Molasses for animals. Dosage and method of application

24.04.2019 Vegetable dishes

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Molasses is a by-product of processing corn, sugar beets or cane to produce granulated sugar. Many people underestimate molasses as a product. Nevertheless, not a single confectionery or bakery production. Often molasses is required even for making home baking not to mention industrial scale.

But not everyone knows where molasses is used, what it is in general and how it is obtained. The following describes the main types of molasses, and briefly - the technology of its production.


The basis of any kind of this product is starch. It starts the production of molasses. It is found in almost all cereals, as well as in some other foods, including - sugar beet. In the processing of grain starch, molasses is a by-product. But this does not mean that it is not an important component.

Treacle is obtained in the process of starch processing by incomplete hydrolysis. The degree of saccharification depends on the depth of hydrolysis. The composition of the product and the content of sugars, glucose and dextrins in it depend on this.

It is the composition of molasses that affects its viscosity, degree of sweetness and color. And also - on the scope of application in the preparation of confectionery or bakery products.

Properties and characteristics

Molasses is viscous clear syrup, which does not thicken over time and retains its properties over a long period. It can be either completely colorless or brownish.

To answer the question: "Flow - what is it?" - suffice it to say that it is a mixture of higher sugars and dextrin.

Outwardly, in most cases, it resembles young honey, as it has a viscous and liquidish structure.

In the field Food Industry noted that molasses significantly improves organoleptic indicators products prepared with it.

Molasses is in most cases used as a sweetener. Its use is justified by economy, because the cost of this product is lower compared to sugar. At the same time, the quality of products does not fall, as is the case with sweeteners of chemical origin. On the contrary, the characteristics of products with the addition of this product are significantly increased.


The use of this sweet product is very diverse, from the creation of culinary masterpieces to the production of building materials, as in the example of low sugar molasses.

It is a natural preservative and stabilizer of food consistency. Low-sugar molasses is added to caramel and a variety of syrups to increase shelf life and prevent sugaring.

Molasses is widely used in the production of bakery products, the manufacture of sweets is indispensable without it, caramel candies, glazes and, oddly enough, beer.

What is she like

If we talk about such a product as molasses, what it is and how it is produced, then it is better to classify this product according to the raw material from which it is made. It could be:

  • beet molasses. It is made from fodder beets. It has a very dark color, a high degree of viscosity and a bitter taste;
  • corn syrup. She has similar external characteristics, but is used only in the food industry, unlike the previous product;
  • cane molasses, the production of which practically does not take place in our latitudes. Popular in countries such as USA, Canada, Cuba.

Caramel syrup: what is it

This is special kind product that is most often used to improve properties confectionery. She has the most soft taste and reminds of appearance honey.

Added to bread to improve its quality. Such products do not spoil for a long time compared to bread without the addition of molasses. They do not crumble, the dough rises better and becomes soft and airy as a result.

But if you can do without it when baking bread, then this cannot be said about gingerbread, marshmallows and caramel products.

In addition, there is practically no popular chocolate bar, in which the filling would not be present with the addition of molasses.

It is used for baking many types of cookies, muffins and muffins. Its presence in jams, marmalades and jams significantly improves their shelf life, prevents sugaring and makes them more viscous and homogeneous.

It is made exclusively from corn. Caramel molasses has a mild taste, middle degree saccharification and high quality characteristics.

Non-confectionery application

Another characteristic of molasses is that it is a universal product that is used not only in confectionery. It is used in pharmacology as an additive in various syrups against cough.

The best beers are also brewed with it. It allows you to more clearly control the fermentation process. This use is due to its characteristic composition, which usually includes 70 percent of easily fermentable sugars.

Its use improves the performance of other alcoholic beverages. For example - vodka and rum. Molasses softens their taste and gives them a characteristic aromatic tint.

As a foam and viscosity regulator, molasses is used in the manufacture of savory sauces. These include ketchup, mustard, mayonnaise, adjika and many other types.

Celebrated her important role in the manufacture soft drinks. It is both a preservative and significantly enhances the characteristics of drinks.

Beneficial features

Molasses is distinguished by its useful properties primarily due to its high energy value. It provides the body with a complete energy reserve. It is for this reason that the product is added to almost all energy bars.

If there is an allergy to honey, molasses can be an excellent substitute for it. However, it should not be used by people with diabetes and overweight. It needs to be taken into account high calorie content(360 kcal per 100 g of product) and high sugar content.

how dietary product, it is valued for its low content or complete absence of fats. Molasses does not contain genetically modified elements.

Molasses is a syrupy type liquid that is formed during the production of sugar. Translated from French means black molasses. It has a dark and noticeable specific smell. It is also called fodder molasses. In some countries, such as Canada and the United States, molasses is used in the preparation culinary specialties. It is very popular when used as a syrup. Contains a lot useful elements and vitamins, which makes it stand out from other sweeteners. Vegetarians love molasses for being a plant-based source of calcium. In European countries and Russia, black molasses is used in agriculture when feeding animals.

How to use molasses

Molasses is a carbohydrate food. It contains more than 60% carbohydrates and only 20-25% water. It also contains a small amount of compounds with nitrogen. With its help, all kinds of concentrated and coarser types of feed are flavored. Of course, molasses is used in the production of animal feed. When granulation of animal feed occurs, it is this that is used as a binder. In the production (granulated carbon black) molasses was also used at one time.

Molasses is of value for the production of biological technologies. During fermentation, it is divided into two types:

  1. Aerobic fermentation. With its help, citric, oxalic, gluconic, acetic and fumaric acids are obtained.
  2. Anaerobic. Get this way butyric, lactic, propionic acids and ethanol. People have found use for it in the production of high-quality moonshine. Paired with rice, it makes an excellent Thai whiskey.

Molasses in fishing

In European countries, fishermen have been using molasses for more than thirty years in their difficult business. It is one of the main additives for anglers. She entered the fishing industry only because of her unique composition chemical elements. Molasses is a bait that affects the behavior of fish in the water.

Due to the high content of carbohydrates and amides, it is a very important source of energy for all living beings. Scientists have proven that in the absence of these substances, the processes of energy metabolism and metabolism will not occur in the body. In addition, molasses also contains 10% ash, which is a laxative for fish too. Simply put, molasses is a concentrate of energy. Having eaten complementary foods with molasses, the fish feels an increase in appetite and a surge of strength. Complementary foods invigorate, while increasing hunger, and ash makes the body of the fish defecate, preventing it from being satiated. Accordingly, there is no saturation, and the feeling of hunger increases. How more fish eats, the more she wants to eat. When a whole flock of individuals swims for bait, then there is a crazy excitement.

The British were the first to use molasses as bait. There is an opinion that thanks to this lure, the team of English fishermen is in the lead in the float fishing championships. Their motto is that it's better to go fishing and forget your line than not to take molasses.

Of course, this bait is used by manufacturers of fishing tackle. They use molasses in complementary foods, releasing their products in dry and liquid form. They strive to improve the product all the time to increase consumer demand for it. Amino acids or multivitamins are added to it, flavored, included in the composition of preservatives to increase the release in large containers. The meaning of the product itself does not change much from these additives. Only the price of the bait changes. Also, in combination with additives, molasses can be used as bait for various types of fish.

One of the important qualities of this bait is the ability to dissolve both in cold and in hot water. It can be perfectly used in winter, while fishing in ice water. Many use it for fishing for bream as the main additive. It is very effective to mix molasses with complementary foods an hour before feeding and leave for an hour. Molasses can be diluted with water or added to food.

Effective do-it-yourself fish bait

You can make molasses bait with your own hands in the form liquid filling to create scented bombs. In this case, a small piece of foam rubber is placed in the feeder itself, and it is periodically wetted in molasses. It flows from above, and the sides of the feeder should be covered with bait. When sweet syrup enters the feeder, the feed is pushed up. From the outside it looks like an explosion. How more piece foam rubber, the larger the area of ​​​​impact delicious cloud. Bream and roach really like such special effects.

Of course, the price of molasses is not the lowest. You can try this bait for fish, which is also added to horse feed. Its price is much cheaper than in the fishing industry, but it is difficult to say whether this will have an effect. It costs 500-600 rubles per liter. It can be used in the manufacture of self-igniting boilies.

At a rather high price, do-it-yourself molasses for fishing is a way out. Many recreational anglers are looking for an alternative to molasses. Some fishermen have replaced it with effervescent vitamins or aspirin tablets. Vitamins are inexpensive, have a different color and smell. The essence of their use is the same as molasses. They are put in food for half a tablet. The feeder is lowered into the water, and the vitamins in the water begin to hiss, spray the food to the sides and emit a smell. The advantage of this method is its ease of use.

What can replace molasses?

The secret of success for a great catch is molasses. How to replace this bait, if there is no way to buy ready-made? alternative options are and maple syrup with the addition of spices, such as coriander or cinnamon. Store this bait in the refrigerator to avoid mold. After the molasses was taken out of the refrigerator, it needs to warm up with room temperature so that it is not too thick. There is a need to pour molasses for a while. To do this, the container into which it falls must first be lubricated vegetable oil. This simple procedure will later help the molasses to easily and freely pour out of the container. In the refrigerator or an open container, molasses or molasses can be stored for no more than a year.

In addition to beetroot, cane molasses also popular with experienced anglers. It has two components in its composition: sucrose crystals and peculiar molasses films that cover them. Molasses is a waste product. The composition of molasses, which is obtained in the production of raw refined sugar, includes from 25 to 40% sucrose. Also, molasses contains reducing sugars in the amount of 12-30% and nitrogen compounds up to 0.5%. The amount of nitrogen compounds in cane molasses is less than in beet molasses. Necessarily in cane molasses there are elements of ash and aconitic acid. But, compared with beetroot, cane molasses contains large quantity vitamins.

Cane molasses is mainly used in the manufacture of alcohol, rum and various solvents, all kinds of acids and glycerin. It is also used to add to animal feed. Less often it is used in fishing. Until recently, this molasses (bait) was a rare raw material on Russian production. It may still take some time to find her.

Make your own molasses

For those who do not have the opportunity, desire or time to buy bait, you can cook it yourself. There are several recipes for making DIY molasses supplements at home.

beet molasses

Main Ingredients:

  • one beet;
  • water;
  • sugar (if needed)

It is much more difficult to boil the mixture with sugar, but it is necessary for sweetness.

Cooking process

  1. The beets are rubbed on a grater, after which they are placed in a container, and water is added. Water add half of the amount of grated beets. The resulting mixture should be shaken a little with your hands so that the beets release juice. When the water turns reddish, strain the juice through a sieve. The remaining mixture is a little crushed, you can add water, and again pass through a sieve. All the same can be done with a juicer, if available.
  2. Put the resulting juice on the stove. To get a sweeter molasses, you need to add 5-7 tablespoons of table sugar. When adding sugar, do not cook until thick. After the start of boiling, you need to reduce the fire, making it very small. When cooking, all the water will gradually boil away, and the juice will turn into molasses. The juice will acquire density, color and smell. When adding sugar, it is important not to let the mixture thicken too much, in appearance it should look like liquid syrup. It should not go into the thread, otherwise the molasses will sugar.
  3. Ready molasses must be cooled and poured into a jar. Store it in the refrigerator.

honey molasses

Obtaining molasses from honey is available to every angler. Honey is easy to buy for everyone, and the method of preparing this molasses is extremely easy and simple.

Main Ingredients:

  • honey - 3 tablespoons;
  • brown sugar - 3 tablespoons;
  • water - 1 tablespoon.

Cooking process

All ingredients are combined together in one bowl and boiled over low heat until the sugar is completely dissolved. Then you need to bring the mixture to a boil and let it boil for five to seven minutes. Everything - honey molasses is ready. What to replace it with? An ideal and easy-to-prepare option is sugar molasses.

Molasses from sugar

It is much easier to cook than beetroot or dark.

Main components:

  • regular sugar - 7 tablespoons;
  • water - 3 tablespoons.

Cooking method

Pour sugar into the selected container and pour water. Place the container on the stove and heat until the sugar is completely dissolved. Let the syrup simmer over low heat for about five minutes. Then turn off the mixture and let it cool down.

Fruit molasses

For its preparation, you can use different fruits which are high in sugar. It works very well when using grapes.

Cooking method

Pass the most juicy and ripe bunches of grapes through a juicer or mash to get juice. Drain the juice through a sieve or gauze, pour into a container and boil over low heat until it turns into thick syrup. Don't forget to stir the juice. After 7-10 minutes, the molasses is ready.

Recipes for making molasses bait for fishing with your own hands are not difficult. But fishing with such bait brings a lot of positive emotions, adrenaline and joy to amateur fishermen.

Beet sugar, or fodder, molasses (molasses) is a waste product of sugar beet production and in appearance is a thick dark liquid. Molasses (molasses) is the last uterine edema obtained at a sugar factory, from which further extraction of sugar by crystallization is unprofitable due to the accumulation of non-sugar substances in the uterine edema.

The composition of molasses (molasses) depends on the soil and climatic conditions of beet growth, its storage conditions and the accepted regime for processing beets into sugar. In this regard, the chemical composition of molasses and its properties are very diverse.


Based on the analyzes carried out by Mints, molasses (molasses) from sugar beet factories have the following chemical composition (Table 20).

Table 20

The composition of sugar beet syrup (in%)

Concentration Dry matter Water Sugar Nesugar Invert sugar Goodness
By direct polarization By inversion polarization organic matter Ash Total
Visible True
1 81,10 80,83 19,17 50,20 48,52 22,34 9,97 32,31 0,06 59,7 60,02
2 86,08 83,84 16,26 50,40 50,28 22,39 11,07 33,46 - 53,67 60,04
3 89,32 87,40 12,80 52,70 52,54 23,32 11,34 34,66 - 59,0 60,25
4 82,28 79,82 20,18 51,30 48,50 22,01 9,31 31,32 _ 62,4 60,76
5 81,88 79,42 20,58 48,20 48,48 20,02 10,92 30,94 0,20 58,9 61,04
b 77,70 75,16 24,84 46,20 46,13 20,66 8,37 29,03 0,10 59,47 61,37
7 82,22 79,84 20,16 50,60 50,50 20,10 9,24 29.34 -- 61,54 63,27
8 79,0 79,90 23,10 50,0 50,05 18,88 7,97 26,85 0,10 63,3 65,08
9 73,03 74,53 25,47 53,50 49,60 17,51 7,42 24,93 0,10 68,56 68,55
10 73,84 69,88 30,12 41,50 41,52 20,76 7,60 28,36 0,90 56,2 59,41

As can be seen from the data in Table. 20, the water content varies quite widely, depending on the method of operation adopted at the beet sugar plant and the conditions of transportation and storage. The content of solids in the molasses depends on the water content, which is established either by direct determination or on the basis of determining the specific gravity of the molasses. Using special tables, you can specific gravity determined by hydrometer or pycnometrically, set the content of visible solids in weight percent. With the help of saccharometers, the content of visible solids in molasses is determined directly.

Detailed analyzes in terms of alcohol production of molasses obtained from seven sugar factories located in various regions of Russia were carried out by A. L. Malchenko and F. B. Krishtul. These data are given in table. 21.

The sugar content of molasses determines its value for alcohol production. Of sucrose, molasses contains mainly sucrose. Its content fluctuates most often in the range of 44-52% and is close to 50% on average. Most often, molasses contains 0.1-0.5% invert sugar and up to 0.5% trisaccharide - raffinose. In defective molasses, the amount of invert sugar under the influence of bacterial influences can increase significantly and sometimes reach 15%. The content of raffinose also fluctuates depending on temperature and humidity during the growing seasons of beets. After cold and rainy periods, up to 2% raffinose can form in beets.

Among the sugars of molasses, there are up to 1.2% pentoses fermented by yeast.

Non-sugar is about 30% of the dry matter of molasses, it includes organic and mineral substances. The organic part of non-sugar consists of nitrogen-free and nitrogenous compounds. Nitrogen-free compounds include: caramels, organic acids and their salts, fatty acid esters, gum-like substances, etc.

From organic acids molasses contains: ascorbic, glutamic, glutaric, oxyglutaric, glucinic, lactic, melassic, saccharic, oxalic, succinic. In addition, when molasses is acidified, part of the salts of organic acids and bases release acids - formic, acetic, butyric.

Some researchers believe that, depending on the amount of moisture lost during heating, sucrose produces mixtures of various chemically homogeneous products. Other researchers point out that the products obtained by heating sucrose to varying degrees weight loss are difficult chemicals containing colloidal humic substances formed as a result of heating sucrose.

Indicators Plants from which molasses was received
Andrushevsky Dzhambulsky Caucasian Krasnyansky
1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2
Dry matter in % 78 ,7 82,7 83,2 76,0
Sugar in direct polarization on dry matter in % 56,8 72,17 52,4 63,36 50,2 68,57 46,8 61,57
Raffinose in % 2,41 3,06 0,74 0,89 0,93 1,11 - -
Invert sugar in % 0,8 1,01 0,44 0,53 0,26 0,31 1,22 1,74
Pentoses in % 0,74 0,84 0,84 1,015 0,766 0,921 0,51 0,67
Total nitrogen in % 1,065 1,353 1,8 2,176 2,1 2,524 1,65 2,171
Soluble nitrogen in % 1,036 1,316 1,663 2,010 1,669 2,018 1,237 1,627
Insoluble nitrogen in % 0,182 0,231 0,084 0,101 0,159 0,191 0,229 0,314
Amine nitrogen in % 0,858 1,09 1,067 1,29 1,365 1,64 0,455 0,598
Р 2 0 5 in % 0,057 0,072 0,119 0,144 0,056 0,068 0,016 0,021
Colloids 4,23 5,501 4,23 5,114 5,625 6,731 4,8 6,316
SO 2 in % 0,057 0,072 0,048 0,058 0,045 0,054 0,046 0,061
Volatile acids in % 0,448 0,569 0,384 0,464 0,461 0,541 0,365 0,48
CaO in % 0,95 1,207 0,11 0,133 1,23 1,478 1,00 1,315
Ash in % 7,2 9,148 7,6 9,19 5,95 7,15 5,46 7,18
Alkalinity in ° 1,0 3,25 1,5 Sour 0,2
Foaminess in ml Not Not Not Not
Color according to Stammer in ° per 100 parts of dry matter 500 200 351,1 806
Chromaticity according to Pavlovsky ml 0,1 N J2 1,3 0,5 1,2 7,5

There is

There is There is There is

Note. Column 1 provides data on the analysis of natural molasses; in column 2 - in terms of dry matter,

Physicochemical characteristics molasses largely depend on the properties of the colloids contained in it. Thus, the color of molasses is 86% dependent on colloids. The content of colloids in molasses causes a reduced surface tension of molasses and foaming during its processing. The viscosity of molasses depends mainly on the presence of colloids and increases with increasing content. According to Malchenko and Krishtul, the content of colloids in molasses is 3.8-5.62% (based on natural molasses).

Molasses colloids are a polydisperse system, they belong mainly to the group of hydrophilic colloids. According to Dumansky, molasses colloids almost entirely consist of reversible colloids. Irreversible colloids are less resistant and almost all are removed during purification and boiling of juices - only 3% of their total amount remains. Reversible colloids contain 0.53% by weight of solids in molasses. During dialysis, they remain in solution and do not precipitate upon acidification. hydrochloric acid; they are insoluble in alcohol and ether. Chemical composition of reversible colloids: C 47.2%; H 5.6%; N 4.6%; ash 5.7%.

The content of irreversible colloids in molasses is 0.45% by weight of solids. During dialysis, they precipitate, readily dissolve in sodium hydroxide solutions, precipitate and precipitate upon acidification with hydrochloric acid, and do not dissolve in alcohol and ether. Chemical composition of irreversible colloids: C 57.3; H 5.5; N 7.6; ash 1.1%. Irreversible colloids do not contain pectin substances and carbohydrate groups, their substance is close to humus, and in their properties they are close to fumazic acid, which is the most important component of irreversible colloids. The color of irreversible colloids is about 66,000° according to Stammer (per 100 parts of dry matter), they determine 73% of the color of molasses.

nitrogenous substances

The nitrogenous substances of molasses consist mainly of the breakdown products of proteins - amino acids, amides, such as aspartic, glutamic acids, leucine, isoleucine; organic bases - betaine, etc. The nitrogen content in the dry matter of molasses is about 2%, and almost 1/3 of all nitrogenous substances is betaine. True proteins only average 5% of the total nitrogen content of molasses, as most of the proteins are coagulated and precipitated during sugar production processes. According to Malchenko and Krishtul, out of a total nitrogen content of 1.065 - 2.1%, soluble nitrogen is 1.04 - 1.8%, soluble nitrogen is 0.08 - 0.23%.

According to other data, based on the analysis of 16 samples of molasses, the following average values ​​were established for the content of specific types of nitrogenous compounds in sugar beet molasses (in %)

As can be seen from these data, the main amount of nitrogen is in the form of betaine nitrogen, while the content of amide and ammonia utate, as well as nitrogen of amino acids, is approximately half as much.

Only a part of the nitrogenous substances of molasses can be used by yeast as a nutrient material. According to experiments carried out at one of the yeast factories, working on air yusoba (with aeration), with a total nitrogen content in the molasses of 51%, the yeast could assimilate only 0.50%, i.e., 33% of the total nitrogen in the molasses.

From the data in Table. 22 shows that the composition of ash elements is subject to rather significant fluctuations, and they are dominated by Cl + KCl.

SO2 0,21-1,48 S O "4 3,02- 4,94
MgO 0 -0,41 F e 2 O 3 + A1 2 O 3 0,98-15,85
Cao 3,42-7,56 KC1 + NaC1 66,42-87,12

from carbonic alkalis, which were in molasses in the form of salts of organic acids. The rest of the bases are in combination with chlorine, sulfuric, silicic and phosphoric acids.

Table 22

Ash elements of various molasses

Ash elements in % of ash weight Plants from which molasses is obtained
Andrushevsky Dzhambulsky Caucasian Krasnyansky Firstborn Bukovinian Stalinist Uladovsky
SO2 1,48 0,492 0,67 1 4 0,895 1,132 0,21
MgO 0,03 - 0,05 0,41 0,073 0 0,069
Cao 5,68 6,84 7,01 7,56 7,042 3,42 6,66
SO 4 " 3,02 3 38 4,61 3,607 2,80 4,94 3,39
Fe 2 0 3 + A1 2 0 3 0,98 1,75 1,17 15,85 5,33 0,805 1,15
NaC1 + KC1 82,82 78,97 80,21 66,42 73,63 87,12 78,86

According to P. M. Silin, carbonic and pure ash of sugar beet molasses have the following composition.

carbonic ash pure ash
Potassium (K 2 O) 55,0 76,4
Sodium (Na 2 O) .. 8,0 11,1
Calcium 2 , 5 3,5
Magnesium (MgO) 0,3 0,4
Sulfuric acid (SOz) 2,0 2,8
Chlorine (C1) 3,6 5.0
Carbon dioxide(CO 2) 28,0 -
The rest... . . . 0,6 0,8
Total 100 100

The presence of carbon dioxide compounds formed in molasses as a result of the saturation process, when beet juice mixed with lime is saturated with carbon dioxide, determines the alkalinity of molasses, averaging 1.0 °. Thus, normal molasses has an alkaline reaction, and only as a result of microbiological processes occurring in molasses, it can acquire an acid reaction, which is characteristic of defective molasses.

The difficulty of fermenting defective molasses is explained by the content of volatile acids in them - butyric, formic, etc.

Noteworthy is the low content of phosphoric acid in molasses (average 0.6%), which is explained by the fact that in the process of defecation, when juices are treated with lime, it precipitates in the form of insoluble calcium phosphate, which is removed along with defecation mud.

Volatile acids are formed in molasses not only due to microbiological processes, but also as a result of exposure to sucrose high temperatures, alkalis and acids in sugar production processes.


Yellow molasses depends on the composition of the beets and the methods of processing it into sugar. Apparently, the staining of the juice occurs due to the formation of colored glucinic, sugar and melassic acids during defecation - the effect of alkali on invert sugar. Depending on the mode of defecation, the color of the juice is different. Another reason for the color of molasses is the reaction between monosaccharides (invert sugar) and amino acids to form melanoidins, which have a great coloring power. The color of molasses according to Stammer ranges from 250 to 1400 ° (for 100% sucrose).

During the production of sugar from beets, caramelization of sugar occurs, which was previously expressed by the total equation:

C 12 H 22 O 11 - 2 H 2 0 \u003d C 12 H 18 O 9.

sucrose caramelan

It is now known that at 160° sucrose melts; when heated further, it begins to decompose, releasing water. Simultaneously with the dehydration of the sucrose molecules, their residues condense and form mainly substances called caramels. The decomposition of sucrose proceeds in several stages. First, it breaks down into glucose and fructose anhydride - levulezan:

C 12 H 22 O 11 \u003d C 6 H 12 O 6 - C 6 H 10 O 5.

sucrose glucose levulezan

With further heating, a water molecule is split off from glucose and glucose anhydride, glucosan, is formed:

C 6 H 12 O 6 - 2 H 2 0 \u003d C 6 H 10 O 5.

glucose water glucosan

At 185 - 190 °, both anhydrides react and form isosaccharosan:

C 6 H 10 O 5 + C 6 H 10 O 5 \u003d C 12 H 20 O 10.

levulesan glucosan isosaccharosan

If heating is continued, then isosaccharosan condenses with the simultaneous elimination of two water molecules; this forms caramelan. Subsequently, caramelan attaches an isosaccharosan molecule, three water molecules are simultaneously split off and caramel is formed:

C 24 H 36 O 18 + C 12 H 20 O 10 - 3 H 2 0 \u003d C 36 H 50 O 25.

caramelane isosucrose water caramels

Depending on the mode of heating sugar, a different amount of water is lost and one or another type of caramel is obtained.


Along with normal molasses, there are molasses that are hard-to-ferment and diseased.

Slow-fermenting molasses are those that ferment slowly, a large amount of sugar remains unfermented in them, and they give a reduced yield of alcohol. When fermenting such molasses, no signs of infection are found. These phenomena are determined by the chemical composition of the molasses and may be the result of self-fermentation processes in which volatile compounds were formed. fatty acid that inhibit fermentation. According to E.A. Plevako and R.V. Givartovsky, defective molasses in yeast production should include:

  • sour molasses with a total acidity of 0.5-5.0 ml 1 N NaOH solution, with a high content of volatile acids (0.31-1.0%) and invert sugar (2.0-15.0%);
  • molasses with a sulfur dioxide content of 0.05-0.15%;
  • nitrite molasses with a nitrite content of 0.004-0.15%;
  • caramelized molasses containing (in %):

Sick molasses give a large increase in acidity during fermentation and are characterized by the development of a bacterial infection.

Molasses have a high buffering capacity due to the presence of salts of weak organic acids associated with strong bases. A change in the buffering capacity of molasses leads to the fact that different pH values ​​can correspond to the same titratable acidity.

The chemical composition of molasses in sugar mills changes during the beet processing season due to changes in the composition of long-stored beets.

In the second half of the season, sugar factories produce molasses containing a lot of invert sugar, raffinose, less nitrogen, and a lot of coloring substances - melanoidins. Such molasses often have an acidic reaction due to great content volatile acids. Molasses of this composition are defective and ferment poorly.


In the sugar industry, the desugaring of molasses is increasingly being developed in order to isolate additional amounts of sugar from it. In this regard, distilled (discard) molasses is supplied to distilleries for processing into alcohol.

In table. Figure 23 shows the results of analyzes carried out at the TsNIISPe of several samples of desugared molasses from the Ertilsky sugar plant and refined molasses from the Moscow sugar refinery and ion exchanger (molasses treated with ion exchangers).

Table 23

The composition of sugar-free molasses

Indicators in % Refined Ionic Ertilskaya
№ 1 M 2 № 3
with fish substances. . ... 75,1 80,0 80,2 80,8 80,8
direct polarization sugar 57,4 53,4 50,0 50,2 51,2
raffinose......... 3,63 2,22 0,988 1,54 2,27
invert sugar 11,09 0,45 0,27 0,54 0,61
Pentoses......... 0,87 0,78 0,165 1,031 1,31
Total nitrogen........ 0,53 1,7 1,984 1,854 1,85
Soluble nitrogen..... 0,392 1,080 1,85 1,736 1,736
Insoluble nitrogen.... 0,079










Colloids per dry matter.... 3,06 4,8 6,61 4,069 4,06
S0 2 0,026 0,043 0,072 - -
Volatile acids 0,418 0,63 0,563 - -
Cao 0,26 0,33 0,209 0,251 0,244
Ash 2,46 7,41 8,75 - -
Alkalinity in degrees - 2,75 5,5 1,5 1,5
Foam in ml 2 5 5 4 4
Color according to Stammer in ° (per 100 hours of dry matter). 425 555,5 161,8 - -
Nitrites.......... Not There is There is There is There is

From the data in Table. 23 shows that in samples of sugar-free molasses, as in refined molasses, there is usually an increased content of raffinose; in addition, it is characterized by an increased ash content and alkalinity, as well as the presence of nitrites.


At distilleries, cane molasses is sometimes processed, which differs significantly from sugar beet molasses in terms of the amount of fermentable sucrose and the content of nitrogenous substances.

Cane molasses - fodder or obtained by refining raw cane sugar - has a high quality and is very poor in nitrogen. It has a lower buffering capacity and its ash content is 1.5-2 times less than sugar beet molasses, but it is not inferior to the latter in terms of the content of phosphoric acid.

Below is the composition of cane molasses obtained by refining raw cane sugar and processed at the Ivankovsky distillery.

Concentration of solids in% by saccharometer 81,45
Sucrose in % 52,23
Invert sugar in%. 8,07
Raffinose in % 1,97
The amount of fermentable sugars in / " 60,56
Benignity in % 74,36
Nitrogen total in % 0,19
Ash in % 3,50
Phosphoric acid (in terms of P^O^) in % 0,036
Water-soluble colloids in % 2,00

According to Raev, cane molasses had an acidic reaction, an acidity of 2.7° and a pH of 6.2.

  • Korzhuev D. A., New way storage of potatoes, Garden and Garden, 1953, No. 10.
  • Kretovich VL, Physiological and biochemical bases of grain storage, ed. Academy of Sciences of the USSR, M., 1945.
  • Kretovich V. L. and Kozmina N. P., Biochemistry of grain and products of its processing, Zagotizdat, M., 1950.
  • Master ov and E. S., Guidelines for the storage of potatoes in distilleries, Pishchepromizdat, 1945.
  • Prokoshev S. M., Potato Biochemistry, ed. Academy of Sciences of the USSR, M., 1947.
  • Raev 3. A., Bazilevich K. K., On the method for determining the sugar content and the yield of alcohol from defective molasses, Proceedings of the Ukrainian NIISP, vol. 5, 1959.
  • Rubin B.A., Biochemical bases for the storage of vegetables, ed. Academy of Sciences of the USSR M, 1945.
  • Silin P. M., Chemistry of sugar production, Snabtekhizdat, M.-L., 1933,
  • Technology of sugar beet production, Pishchepromizdat, 1958.
  • tables chemical composition and nutritional value food products, Medgiz, M., 1954.
  • Trisvyatsky L. A., Storage of grain, Zagotizdat, M., 1961. Tserevitinov F. V., Chemistry fresh fruit and vegetables, Gostorgizdat, M, 1949;
  • Commodity science of foodstuffs, M., Gostorgizdat, 1949.
  • The YUSIKO company offers to buy molasses at affordable prices in Zelenograd and the Moscow region. Our catalogs include quality products ideal for feeding your animals.

    What is

    Molasses is a waste product of sugar production from sugar beets. It is a thick liquid (from brown to dark brown). It has a characteristic smell, sweet taste and bitter aftertaste. in hot and cold water dissolves completely.

    Molasses contains:

    • water - 20-25%;
    • crude protein - 9%;
    • carbohydrates - 58-60%;
    • ash - 7-10% (calcium, silicon, potassium, phosphorus, sodium and other elements).

    One of the most important elements, which is part of molasses - is cobalt (0.59 milligrams per 1 kilogram). The presence of this element avoids many diseases that ruminants are prone to.

    Molasses is considered an excellent addition to the diet of cows and young animals, due to its high nutritional value. In addition, thanks to improved palatability feed, their palatability increases.

    What is used for

    Beet molasses is used for:

    • improvements useful properties compound feed;
    • increase in calorie intake;
    • improving the palatability of feed;
    • facilitating the digestibility of feed;
    • stimulating the growth of young animals;
    • meet the carbohydrate needs of high-yielding cows.

    Cattle assimilate feed with the help of a special microflora, and the presence of beet molasses can significantly enhance its effect.


    Due to the presence in the composition of beet molasses a large number easily digestible sugars have the following effect:

    • significantly improves the quality of meat and dairy products;
    • animal growth is activated;
    • indicators are improving biochemical composition animal blood.

    What to consider when using

    For beet molasses to be as effective as possible, it must be used correctly. For example:

    • in the diet of animals, molasses should not exceed 20% of the diet in terms of dry matter;
    • at high rates of molasses feeding, additional sources of coarse fibers, such as hay or straw, may be required;
    • do not add molasses to calf milk, as it is not part of the scar and the calf is simply not able to digest it;
    • calves are able to digest molasses only if it is added to roughage. In this case, the scar begins to function;
    • It is forbidden to give molasses to animals in unlimited quantities. It is a product of high fermentation and can lead to the development of acidosis.

    Our advantages

    Cooperation with our company USIKO is beneficial for many reasons, among which it is worth highlighting the most significant:

    1. We are ready to offer all our customers one of the most affordable prices On the market.
    2. We carry out free shipping in Moscow and the Moscow region.
    3. We deliver our products seven days a week and at any time of the day.
    4. Large selection of products for any type of activity in agriculture.
    5. All products comply with the requirements of GOST.
    6. We work without intermediaries, which has a positive effect on the final cost of products.
    7. We are ready to offer flexible terms payment both for cash and without cash.
    8. If our product does not fit your production conditions, then we are ready to replace it with the right one.
    9. The high quality of all our products, due to the fact that we work only with the best manufacturers.
    10. We offer attractive discounts.