rise, remove them from the proofer to give them a chance to "gain strength".
Brush the croissants with melange again.
Set the oven temperature to 250 ° C. Bake for about 12 minutes. Open the oven doors at the end of baking.

Wow! Serious work lies ahead!
Have you changed your mind to try?

Brought croissants home. I love them very much with herbs and Parma ham for lunch or brunch. Nutritious and delicious snack it turns out.
They also treated us and told us a little about baguettes.

Early morning in Paris, a tiny balcony offers a magnificent view of the Eiffel Tower, and a cup of coffee and airy croissants awaits you on the table.

These are the associations that most often arise when you hear about these baked goods, right? It seems like to cook this delicate delicacy at home it is impossible, but try this recipe with a photo, and you will understand that croissants at home are much tastier than in the best French cafes. These pastries will definitely become your favorite breakfast dish.

Unusual recipe for tender croissant dough

Croissants are made from puff pastry. Usually they buy it in a supermarket, and, we must pay tribute to the manufacturers, baked goods from it often turn out delicious, but the most delicious croissants obtained from homemade puff yeast dough.
I recorded a detailed video recipe on how to make croissants based on homemade puff yeast dough, welcome to my You Tube, enjoy your viewing!

But today a recipe for an unusual puff pastry has appeared in our arsenal, with which no semi-finished product from the store can be compared. Prepare the food you need.

  • 500 g flour;
  • 200 ml. milk;
  • 100 ml vegetable oil (the recipe involves the use of sunflower or olive oil, most importantly odorless);
  • 1 egg;
  • 1 teaspoon dry yeast;
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 2 teaspoons of sugar;
  • 50 ml. melted butter.

You can stuff puff croissants with berries, pieces of chocolate, boiled condensed milk cream. For the filling you will need:

  • 150 g cherry jam;
  • 50 g of chocolate.

For greater beauty, you can sprinkle baked goods with poppy seeds or sesame seeds.

How to cook

They say that if a person can read, then he will definitely learn to cook, they say, the main thing is to read the recipe. Maybe it is, but do not forget that any dish must be generously flavored with your love. It may not be so pretentious, just cook in good mood... Put on your favorite music, put on a fun apron and smile.

Food cooked with a smile will be radically different from the one you cook while out of sorts. Even if the ingredients and recipe are the same. That is why replace the boring word "cooking" in your head with something more positive, maybe for "creating another culinary masterpiece”, Believe me, you will be surprised at the result. So, back to the recipe. We will cook, as always, step by step.

Easy and simple: filling

We will cook croissants at home with a simple filling. Stir for her boiled condensed milk with soft butter and you're done.

Cooking the dough

Heat milk to 30 C.
In a small bowl, combine milk, yeast, and sugar. Wait 7 to 10 minutes for the yeast to swell.

Sift flour into a large bowl, then pour the yeast mixture there, add vegetable oil, salt and egg white. Do not throw away the yolk, it will still be useful to us. Mix all ingredients well and knead the dough thoroughly.

Cover the bowl with a towel and keep warm until the dough has doubled in volume. It will take about an hour and a half.

Lay out soft dough on the table (first sprinkle work surface flour), cut into 8 equal pieces and roll each into a ball.

Now you need to cover the balls with a towel and let them stand for another 15 minutes.
At this time, do not doze, melt 50 g of butter.
For puff pastry, roll each ball into a flat cake about 3 mm thick and brush every second with melted butter. That is, the first was rolled out - oiled, the second was rolled out - not oiled, the third was oiled, and so on. Fold all the tortillas together to form a stack.

Now gently roll the stack into a large circle, just under 0.5 cm thick.
This large cake needs to be cut into 16 equal sectors.

Lay out the filling on each sector (I decided to wrap a slice of chocolate in part of the croissants, and in the other part - cherry from jam) and twist the triangles into croissants, starting from the wide side.

Grease a sheet with oil, put croissants on it. Do not place them close to each other!

It's time to turn on the oven at 200 C.
We cover the sheet with the blanks with a towel and rest for about 30 minutes until they rise.
Before placing filled croissants in the oven, you can brush them with yolk (or milk) and sprinkle with poppy seeds or sesame seeds to taste.
The recipe says that you need to bake our delicacy about 25 minutes until golden brown.

While the croissants are baking, you can talk about secrets and tricks. Did you know that it is better to cover the dough and semi-finished products with a linen towel? Flax removes excess moisture and heat, and the dough under it does not melt, but is saturated with oxygen, but does not wind. Ready baked goods(including puff pastry) is also recommended not to eat immediately, but to let it brew under a linen towel so that the product becomes tender and soft.

Can you smell the scent of French cafeterias? Make coffee, filled croissants are on the way! After removing the pastry from the oven, let it cool slightly. Now you can take a photo and enjoy a delicious dessert.

Bon Appetit!

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